Download - Rolul sistemelor cognitive pentru cunoaşterea socială

  • 7/30/2019 Rolul sistemelor cognitive pentru cunoaterea social


    Rolul sistemelor cognitive pentru cunoaterea social

    Orice sistem cognitiv incorporeaz i o realitate fizic, cum ar fi de exemplu un

    calculator i hard-ul su, mintea uman sau animal i creierul aferent. Procesarea

    informaional poate fi efectuat la fel de bine de o reea neuronal, o reea de cipuri de siliciu

    sau de supraconductori. Sistemul cognitiv uman care este cel mai evoluat, opereaz cu

    reprezentri, cu reflectri ale realitii exterioare n mediul intern. Comportamentul uman, dar

    i cel computaional, poate fi explicat i neles printr-o analiz multinivelar a acestuia (la

    nivelul cunotinelor, la nivel computaional, algoritmic-reprezentaional sau

    implementaional). Teza principal a acestui studiu este c individul i structureaz un anumit

    comportament, sistem de atitudini i valori, modalitate de cunoatere social n funcie de

    caracteristicile propriului sistem cognitiv i modului de procesare a informaiilor. De

    asemenea, percepia este considerat un proces psihic valoros, care st la baza explicrii,

    prediciei i controlului interaciunilor sociale. Prin cogniia social explicm cum un individ

    construiete i ntreine o realitate social. Se va stabili ce tip de cunotine se produc nprocesul cogniiei sociale (cunotine descriptive ale obiectelor sau evaluative?).

    The role of cognitive systems for social knowledge

    Any cognitive system incorporates and a physical reality, such as for example a computer and its hardware, or human

    and animals mind and brain related. Information processing can be performed equally well by a neural network, a

    network of silicon chips and superconductors. Human cognitive system that is the most evolved, operates with

    representations, the reflections of outside reality in the internal environment. Human behavior and computational

    behavior can be explained and understood through a multilevel analysis of it (at the knowledge, at the computational,

    algorithmic-representational or implementation). The main thesis of this study is that one makes a structured behavior,

    attitudes and value system, way of knowing according to the characteristics of their cognitive system and how they

    process information. Also, perception is considered a valuable psychological process that underlies explanation,

    prediction and control of social interactions. The social cognition explain how an individual builds and maintains a socialreality. It will determine what kind of knowledge is produced in the social cognition (descriptive knowledges of objects or

    evaluative knowledges?).