Pt Incepatori

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  • 7/27/2019 Pt Incepatori


    English Language Course for Beginers(Curs Limba Englez pentru ncepatori) byMarius Vasile

    Conversatie:Cine esti si ce faci? (2)Expresii (2)

    Vocabular(3)Alfabetul limbii engleze (4)Pronumele personale (4)Pluralulsubstantivelor (-s) (4)Articolele nehotarate (5)Adjectivul (5)Verbul a fi la prezent (6)Exercitii (7)Cuvinteincrucisate (8)Proverbe (8)

    - Good morning, everybody!- Good morning, teacher!- Who are you?- Im Jane.- What are you, Jane?- Im a woman, an engineer.- Youre an engineer and Im a teacher.

    - Who is he?- Hes Mr. Williams.- What is Mr. Williams?- Mr. Williams is an economist, hes not an engineer.- Miss Brown is a secretary. Shes an office-worker.- Isnt she a doctor?- No, she isnt.- Is Miss Brown a student?- Yes, she is. Shes a very good student.- George is a man. Hes a manager.- What is he like?- Hes short and fat.

    - Mrs. Liz is a woman. Shes an accountant.- What is she like?- Shes tall and thin.- We are all students.- Are they also students?- No, they arent. Theyre employees.- Are you an Englishman?- No, Im not, I am a Romanian. Im a Romanian citizen.- How are you?- Im fine. Thank you. And you?- Im fine, too. Thanks.

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    Good morning! = Bun dimineaa!Who are you? = Cine eti?What are you? = Ce eti? Ce meserie ai?What is he like? = Cum arat?How are you? = Ce (mai) faci?Im fine. Thank you. And you? = Sunt bine. Mulumesc. Dar tu?Thanks. = Mulumesc.

    accountant [kauntnt] s. = contabilactor [ktr] s. = actoraddress [dres] s. = adresall [o:l] adj. = tot, toat, toi, toatealso [o:lsu] adv. = deasemeneaAmerican [merikn] s. = americanand [nd] conj. = iboy [boi] s. = biat

    tart] s. = graficchart [t] s. =trchurch [ bisericcitizen [sitizn] s. = ceteandoctor [doktr] s. = doctoreconomist [ikonmist] s. = economistemployee [emploii:] s. = angajatengineer [endjinir] s. = inginermn] s. =Englishman [i gli englezeverybody [evri bodi] pr. = toiexam [igzm] s. = examenfat [ft] adj. = gras

    file [fail] s. = dosarfine [fain] adj. = plcutGerman [djrmn] adj. = germangood [gud] adj. = bunhour [aur] s. = orhow [hau] adv. = cum, in ce felman [mn] s. = brbatto manage [mnidj] v. = a conduce, a administramanager [mnidjr] s. = directormarket [ma:rkit] s. = piaMiss [mis] = d-ra (urmat de nume)Mr. [mistr] = dl (urmat de nume)

    Mrs. [misiz] = d-na (urmat de nume)newspaper [nyu:z peipr] s. = ziar

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    office [ofis] s. = birouoffice-worker [ofis wrkr] s. = funcionarpaper [peipr] s. = hrtiepartner [pa:rtnr] s. = partenerperson [prsn] s. = persoanproject [prodjeckt] s. = proiectRomanian [rumeinin] adj. = romn, romnescsecretary [sekritri] s. = secretar()ort] adj.short [ = scund, scurtstory [sto:ri] s. = povestestudent [styu:dnt] s. = studenttall [to:l] adj. = naltr] s. =teacher [ti:t profesoritr] s. = teatrutheatre [in] adj. = slab,thin [ subiretoo [tu:] adv. = deasemeneatown [taun] s. = ora

    umbrella [ mbrel] s. = umbreluniversity [yu:nivrsiti] s. = universitatevery [veri] adv. = foartewarehouse [wer haus] s. = depozitwhat [wot] pr. inter. = ce?who [hu:] pr. inter. = cine?woman [wumn] s. = femeieyear [yir] s. = an

    Alfabetul englezescDac vrei s pronuni un cuvnt pe litere vei fi obligat stii s pronuni alfabetulenglezesc. Dac trebuie s pronuni cuvntul VIP pe litere vei spune (vi)(ai)(pi).

    A[ei] E[i:] I[ai] M[em] Q[kyu:] U

    [yu:] Y[wai]

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    B[bi:] F[ef] J[djei] N[en] R[ar:] V[vi:] Z[zed]C[si:] G[dji:] K[kei] O[ou] S[es] W[d bl yu:]D[di:] H

    ] L[eit[el] P[pi:] T[ti:] X[eks]

    Pronumele Personale

    Folosete pronumele personale pentru a nlocui substantivele,ori de cte ori ai nevoie.

    Singular PluralI I [ai] Eu We [wi:] NoiII You [yu:] Tu, Dvs. You [yu:] Voi, Dvs.ei] Ei,He [hi:] El They [ EleIII She [ i:] EaIt [it] El, Ea

    Scrie ntotdeauna cumajuscul pronumele personal I.Trebuie s ti c pronumele personal lapersoana a-III-a sg. It nlocuiete substantivele

    care denumesc animale, obiecte i noiuni abstracte.n englez nu exist pronume de politee.Folosete You i pentru tu i pentru Dvs.

    Pluralul Substantivelor

    Formeaz pluralul substantivelor adugnd terminaia-s la forma de singular.

    chart town gardens carpet bo towns [z] market markets [s]charts [s]pia grafic grafice ora orae pieemanager managers [z] boy boys [z] office offices [iz]

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    birou director directori biat biei birouri

    Articolul Nehotrt

    n limba romn pui articolul nehotrt n faa cuvntului: opictur sau un VIP.n englez pune articolul nehotrt tot n faacuvntului: a picture, a VIP.Reine c acest articol are doar dou forme:A sau AN

    Esi obligat s-l foloseti cnd te referi la:funcia, calitatea, meseria sau naionalitateacuiva.Pune-l n mod automatn faa substantivelor man, woman, child.

    I am a woman Sunt femeie You are a man. Eti brbat.I am an accountant Sunt contabil. You are a manager. Eti director.I am a Romanian Sunt romnc. You are an American. Eti american.

    ine cont c la PLURAL, foloseti SOME (nite, unii,unele)

    a project some projects a boy some boysan hour some hours an engineer some engineersa newspaper some newspapers a paper some papers


    Aeaz adjectivul duparticol, dar naintea substantivului la care te referi.ine minte cadjectivul are aceeai form indiferent de genul, cazul sau numrulsubstantivului n faa cruia l pui.Scrie ntotdeauna cu majusculadjectivele care exprim naionalitatea.

    a famous actor un actor faimos famous actors actori faimoifamous a famous person o persoan faimoas persons persoane faimoasefamous a famous theatre un teatru faimos theatres teatre faimoase

    the story of a famous actor povestea unui actor faimosI have an German partner. Am un partener german.

    ine cont c acest verb este unul dintrecele mai folosite n limba englez. Acesta estemotivul pentru care tu trebuie s l tii perfect. Concentreaz-te i pe formele scurte!

    AffirmativeI am[ai m] Im [aim] Eu sunt

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    You are [yu: a:r] Youre [yur] Tu etiHe is [hi: iz] Hes [hiz] El esteShe is [ i: iz] Shes [ iz] Ea este It is [it iz] Its [its] El, ea esteWe are [wi: a:r] Were [wi:r] Noi suntemYou are [yu: a:r] Youre [yur] Voi sunteieir] Eiei a:r] Theyre [They are [ sunt

    NegativeI am not [ai m not] Im not [aim not] I aint [ai eint] Eu nu suntYou are not [yu: a:r not] Youre not [yur not] You arent [yu: arnt] Tu nu etiHe is not [hi: iz not] Hes not [hiz not] He isnt [hi: iznt] El nu esteShe is not [ i: iz not] Shes not [ iz not] She isnt [ i: iznt] Ea nu este It is not [it iz not] Its not [its not] It isnt [it iznt] El, ea nu esteWe are not [wi: a:r not] Were not [wi:r not] We arent [wi: arnt] Noi nu suntem

    You are not [yu: a:r not] Youre not [yur not] You arent [yu: arnt] Voi nu sunteiei a:r not] TheyreThey are not [ ei arnt] Ei nueir not] They arent [not [ sunt


    Am I? [m ai] Sunt eu?Are you? [ar yu:] Eti tu?Is he? [iz hi:] Este el?Is she? [iz i:] Este ea?

    Is it? [iz it] Este ea, el?Are we? [ar wi:] Suntem noi?Are you? [ar yu:] Suntei voi?ei] SuntAre they? [ar ei?

    Exercise #1Spune pe litere urmtoarele cuvinte folosind alfabetul englezesc:Schopenhauer Washington Hollywood Georgepsychology Abraham Hamilton Schwarzeneger Abruzzi Charlie William Switzerland

    Exercise #2Scrie forma corect a articolului nehotrt pentru urmtoarele substantive: student economist touristsecretarydesk room house engineerwoman Englishman office bird

    classroom citizen accountant Romanian

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    Exercise #3nlocuie substantivele subliniate cu pronumele personale potrivite:1. Mrs. Smith is an economist.2. Bob is an executive.3. Mr. Black is a good engineer.4. Miss Brown is a secretary.5. Jack and John are students.6. George and I are accountants.Exercise #4Pune urmtoarele propoziii la interogativ, negativ i interogativ-negativ:1. I am a student.2. Mrs. Black is a housewife.3. He is tall and slim.4. You are a secretary.5. They are managers.

    6. We are all in the classroom.

    Exercise #5Completeaz spaiile goale cu forme corespunztoare ale verbului to be:1. It ________ a book. 2. Mr. Black ________ an accountant.3. John and Jack ________ students. 4. We _________ at home.5. I ________ a teacher. 6. You _______ an engineer.7. She ________ a housewife. 8. Mrs. Smith _________ an economist.9. They _________ engineers. 10. You _______ office-workers.

    Exercise #6Rspunde la ntrebri conform modelului:

    Model: Is he an economist, or a teacher?He is an economist, he isnt a teacher.

    1. Is she a secretary or a housewife?2. Am I an engineer or a doctor?3. Is he an accountant or a student?

    4. Are we economists or doctors?5. Are you an office-worker or an actress?6. Is he tall or short?7. Is she fat or thin?

    8. Are you a Romanian or an Englishman?

    Exercise #7Trece urmtoarele propoziii la plural:1. I am a teacher. 2. Im not an office-worker.3. You arent an economist. 4. Are you a student?5. Is he an engineer? 6. Isnt she fat?7. She is a manager. 8. He isnt a tall person.9. You are a good doctor. 10. Is she a smart girl?

    Exercise #8Tradu n englez:1. Nu suntem noi cu toii studeni? Da, suntem.

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    2. El este inginer sau economist?3. Cine eti tu?4. Eti ecomist sau medic?5. Nu eti inginer?6. Ei sunt funcionari sau studeni?

    7. Ei sunt de asemenea economiti? Nu, nu sunt, ei sunt profesori.8. Ce este domnul Smith, director sau contabil?9. Domnioara Brown este o student foarte bun.10. Nu este Mary economist? Nu, nu este. Este student.

    A B: Adjective.




    Lost time is never found again.No man is born wise.Life is made up of little things.Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad [email protected] Marius Vasile

    Nivelul 2

    Text:Ce este aceasta? (2)

    Text: Biroul ei (3)Expresii (3)

    Vocabular (4)Adjectivele posesive (5)

    Pronumele siadjectivele demostrative (5)

    Constructiileexista, se afla, este, sunt(6)
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    Verbul a avea la prezent (6)Exercitii (7 8)

    What is this?, What are that?, What are these?, What are those?

