Download - Intrebari Interviu Honeywell Post Tehnic


Intrebari interviu Honeywell post tehnicData: 6 ianuarie 2012 Ora: 11:52 Interviul pentru un post tehnic la Honeywell Technologies este structurat astfel:a) Abilitati verbale (15 intrebari) b) Aptitudini numerice (15 intrebari)c) Abilitati logice si analitice (15 intrebari)d) Informatica elementara (10 intrebari)d) Limbaje de programare (20 intrebari)e) Sisteme de operare si structuri de date (25 intrebari)Intrebari:Ce reprezinta Sisteul !eal"Tie#Care este $iferenta $intre sistee !eal"Tie Har$ si Soft#Care este aspectul cel ai iportant al unui siste !eal"Tie#%&plica $iferenta $intre icro'ernel si acro'ernel()a un e&eplu $e icro'ernel(*ive an e&aple of icro'ernel()e ce se utilizeaza paginarea#Care este cel ai +un algorit $e inlocuire a paginii# )e ce#Ce este ciclul $e viata al unui software#Ce este ,testing"ul- #Ce tipuri $e testing e&ista#)e ce $oresti sa te alaturi Honeywell Technologies#Cunosti C.. #/e o scala $e la 1 la 100 cat $e +ine cunosti C 1 C..#Ce este un siste $istri+uit#Ce li+a2e $e prograare cunosti#Care sunt $iferentele $intre /ascal si C#Care sunt tipurile $e arhitecturi $e coputer#Care este $iferenta $intre procesoarele !ISC si CISC #Ce este un siste $eschis #)e ce sunt iportante etapele $e analiza si $e testare#Cu ce eto$ologii esti failiarizat#3i lucrat in 4in$ows#Cu arata 4in5ain #Cu sunt procesate esa2ele $in 4in$ows#Ce sunt paraetrii necesari pentru a $istinge un evenient#3i e&perienta in prograare retelistica#)e ce sunt strati6cate retelele#Cate layere sunt in 7SI #%sti failiarizat cu tolologiile $e retea#Care sunt tipurile $e topologii $e retea#Ce este latiea $e +an$a#Intre+ari pentru testarea aptitu$inilor/ro$usul a trei nuere consecutive este 210( Care este sua celor ai ici $oua nuere#Cu cat creste lungiea laturii patratului $aca aria patratului este arita cu 681#)aca sua a cinci nuere consecutive este 950 cate nuere prie sunt#Toate prograele recurente pot 6 scrise iterativ#Se $au 10000 nuere si :; 5< eorie( Care este cople&itatea e6cientei algoritului $e sortare# =3lgoritul nu este entionat>()aca e&ista prea ulte erori ale unei pagini0 care ar putea 6 pro+lea#Cu poti sa te asiguri ca un progra nu corupe alt progra intr"un e$iu 5ulti"progra#Ce utilizezi pentru a ipleenta o ,critical section-#= Ce nu este necesara pentru un 5ulti"progra environent:" eorie virtuala" securitate" tie sharing" nici un raspuns $e ai susProgramare !1( int a?10+?20c?9@printf=AB$0B$A0a0+0c>@Care este optputul#2( for=i?0@ [email protected]=AB$A0i>@ ."9( Scope of Static Daria+le:( Ti se $a un co$ C( Care este optputul# INTREBARI IN ENGLEAa> Der+al a+ility =15 Euestions> +> Fuerical aptitu$e =15 Euestions>c> Gogical 1 analytical a+ility =15 Euestions>$> %leentary coputer science =10 Euestions>$> /rograing languages =20 Euestions>e> 7perating systes 1 )ata structures =25 Euestions>Der+al a+ility Euestions containe$ 9 parts(a> 7ne passage is given 1 you have to answer 5 Euestions+> Soe wor$s are given 1 their synonys have to +e writtenc> Fuerical aptitu$e 1 Gogical Euestions were the usual stuH(: roun$s of interview(Iirst roun$ =aroun$ :5 inutes> containe$ Euestions fro !eal"tie Systes 0 operating systes 1 Software %ngineering%&plain your research wor'(4hat is a !eal"Tie Syste # 4hat is the $iHerence +etween Har$ 1 Soft real"tie systes #4hat is a ission critical syste #4hat is the iportant aspect of a real"tie syste #%&plain the $iHerence +etween icro'ernel 1 acro 'ernel(*ive an e&aple of icro'ernel(4hy paging is use$ #4hich is the +est page replaceent algo 1 4hy #4hat is software life cycle #How uch tie is spent usually in each phases 1 why #4hich one $o you want to wor' if selecte$ in Honeywell #4hat is testing #4hich are the $iHerent types of testing #4hy $o you want to 2oin Honeywell Technologies#)o you 'now C.. # How goo$ are you in C 1 C.. #!ate yourself in +oth C 1 C..( Secon$ roun$ of placeent paper =aroun$ :5 inutes >%&plain your research wor'(4hat is a $istri+ute$ syste #4hich languages $o you 'now #4hat are the $iHerences +etween /ascal 1 C#4hich are the $iHerent coputer architectures #4hat is the reEuireent in 5I5) #4hat is the $iHerence +etween !ISC 1 CISC processors #)iHerence +etween loosely couple$ 1 tightly couple$ systes #4hat is an open syste #4hy is analysis 1 testing phases very iportant #4hich etho$ologies are you failiar with #Have you wor'e$ in win$ows #4hat is the $iHerence you have seen fro a )os environent #How $o 4in5ain loo' li'e #How the essages are processe$ in 4in$ows #=Jueue of events>4hat are paraeters nee$e$ to $istinguish an event #Have you $one any networ' prograing #4hy networ's are layere$ #4hat is the a$vantage of that #How any layers are there in 7SI #4hy is it calle$ 7SI o$el #3re K failiar with networ' topologies #4hich are the $iHerent networ' topologies #Tell an e&aple of +us type networ'(4hat is the 4hy is it calle$ so #4hat is +inary e&ponential +ac'oH algo #4hat is the a$vantage of !ing networ' #Copare it with ethernet(In a real"tie syste which one $o K prefer 1 why #4hat is the +asic reEuireent of a real"tie networ' #4hich one is costly " ethernet of ring networ's #4hat is inheritance0 encapsulation etc(Thir$ Honeywell test !oun$ =15 inutes>/ercentages 1 ar's $uring SSC0 /)C0 9( 7perating systes : 5 Euestionsa( If there are too any page faults what is the pro+le#+( To ensure one pg $oesn-t corrupt other pg in a 5ulti"progra environent what you shoul$ $o#c( 4hich one you will use to ipleent critical section# : +( In$e&ing in $ata+ases give you (((((((((((( 6( C /rograing( : 5 Euestions1( int a?10+?20c?9@printf=AB$0B$A0a0+0c>@4hat is the output# 2( for=i?0@ [email protected]=AB$A0i>@ ." =." is there in the Euestions> 9( Scope of Static Daria+le ((((((((((((:( *iven a C co$e 1 what is the output#