Riscul Angajarii - O Abordare Prin Prisma Regresiei Logistice

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  • 8/18/2019 Riscul Angajarii - O Abordare Prin Prisma Regresiei Logistice



    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 





    Daniela-Emanuela Dănăcică,


    Ana-Gabriela Babucea, Prof. univ.dr.

    Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice

    Universitatea Constantin Brâncuşi din



    The aim of this paper is to determine

    in which way gender, age and educationallevel influence the risk of a person to find a

     job or to be re-employed. The empirical

    investigation was made only for a Romanian

    county, because the great volume of data

    made it impossible to achieve them for the

    entire country.




    Daniela-Emanuela Dănăcică,


    Ana-Gabriela Babucea, Prof. univ.dr.

    Faculty of Economics

    Constantin Brâncuşi University ofTîrgu-Jiu


    The aim of this paper is to determine

    in which way gender, age and educational

    level influence the risk of a person to find a

     job or to be re-employed. The empirical

    investigation was made only for a Romanian

    county, because the great volume of data

    made it impossible to achieve them for the

    entire country. 

  • 8/18/2019 Riscul Angajarii - O Abordare Prin Prisma Regresiei Logistice



    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    1.   Introducere

    Scopul acestui studiu este acela de

    a determina in ce masura genul, varsta si

    nivelul educational influenteaza riscul

    unei persoane de a isi gasi un loc demunca sau de a se reangaja. Ca

    metodologie am folosit regresia

    logistica. Genul, varsta si nivelul

    educational sunt variabile independente

    (factoriale) in model, iar variabila

    dependenta a fost denumita in studiu

    „statut” , variabila calitativa binara ce ia

    valorile 1 pentru o persoana devenita

    angajat si 0 pentru o persoana ramasa

    neangajata la sfarsitul perioadei

    analizate. Esantionul contine 80961inregistrari cu informatii referitoare la

    data de intrare in somaj, data de iesire

    din somaj, sex, varsta, nivel educational

    si motivul iesirii din somaj pentru fiecare

     persoana inregistrata la Agentia

     Nationala pentru Ocuparea Fortei de

    Munca Bucuresti, in perioada 1 Ianuarie

    2002 – 31 August 2006. Richard

    Berthoud (2003) in capitolul

    “Disadvantaging characteristics” al

    monografiei sale intitulate “Multipledisadvantage in employment” analizeaza

    influenta variabilelor independente

    varsta, status familial, nivel educational,

    stare de sanatate, apartenenta etnica

    asupra probabilitatii de a isi gasi un loc

    de munca sau de a se reangaja al

    subiectilor din Marea Britanie. Alba

    Ramirez (1998) in lucrarea sa “Re-

    Employment Probabilities of Young

    Workers in Spain” investigheaza

    influenta genului, mediului urban/rural sia nivelului educational asupra

     proabilitatii de a se reangaja a tinerilor

    lucratori din Spania. Studii similare au

    fost efectuate de catre Meghir C. si

    Ioannides Y. (1989) pentru Grecia,

    Tansel Aysit (2001) pentru Turcia sau

    Tunali I si R. Asaad (1992) pentru Egipt.

    Aspectele legate de somaj, angajare, si

    alte probleme generate de dinamismul

     pietei muncii in Romania au fost

    1.  Introduction

    The purpose of this survey was to

    determine the risk of the persons from the

    database studied to be employed or unemployed

    at the end of the period subject to analysis, riskestimated according to independent variables

    gender, age and educational level.  As a

    methodology I used the logistic regression.

    Gender, age and educational level are

    independent (factorial) variables in the model,

    and the dependent variable has been called

    „status” in the survey, the binary qualitative

    variable that takes values 1 for a person become

    employed and 0 for a person unemployed at the

    end of the analysed period. The sample has

    80961 records with information concerning theentrance date into unemployment, the date of

    unemployment end, sex, age, educational level

    and the reason for unemployment leaving for

    each person registered at the National Agency

    for Employment Bucharest during January 1,

    2002 - August 31, 2006.

