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  • 7/31/2019 Test Traducatori Engl


    ART. 2 Obiectul Contractului consta in

    preluarea de la locatia Beneficiarului

    specificata in Anexa nr. 1 la Contract,

    transportul si predarea, de catre Prestator, a

    rovinietelor si altor documente adiacente lapunctele de lucru ale Beneficiarului,

    mentionate in Anexa nr. 2 la Contract, pe bazade Comanda, in schimbul achitarii tarifelor

    agreate intre Parti.

    ART. 2 The Object of the Contract consists of

    taking from the location specified by the

    recipient in Annex No. 1 to the Contract,

    transporting and delivery, by the Provider, the

    vignettes and other adjacent documents, at therecipients working points, listed in Annex No

    2 to the Contract, based on Ordering, inexchange for paying the tariffs agreed between

    the parties.

    Prestatorul se obliga sa efectueze aceste

    servicii si pentru orice alte locatii de pe

    teritoriul Romaniei fata de cele mentionate in

    Anexa nr. 2 la Contract, precum si pentru orice

    alte documente (facturi etc.), pe baza

    Comenzilor emise de catre Beneficiar in care

    vor fi specificate aceste noi locatii, cu conditia

    ca aceste noi locatii sa fie notificate de catre

    Client cu cel putin 7 zile inainte.

    The Provider undertakes to perform these

    services for any other locations in Romania

    apart from the ones listed in Annex No 2 to the

    Contract, as well as for any other documents

    (bills etc.),based on Orders issued by therecipient where these new locations will be

    notified, on condition these new locations tobe notified by the Customer with at least 7

    days before.

    Beneficiarul isi rezerva dreptul sa schimbe

    locatia de unde sunt preluate rovinietele,

    specificata in Anexa nr. 1 la Contract.

    Schimbarea locatiei va fi notificataPrestatorului cu cel putin 7 zile in avans.

    The Recipient reserves the right to changethe location where the vignettes are taken

    from, notified in Annex No 1 to the

    Contract. The change of the location will be

    notified to the Provider with at least 7 daysin advance.





    ART. 3 Prezentul contract intra in vigore la

    data semnarii sale de catre ambele parti si va fi

    valabil pana la data de 31.12.2007. Duratacontractului poate fi prelungita cu acordul scris

    al ambelor parti, inainte de data expirarii.

    ART. 3 This contract comes into force upon

    the signature by both sides and will be valid

    until 31.12.2007. The term of the contract maybe extended by the written mutual consent,

    before the expiration date.

    ART. 4 Prezentul Contract inceteaza intr-unuldin urmatoarele moduri:

    a) prin acordul partilor transmis cu

    48 ore inainte de producerea evenimentului

    solicitat de parti;

    b) prin expirarea termenului de

    valabilitate, conform cap. III;

    c) prin denuntarea unilaterala a

    Contractului de catre Beneficiar sau

    ART. 4 This Contract will terminate under thefollowing conditions:

    a) by the agreement of the parties sentwith 48 hours before the eventrequested by the parties;

    b) By the expiration of the validity term,in accordance with chapter III;

    c) By the unilateral denouncing of the

  • 7/31/2019 Test Traducatori Engl


    Prestator cu o notificare prealabila de 15


    d) prin rezilierea de drept, in situatia

    in care una din partile contractante nu isi

    executa in mod culpabil, total sau partial,obligatiile asumate prin prezentul Contract.

    Cealalta parte contractanta notifica parteain culpa sa remedieze, in termen de 30 zile,

    aspectele semnalate, in caz contrar

    Contractul fiind considerat reziliat de

    drept. Momentul notificarii constituie

    punerea de drept in intarziere a partii in


    Accounting and processing work outsourced overseas:

    Firms increasingly choose to process transactions and

    information offshore at a lower cost than that offered by the

    local workforce.

    Slowing wage growth: The changing dynamics of supply

    and demand for accounting skills has resulted in subdued

    wage growth for some accounting personnel, compared with

    other segments of the profession as compared to earlier


    Retirement expectations of older workers: Many

    employees look to retire at an earlier age. While this may be

    desirable for personal reasons, it might not be sustainable

    when taking into account their accumulated pension plansand other savings. It also restricts the supply of qualified

    personnel eligible for emplooyment. Policies to retain the

    knowledge these older employees have amassed are

    important for the future.

    Barriers to employing older workers: Often people find it

    harder to gain employment once they reach their late forties

    and early fifties. As the Baby Boomer generation ages in

    many economies, the number of people in this age group

    will obviously increase, so the attitude towards employing

    older workers will need to change.

    Some of the factors listed are positives for the profession

    and some are negatives that will reduce the supply of

    potential employees. It is crucial that you monitor these

    trends because they will determine the supply of, and

    demand for, accounting personnel. While you cannot

    influence all of these factors, there are proactive measures

    you can take to position yourself as an employer of choice.

    Contract by the Recipient or by the

    Service Provider with a prior

    notification of 15 days.

    d) By the termination by right, in thesituation in which one of the contract

    parties does not perform by its own

    guilt, totally of partially, the obligationsassumed by the present Contract. The

    other contract party will notify the

    guilty party to fix, in term of 30 days,

    the issues raised, otherwise, the

    Contract is considered terminated byright. Putting the culpable party in

    delay by right is constituted by the

    moment of notification.

  • 7/31/2019 Test Traducatori Engl
