Dezvăluirile uluitoare ale jurnalistului american Benjamin Fulford

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  • 8/2/2019 Dezvluirile uluitoare ale jurnalistului american Benjamin Fulford


    Dezvluirile uluitoare ale jurnalistului american Benjamin FulfordDezvluirile uluitoare ale jurnalistului american Benjamin Fulford despre iminenta prbuire aasa-zisei Elite Mondiale

    Miercuri, 14 Septembrie 2011, Benjamin Fullford a acordat un interviu la radio lui David Wilcock, cercetator, autorsi realizator de filme in domeniul stiintelor de avangarda.

    Benjamin Fulford a lucrat 30 de ani ca jurnalist financiar pentru Revista Forbes si ca editor pentru regiunea AsiaPacifica .

    Fulford este cat se poate de bine documentat, fiind o persoana publica pe internet inca din 1999 si castigand

    increderea multor oameni in diverse programe secrete, avand astfel contact cu un numar incredibil de diferite surse.Recent, aceste surse l-au informat ca de fapt cutremurele care au aparut in zonele Colorado si Washington DC, in

    datele de 22 si 23 August 2011 au fost in realitate atacuri nucleare impotriva instalatiilor militare subterane.Aceste baze subterane au fost construite de catre guvernul Americii de la inceputul anilor 1960, avand costul de

    trilioane de dolari din banii contribuabilului nedocumentat care se duc in aceste proiecte negre.80 de tari diferite au format acum o alianta impotriva Noii Ordini Mondiale.Pe data de 23 August 2011 doua uriase orase subterane au fost distruse de doua bombe atomice in zona partii de

    sud a orasului Washinghton Dc, Virginia.Se pare ca epicentrul a fost in Mineral town si in Colorado langa Denver.La stiri au fost semnalate cutremure avand magnitudinea de 5,3 si 5,9 care au o scala neobisnuita de manifestare

    specifica unei bombe atomice, pe data de 23 august 2011.De asemenea au fost inregistrate sunete neobisnuite in intregul oras.Se pare ca in acel moment cand explozia s-a declansat, in fiecare din aceste doua orase subterane au fost pana la

    30.000 de oameni. Deci discutam cu privire la potentialul de 60.000 de decese.Tipii acestia nu si-au imaginat vreodata ca aceste facilitati subterane ar fi putut fi atacate. Niciodata..Ei vroiau sa reduca populatia lumii cu 90%.Aveau de gand sa se ascunda in aceste baze subterane dupa ce ar fi declansat un holocaust nuclear.Planul original era sa porneasca un razboi nuclear intre Iran si Israel .In orice caz, ceea ce s-a intamplat este ca exista un grup in interiorul Pentagonului si agentiile sale care au realizat

    ca acest plan era nebunesc.Stiau ca planul de a ucide 90% din umanitate este o nedreptate.Apoi au aruncat in aer bazele subterane pe care elitele aveau de gand sa le utilizeze pentru a se ascunde atunci

    cand ar fi realizat holocaustul lor nuclear.Aceste atacuri au fost, se pare, sprijinite si de catre anumite civilizatii extraterestre benefice.Acest sprijin al atacurilor a fost total neasteptat, intrucat cabala a fost condusa sa creada ca extraterestrii aveau de

    urmat legi spirituale care le interziceau sa intervina vreodata - sub orice forma.Mai multe documente top-secret au relevat ca daca extraterestrii nu au fost invitati in mod special sa apara de omajoritate a oamenilor, si/ sau de catre conducatorii lor, nu ar putea aparea in mod public si deschis, la nici o scaralarga, pana la sfarsitul anului 2012.