    Richard Berthoud (2003) in the chapter

    “Disadvantaging characteristics” of his

    monograph called “Multiple disadvantage in

    employment” analyzes the influence ofindependent variables age, family status,

    educational level, health and ethnic background

    on the probability of subjects from Great Britain

    to find a job or to be re-employed. Alba

    Ramirez (1998) in his paper “Re-Employment

    Probabilities of Young Workers in Spain”

    inquires into the influence of gender,

    urban/rural area and educational level on the

     probability of young workers from Spain to

     become employed. Similar surveys were made

     by Meghir C. and Ioannides Y. (1989) forGreece, Tansel Aysit (2004) for Turkey or

    Tunali I and R. Asaad (1992) for Egypt.

    Aspects related to unemployment, employment

    and other issues generated by the dynamism of

    the labour market in Romania were

    insufficiently investigated and there are no

    surveys of this kind for our country.

  • 8/18/2019 Riscul Angajarii - O Abordare Prin Prisma Regresiei Logistice



    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    insuficient investigate, neexistand studii

    de acest tip pentru tara noastra.

    2.   Descrierea bazei de date

    Din 80961 persoane

    inregistrate in baza de date a judetului

    Gorj ca someri, in perioada 1.01.2002-

    31.08.2006, 19369 persoane si-au gasit

    loc de munca, pana la data de 31 august

    2006; pentru acestia, in baza de date, la

    motivul iesirii din somaj figureaza

    “angajat”. Durata medie a somajului pana la gasirea unui loc de munca este de

    6 luni, mediana de 2 luni, valoarea

    maxima 57 luni si valoarea minima 0

    luni. Dintre acestia 6390 persoane (33%)

    sunt femei si 12979 (67%) sunt barbati.

    Daca diferenta procentuala dintre

    numarul somerilor barbati si numarul

    somerilor femei inregistrati in baza de

    date este de 17.8%, diferenta procentuala

    dintre numarul barbatilor care s-au

    angajat si numarul femeilor in aceeasi

    situatie este de 34%, ceea ce arata ca

    desi sunt mai multi barbati someri, si

    stau in somaj in medie mai mult cu

    aproximativ o luna decat femeile, totusi

    acestia sunt preferati de catre angajatori.

    In ceea ce priveste distributia pe grupe

    de varsta, cei mai multi dintre acestia

    (30.1%) apartin grupei de varsta 25-34

    ani, urmata de grupa de varsta 15-24 ani

    cu 25.7%, grupa 35-44 cu 25.4%, grupa45-54 cu 17.5% si grupa 55-64 ani cu

    1.3%. 0.4% dintre cei angajati sunt fara

    studii, 44.7% dintre cei angajati au un

    nivel educational de pana la 10 clase,

    37.4% sunt absolventi de liceu, 8.6%

    dintre cei angajati sunt absolventi de

    scoala profesionala sau de maistrii si

    8.9% dintre cei angajati sunt absolventi

    de invatamant superior.


    Database description

    Of 80961 persons registered in thedatabase of Gorj County as unemployed, during

    1.01.2002-31.08.2006, 19369 persons found a

     job, until August 31, 2006; the reason for their

    unemployment leaving was filled in the

    database with “employed”. The average

    duration of unemployment until finding a job is

    of 6 months, the median of 2 months, the

    maximum value of 57 months and the

    minimum value of 0 months. Of these 6390

     persons (33%) are women and 12979 (67%) are

    men. If the percentage difference between themale unemployment and the female

    unemployment registered in the database is of

    17.8%, the percentage difference between the

    number of men who become employed and the

    number of women in the same situation is of

    34%, which shows that although there are more

    unemployed men, and on the average they stay

    unemployed about one more week than women,

    however they are preferred by employers. As

    concerns the distribution on age groups, most of

    them (30.1%) belong to the 25-34 year-old age

    group, followed by the 15-24 year-old age

    group with 25.7%, 35-44 group with 25.4%, 45-

    54 group with 17.5% and 55-64 year-old age

    group with 1.3%. 0.4% of the employed are

    without education, 44.7% of the employed have

    an educational level of up to 10 grades, 37.4%

    are high school graduates, 8.6% of the

    employed graduated from vocational or

    foremen schools and 8.9% of the employed are

    university education graduates.

