Romanian Quotes

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Romanian Quotes

7/30/2019 Romanian Quotes 1/7

Aaa Cartea umbrelor. Vivid.

Nu credeam ca o sa te conformezi a7a de repede.

Actiune compulsiva.

Inclin sa cred ca.

A prins din zbor. cu precadere

4n alta ordine de idei

Is pe post de bau bau aici.


Nu vreau sa-i eclipsez.

Galvanizata de.

Dupa vn inceput fulminant.


Insotit de Ovatiile

Putea fi deslusita in.

Privire sidepata


Evita Contact ulterior.

Inovativa gama

Emoti inerente

Ce precede manifestarea fizica a

O parte distincta a

Sunt multi factori care sa confirme

A survenit,ne prevalam

Execrabil.Mai multe efuyiuni.Simtea nevoia sa evadeze.Sa o distinga.Macar de era atat.Directia-HOME.Expresia pe care oafisa.Realmente au ajuns intr-un anumit context de imprejurari.Nu trebuie sa-mi atribui,Ma refer strict la categoria din care eu fac

parte.valori si principi sanatoase.

Plin de apatie.Esecul tau era inevitabil.Inovatia,Initiat.Incrucisat demonstrativ.Anticipa,Ameliora.Urmari inlantuirea

argumentelor.Sufere un fel de ajustare.Ardoare,actual,rau-augur,amplasate.Integralul un Aer nonsalant. fbusola-SN.Amproptito.N

Inerente.Inovatia mea.

Axiomatic atipic. Bufon abjectvenust si pur.intrertpea sastisitMalign benign,friabila.Vast.Expandabil.Refuzate cu

obstinatie.Remarcase-in sfarsit indigenta acelor..Sali abjecte.Privit o siderata.Echitate,archeePurtand efigia idolilor sai.Sarmanele

mele placeri erau


Axiomatic atipic. Bufon abjectvenust si pur.intrertpea sastisitMalign benign,friabila.Vast.Expandabil.Refuzate cu

obstinatie.Remarcase-in sfarsit indigenta acelor..Sali abjecte.Privit o siderata.Echitate,archeePurtand efigia idolilor sai.Sarmanele

mele placeri erau o fortareata inexpugnabila.Am intrebato cu ingenuitate.excedatasiderataoclipa.ceva mai versata in privinta.din

metafizica expeditia mea devenise patafizica.deloc mefient

7/30/2019 Romanian Quotes 2/7


Eddie Morra: A tablet a day and I was Limitless...

Gennady: [effects of NZT-48 take their toll on Gennady] I feel good, man!

Eddie Morra: [to Carl Van Loon] No scenario? I see every scenario, I see 50 scenarios, that's what it does Carl - it puts

me 50 moves ahead of you.Vernon: You know how they say we can only access 20% of our brain?[Vernon points out the NZT pill on the table]Vernon: This lets you access all of it.

Carl Van Loon: So, Eddie Morra... And you do know you're a freak? What's your secret?Eddie Morra: Medication.

Carl Van Loon: Your powers are a gift from God or whoever the hell wrote your life script.

Eddie Morra: What's the asking price?Realtor: $8.5 million.Eddie Morra: I'll take it.

Eddie Morra: Well, in order for a career to evolve, I'm gonna have to move on.

Carl Van Loon: And you would even think that, would only show me how unprepared you are to be on your own. Imean you do know you're a freak? Your deductive powers are a gift from God or chance or a straight shot of sperm or whatever or whoever wrote your life-script. A gift, not earned. You do not know what I know because you have notearned those powers. You're careless with those powers, you flaunt them and you throw them around like a brat with histrust-fund. You haven't had to climb up all the greasy little rungs. You haven't been bored blind at the fundraisers. Youhaven't done the time and that first marriage to the girl with the right father. You think you can leap over all in a single

 bound. You haven't had to bribe or charm or threat your way to a seat at that table. You don't know how to assess your competition because you haven't competed. Don't make me your competition

Eddie Morra: I was blind, but now I see.

[ first lines]Eddie Morra: Obviously I miscalculated a few things.Man: [banging door ] Eddie! I know you're in there.Eddie Morra: Why is it that the moment your life exceeds your wildest dreams, the knife appears at your back? Well, I'lltell you one thing... I will never let them touch me.

Eddie Morra: For a guy with a four digit IQ, I must have missed something. And I hadn't missed much. I'd come thisclose to having an impact on the world. And now the only thing I'd have an impact on was the sidewalk.

Eddie Morra: You see that guy? That was me not so long ago. What kind of guy without a drug or alcohol problem looksthis way? Only a writer.

Lindy: Eddie, I know how it's going. I'm your... I was your girlfriend.Eddie Morra: That word doesn't even begin to describe what you are to me.Lindy: Partner? Squeeze?Eddie Morra: Paramour. Inamorata.Lindy: Cleaning lady. Bank.

