Test Initial La Limba Engleza Pentru Clasa a IX

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Transcript of Test Initial La Limba Engleza Pentru Clasa a IX

8/9/2019 Test Initial La Limba Engleza Pentru Clasa a IX

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Test initial la limba engleza pentru clasa a IX-a

• Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerin elor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a seț

acorda 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acorda 10 puncte.

• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 minute.


P!T" I #$0 de


1. Put t&e verbs in brac'ets into t&e correct form of Present (imple or Present)ontinuous*

Dear Molly,

I 1) _______________ (write) from the gorgeous island of Jamaica! Jim and I 2)

 _______________ (stay) in a fiestar hotel "y the sea. #ight now, I $) _______________ (sit) on

the "alcony and I %) _______________ (drin&) a delicious fruit 'unch. Jim ) _______________

(wal&) along the "each. he weather is hot and sunny. onight we *) _______________ (go) to a

festial. he Jamaican 'eo'le +) _______________ (ma&e) you feel ha''y as they )

 _______________ ("e) cheerful and &ind.

I -) _______________ (loe) it here so much that I 1) _______________ (not/want) to leae!

0ee you soon!


1. +se t&e verbs given in t&e past tense or present perfect to fill in t&e blan's*

not,finis& not,see leave go be move not,ring ust,see never,bee not,learn

I _______________ my homewor& yet.

e _______________ him since _______________ school.

e _______________ to "ed ery early last night "ecause we _______________ tired.

hey _______________ to ondon two years ago.

0he _______________ me since uesday.

I _______________ a ery interesting 'rogramme on 3.

8/9/2019 Test Initial La Limba Engleza Pentru Clasa a IX

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aura _______________ to 4rance.

My little sister _______________ to read yet.


1. s' /uestions to &ic& t&e ords underlined are t&e anser.

ily lies in 5reendale. 0he is a ty'ist. 0he wor&s in an office in the town center. In her s'are

time, ily li&es to do s'orts. 6er "est friend is 0o'hie. hey met two years ago when they were at

uniersity. hey are friends "ecause they hae the same ho""ies. hey go wal&ing together once

a wee&. 0o'hie dries them to the countryside in her car. ily and 0o'hie are haing a rest at the

moment. 0o'hie is tired today"ecause she went to "ed ery late last night.

1. ___________________________________________________________ 

2. ___________________________________________________________ 

$. ___________________________________________________________ 

%. ___________________________________________________________ 

. ___________________________________________________________ 

*. ___________________________________________________________ 

+. ___________________________________________________________ 

. ___________________________________________________________ 

-. ___________________________________________________________ 

1. ___________________________________________________________ 


1.  +nderline t&e correct adective*

2. he streets in os 7ngeles are ery croded, &eav.

$. 8ig cities are often /uiet, nois and 'olluted.

%. he street was too narro, ide. om couldn9t drie his :ee' along it.

. 6e couldn9t "uy the shoes "ecause they were too e2pensive, c&eap.

*. 6e9s a ery clever, sill child. 6e &nows all the answers.

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+. Don9t go near the rier, it9s ery safe, dangerous!

. hat is a(n) difficult, eas ;uestion. I can9t answer it.

-. It was a "oiling cold, &ot day, so we went to the "each.

1. 6e wasn9t scared when the fire started. 6e was ery brave, blind.

11. I li&e my teacher. 6er lessons are ery interesting, dull.


P!T" a II-a #30 de puncte%

1. 4rite a letter to a friend of ours telling &im,&er about our summer &olida. ou

s&ould include information about t&e places ou visited t&e eat&er t&e activities

food and people ou met. ou s&ould also sa a fe t&ings about t&e a in &ic&

our famil spent t&eir summer &olida and about t&e plans ou &ave for t&e ne2t

summer. +se about 150 ords. (tart and end t&e letter in an appropriate a.


















 _____________________________________________________________________________  ___________ 

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87#<M D< <37=7#< I D< >?7#< @ 0e 'uncteaAB orice alte formulBri/ modalitB i deȘ ț

reAolare corectB a cerin elor. @ >u se acordB 'uncta:e intermediare, altele decCt cele 'reciAateț

e'licit 'rin "arem. @ 0e acordB 1 'uncte din oficiu. >ota finalB se calculeaAB 'rin Em'Br ireaț

'uncta:ului total acordat 'entru test la 1. F7#<7 I (* de 'uncte) 4. 11' G 1 'oints 1)am

writingH 2)are stayingH $)am sittingH %)am drin&ingH )is wal&ingH *)are goingH +) ma&eH ) areH -)

loeH 1)don9t want. 5. 12'G2 'oints 1) haen9t finishedH 2) haen9t seenH $) leftH %) wentH )

wereH *) moedH +) hasn9t rungH ) sawH -) has neer "eenH 1) hasn9t learnt/learned. 6.

12'G2 'oints 1. here does ily lie 2. hat is her :o" / hat does she do $. here does

she wor& %. hat does she li&e to do in her free time . ho is her "est friend / hat is the

name of her "est friend *. hen did they meet / 6ow long ago did they meet +. 6ow often do

they go wal&ing together . ho dries them to the country side -. hat are they doing at the

moment 1. hy is 0o'hie tired today I. 11'G1 'oints a. crowdedH ". noisyH c. narrowH d.

e'ensieH e. cleerH f. dangerousH g. difficultH h. hotH i. "raeH :. interesting. F7#<7 a IIa ($ de

'uncte) % 'oints for a''ro'riately "eginning and ending the letter 2 'oints the "eginning Dear K

the friend9s name/ 6ello 2 'oints the ending 8est wishes K the sender9s name * 'oints for

correct grammar structures and connectors 'oints for the use of a''ro'riate oca"ulary 1

'oints for coering the as'ects demanded "y the tas& $ 'oints for a "alanced structure

(greeting/introduction, content) 2 'oints for the general im'ression