de citit

1 George Orwell 1984 2 Jane Austen Mandrie si prejudecata 3 J.R.R. Tolkien Stapanul inelelor 4 J.D. Salinger De veghe in lanul de secara 5 F. Scott Fitzgerald Marele Gatsby 6 Fyodor Dostoevsky Crima si pedeapsa 7 Joseph Heller Catch 22 8 George Orwell Ferma animalelor 9 Vladimir Nabokov Lolita 10 Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre 11 Fyodor Dostoevsky Fratii Karamazov 12 Lev Tolstoi Anna Karenina 13 Lev Tolstoi Razboi si pace 14 Emily Bronte La rascruce de vanturi 15 Alexandre Dumas Contele de Monte Cristo 16 Aldous Huxley Brave New World 17 John Steinbeck Fructele maniei 18 William Golding Imparatul mustelor 19 James Joyce Ulyse 20 Charles Dickens Marile sperante 21 Charles Dickens A tale of two cities 22 Margaret Mitchell Pe aripile vantului 23 Victor Hugo Mizerabilii



Transcript of de citit

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1 George Orwell 1984

2 Jane Austen Mandrie si prejudecata

3 J.R.R. Tolkien Stapanul inelelor

4 J.D. Salinger De veghe in lanul de secara

5 F. Scott Fitzgerald Marele Gatsby

6 Fyodor Dostoevsky Crima si pedeapsa

7 Joseph Heller Catch 22

8 George Orwell Ferma animalelor

9 Vladimir Nabokov Lolita

10 Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre

11 Fyodor Dostoevsky Fratii Karamazov

12 Lev Tolstoi Anna Karenina

13 Lev Tolstoi Razboi si pace

14 Emily Bronte La rascruce de vanturi

15 Alexandre Dumas Contele de Monte Cristo

16 Aldous Huxley Brave New World

17 John Steinbeck Fructele maniei

18 William Golding Imparatul mustelor

19 James Joyce Ulyse

20 Charles Dickens Marile sperante

21 Charles Dickens A tale of two cities

22 Margaret Mitchell Pe aripile vantului

23 Victor Hugo Mizerabilii

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24 Kurt Vonnegut Abatorul nr 5

25 John Steinbeck La est de eden

26 Gabriel Garcia Marquez Un veac de singuratate

27 Mark Twain Aventurile lui Huckleberry Fin

28 J.R.R. Tolkien Hobitul

29 Miguel de Cervantes Don Quijote

30 Join Steinbeck Oameni si soareci

31 Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange

32 Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner

33 C.S. Lewis Cronicile din Narnia

34 Oscar Wilde Portretul lui Dorian Gray

35 Mary Shelley Frankenstein

36 William Faulkner Zgomotul si furia

37 Ken Kesey Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci

38 Herman Melville Moby Dick

39 Orson Scott Card Enders’ game

40 Albert Camus Strainul

41 Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness

42 Jack Kerouac On the road

43 Bram Stoker Dracula

44 Stephen King The Stand

45 Ernest Hemingway Batranul si marea

46 Frank Herbert Dune

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47 Gustave Flaubert Doamna Bovary

48 Thomas Hardy Tes d’Ubervilles

49 Charles Dickens David Copperfield

50 Ernest Hemingway Adio arme

51 George Eliot Middlemarch

52 Ernest Hemingway Pentru cine bat clopotele

53 Marcel Proust In cautarea timpului pierdut

54 Daphe du Maurier Rebecca

55 Milan Kundera

The Unbearable Lightness of


56 William Faulkner Absalom!Absalom

57 Fyodor Dostoevsky Idiotul

58 Jane Austen Persuasiune

59 Somerset Maugham Of Human Bondage

60 Margaret Atwood The Handmaid’s Tale

61 Virginia Woolf Spre far

62 Umberto Eco Numele trandafirului

63 John Irving A Prayer of Owen Meany

64 Alexandre Dumas Cei trei muschatari

65 Mikhail Bulgakov Maestrul si Margareta

66 Sylvia Plath The Bell Jar

67 Khaled Hosseini A Thousand Splendid Suns

68 Hermann Hesse Siddhart

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69 Nathaniel Hawthorne Litera stacojie

70 Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird

71 AA Milne Winnie the Pook

72 Kenneth Grahame The Wind in the Willows

73 Louisa May Alcott Little Women

74 Lewis Caroll Alice in Tara Minunilor

75 Ken Follett The Pillars of the earth

76 Robert Louis Stevenson Insura comorilor

77 Truman Capote In cold Blod

78 Homer Iliada


Antoine de Saint-

Exupery Micul print

80 John Milton Paradisul pierdut

81 James Clavell Shogun

82 H.G. Wells War of the Worlds

83 Niccolo Machiavelli Principele

84 Sun Tzu The Art Of War

85 Isaac Asimov Foundation

86 Franz Kafka Procesul

87 Jules Verne 20.000 leghe sub mare

88 Dante Divina comedie

89 Daniel Defoe Robinsoe Crusoe

90 E. B. White Charlotte’s Web

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91 John Fowles Magul

92 Arthur Conan Doyle The Complete Sherlock Holmes

93 William Shakespeare The Complete Shakespeare

94 Aristofan Piese

95 Jean Paul Sartre Cu usile inchise

96 Frank Baum Vrajitorul din Oz

97 Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales

98 Achebe Chinua Things fall apart

99 Honore de Balzac Mos Goriot


0 Samuel Beckett

Trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies,

The Unnamable


1 Giovanni Boccacio Decameronul


2 Jorge Luis Borges Opere


3 Paul Celan Poeme


4 Louis-Ferdinand Celine Journey to the End of the Night


5 Anton Cehov Povesti


6 Euripide Medea


7 Federico Garcia Lorca Gypsy Ballads

10 Gilgames

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9 Johann Goethe Fuast


0 Nikolai Gogol Suflete moarte


1 Joao Guimaraes Rosa

The Devil to Pay in the



2 Gunter Grass The Tin Drum


3 Henrik Ibsen A Doll’s House


4 Franz Kafka Castelul


5 Yasunari Kawabata The Sound of the Mountain


6 Nikos Kazantzakis Zorba Grecul


7 D.H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers


8 D.H. Lawrence Amantul doamnei Chatterley


9 Doris Lessing The Golden Notebook


0 Lu Xun

Diary of a Madman and Other



1 Naguib Mahfouz Children of Gebelawi

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Robert Musil, Austria,

(1880-1942),s The Man Without Qualities


3 Fernando Pessoa The Book of Disquiet


4 Edgar Allan Poe Poezii


5 Francois Rabelais Gargantua and Pantagruel


6 Juan Rulfo Pedro Paramo


7 Jalal ad-din Rumi Mathnawi


8 Sheikh Musharrif ud-din The Orchard


9 Tayeb Salih

Season of Migration to the



0 Jose Saramago Orbirea


1 Sofocle Oedip


2 Stendhal Rosu si negru


3 Italo Svevo Confessions of Zeno


4 Jonathan Swift Calatoriile lui Gulliver


5 O mie si una de nopti

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6 Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass


7 Virginia Woolf Mrs. Dalloway


8 Marguerite Yourcenar Memoriile lui Hadrian