fisa 1 - DEFINITII

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Transcript of fisa 1 - DEFINITII

  • 7/25/2019 fisa 1 - DEFINITII


    Data: 11.07.2014 Fi a nr. 1 DEFINI II

    Cerin a 1: Define te (spune ce nseamn) cuvintele de mai jos:

    Neobosit =SINONIME: Odhinit; harnic; acti.

    Ne!ericit =

    SINONIME: "rist; #nd$rerat.

    Neres%ect$os =

    SINONIME: Ne%o&iticos; nec$iincios; inso&ent.

    Neatent =

    SINONIME: Neconcentrat; distrat; distras.

    Ne%otabi& =SINONIME: Otr'itor; to(ic; noci

    Neco)estibi& =

    SINONIME: Otr'itor; to(ic; noci

    Ne%ie%t'nat =

    SINONIME: *i$!$&it.

    Neb'rbierit =

    SINONIME: Neras; b'rbos.

    Ne%rietenos =SINONIME: D$ )'nos+ osti&+ ne%trietenos

    Ne)i&os =

    SINONIME: Ne)i&os; cr$d; ne#nd$r'tor; as%r$; ne)i&osti.

    Nes'rat =


    Ne#nd$&cit =

    SINONIME: Ned$&ce.

    Ne%re%arat =

    SINONIME: Ne-'tit; cr$d.

    Ne'$t =

    SINONIME: Neiibi&; iniibi&.

    Ne!o&ositor =

    SINONIME: In$ti&.