Moldovita, Sucevita

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: (You have a link on the first slide) Thank you! Moldovita Monastery was founded in 1532 by the Ruler Petru Rares, Stefan the Great’s illegitimate son. At first there was a fortified stone church erected by Alexander the Kind-Hearted (1400-1432), between 1402 and 1410, but it collapsed at the beginning of the 16th century because of the very heavy rains and ground sliding; its ruins can still be seen today. The Moldovita Monastery, the one we can see today, was rebuilt on safer ground, on the valley of the Moldovita River. The monastery consists of a fortified quadrangular enclosure with towers, thick walls (6 m high, 1.2 m wide) and brawny gates, with a magnificent painted church at its center. Suceviţa Monastery is an Orthodox Christian monastery for women of the Church of Romania, located in the Northwestern part of the country. The monastery is located in the southern part of the historical region of Bukovina. Suceviţa is the largest and also the last built of the painted monasteries of Bucovina. It was built in 1581 by the Bishop of Rădăuţi, Gheorghe Movila. It is situated in the village of the same name in the foothills of the Carpathian Moutains west of Rădăuţi. Like all the painted monasteries, the church, dedicated to the Dormition of the Theotokos, is frescoed inside and out. The monastery is surrounded by thick, fortified walls built by the Voievod Ieremiah Movila, brother of Bishop Gheorghe. Both the Movila brothers are buried at the monastery.

Transcript of Moldovita, Sucevita

Biserica cu hramul Buna Vestire a fost ctitorită de Petru Rareş în anul 1532

Pictura datează din anul 1537

Biserica Învierii Domnului a fost întemeiată în anul 1585 de către familia Movileştilor

Pictura a fost executată în anii 1595-1596

Străvechi centru de ceramică din Bucovina



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