ROLUL TATALUI 2008.10.06 ChildrenWhoSpendTimeWithFathersHaveHigherIQ en-RO

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  • 8/7/2019 ROLUL TATALUI 2008.10.06 ChildrenWhoSpendTimeWithFathersHaveHigherIQ en-RO


    According to the study children whose fathers spent more time with them had a higher IQ

    more socially mobile than those who had received little attentionPhoto: EDWARD SYKE


    hildren who spend time with their fathers have a higher IQ

    dren who spend large amounts of time with their fathers have higher IQs, according to a new study.

    rmee Khan

    Updated: 3:00AM BST 01 Oct 2008

    ng fatherly involvement in their early life can also

    ove a child's future career prospects, the research


    emics at the University of Newcastle, who carried out

    tudy, also found that men tended to pay more

    tion to their sons than their daughters.

    researchers warned that it was not enough for parents

    e together, but that a father should be actively involved

    child's life to benefit their development.

    study looked at more than 11,000 British men and

    en, born in 1958.

    scientists asked their mothers how often the father of

    child took part in activities with them, including

    ng, organising outings and general "quality time".

    indings, published in the journal Evolution and Human

    aviour, show that those children whose fathers spent more time with them had a higher IQ and were more socially mobile tha

    had received little attention.

    differences were still detectable by the age of 42.

    aniel Nettle, who led the research, said: "What was surprising about this research was the real sizeable difference in the pro

    ren who benefited from paternal interest and how thirty years later, people whose dads were involved are more upwardly mo

    data suggest that having a second adult involved during childhood produces benefits in terms of skills and abilities that endu

    ghout adult life," he added.

    Davies, chief executive for Families Need Fathers, said: "We hope that research like this will lead to the government to recony served separated families often are and how a child needs a father as well as mother."

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  • 8/7/2019 ROLUL TATALUI 2008.10.06 ChildrenWhoSpendTimeWithFathersHaveHigherIQ en-RO


    Potrivit studiului, copiii ai cror tai au petrecut mai mult timp cu ei au un IQ mai mare i sunt mmobili social dect cei care au beneficiat de mai puin atenie.Foto: EDWARD SYKES


    opiii care petrec timp cu taii lor au un IQ mai mare.

    iii care petrec mai mult timp cu taii lor au un IQ mai mare, dup cum afirm un studiu recent

    rmee Khan

    a actualizare: 03:00 BST 01 octombrie 2008

    carea puternic a tatlui nc de la cea mai fraged poate mbunti, de asemenea, perspectivele der ale copilului, mai arat studiul.

    emicienii de la Universitatea din Newcastle, care auat studiul, au constatat de asemenea c brbaii

    s acorde mai mult atenie fiilor dect fiicelor lor.

    ettorii au avertizat c nu este suficient ca priniiiasc mpreun, ci c tatl ar trebui s se implicen viaa copilului pentru a influena n bineoltarea acestuia.

    enii de tiin au ntrebat pe mameele acestora ctes tatl copilului lor a luat parte la activiti cu el,siv citirea, organizarea de excursii i general "timpalitate".

    operirile, publicate n revista Evolution i Humanaviour, arat c acei copii ai cror tai au petrecut mai mult timp cu ei a avut un IQ mai mare i au fost mult mai mobili social are au beneficiat de mai puin atenie.

    enele au fost detectabile chiar i la vrsta de 42 de ani.

    aniel Nettle, care a condus cercetarea, a declarat: "Ce a fost surprinztor la aceast cercetare a fost diferena real importaoltarea copiilor ce au beneficiat de interes patern i modul n care, dup treizeci de ani, oamenii ai cror tai s-au implicat aubine sa progreseze/promoveze.

    ele sugereaz c existena unui al doilea adult care se implic n creterea copilului produce beneficii n ce privetepetenele i abilitile care se vor manifesta pe ntreg parcursul vieii de adult", a adugat el.

    Davies, director executiv pentru Families Need Fathers(Familiile au Nevoie de Tai), a declarat: "Sperm ca cercetri ca acemine guvernul s-i reconsidere modul precar n care de multe ori a abordat situaia familiilor separate i ct de mult un copie de tat aa cum are nevoie i de mam."

    ated Content

    -social behaviour 'is a mental illness' (/news/newstopics/politics/health/3109244/

    her age link to autism in children (/news/newstopics/politics/health/3109313/Father-age-link-to-autism-in-children.html)

    ility doctor 'failed in care' (/news/uknews/3110888/Fertility-doctor-failed-in-care-of-patient-who-ended-up-in-intensive-care.html)

    ren who spend time with their fathers have a higher IQ - Telegraph

    07 10 20

    ul a analizat peste 11.000 de brbai i femei dina Britanie, nscui n 1958.