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Page 1: Test Initial XI L1+2

TEST DE EVALUARE INITIALAAnul scolar 2011-2012

Limba engleza (1)Clasa a XI-a

Numele si prenumele elevului:Data sustinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acorda 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acorda 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I_____ _______ (60 de puncte)I.1. Read the text below and complete the following tasks. Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Elisabeth Hart went to the theatre in London 55 times last year. She read 55 programmes, saw 55 curtain rise and ate an undisclosed number of ice creams. On top of that, she had to write page after page of notes on each visit. However, she is not a professional theatre critic. She is an ordinary member of the public on the judging panel of this year’s British Theatre Awards.

Mrs. Hart was one of the four theatre-lovers chosen to judge all new drama productions (excluding musicals) last year. (1) ________ Mrs. Hart thinks this was a good system. “It’s important to have amateurs playing a part in the decisions,” she says. “It stops the awards appearing to have been fixed like some others. And if a play wins an award, the public know that it’s been approved by people with no axe to grind.

Mrs. Hart is extremely enthusiastic about the theatre. “The year before last I went to over 30 plays”, she says, and “they were a complete mixed bag.” (2) ________.It began with an application form left on a foyer shelf by the Society of London Theatre, which organises the awards. She filled it in, added a short theatre review, and was selected from several hundred applicants.

“They were looking for people with a very wide taste in theatre,” she explains. “I always enjoyed acting in plays when I was young, and as a student in London, I regularly bought cheap standing tickets for West End productions.” Being a judge was hard work, though. (3) _________. “But I never got sick of it. Even the plays I didn’t like always had some redeeming qualities.”

She could never sit back and relax, though, because she had to make hefty notes on everything. (4) _________. “It wasn’t just the actors we were judging, but also costume design, direction, lighting and script – twelve categories in all. But I still enjoyed it. It felt like an enormous privilege.”

I. 1. a. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 8 points

A. Her appointment was therefore something of a dream come true for her.B. Having to take this approach meant that she couldn’t let her concentration slip at any time.C. In one week alone, her duties involved her reviewing as many as seven plays.D. In this situation there is surely a danger of the professional critics dominating the discussions.E. They were part of a panel that also included five professional theatre critics.

I. 1. b. Match the words in bold in the text to their definition given below. There is one extra definition which you do not need to use. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 4 points

A. 1. something that is compensatingB. 2. crush something to very small pieces or to powder between

millstones, the teeth, or using an electrical or a mechanical apparatus

C. 3. decision to give something, made by a judgeD. 4. entrance hall or large open space in a theatre, hotel where

people can meet or waitE. 5. extensive, substantial

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I. 1. c. For the following sentences, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 10 points

1. Elisabeth Hart saw 55 curtain rise and ate ________________A. a revealed number of ice creams B. an acknowledged number of ice creamsC. a very well known number of ice creams D. an unrevealed number of ice creams

2. If a play wins an award, the public know that it’s been approved by people who____________.A. are not impersonal and objective B. have no private reason for giving itC. are subjective in their choice D. don’t manifest impartiality and objectivity

3. “The year before last I went to over 30 plays”, she says, and “they were a complete __________A. assortment of plays of varying quality B. mixture of good quality plays C. mixture of poor quality plays D. fiasco

4. Even the plays she didn’t like always had some ______________A. compensatory qualities B. a multitude of redemptive qualitiesC. lots of good qualities D. lots of bad qualities

5. “They were looking for people with ___________A. a good judgement of theatre B. some preference for theatreC. some refinement C. little appetite for theatre

I.2 Read the text below to fill the missing information. Write only one missing word next to the number indicating each blank space. 12 points

Throughout history people have worn clothing of (1) ________description or another. Apart (2) _________ protection against the weather, clothes were also often used to show the wearer’s status and wealth. Over the years, numerous fashions in clothing have come and gone. (3)________ some of these have been popular for relatively short periods, others have lasted longer.

Until the first half of the 20th century, the ability to follow fashion was limited to those (4) __________ had the money to (5) __________ so. Wearing the correct clothes for different occasions was very important, despite the fact that this often meant changing clothes five or six (6) ________ a day.

I.3 Read the text below and use the words given in capitals below to form words that fit in the gaps. The words in capitals are given in the order you need to use them: 11 pointsSELECT, REGARD, FIT, HISTORY, ADVENTURE, FAIR, ENJOY, PLEASE, ATTRACT, FULL, SURE

The Real Walkers Company offers a (1) ____________ of small group walking holidays which explore some delightful hidden corners of Europe, the Americas and Australia. There is something for everyone to enjoy on these holidays, (2) __________ of age or level of (3) __________. The brochure includes various destinations and a range of itineraries. These range from sightseeing tours of (4) ___________cities to undemanding walking trips in unspoilt coastal and country regions and, for the more (5) _________ traveler, challenging mountain or hill-walking expeditions.

But it would be (6) ___________ to give the impression that these holidays are just about walking. According to the brochure, an (7) __________ of walking is often the thing that brings together a group of like-minded people, who share the (8) ____________ of good companionship in (9) __________ surroundings.

The company believes that its tour leaders are the key to success. These people are (10) ___________ trained and are particularly keen to (11) __________ that each individual traveler makes the most of their trip.

I.4 Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same. 15 points

1. I’m sure that Karen is a beautiful baby.Karen .........................................................2. We can’t eat now because there isn’t enough time. There is too ..................................................................3. They say he works in this factory.He ......................................................4. Our master insists that we should give him the essay tomorrow.He insists on .......................................................................5. They were repairing the road.The road .....................................

