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  • 8/6/2019 DISC.POL.


    Lupan Mariana, 262MP

    Conducator stiintificGabriela Saganean

    Masters Degree Paper

    A Lingusitic Approach to PoliticalDiscourse/ Abordarea Lingvistica a

    Discursului Politic

  • 8/6/2019 DISC.POL.


    Scopul Principal al lucrarii: De a oferi o introducere

    importanta in domeniuldiscursului politic si analiza


    Teza de Master are drept scopreliefarea particularitatilorlingvistice ale discursului

    politic (vom folosi pe viitorabr. DP), intemeiat pediferitele ipoteze ale

    lingvistilor din dom. AnalizeiCritice a Discursului(ACD).

    Vom discuta variatele strategiisi principalele caracteristici

    folosite in DP-e.

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    Obiectivele Tezei sunt:

    De a Realiza o cercetareamanuntita in domeniul DP;

    De a Explica modul cum apar

    DP-e in cadrul limbii; Dezvaluirea caracteristicilor DP;

    De a Determina legatura dintre

    putere si politica cu Textul si

    vorbirea din domeniul ADP;

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    De a Exemplifica cele mai

    des utilizate figuri de stil dincadrul DP, precummetaforele, personificarile,eufemismele, rolulsloganelor, etc.;

    De a Analiza principiile simetodele utilizate in sfera

    Discursului Politic.

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    Urmatoarele Metode de Cercetare au fostfolosite la elaborarea

    Prezentei Teze de Master:

    Metoda Bibliografica (peste 60 deautori, multe adrese electroniceMetoda Istorica (am descris evolutiaDP in diverse perioade)Metoda Analitica (am alizat diferitetexte, DP-e, aspectele lingvistice aleacestora)Metoda Sintezei ( am adunat totalitateafaptelor din domeniul DP, principiile sipracticile din domeniu selectat), etc.

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    Discursul poate fi definit ca ansamblu deenunturi ale unui emitator, care se referala un subiect unic.

    Din perspectiva pragmatica, discursulreprezinta o enuntare ce presupune unlocutor si un auditor, precum si intentialocutorului de a-l influenta pe celalalt

    (Benveniste). Term. discurs intra ntr-oserie de opozitii n care ia valorisemantice precise.(Discurs vs: fraza,limba, enunt, text)

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    Ca si term. DISCURS, term. ANALIZADISCURSULUI cunoaste mai multe sensuri, nu

    ntotdeauna precise sau delimitate clar. Acceptiunea ceamai larga priveste analiza discursului drept analiza auzului limbii (Brown si Yule) sau Studiul uzajului real allimbajului de catre locutori reali n situatii reale (VanDijk).

    n viziunea lui Maingueneau, textul rep-ta obiectul destudiu al lingvisticii textuale; n timp ce discipline casociologia sau etnologia studiaza locul social. A.D. se va

    situa deci ntr-o pozitie transdisciplinara, n care vancerca sa armonizeze diverse perspective. Textul silocul social sunt precum partile recto si verso ale unei foide hrtie: discursul va reprezenta deci un text, un loc

    social si un mod de enuntare care le articuleaza.

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    Ce reprezinta de fapt unDISCURS POLITIC???Term. D.P. acoperadiferite moduri in carelimbajul si datele politicepot fi folosite, de laconversatiile obisnuite laprezentari formale alesefilor de stat si deguverne, de la articole

    jurnalistice la acte si legiale Parlamentului, de lasimple statistici in jurnalela analize complexe aleagentiilorguvernamentale.

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    Exista 2 mari abordari ale Discursului Politic:

    Din perspectiva Analizei Critice a Discursuluiunde acesta este considerat un fenomen extralingvistic in care factorii politici, culturali si sociali

    domina asupra naturii lngvistice a discursului.Iar cea de-a 2-a perspectiva este ABORDAREALINGVISTICA A DISCURSULUI. Aici contextulintelegerii limbii si a textelor din domeniul politic

    este interpretat in termeni de continut lingvistic adiscursului. Deci structurile semantice si sintacticeale limbii pot determina comportamentul, opiniile sirelatiile dintre oameni.

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    Aceast Tez de Master ne va permite s observmmodurile n care se manipuleaz cu selectarealimbajului pentru atingerea unui anumit rezultat

    politic. La nivelul seleciei lexicale exist studii axatepe anumite fenomene precum cuvintele cu mai multesensuri, cuvintele tehnice, metafore, personficari ieufemisme, simboluri, etc.

    In capit. II al lucrarii am analizat figurile de stil celemai semnificative ale unor personalitati marcanteprecum: R. Reagan, M. Luther King, H. R. Clinton, B.