    3.  Methodology

    As methodology, in order to determine

    the risk of the persons from the studied database

    to be employed or unemployed at the end of the

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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 




    Ca metodologie, pentru

    determinarea riscului persoanelor din

     baza de date studiata de a fi angajate sau

    neangajate la sfarsitul perioadei supuse

    analizei, risc estimat in functie de

    variabilele independente gen, varsta si

    nivel educational, am folosit regresia

    logistica .

    Spre deosebire de regresia liniara

    multipla, unde se poate prezice, pe baza

    mai multor variabile independente, o

    variabila dependenta numerica, regresia

    logistica ofera posibilitatea prezicerii

    unei variabile nominale dihotomice.

    Metoda regresiei liniare presupune ca

    atat variabilele factoriale cat si variabila

    rezultativa sa fie de tip continuu; prin

    contrast, regresia logistica permite lucrul

    cu alte tipuri de variabile.

    Modelul de regresie logistica

    descrie relatia dintre o variabilanominala dihotomica Y , ce ia valorile 1

    (succes) si 0 (esec), si k   variabile

    factoriale k  x x x x .......,, 321 . Variabilele

    factoriale pot fi cantitative (numerice)

    sau categoriale. Deoarece Y   este o

    variabila binara, prezinta o distributie de

    tip Bernoulli, cu parametrul )1(   == Y  P  p ,

    unde  p  este probabilitatea de succes

     pentru valorile date k  x x x x .......,, 321   ale

    variabilelor factoriale. Media uneivariabile de tip Bernoulli este data de:

     pY  P  y E    === )1(][ .


    Modelul de regresie logistica se

    defineste in felul urmator: presupunem

    ca nY Y ........1   sunt variabile independente

    Bernoulli, si fie i p   media valorilor iY  ,

     period subject to analysis, risk estimated

    according to the independent variables gender,

    age and educational level, I used the logistic

    regression .

    Unlike the multiple linear regressionwhere, based on several independent variables,

    a numeric dependent variable can be predicted,

    the logistic regression gives the possibility to

     predict a dichotomic nominal variable. The

    method of linear regression implies that both the

    factorial variables and the resultative variable

    should be of a continuous type; by contrast, the

    logistic regression allows working with other

    types of variables.

    The logistic regression model describesthe relation between a dichotomic nominal

    variable Y , that takes the values 1 (success) and

    0 (failure), and k   factorial

    variables k  x x x x .......,, 321 . Factorial variables

    can be quantitative (numeric) or categorical.

    Since Y   is a binary variable, it has a Bernoulli

    type distribution, with the

     parameter )1(   == Y  P  p , where  p  is the

     probability of success for the given values

    k  x x x x .......,, 321   of factorial variables. The

    average of Bernoulli type variables is given by:

     pY  P  y E    === )1(][ .


    The logistic regression model is defined

    as follows: assuming that nY Y ........1   areindependent Bernoulli variables, and be i p  the

    average of values iY  ,

    then )1(][   === iii Y  P Y  E  p . The value i p   can

     be expressed according to the factorial variables

    ik iii  x x x x .......,, 321  thus:

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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    atunci )1(][   === iii Y  P Y  E  p . Valoarea i p  

     poate fi exprimata in functie de

    variabilele factoriale ik iii  x x x x .......,, 321  






    ij j





    0 )exp(1


     β  β 



    Daca aplicam transformarea logit

    relatiei (2) vom obtine o legatura de tip

    linear intre i p si variabilele factoriale,

    dupa cum urmeaza:





     ji j


    ii  x

     p p pit 



    log()(log   β  β   


    Ecuatia 3 este cunoscuta si sub

    numele de forma logit a modelului. Logit

    ( i p ) este logaritmul „odds” pentru

    succes, pentru valori date ale variabilelor

    factoriale ik iii  x x x x .......,, 321 .