    In orice caz, extraterestrii au oprit in mod constant rachete si facilitati nucleare.Ajungem la un moment in care totul o sa devina public.O sa fie pe undele radio. O sa fie la stiri. Nu mai pot ascunde pentru mult timp57 de tari au fost invitate de catre Elvetieni sa discute indepartarea acestor oameni din punct de vedere financiar si

    crearea unui boicot financiar international impotriva conducatorilor G8-ului.57 de tari diferite, inclusiv unele din tarile Europei de Est Olanda , Canada si America de Sud.Mai mult de 80 de tari au semnat aceasta alianta. Ei nu controleaza banii lumii.Odata ce ei pierd controlul teroristilor, oamenii cu armele, totul s-a terminat.

    ..Noi suntem un grup de oameni implicati in lupta de a rasturna aceasta cabala.Grupul nostru include membrii ai CIA-ului, Pentagonului, agentii de informatii si diverse alte grupuri, incluzand

    societati secrete asiatice.Avem persoane care abandoneaza cabala aceea ca sobolanii care sar de pe un vas care se scufunda.Folosim numele Dragonul Alb. Mai exista un alt grup care se autodenumesc Palariile Albe.Cu totii avem acelasi scop, care este sa lasam fara putere acest grup de oameni nebuni.90% din bugetul SUA merge la armata. Armata SUA este dependenta de finantarea de pe Wall Street.Acesta este motivul pentru care depindeau de Chinezi si de Asiatici , care finantau Wall Street.Un procent de aproximativ 80-90 la suta din Pentagon le respinge planurile si este de partea acestei aliante.Se asteapta ca dolarul sa se prabuseasca, multumita acestui efort international coordonat urmat de declaratia

    oficiala a falimentului de catre guvernul Statelor Unite.Acesta va fi evenimentul precursor imediat. Sondajele de opinie din Statele Unite arata ca 87 la suta din Americani

    nu au incredere in Washington .Asta ar trebui sa-ti spuna care este starea mentala de acum in America .China si natiunile nealiniate au pus presiune asupra oligarhilor care conduceau lucrurile dupa Cel de-al Doilea

    Razboi Mondial.


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    .La Curtea internationala de justitie de la Haga au fost dati in judecata de catre chinezi Proprietarii Consiliului

    Federal al Rezervei din America pentru aurul care a fost vandut catre proprietarii Consiliului Federal al Rezervei.Proprietarii Consiliului Federal al Rezervei au pierdut acest proces si li s-a spus sa cedeze aurul incepand cu 12

    Septembrie 2001.In schimb, pe data de 11 Septembrie 2001, au dat lumii degetul si au pornit acest imens, fals razboiglobal impotriva terorii.

    A fost parte a unei incercari de control planetar create de catre grupurile fasciste de dupa al Doilea Razboi Mondial.Aceasta noua putere militara s-a dorit a fi folosita pentru a se pregati un razboi impotriva Chinei.Acest plan s-a destramat cand Rusia a renuntat la ei si Putin a reafirmat independenta pentru Rusia.Aceasta le-a eliminat controlul - industria petrolului - si a facut ca acel mare plan sa nu functioneze.

    Chinezii de asemenea au incetat sa cumpere din trezoreriile Americii pentru un timp pentru a pune presiune peacest grup.Asadar au schimbat strategiile. In schimb, ei au incercat sa se dea bine pe langa China si sa le ofere o dictatura

    mondialain parteneriat cu acest grup.De aceea ati vazut in public cum Obama a vizitat China in 2009 si a oferit un G2.Acesta este modul in care puteti confirma acest lucru..Chiar inainte de 11 Septembrie (dar o multime de oameni au uitat despre asta)Donald Rumsfeld apare la televiziunea nationala si declara ca au pierdut 2.3 trilioane de dolari de la Pentagon in

    deceniul precedent.Acei bani au fost de fapt utilizati pentru a finanta Blackwater - o armata privata de mercenari, necontrolata de catre

    Pentagon. Incercau sa stoarca bani de la tari diferite...

