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Exercitii 1. Alege articolul potrivit si completeaza spatiile goale apoi tradu propozitiile Ex eu sunt Jeremy. Sunt sofer.I am jeremy. I am a driver Tu esti Carla. Esti asistenta medicala El este Freddi . Este inginet Ea e Mary. Este arhitect El este Bangles. E cainele Ea este Jinxy. E pisica2. Tradu urmatoarele propozitii Eu nu sunt pilot Esti avocat? El nu e fermier. E bucatat Este ea contabil. Da ea este contabil Jinxi nu e caine. E pisica Noi nu suntem functionari (clerks) Sunteti voi medici stomatologi? Este un ceas de perete? Nu este un ceas de mana Care este slujba ta? Sunt medic veretinar3. Completeaza spatiile punctate cu articolele corespunzatoare Little Tommy and........... horseT: Father ...............teacher does not knok what isF: Why do you think so Tommy?T: you know, I yesterday and showd it to ...........teacher and he asked me what it was4. Completeaza urmatoarele propozitii cu articolele corespunzatoare Othello by shakespeare, is among........greatest of all tragedies Where theres ......will; theres .....way for all He was so hungry that he ate two sandwiches at ...........mouthfull Birds of ...............feather flock together5. Completeaza cu articolul potrivit........ Romania ......... Unitel Kingdom ,.......... .Bucharest ,......... .Europe, ......... Danube, ....... Carpathians, ........ Congo, ..... America, .......... Latin America, .............. United Statets ,....... Atlantic, ....... Crimea, ........ Sahara, .... Transylvania, ...... Channel ......... Iceland , ...... Prague, ..... Hague, ....... France, ....... french, ......Ehglish, .....England6. Completeaza spatiile punctate cu articolele corespunzatoare Would you like ...... cup of tea and ......cake? It is better to tel ...... truth that tell.....lies Where is ........ hat that i bought it yesterday? Smith, that I told you about is.....verry good man I like to eat.....bread and....butter in ..... morning7. -Scrieti articolul hotarat (the) sau nehotarat (a /an) corespunzator fiecarei propozitii. Myke is ___ author. He writes ___ travel book. We had ___ lunch with him yesterday It was ___ excellent lunch. The airplane ticket cost him ___ thousand pounds. This is ___ english test. Can you play ___ piano? Would you like ___ drink? Where`s ___ bathroom? ___ girl in blue is my sister. He`s read ___ lot of English books. He is ___ engineer.8. -Traduceti cuvintele urmatoarele, tinand cond de folosirea articolului. Pentru cele care sunt in limba romana scrieti traducerea in engleza, iar pentru cele care sunt in limba engleza scrieti traducerea lor in romana.

an apple the book scaunul a sheep an umbrela o opera un baiat the fingers a house o ora the windows o unitate the bird dormitorul

9. -Recunoasteti si scrieti (cu litere mici) articolul hotarat sau nehotarat din fiecare propozitie.

The milk is white. That is a bird. Where is the car? Did you fly with an airplane? He has a nice doggy. I like the flowers in their nature. The cows give us milk. He saw an elephant. That is a personal notebook. Do you like the fruits? Lets write an english poem. I just ate a pear.10. Completati cu a/ an/the acolo unde este cazul.. womanunitUnited States of hour

11. Completati propozitiile din textile de mai jos cu a/an.old woman laughed at anddog were in the kitchenI saw.. elephant at the zoo It was.excellent movieShe watched .TV show

12. Completati cu a/ an/the acolo unde este cazulDaniel is teacher. He likes .. Physics very much. He teaches at . Theoretical Highschool from Bucharest. ..pupils ike him very much. One day, he decided to take .. children to see the laboratory from another highschool. There, they made ..experiment. All ..children considered experiment .most interesting experiment they have ever made