Verbe neregulate

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Transcript of Verbe neregulate

Cum se identifica verbele neregulate in englezaSunt verbe care nu formeaza trecutul simplu prin adaugarea lui "ed" la sfarsitul formei de infinitiv. Practic aceste verbe neregulate trebuiesc invatate ca atare.Lista principalelor verbe neregulate in englezaInfinitiv-forma 1-Trecut-forma 2-Participiu trecut-forma 3-Traducereverb

to abideabodeabodea astepta, a sta, a locui

to arisearosearisena se ridica

to awakeawokeawakedawokenawakeda se trezi

to bewas, werebeena fi

to bearboreborna se naste

to beatbeatbeatena bate

to becomebecamebecomea deveni

to beginbeganbeguna icepe

to beholdbeheldbehelda zari, a vedea

to bendbentbenta indoi, a curba

to beseechbesoughtbesoughta implora

to betbetbeta paria

to bidbadebiddena oferi, a licita

to bindboundbounda lega

to bitebitbittena musca

to bleedbledbleda sangera

to blessblestblesta binecuvanta

to blowblewblowna sufla

to breakbrokebrokena sparge

to breedbredbreda creste

to bringbroughtbroughta aduce

to broadcastbroadcastbroadcasta transmite prin radio

to burnburnt (burned)burnt (burned)a arde

to burstburstbursta izbucni

to buyboughtboughta cumpara

cancouldbeen able toa putea

to castcastcasta arunca

to catchcaughtcaughta prinde

to choosechosechosena alege

to cleavecleftclefta despica

to clingclungclunga se lipi

to comecamecomea veni

to costcostcosta costa

to creepcreptcrepta se tara

to cutcutcuta taia

to dealdealtdealta se ocupa, a trata afaceri

to digdugduga sapa

to dodiddonea face

to drawdrewdrawna desena

to dreamdreamt (dreamed)dreamt (dreamed)a visa

to drinkdrankdrunka bea

to drivedrovedrivena conduce masina

to dwelldweltdwelta locui, a ramane, a insista

to eatateeatena manca

to fallfellfallena cadea

to feedfedfeda hrani

to feelfeltfelta simti

to fightfoughtfoughta lupta

to findfoundfounda gasi

to flyflewflowna zbura

to forbidforbadeforbiddena interzice

to forecastforecastforecasta prevedea

to foreseeforesawforeseena prevedea

to foretellforetoldforetolda prezice

to forgetforgotforgottena uita

to forgiveforgaveforgivena ierta

to forgoforwentforgonea renunta la,a da uitarii

forsakeforsookforsakena parasi

to freezefrozefrozena igheta

to getgotgota primi

to givegavegivena da

to gowentgonea merge

to grindgroundgrounda macina

to growgrewgrowna creste

to hanghung (hanged)hung (hanged)a spanzura

to havehadhada avea

to hearheardhearda auzi

to hidehidhiddena ascunde

to hithithita lovi

to holdheldhelda tine

to hurthurthurta rani

to keepkeptkepta pastra

to kneelkneltknelta igenunchia

to knitknitknita tricota

to knowknewknowna sti, a cunoaste

to laylaidlaida aseza

to leadledleda conduce

to leanleantleanta se sprijini de

to learnlearnt (learned)learnt (learned)a ivata

to leaveleftlefta parasi

to lendlentlenta mprumuta (cuiva)

to letletleta permite

to lielaylaina fi culcat

to lightlitlita aprinde

to loselostlosta pierde

to makemademadea face

to meanmeantmeanta isemna

to meetmetmeta intalni

to misgivemisgavemisgivena inspira neicredere

to misleadmisledmisleda induce in eroare

to mistakemistookmistakena intelege gresit

to outdooutdidoutdonea intrece

to overcomeovercameovercomea invinge

to overdooverdidoverdonea face exces

to paypaidpaida plati

to putputputa pune

to readreadreada citi

to rendrentrenta sfasia, a rupe

to rideroderiddena calari

to ringrangrunga suna

to riseroserisena se ridica

to runranruna alerga

to saysaidsaida spune

to seesawseena vedea

to seeksoughtsoughta cauta

to sellsoldsolda vinde

to sendsentsenta trimite

to setsetseta regla, a fixa

to sewsewedsewn (sewed)a coase

to shakeshookshakena scutura, a clatina

to shaveshavedshavena se barbieri

to shedshedsheda varsa (lacrimi)

to shineshoneshonea straluci

to shoeshodshoda icalta, a potcovi

to shootshotshota mpusca

to showshowedshowna arata

to shrinkshrankshrunka se strange

to shutshutshuta inchide

to singsangsunga canta

to sinksanksunka se scufunda

to sitsatsata sta (pe ceva)

to slayslewslaina ucide

to sleepsleptslepta dormi

to slideslidslida aluneca

to slingslungslunga azvarli

to slitslitslita despica

to smellsmelt (smelled)smelt (smelled)a mirosi

to smitesmotesmittena lovi

to sowsowedsowna semana

to speakspokespokena vorbi

to speedspedspeda accelera

to spellspelt (spelled)spelt (spelled)a pronunta litera cu litera

to spendspentspenta cheltui

to spillspiltspilta varsa

to spinspunspuna toarce,a se roti

to spitspatspata scuipa

to splitsplitsplita despica

to spoilspoiltspoilta strica

to spreadspreadspreada intinde

to springsprangsprunga sari, a tasni

to standstoodstooda sta in picioare

to stealstolestolena fura

to stickstuckstucka infige, a se lipi

to stingstungstunga itepa

to stinkstankstunka mirosi urat

to strikestruckstrucka lovi

to stringstrungstrunga insira,a incorda

to strivestrovestrivena se stradui

to swearsworesworna jura

to sweepsweptswepta matura

to swimswamswuma inota

to swingswungswunga se legana

to taketooktakena lua

to teachtaughttaughta invata, a preda

to teartoretorna rupe, a sfasia

to telltoldtolda spune

to thinkthoughtthoughta gandi, a crede

to throwthrewthrowna arunca

to thrustthrustthrusta mbranci

to treadtrodtroddena calca

to underlieunderlayunderlaina sustine

to understandunderstoodunderstooda intelge

to upsetupsetupseta supara

to wakewokewokena se trezi

to wearworeworna purta

to weavewovewovena tese

to wetwetweta uda

to winwonwona castiga

to windwoundwounda se rasuci

to wringwrungwrunga frange,a smulge

to writewrotewrittena scrie