    Au ucis grupul tanar al partidului conducator in Norvegia - acestea au fost atacurile din Norvegia - deoareceincercau sa acapareze fondul de petrol in valoare de 1.5 trilioane de dolari pe care guvernul Norvegiei il controleaza.Au invadat Libia pentru a prelua fondurile lor de petrol, deoarece Libienii le-au spus, Nu mai avem de gand sa va

    mai dam petrol in schimbul bancnotelor voastre...Au avertizat Japonia ca vor pune arma nucleara pe fundul marii daca nu le ofera bani. Daca nu o veti face, va urma Muntele Fuji. Aceasta este o informatie publica disponibila.Responsabil de securitate la Fukushima era o companie Israeliana.Plutoniul este ceea ce a cauzat majoritatea otravirii cu radiatii din dezastru.Prim-ministrul Israelian Benjamin Netanyahu l-a sunat dupa atacul de la Fukushima pe prim-ministrul Japoniei

    Naoto Kan.Netanyahu a spus ca vor cauza alte dezastre nucleare in jurul Japoniei daca nu vor incepe sa predea banii.

    .Chiar si Titanicul a fost de fapt scufundat in mod deliberat pentru a scapa de 600 finantatori mai vechi care erauopusi preluarii controlului asupra Comitetului Rezervei Federale.

    Intalnirea Bilderberger care a avut loc in luna iunie, in St Moritz, Elvetia in acest an trebuia sa dureze pana Marti.

    Cu totii au trebuit sa fuga in noaptea de Duminica, pentru ca erau pe cale de a fi arestati de catre Elvetieni.Ceea ce s-a intamplat a fost faptul ca un parlamentar Elvetian a incercat sa intre in site si a fost batut.A mers la guvernul Elvetian si a spus: Sunt un membru Elvetian al parlamentului, in tara mea proprie, si m-au

    batut si m-au aruncat afara. Asta e ilegal.Ei au spus; Da. Vom merge sa-i arestam.Ei toti au trebuit sa-si impacheteze valizele si sa fuga in noaptea de duminica inainte de a fi arestati luni.Bilderbergerii au fost alungati, cu cozile intre picioare..La un moment dat, cred ca Pentagonul va trimite probabil oameni la sediurile TV centrale din Statele Unite.Veti vedea fete noi si o poveste total diferita iesind din televizoarele voastre in curand...Comentariu: Daca toate acestea sunt adevarate, este cea mai importanta i, totodata, cutremuratoare stire.In opinia noastra, multi dintre membrii illuminati se vor trezi, multi dintre membrii masoneriei s-au trezit deja, fie

    dandu-si seama ca este un grup de natura luciferica, fie dandu-si seama ca , cel putin, omenirea condusa de ei nu estecondusa in directia in care li s-a declarat la inceput.

    Cu alte cuvinte, au inceput sa isi puna intrebarea De fapt, unde mergem noi acum aplicand principiul esential capomul se cunoaste dupa roade iar omul se cunoaste dupa fapte.

    Din interviu au fost selectate cele mai relevante aspecte!

    The Ultimatum : Benjamin Fulford

    Tokyo, JapanFebruary 2008


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    If you need a bodyguard, it's too late. You have to make them not want to shoot you.

    Benjamin Fulford

    The son of a Canadian diplomat, Benjamin Fulford rebelled against his upbringing and at the age of 17

    made his way by boat into the heart of the Amazon to live with a tribe of former cannibals. Continuing to

    seek answers and better understand Western society, he spent time in a self-sufficient community in

    Argentina before heading to attend university in Japan.

    Principled, brave, and still a diehard idealist after all these years, he resigned as Asia-Pacific Bureau

    Chief of Forbes Magazine after investigating a scandal which the editor refused to report. As heresearched global affairs further in his own time, he uncovered for himself the complex web which is

    global financial control at the hands of the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds - and also the existence of

    racially targeted bioweapons such as SARS.

    It was these plans for global depopulation that upset some important and powerful factions in Japan,Taiwan and China. After being approached by a real-life, present-day Ninja, matters came to a head in

    2007 when Benjamin became the first Westerner for 500 years to be admitted into the ranks of theEastern Secret Societies, a vast group with six million members. Acting as their spokesman, he stepped

    up to the plate to deliver a simple message to the Illuminati:

    Recognize that your time is over, step down without a fight, and allow the world to thrive as it should -

    or face the consequences from up to 100,000 professional assassins for whom no love is lost towardsthe self-styled ruling elite of the planet.

