N Queen Problem

Problema damelor: fiind dată o tablă de şah de dimensiuni nXn, să se aranjeze n dame (regine) astfel încât nici una să nu fie ameninţată de o altă damă (să nu fie poziţionate pe aceeaşi linie, coloană sau diagonală) cu ajutorul algorimtilor genetici. REZOLVARE: - Pentru rezolvare s-a folosit Metoda Fitness si Metoda incrucisarii; - Atasat sunt afisate print-uri cu programul ruland. - Comment-urile sunt colorate cu ROSU; NOTA !: - Codul sursa nu imi apartine in totalitate, am luat o problema n-queens rezolvata in algoritmi genetici si cu metoda fitness- ului, AM REFACTORIZAT-O (pentru a o intelege mai bine si a o putea explica cu ajutorul commenturi-lor). package georgiu.ioan.finder.adapters; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; public class NQueen1 { /** *Se initializeaza numarul populatie la start. */ private static final int START_SIZE = 75; /** *Se allege un numar arbitrar pentru ciclurile de test. */ private static final int MAX_EPOCHS = 1000; /** *Probabilitatea ca 2 cromozomi sa formeze o pereche. Probabilitatea variaza intre 0.0 si MATING_PROBABILITY < 1.0 */ private static final double MATING_PROBABILITY = 0.7; /** *Se selecteaza rata mutatiei. Aceasta variaza intre 0.0 < MUTATION_RATE < 1.0 */ private static final double MUTATION_RATE = 0.001; /** *Se allege numarul minim de “parinti” pentru selectie. */ private static final int MIN_SELECT = 10; /** * Se allege numarul maxim de “parinti” pentru selectie. Acesta variaza intre: MIN_SELECT < MAX_SELECT < START_SIZE */



Transcript of N Queen Problem

  • Problema damelor: fiind dat o tabl de ah de dimensiuni nXn, s se aranjeze n dame (regine) astfel

    nct nici una s nu fie ameninat de o alt dam (s nu fie poziionate pe aceeai linie, coloan sau

    diagonal) cu ajutorul algorimtilor genetici.


    - Pentru rezolvare s-a folosit Metoda Fitness si Metoda incrucisarii;

    - Atasat sunt afisate print-uri cu programul ruland.

    - Comment-urile sunt colorate cu ROSU;

    NOTA !:

    - Codul sursa nu imi apartine in totalitate, am luat o problema n-queens rezolvata in algoritmi genetici si cu metoda fitness-

    ului, AM REFACTORIZAT-O (pentru a o intelege mai bine si a o

    putea explica cu ajutorul commenturi-lor).

    package georgiu.ioan.finder.adapters;

    import java.util.ArrayList;

    import java.util.Random;

    public class NQueen1 {


    *Se initializeaza numarul populatie la start.


    private static final int START_SIZE = 75;


    *Se allege un numar arbitrar pentru ciclurile de test.


    private static final int MAX_EPOCHS = 1000;


    *Probabilitatea ca 2 cromozomi sa formeze o pereche.

    Probabilitatea variaza intre 0.0 si MATING_PROBABILITY < 1.0


    private static final double MATING_PROBABILITY = 0.7;


    *Se selecteaza rata mutatiei. Aceasta variaza intre 0.0 <



    private static final double MUTATION_RATE = 0.001;


    *Se allege numarul minim de parinti pentru selectie.


    private static final int MIN_SELECT = 10;


    * Se allege numarul maxim de parinti pentru selectie. Acesta

    variaza intre: MIN_SELECT < MAX_SELECT < START_SIZE


  • private static final int MAX_SELECT = 50;

    /* Apar noi copii generatii create prin procesul generare.



    private static final int OFFSPRING_PER_GENERATION = 20;


    * Se randomizeaza procesul de start al cromozomilor.


    private static final int MINIMUM_SHUFFLES = 8;

    private static final int MAXIMUM_SHUFFLES = 20;


    *Prin procesul de Crossover(incrucisare), se alege maximul

    pozitiei. Aceasta variaza intre 0 < PBC_MAX < 8 (> 8 nu este bun

    pentru noi).


    private static final int PBC_MAX = 4;


    *Se allege latimea tablei de sah.


    private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 10;

    private static int epoch = 0;

    private static int childCount = 0;


    *Se allege procedura necesara pentru mutare.


