Subiecte Olimpiada Municipiu 8

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Transcript of Subiecte Olimpiada Municipiu 8

  • 8/10/2019 Subiecte Olimpiada Municipiu 8




    Subiectul I : Use of English 25%

    A. ( ! "oints # : ( ! $o&s ' ". ! ". #)e*& the te't *n& +ll in the bl*n,s $ith one suit*ble $o&.

    Everyone (1).. heard of the Colosseum in Rome but (2) many people know that there is

    also a Colosseum (3) the west oast of !otland in "ban. #ohn $Cai% was a banker (&)

    . work often took him to 'taly. 't was in the last ten years of the 1th entury that $Cai% had theidea () .. buildin% a opy of the Colosseum in his home town of "ban. 't would* he thou%ht

    %ive work to the town+s

    unemployed* but it would also serve (,) ... the town+s museum and art %allery. -he first part of the

    monument to () .. built was the outer walls and a total of /*000 had been spent () the proet when $Cai% died. owever* after his death* everybody lost interest and the work () .

    never ompleted. -he walls still stand* but instead (10) .. housin% an art %allery* they now ontain a

    publi %arden.

    -. ( 5 "oints # : /o& fo01 e'. ( 5 $o&s ' ". 5 ".#)e*& the te't belo$. Use the $o& gien in c*"it*ls *t the en& of e*ch line to

    fo0 * $o& th*t +ts in the s"*ce in the s*0e line.

    -he 4nited 5ations Children+s 6und* (1) ...the 4nited 5ations

    'nternational Children+s Emer%eny 6und (45'CE6)* is (2 ) ...................................apro%ramme of the 4nited 5ations devoted to aidin% national efforts to improve the

    health* nutrition*(3)...* and %eneral welfare of hildren. 45'CE6 was

    reated in 7eember 1&, for the (&) ..................................... of relief to hildren inountries devastated by 8orld 8ar ''. 9fter 10 the fund+s efforts were direted

    toward %eneral pro%rammes for the () ................... of hildren+s welfare* partiularly in

    (,) .......................... ountries* as well as those in various emer%eny situations. -he

    han%e in the or%anisation+s name to the 4nited 5ations Children+s 6und was a() ........................................ of this shift in funtion.

    $uh of 45'CE6+s effort has been in fields in whih () ...small

    e:penditure ould have a () ..impat on the lives of hildren* suh asthe prevention and (10) ..of ertain diseases and the distribution of

    surplus food. (11)...................................... ativities to whih 45'CE6 ontributes

    inlude the (12) ..of health servies and the trainin% of health

    personnel* the onstrution of(13)............................. failities and the trainin% ofteahers* and the e:tension of other welfare servies. -heir (1&) ..............................

    ativities are finaned both by %overnment and private voluntary

    (1)....................................... .. ead;uarters are in 5ew '7E








    Subiectul II : Reading 25%

  • 8/10/2019 Subiecte Olimpiada Municipiu 8


    )e*& the follo$ing *ticle. 3ie sentences h*e been e0oe& fo0 it

    Choose fo0 the sentences

    A 3 the one th*t +ts e*ch g*" ( 5 #. Thee is one e't* sentence $hich

    4ou &o not nee& to use.

    A. He showed McWhale a bush where he could hide and told him to wait until he returned.B. He was particularly interested in circus animals.

    C. However, he knew that this might be his only opportunity to go on safari.

    . !he ne"t day he gave his presentation to the conference.

    #. !o cheer himself up, he took a little bottle of whisky out of his pocket and began to drink.

    $. !o get a better look, he stuck his head out of the bush and had the biggest surprise of his life.

    7otor $8hale was a famous Boolo%ist from Canada who speialiBed in the psyholo%ial problems of

    animals that were kept in loked a%es. 1() 8ithin the irus world he had beome ;uite famous for solvin%the problems that many of these animals faed. owever* despite $8hale+s understandin% of animabehaviour* he had never atually seen any wild animals in their natural environment. "ne day he was invited to

    speak at a onferene in ampala* 4%anda* with the possibility of spendin% some time on safari afterwards. 't

    was an offer he ouldn+t refuse.

    Ay the time the onferene finished* $8hale only had a few days left before he had to fly bak to $ontreal.

    6or a while* he was tempted to enoy himself in ampala* hattin% with ollea%ues* strollin% round the town andenoyin% his temporary fame. 2(...)8ith a ertain re%ret he left the ity and set off for the %ame reserve with a4%andan he had met at the onferene who happened to be a %uide.

    9fter ei%ht hours of walkin% throu%h the forest* they still hadn+t seen any wild animals. 'n fat* the only animal

    they had seen was an old %rey donkey whih followed them and started to bray so loudly that no other animals

    would ome near. -he %uide su%%ested that he went on ahead to see what he ould find and to see if he ould

    %et rid of the donkey. 3()

    -wo hours later* the %uide had still not ome bak* the sun was be%innin% to set and $8hale was be%innin% to

    %et worried. 4() -en minutes later he had fallen asleep. e woke up suddenly when he heard a deep %rowl*whih seemed to be omin% from very nearby.

    e put on his %lasses and %laned around him to see what was makin% the stran%e noise. e ould see nothin%.5() 0 m in front of him* was the bi%%est %orilla he had ever seen. 5ot only that* but the %orilla was dressedup in a lown +s ostume. 8hen he saw $8hale* the %orilla be%an stridin% towards the bush where he was

    hidin%. $8hale * fri%htened out of his skin* umped out of the bush and ran for his life.

    $8hale later learnt that this was the si:th %orilla to be seen wearin% lown lothes. -he authorities have still

    not found the stran%e individual responsible for dressin% the %orillas up in this way. =syholo%ists are unable toe:plain why this individual mi%ht do this. $8hale will never for%et the e:periene* but is sure of one thin%. 9polar bear loked in a a%e is very normal ompared to some human bein%s.

    Subiectul III : Writing 50%

  • 8/10/2019 Subiecte Olimpiada Municipiu 8


    Write a narrative ea!. "e t#e $ll&ing $rag'ent 'eere in t#e bd! $ !ur tr!(140 150 &rd)

    % could feel my legs start to ache as the forest floor became a steep incline. !here was no path to lead us

    straight there, so we cut through the woods following trails when possible. !he steep climb was wearing us

    out &uickly, so we stopped for a short rest. As % looked around, % could tell we were still only a third of the

    way to the top. After a swallow of water and a brief rest, we continued on our way.

  • 8/10/2019 Subiecte Olimpiada Municipiu 8


    *+I,-I/ 2014 - - ,"II-I" +S a IIIa

    -"6 7I 8R,

    A. Subiectul I : Use of English 25%( ! "oints # : ( ! $o&s ' ". ! ". #

    1. h*s 2. not 6. on 7. $hose 5. of 8.*s 9. be . on ;. $*s !. of.

    B. ( 5 "oints # : /o& fo01 ( 5 $o&s ' ". 5 ".#

    . fo0el4 2.un&eni*bl4 6.e&uc*tion 7. "oision 5. i0"oe0ent 8.

    &eelo"ing9. e