    What is this?This is a car. It is their car. What colour is their car?

    Their car is red.

    What are these?These are chairs.

    What kind of chairs?They are office chairs.

    What colour are the chairs?One chair is blue and the other is black.

    What is that, behind the men?That is a map.

    Is it a map of England?No, it isnt. It is a world map.

    What is the colour of the continents?The continents are grey.

    What are those, on the American flag?Those are stars.

    What colour are the stars?The stars are white.

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    Mrs. Alice Silverstone is a sales manager. She has a large and bright office. In her office,there are a lot of things: a desk, an office chair, a conference table with several chairs, a

    bookcase, a sofa and two armchairs, a map, a picture and a plant.This is the door and that is the window. The door is closed and the window is open.

    This is her desk. On the desk, there are files, some documents, a calculator and a computerwith a printer, a desk lamp and the phone. These are pens and pencils.

    This is the floor and that is the ceiling.Is there a copier in the office? No, there isnt.Isnt there a picture on the wall? Yes, there is.

    There are many books in the bookcase, Romanian books and English books.Are there many plants in the office? No, there arent. There is only one.

    Thank you! = Mulumesc.Youre welcome. = Cu plcere.Thank you very much. = Mulumesc foarte mult.

    Anytime. = Oricnd.I appreciate your help. = Apreciez ajutorul tu.

    My pleasure. = Cu plcere. Plcerea este a mea.Im much obliged to you. = V sunt foarte ndatorat.

    Dont mention it. = Cu plcere.I appreciate it. = Apreciez.

    I am very grateful to you. = V sunt foarte recunosctor.Not at all. = Cu plcere.

    Thats very kind of you! = Este foarte drgut din partea ta.Thats all right (OK).= Cu plcere.

    a lot of [ lot v] = a mulime deer] s. = fotoliuarmchair [a:rmt

    behind [bihaind] prep. = n spateleblack [blk] adj. = negrublue [blu:] adj. = albastru

    book [buk] s. = cartebookcase [buk keis] s. = bibliotec

    bright [brait] adj. = luminoscar [ka:r] s. = main

    ceiling [si:li ] s. = tavan, plafoner] s. = scaunchair [t

    closed [kluzd] adj. = nchiscolour [k lr] s. = culoare

    computer [kmpyu:tr] s. = computerconference [konfrns] s. = conferincontinent [kontinnt] s. = continent

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    copier [kopir] s. = copiatordesk [desk] s. = birou (mobil)

    document [dokyumnt] s. = documentdoor [do:r] s. = u

    England [i glnd] s. = Anglia] adj. = englez(esc), britanicEnglish [i gli

    expression n] s. = expresie[iksprfile [fail] s. = dosar

    flag [flg] s. = steagfloor [flo:r] s. = podea, duumea

    grey [grei] adj. = grilamp [lmp] s. = lamp

    large [la:rdj] adj. = mare, spaios, largmany [mni] adj. = muli, multe

    map [mp] s. = hartmen [men] s. = brbai

    office [ofis] s. = birou (camer)

    one [w n] pr. = un, o, unul, una, unuonly [unli] adj. = numai, doaropen [upn] adj. = deschis

    pen [pen] s. = stilou, pixpencil [pensl] s. = creionphone [fun] s. = telefon

    r] s. = fotografie, tabloupicture [piktplant [pla:nt] s. = plant

    printer [printr] s. = imprimantred [red] adj. = rou

    sales manager [seilz `mnidjr] s. = director de vnzriseveral [sevrl] adj. = mai muli, multe, civa, cteva

    sofa [suf] s. = canapea, sofastar [sta:r] s. = stea

    table [teibl] s. = mas k] v. = a to thank [ mulumi

    r] adj. = cellalti: the other [two [tu:] num. = doi, dou

    wall [wo:l] s. = peretewhat [wot] pr. = ce?

    white [wait] adj. = albwindow [windu] s. = fereastr, geam

    ] prep. = cuwith [wi

    world [w:rld] s. = lume, pmnt

    Adjectivele posesive

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    My [mai] meu, mea, mei, mele My boss is in a meeting.Your [yur] tu, ta, ti, tale Your new shoes are comfortable.His [hiz] su, sa, si, sale, lui His uncle is an intelligent man.

    Her [hr] su, sa, si, sale, ei That is her desk.Its [its] su, sa, si, sale, lui, ei Its (room) windows are open.

    Our [aur] nostru, noastr, notri, noastre Our office is downtown.Your [yur] vostru, voastr, votri, voastre Give me your new English books!

    er] lor Their dresses are very smart.Their [

    Pentruc n englez nu acorzi adjectivul n gen i numr cu substantivul, vei folosi osingur form a adjectivului posesiv pentru toate formele din romn.

    Nuuita s pui adjectivul posesiv n faa substantivului.

    Pronumele i adjectivele demonstrative

    Pronumele i adjectivele demonstrative sunt:uz]i:z], those [t], these [, that []isthis [

    ine minte c acestea

    i schimb forma n funcie de numrul substantivului.Adjectivele auaceeai form cu pronumele. Dac le pui lng substantiv sunt adjective,dac nlocuieti un substantiv sunt pronume.

    Adjectivele demonstrativeHere this

    these acest, aceast, sta, astaaceti, aceste, tia, astea This file is black.

    These documents are important.There that

    those acel, acea, la, aiaacei, acele, ia, alea That desk is big.

    Those chairs are comfortable.Pronumele demonstrativeHere this

    these acesta, aceasta, sta, astaacetia, acestea, tia, astea This is a file.

    These are documents.There that

    those acela, aceea, la, aiaaceia, acelea, ia, alea That is a desk.

    Those are chairs.

    Construciile exist,se afl, este, sunt

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    er iz] l foloseti cnd spui exist, se afl, seThere is [ gsete, ar] l foloseti cnd spui exist, se afl,There are [ se gsesc, sunt.

    Affirmative Interrogative Negative

    Singular There isTheres Is there (not)?Isnt there? There is not

    There isntTheres not

    Plural There areTherere Are there (not)?

    Arent there? There are notThere arentTherere not

    n mod obinuitordinea cuvintelor npropoziie este SUBIECT + PREDICAT.

    Atunci cnd puisubiectul dup PREDICAT (verb) foloseti aceste construcii, pe care lepui naintea subiectului logic al propoziiei cu care le acorzi n numr.

    There is one door and there are two windows in this room.There is a clock on the wall.

    There are three pictures on the wall.

    AffirmativeI have [ai hv] Ive [aiv] Eu am

    You have [yu: hv] Youve [yuv] Tu aiHe has [hi: hz] Hes [hiz] El are

    She has [ i: hz] Shes [ iz] Ea are It has [it hz] Its [its] El, ea are

    We have [wi: hv] Weve [wiv] Noi avemYou have [yu: hv] Youve [yuv] Voi avei

    eiv] Ei, ele auei hv] Theyve [They have [

    NegativeI have not [ai hv not] Ive not [aiv not] I havent [ai hvnt] Eu nu am

    You have not [yu: hv not] Youve not [yuv not] You havent [yu: hvnt] Tu nu aiHe has not [hi: hz not] Hes not [hiz not] He hasnt [hi: hznt] El nu areShe has not [ i: hz not] Shes not [ iz not] She hasnt [ i: hznt] Ea nu are

    It has not [it hz not] Its not [its not] It hasnt [it hznt] El, ea nu areWe have not [wi: hv not] Weve not [wiv not] We havent [wi: hvnt] Noi nu avem

    You have not [yu: hv not] Youve not [yuv not] You havent [yu: hvnt] Voi nu aveieiv not] Theyei hv not] Theyve not [They have not [ ei hvnt] Ei, ele nu auhavent [

    InterrogativeHave I? [hv ai] Am eu?

    Have you? [hv yu:] Ai tu?

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    Has he? [hz hi:] Are el?Has she? [hz i:] Are ea?Has it? [hz it] Are el, ea?

    Have we? [hv wi:] Avem noi?Have you? [hv yu:] Avei voi?

    ei] AuHave they? [hv ei, ele?

    Exercise #1Folosete cuvintele date i completeaz propoziiile:

    1. The plane is in the _____________ at2. The ice-cream is on the ___________ on

    3. The clock is _______ the ___________ under4. His secretary is ________ her __________ desk

    5. Our ship is ________ the sea. your6. Where is _________ office? plate

    7. Your bag is ________ the table. where8. ___________ are my keys? its

    9. Her car is parked ________ the street. sky10. The train is ________ the station. in

    11. What colour are ________ walls? wall

    Exercise #2Pune urmtoarele propoziii la interogativ i negativ.

    1. That is a good answer.2. This is a soft drink.3. These are my keys.

    4. Those documents are very important.5. That is an underground station.

    6. Those pictures are very interesting.7. This restaurant is more expensive.

    8. That is Romanias map.9. These books are very thick.

    10. Those apartments are on the 2nd floor.

    Exercise #3Tradu n englez:

    1. Ce este asta? Aceasta este servieta mea.2. Ce sunt acestea? Acestea sunt dosarele lui.

    3. Ce sunt aceia? Aceia sunt muni. Sunt aproape? Sunt sunt tare departe.

    4. Este fereasta aceea deschis?5. Ce flori sunt acelea de pe mas? Pe mas sunt trandafiri.6. Sunt 2 birouri la etajul acela.

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    7. Sunt o mulime de oameni pe strad.8. Vreau s cumpr imprimanta aceea i calculatorul acela.

    9. Este doar un singur telefon n acest birou.10. n firma lor sunt peste 20 de angajai.

    Exercise #4Completeaz spaiile libere cu forma corespunztoare a verbului to be:

    1. There ____ a lot of documents on the desk.2. There ____ a whiteboard in the classroom.3. There ____ a lot of pictures on the walls.

    4. There ____ a sofa in the office.5. There ____ many chairs in this room.

    6. There ____ pens and pencils on the desks.7. There ____ a map on the wall.

    8. There ____ a lot of plants at the window.

    Exercise #5Completeaz spaiile goale cu forme corecte ale verbului to have:

    1. This room ___ four walls.2. Those students ___ new dictionaries.

    3. That schoolboy ___ a new pen.4. Mrs. Smith ___ a new smart dress

    5. ___ your house many rooms?6. All the students ___ their exercise books on their desks.

    Exercise #6

    Pune urmtoarele propoziii la interogativ i negativ:

    1. We have a new English teacher2. My son has a computer.

    3. You all have good dictionaries.4. Mary has a new smart suit.

    5. The student has a map.6. They have a library next to their office.

    Exercise #7Formeaz propoziii cu urmtoarele cuvinte i expresii:

    tall = naltshort = scund, scurt

    young = tnrold = btrnoffice = birou

    manager = directornot far from = nu departe de

    one or two = unul sau doionly one = doar unul

    near the window = lng fereastr

    Nivelul 3

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    Text:Activitatile zilnice (2)

    Conversatie (2)Vocabular (3)Numerele (4)

    Cati ani ai?(5)Articolele hotarate (5)

    Verbul(5)Prezentul Simplu (6)

    Exercitii (7)Zodiac Berbecul (8)Cuvinte ncrucisate (8)

    Proverbe (8)

    It is 7 oclock in the morning. George gets out of bed, opens the window and does hismorning exercises in front of his open window.