    private static int nextMutation = 0;

    private static int mutations = 0;

    private static ArrayList population = new


    private static void algorithm() {

    int popSize = 0;

    boolean done = false;

    Chromosome thisChromo = null;


    mutations = 0;

    nextMutation = getRandomNumber(0, (int) Math.round(1.0 /


    while (!done) {

    popSize = population.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {

    thisChromo = population.get(i);

    if ((thisChromo.getConflicts() == 0) || epoch ==


    done = true;



  • // Se calculeaza FITNESS-ul pentru fiecare individ in parte


    // Se selecteaza o parte dintre indivizii calculate prin

    metoda Fittness-ului


    // Se creeaza o o noua generatie de indivizi


    // Se pregateste noua generatie de indivizi resetand pozitia




    // Se afiseaza un counter in care se prezinta statusul.

    System.out.println("Epoch: " + epoch);



    if (epoch != MAX_EPOCHS) {

    popSize = population.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {

    thisChromo = population.get(i);

    if (thisChromo.getConflicts() == 0) {





    System.out.println("Completed " + epoch + " epochs.");

    System.out.println("Encountered " + mutations + " mutations in

    " + childCount + " offspring.");



    * Se evalueaza fiecare membru selectat al populatiei si se

    calculeaza metoda getFitness pentru fiecare individ in parte.

    * Metoda getFitness se calculeaza in functie de cat de bine se

    potriveste aceasta cu cerintele problemei.


    private static void initFitness() {

    // Eroare cea mai mica = 100%, Cea mai ridicata = 0%

    double bestScore = 0;

    double worstScore = 0;

    Chromosome thisChromo = null;

    // Cel mai slab scor ar fi cel in care ar avea cea mai mare

    energie, cel mai bun este cu cea mai putina energie.

    worstScore = population.get(maximum()).getConflicts();

  • // Se face conversia cu un procentaj pe care in putem stabili

    bestScore = worstScore -


    for (Chromosome chromosome : population) {

    thisChromo = chromosome;

    thisChromo.setFitness((worstScore -

    thisChromo.getConflicts()) * 100.0 / bestScore);




    * Aceasta metoda imbunatateste per total Fitness-ul populatiei


    * eliminarea indiviziilor nepotriviti si pastrarea doar a celor

    potriviti pentru problema


    private static void rouletteSelection() {

    int j = 0;

    int popSize = population.size();

    int maximumToSelect = getRandomNumber(MIN_SELECT, MAX_SELECT);

    double genTotal = 0.0;

    double selTotal = 0.0;

    double rouletteSpin = 0.0;

    boolean done = false;

    Chromosome thisChromo = null;

    Chromosome thatChromo = null;

    for (Chromosome chromosome : population) {

    thisChromo = chromosome;

    genTotal += thisChromo.getFitness();


    genTotal *= 0.01;

    for (Chromosome chromosome : population) {

    thisChromo = chromosome;


    / genTotal);


    // Se itereaza si se selecteaza numarul maxim dorit de indivizi

    for (int i = 0; i < maximumToSelect; i++) {

    rouletteSpin = getRandomNumber(0, 99);

    j = 0;

    selTotal = 0;

    done = false;

    while (!done) {

    thisChromo = population.get(j);

    selTotal += thisChromo.getSelectionProbability();

    if (selTotal >= rouletteSpin) {

    if (j == 0) {

    thatChromo = population.get(j);

    } else if (j >= popSize - 1) {

    // daca j depaseste numarul de indivizi

    // get ultimul individ

    thatChromo = population.get(popSize - 1);

  • } else {

    // daca j nu depasteste numarul de indivizi

    // si nu este ultimul individ

    // get ultimul individ de la pozitia j-1 pentru


    // numaratoarea incepe de la 0

    thatChromo = population.get(j - 1);



    done = true;

    } else {







    * Aceasta metoda creeaza noi indivizi prin combinarea asptectelor

    diecarui individ selectat. Se presupune ca prin combinarea anumitor

    elemente din doi sau mai multi indivizi se va crea un offsping care

    va mosteni cele mai bune parti ale ambilor parinti *

    * @param mappedMating true este un parametru folosit pentru metoda

    crossover mapped partial si false pentru metoda crossover



    private static void mating(boolean mappedMating) {

    int getRand = 0;

    int parentA = 0;

    int parentB = 0;

    int newIndex1 = 0;

    int newIndex2 = 0;