    Rezultatul regresiei logistice estetot o ecuatie, care prezice cel mai bine o

    variabila efect binara (statut,

    angajat/neangajat), pe baza uneia sau

    mai multor variabile ce pot fi cantitative

    (varsta, nivel educational), sau binare

    (gen). In loc de a lucra cu probabilitati,

    (care se pot afla intre 0 si 1), regresia

    logistica lucreaza cu logaritmul natural

    al cotei (odds), care poate lua orice

    valoare, pozitiva sau negativa. Ecuatia

    regresiei logistice poate fi exprimataastfel:

    nn x x xoddsY    β  β  β  β    ++++= .......)ln( 22110  


    O prezentare detaliata a

    metodologiei regresiei logistice si a

     problemelor ridicate de folosirea acesteia

    a fost realizata de catre Amemiya, T.

    (1985), Balakrishnan, N. (1991),





    ij j





    0 )exp(1


     β  β 



    If we apply the logit transformation to

    the relation (2) we obtain a linear type

    connection between i p and the factorial

    variables, as follows:


     j ji j



    i  x p


     pit  1,0)1log()(log   β  β   


    The 3rd equation is also known as a

    logit shape of the model. Logit ( i p ) is the

    “odds” logarithm for success, for given values

    of the factorial variables ik iii  x x x x .......,, 321 .

    The result of the logistic regression isalso an equation, that predicts the best a binary

    effect variable (status, employed/unemployed),

     based on one or several variables that can be

    quantitative (age, educational level), or binary

    (gender). Instead of working with probabilities,

    (that may range between 0 and 1), the logistic

    regression works with the natural logarithm of

    the quota (odds), that can take any value,

     positive or negative. The equation of the logistic

    regression can be expressed as follows:

    nn x x xoddsY    β  β  β  β    ++++= .......)ln( 22110  


    A detailed presentation of logistic

    regression methodology and of the issues raised

     by its use was performed by Amemiya, T.

    (1985), Balakrishnan, N. (1991), Hosmer,

  • 8/18/2019 Riscul Angajarii - O Abordare Prin Prisma Regresiei Logistice



    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    Hosmer, David W.; Stanley Lemeshow

    (2000), Agresti, Alan. (2002) si Green,

    William H. (2003).

    In studiul meu, variabilele

    factoriale sunt:  gen, variabila calitativaalternativa (masculin/feminin),

    codificata in analiza cu 1 (masculin),

    respectiv 0 (feminin); varsta, variabila

    cantitativa, divizata in cinci intervale,

    15-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, in

    conformitate cu Anuarul Statistic al

    Romaniei si nivel educational , variabila

    calitativa in baza de date primita de la

    ANOFM Bucuresti, dar transformata in

    variabila numerica, in conformitate cu

    reglementarile Ministerului Roman alEducatiei. Variabila dependenta  statut  

    (statutul persoanei la sfarsitul perioadei

    analizate), este o variabila nominala

    dihotomica, ce ia valorile:

    ⎩⎨⎧   −

    =neangajataincaeste persoanadaca

    muncadelocun gasit a si persoanadaca statut 



    Ecuatia de regresie este:

    l educationanivel  sta gen statut odds 3210 var )ln(   β  β  β  β    +++=  


    unde  sunt  si 21   β  β  coeficientii de regresie

    calculati cu ajutorul programului statistic

    SPSS 10.0, si care sunt in realitate

    logaritmii naturali ai „odd ratio” ai fiecarei

    variabile, iar 0 β  este constanta,

    reprezentand logaritmul natural al odds

    statut pentru subiectii care prezinta valori

    nule ale tuturor variabilelor factoriale (gen,

    varsta, nivel educational in cazul de fata). 

