Download - Regulament Intern de Functionare World Class



Programul de functionare al Centrelor de Conditie Fizica

este de luni pana vineri, intre orele 06:00 – 23:001, iar

sambata si duminica intre orele 8:00 -21:00. World Class isi

rezerva dreptul de a modifica oricand programul de

functionare al Centrelor de Conditie Fizica precum si orele

de program ale cursurilor organizate in cadrul Centrelor de

Conditie Fizica, modificarile urmand a fi aduse la

cunostinta Beneficiarilor in timp util, prin afisare la

receptia Centrelor de Conditie Fizica sau pe website-ul

World Class. Beneficiarii trebuie sa respecte intocmai orele

de deschidere si de inchidere prevazute in programul de

functionare al Centrelor de Conditie Fizica.

Accesul și participarea Beneficiarilor la antrenamentele de

fitness de grup, organizate de către World Class sub

conducerea antrenorilor din cadrul Centrelor de Conditie

Fizica, se va face numai în limita locurilor disponibile.

Beneficiarilor li se interzice utilizarea in cadrul Centrelor

de Conditie Fizica a unui limbaj neadecvat sau ofensator

precum si orice tip de violenta fizica si/sau verbala, atat

fata de ceilalti Beneficiari or abonati ai Centrelor de

Conditie Fizica cat si fata de personalul World Class.

Beneficiarii nemultumiti de serviciile World Class trebuie

sa anunte receptia in acest sens sau sa completeze un

formular de tip „Feedback” aflat la receptia Centrelor de

Conditie Fizica.

Beneficiarilor li se interzice utilizarea salilor aflate in

incinta Centrelor de Conditie Fizica in scopuri comerciale.

Prin utilizarea salilor aflate in incinta Centrelor de

Conditie Fizica in scopuri comerciale se intelege faptul ca

Beneficiarii nu pot oferi altor Beneficiari sau abonati ai

Centrelor de Conditie Fizica, contra cost, servicii de

antrenament personalizat sau orice alte servicii cu scop

comercial, fara aprobarea prealabila, in forma scrisa, a

Managementului World Class. Antrenorii World Class

sunt singurele persoane abilitate sa presteze servicii de

antrenament personalizat Beneficiarilor, situatie in care

Beneficiarii vor achizitiona pachete de antrenament


In incinta Centrelor de Conditie Fizica este interzisa

publicitatea de orice fel precum si impartirea de brosuri

sau alte mesaje personale, de catre Beneficiari.

Fumatul, consumul de bauturi alcoolice, droguri,

medicamente sau consumul si/sau comercializarea oricaror

substante ilegale de catre Beneficiari este strict interzisa in


The time schedule of the Health Center is from Monday to

Friday, between 06:00 – 23:00, Saturday and Sunday,

between 8:00 - 21:00. World Class reserves the right to

modify the time schedule of the Health Centers and/or the

schedule of the training programmes at any time. The new

time schedule and/or the schedule of the training

programmes shall be communicated in due time to the

Beneficiaries, by posting within the premises of the Health

Centers and on the website of World Class. The

Benficiaries shall have to observe the opening and closing

hours provided by the time schedule of the Health Centers.

The access of the Beneficiaries to the group fitness

programmes organized by World Class and led by the

trainers of World Class shall be permitted only within the

available places.

The Beneficiaries are prohibited to use within the Health

Centers an inappropriate or offensive language and any

physical and / or verbal violence, both towards other

Beneficiaries and Members of the Health Centers of

towards the employees of World Class. The dissatisfied

Beneficiaries must notify the reception in this respect or to

fill out the "Feedback" form located at the reception of each

Health Center.

The Beneficiaries are prohibited to utilize the premises of

the Health Centers for commercial purposes. Prohibition of

utilizing the premises of the Health Centers for commercial

purposes means that Beneficiaries cannot offer other

Beneficiaries or Members of the Health Centers, in

exchange for money, services of customized training or any

other services with commercial purpose without prior

approval of the World Class Management. The trainers

appointed by World Class are the only persons authorized

to provide customized training services to the

Beneficiaries, in which case the Beneficiaries shall acquire

specific training packages.

Any advertising of any kind or distributing brochures or

other personal messages by the Beneficiaries inside the

premises of the Health Centers is forbidden.

Smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages, drugs, medicines

or consuming and / or trading of any illegal substances

inside the premises of the Health Centers is strictly

1 Cu excepția Fitness Center al Plaza Mall, în cazul căruia programul de funcționare este următorul: de luni până vineri, între orele 07:00 – 24:00, sâmbătă și duminică, între orele

09:00 – 22:00 si World Class Health Academy Cluj, unde programul de functionare de luni pana vineri este 07:00-23:00 si sâmbătă și duminică, între orele 08:00 – 21:00 /

Excluding Fitness Center at Plaza Mall, the time schedule of this Health Center being from Monday to Friday, between 06.00 – 23.00; Saturday and Sunday, between 08.00 –

22.00 and World Class Health Academy Cluj where the time schedule of this Health Center being from Monday to Friday, between 07.00 – 23.00; Saturday and Sunday, between

08.00 – 21.00.


incinta Centrelor de Conditie Fizica.

Beneficiarii nu au acces in locatiile din cadrul Centrelor de

Conditie Fizica care sunt destinate exclusiv personalului

World Class.

Pe perioada in care Beneficiarul se afla in interiorul

Centrului de Conditie Fizica, cardul de membru al acestuia

va fi pastrat la receptia Centrului de Conditie Fizica. In

baza prezentarii cardului de membru la receptia Centrului

de Conditie Fizica, Beneficiarul va primi o cheie de vestiar

si 2 prosoape2, care trebuie returnate la receptie de catre

Beneficiari, la momentul plecarii din Centrul de Conditie

Fizica. In cazul in care Beneficiarul nu restituie la plecare

cheia de la vestiar, acesta va trebui sa achite World Class

echivalentul in Lei al sumei de 20 euro, cu titlu de taxa de

inlocuire. In cazul in care Beneficiarul nu restituie la

plecare prosoapele, acesta va trebui sa achite World Class

echivalentul in Lei al sumei de 10 euro pentru prosopul

mare si echivalentul in Lei al sumei de 5 euro pentru

prosopul mic, cu titlu de taxa de inlocuire.

Vestiarul si cheia de la vestiar pot fi utilizate de catre

Beneficiari numai pe parcursul unei singure intrari in

incinta Centrelor de Conditie Fizica. Beneficiarii nu vor

depozita obiecte personale in vestiarele Centrelor de

Conditie Fizica, intre 2 intrari distincte ale acestora in

cadrul Centrelor de Conditie Fizica. Beneficiarii isi vor

pastra toate obiectele personale inchise in vestiarele aflate

in incinta Centrelor de Conditie Fizica. World Class poate

pune la dispozitia Beneficiarilor safe-uri in scopul

depozitarii de catre acestia a obiectelor de valoare.

Este interzisa expunerea partilor intime ale corpului de

catre Beneficiari, in salile de antrenament sau in zona de

piscina a Centrelor de Conditie Fizica.

Beneficiarii sunt obligati sa poarte echipament sportiv

adecvat pe tot parcursul antrenamentului, respectiv

trening, tricou, pantaloni scurti si pantofi de sport adecvati

salilor de antrenament. Beneficiarii vor purta in zona de

piscina costume de baie adecvate, inclusiv acoperirea

trenului superior (bust) in ceea ce priveste Beneficiarii de

sex feminin. Este interzisa intrarea Beneficiarilor in salile

de antrenament sau in zona de piscina cu pantofi de strada.

Beneficiarilor care efectueaza exercitii cu greutati mari li se

recomanda sa solicite sprijinul unui antrenor al World

Class sau al unui partener de antrenament, respectiv a unui

Beneficiar sau unui abonat al Centrelor de Conditie Fizica.

Beneficiarii vor pune la locul special destinat, din cadrul

salii de antrenament, toate greutatile precum si orice alte

echipamente utilizate in cadrul antrenamentului, la

incheierea sedintei de antrenament. In scopul mentinerii

unui grad inalt de igena, Beneficiarii trebuie sa foloseasca,

in timpul antrenamentului, prosoapele din dotare si sa

depoziteze orice deseuri in spatiile special destinate in


The Beneficiaries do not have access to the locations

intended exclusively for the employees of World Class.