    Deci vom oferi citeva dintre cele mai interesanteexemple din discursurile politice selectate:

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    Metafora in Discurs:

    H.R.Clinton It Takes a Village to Raise a Child Speech

    Our daughter, Chelsea, will graduate from college in 2001,

    at the dawn of the next century.

    I believe that, on the eve of a new millennium, itis time

    to break oursilence. , raising kidsis a full-time job

    O alta figura de stil des utilizata in discursurile lui H. Clintoneste repetitia, procedeu sintactic important:

    Itis a violation of human rights whenwomen.Itis a violation of human rights

    when individual women are raped in Itis a

    violation of human rights when a leading cause

    of death Itis a violation of human rightswhen young girls are brutalized by the painful and

    degrading practice of genital mutilation.

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    That is whyevery woman, everyman, every child, every

    family, andevery nation on our planet has a stake in the

    discussion that takes place

    here. enumerare cu repetitie

    Itis conferences like this that compel governments and people

    everywhere to listen, look and face the world's most pressing

    problems.cleft sentence, fenomen gramatical.

    Verbele modale se refera la atitudinea sau opinia despreveridicitatea unei propozitii. Potrivit statisticilor acestea ocupa0.8% dintr-un discurs.

    Now the countrymusttake the next ,but your daughter

    shouldn't have to lose her doctor, too , I wish - I wish we couldbe sitting around a kitchen table , That's why home nurses canmake such a difference to parents who maynot have

    grandparents or aunts and uncles around to help. We have to do

    whatever it takes to help

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    Discursul To Restore America , R. Reagan

    But, in fact, things seem just about as they were back

    in the 1972election year. Inflation had been running

    at round6 percent. Unemployment about7 [percent].

    Remember, too, the upsurge and the optimism lasted

    through the election year and into 1973. And then theroof fell in. Once again we had unemployment. Only

    this time not 7 percent, more than 10. And inflation

    wasnt6percent, it was 12percent. Now, in this

    election year1976 - folosirea multor cifre, p-u a a

    parea convingatorAntiteze And were not going to have real prosperity orrecovery until we stop fightingthe symptoms and

    start fightingthe disease.

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    Ihad never in my life thought of seeking or holdingpublic of office and Im still not quite sure how it all

    happened. In myown mind, Iwas a citizen

    representingmyfellow citizens against the

    institution of government. I turned to the people,not to politicians for help. Instead of a committee

    to screen applicants for jobs, Ihad a citizens

    recruiting committee, andI told this committee I

    wanted an administration made up of men and

    women who did not want government careers and

    whod be the first to tellme if their government jobwas unnecessary. AndIhad that happen.-

    folosirea pronumelui eu, al meu/mea

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    Metafore interesante Were Americans and wehave a rendezvous with destiny. Back in those

    dark depression days I saw my father on aChristmas Eve It was born of a hope that we couldincrease

    understanding andreduceprejudice and

    antagonism.(antiteza, metafora)Epitete: Divine purpose, the lastisland offreedom, the dust bin of history, etc.

    Discursul lui M.L. King I Have a Dream

    This momentous decree came as a great beacon light ofhope to millions ofNegro slaves who had been seared in

    the flames of witheringinjustice.

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    Nowis the time to make real the promises of democracy.Nowis

    the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of

    segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Nowis the time toopen the doors of opportunity to all of Gods children. Nowis the timeto lift our nation repetitia si metafora

    Ihave a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia Ihave a


    that one day ...Ihave a drea

    mthat my

    Ihave adream today. Ihave a dream that one day the state of Alabama,

    whose governors lips are presently .... Ihave a dream today. I

    have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted,

    Let us not seek to satisfy ourthirst for freedom by


    ing fro

    mthe cup of bitterness and hatred.

    chains of discrimination, a lonelyisland of

    poverty, anda vast ocean ofmaterial prosperity , -metafore

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    De o analiza mai vasta se bucura citeva dindiscursurile lui B. Obama

    Metaforele inunda Discursurile lui B. Obama:Forty-four Americans have now taken thepresidential oath. The words have been spoken

    duringrising tides of prosperity and

    the still waters of peace. Yet, every so

    often, the oath is taken amidstgathering

    clouds and ragingstorms.Patruzeci si patru de americani au depus pana

    acum juramantul prezidential. Cuvintele au fost

    rostite in timpuri de prosperitate si de

    pace. Totusi, nu de putine ori acest juramant a

    fost depus in timp ce se adunau norisi

    planau furtuni. unele metafore dinengleza se pierd in procesul traducerii

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    For us, they packed up their few worldly possessions and traveled across

    oceans in search of a new life. For us, they toiled in sweatshops, and

    settled the West, endured the lash of the whip, and plowedthe hard earth.Pentru noi, ei si-au impachetat cele cateva lucruri si din lumea larga au