    Metoda selectata pentru regresialogistica binara a fost metoda Enter,

    variabilele factoriale fiind analizate


    In tabelul 1 sunt prezentate

    rezultatele testului Omnibus pentru

    coeficientii modelului. Rezultatele

    testului 2 χ  si ale ratei de verosimilitate -

    2LL inregistrate la pasul 1 comparativ cu

     pasul initial 0 ne permit respingerea

    David W.; Stanley Lemeshow (2000), Agresti,

    Alan (2002) and Green, William H. (2003).

    In my survey, the factorial variables are:

     gender , alternative qualitative variable

    (male/female), encoded in the analysis with 1(male) and 0 (female); age, quantitative

    variable, divided in five intervals, 15-24, 25-34,

    35-44, 45-54, 55-64, in accordance with the

    Statistical Yearbook of Romania  and

    educational level , qualitative variable in the

    database received from NAE Bucharest, but

    changed into numeric variable, in compliance

    with the regulations of Romanian Ministry of

    Education. The dependent variable  status 

    (person’s status at the end of the analysed

     period), is a dichotomic nominal variable thattakes the values:


    =unemployedstillis persontheis,0

     jobafound persontheif ,1 status


    The regression equation is:

    l educationnivel  sta gen statut odds 3210 var )ln(   β  β  β  β    +++=


    where 21   β  β  and  are regression coefficients

    calculated using the statistics program SPSS

    10.0, and which in reality are natural logarithm

    of „odd ratio” and of each variable and 0 β    is

    the constant, representing the natural logarithmof odds status for subjects who have zero values

    of all factorial variables (gender, age,

    educational level in this case). The method

    selected for the binary logistic regression was

    the Enter method, analysing simultaneously the

    factorial variables.

    Table 1 shows the results of the

    Omnibus test for the model coefficients. The

    results of the test 2 χ  and of the likelihood rate -

  • 8/18/2019 Riscul Angajarii - O Abordare Prin Prisma Regresiei Logistice



    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    ipotezei nule ( 0:0   =i H    β  ) si acceptarea

    ipotezei alternative.

    2LL recorded in step 1 compared to the initial

    step 0 allow us to reject the null hypothesis

    ( 0:0   =i H    β  ) and to accept the alternative


    Tabelul 1: Rezultatele testului omnibus pentru coeficientii de regresie / Table 1: Results of the

    omnibus test for regression coefficients

    Chi-square df Sig.

    Step 1 Step 1367.716 3 .000

      Block 1367.716 3 .000

      Model 1367.716 3 .000


    In tabelul 2 este prezentat

    resultatul testului Hosmer &Lemenshow. Testul Hosmer &

    Lemenshow divide subiectii la nivel de

    decile, pe baza probabilitatilor estímate,la pasul urmator aplicand testul

    2 χ  asupra frecventelor observate.

    Valorile p=0.0000 sunt calculate pe baza


     χ    cu 3 grade de libertate si

    indica faptul ca modelul logistic estevalid din punct de vedere statistic, deciipoteza nula poate fii respinsa.

    Tabelul 2 : Testul Hosmer si Lemeshow

    Step Chi-square

    df Sig.

    1 427.73


    8 .000


    Tabelul 3 prezinta valorileestimate ale coeficientilor de regresie alemodelului de regresie logistica binara.

    Valorile Sig. egale cu zero ne arata catoate cele trei variabile factoriale ale

    modelului de regresie sunt semnificativedin punct de vedere statistic, si

    influenteaza variabila dependenta statut.

    De asemenea, valorile testului Wald ne

    arata ca parametrii de regresie i β    sunt

    diferiti de zero. Ipoteza nula este astfel

    Table 2 shows the results of Hosmer &

    Lemenshow test. The Hosmer &

    Lemenshow test divides subjects at

    deciles level, based on the estimated

     probabilities, applying in the next step

    the test2

     χ  on the frequencies noticed.