During the staying of the Beneficiary within the premises

of the Health Center, the membership card will be kept at

the reception of the Health Center. Upon presenting the

membership card at the reception of the Health Center, the

Beneficiary shall receive a locker key and two towels, that

must be returned to the reception when the Beneficiary

shall leave the Health Center. In case that the Beneficiary

does not return the locker key upon his/her departure, the

Beneficiary shall have to pay World Class the Lei

equivalent of Euro 20, as replacement fee. In case that the

Beneficiary does not return the towels upon his/her

departure, the Beneficiary shall have to pay World Class

the Lei equivalent of Euro 10 for the large towel and the Lei

equivalent of Euro 5 for the small towel, as replacement


The locker and the locker key can be used by the

Beneficiaries only during one visit within the premises of

the Health Centers. The Beneficiaries shall not store

personal items in the locker room of the Health Centers

between two separate visits to the Health Centers. The

Beneficiaries shall keep all their personal items locked in

the lockers located inside the premises of the Health

Centers. World Class can provide the Beneficiaries with

access to safe boxes for the purpose of storing the


Exposure of the intimate body parts by the Beneficiaries,

within the training rooms or the pool area of the Health

Centers is forbidden.

The Beneficiaries are required to wear appropriate fitness

clothing throughout the training, respectively tracksuit, t-

shirt, shorts and sports shoes suitable for the training

rooms. The Beneficiaries shall wear appropriate swimwear

in the pool area, including coverage of upper body (torso)

for the case of women. The access of the Beneficiaries

within the training rooms or within the pool area with

street shoes is strictly forbidden.

The Beneficiaries who perform exercises with heavy loads

are recommended to solicit the assistance of a specialized

trainer of World Class or a training partner, respectively

another Beneficiary or member of the Health Centers. The

Beneficiaries shall return all weights and any other

equipment used during training to their designated

locations in the training rooms, upon ending each training

session. In order to maintain a high degree of hygiene,

during training, The Beneficiaries must use the towels at

their disposal, and must store any waste in the spaces

designated for this purpose, within the premises of the

2 Cu exceptia Fitness Center at Plaza Mall, World Class Fitness Center America House, World Class Fitness Center at Promenada, World Class Titan și Health Academy Cluj

unde prosoapele sunt oferite contra cost / Excluding Fitness Center at Plaza Mall, World Class Fitness Center America House, World Class Fitness Center at Promenada, World

Class Titan and Health Academy Cluj where the towels are provided for a fee.

acest scop in interiorul Centrelor de Conditie Fizica.

Este interzisa intrarea Beneficiarilor in salile de

antrenament si in incinta piscinei, cu produse alimentare

ori pahare sau alte recipiente.

Este interzisa efectuarea pozelor si/sau inregistrarilor video

de catre Beneficiari, in incinta Centrelor de Conditie Fizica,

fara acordul prealabil, exprimat in forma scrisa, al World


Din motive de securitate, este strict interzisa detinerea de

catre Beneficiari a oricaror arme in incinta Centrelor de

Conditie Fizica, inclusiv dar fara a se limita la pistoale cu

gloante, pistoale cu gaz, spray-uri paralizante sau


Comercializarea si/sau consumul bauturilor alcoolice, al

substantelor narcotice si/sau alte substante halucinogene

este strict interzisa in incinta Centrelor de Conditie


Din motive de securitate, sunt de asemenea interzise

sariturile in piscinele din cadrul Centrelor de Conditie


Copiii minori ai Beneficiarilor, în vârstă de până la 12 ani,

vor avea acces numai în incinta zonei de piscina a

Centrelor de Conditie Fizica, între orele 09:00 – 18:00, de

luni până duminică și numai sub supravegherea strictă a

părinților acestora, cu excepția cazului în care copiii minori

se vor afla sub supravegherea antrenorilor din cadrul

Centrelor de Conditie Fizica.

Health Centers.

Entrance of the Beneficiaries in the training rooms and/or

the pool area with food or drinks or other containers is


Taking pictures and / or videos by the Beneficiaries within

the premises of the Health Centers, without having the

prior written consent of World Class, is prohibited.

For security reasons, it is strictly prohibited for the

Beneficiaries to posses any weapons inside the premises

of the Health Centers, including but not limited to

handguns with bullets, gas guns, pepper sprays and stun


Trading and / or consuming alcohol, drugs and / or other

hallucinogenic substances is strictly prohibited inside the

premises of the Health Centers.

For security reasons, jumping in the pools within the

premises of the Health Centers is also prohibited.

The access of the minor children of the Beneficiaries, with

the maximum age of 12 years, shall be permitted only

within the pool areas of the Health Centers, from Monday

to Sunday, between 09.00-18.00, under the strict

surveillance of their parents, excluding the case when the

minor children shall be under the surveillance of the World

Class’ trainers from the Health Centers.