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8 Martie 2015Echilibrarea Sinelui, cu viaa de familieEnergii complementaredeMadisyn TaylorA-i acorda un rstimp preios pentru Sine, n fiecare zi, este un act necesar, chiar vital; i nu ar trebui s fie considerat un lux.

Muli dintre noi ntmpin dificulti n echilibrarea grijii de Sine, cu grija pentru propria familie, respectiv cu ndeplinirea responsabilitilor familiale. ndeosebi n cazul persoanelor care au copii, acest proces de echilibrare se poate dovedi problematic; ns, chiar i persoanele fr copii au propriile obligaii, fa de membrii unei familii numeroase, fa de partenerul de via, ori animluul de companie, precum i cminul n care locuiesc. Putem pierde, treptat, urma propriilor nevoi sufleteti, pe cnd ne dedicm oamenilor, animluelor i cminelor noastre. Cu toate acestea, a avea grij de noi nine, reenergizndu-ne, remprosptndu-ne resursele sufleteti, este un act esenial, chiar i pentru fericirea celor dragi; ntruct, astfel, vom avea mereu un dar de oferit, la ntoarcerea acas.

Este att de uor s fim prini n solicitrile vieii de familie, ntruct acestea nu contenesc vreodat. ntotdeauna se gsete ceva de fcut; fie un vas n chiuvet, pentru splat, fie blatul din buctrie, de ters; fie un membru al familiei, care trebuie transportat cu maina. n cazul n care nu stabileti nite granie, te vei rtci ntr-un labirint nesfrit al treburilor gospodreti i al druirii de sine, celorlali. n cele din urm, te vei simi sectuit i vei pierde contactul cu fora vital dinluntru. Pentru a prentmpina acest deznodmnt, ar fi bine s incluzi grija de sine, n programul tu zilnic. Chiar i Buddha insista s se bucure de o or, numai pentru el nsui, n fiecare zi. n anumite mprejurri, nici mcar acest lucru nu este posibil de pild, la venirea pe lume a unei noi fiine sau la mbolnvirea unui membru apropiat al familiei. n asemenea circumstane, replierea luntric, din punct de vedere energetic, poate fi salvarea vieii tale. Se pot gsi ntotdeauna cinci minute, pe care s le consacri nchiderii ochilor i respiraiei contiente. Vei reui, probabil, chiar i s gseti un scurt rgaz, pentru a medita.

i totui, cel mai adesea, i este cu putin s-i consacri ie nsui, cte o or, n fiecare zi. De asemenea, rezervarea unui rstimp mai ndelungat, o dat pe sptmn, te poate ajuta, realmente, s-i restabileti nivelul energetic. Acord-i timp pentru un masaj, pentru o ieire la cinematograf, ori pentru ntlnirea, revederea unui prieten drag. Dedicarea unor momente preioase, perceperii pulsului lumii din exteriorul cminului, confer farmec i bucurie, ntoarcerii acas. n egal msur, grija de sine este o complinire fireasc a grijii pentru cmin i familie.

March 8, 2015Balancing Self with Family LifeComplementary EnergiesbyMadisyn TaylorTaking time for daily self-care is vital and necessary and should not be seen as a luxury.

Many of us have a hard time balancing taking care of ourselves with taking care of our family responsibilities. For people with young children, this can be especially challenging, but even people without children have obligations to care for extended family, partners, pets, and the home in which they live. Its easy to lose track of our own needs as we give ourselves to the people, pets, and places we love. However, it is essential to their well-being that we take care of ourselves, filling our own wells with water so that we have something to offer when we return home each day.

It is easy to get caught up in the demands of home life because they never stop. There is always one more thing you can do, another dish in the sink, a counter that needs wiping, or a person who needs a ride somewhere. If you dont set some boundaries, you will find yourself on an endless journey of housework and doing for others. Eventually, you will probably feel drained and out of touch with your inner life force. Instead of waiting for this to happen, integrate self-care into your daily schedule. Even Buddha insisted that he have one hour completely to himself every day. There are times when even that will not be possiblefor example, with a new baby or a sick relative. At times like this, retreating inward energetically can be a lifesaver. You can always find five minutes to close your eyes and breathe consciously. You may even be able to meditate.

Most of the time, though, it is possible to set aside a full hour for yourself each day. In addition, scheduling a longer interval of time, perhaps on a weekly basis, can really help to restore your energy. Get a massage or go to a movie or out with a friend. Taking time to experience the world outside of your home makes returning home all the more wonderful. In the same way, taking care of yourself is a natural complement to taking care of your home and family.