    The values p=0.0000 are calculated

    according to the distribution 2 χ    with 3

    degrees of freedom and indicate that thelogistic model is valid from a statistical

     point of view, therefore the null

    hypothesis can be rejected.

    Table 2: Hosmer and Lemeshow test

    Step Chi-square

    df Sig.

    1 427.73


    8 .000

    Table 3 shows the estimated values

    of regression coefficients of the model of

     binary logistic regression. Sig. values,equal to zero, show us that all the three

    factorial variables of the regressionmodel are significant from statistical

     point of view and they influence the

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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 



     Nivelurile estimate ale

    coeficientilor de regresie i β  sunt notate

    cu  B, iar  Exp (B)  reprezinta „odds ratio”

    (OR) pentru fiecare variabila factoriala,adica ie

     β . Odds  ratio  este estimarea

    riscul unui subiect de a se ramaneneangajat (0), la o modificare cu o

    unitate a variabilelor factoriale (candaceasta este numerica, ca de exemplu

    varsta in cazul nostru).

    Vom avea deci ecuatia de regresie


    (v66.0)(472.0986.1)ln(  gen statut odds   ++−=  (5)

    dependent variable of status. Similarly,

    the Wald test values show us that the

    regression parameters i β    are different

    from zero. Therefore the null hypothesisis rejected.

    The estimated levels of the

    regression coefficients i β  are marked

    with  B  and  Exp (B)  represents „oddsratio” (OR) for each factorial variable,

    which is ie β 

    . Odds ratio is the estimation

    of a risk of a subject to remain

    unemployed (0), at a change with one unitof factorial variables (when it is numeric,

    such as age in our case).

    Therefore we shall have the

    logistic regression equation:

    (va66.0)(472.0986.1)ln(  gen statut odds   ++−=


    Tabelul 3: Variabile in ecuatia de regresie logistica / Variables in the logistic regression


    B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) 95.0%


    Lower Upper

    Step 1 GEN .472 .017 734.116 1 .000 1.603 1.549 1.659

     NVARSTA .066 .007 83.356 1 .000 1.068 1.053 1.083


    .223 .009 589.486 1 .000 1.250 1.227 1.272

    Constant -1.986 .027 5233.793 1 .000 .137

    a Variable(s) entered on step 1: GEN, NVARSTA, NIVEL_ED.

    Aceste valori estimate ale

    coeficientilor de regresie ne arata

    legatura dintre variabilele factoriale sivariabila dependenta „statut”, cu cat

    creste (sau descreste, daca semnulcoeficientului este negativ) valoarea

    determinata log odds a variabilei statut=1  la modificarea cu o unitate a

    uneia dintre variabilele factoriale,

    influenta celorlalte factoriale fiind

    These estimated values of the

    regression coefficients show us the

    relation between factorial variables andthe dependent variable “ status”, the more

    it increases (or decreases, if thecoefficient sign is negative) the

    determined value log odds of the variableof  status=1  at a change with one unit of

    one of the factorial variables; the

    influence of the other factorial is

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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    considerata constanta.

    Din tabelul 3 abservam ca riscul

    angajarii creste cu 1.6 pentru subiectii barbati inregistrati in baza de date supusa

    analizei. In perioada analizata in baza dedate au fost inregistrati 33270 someri

    femei si 47691 someri barbati. Dintreacestia, la sfarsiul perioadei si-au gasit

    loc de munca 6390 femei (19.21%), si

    12979 barbati (27.21%). Desi exista unnumar mult mai mare de barbati

    inregistrati ca someri in baza de dateanalizata, totusi numarul celor care

    reusesc sa isi gaseasca un loc de muncaeste mai mare comparativ cu femeile,

    ceea ce arata ca desi sunt mai multi barbati someri totusi acestia sunt preferati de catre angajatori.

