Download - Farther Versus Further


Farther versus further

Farther versus furtherFolosirea corecta a lui "farther" si "further" in limba engleza

"farther" : e folosit pentru distante fizice.

"further" : e folosit pentru a arata distanta/ avansarea in grad (metaforica) sau in timp.


I run farther than Tom. (on the road)

The binoculars are used to see farther. (e vorba de distanta fizica)

You must think further. ("a gandi mai departe, mai profund", nu are sens de distanta fizica)

AMD has announced further plans to innovate the x86 architecture. ("further plans" semnifica "planuri mai indepartate in timp fata de prezent")

References are given for those who wish to go further in their research. ("to go further" semnifica "a merge mai departe" )

Hubble telescope encounters further problems. ("further problems" semnifica "probleme aditionale, suplimentare")