[ pays for meal ]Eddie Morra: What was this drug? I couldn't stay messy on it, I hadn't had a cigarette in six hours, hadn't eaten, so...abstemious and tidy? What was this? A drug for people who wanted to be more anal retentive?

Lindy: Since when do you speak Italian?Eddie Morra: Oh, self-improvement month.

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Eddie Morra: I don't have delusions of grandeur, I have an actual recipe for grandeur.

Carl Van Loon: You don't really live here, do you?Eddie Morra: Well ah... the Spartans weren't really big on amenities.Carl Van Loon: Yeah, and they eventually got their asses kicked.

Eddie Morra: Hotel rooms were no longer an option. What I needed was a bunker.

Gennady: In the old days I would fillet you. Fillet. It's such a nice word.

Eddie Morra: What if I don't like your idea?Carl Van Loon: Then we'll say, Godspeed. And your candle will have shed a brief, but lovely light.

Eddie Morra: [ parting ways with Carl ] You should really be glad about this, because you know, me working for you,you'd end up being my bitch.

[last lines]Eddie Morra: [to Lindy after ordering in Chinese] What?

Eddie Morra: [at a party] ... Well sure, you'd get a short-term spike, but wouldn't that rapid expansion devalue the stock completely in two years?Kevin Doyle: No, 'cause there are safeguards!Eddie Morra: Against aggressive overexpansion? There aren't because there are no safeguards in human nature. We'rewired to overreach. Look at history, all the countries that have ever ruled the world - Portugal, with its big, massivenavy... All they've got now are salt cods and cheap condoms.[crowd laughs]Eddie Morra: And Brits? Now they're just sitting in their dank little island, fussing over their suits. No one's stopping

and thinking, 'Hey, we're doing pretty well. We got France, we got Poland, we got a big Swiss bank account... You knowwhat? Let's not invade Russia in the winter, let's go home, let's pop a beer and let's live off the interest.'

Eddie Morra: I knew what I had to do and how.

[Gennady is shoving Eddie Mora around in his apartment hallway when the NZT pill falls out of his pocket ]Gennady: What is that?Eddie Morra: [ panicking ] Nothing. Just aspirin.[desperately tries to get it ]Gennady: [ steps down hard on Eddie's arm preventing him from getting it. He then picks it up for himself and examines

it ] Don't look like no aspirin I've ever seen.[takes pill out of little bag and holds it up to light ]Gennady: It's something good, ain't it?

[ pops pill in mouth and swallows it ]Gennady: [Scene sort of wobbly shifts a bit as Gennady massages his throat and then lightly slaps cheeks][cut to bank where Eddie is getting Gennady his money. He exits the bank and gives it to him]Gennady: [ glowing ] I feel good man. What's in this stuff?Eddie Morra: [lying ] Just vitamins and stuff.Gennady: [knowing Eddie's lying ] You're so full of shit.

[while being lectured by land lord's wife]Eddie Morra: [thinking ] I was suddenly aware that I had extra reason to get away from her. I had thoughtlessly ingesteda substance.

[while Eddie is distracted by news report ]Carl Van Loon: You're not one of those types of people are you Eddie? Where we lose you if there's a TV screen in theroom.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

[after being addressed as "Jack Sparrow" ]Jack Sparrow: There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere.

[Standing on a cliff edge]Jack Sparrow: You know that feeling you get when you're standing in a high place... sudden urge to jump?... Idon't have it.

Jack Sparrow: Did everyone see that? Because I will *not* be doing it again.

Angelica: How is it we can never meet without you pointing something at me?

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Barbossa: [to his crew] You can sleep when you're dead!

Captain Teague: Don't be a fool, Jackie. The fountain will test you.

Jack Sparrow: [to Angelica] I thought I should give you warning. We're taking the ship. It's nothing personal.

Jack Sparrow: [to Angelica about taking the ship] You might be better to just to...[ sword comes through the door ]Jack Sparrow: stay out of it.

Jack Sparrow: There'll be dangers along the way... firstly mermaids, zombies... , Blackbeard.

Blackbeard: [to Jack ] If I do not make it to the fountain, neither will you.Share this quote 

Barbossa: [to his crew] Are we not king's men?

Gibbs: I hear a rumor... Jack Sparrow is in London, hellbent to find the Fountain of Youth.

Gibbs: There's the Jack I know.

Blackbeard: If I don't kill a man once in awhile, people forget who I amBlackbeard: Bring the mermaid!Philip: You're killing her.Blackbeard: I'm a bad man.

Jack Sparrow: The fountain of youth, what does it require?Angelica: A Mermaid, Jack.

Gibbs: All part of the plan, yes?Jack Sparrow: No.

