Criza Talentelor 2015

Post on 09-Jan-2016

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Criza Talentelor 2015

Transcript of Criza Talentelor 2015

Criza talentelor intre mit si adevar

icme ecab s.a.2014Criza talentelor intre mit si adevarRealitate sau basmHRBucharest, Romania

In timp ce in trecut, succesul afacerilor era asigurat ce competitivitatea intre clienti, in viitor acesta va depinde de reusitele obtinute in competitia pentru cei mai calificati angajati. Acest deficit al candidatilor talentati va pozitiona managementul resurselor umane ca fiind unul din cei mai puternici factori responsabili de cresterea si productivitatea companiei. Astfel, pentru a face fata acestor provocari, departamentele de resurse umane vor fi nevoite sa inlocuiasca strategiile care produc efecte pe termen scurt, cu strategii care sa aduca rezultate pe termen lung, a adaugat Murphy.

Citeste mai mult:

EMPLOYMENT VALUE PROPOSITIONIS THE OFFFER OF THE COMPNAY TO ITS EMPLOYEES IN RETURN OF :ENGAGEMENT, INVOLVEMENT AND PERFORMANCE at the working place.It is the Promise of the company for actual employees and potential employees (like internal guarantee).It is the set of attributes and benefits perceived by the market and existing employees as the value they are gaining by working in a specific company.

Benefits for performanceBenefits for attraction

EMPLOYMENT VALUE PROPOSITION must be unique, relevant and convincing in order to work as a key factor for attracting, involvement and retention of talents! ( why would a candidate work for ICME ?)