    Observam de asemenea ca risculangajarii creste cu 1.06 la modificarea cu

    o unitate (an) a variabilei varsta. Din 25776 subiecti cu varsta cuprinsa intre 15-

    24 ani si-au gasit loc de munca in perioada analizata 4 982 subiecti,

    reprezentand 19,33%, din 21 138 someri

    cu varsta cuprinsa intre 25-34 ani s-auangajat 5832, reprezentand 27,59%, din18225 someri cu varsta cuprinsa intre 35-

    44 ani s-au angajat 4920, reprezentand27%, din 14452 subiecti someri cu varsta

    cuprinsa intre 45-54 ani s-au angajat23,39 % iar din 1370 someri cu varsta

    cuprinsa intre 55-64 ani s-au angajat

    18,61%. Observam ca sansa cea mai bunade a isi gasi un loc de munca o au

     persoanele cu varsta cuprinsa intre 24-54

    ani. Acestia sunt fie absolventi de studiisuperioare ce dupa o perioada scurta desomaj isi gasesc locul de munca dorit fie

     persoane cu experienta, ce inta in somaj

    voluntar, generat de insatisfactii lavechiu loc de munca, sau sunt

    disponibilizati, dar isi gasesc un loc demunca avantajati fiind de experienta


    In ceea ce priveste variabila nivel

    considered to be constant.

    From table 3 one can notice that

    the employment risk increases with 1.6for the male subjects registered in the

    database subject to analysis. In the periodanalyzed in the database there were

    registered 33270 female unemployed and

    47691 male unemployed persons. Amongthem, at the end of the spell 6390 women

    (19.21%) and 12979 men (27.21%) founda job. Although there are a much greater

    number of men registered as unemployedin the analysed database, the number of

    those who manage to find a job is highercompared to women, which indicates that

    although there are more unemployedmen, however they are preferred byemployers.

    We can also notice that theemployment risk increases with 1.06 at

    the change with one unit (year) of the agevariable. Of 25 776 subjects aged

     between 15-24 years, 4 982 subjectsfound a job in the analysed period,

    representing 19,33%, of 21 138

    unemployed aged between 25-34 years,5832 became employed, representing27,59%, of 18225 unemployed aged

     between 35-44 years, 4920 becameemployed, representing 27%, of 14452

    unemployed subjects aged between 45-54

    years, 23,39 % became employed and of1370 unemployed aged between 55-64

    years, 18,61% became employed. We cannotice that persons aged between 24-54

    years have the best chance to find a job.

    These are either university graduates thatafter a short duration of unemploymentfind the desired job, or experienced

     persons that are voluntarily unemployed

     because of dissatisfactions at the old jobor are laid off, but they can find a job

    since they are favoured because of theirexperience.

    As for the educational levelvariable, the employment risk increases

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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    educational, riscul angajarii creste cu

    1.25 la modificarea cu o unitate aacesteia. Intr-adevar, cu cat nivelul

    educational este mai ridicat, cu atat probabilitatea angajarii este mai mare

     pentru un subiect.

    with 1.25 at its change with one unit.

    Indeed, the higher the educational level,the higher the subject’s employment


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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    4.   Concluzii

    Scopul studiului este acela de adetermina riscul persoanelor din baza de

    date studiata de a fi angajate sauneangajate la sfarsitul perioadei supuse

    analizei, risc estimat in functie devariabilele independente gen, varsta si

    nivel educational. Datele statistice au

    fost obtinute de la Agentia Nationala aFortelor de Munca Bucuresti, si ofera

    informatii privind subiectii inregistrati casomeri in perioada 1 ianuarie 2002-31

    august 2006. Esantionul cuprinde 80961

    inregistrari, cu informatii referitoare ladata de intrare in somaj, data de iesiredin somaj, sex, varsta, nivel educational

    si motivul iesirii din somaj pentru fiecare

     persoana inregistrata. Ca metodologie amfolosit regresia logistica binara.