    This was first communicated through Dr Henry Makow and Jeff Rense in July 2007. Project Camelot has

    now traveled to Japan to meet with Benjamin Fulford personally. Our comprehensive interview presents

    the far-reaching and literally incredible background story - and will also enable the Illuminati, who we

    have every confidence watch our videos carefully, to be reminded that the ultimatum is real, serious,

    and still in force.

    Armed also with a contagiously optimistic vision of the future, Benjamin is fully prepared to be the nextFinance Minister for Japan. His plans for how he would spend Japan's $5 trillion of foreign reserves to

    eliminate global poverty are plausible and inspiring as practical steps, way beyond rhetoric, to repair the

    generations of damage done by a ruthless ruling elite. This is a man with a deep understanding of both

    East and West, a global economic historian who thinks way outside of the box, a lover of peace who isunafraid to speak warrior words.

    In this comprehensive three part video, Parts 1 and 2 focus on global financial history and Benjamin's

    most interesting personal story leading up to his approach by the Ninja. Part 3 contains the details of

    The Ultimatum itself.


    Ultimatum: Benjamin Fulford

    Tokyo, JaponiaFebruarie 2008

    Dac avei nevoie de un bodyguard, e prea trziu. Trebuie s le fac, nu vreau s te mpuc.Benjamin Fulford

    Fiul unui diplomat canadian, Benjamin Fulford s-a rzvrtit mpotriva lui i odat cu creterea de la vrsta de 17 ani icroi drum cu barca in inima Amazonului pentru a tri cu un trib de foti canibali. Continuand sa caute raspunsuri si sainteleaga mai bine societatea occidentala, a petrecut timpul ntr-o comunitate auto-suficient, n Argentina, nainte de amerge s participe la universitate n Japonia.

    Principial, curajos, i nc un idealist inveterat dup toi aceti ani, el a demisionat din funcia de ef al Biroului Asia-Pacific al revistei Forbes, dup investigarea unui scandal care editorul i-a refuzat raportul. Cercetnd n continuareproblemele globale ale timpul su, el a descoperit pentru legturi complexe, ale controlului financiar la nivel mondial nminile lui Rockefeller i a ;e Rothschild-zilor - i, de asemenea, existena unor arme biologice rasiale specifice, cum ar fiSARS.

    Acestea erau planuri pentru depopularea global, care au deranjat anumite factiuni importante si puternice din Japonia,Taiwan i China. Dup ce a fost abordat de via real, de astzi Ninja, materialul a ajuns la un cap n 2007, cndBenjamin a devenit primul occidental n 500 de ani care s fi fost admis n rndurile Societilor Secrete don Est, un grup


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    mare cu sase milioane de membri. Acionnd ca purttor de cuvnt al lor, el a urcat pe plac pentru a transmite un mesajsimplu pentru a Illuminati: Recunoatei c timpul dumneavoastr este apus, pas n jos fr o lupt, i lsai lumea s prospere cum artrebui - sau vei face fa consecinelor de la pn la 100.000 de asasini profesioniti pentru care nu se pierdedragostea fa de elita conductoare auto-stil al planetei.

    Aceasta a fost prima comunicare prin intermediul dr. Henry Makow i Jeff Rense n iulie 2007. Projectul Camelot acltorit acum n Japonia pentru a se ntlni cu Benjamin Fulford personal. Interviul nostru prezint povestea de fundalde anvergur i literalmente incredibil - si va permite, de asemenea, Illuminati, cu toat ncrederea vizionarea filmelornoastre cu atenie, pentru nelege c ultimatumul este real, serios, i nc n vigoare.