PARTEA II____ ________ (30 de puncte)

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Write a letter to a friend in which you describe him the atmosphere of the last birthday party you attended. (no more than 150 words)

TEST DE EVALUARE INITIALAAnul scolar 2011-2012

Limba engleza (2)Clasa a XI-a

Numele si prenumele elevului:Data sustinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corecta a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si sin Partea a II-a se acorda 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acorda 10 puncte.

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I_____ (60 de puncte)I.1. Read the text below and complete the following tasks. Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Anna Jones tells of her move from skiing to downhill mountain biking and her rapid rise up the ranks to her current position as one of the top five downhill racers in the country.

At the age of seven I had learnt to ski and by fourteen, I was competing internationally. When I was eighteen a close friend was injured in a ski race, and as a result, I gave up competitive skiing. To fill the gap that skiing had left I decided to swap two planks of wood for two wheels with big tyres.

My first race was a cross-country race in 1995. It wasn’t an amazing success. (1) ___________ . After entering a few more cross-country races, a local bike shop gave me a downhill bike to try. I entered a downhill race, fell off, but did reasonably well in the end, so I switched to downhill racing.

I think my skiing helped a lot as I was able to transfer several skills such as cornering and weight balance to mountain biking. This year I’m riding for a famous British team and there are races almost every weekend from March through to September. (2) ____________. In fact, there’s quite a lot of putting up tents in muddy fields.

Last season I was selected to represent Great Britain at both the European and World Championships. Both events were completely different from the UK race scene. (3) __________ . I was totally in awe, racing with the riders I had been following in magazines. The atmosphere was electric and I finished about mid-pack.

Mountain biking is a great sport to be in. People ask me if downhill racing is really scary. I say, “Yes it is, and I love it.” Every time I race I scare myself silly and then say, “Yeah, let’s do it again.”

When you’re riding well, you are right on the edge, as close as you can be to being out of control. (4) __________ . However, you quickly learn how to do it so as not to injure yourself. And it’s part of the learning process as you have to push yourself and try new skills to improve.

I. 1. a. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for each gap in the text. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

8 points

A. It’s not all stardom and glamour, though.B. I’ve fallen off more times than I care to remember.C. I finished last, but it didn’t matter as I really enjoy it.D. I’m not strong enough in my arms, so I’ve been doing a lot of upper body training this year.E. The courses were twice as long and the crowds were twice as big.

I. 1. b. Match the words in bold in the text to their definition given below. There is one extra definition which you do not need to use. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 4 points

A. 1. changing orientation or direction down a slopeB. 2. line marking the outside limit or boundary of a surface or

area C. 3. substitute something for something elseD. 4. unfilled interval of spaceE. 5. feeling of respect combined with fear or wonder

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I. 1. c. For the following sentences, choose the answer (A, B, C, D) which fits according to the text. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 10 points

1. When Anna Jones was eighteen a close friend was injured in a ski race, and as a result, she ________A. took up competitive skiing B. started competitive skiing C. stopped competitive skiing D. was forced to give up competitive skiing

2. When she entered a downhill race, she did reasonably well in the end, so she _____________A. stopped downhill racing and started competitive skiing B. gave up downhill racingC. stopped competitive skiing and started downhill racing D. stopped mountain biking

3. At both the European and World Championships the events were different from the UK race scene as___________A. the courses were three times as long and the crowds were twice as bigB. the courses were twice as long and the crowds were twice as bigC. the courses were longer and the crowds were bigger than those in the UK raceD. the courses were twice as short and the crowds were twice as big

4. The atmosphere at both the European and World Championships was electric and Anne Jones finished ___________ A. last of the pack B. first of the packC. about the middle of the pack D. second of the pack

5. When you’re riding, you quickly learn how to do it so as not to ______________A. fall B. get hurtC. stumble C. trip

I.2 Read the text below to fill the missing information. Write only one missing word next to the number indicating each blank space. 12 points

These days, in millions of homes around the world, people make cups of tea (1) _________ tea bags. But (2) ________ first thought of putting tea leaves (3) _________ small bags. It was an American, in 1919. At (4) _________ time, the bags were mainly used by tea companies to allow customers to try the tea before buying it. But the idea of the tea bag took (5) __________, and by 1935 most were being bought for use (6) _________ home.

I.3 Read the text below and use the words given in capitals below to form words that fit in the gaps. The words in capitals are given in the order you need to use them: 11 pointsRELATION, PERSON, NATURE, COMPLETE, NERVE, FRIEND, DEVELOP, GENERAL, ACTIVE, TRUTH, SUPPORT

Everyone wants to have friends, but building up new (1) _____________is not always easy. A few people are born with outgoing (2) __________; they have a (3) ___________ ability to make new friends wherever they go. But not many people are (4) ___________ at ease in a room full of strangers. Most of us feel (5) _________ when we meet new people, and this can occasionally make us appear (6) _________when in fact we are just shy. In any case, the (7) ________ of new friendships is a gradual process – it doesn’t just happen overnight. Long-standing friendships (8) ________ have several things in common. The friends enjoy the same sorts of (9) ___________ , and share similar beliefs and values, they are (10) __________ to one another, and they are also (11) ___________ of one another when they have problems.

I.4 Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same. 15 points

1. I advise you to read it twice before you sign.You ....................................................................2. The building is too small to house the history museum.The building is not...............................................................3. The last time I saw Helen was before she left for Australia.I ................................................................................................. 4. Harry woke up late and he missed the bus to school.If Harry .................................................5. If you don’t follow my advice, I won’t help you.Unless .....................................................................

PARTEA II____ _____________ (30 points)

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Write a letter to a friend in which you tell him what a great time you had on the summer camp. (no more than 150 words)