    Chromosome newChromo1 = null;

    Chromosome newChromo2 = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < OFFSPRING_PER_GENERATION; i++) {

    // Se alege random un parinte eligibil

    parentA = chooseParent();

    // Se alege random probabilitatea de a se crea o pereche

    getRand = getRandomNumber(0, 100);

    // Se testeaza probabilitatea de a se crea o pereche

    if (getRand

  • partiallyMappedCrossover(parentA, parentB,

    newIndex1, newIndex2);

    } else {

    positionBasedCrossover(parentA, parentB, newIndex1,



    if (childCount - 1 == nextMutation) {

    exchangeMutation(newIndex1, 1);

    } else if (childCount == nextMutation) {

    exchangeMutation(newIndex2, 1);




    childCount += 2;

    // Se programeaza o noua mutare.

    if (childCount % (int) Math.round(1.0 / MUTATION_RATE)

    == 0) {

    nextMutation = childCount + getRandomNumber(0,

    (int) Math.round(1.0 / MUTATION_RATE));





    private static void partiallyMappedCrossover(int chromA, int

    chromB, int child1, int child2) {

    int j = 0;

    int item1 = 0;

    int item2 = 0;

    int pos1 = 0;

    int pos2 = 0;

    int crossPoint1 = getRandomNumber(0, MAX_LENGTH - 1);

    int crossPoint2 = getExclusiveRandomNumber(MAX_LENGTH - 1,


    Chromosome thisChromo = population.get(chromA);

    Chromosome thatChromo = population.get(chromB);

    Chromosome newChromo1 = population.get(child1);

    Chromosome newChromo2 = population.get(child2);

    if (crossPoint2 < crossPoint1) {

    j = crossPoint1;

    crossPoint1 = crossPoint2;

    crossPoint2 = j;


    // Copy Parent genereaza noi indivizi.

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

    newChromo1.setData(i, thisChromo.getData(i));

    newChromo2.setData(i, thatChromo.getData(i));


    for (int i = crossPoint1; i

  • item2 = thatChromo.getData(i);

    // Selecteaza itemii in offspring.

    for (j = 0; j < MAX_LENGTH; j++) {

    if (newChromo1.getData(j) == item1) {

    pos1 = j;

    } else if (newChromo1.getData(j) == item2) {

    pos2 = j;


    } // j

    // Se efectueaza schimbarea.

    if (item1 != item2) {

    newChromo1.setData(pos1, item2);

    newChromo1.setData(pos2, item1);


    // Selecteaza itemii in offspring.

    for (j = 0; j < MAX_LENGTH; j++) {

    if (newChromo2.getData(j) == item2) {

    pos1 = j;

    } else if (newChromo2.getData(j) == item1) {

    pos2 = j;



    // Se efectueaza schimbarea.

    if (item1 != item2) {

    newChromo2.setData(pos1, item1);

    newChromo2.setData(pos2, item2);




    private static void positionBasedCrossover(int chromA, int chromB,

    int child1, int child2) {

    int k = 0;

    int numPoints = 0;

    int tempArray1[] = new int[MAX_LENGTH];

    int tempArray2[] = new int[MAX_LENGTH];

    boolean matchFound = false;

    Chromosome thisChromo = population.get(chromA);

    Chromosome thatChromo = population.get(chromB);

    Chromosome newChromo1 = population.get(child1);

    Chromosome newChromo2 = population.get(child2);

    // Selectarea si alegerea crosspoints.

    numPoints = getRandomNumber(0, PBC_MAX);

    int crossPoints[] = new int[numPoints];

    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {

    crossPoints[i] = getRandomNumber(0, MAX_LENGTH - 1,


    } // i

    //Prin Get se aleg itemii care nu au fost alesi pentru al

    doilea parinte.

    k = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

  • matchFound = false;

    for (int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {

    if (thatChromo.getData(i) ==

    thisChromo.getData(crossPoints[j])) {

    matchFound = true;


    } // j

    if (!matchFound) {

    tempArray1[k] = thatChromo.getData(i);



    } // i

    // Se insereaza itemii alesi in child 1.