    Next, he goes into the bathroom. He brushes his teeth, shaves himself and has a shower ora bath. He dries himself on a towel and gets dressed. Then he combs his hair and goes to

    the dining room to have breakfast.After breakfast, at 8 oclock, he leaves for his office. At this time of the day buses, trams andunderground are packed. He gets to the office at 8:25. Work begins at 8:30 and goes on until

    5 oclock in the afternoon. He has a lunch break of half an hour at twelve.

    At five, when the programme is over, George goes home. He has his dinner and after a shortrest he goes out shopping, if necessary.In the evening at home he and his wife watch a film or an interesting programme on the T.V.,

    read something or listen to music.Sometimes, especially on Sundays, they have guests or call on their friends, go for a walk, to

    the cinema, to the theatre, to a concert, to visit an interesting museum, to a dance or to arestaurant.

    Generally, they go to bed at 11:30.

    Conversation:Ann: What is your sons daily programme?

    Nick: My son, who is a student, is back from the university at one oclock. He has lunch and,after a short rest, he studies for the next day.Ann: But how does he spend his spare time?

    Nick: He goes cycling, plays tennis, goes to the swimming pool or plays the piano.Ann: Your son is a four-year student, isnt he?

    Nick: Yes, he is.Ann: Is he very busy?

    Nick: Yes, he is. When he has no classes, he is in the library studying. However, when hehas a little spare time he goes for a walk in the park, plays a game of chess, football, and

    basketball or goes to the students club or to a dance.

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    activity [ktiviti] s. = activitate

    rum] s. = camer de baiebathroom [ba:to be back from = a se ntoarce de lato be over [uvr] = a se termina

    breakfast [brekfst] s. = micul dejun] v. = ato brush [br peria

    bus [b s] s. = autobuzto call on [ko:l on] v. = a trece pe la

    es] s. = ahchess [tto comb ones hair [her] v. = a se pieptna

    daily [deili] adj. = zilnicdining-room [daini rum] s. = sufragerie

    dinner [dinr] s. = cinto do ones morning exercises = a face gimnastica de diminea

    to dry oneself on a towel = a se terge cu prosopulli] adv. = n specialespecially [ispe

    everyday [evridei] adj. = zilnic, cotidiangame [geim] s. = joc

    generally [djenrli] adv. = n generalto get dressed [drest] v. = a se mbrca

    to get out of the bed = a se da jos din patto get to [get tu:] v. = a ajunge la

    to go cycling [saikli ] = a se plimba cu bicicletato go for a walk [wo:k] = a merge la plimbare

    opi ] = a merge la cumprturi to go shopping [to go to bed = a merge la culcareguest [gest] s. = musafir, oaspete

    ]to have a bath [ba: v. = a face baieto have a rest = a se odihni

    aur] have a shower [ = a face duto have breakfast = a lua micul dejun

    if necessary [ifnesisri] = dac este necesarto leave for [li:v fo:r] v. = a pleca la

    ] s. = masa de prnzlunch [l ntnext [nekst] adj. = urmtor

    to play the piano [pynu] = a cnta la pianprogramme [prugrm] s. = programrest [rest] s. = odihn

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    eiv w n sefl] v. = a to shave oneself [ se radesometimes [s mtaimz] adv. = uneorispare time [sper taim] = timp liber

    to spend [spend] v. = a petrece (timp), a cheltui (bani)swimming-pool [swimi pu:l] = piscin

    itr] s. =theatre [ teatruen] adv. = apoi, dup aceeathen [

    towel [taul] = prosoptram [trm] s. = tramvai

    underground [ ndrgraund] s. = metrouto wake up [weik p] v. = a se trezi

    ] v. = ato watch [wot urmri


    Exist multe situaii n care v-a trebui s foloseti numerele. Cnd spui ce vrst ai, unnumr de telefon, ct arat ceasul, preul unui produs, sunt doar cteva din aceste situaii.

    Ca s fi la nlime de fiecare dat nva-lecorect.

    zero zero one unu three trei five cinci seven apte nine nouou zero two doi four patru six ase eight opt ten zece

    Adaugterminaia -teen numerelor de la trei la nou i obi numerele pn la douzeci.

    Excepie fac unsprezece i doisprezece.

    seven + teen = seven teen

    eleven 11 fourteen 14 seventeen 17twelve 12 fifteen 15 eighteen 18

    thirteen 13 sixteen 16 nineteen 19

    Adaug terminaia -tynumerelor de la trei la nou i obi numerele din zece n zece pnla o sut. Excepie face douzeci.

    seven + ty = seven tyten 10 forty 40 seventy 70

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    twenty 20 fifty 50 eighty 80thirty 30 sixty 60 ninety 90

    twenty-one 21 forty-three 43 seventy-six 76twenty-two 22 fifty-four 54 seventy-nine 79twenty-three 23 sixty-five 65 eight-seven 87thirty-four 34 sixty-eight 68 ninety-eight 98

    a/one hundred 100 four thousand six hundred and forty-six 4,646one hundred and one 101 ten thousand 10,000

    one hundred and twenty-four 124 fifty-three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two 53,892two hundred 200 seven hundred and fifty-eight thousand three hundred and twenty-one

    758,321seven hundred and thirty-three 733 one million 1 milion

    one thousand 1,000 two million 2 milioaneone thousand and ten 1,010 one billion 1 miliard

    one thousand two hundred 1200 four billion 4 miliarde

    Vorbete i scrie corect:Pune ntotdeauna ntrezeci i uniti liniu: twenty-one.Folosete obligatoriu ntre sute, mii, i zeci sau uniti and :

    Nu folosi niciodat numerele hundred,thousand, million, billion la plural dup un altnumr. Cnd le foloseti la plural le schimbi sensul:

    hundreds of people sute de oamenihundreds and hundred of... sute i sute de...

    millions of papers milioane de hrtiiSepar miile prin virgul, iar zecimalele prin punct (invers dectn limba romn):

    1,345,232.056In schimb anii citete-i aa: primele doucifre ca un numr si ultimele dou ca alt numr:

    1998 l citeti ca 19 i 98: nineteen, ninety-eight (fr and)Citete numerele de telefon cifr cucifr: 7924065, seven nine two four ou six five.

    Folosete verbul tobe i numerele pentru a spune ci ani ai:

    How old are you? I am years old.

    How old are you? I am 23 years old.How old is she? She is nearly 28 years old.

    How old is your son? He is 18 years old.

    Articolele hotrte

    n limba romn pui articolul la sfritul substantivului:oraul, ara, directorii, secretarele.n Englez aeaz-l n faasubstantivului. THE picture. THE boss. THE VIP.

    ine minte c articolulhotrt are aceeai form indiferent de genul, numrul sau cazulsubstantivului pe care l determin:

    the moon luna the sun soarelethe documents documentele the files dosarele

    The glasses are there. Paharele sunt acolo. I see the keys there. Vd cheile acolo.

    Articuleaz cu articol hotrttoate substantivele precedate de o prepoziie:

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    in the room n camer in the street pe stradon the desk pe birou under the table sub mas

    in the sky pe cer behind the building n spatele cldirii


    Exprim aciunile, sentimentele, atitudinile, prerile, dorinele tale i ale celor din jurul tuprin verbe.

    Cumrecunoti verbele? Dup particula lor de infinitiv TO (A...). De exemplu TO be (Afi). n dicionare gseti verbele la infinitivul scurt, fr particula to.

    Cnd vorbeti sau scriitrebuie s conjugi verbele la diferite timpuri (Prezent, Viitor). Dinacest motiv trebuie s nvei formele verbelor, care sunt trei: infinitiv, trecut si participiu.

    Nu te speria, sunt doar dou tipuri de verbe: verbe regulate iverbe neregulate.Reine c verbele regulate formeaz cele trei forme dupo regul: adaug terminaia -ed

    la trecut i la participiu.n schimbverbele neregulate nu respect o anumit regul. Ele au forme diferite, proprii

    pentru trecut i participiu. Aceste forme trebuie s le nvei pe dinafar (vezi anexa cuVerbele regulate i neregulate).

    Timpul Prezent Simplu

    S presupunem c trebuie s vorbeti despre programul tuobinuit de zi cu zi, fie celprofesional, fie cel particular sau despre ceea ce i place s faci, despre calitile tale.

    n aceste cazuri foloseti nlimba englez Present Tense Simple - Prezentul Simplu. Dece? Pentru c cu ajutorul lui exprimi aciuni permanente, repetabile, care au loc n mod

    obinuit n prezent.

    Affirmative Interrogative Negative

    I Do I ? I do notYou Do you ? You do not

    He s Does he ? He does notShe s Does she ? She does not

    It s Does it ? It does notWe Do we ? We do not

    You Do you ? You do notThey Do they ? They do not

    Folosete adverbe detimp specifice Prezentului Simplu i arat ct de des au loc aciunile.

    usually de obicei every month n fiecare luna seldom rareorigenerally n general every day n fiecare zi always ntotdeauna

    often adesea every year n fiecare an never niciodat

    Hai s conjugm mpreun verbul to come/a veni la Prezentul Simplu.

    Afirmativ Negativ InterogativI come I do not come I dont come Do I come? Dont I come?

    You come You do not come You dont come Do you come? Dont you come?

    He comes He does not come He doesnt come Does he come? Doesnt he come?She comes She does not come She doesnt come Does she come? Doesnt she come?It comes It does not come It doesnt come Does it come? Doesnt it come?

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    We come We do not come We dont come Do we come? Dont we come?You come You do not come You dont come Do you come? Dont you come?

    They come They do not come They dont come Do they come? Dont they come?

    Scrie i vorbete corect:1. Pentru unele verbe, la persoana a-III-a singular adaugi terminaia -es. Acestea sunt

    verbele terminate n -o, -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -zz i n consoan + dress she to go he goes to brush he brushesdresses

    to to fix he fixes to watch he watches dry she dries

    2. Folosete formele scurte pentru negativ: dont [dunt] i doesnt [d znt]

    3. Dac foloseti n propoziie un adverb negativ (never), folosete verbul la afirmativ.She never goes shopping in the You are never late to work.evening.

    Ea nu merge niciodat la cumprturi seara. Eu nu ntrzii niciodat la serviciu.

    4. n momentul n care foloseti verbul to have cu alt sens dect de a avea, a poseda

    formeaz forma negativ i interogativ cu auxiliarul do.Do they have a walk every afternoon? Merg ei la plimbare n fiecare dup amiaz?

    Exercise #1Pune verbele din paranteze la prezentul simplu:

    1. Mother never ___________ (to go out) without a shopping bag.2. I __________ two small cups of coffee everyday. (to have)

    3. Water ___________ at 0C. (to freeze)4. The hare _____________ faster than a bear. (to run)

    5. I __________ with my parents. (to live)6. Many people all over the world __________ English nowadays. (to speak)

    7. Oranges ____________ sweeter than lemons. (to taste)8. She always ____________ her name in capitals. (to sign)

    9. My husband never ____________ (to catch) anything when he __________ (to go)fishing.

    10. The sun _________ in the east. (to rise)

    Exercise #2Pune verbele din parantez la prezentul simplu i apoi scrie interogativul i negativul:

    1. John always ___________ (to tell) me good jokes.2. We often ___________ (to play) chess in the evenings.

    3. They usually __________ (to do) their shopping at this supermarket.4. I occasionally ____________ (to read) a thriller before going to spleep.