    Armat, de asemenea, cu o viziune contagios optimist a viitorului, Benjamin este pe deplin pregtit s fie ministrul definane urmtor pentru Japonia. Planurile sale pentru modul n care el va cheltui $ Japonia de 5 trilioane de rezervevalutare pentru a elimina srcia la nivel global sunt plauzibile i inspiratoare ca msuri practice, dincolo de felul retoric,pentru a repara daunele cauzate de generaii de ctre o elit conductoare nemiloas. Acesta este un om cu o nelegereprofund a ambelor tabere Est i Vest, un istoric al situaiei economice global, care se crede liber, un iubitor de pace,cruia i este team s vorbeasc cuvinte rzboinice.

    n acest film n trei pri, prile 1 i 2 se concentreaz asupra istoriei financiare mondiale i povestea lui Benjamin cucele mai interesante probleme ale caracterului personal care au condus la abordarea sa de ctre Ninja. Partea 3 coninedetaliile Ultimatumului n sine.

    Filmele, inclusiv transcriptul (n eng.) le gsii (i le putei descrca) de pe situl:

    Ce a declarat Benjamin pe 14.09.2011, a postat el nsui pe blogul s ( la 05.12.2011 :

    The US Senate and Obama claiming the right to murder and imprison Americans without trialwas a fatal mistake

    Posted bybenjaminDecember 5, 2011The word is that the Pentagon, the agencies and the militias are on the brink of taking violent action against President Obama and theSenators who claimed the right to kill and/or indefinitely imprison Americans without trial. The criminal cabal in Washington D.C. andWall Street may be able to pretend they are setting up a fascist/totalitarian dictatorship in the US for a while longer but no serious armedgroup is going to support them. The same is true in Europe were Freemason P2 lodgers and Bilderbergers will make a move towardsfascist control this week and will seem to be on the offensive but will ultimately fail. The simple fact of the matter is that these fascistssimply do not have any reality to back up the numbers they are putting into their financial computers to bribe people and hire bully

    boys.Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction and that certainly fits the situation now seen at the highest levels of power in Westerncivilization. In essence, the story is that the true source of power in the West, control of the financial system, fell into the hands offanatical religious cultists who wanted to artificially make the prophecies in an ancient religious text (the Torah or Old Testament),come true. This fraud-based is enterprise is now falling apart. The result is unprecedented chaos at the highest levels of power in thesect-controlled governments of the United States, England, France, Italy, Germany and their slave states. One of the immediate triggersis a lawsuit that was filed in New York on November 23rd, claiming the assets of the global financial system belong to the people of the

    planet and not a powerful religious cult that uses the United Nations as a faade.A senior representative of the Rothschild banking family was in Japan earlier this month demanding money, according to a high levelsource in the Ruling Democratic Party of Japan. When he was told the Rothschilds Japanese piggy bank was now cut off to them, hethreatened to have Japan sued for releasing radio-activity into the ocean. The fact the Rothschilds have had to sink to such low levelthreats is a clear sign they are suffering from a serious power loss. The Rothschilds also need to realize that if they are to sue anybody forthe Fukushima nuclear disaster, it would be their erstwhile US allies like Henry Kissinger, J. Rockefeller and the usual Council on

    Foreign Relations suspects. In any case, this ruling party source has now confirmed what multiple other sources say and that is thatSenator J.Despite seeming bad news on several fronts last week, insiders assure us that plans for a new financial system are going ahead on allfronts. Instead of perpetual war and genocide on behalf of an inbred elite, the people of the planet are choosing to end poverty, stopenvironmental destruction and push for a new life-centered scientific and technical revolution. Major assistance emerged as a 59-nationgroup claiming to represent the Red Dragon Society or Maiona, offered its support to the new system. The Red Dragon is headed byAdmiral Heemi Hau, Paramount Chief of the NGAPUHI in New Zealand and links 59 countries plus 2700 tribes mostly in the SouthPacific Region. They back their words with treaties with the British Empire going back to the 1700s as well as older treaties going backto 804 CE.These days, reading some of the Western corporate propaganda media, you get the feeling you are reading Axis news reports ofimminent victory late during World War 2. The reality people can see with their own eyes contradicts their reports so much that only adiehard rump of the most thoroughly brainwashed now really believes the propaganda. No matter what wishful thinking headlines theyconjure up about the IMF coming to the rescue, or the Feds printing more dollars or FRNs coming to the rescue, the fact of the matteris that the cabal that hijacked the worlds financial system has lost. The criminal cabal is caput. Events this week and next will provide