Angelica: That's hardly appropriate for the first mate.Jack Sparrow: Was I the first?

Barbossa: [ At St. James Palace in London] Jack, our sands be all but run. Where's the harm in joining thewinning sides?Jack Sparrow: I understand everything... except that wig.[ started his way of escaping the palace]

Jack Sparrow: [to Angelica, who has been posing as Jack ] You've stolen me. And I've come to take meself  back.

Angelica: I love you Jack [ Leans in to Kiss]Jack Sparrow: [ Just about to kiss] I have to go[leaves]

Blackbeard: [ points the gun at Jack's head ] I need those chalices.Jack Sparrow: Shoot. Save me the bother of the fall.Blackbeard: You will go and you will return. Or I will kill her.[ points the gun at Angelica]Jack Sparrow: [ surprised ] You won't kill your own daughter.Blackbeard: [hands the gun to the zombie quartermaster ] Quartermaster, give me six more pistols, remove theshot from all but two and do not tell me which two.

[walks to where the six pistols are at ]Blackbeard: You get to choose, Mr.Sparrow.

Jack Sparrow: Seeing as your still alive, I say it was very successful.

Jack Sparrow: It doesn't ring a bell.

Jack Sparrow: I'm here to take myself back.

Angelica: You were the only pirate I thought I could get away with.Jack Sparrow: That is NOT a compliment.

Jack Sparrow: How can you say it?Angelica: Quite easily, Jack.Jack Sparrow: I know but how can you say it?

Jack Sparrow: You are aware of the ritual?Angelica: Yes I am.Jack Sparrow: What is it?

Jack Sparrow: Blackbeard.

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Jack Sparrow: He brought that?Angelica: I sold that.

Angelica: Maybe you don't believe the supernatural.Jack Sparrow: Oh no, I've seen a thing or two.

Angelica: Jack... if this is a dream, you can keep your boots and sword on. If its not...Jack Sparrow: Its a dream.

Jack Sparrow: Have I mentioned how lovely of a daughter you have?

Jack Sparrow: Mutiny served me quite well. It got me an audience with you.

Jack Sparrow: Sweetness!

Angelica: I tried to kill you in St. Dominique.Jack Sparrow: Either or.

Jack Sparrow: Why is the Black Pearl in the bottle?

Jack Sparrow: He's even more annoying in miniature.

Jack Sparrow: You lied to me by telling me the truth?Angelica: Yes.Jack Sparrow: Thats good! May I use that?

Jack Sparrow: You were the one who insisted on bringing the mermaid.

Jack Sparrow: I support the missionary's position.

Jack Sparrow: You walk like a girl.Angelica: You would know.

Barbossa: Don't touch the map.Jack Sparrow: Oh.Jack Sparrow: Gibbs, I was just on my way to break you out of jail. You stole my map.

Jack Sparrow: There is a girl. Female. Of opposite sex.Gibbs: When is there not?

Jack Sparrow: You are guilty of being innocent of being Jack Sparrow.

Captain Teague: I heard where you're headed. The Fountain.Jack Sparrow: Have you been there?

Captain Teague: Does this face looks like it's been to the Fountain of Youth?Jack Sparrow: ...Depends on the light.

Angelica: What were you doing in a Spanish convent, anyway?Jack Sparrow: Mistook it for a brothel. Honest mistake.

Jack Sparrow: I may have had... briefly, mind you... stirrings.Gibbs: Stirrings?Jack Sparrow: Stirrings.Gibbs: What, like feelings, you mean?Jack Sparrow: No, no, no, no, no, not quite all the way to feelings. More like... stirrings... Alright feelings,damn you.

Angelica: Admit it, Jack. You still love me.Jack Sparrow: If you had a sister and a dog... I'd choose the dog.

Jack Sparrow: Clergyman, on the off chance that this does not go well for me, I would like you to note it-hearing now-that I am fully prepared to believe in whatever I must, and be welcomed into that place where allthe "goody-goodies" want to go once they pop their clogs. Savvy?

Angelica: [ Jack turns to leave] Wait! I'm with child... it's yours.Jack Sparrow: I don't remember...Angelica: You were drunk.Jack Sparrow: I don't think I've ever been that drunk.

Angelica: I love you, Jack.Jack Sparrow: As do I. Always have, always will.

Jack Sparrow: You demonstrated a lot of technique for someone I apparently corrupted.

Salaman: You are either for us of against us!Philip: I am neither with you, nor am I against you!Salaman: [to Jack ] Can he do that?Jack Sparrow: He's religious, I believe it's required.

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Jack Sparrow: You know the feeling you get when standing in a high place, the sudden urge to jump...[looks over the cliff, as if considering jumping, then comes back to reality]Jack Sparrow: I don't have it.