    5. The plane __________ (to take off) at 5 p.m.6. Sometimes, our friends __________ (to ask) us to babysit.7. We generally _______________ (to deposit) our money in savings banks.

    Exercise #3Tradu n englez i scrie forma interogativ i negativ:

    1. Eu sunt strin. 6. Eu am paaport romnesc.2. El este dl. Smith. 7. Ea este cea mai tnr din familie.

    3. El este american. 8. Este cea mai bun ntrebare din toate.4. Noi suntem turiti. 9. Ei au dou surori i un frate.

    5. Directoarea nostr este din Londra. 10. Ea are deja un computer.

    Exercise #4Rspunde la urmtoarele ntrebri cu negativ i afirmativ, dup exemplu:

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    Example: Is Tom a good boy?Yes, Tom is a good boy. / No, Tom is not a good boy.

    1. Are you late for the interview? 7. Do you have lunch with him?2. Does this soup taste good? 8. Is it possible for you to send us an offer?

    3. Is it difficult for you to learn English? 9. Are there any chairs in the room?4. Does the afternoon shift begin at 3 oclock? 10. Is there anything for me?

    5. Do you get up early? 11. Are these ladies your friends?6. Do they like mushrooms? 12. Is that man your boss?

    Exercise #5Completeaz spaiile libere cu prepoziii:

    1. Tom wakes up ___ 6:30.2. ___ breakfast ___ 7:45 he leaves ___ his office.

    3. Works begins ___ eight and goes on until four, ___ a break ___ twelve.4. ___ the dinner he has a short rest.

    5. Generally I go ____ bed _____ twelve.

    6. What time do you get ____ ____ bed?7. My son gets ____ the university _____ eight oclock.8. ___ Sundays they go ___ the cinema or ___ the theatre.

    9. ___ the evening we watch a film or an interesting programme ___ the T.V. or listen ___music.

    10. When I have a little spare time I go ___ a walk ___ in the park.

    ARIESthe Ram, March 21 April 19 Aries, a fire sign, is ruled by the planet Mars. Astrologersbelieve that Arians have assertive, pioneering, and courageous natures. Described as

    headstrong and impulsive, Arians may anger quickly and be selfish. Attracted to danger andrisk, they are said to be natural athletes and good leaders.

    A B: Cteva verbe neregulate

    Aa se ridica

    a venia ntlni

    a citi

    a zceaa scrie

    a aducea dormia mergea alergaa pierdea mnca

    a purta (haine)

    a daa vorbia bea

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    a cumpraa nelege


    Love in blind.Hot love is soon cold.Love is full of trouble.

    A friend in need in a friend indeed.Still waters are deep.

    Knowledge is the power.

    Nivelul 4Conversatie (2)Text: Despre ce trebuie sa facem si ce nu

    cand ne adresam celor din jur (2)Vocabular (3)Expresii (3)

    Genulsubstantivelor (4)Pluralul substantului (4)

    Modul Imperativ (5)Intrebarile disjunctive (5)

    Exercitii (6)

    Sa vorbim despre noi(7)Zodiac Taurul (7)

    Diana: Hello, Tom! Glad to see you! How are you?Tom: Very well, thank you. And you?

    Diana: I am fine, thanks. I want to introduce you my friends, Miss Brown and Mr. Dikson.They are my guests, they arrived in Bucharest from London only a few days ago.

    Tom: How do you do? Glad to meet you!Friends: How do you do? (They shake hands).Tom: Where are you going?

    Diana: We want to see the centre of the city. Will you join us?Tom: What a pity! I am busy now and I cant accompany you.

    When visiting Great Britain for the first time it is necessary to know most of the dos anddonts. Here we are going to speak about the forms of greetings.

    The very formal How do you do? is not a question; thats why it doesnt require any other

    answer than How do you do? This form of greeting is used when you are introduced tosomeone or if you meet someone for the first time.If you often meet someone you usually say, How are you? The answer to such a greeting

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    must be short, for example: Very well, thank you, and how are you?But that is not all. You can, of course, say Good morning on entering or leaving, for

    example, a shop or an office in the morning. You can say it till noon (till about 12 oclock inthe afternoon). Till about 6 oclock in the evening you say, Good afternoon, and from that

    time on Good evening. But all these are rather formal greetings.If you meet a friend of yours you may just say, Hello, Dan or Hello, Mary.

    The manner of addressing people in Britain is quite different from ours.First of all never use the words sir or madam while speaking with equals. A usual form of

    addressing people is Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith. But you must remember that Mrs. is theform of addressing a married woman, while Miss is used for single woman.

    The next rule to remember is about shaking hands. British people avoid shaking hands asmuch as possible. They shake hands with you when they meet you for the first time or whenthey leave for long. And remember that it is always the visitor who offers his hand first, even

    if the person visited is a woman.

    about [baut] prep. = despreto accompany [k mpni] v. = a nsoi

    answer [a:nsr] s. = rspunsto answer [a:nsr] v. = a rspunde

    to arrive [raiv] v. = a sosi, a veni (la, n)to avoid [void] v. = a evita, a ocoli

    to be busy [bizi] v. = a fi ocupatto be introduced to [intr`dyu:st] v. = a fi prezentat

    to be used for [yuzd] = a fi folosit pentru] adj. = britanicBritish [britibus [b s] s. = autobuzcan [kn] v. = a puteacant [ka:nt] = nu pot

    centre [sentr] s. = centrucity [siti] s. = oraday [dei] s. = zi

    different [difrnt] adj. = diferitto enter [entr] v. = a intra n

    equal [i:kwl] adj. = egalfirst [f:rst] = primul

    form [fo:rm] s. = formformal [fo:rml] adj. = oficialfriend [frend] s. = prieten()

    gentleman [djentlmn] s. = domngreeting [gri:ti ] s. = salut, salutareguest [gest] s. = oaspete, musafir

    hand [hnd] s. = mnhere [hir] adv. = aici

    if [if] conj. = dacto introduce to [intr`dyu:s] = a prezentato join [djoin] v. = a se altura, a nsoi

    just [dj st] adv. = tocmai, exactto know [nu] v. = a tilady [leidi] s. = doamn

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    to leave [li:v] v. = a pleca, a prsito like [laik] v. = a (-i) plcea

    manner [mnr] s. = mod, felmarried [mrid] adj. = cstoritto meet [mi:t] v. = a (se) ntlni

    must [m st] v. = a trebui snext [nekst] adj. = care urmeaz

    noon [nu:n] s. = amiaznow [nau] adv. = acum, n prezent

    to offer [ofr] v. = a oferioften [ofn] adv. = adesea, frecvent

    or [o:r] conj. = sau, oriplay [plei] s. = pies, joac

    n] s. =question [kwest ntrebarequite [kwait] adv. = foarte, tocmair] adv. = mairather [ra: degrab

    to remember [rimembr] v. = a-i aminti

    to require [rikwair] v. = a cere, a necesitarule [ru:l] s. = regulto say [sei] v. = a spuneto see [si:] v. = a vedeaop] s. = magazinshop [ort]short [ adv. = scurt

    single [si gl] adj. = necstoritsomeone [s mw n] pr. = cineva

    to speak [spi:k] v. = a vorbi] adj. = astfel desuch [s t

    than n] conj. = dect, ca[

    till [til] prep. = pn (la)time [taim] s. = timp, orto [tu:] prep. = ctre, spre

    usual [yu:jul] adj. = obinuitusually [yu:juli] adv. = de obicei

    to visit [vizit] v. = a vizitavisitor [vizitr] s. = vizitator

    to want [wont] v. = a vrea, a doriwhen [wen] adv. = cnd

    where [wer] adv. = undewhile [wail] conj. = n timp ce

    whom [hu:m] = cui

    word [wrd] s. = cuvnt, vorb

    Hello! = Bun!Glad to see you! = mi pare bine s te vd!

    only a few days ago = doar acum cteva zileHow do you do? Glad to meet you! = ncntat de cunotiin!

    How do you do? = ncntat de cunotiin.Will you join us? = Vrei s vi cu noi?

    What a pity! = Ce pcat!for the first time = pentru prima dat

    most of = mare parte din

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    thats why = de aceeafor example = de exemplu

    of course = desigurin the morning = dimineaa

    in the afternoon = dup-amiazain the evening = seara

    from that time on = de atunci ncoloa friend of yours = un prieten de-al tu

    first of all = n primul rndto shake hands = a da mna

    as much as possible = ct de mult posibilto leave for long = a pleca pentru mult timp

    even if = chiar dac

    Answer the following questions:1. Is the greeting How do you do? a question?

    2. What answer does it require?3. When is this form of greeting used?4. Whom do you say, How are you?

    5. What is the answer to such a greeting?6. When and where can you say Good morning?

    7. What formal greeting do you know?8. What may you say if you meet a friend of yours?

    9. What is the usual form of addressing people in England?10. Do the Englishmen like to shake hands?

    11. When do they shake hands?12. Who offers the hand first?

    Genul substantivelor

    Cum tii care sunt substantivele feminine i care sunt cele masculine?

    a. nva formele de masculin i cele de feminin:boy (biat) girl (fat) brother (frate) sister (sor)

    man (brbat) woman (femeie) husband (so) wife (soie)gentleman (domn) lady (doamn) king (rege) queen (regin)

    son (fiu) daughter (fiic) cock (coco) hen (gina)

    b. Adaug la forma de masculin terminaia -ess:actor (actor) actress director (director) directressmaster (stpn) mistress host (gazd) hostess

    prince (prin) princess Mr. (domnul) Mrs.sheperd (pstor) shepherdess tiger (tigru) tigress

    Pluralul substativelor

    1. Adaug terminaia -s la forma de singular:chart town gardens carpet bo towns market marketscharts

    manager play plays office offices managers2. Pentru substantivele terminate n consoane uiertoare: -ch, -sh, -s, -ss, -x, i o adaug

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    terminaia -es:dress watch watches bus busesdresses

    class classes box boxes dash dashes potato hero heroes tomato tomatoes potatoes

    3. n cazul substantivelor terminate n consoan + -y adaug terminaia -es i transform-l pe-y- n -i-:company country countries body bodies companies

    4. Dac ntlneti substantive terminate n -f i -fe transform consoana -f n v, i adaugterminaia -es, respectiv -s. Nu-i face probleme, trebuie s nvei puine substantive care se

    termin in -f sau -fe:

    shelf shelves knife knives leaf leaves half halves self selveswife wiveswolf loaf loaves life lives wolves

    Modul Imperativ

    Folosete-l pentru persona a-II-asingular i plural atunci cnd adresezi o rugminte, unsfat sau un ordin.

    nva cele dou forme: afirmativ i negativ.La afirmativ foloseteinfinitivul scurt al verbului, cu care ncepi propoziia. Subiectul este


    Come here, please! Vino aici, te rog! / Venii aici, v rog!Open the window, please! Deschide fereastra, te rog!

    Lets get busy! Hai s ne apucm de treab.Bring me a glass of water, please! Adu-mi un pahar cu ap, te rog!

    Leave earlier tomorrow! Pleac mai devreme mine!

    La negativ pune dont n faa verbului:

    Dont smoke in this room, please! V rog nu fumai n aceast camer!

    Dont be late, please! V rog nu ntrziai!Dont cross the street here! Nu traversa strada aici!Dont speak unless somebody asks you. Nu vorbi dect dac te ntreab cineva.

