
ANUNT MOBILITATE STUDENTEASCA   PROIECT INTERNATIONAL Pentru studentii sectiilor Psihologie (nivel licenta an II Zi si nivel masterat an I) si Psihopedagog ie Speciala (nivel masterat, anul I): In perioada 23 martie   4 aprilie 2014, se va desfasura un program intensiv (IP) de mobilitate studenteasca la Universitatea Cardiff, Anglia, in cadrul unui proiect international denumit "Co- constructing Healthy Experiences" (coordonator proiect din partea UBB: Conf. Dr. Alina S. Rusu). Proiectul isi propune sa ofere studentilor in Psihologie/Psihopedagogie Speciala, Design industrial, Arta, Robotica, Ergoterapie un set de cunostinte procedurale in domeniul "prototiparii  participative". Participative prototyping se refera la oferirea/constructia/adaptarea de produse care sa imbunatateasca sanatatea mentala si fizica a persoanelor cu diferite nevoi speciale. Oferirea de cunostinte procedurale se va face intr-un mod interactiv, prin invatare dinamica pe grupe de studenti (cursuri si ateliere practice), asistate in permanenta de profesori din Belgia, UK, Olanda, Polonia si Romania. Veti avea ocazia de a interactiona si a forma echipe multidisciplinare cu studenti specializati in design, tehnologie, prototipare rapida etc. Veti avea ca scop imbunatatirea calitatii vietii unui client, folosindu-va abilitatile si cunostintele de psihologie si psihopedagogie speciala in dezvoltarea unui produs pe care clientul il va putea folosi la sfarsitul programului. Anuntul se adreseaza studentilor in ANUL II de la sectia Psihologie ZI, nivel licenta si studentilor din ANUL I de la Programe le de masterat in domeniile Psihologiei si Psihopedagogiei Speciale ale Facultatii noastre.  Pentru deplasare sunt disponibile 8 locuri. Cunoasterea LIMBII ENGLEZE (nivel avansat, scris si citit) este OBLIGATORIE. Costurile de cazare, precum si o parte din mese vor fi acoperite din fondurile proiectului. Deplasarea va fi acoperita in proportie de 75% si se va face cu avionul, cu aterizare la Bruxelles sau Amsterdam (se va alege cea mai ieftina optiune), de unde va fi asigurat autocar gratuit spre Cardiff University. Fiecare student va contribui cu 25% din valoarea biletului de avion dus-intors     aceasta valoare de 25% nu va depasi suma maxima de 100 de euro. Cele doua cadre didactice care vor insoti grupul de stundenti din Romania sunt Conf. Dr. Alina Rusu si Psihoterapeut Dr. Vlad Muresan. Studentii doritori sa participe sunt rugati sa trimita un email in care isi exprima intentia de participare (in limba engleza), insotit de un scurt CV (acesta poate fi in engleza sau romana), pana in data de 19.01.2014, ora 16:00, pe adresele de email: [email protected]  si vladmuresa [email protected]. Daca numarul de intentii este mai mare decat numarul de locuri, vom organ iza un interviu motivational in limb a engleza, in  perioada 22-24 ianuarie.

Transcript of Anunt_Mobilitate_Studenteasca_2014

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Pentru studentii sectiilor Psihologie (nivel licenta an II Zi si nivel masterat an I) siPsihopedagogie Speciala (nivel masterat, anul I):

In perioada 23 martie –  4 aprilie 2014, se va desfasura un program intensiv (IP) de mobilitate

studenteasca la Universitatea Cardiff, Anglia, in cadrul unui proiect international denumit "Co-

constructing Healthy Experiences" (coordonator proiect din partea UBB: Conf. Dr. Alina S.


Proiectul isi propune sa ofere studentilor in Psihologie/Psihopedagogie Speciala, Design

industrial, Arta, Robotica, Ergoterapie un set de cunostinte procedurale in domeniul "prototiparii

 participative". Participative prototyping se refera la oferirea/constructia/adaptarea de produsecare sa imbunatateasca sanatatea mentala si fizica a persoanelor cu diferite nevoi speciale.

Oferirea de cunostinte procedurale se va face intr-un mod interactiv, prin invatare dinamica pe

grupe de studenti (cursuri si ateliere practice), asistate in permanenta de profesori din Belgia,

UK, Olanda, Polonia si Romania.

Veti avea ocazia de a interactiona si a forma echipe multidisciplinare cu studenti specializati in

design, tehnologie, prototipare rapida etc. Veti avea ca scop imbunatatirea calitatii vietii unui

client, folosindu-va abilitatile si cunostintele de psihologie si psihopedagogie speciala in

dezvoltarea unui produs pe care clientul il va putea folosi la sfarsitul programului.

Anuntul se adreseaza studentilor in ANUL II de la sectia Psihologie ZI, nivel licenta si

studentilor din ANUL I de la Programele de masterat in domeniile Psihologiei si

Psihopedagogiei Speciale ale Facultatii noastre. Pentru deplasare sunt disponibile 8 locuri.