    ample proof of this.The situation in Europe is making it clear to all but the most brainwashed that something historical is taking place. What is happening isthat the criminal element at the very top of the Western power structure, especially at the very top of the financial system, has been cutoff from their money printing machine. As a result, the IMF and the major European and US money center banks are insolvent. No

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    amount of lying or paper shuffling or propaganda is going to hide this fundamental truth. The governments of Greece, Ireland, Portugal,Italy etc. know that the debts they supposedly owe to bankers were created through fraudulent book entries and thus do not have to berepaid. That is why the banks suddenly announced that Greece only had to pay back 50% of their debt even though such a write offwould destroy them. They are hoping for a tax payer bail-out that is just not going to happen. It is game over. The Rothschild bankingnightmare is ending.The highly secretive trading platforms used by the self-appointed rulers of the world have been shut down in preparation for therevamping of the global financial system, according to sources in the CIA and in Japanese military intelligence. This shut down took

    place earlier than the previously announced date of November 11, 2011 (11/11/11) in order to prevent any possible sabotage by thebeneficiaries of the old system, the sources say.The high level banksters known as the Rothschild family offered the White Dragon Society $25 trillion to go away. When the WDS

    representative said can you make it $50 trillion?, they answered, without hesitation, sure whatever you want. The problem is theWDS cannot accept either stolen money or money that was fraudulently created. In any case, the Rothschilds and the Bush crimesyndicate are just playing for time because they are both still trying to start WW3. Israel has been given the green light by Obama gang

    boss Rahm Emmanuel to attack Iran. Bush/Rothschild agent Ahmadinejad will then be given the green light to destroy most of Israel,according to high level Pentagon sources. They hope this tragic course of events would then set off their Gog/Magog fake end timesscenario. The Israeli people need to prevent this insanity ASAP by removing the gangster Benjamin Netanyahu from power.When the Asians decided to wage financial war against the criminal cabal that has taken over the West and was plotting unprecedentedgenocide, the cabalists were warned that it would just be a matter of time before they faced lynch mobs in their own countries. That timeis fast approaching. The non-stop protests against the cabalists in the US and the impending doom of the Euro are just the visible part ofa global movement to remove these parasitic scum from the body politic of the West. The invisible part involves control of codes andhigh tech black screens, that are used to manage the international financial system. Here multiple sources say that bank accountsmeant for the use of humanity as a whole but taken over by private interests will be seized. As a part of this move, the control of the USdollar will be taken away from the privately owned Washington D.C. Corporation and moved to Switzerland. There it will be managed

    by the nations of the earth. Given these circumstances, the United States would be well advised to create a new greenback for their own

    use.The latest twist in this financial war is the news that David Eisenhower, the son of president Eisenhower, has been a key front man forthe cabal within the Bank of International Settlements.The process of removing the cabal that has controlled most of the world for the past 300 years is almost complete, according to sourcesdirectly involved in the takedown. The takedown is being done by the worlds military, police and intelligence agencies. The group

    being taken down is the Thule Society, Skull&Bones Nazi conglomerate headed by George Bush Senior. This group was trying to startworld war 3 in order to reduce the worlds population by 85% and start a fascist world government. Instead, they will be bankrupted and

    put in jail. Evidence of the takedown is now becoming visible for all to see. For example the IMF, supposedly the worlds lender of lastresort, is saying they have no money to help the Euro. This is publicly available evidence that the post war power structure is ending.The best way to understand what is happening is to take a look at this map:
