Cangur Engleza 2011 Dec

IQ Limba englezã clasele V-VI 4. What is a hammock used for? A) diving B) cleaning C) storing things D) writing E) sleeping 5. What is his favourite sport? A) swimming B) snorkelling C) football D) soccer E) driving 6. Choose the right reply: James: What do you do? Peter: ................. A) I read a book. B) Im reading a book. C) Im a teacher. D) Im fine, thanks. E) Im here! 7. I am a bird, but I cannot fly. I am black and white. I live in a very cold place. What am I? A) a penguin B) a zebra C) a panda D) a polar bear E) an emu V 2 - VI Grades Read the following text and answer the questions 1-5: If I was asked to describe an ideal room, I would most certainly imagine a room that I wouldnt have to share. It would be very extravagant and untidy. The windows would never be clean because I would always paint something on them to remind me of all the places Ive been to. I have always wanted less furniture and more pleasant things like a hammock or a special container for my collections of rocks, shells, napkins and dry plants. My pets, which would be many, would also have a place in my room, but there wouldnt be any electronic devices, and of course, no alarm clocks! My diving fin, my mask and snorkel would be the only possessions I would have in my drawers. â2Subiectele de la 1 la 10 valoreazã câte 3 puncte, cele de la 11 la 40 câte 4 puncte, iar cele de la 41 la 50 câte 5 puncte. Se acordã 40 de puncte din oficiu. â2 Elevii trebuie sã rãspundã la maximum 40 de întrebãri, dar nu mai mult de 5 întrebãri de 5 puncte. Dacã un elev rãspunde la mai mult de 40 întrebãri sau la mai mult de 5 întrebãri de 5 puncte, atunci se puncteazã în ordine descrescãtoare maxim 5 întrebãri de 5 puncte ºi maxim 40 de întrebãri în total. Exemplu: Dacã un elev rãspunde la 44 de întrebãri: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,..., 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, atunci se vor puncta 1 , 2 , 4, 6, 8, 9, 10,..., 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50. Fiecare întrebare are un singur rãspuns corect. Orice rãspuns greºit scade punctajul concurentului cu un sfert din valoarea întrebãrii. Subiectele la care nu se indicã niciun rãspuns sau se indicã 2, 3 sau 5 rãspunsuri nu se puncteazã. Dacã vrei sã anulezi rãspunsul la o întrebare, bifeazã încã un rãspuns. Dacã intenþionezi sã schimbi un rãspuns deja bifat, bifeazã toate celelalte rãspunsuri în afara celui pe care l-ai ales în final. â2 Dacã nu ai bifat limba germanã, se considerã implicit limba englezã. â2Pentru a vizualiza, pe Internet, analiza în detaliu a lucrãrii tale completeazã parola pe foaia de rãspuns. Dupã ce vor fi afiºate rezultatele concursului, vei gãsi pe analiza rãspunsurilor tale. 1. The writer would like ................. . A) to have a roommate B) his room to be tidy C) to have an alarm clock in his room D) to have much furniture in his room E) to paint on the windows of his room 2. How many collections does he have? A) one B) two C) three D) four E) five 8. The famous clock in London is called ................. . A) Big Foot B) Big Ben C) Big Brother D) Big Bang E) Big Clock 9. What does a caterpillar turn into? A) an ant B) a hedgehog C) a cricket D) a butterfly E) a grasshopper 3. How many animals would he like to have? A) a lot B) a few C) much D) little E) few


rezultate cangur engleza bucuresti sect 1 2011

Transcript of Cangur Engleza 2011 Dec

Page 1: Cangur Engleza 2011 Dec









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