    Rezultatele analizei arata ca risculangajarii creste cu 1.6 pentru barbatii

    inregistrati ca someri comparativ cufemeile cu acelasi statut. In perioada

    analizata in baza de date au fost

    inregistrati 33270 someri femei si 47691someri barbati. Dintre acestia, la sfarsiul perioadei si-au gasit loc de munca 6390

    femei (19.21%), si 12979 barbati(27.21%). Desi exista un numar mult mai

    mare de barbati inregistrati ca someri in baza de date analizata, totusi numarul

    celor care reusesc sa isi gaseasca un loc

    de munca este mai mare comparativ cufemeile, ceea ce arata ca desi sunt mai

    multi barbati someri totusi acestia sunt

     preferati de catre angajatori. Pentruvariabila varsta, riscul angajarii creste cu1.06 la o modificare cu o unitate (an)

    acesteia. Pe grupe de varsta, riscul

    angajarii creste cu 1.3 pentru grupa devarsta 15-24 ani comparativ cu grupa 55-

    64 ani, cu 2.107 pentru grupa 25-34 ani,comparativ cu grupa mentionata, cu

    2.125 pentru grupa 35-44 ani comparativcu ultima grupa de varsta, si cu 1.664

     pentru grupa 45-54, comparativ cu grupa

    4.   Conclusions

    The purpose of this survey is to

    determine the risk of the persons from

    the analyzed database to becomeemployed or unemployed at the end ofthe period subject to analysis, risk

    estimated according to the independentvariables gender, age and educational

    level. The statistical data were obtainedfrom the National Agency for

    Employment Bucharest, and they provide

    information on the subjects registered asunemployed during January 1, 2002-

    August 31, 2006. The sample includes80961 records, with information

    concerning the date of unemployment beginning and end, sex, age, educational

    level and the reason of unemployment

    leaving for each registered person. Asmethodology I used the binary logistic

    regression. The results of the surveyshow that the employment risk increases

    with 1.6 for the men registered asunemployed compared to women with the

    same status. In the period analyzed in thedatabase there were registered 33270

    female unemployed and 47691 male

    unemployed persons. Among them, at theend of the spell 6390 women (19.21%)

    and 12979 men (27.21%) found a job.Although there are a much greater

    number of men registered as unemployedin the analysed database, the number of

    those who manage to find a job is higher

    compared to women, which indicates that

    although there are more unemployedmen, however they are preferred byemployers. For the age variable, the

    employment risk increases with 1.06 atits change with one unit (year). By age

    groups, the employment risk increases

    with 1.3 for the age group of 15-24 years,compared to the group of 55-64 years,with 2.107 for the group of 25-34 years,

    compared to the specified group, with2.125 for the group of 35-44 years,

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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


    55-64 ani. In ceea ce priveste variabila

    nivel educational, riscul angajarii crestecu 1.25 la modificarea cu o unitate a

    acesteia. Intr-adevar, cu cat niveluleducational este mai ridicat, cu atat

     probabilitatea angajarii este mai mare pentru un subiect. Cele mai dezavantajate

    grupe educationale s-au dovedit a fi

     persoanele fara studii, persoanele cuscoala generala incompleta, scoala profesionala si invatamant complementar

    de ucenici si invatamant special si persoanele absolvente de liceu teoretic.

    compared to the last age group, and with

    1.664 for the group of 45-54, comparedto the group of 55-64 years. As for the

    educational level variable, theemployment risk increases with 1.25 at

    its change with one unit. Indeed, thehigher the educational level, the higher

    the subject’s employment probability.

    The most disadvantaged educationalgroups proved to be the persons withouteducation, the persons with unfinished

    secondary school, vocational school andapprenticeship complementary education

    and special education and the theoretical

    high school graduates.

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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 



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    Analele Universităţ ii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Economie, Nr. 1/2008

    Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, No. 1/2008 


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