    Dont park the car here. Its forbidden. Nu parca aici! Este interzis.

    ntrebrile disjunctive

    ntrebriledisjunctive sunt ntrebri pe care le adaugi la sfritul propoziiei, cnd tii dejarspunsul, cu sensul de Nu-i aa?

    Mary is here, isnt she? You like beer, dont you?

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    They are leaving, arent they? She doesnt drink coffee, does she?He has brown hair, hasnt he/doesnt he? He isnt your boss, is he?

    Subiectul ntrebrii disjunctive trebuie s fie acelai cai subiectul verbului principal. Dacprima parte a propoziiei este la afirmativ, atunci ntrebarea disjunctiv o pui la negativ i,

    invers.Prima parte a propoziiei ntrebarea disjunctiv

    Afirmativ NegativNegativ Afirmativ

    n engleza american, foloseti o form alui do, cnd have este verbul principal.

    Exercise #1Scrie pluralul urmtoarelor substantive:

    man, watch, toy, zero, child, day, housewife, office, woman, lady, foot, dictionary, dress,tooth, brush, shelf, box, mouse.

    Exercise #2Trece urmtoarele propoziii la singular:

    1. These young men are our fellow workers.

    2. Those ladies are our new colleagues.3. Our books are on the shelves.

    4. Those children have many toys.5. Their shoes are very smart.

    6. They are friends.7. Those women are secretaries.

    8. We have watches.

    Exercise #3Adaug ntrebri disjunctive:

    1. She has a new camera. 2. They arent at school now. 3. Your English-Romanian dictionaryis on your desk. 4. We havent our English classes in the evening. 5. I am your teacher. 6.

    You have a large flat. 7. She is an engineer. 8. He isnt a doctor. 9. You at the office now. 10.All the ladies in this room have nice dresses on.

    Exercise #4Trece urmtoarele propoziii la plural:

    1. Her dictionary is on the desk.2. Your exercise is very good.

    3. Isnt her friend at home?4. Is that her briefcase?

    5. Its colour is white.6. I have a table and a chair in my room.7. Her room has a picture on the wall.

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    8. Has the manager a new secretary?9. That lady hasnt a new dress.

    10. You have your English class in the evening.11. Has my classroom a good whiteboard?

    Exercise #5Tradu n englez:

    1. Ia loc i d-i jos haina! 6. Nu vorbi n timpul filmului!2. Du-te acas! 7. Deschide computerul!

    3. Las-m n pace! 8. Vorbete puin mai tare, te rog!4. Pune la pot aceast scrisoare! 9. Nu trimite nc faxul.

    5. nchide ua, te rog. 10. ncetinete, te rog!

    Iat n continuare un mic ghid care s te ajute s te prezini n faa colegilor. Ai ncedere nceea ce ti i treci la treab!

    1. Saluti colegi! Greet your classmates!

    2. Spune care este numele tu i numele de alint! Say your name and your nickname!My name is / Im

    Im called (nickname) / I dont have a nickname.3. Spune ci ani ai! Say how old you are!

    Im (years old).

    4. Spune ce meserie ai! Say what job you have.I am a/an

    5. Spune funcia pe care lucrezi! Say your work postion.I work as a/an

    6. Spune ce-i place cel mai mult s faci! Say what you like most to do!I like to + verbI like + verb-ing

    7. Spune ce nu-i place s faci! Say what you dont like to do.I dont like to + verbI dont like + verb-ing

    8. Mulumete colegilor ti c te-au ascultat. Thank you classmate for listening!Thank you very much for listening!

    9. Prezint colegilor persoana care urmeaz. Introduce the next speaker to your classmates.Let me introduce to you (name). He/she speaks next.

    This is (name). He/she speaks next.


    the Bull, April 20 May 20 The planet Venus rules Taurus, which is an earth sign.Astrologers consider Taureans to be loyal, stable, conservative, practical, patient, and good-

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    natured. Taureans have deep sentimental attachments but can be jealous and possessive;they are said to appreciate beauty and pleasure in all forms.

    Text: Familia mea (2)Relatiile de familie (3)

    Semnelezodiacului (3)Vocabular (4)Cazul Genitiv (5)

    Verbele Modale(6)Exercitii (7)

    Cuvinte incrucisate (8)Zodiac Zodia Racului(8)

    Mam Mother, Mum Parents Father, Dad tatsoie Wife Spouses Husband so

    fiic Daughter Children Son fiusor Sister Brother fratemtu Aunt Uncle unchi

    bunic Grandmother Grandparents Grandfather bunicnepoat (de bunici) Granddaughter Grandchildren Grandson nepot (de bunici)

    verioar Cousin Cousin veriornepoat (de unchi) Niece Nephew nepot (de unchi)

    logodnic Fiance Fianc logodniccumnat Sister-in-law Brother-in-law cumnat

    soacr Mother-in-law Father-in-law socrunor Daughter-in-law Son-in-law ginere

    na Godmother Godparents Godfather na

    fin Goddaughter Godchildren Godson finmam vitreg Stepmother Stepparents Stepfather tat vitreg

    fiic vitreg Stepdaughter Stepchildren Stepson fiu vitreg

    ARIESthe Ram, March 21 April 19 LIBRA

    the Balance, Sept. 23 Oct. 23TAURUS

    the Bull, April 20 May SCORPIO20

    the Scorpion, Oct. 24 Nov. 21GEMINIthe Twins, May 21 SAGITTARIUS June 21

    the Archer, Nov. 22 Dec. 21CANCER

    the CAPRICORNCrab, June 22 July 22the Goat, Dec. 22 Jan. 19

    LEOAQUARIUSthe Lion, July 23 Aug. 22

    the Water Bearer, Jan. 20 Feb. 18VIRGO

    PISCESthe Virgin, Aug. 23 Sept. 22the Fishes, Feb. 19 March 20

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    a lot [ lot] adv. = multAquarius [kweris] s. = Vrstor

    r] s. = arcaarcher [a:rtAries [eri:z] s. = Berbec

    balance [blns] s. = balan, cntarbanking [b ki ] s. = afaceri bancare

    bearer [berr] s. = cel care poartbest [best] adj. = cel mai bun

    big [big] adv. = marebrown [ braun] adj. = aten

    Bucharest [bu:krest] = Bucuretibull [bul] s. = taur

    Cancer [knsr] s. = RacCapricorn [kpri korn] s. = Capricorncrab [krb] s. = rac, crab

    dark [da:rk] adj. = nchis (culoare)n] =deformation [di:formei deformare

    to do [du:] v. = a faceduring [dyuri ] prep. = n timpul/ cursul

    elder [eldr] adj. = mai mare (vrst)exam [igzm] s. = examen

    eye [ai] s. = ochifamily [fmili] s. = familie

    finance [finns] s. = finane

    ] s. = pete, petifish [fiGemini [djemi nai] s. = Gemeni

    get on with = a se mpca/nelege cuto give [giv] v. = a dagoat [gut] s. = capr

    graduate [grdyuit] s. = absolvent, liceniatgraduate (from) [grdyu eit] v. = a absolvi

    great [greit] adj. = nemaipomenithair [her] s. = pr

    hazel [heizl] adj. = cpruihighest [haist] adj. = cel mai mare

    holiday [holidei] s. = vacanhot process [pruses] s. = sectoare caldein = n

    institute [insti tyu:t] s. = institutjoy [djoi] s. = bucurie, fericire

    lawyer [lo:yr] s. = avocat, juristLeo [liu] s. = Leu

    Libra [li:br] s. = Balanlion [lain] s. = leu

    to live [liv] v. = a tri, a locuilively [laivli] adj. = energic

    married [mrid] adj. = cstorit

    metallurgical [metl:rdjikl] adj. = metalurgistmostly [mustli] adv. = mai ales

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    ] adv. = multmuch [m tone [w n] pr. = cel, ceaone of = unul, una dintre

    people [pi:pl] s. = oameni, lumePisces [paisi:z] = Peti

    plastic [plstik] adj. = plasticpleasant [pleznt] adv. = plcutproud of [praud] adj. = mndru dequality [kwolity] adj. = de calitate

    ram [rm] s. = berbecSagittarius [sdjiteris] s. = Sgettor

    Scorpio [sko:rpiu] s. = Scorpionscorpion [sko:rpin] s. = scorpion

    self-possessed [selfpzest] adj. = calm, stpn pe sinesign [sain] s. = semn

    laizd] adj. =specialised [spe specializatto spend [spend] v. = a petrece (timp)

    to study [st di] v. = a nva, a studiaTaurus [to:rs] s. = Taur] v. = ato teach [ti:t preda, a nva

    r] s. = profesorteacher [ti:tn] conj. =than [ dect

    i ] s. = lucru, obiect thing [time [taim] s. = timp

    transport [trspo:rt] s. = transportto travel [trvl] v. = a cltori

    travel s. = cltorietwin [twin] s., adj. = geamn

    virgin [v:rdjin] s. = fecioarVirgo [v:rgu] s. = Fecioarto visit [vizit] v. = a vizita, s. vizit

    water [wo:tr] s. = apyoung [y ] adj. = tnr

    younger [y gr] adj. = mai tnrzodiac [zudi k] s. = zodiac

    Cazul genitiv

    In Englez exist dou forme degenitiv: Genitivul scurt i Genitivul lung. nva pentrufiecare regulile i te vei descurca de minune! Fii atent:

    A. Genitivul scurt

    1. Folosete genitivul scurt cnd exprimi posesorul prin substantive proprii nume de fiine,ri, firme i prin substantive comune ca denumesc fiine sau sunt substantive colective.

    2. Articuleaz substantivul care denumete posesorul cu articol hotrt. Nu este nevoie s-larticulezi atunci cnd este substantiv propriu la singular.

    3. Folosete i substantive care exprim timpul, greutatea, distana, valoarea: todays time-table (programul de azi), a pounds weight(greutate de o livr)

    Forma 1:

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    Folosete forma 1pentru:

    1. posesorul = substantiv sau un nume propriu la singular:The mans suit. Costumul brbatului. The managers office. Biroul directorului.

    Jacks watch. Ceasul lui Jack. The USAs trade Comerul SUA

    2. posesorul = substativ la plural neregulat:The business womens club. Clubul femeilor de afaceri.

    The policemens car Maina poliitilor

    3. posesorul = nume propriu terminat n s sau substantiv terminat n s. Grupul ss sepronun [ziz], dei aceasta nu este o regul fix:

    Dickenss (sau Dickens) novels romanele lui Dickensmy bosss (sau boss) office biroul efului meu

    Forma 2:

    Folosete forma2:pentru toate cuvintele terminate n s (cele mai multe suntplurale):

    The students homework. Tema studenilor. The Johnsons house. Casa familiei JohnsonThe sales agents offers. Ofertele agenilor de vnzri. Those ladies suitcases. Diplomatele

    acelor doamne.

    B. Genitivul lung

    1. Folosete genitivul lung n special cnd exprimi posesorul prin obiecte, noiuni abstracte.2. Articuleaz substantivele care denumesc obiectul posedat i posesorul cu articol hotrt.

    3. l poi folosi i n locul genitivului scurt.


    the meaning of the word sensul cuvntului a picture of my family o fotografie a familiei melethe colour of the dress culoarea rochiei the months of the year lunile anului

    Verbele modale

    Sunt numiteverbe modale pentru c prin ele i exprimi atitudinea fa de aciuneadescris de verbul care le urmeaz.Trebuie s nvei trei verbe modale:

    CAN a putea s, a fi capabil s, a fi n stare sMAY a putea s, a avea permisiunea s

    MUST a trebui s

    Iat i exemple:

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    I dont think I can persuade him. Nu cred c-l pot convinge.I cannot walk so far. Nu pot s merg pe jos att de departe.