    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {




    // Se completeaza itemii care nu au fost alesi in child 1.

    k = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

    matchFound = false;

    for (int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {

    if (i == crossPoints[j]) {

    matchFound = true;


    } // j

    if (!matchFound) {

    newChromo1.setData(i, tempArray1[k]);



    } // i

    //Prin Get se aleg itemii care nu au fost alesi pentru primul


    k = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

    matchFound = false;

    for (int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {

    if (thisChromo.getData(i) ==

    thatChromo.getData(crossPoints[j])) {

    matchFound = true;


    } // j

    if (!matchFound) {

    tempArray2[k] = thisChromo.getData(i);



    } // i

    // Se insereaza itemii alesi in child 2.

    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {




  • // Se completeaza itemii nealesi in child 2.

    k = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

    matchFound = false;

    for (int j = 0; j < numPoints; j++) {

    if (i == crossPoints[j]) {

    matchFound = true;


    } // j

    if (!matchFound) {

    newChromo2.setData(i, tempArray2[k]);



    } // i



    * Metoda adauga optiunea de random in genetica populatiei

    * @param index este Index pentru cromozomi

    * @param exchanges Number face schimbul numarului de cromozomi


    private static void exchangeMutation(final int index, final int

    exchanges) {

    int i = 0;

    int tempData = 0;

    int gene1 = 0;

    int gene2 = 0;

    boolean done = false;

    Chromosome thisChromo = null;

    thisChromo = population.get(index);

    while (!done) {

    gene1 = getRandomNumber(0, MAX_LENGTH - 1);

    gene2 = getExclusiveRandomNumber(MAX_LENGTH - 1, gene1);

    // Exchange the chosen genes.

    tempData = thisChromo.getData(gene1);

    thisChromo.setData(gene1, thisChromo.getData(gene2));

    thisChromo.setData(gene2, tempData);

    if (i == exchanges) {

    done = true;







    * Aceasta metoda allege random un parinte

    * @return A alege random un individ din lista


    private static int chooseParent() {

    return chooseParent(-1);


    private static int chooseParent(final int parentA) {

  • int parent = 0;

    boolean done = false;

    Chromosome thisChromo = null;

    while (!done) {

    // Se allege un parinte potrivit.

    parent = getRandomNumber(0, population.size() - 1);

    // Daca parentA este egal cu -1 atunci inseamna ca

    // trebuie sa alegem primul parinte

    if (parentA == -1) {

    thisChromo = population.get(parent);

    // see if the individual is one of the

    // previously selected ones

    // and finish the loop

    if (thisChromo.isSelected()) {

    done = true;


    // daca parentA nu etse egal cu -1 atunci inseamna ca

    // trebuie sa alegem al doilea parinte

    // si trebuie sa verificam daca parintele selectat

    // nu este la fel cu primul parinte selectat

    } else if (parent != parentA) {

    thisChromo = population.get(parent);

    // Se verifica daca individul selectat este unul dintre

    // indivizii selectati anterior

    if (thisChromo.isSelected()) {

    done = true;




    return parent;



    * Aceasta metoda reseteaza informatia pentru fiecare individ



    private static void prepNextEpoch() {

    int popSize = 0;

    Chromosome thisChromo = null;

    // Se reseteaza informatia prin isSelected indivizi.

    popSize = population.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {

    thisChromo = population.get(i);




    private static void printBestSolution(Chromosome bestSolution) {

    String board[][] = new String[MAX_LENGTH][MAX_LENGTH];

    // Se sterge, curate table de sah.

    for (int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {

    for (int y = 0; y < MAX_LENGTH; y++) {

  • board[x][y] = "";



    for (int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {

    board[x][bestSolution.getData(x)] = "Q";


    // Se afiseaza tabela de sah.


    for (int y = 0; y < MAX_LENGTH; y++) {

    for (int x = 0; x < MAX_LENGTH; x++) {

    if (board[x][y].equals("Q")) {

    System.out.print("Q ");

    } else {

    System.out.print(". ");






    private static int getRandomNumber(final int low, final int high) {

    return (int) Math.round((high - low) * new

    Random().nextDouble() + low);


    private static int getExclusiveRandomNumber(final int high, final

    int except) {

    boolean done = false;

    int getRand = 0;

    while (!done) {

    getRand = new Random().nextInt(high);

    if (getRand != except) {

    done = true;



    return getRand;


    private static int getRandomNumber(int low, int high, int[] except)


    boolean done = false;

    int getRand = 0;

    if (high != low) {

    while (!done) {

    done = true;

    getRand = (int) Math.round((high - low) * new

    Random().nextDouble() + low);

    for (int anExcept : except) {

    if (getRand == anExcept) {

    done = false;


