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Transcript of proiect+Turcia.doc

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Buna ziua, Mai jos gasiti cateva informatii despre un proiect care va

avea loc in Turcia.

Perioada :13-19 decembrie 2012 

Tipul proiectului: youth exchange(proiectul este finantat

de catre Comisia Europeana prin intermediul Programului

Youth in Action).

Locul de desfasurare: ADANA (Turcia) 

Titlul proiectului: “All word is a scene” 

Tema proiectului

The basis of the project is the training aimed at teaching

participants how to use drama and theatre as a means for

inclusion of youth and encouraging their active participation

in democratic processes. Trainees will be youth workers and

leaders of youth organizations from 5 European countries.

Intercultural dialogue, learning by doing and other methods

of informal education will lead to tangible results which will

be used after the training for promotion of civil society

values. During 1 week, participants will continuously agree

and define, in a group, contents and (sub) themes to be

shaped and played with in a drama. In this way they will at

the same time be the creators and participants who based

on their own practice master the use of drama in working

with youth. They will acquire applicable knowledge for

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drama work with youth and develop their intercultural

competences by building consensus as a group, on an

everyday basis, in selection of situations they want to work

with and shaping them into a message about a European

society they wish to make.


1 - Theatre Action; all the work done as a result of project

activities will be presented on stage. For this reason, the

participants will be given a very short theatrical training.

2 - Daily Family life: This section is prepared by each

participant before information about own family lifes will tell

the other participants. In the final show, every partner will

simulate the family lifes of another countries.

3 - Music Event; this section, participants will transfer a

song from each participant had prepared earlier. This song

will be chosen to be simple and easy to learn a song.

4 - Folk Dance Event.

5- One presentation of Historical Character from their own


Profilul participantului: 

-cetatean roman

- varsta intre 18- 25 ani

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-nivel mediu limba engleza

-student/masterand/absolvent al unei institutii de

invatamant superior din Bucuresti

-posesor de pasaport(se poate face in 2 saptamani)

Numar participanti romani: 5 persoane 

Costuri :Cheltuielile legate de cazare si masa sunt suportate

in totalitate de catre organizatia gazda. Totodata sunt

acoperite si o parte din cheltuielile de transport

international.Toti cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita

urgent un CV la urmatoarea adresa : Avand in vedere ca primesc aplicatii

pentru mai multe proiecte va rog sa mentionati si numele

proiectului pentru care aplicati. Va multumesc !

Best regards,

Irina Vasiliu