    May I smoke here? Pot s fumez aici?You may go now. Putei pleca acum.

    You must win. Trebuie s ctigi.

    Folosete aceste verbe innd cont de particularitilelor:1. Nu pune naintea lor particula to. Ele nu au infinitiv.

    2. Dup ele pune n mod obligatoriu un verb la infinitivul scurt (fr to).3. La prezentul simplu nu le aduga terminaia -s la persoana a III a singular.

    4. Formeaz interogativul prin inversiune ca i verbul to be.5. La negativ adaug negaia chiar dup verbul auxiliar.

    Iat cum conjugi verbulmodal can:

    Affirmative Negative InterrogativeI can I cannot (cant) Can I? /Cant I?

    You can You cannot (cant) Can you? /Cant you?He can He cannot (cant) Can he? /Cant he?She can She cannot (cant) Can she? /Cant she?

    It can It cannot (cant) Can it? /Cant it?We can We cannot (cant) Can we? /Cant we?

    You can You cannot (cant) Can you? /Cant you?They can They cannot (cant) Can they? /Cant they?

    Citete cu vocetare:

    I can speak German only a little. Vorbesc Germana numai puin.You may open the window. Poi (i este permis) s deschizi fereastra.

    He must observe the rules. El trebuie s respecte regulile.

    Exercise #1D rspunsuri scurte, afirmative i negative la urmtoarele propoziii:

    Model: Can you speak English?Yes, I can. / No, I cannot.

    1. Can you give me your dentists phone number?2. Can you translate this text?3. May I take your calculator?

    4. Must I talk to him?5. May I leave the office?

    6. Can you count these items, please?7. Must I give a phone call tomorrow?

    8. May I speak to the manager?9. Must we send you a sample?10. Can you tell me his name?

    Exercise #2Adaug ntrebri disjunctive la urmtoarele propoziii:

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    1. Our office is modern and comfortable.2. Our flat has four rooms.

    3. The rooms are large and bright.4. We havent our own library.

    5. They are doctors.6. She has got a brown winter coat.

    7. Mrs. White is not a teacher.8. You can speak German.

    Exercise #3Completeaz spaiile libere cu forme corespunztoare ale verbelor to have i to be:

    1. ____ that mans name Bob?

    2. We ____ a new car.3. The windows of the bedroom ____ open.4. She ____ a brown dress.

    5. ____ I an engineer or a teacher?6. ____ you in the office now?7. ____ your son many books?

    8. Whose room ____ it?9. Ann ____ a lot of things in her handbag.

    10. _____ there any coffee is that cup?

    Exercise #4

    Pune urmtoarele propoziii la interogativ i negativ:

    1. My brothers name is Lorin.2. They have a modern and comfortable flat.

    3. Johns office is on the next floor.4. I am in my room now.

    5. That management book is Mrs. Smiths.6. Those gentlemen have a lot of things to discuss.

    Exercise #5

    Pune urmtoarele propoziii la plural:

    1. Has this lady a new handbag?2. That woman is a good doctor.

    3. He hasnt a lot of things.4. The typist is not in the office today.

    5. Is that man an engineer?6. This man is my friend.7. I havent my own car.

    8. Has that woman a new smart dress?

    Exercise #6

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    nlocuie genitivul lung cu cel scurt unde este posibil:

    1. He is the son of my friend.2. The colour of that car is red.

    3. The files of the company are on that shelf.4. The name of the girl is Mary.

    5. There are many pictures on the walls of this room.6. She is the daughter of the man over there.

    7. The name of my friend is John.8. The colour of my blouse is black.

    9. The typewriter of the secretary is on the desk.10. The rooms of our flat are large and bright.

    Exercise #7Tradu n englez:

    1. Pe rafturile bibliotecii sunt o mulime de cri.2. Pereii casei noastre sunt albi.

    3. Maina de scris nu este a ta, este a dactilografei, nu-i aa?4. Ua biroului este nchis.

    5. A cui este poeta aceea, a Anei sau a Mariei?6. Apartamentul familiei White are cinci camere, iar apartamentul familiei Brown are ase


    7. Fetia aceea este fiica prietenei tale?8. Acesta este noul aparat de fotografiat al lui Bill?9. Prietenii Anei au o nou cas.

    10. Rspunsul partenerilor notrii de afaceri a fost pozitiv.

    A B: Acestea sunt rude




    mtuinepoate de bunici


    nepoi de bunicinepoate de unchi

    unchi (pl.)soi


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    nepoi de unchifiiB

    CANCERthe Crab, June 22 July 22 According to astrologers, the moon rules Cancer, which is awater sign. Astrologers consider Cancerians to be nurturing, emotional, and home-loving.

    Described as artistic and moody, they may worry too much. Cancerians are said to be easyto get along with and able to sense other people's needs and emotions.

    Nivelul 6

    Text: Despre timp (2)Conversatie (2)Text: Materiale si forme(3)

    Vocabular (4)Numeralul Ordinal (5)

    Cum spunem cat esteceasul (6)Exercitii (7)

    Cuvinte incrucisate (8)Zodiac Leul(8)

    Proverbe (8)

    There are one thousand years in a millennium, one hundred years in a century and ten yearsin a decade.

    A year has 12 months or 52 weeks. The names of the months of the year are of Latin origin:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,

    and December. A month has 30 or 31 days. February has 28 days in an ordinary year and 29days in a leap year.

    There are four weeks in a month, fourteen days and nights in a fortnight and seven days in aweek: six week (working) days and a holiday. The names of the days of the week are ofEnglish (Saxon) origin: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and

    Saturday.The day before today is yesterday and the day before yesterday is called the day before

    yesterday; the day after today is tomorrow and the day after tomorrow is called the day aftertomorrow.A day has 24 hours. The moments of the day are morning, noon (midday), afternoon,

    evening, midnight and night.There are two twelve-hour periods in a day. They are a.m. (in the morning), and p.m. (in the

    afternoon).We can tell the time by a clock or a watch.

    An hour has 60 minutes and a minute has 60 seconds. There are 30 minutes in a half anhour and 15 minutes in a quarter of an hour.

    Ann: Have you got a watch?

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    Bob: Yes, I have.Ann: What time is it by your watch?

    Bob: By my watch it is twenty-five to two, but my watch is fast. It is five minutes fast. Theclock on the wall is right.

    Ann: So, the right time is half past one. What day is today? (Whats the date today?)Bob: Today is sixteenth of August 1999. Its August 16th, 1999.

    Ann: When is your birthday?Bob: Its on the 27th of December.

    Ann: Whats today? (What day is it?)Bob: Its Monday. Today is Monday.

    Ann: When have you got your English classes?Bob: Weve got our English classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 oclock in the


    - What is this desk made of?

    - This desk is made of wood.- What may watches be made of?- Watches may be made of gold, silver, nickel, steel or aluminium.

    - What is her handbag made of?- Her handbag is made of leather, it is not made of plastic material.

    - What are books made of?- Books are made of paper.

    - Is your dress made of silk, cotton or wool?- My dress is made of wool. It isnt made of silk.- Those houses are made of brick and stone. They are not made of concrete.

    - Plates and cups are made of china, glass or metals.

    - What are the soles of your shoes made of?- The soles of my shoes are made of leather, they arent made of rubber.

    - Rooms may be bright or dark, large or small, pretty or ugly.- Houses may be big or small, high or low, new or old.

    - Persons may be young or old, strong or weak, fat or thin, tall or short, pleasant orunpleasant.

    - Mountains may be high or low, young or old.- Streets may be long or short, wide or narrow, dirty or clean.

    - Windows may be wide or narrow, open or shut.- Books may be good or bad, thick or thin.

    - Tables may be round, oval, square or rectangular.- An exercise may be easy or difficult.

    - They may be merry or sad, happy or unhappy.- We are always present, we are never absent. We are always early, we are never late.

    after [a:ftr] prep. = dup

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    always [o:lweiz] adv. = ntotdeaunabad [bd] adj. = ru, prost, urt

    before [bifo:r] adv. = naintedei] s. = zi debirthday [br natere

    brick [brik] s. = crmid

    ri] s. = veaccentury [sentchina ain] s. = porelan, vase de porelan[tclean [cli:n] adj. = curat, ngrijit

    clock [klok] s. = orologiu, ceas de masconcrete [konkri:t] s. = betoncotton [kotn] s. = bumbac

    cup [c p] s. = ceacdate [deit] s. = dat, zi

    difficult [difiklt] adj. = dificil, greu, complicatdirty [d:rti] adj. = murdar

    easy [i:zi] adj. = uor, simplu, facilfortnight [fo:rt nait] s. = dou sptmni

    from till [from til] = de la pn la gold [gold] s. = aur

    half [ha:lf] s. = jumtatehappy [hpi] adj. = fericit, vesel, bine dispus

    holiday [holdei] s. = vacanhour [aur] s. = or, ceas

    is called [iz co:ld] = este numitLatin [ltin] adj. = latin

    leap year [li:p] s. = an bisectr] s. = pieleleather [le (tbcit)

    long [lo ] adj. = lung, ndelungat, de duratlow [lu] adj. = jos, scund, mic, redus

    merry [meri] adj. = vesel, voios, bucurosmidday [middei] s. = amiaz

    midnight [midnait] s. = miezul nopiimillennium [milenim] s. = mileniu

    ] s. = lunmonth [m nnarrow [nru] adj. = ngust, strmt

    never [nevr] adv. = niciodatnight [nait] s. = noapte, sear

    noon [nu:n] s. = amiazold [uld] adj. = n vrst, btrn, vrstnic

    paper [peipr] s. = hrtie

    past [pa:st] prep. = trecut de (temporal)person [prsn] s. = persoan, individplate [pleit] s. = farfurie

    pretty [priti] adj. = drgu, simpatic, plcutquarter [kwo:rtr] s. = sfert, sfert de or

    rectangular [rekt gyulr] adj. = rectangularround [raund] adj. = rotund, circular

    rubber [r br] s. = cauciucsad [sd] adj. = trist, melancolic

    Saxon [sksn] adj. = saxoneip] s. = form, chipshape [

    silk [silk] s. = mtasesilver [silvr] s. = argint

    small [smo:l] adj. = mic, mrunt

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    so [su] adv. = prin urmare, decisole [sul] s. = talp

    square [skwer] adj. = ptratstone [stun] s. = piatrstreet [stri:t] s. = strad

    strong [stro ] adj. = puternicto tell the time = a spune ct e ceasul

    time [taim] s. = timp, orto [tu:] prep. = pn (la) (temporal)

    tomorrow [tmoru] s. = mineugly [ gli] adj. = urt

    unhappy [ nhpi] adj. = nefericitweak [wi:k] adj. = slbit, fr putere

    week [wi:k] s. = sptmnweekday (working day) = zi lucrtoare

    wide [waid] adj. = larg, lat, spaioswood [wud] s. = lemn

    wool [wul] s. = lnyear [yir] s. = anyesterday [yestrdei] s. = ieri

    Numeralul ordinal

    Cu ajutorulnumeralului ordinal exprimi locul pe care l ocup un lucru: primul, al doilea, alzecelea.

