
who we are

FDOCUMENTE is startup project with goals:

Create community to share

documents and knowledge online.


To accelerate the development of the community, FDOCUMENTE support members to share unlimited documents.

FDOCUMENTE is continuing the construction of tools to support document viewer, slide better in all browsers, mobile devices.

Team is also building the data statistical tools to help members assess the quality and extent of community concern.

How can you benefit from joining FDocument


share and connect

Share documents and knowledge that you care with colleagues, customers, friends and those you are interested.

You can easily embed documents, slide on the website or share on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn.

save the knowledge that you are

If you find a document, or slide. You want to keep it for future reference, you can

use FDOCUMENTE as a store of knowledge of your inventory. FDOCUMENTE will not limit

the functions related to the material you have one.


We built a platform for members to share documents and information. And we are not related to any other website. Please contact us if you have any problems.