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CLASS: 5th


1. Choose the correct answer: A / AN 1p.

.. apple.. bag.. pencil .. dog ........ English book .. interesting desk .. Geography teacher.. splendid flower.. elegant sir.. warbrobe

2. Circle the correct word: 1 point( Look! There is a / an dog and a / an cat! ( George is a / an American name

(. Lets take a / an umbrella! Its raining. ( I am a / an inventive person!

3. Answer the questions: 1,5 points

What is your name? .

Where are you from?

Who is your favourite teacher? .

How old are you?...........................................................................

4. Choose the correct answer: AM / ARE / IS? 1 point

IHans. I.from Holland. MY familybeautiful. Iten years old. My friend ..Diana. She..ten, too. Webest friends. We like to play music. Wefrom England. England .a big country. England in Europe.

5. Complete with WHO, WHERE, WHAT: 1 point1. s the boy over there? 2. s the name of the girl over there? 3. .is your teachers name? 4. ..s my camera?

6. Translate into English: 2p.

1. Iulianaeste prietena mea. 2. Unde este mama ta? Este acas? Nu, ea este la lucru.

3. Cine este acel baiat? 4. Ghiozdanul meu este pe banc. 5. Crile tale nu sunt n ghiozdan.

7. Read the text and choose the correct answer true or false: 1,5 points

Sophie: Let me see, Andra Mocans telephone number.. Here, I found it: 428 039.

Sophie: Hello, this is Sophie Bowen. Can I speak to Andra, please?

Andra: Hello, Sophie! Its me, Andra! So good to hear you! How are you?

Sophie: Im very well, thank you. Im back in Romania.

Andra: How wonderful! Its been three years since we last met!

Sophie: I know, a long time, isnt it? And how are you, Andra?

A: Im fine, too, thanks. A lot of things changed But its a long story. Listen, why dont you pay us a visit sometime? My parents would love to see you again!

S: Thank you. Id love that. Do you live in the same place?

A: No, we moved last year.

S: Really? Thats wonderful! Whats your address now?

A: Its flat 43, 5 Saturn street. Its on the third floor.

S: Great, let me write it down. Can you say it again please?

A: Sure. Its flat 43, 5 Saturn street, third floor.

S: Excellent! See you tonight then.

a. Sophie is in England now. T F

b. Andra and Sophie last met three years ago. T F

c. Many things changed in Andras life. T F

d. Sophie knows where Andra lives now. T F

e. Sophie says she will visit Andra tonight. T F