    Ca s formezi numeralele ordinale adaug terminaia -thnumeralelor cardinale.

    the seven + th = the seven th

    Excepiefac primul, al doilea, al treilea.

    the first the eleventh the twenty-firstthe second the twelfth the thirtieth

    the third the thirteenth the thirty-secondthe fourth the fourteenth the fortieththe fifth the fifteenth the forty-thirdthe sixth the sixteenth the fiftieth

    the seventh the seventeenth the sixty-sevenththe eighth the eighteenth the seventieththe ninth the nineteenth the eighty-sixththe tenth the twentieth the ninety-fifth

    the one hundredth the one thousandththe one hundred and first the one thousand and second

    the two hundredth the two thousandth

    the four hundred and seventh the one millionththe five hundredth the one billionth

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    al 1998 lea the one thousand nine hundred and ninety eighth

    Vorbeste si scrie corect:Transform terminaia -ve dela twelve i five n -f i apoi adaug th

    Scrie fortieth i nufourtieth.Trasform terminaia -y a numeralelor n -ie i apoi adaug-th.Pune naintea numeralul ordinal articolul hotrt the.

    Cndscrii prescurtat pstrez doar ultimele litere ale numeralului ordinal: the 1st, the 2nd,the 3rd, the 4th, the 21st, the 33rd, the 67th, the 124th.

    Folosete numeralul ordinal cnd exprimi i citeti data, chiar dac este scris cunumerale cardinale:

    22 Decembrie the 22nd of December, December the 22nd, December 2226 Iunie the 26th of June, June the 26th, June 26

    19 Ianuarie the 19th of January, January 19th, January 19

    Cnd exprimi ora,folosete sistemul cu 12 ore, dect cel cu 24 ore.Distincia ntrediminea, dup-amiaz i sear o faci adugnd a.m. sau p.m, saufolosete in the morning (dimineaa), in the afternoon (dup-amiaza) i in the evening


    Its 2 p.m. Its two oclock in the afternoon.Its 6 a.m. Its 6 oclock in the morning.

    Iat cteva expresiifolositoare:

    What time is it? Its 11 p.m.Do you have the time? Yes, its 12 at noon.What time do they arrive? Around 3 p.m.

    How much time does it take? No more than 20 minutes.

    Cnd exprimi orele fixe adauglng or OCLOCK.

    Its oclock.

    Cnd te referi la 12.00 noapteapoi s spui midnight (miezul nopii).Cnd te referi la 12.00 ziua pois spui noon (miezul zilei).

    Its two oclock.

    Its five (minutes) past two.

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    Its ten (minutes) past two.Its fifteen (minutes) past two.

    Its a quarter past two.Its twenty (minutes) past two.

    Its twenty-five (minutes) past two.Its half past two.

    Its twenty-five (minutes) to three.Its twenty (minutes) to three.Its fifteen (minutes) to three.

    Its a quarter to three.Its ten (minutes) to three.Its five (minutes) to three.

    Its three oclock.

    Alt modalitate este sciteti ct arat ceasul ca atare, ca nite numere, ora prima dat iapoi numrul de minute (numai dac ceasul a trecut de i zece).

    Its 3:25. Its three twenty-five.Its 8:30. Its eight thirty.

    Its 10:45. Its ten forty-five.

    Exercise #1Scrie interogativul i negativul urmtoarelor propoziii:

    1. I have a new watch. 2. It is eight oclock sharp. 3. My watch is ten minutes slow. 4. Today

    is my birthday. 5. The clock on the wall is wrong.

    Exercise #2Rspunde la ntrebri:

    1. How many years are in a century?2. How many days are there in a year?

    3. How many months are there in a year?4. How many weeks are there in a month?5. How many days are there in a month?6. How many days are there in a week?

    7. What are the months of the year?8. What are the days of the week?

    9. Which is the first day of the week?10. Which is fifth month of the year?

    11. Which month is November?12. What time is it?

    13. Is your watch right or wrong?14. What day is today?

    15. What date is it?16. When is your birthday?

    Exercise #3Formuleaz ntrebri avnd ca rspunsuri propoziiile de la exerciiul 1.

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    Exercise #4Scrie n spaiile libere articolele cerute, acolo unde este necesar:

    send for very man face to face second cardoctorspeak drink wine majority of votes have lunch German

    ask for be in hospital earth pour tea beer at midnight come by bicycle go home lie down on bed letter to President be on plane travel by train in evening

    birthday it is night be genius wine on table party same expect good dinner on 3rd of July be sailor story

    go to bed in spring take train evening comes be at get flu husband and wife sleep in car university

    Exercise #5Citete urmtoarele cifre, operaii, date i numere de telefon:

    3,725 4 + 4 = 8 11,100 2,353

    4 1 = 3 1,148 1,000 850 8 : 4 = 2 4th of April 22nd of August 6 x 5 = 30

    094.520.633 250.84.96 333

    Exercise #6Scrie n litere urmtoarele date:

    14.12.1978 13.03.1930 19.01.1950 12.09.1999 16.06.1845 07.04.1976 25.02.1968 30.08.1923 01.07.2000 22.05.1933 03.11.1963 18.10.1781 29.12.1998 10.10.1910 02.09.1900

    Exercise #7

    Scrie urmtoarele ore n litere, folosind exprimrile pe care le cunoti:

    10:15 4:30 2:10 11:40 12:45 7:40 6:25 9:00 8:20 9:35 8:42 3:05 6:55 1:305:52

    A B: Numeralul Ordinal


    al 20 leaal 8 leaal doilea

    al 4 leaal 30 leaal treileaal 6 leaal 9 lea

    al 101 leaal 11 lea

    al 17 leaal 14 lea

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    al un milionuleaal 7 leaal 13 lea

    al miileaal 12 lea


    LEOthe Lion, July 23 Aug. 22 The sun rules Leo, which is a fire sign. Astrologers believe thatLeos have regal, self-centered, generous, and warm-hearted natures. Protective of people

    close to them, they need to be the center of attention and can be inordinately fond of praise.Creative and dramatic, they are natural leaders who love to enjoy themselves.

    I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too.Everything is good in its season.

    Think twice before you speak once.Speak well of your friend, of your enemy say nothing.

    Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.Never too old to learn.



    pentru week*end-ulcare vine (2)

    Vocabular(3)Expresii (3)

    Timpul viitor (4)Prepozitiile (5)Exercitii (5- 6)

    Zodiac Fecioara (7)Cuvinte incrucisate(7)

    Laura: Eva, what are your plans for the coming weekend?Eva: Ill go to the seaside with Maria and Lisa.

    Laura: What will you go by?Eva: Well go by car and return by train. You see, Diana is going by car to the seaside,

    together with her husband, for a holiday, and theyre taking us with them, in their car. But aswere returning Sunday evening well have to return by train. Well leave Bucharest on Friday

    afternoon and well reach the seaside resort Neptun in the evening.

    Laura: How will you spend your two days there?Eva: Well, well get up fairly early in the morning. Well have breakfast at our hotel and thenwell go to the beach to lie in the sun on the beach or in a deck chair. Well lie in the sun for a

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    couple of hours and after that well do some bathing and swimming in the sea or a swimmingpool if the sea is too cold. I like to swim and I swim very well.

    Laura: Will you also stop at Mamaia?Eva: No, because well have to be at the restaurant of our hotel in time for lunch.

    Laura: What will you do in the afternoons?Eva: On Saturday afternoon Diana and Alec will drive us to Mamaia to show us the big hotelsand restaurants, the open-air theatres and cinemas there, and to take a walk along the coast

    of the sea. Then well have dinner at one of the restaurants in Mamaia. On Sundayafternoon, Diana and Alec will drive us for a while up and down the coast of the Black Sea to

    see the seaside resorts.Laura: Will you take the train for Bucharest from Mangalia?

    Eva: Yes. And well be back home not too late in the evening, in order to go to bed earlyenough, as well have to get up very early on Monday morning to be able to get to our jobs in

    time.Laura: By the way, what are your plans for this summer?

    Eva: Well. I think Ill go to a health resort in August.Laura: I will go to a mountain resort. Perhaps we may go to the same place together.

    Eva: Why not? Well speak on the phone about it. Bye-bye!Laura: Bye-bye, Eva.

    along [lo ] adv. = de-a lungulalso [o:lsu] adv. = de asemenea

    as [z] conj. = pentru c, deoarece, fiindcat [t] prep. = la (static)

    to be able to [bi eibl tu:] v. = a fi capabil s

    ] s. = plajbeach [bi:tbecause [bikoz] conj. = pentru c, fiindc] s. = Marea NeagrBlack Sea, the [blksi:

    cinema [sinim] s. = cinematografcoast [kust] s. = rm, coast

    cold [kuld] adj. = rece, rcoroscoming [k mi ] adj. = care vine, viitor

    deck chair er] = ezlong[dektto drive [draiv] v. = a conduce (maina)

    early [rli] adv. = devremeenough [in f] adj. = destul de, foarte

    fairly [ferli] adv. = destul defrom [from] prep. = dinto get to [get] v. = a ajunge la

    to have to [hv t] v. = a trebui s] s. =health [hel sntate

    hotel [hutel] s. = hotelin order to [in ordr t] = pentru a, ca s

    late [leit] adv. = trziuto leave [li:v] v. = a pleca din (de la), a prsi

    to lie [lai] v. = a sta culcatmay [mei] v. = s-ar putea s

    mountain [mauntin] s. = munte

    open-air [upn er] adj. = n aer liberperhaps [prhps] adv. = poate c, probabil

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    place [pleis] s. = loc, regiuneplan [pln] s. = plan, proiect

    ] v. = a ajunge la,to reach [ri:t a sosi laresort [rizo:rt] s. = staiune

    restaurant [rest rant] s. = restaurant

    to return [rit:rn] v. = a se ntoarce, a se napoiasea [si:] s. = mareseaside [si:said] s. = litoral

    to see [si:] v. = a vedea, a zriu] v. = a artato show [

    to spend [spend] v. = a petrece (timp)to stop [stop] v. = a (se) opri

    sun [s n] s. = soareto swim [swim] v. = a nota

    swimming pool [pul] s. = piscin, bazinthe same [seim] adj. = acelai

    em] pr. = ei, ele (cu, pe), lor (D)them [

    together r] adv. = mpreun[tgetoo [tu:] adv. = prea, foarte

    train [trein] s. = trenus [ s] pr. = noi (cu, pe), nou (D)

    weekend [wi:k end] s. = sfrit de sptmn

    Ill go to the seaside = Voi merge la mare.What will you go by? = Cu ce vei merge?Well go by car = Vom merge cu maina.

    Well return by train = Ne vom ntoarce cu trenul.She is going to for a holiday = Ea merge la n vacan.

    Well go to the beach = Vom merge la lie in the sun = a sta ntins la soare

    a couple of hours = dou oreWell do some bathing = Vom face baie.

    to be in time = a fi la timpOn Saturday = smbt

    They will drive us to = Ei ne vor duce cu maina la.Well take a long walk = Vom face o plimbare lung.

    for a while = pentru un timpup and down = n susul i n josulto be back home = a se ntoarce acas

    not too late = nu prea trziuBy the way = ApropoWhy not? = De ce nu?


    Exprim aciuni care voravea loc n viitor prin Viitorul simplu.