    } // i


  • return getRand;

    } else {

    return high; // sau low (nu conteaza care dintre cele 2




    private static int minimum() {

    // Returneaza un array index.

    int popSize = 0;

    int winner = 0;

    boolean foundNewWinner = false;

    boolean done = false;

    Chromosome thisChromo = null;

    Chromosome thatChromo = null;

    while (!done) {

    foundNewWinner = false;

    popSize = population.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {

    if (i != winner) { // Avoid self-


    thisChromo = population.get(i);

    thatChromo = population.get(winner);

    if (thisChromo.getConflicts() <

    thatChromo.getConflicts()) {

    winner = i;

    foundNewWinner = true;




    if (!foundNewWinner) {

    done = true;



    return winner;


    private static int maximum() {

    // Returneaza un array index.

    int popSize = 0;

    Chromosome thisChromo = null;

    Chromosome thatChromo = null;

    int winner = 0;

    boolean foundNewWinner = false;

    boolean done = false;

    while (!done) {

    foundNewWinner = false;

    popSize = population.size();

    for (int i = 0; i < popSize; i++) {

    if (i != winner) { // Avoid self-


    thisChromo = population.get(i);

    thatChromo = population.get(winner);

    if (thisChromo.getConflicts() >

    thatChromo.getConflicts()) {

    winner = i;

  • foundNewWinner = true;




    if (!foundNewWinner) {

    done = true;



    return winner;



    * Aceasta metoda initializeaza cromozomii prin folosirea {@link


    * ca si marime a populatiei


    private static void initializeChromosomes() {

    int shuffles = 0;

    int chromoIndex = 0;

    Chromosome newChromo = null;

    for (int i = 0; i < START_SIZE; i++) {

    newChromo = new Chromosome();


    chromoIndex = population.indexOf(newChromo);

    // Se allege random numarul de iteratii care sa fie


    shuffles = getRandomNumber(MINIMUM_SHUFFLES,


    //Se adauga informatii pentru fiecare cromozom ales


    exchangeMutation(chromoIndex, shuffles);




    private static class Chromosome {

    private int mConflicts = 0;

    private int mData[] = new int[MAX_LENGTH];

    private double mFitness = 0.0;

    private double mSelectionProbability = 0.0;

    private boolean mSelected = false;


    * Constructor

    * Creeaza data de la 1 la {@link MAX_LENGTH}


    public Chromosome() {

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

    this.mData[i] = i;



    public void computeConflicts() {

  • int x = 0;

    int y = 0;

    int tempx = 0;

    int tempy = 0;

    int conflicts = 0;

    int dx[] = new int[]{-1, 1, -1, 1};

    int dy[] = new int[]{-1, 1, 1, -1};

    boolean done = false;

    String board[][] = new String[MAX_LENGTH][MAX_LENGTH];

    // Se face clear la table de sah.

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

    for (int j = 0; j < MAX_LENGTH; j++) {

    board[i][j] = "";



    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

    board[i][this.mData[i]] = "Q";


    // Se trece prin fiecare din Queens de pe table si se

    calculeaza numarul de conflicte.

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LENGTH; i++) {

    x = i;

    y = this.mData[i];

    // Se verifica fiecare diagonal daca exista sau nu


    for (int j = 0; j = MAX_LENGTH) ||

    (tempy < 0 || tempy >= MAX_LENGTH)) {

    done = true;

    } else {


    (board[tempx][tempy].compareToIgnoreCase("Q") == 0) {







    this.mConflicts = conflicts;


    public void setConflicts(int value) {

    this.mConflicts = value;


    public int getConflicts() {

    return this.mConflicts;

  • }

    public double getSelectionProbability() {

    return this.mSelectionProbability;


    public void setSelectionProbability(final double SelProb) {

    this.mSelectionProbability = SelProb;


    public boolean isSelected() {

    return this.mSelected;


    public void setSelected(final boolean sValue) {

    this.mSelected = sValue;


    public double getFitness() {

    return this.mFitness;


    public void setFitness(final double score) {

    this.mFitness = score;


    public int getData(final int index) {

    return this.mData[index];


    public void setData(final int index, final int value) {

    this.mData[index] = value;



    public static void main(String[] args) {




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