Glastonbury Marea Britanie

Post on 19-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Glastonbury Marea Britanie

Gurguta Ana-MariaAn III, LLR-LLS, Engleza B, gr. 6

Glastonbury Marea Britanie

Actele, va rog!

Ce s-a intamplat cu contracultura?

Daca planuiesti sa te duci weekendul acesta la Glastonbury, cel mai mare festival de pop din Marea Britanie, mai bine ai merge pregatit. Vei avea nevoie de biletul tau unicat si personalizat si de un extras de cont, permisul de conducere sau cardul de debit ca sa justifici cine esti. Oricine care se duce fara bilet si cu idei hipiote despre dragoste libera si muzica gratuita va avea de escaladat un gard de 3 metri inaltime si lung de 6 km. De asemenea vor fi puncte de control pentru masinile fara bilet pe o distanta de 24 km si patrule in masini Land Rover. Cu asemenea masuri de securitate Michael Eavis, cel care organizeaza evenimentul, ar putea sa se ofere sa fie gazda pentru urmatorul summit G8.

Cat de diferit este astazi fata de 1970, cand Festivalul Glustonbury a atras in jur de 1500 de curiosi veseli pe un singur teren pentru un weekend de betie cu muzica folk si blues. Intrarea a fost o lira ($2,40), asta incluzand si lapte gratuit. Anul urmator intrarea a fost gratuita. In termeni reali, biletele de azi costa de 10 ori mai mult si trebuie rezervate online sau la telefon. Acum se pune mai mult accentul pe securitate, siguranta si pe faptul ca cei 115,000 de oameni care au platit sa fie singurii care intra.

Asadar, diminueaza toate acestea spiritul care a insufletit si a facut festivalul atat de popular pe primul loc? Persoanele oficiale indeamna sa se introduca acele doua simboluri inseparabile ale capitalismului o carte de credit si un telefon mobil. Pretul ridicat al biletelor pare mai degraba sa impiedice a lasa la iveala unele dintre cele mai pline de culoare elemente. Reflectand asupra oamenilor care participa la acest eveniment modern, un obisnuit al festivalului Glastonbury a spus: Pretul biletului si metoda de plata, plus gardul urias, fac din Glstonbury mai degraba o reflectie a diviziunii dintre saraci si bogati in restul societatii, decat sa fie anti-organizare, gratuit, distractiv, cu totul o excursie de vara asa cum era odata.

Exista un spatiu de camping pentru familiile cu copii mici, cu aviz pentru nivelul scazut de zgomot si cu indicatii contra consumului excesiv de alcool. Pana si dusurile se misca in sus: Dusurile par sa devina mai aglomerate si mai tehnologizate cu fiecare zi. Nu vezi multi jegosi sau adolescenti care miros urat. Cu greu si Scousers.

Ca sa fiu cinstit cu domnul Eavis, consiliul local, care ii aproba licenta de divertisment, impune aceste masuri de securitate. Festivalul a renuntat la teritoriul de sigurnta publica in 2001, dupa ce in jur de 200,000 de oameni au sosit pe neasteptate cu un an inainte- aproape cu 100,000 mai multe persoane decat a aprobat consiliul. Festivalul primitor si siguranta individuala a devenit o piedica pentru cei din inalta societate-mai multa clasa comuna decat Tinutul de Mijloc.

A. Reading Comprehension

1. Personalised ticket refers to the access ticket that contains personal information which can be found on someone identity card or driving licence.2. Personalized ticket, bank statement, drivers licence, debit card correlates with the class references that are made by the end of the text from the perspective of control. Polite society tries to control this festivals participants, tries to manipulate the access in order to make it a high class event.3. The title announces the theme of the article which is about the security practices for access at the Glastonbury Festival. It debates the preparation for attending this event. People are allowed in only if they justify their identity with their personalised ticket and drivers licence, debit card or bank statement. The title is ironically because it is about too high security standards which dilutes the spirit of the festival and makes e division between poor and rich.4. The contrast between these terms shows what the festival should be about and what is in reality or it is wanted to become (an image of a higher society). Also, the contrast between the last two terms proves that people want a friendly place as much as to escape from routine and organized life of society.5. The author uses the phrase more colourful elements in the text in order to emphasizethe vivid spirit that represents the festival and emotions people share within it. There are other words in the text that refer to such colourful elements: free, fun. Colour is relevant in this case because it symbolizes the atmosphere of a festival.6. The author choose the word ablutions in correlation to the attribute upwardly mobile to emphasize the high-tech development.7. These terms refer to a category of people, but they are not class labels. They describe a group of people by their behavior in society.8. By polite society the author means the modern society which is characterized by politeness and high moral and social values. That is why they are more confident and reliable, fact that canceled the security measures.9. Middle Earth is a literary reference. It is a fictional universe setting of the majority of author K.R.R. Tolkiens fantasy writing (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings). In the text is ironically said in connection with mixture between polite society and middle class, whose number increases during the festival.10. To be fair to Mr. Eavis tries to dilute the critical tone of the article. The author puts the blame of this high security system onto the local council which demands such measures. This is how he avoids to point out one certain responsible