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    Affirmative Interrogative Negative

    I will Will I ? I will notYou will Will you ? You will not

    He will Will he ? He will notShe will Will she ? She will not

    It will Will it ? It will notWe will Will we ? We will not

    You will Will you ? You will notThey will Will they ? They will not

    Foloseteadverbele de timp specifice cum sunt:

    tomorrow mine next year anul viitorthe day after tomorrow poimine next Friday vinerea viitoarenext week sptmna viitoare next Spring primvara viitoare

    next month luna viitoare later mai trziu

    Scrie si vorbete corect:n englezabritanic la persoana I sg. i pl. n loc de will trebuie s-l foloseti pe

    ant]shall. Forma scurt de negativ este SHANT i se pronun [Cndvorbeti, folosete formele scurte. Ii va fi mult mai uor.

    Pentruil], WELL [wil],afirmativ: ILL [ail], YOULL [yul], HELL [hil], SHELL [ eil]YOULL[yul], THEYLL [

    Pentru negativ WILL NOT = WONT[wount]

    Citete cu voce tare i urmtoarele exemple:

    Ill go to London next week.Where will you spend your summer holiday?Hell attend a meeting with the staff tomorrow morning.

    Shell participate in the Romanian Business Fair, in Paris, next month.

    Hai s conjugm mpreun verbul antlni to meet:

    Affirmative Interrogative NegativeI will (Ill) meet Will I meet? I will not (wont) meet

    You will (Youll) meet Will you meet? You will not (wont) meetHe will (Hell) meet Will he meet? He will not (wont) meet

    She will (Shell) meet Will she meet? She will not (wont) meetIt will (Itll) meet Will it meet? It will not (wont) meet

    We will (Well) meet Will we meet? We will not (wont) meetYou will (Youll) meet Will you meet? You will not (wont) meet

    They will (Theyll) meet Will they meet? They will not (wont) meet


    Iat unele dintrecele mai folosite prepoziii:

    About despre, prin, aproximativ By aproape de, pe lng, cu, pn, de, cu ajutorul Overpeste, deasupra, n cursul

    Above deasupra, peste Despite n ciuda Since de, de la, dinAcross peste, de la o margine la alta, de-a curmeziul Down n josul, mai jos de, de-a lungulThrough prin, printre, peste

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    After dup During n timpul, n cursul Throughout de la un capt la cellalt al, peste totAlong de-a lungul, n lungul For pentru, la, spre Till pn (la)

    Among printre, n mijlocul, dintre From de la, din, din cauza To ctre, spre, laAround n jurul, de jur mprejurul, pe la In n, la, nuntrul Towards spre, ctre, fa de

    Before naintea, n faa, din faa Into n (pentru ptrundere), nspre Under sub, dedesubtulBehind n spatele, n urma Like ca, ca i, la fel cu Until pn la

    Below dedesubtul, sub Near aproape de, lng Up n susul, susBeneath dedesubtul, mai jos de Of de, din partea, dintre Upon pe (numai dinamic)

    Beside lng, aproape de Off de pe, din With cu, mpreun cuBetween ntre (doi), printre On pe, la, n Within n, n cuprinsul, n limita, din interiorul

    Beyond dincolo de, peste Out din, dinspre Without fr

    Prepoziiile sunt folosite n fraze i ca priale verbelor.

    Exercises#1Completeaz spaiile cu prepoziiile corecte:

    1. Their train is going Bucharest.2. 5 oclock we go home and we stay home the evening.

    3. 10:30 we go bed and we stay bed 6 oclock the morning when we get ofit.

    4. This text is English, lets translate it Romanian.5. Before getting the station the train passes the tunnel.

    6. Every morning my father goes a little walk his little granddaughter.7. He always tells me that I am speaking thinking.

    8. The little girl is sitting her mother and me.9. I see him the children the classroom.

    10. Its raining, come my umbrella.11. There are five bridges the river.

    12. Tomorrow we will work 12 oclock.13. I will be ready five minutes.

    14. I will come to see you the afternoon.15. He is afraid the big dog.

    Exercise #2Completeaz spaiile libere cu prepoziii:

    1. His car stopped the hospital.2. John is driving his office his house.

    3. We are swimming the sea.4. Look those people standing a line.

    5. She is learning French books.

    6. We are going to leave Iai Cluj.7. The next bus stop is the corner.8. Their house will be the top of the hill.

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    9. I am born November 15th.10. This novel will be published 1999.

    11. This supermarket is open the morning 9 1.12. I usually get up 7 oclock and have breakfast 7:30.

    13. Every morning 8 oclock he goes school.14. Why dont you agree me this matter?

    15. He is late again so his wife will be angry him.

    Exercise #3Trece urmtoarele propoziii la viitorul simplu:

    1. We spend our weekends in the country. (next year)2. They dont enjoy themselves when they go to the cinema. (tonight)

    3. We are busy working or studying. (next month)4. There are many things we can do there. (tomorrow)

    5. They dont feel hungry. (later)

    6. We stay in town all summer long.Exercise #4

    Scrie formele interogative i negative ale propoziiilor:

    1. I will buy a new printer tomorrow.2. You and I will see the whole world together.

    3. Well see it some day.4. Stay with me! Ill behave well.5. I will study French next year.

    6. John and Mary will prepare their project together tonight.7. Mary will meet her friend at 2 oclock.

    8. He will get up early tomorrow.9. I will be 32 next year.10. We will have the picnic next Saturday.

    Exercise #5Pune ntrebri la urmtoarele propoziii:

    1. We get up very early every morning.2. He usually spends his weekends out of town.

    3. The ladies will come soon.4. In the evening we will drive back home.

    5. They enjoy going to the country for a picnic lunch.

    6. We take a long walk in the park every evening.

    Exercise #6Tradu n englez:

    1. Unde v vei petrece weekend-ul urmtor?2. Dac vremea este frumoas, duminic ne vom duce la munte.

    3. George nu va veni mine la birou.4. Mine ea va mprumuta nite cri de la bibliotec.

    5. Sptmna viitoare i voi trimite noua ofert.6. Poimine i voi nmna raportul.

    7. Voi scrie adresele pe plicuri mai trziu.8. Va lua trenul de la ora 9.

    9. Vor plti chiria marea viitoare.10. Vom ajunge acas n jur de 10:30.

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    VIRGOthe Virgin, Aug. 23 Sept. 22 The planet Mercury rules Virgo, which is an earth sign.

    Astrologers believe that Virgoans are practical and are good communicators, but that theycan be critical. Virgoans often have a great concern for health and hygiene; they are detail-oriented, analytical, intelligent, hard-working; and they can be perfectionists.

    1 2 3 256

    7 8 910

    11 12 13

    14 15 16 17

    18 1920

    21 2223

    24 25

    Across: Down:1. How you feel before you sleep 1. Voyage

    2. To ask for; I your pardon 2. To be prepared; Are you yet?5. About; approximately 3. Female child; female offspring7. Receptacle for drinking; clear material 6. To wish for9. Lower extremity of body 8. Male child; male offspring

    10. Possessive form; first person plural 9. No cost; liberated12. Money you give someone for service 11. Made of seconds, minutes and hours

    13. Each one 14. Geographical division in the U.S.14. To walk leisurely 15. To appreciate something; similar to

    16. Conjunction expessing opposition 17. Place where movies are shown18. Suitcases 23. Frozen water

    19. A dwelling for travelers 24. Object form of I20. Work surface; piece of furniture

    21. To estimate22. Supperlative of better

    24. Dolars and cents in the U.S.25. Man who serves tables in a restaurant

    Conversatie:Utilizarea telefonului (2)

    Conversatie:Stabilirea unei intalniri (2)


    Cum lasi un mesaj (3)Vocabular(3)

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    Pronumele personalein cazul Acuzativ si Dativ (4)

    Pronumele siadjectiveleinterogative (5)

    Exercitii (6)

    Zodiac Balanta(7)Cuvinte incrucisate (7)Proverbe(8)

    Mrs. Melanie Smith, after a long travel, arrives to her hotel. She checks in and goes to herroom. Here she decides she should call home.Switchboard Operator: How may I help you?

    Mrs. Smith: Id like to make an international call, please.Switchboard Operator: You can dial directly from your room if you like.

    Mrs. Smith: Im sorry, I dont understand what to do.Switchboard Operator: Just hang up, then dial 011, your country and city codes, and your

    number.Mrs. Smith: Thanks for your help.

    Switchboard Operator: Youre welcome. Would you like to charge the call to your room orpay with a credit card?

    Mrs. Smith: To my room.Switchboard Operator: All right. Ill take care of it for you. Have a nice evening.

    Mrs. Melanie Smith dials the correct number and waits several seconds until her call goes


    Secretary: Good morning, Herschel, Cleaver, and Young.You: Id like to speak with Mr. Young, please.

    Secretary: Whos calling, please?You: Im related to Stephanie Garner. Mr. Young asked me to get in touch when I arrived in

    the U.S.

    Secretary: Please hold.After a minute or two, Mr. Young picks up the phone. You introduce yourself and he replies.Mr. Young: Im looking forward to meeting you. Can you come by tomorrow, at 10 a.m.?

    You: Yes, I think so. Where are you located?Mr. Young: Our offices are just behind the State Capitol building. You can walk here from

    your hotel.You: What time should I leave the hotel?

    Mr. Young: Oh, maybe around 9.30. It should only take you about twenty minutes on foot.You: Thanks. Ill see you tomorrow morning.

    Operator: Good afternoon, AFC Electronics, How can I help you?

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    Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: Good afternoon! Please, I would like to speak to Mr. Howell, hisextension is 701.

    Operator: Hang onStill trying to connect youRinging for youSecretary: Hello! Mr. Howells office.

    Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: Hello, this is Pietro Ruggeri. Is Mr. Howell there?Secretary: No, he isnt. Hes out for the moment. Would you like to leave a message?

    Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: Yes. Would you let him know that I called?Secretary: Yes, of course. Could you tell me again your name and phone number?Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: My name is Pietro Ruggeri and my phone number is 555-3456.

    Secretary: Can you spell your name, please?Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: Certainly. Thats P-I-E-T-R-O space R-U-double G-E-R-I.

    Secretary: Thank you very much and have a nice day!Mr. Pietro Ruggeri: You, too. Goodbye!

    about [baut] adv. = cam, aproximativafter [a:ftr] prep. = dupappointment [pointmnt] s. = ntlnire

    around [raund] adv. = n jur deto arrive to [raiv t] v. = a ajunge la

    to ask [a:sk] v. = a ntreba, a rugato be related to [rileitid t] v. = a fi nrudit cu

    building [bildi ] s. = cldireto call [ko:l] v. = a telefona, a chema, s. = convorbire telefonic

    certainly [s:rtnli] adv. = sigur, desigura:rdj] v. = a trece plata peto charge to [t

    ekto check in [t in] v. = a se prezenta (la hotel)

    city [siti] s. = oracode [kud] s. = cod, prefix

    to come by [k m bai] v. = a vizitato connect to [knekt] v. = a conecta cu

    correct [krect] adj. = corect, exactcountry [k ntri] s. = ar

    credit card [kredit ka:rd] s. = carte de creditto decide [disaid] v. = a (se) hotri, decide

    to dial [dail] v. = a forma (un numr)directly [dairektli] adv. = direct

    n] s. =extension [iksten extensie, derivaie

    for [fo:r] prep. = pentruto get in touch [get in ] v. = a lua legturat tru:] v. = a merge pn lato go through [gu capt

    to hang up [h p] v. = a pune (receptorul) n furc home [hum] adv. = acas

    nl] adj. = internaionalinternational [intrnjust behind [d jst bihaind] = chiar n spatele

    to leave a message [li:v mesidj] = a lsa un mesajlocated [lukeitid] adj. = amplasat, aezatmaybe [mei bi:] adv. = poate (c), posibil