Cunoasterea LIMBII ENGLEZE (nivel avansat, scris si citit) este OBLIGATORIE.

Costurile de cazare, precum si o parte din mese vor fi acoperite din fondurile

proiectului. Deplasarea va fi acoperita in proportie de 75% si se va face cu avionul, cu

aterizare la Bruxelles sau Amsterdam (se va alege cea mai ieftina optiune), de unde va fi asigurat

autocar gratuit spre Cardiff University. Fiecare student va contribui cu 25% din valoarea

biletului de avion dus-intors  –  aceasta valoare de 25% nu va depasi suma maxima de 100 deeuro.

Cele doua cadre didactice care vor insoti grupul de stundenti din Romania sunt Conf. Dr. Alina

Rusu si Psihoterapeut Dr. Vlad Muresan.

Studentii doritori sa participe sunt rugati sa trimita un email in care isi exprima intentia de

participare (in limba engleza), insotit de un scurt CV (acesta poate fi in engleza sau

romana), pana in data de 19.01.2014, ora 16:00, pe adresele de email:

[email protected] si [email protected]. Daca numarul de intentii este mai

mare decat numarul de locuri, vom organiza un interviu motivational in limba engleza, in perioada 22-24 ianuarie.

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o  > Tour Bus (goes from Groningen-Amsterdam Schiphol-Rotterdam-Brussels-

Brussels Airport-Kortrijk-Cardiff). Romanian/Slovakian partners fly in on A’dam

Schiphol/Brussels Airport. > team building on the bus.


Cardiff School of Art & Design

Cardiff Metropolitan University (U W I C)

 Howard Gardens


United Kingdom

CF24 0SP


-  Cardiff School of Art & Design is arranging a student + teacher residency just in front of

the school.


Accommodation + breakfast: 100% covered by the project.

Lunch + dinner: on own expenses for students (cooking is allowed in the student

residency). Depending on the remaining organizational budget, extra foods & beverages

for students will be distributed.


Romanian and Slovakian students pay 25% of their flight ticket. The Romanian and

Slovakian partner institutions pay all these tickets in advance and receive 25% of the

money from the students. For the other 75%, the partner can send an invoice to Howest

(lead partner) with all original vouchers and tickets –  AFTER the IP.

All the other students contribute 60 euro cash as a cost for the BUS tour to Cardiff. For

Romanian and Slovakian students, we drop this cost as they already have to pay 25% for

the flight ticket.


Accommodation + breakfast: 100% covered by the project (18 teacher nights per

institution on IP budget )

Lunch + dinner: some lunches and dinners are foreseen on subsistence cost. No other

individual food & beverage costs for teachers will be accepted by the lead partner.


Romanian and Slovakian teachers/school institutions pay 25% of their flight ticket. The partner institution can send an invoice for the other 75% to Howest with all original

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vouchers and tickets –  AFTER the IP. Teachers can take a seat on the tour bus (for free).

We stimulate every teacher to take the BUS tour as much as possible. On top of that, 2

travels for teachers per institution can be refunded (for 75%, after the IP, by sending the

vouchers etc) by Howest.

Tasks and responsibilities


-  Communication:

o  Dissemination of new call for students (leaflet+online) + student contracts to all

 partners (15th of January)

o  Update of project website 

(15th of January)

o  Update of Dropbox > IP2014 

(if you don’t have access already, please ask for an invitation to share)

o  Development of a mobile tool to measure emotions of end-users (smartphone or

Ipad-device) –  deadline IP itself

o  Set up of social media tools (facebook IP –  15th of January)

-  Management

o  Daily collection of signatures (students and teachers) during IP

o  Collection of invoices, vouchers, tickets, expenses…

o  Final reporting to the European Commissiono  Payment to all partners / after the IP / on the base of an invoice / with all original

invoices/tickets/vouchers included in your payment claim.

o  Payment to the host partner for organizational costs (in phases) and on the base of



-  Before IP:

o  coordination and contacts with all end-users and profit/non-profit organizationso  reservation of rooms, accommodation, breakfast

o  coordination of lecture/workshop program (with input from all partners!)

o  collection of working materials

o  design and print of the pass ports for the students

-  During IP:

o   practical coordination


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-  Before IP:

o  15th of February: communicating exact number of students/teachers to lead

 partner and host partner + 3 suggestions for lectures and workshops

o  15th of February - dropping all student contracts > IP 2014\Student contracts 2014

o  Booking of the travels for students and for teachers (Romanian and Slovakian

 partners). All the others can take the bus.

-  During IP:

o  Every partner contributes to the IP program: 1-3 lectures or workshops. Host

 partner and lead partner make a puzzle based upon everyone’s suggestions.

o  Contributing to the practical coordination

o  Daily student consult

-  After IP:o  follow-up student projects (chances for implementation/commercialization?)