[ Jack sneaks up to Angelica sleeping and slowly gets in bed next to her ]Angelica: [half asleep] Jack, if this is a dream you can keep the sword and boots on... If it is not...Jack Sparrow: It's a dream.

Barbossa: Hands aloft and bear away ! Stable ahead to White Cap Bay !

Barbossa: [to Jack about how he lost the battle against Blackbeard ] Taken, not lost. We were off the coast of 

Hispanola when we came under attack. No provocation nor warning or offer of parley. We were peppered withcannon fire. And then the sea beneath the Pearl began to roil. The Pearl was pitching and yawing so violentlyand every rail and spar all at once began to creak-the rigging had come to life! Our own ship turned against us.Tangling the crew, wrapping them like snakes... and wrapping around my leg! But my arms were free and mysword was still in my hand. I am the master of my ship, not Blackbeard. I am the master of my fate, notBlackbeard! So I did what needed done... I survived.

Gibbs: So the Pearl. Any idea on how to get her out?Jack Sparrow: We shall need a crossbow, an hourglass, three goats, one of us must learn to play the trumpet,whilst the other one goes like this.Gibbs: I know a man with a goat.Jack Sparrow: Good, then I can go like this.

Syrena: Don't waste my tears.

Jack Sparrow: [ In agreement with Philip's comment ]Jack Sparrow: I support the Missionary's position.

Jack Sparrow: [to king George II ] You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?

Barbossa: Gentlemen, the fountain is the prize. Mermaid waters, that be our path.

Jack Sparrow: Death lies upon us, as we sail to the Fountain of Youth.

Syrena: Philip, I can save you. You need only ask.Philip: I seek but one thing.Syrena: And what is that?Philip: Forgiveness. Were it not for me, you would never have been captured.Syrena: Ask.Philip: Forgive me.

Jack Sparrow: [after the victory of mutiny] The ship is ours!Blackbeard: [comes out of his quarters, angry and discreet. Glares at Sparrow and Sparrow leaves]Gentlemen. I be placed in a bewilderment. There I were, resting. And upon a sudden, I hear an ungodly row ondeck. Sailors abandoning their posts, without orders, without leave. Men before the mast, taking the ship for themselves. What be that, First Mate?Angelica: Mutiny, Captain.Blackbeard: [holding his hand to his ear ] Again?Angelica: Mutiny!

Blackbeard: Aye, mutiny. And what fate befall mutineers? Now, we know the answer to that, do we not?Mutineers... HANG![raises his enchanted sword, making the sails drop and the rigging ensnare all the mutineers]Jack Sparrow: [hangs upside down in front of Blackbeard ] Captain, I wish to report a mutiny. I can namefingers and point names.Blackbeard: Perfect.

Angelica: [after realizing Jack tricked Blackbeard into drinking the wrong chalice] You bastard, how couldyou!Jack Sparrow: Your father saved you. Perhaps his soul is now redeemed.

Philip: I was wrong. Not every soul can be saved.Blackbeard: Behold, gentlemen! A man formerly of faith.

Jack Sparrow: What has become of my Pearl?Barbossa: I lost the Pearl the same attack I lost my leg.[an enraged Jack has to be restrained by guards]Jack Sparrow: SUNK? Then its Captain should be with it!

Angelica: Jack, I want a father. I haven't had one before.

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Jack Sparrow: So, what is the ritual?Angelica: Two silver chalices, the teardrop of a mermaid, and water from the fountain. One chalice will containthe tear, the other will not. Whoever dinks from the chalice with the tear will have their life extended, from the

 person who drinks from the other chalice...Jack Sparrow: I don't really agree to that...

[ Barbossa fiddles with his pegleg and and removes it ]Jack Sparrow: An apple?Barbossa: Better!

[ Reveals his pegleg is a flask and takes a drink ]Jack Sparrow: I want one of those.

Barbossa: [ stabs Blackbeard ] For the Pearl!

[to Blackbeard and Angelica, holding the prepared concoction]Jack Sparrow: I cannot save you both. One of you must sacrifice.

Angelica: [being marooned ] You can't just leave me bound and tied!Jack Sparrow: You burst out of your bonds thirty minutes ago.[blocks Angelica's attack ]

[last lines]Gibbs: I don't get it, Jack. You had the chalices, the tear, the water - you could have lived forever!

Jack Sparrow: Who's to say I won't live forever? But, you know what? It's a pirate's life for me, savvy?

Jack Sparrow: Better to not know which moment may be your last. Every morsel of your entire being alive to the infinitemystery of it all.

Blackbeard: Aha. Dead end. Dead. End. Dead end!Angelica: Jack, I'm starting to think you don't know where you're going.Jack Sparrow: It's not the destination so much as the journey, they say.

Blackbeard: In faith, there is light enough to see, but darkness enough to blind.

The Spaniard: [after shooting the English soldier ] Someone make a note of that man's bravery.