    traversat oceanul in cautarea unei vieti noi. Pentru noi, ei au trudit si au pus

    bazele Occidentului, auinduratmuscatura biciuluisi au tras

    brazde in pamantul batatorit. metafora s-a pastrat

    And those of us who manage the publics dollars willbe held to

    account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, anddo our

    businessin the light of day, because only then can werestore the vital trust between a people and their government.Unde raspunsuleste nu, se vorincheia programe. Iar cei dintre noi

    care gestioneaza dolariipopulatieivor fi trasila raspundere - sa-i

    cheltuiasca intelept, sa schimbe proastele obiceiurisisa faca

    afacerile la lumina zilei-pentru ca numaiatuncivom putearecupera increderea vitala dintre poporsiguvernulsau.

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    Verbele Modale

    1) because they believed that this time mustbedifferent, that their voices couldbe that difference.

    (2) The road aheadwill be long. Our climb will be

    steep. We maynot get there in one year or even in

    one term. But, America, I have never been morehopeful than I am tonight that we will get there.

    (3) And to those Americans whose support I have

    yet to earn, Imaynot have won your vote tonight,

    but I hear your voices. I need your help. And Iwill

    be your president, too.(4) We will build the roads and bridges, the electric

    grids and digital lines that feed our commerce and

    bind us togetherWe will harness the sun and the

    winds .. All this we can do. All this we will do.

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    1) Salutul My fellow citizens: I stand here todayhumbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust

    youve bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne byour ancestors. 2) Exprimarea multumirii/recunostintei si distinctiile

    I thank President Bush for his service to our nationas well as the generosity and cooperation he has

    shown throughout this transition. 3) Bilantul realizarilor SUA din trecut/istoria SUA

    Forty-four Americans have now taken thepresidential oath. The words have been spokenduring rising tides of prosperity and the still waters ofpeace. Yet, every so often, the oath is taken amidstgathering clouds and raging storms. For us, they toiledin sweatshops, and settled the West, endured the lash of thewhip, and plowed the hard earth. For us, they fought and diedin places like Concord and Gettysburg, Normandy and KheSahn.


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    4) Prezentarea situatiei contemporane acasa si inlumea intreaga5) prezentarea politicilor interne si externe alenoului guvern6) speranta la un viitor mai bun si prosper al tarii

    7) Apelarea la Dumnezeu si binecuvintare Thankyou. God bless you. And God bless the UnitedStates of America.

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    Terminologia politica, invaziaTerminologia politica, invaziaei in limba Romei in limba Romnana


    First ladyFirst lady-- prima doamnaprima doamnapolitical correctnesspolitical correctness -- corectitudinecorectitudine

    politicpoliticwatchdogswatchdogs-- ccini de paz aiini de paz aidemocraieidemocraiei

    moneymoney--launderinglaundering splarea de banisplarea de bani

    Shadow cabinetShadow cabinet--cabinet/guvernul dincabinet/guvernul dinumbraumbra


    LeaderLeader--lider, meetinglider, meeting--miting, staff,miting, staff,speech, speaker, congressamanspeech, speaker, congressaman

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    Traducerea Titlurilor, Ierarhia


    HerImperial/Royal/Apostolic Majesty


    Your Excellency


    My Fellow Citizens

    Excelenta Sa





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    Rolul Sloganelor in Disc.PoliticRolul Sloganelor in Disc.Politic

    Its timeIts time -- Gough WhitlamGough Whitlam19751975

    Its the economy, stupid

    Its the economy, stupid -- BillBill

    Clinton 1992Clinton 1992

    Its Time to Change AmericaIts Time to Change America

    Ask not what your country canAsk not what your country candodo for youfor you John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy


    Yes, America Can!Yes, America Can! -- 2004 U.S.2004 U.S.residential cam ai n slo an ofresidential cam ai n slo an of

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    Yes We CanYes We Can -- 2008 U.S.2008 U.S.presidential campaign slogan ofpresidential campaign slogan of

    Barack Obama.Barack Obama. Change We Can BelieveChange We Can Believe

    InIn -- 2008 U.S. presidential2008 U.S. presidential

    campaign slogan of Barackcampaign slogan of BarackObama.Obama.

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    Discursul Politic va ramine o tema deschisaDiscursul Politic va ramine o tema deschisa

    viitoarelor cercetari.viitoarelor cercetari.Scopul celor ce audiaza DP este de aScopul celor ce audiaza DP este de adescoperi sensul si intentiile reale aledescoperi sensul si intentiile reale alevorbitorilor ce se ascund in spatelevorbitorilor ce se ascund in spatelecuvintelor frumoase si uneori atit de binecuvintelor frumoase si uneori atit de binecamuflate!!!camuflate!!!

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