Turism Balnear

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Destinațiii balneare în Republica Moldova

Transcript of Turism Balnear

  • TurismBalnear

    M O L D O V AA g e n i A T u r i s m u l u i p r e z i n T



  • Sanatoriul Bucuria-Sind

    Sanatoriul Bucuria-Sind, este amplasat n apropiere de capitala Chiinu (20 km), n oraul Vadul lui Vod, n zona sanatorial, a Parcului Naional de Odihn i Turism, situat pe malul Nistrului. Deschis pe tot parcursul anului.Direcia principal a sanatoriului este trata-mentul sistemului cardiovascular. n afar de condiiile enunate, clienii pot trata bolile digestive, aparatului locomotor, sistemului de urinare, sistemului nervos i endocrin, i a altor boli.

    Metode de tratament:Pe teritoriului staiunii este o surs de ap mineral cu efect curativ. Aceast ap este folosit la diferite proceduri medicale:- Fitoterapie;- Balneoterapie (bai, spa);- Hidroterapie;- Parafina Ozokeritotherapy;- Zgura de tratament (argil local albastr);- Masaj, masaj mecanic;- Terapia Iono-Muzical;- Fizioterapie (inclusiv cu laser);- Acupunctura.Sanatoriul dispune de spaii de cazare con-fortabile, camere single i duble, Lux. Clinica, cantin, bar, sala de concert, bibliotec, sal de gimnastic, acces la internet (WiFi Zone).Pe amatorii de cltorii i ateapt trasee tu-ristice atractive pe ntreg teritoriul Moldovei: atracii turistice n Chiinu, tururi vitivinicole, monumente istorice i alte cltorii turistice.

    Republica Moldova, mun.Chiinuor. Vadul lui Vod, str. Balnear, 1Telefon: (+373 22) 417547 Fax: (+373 22) [email protected]

  • Sanatorium Bucuria-Sind

    Sanatorium Bucuria-Sind, is located near the capital, Chisinau (20 km), in the city Vadul Voda, in the sanatorium zone of, National Park of Recreation and Tourism, located on the bank of the river Nistru. Open all year.The main direction of the sanatorium is the treatment of cardiovascular system. In ad-dition to the conditions set customers can treat digestive diseases, musculoskeletal sys-tem, urinary system, nervous and endocrine systems and other diseases.

    Methods of treatment:On the resort land is a source of curative min-eral water. This water is used in various medi-cal procedures:- Phytotherapy;- Balneotherapy (bath, spa);- Hydrotherapy;- Paraffin Ozokeritotherapy;- Hard treatment (local blue clay);- Massage, mechanical massage;- Ionic-Music Therapy;- Physiotherapy (including laser);- Acupuncture.Sanatorium offers accommodation, com-fortable single and double rooms, Lux. Clinic, canteen, bar, concert hall, library, gym, internet access (WiFi zones).The travel enthusiasts await attractive tour-ist routes on the whole territory of Moldova: Chisinau attractions, wine tours, historical monuments and other tourist travel.

    Republic of Moldova, ChisinauVadul lui Voda, 1, Balneara str.Phone: (+373 22) 417547 Fax: (+373 22) 416047e-mail: [email protected]

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    , , . --, . , 1.: (+373 22) 417547Fax: (+373 22)416047e-mail: [email protected]

  • Staiunea Balneoclimateric codru

    Staiunea balneoclimateric Codru este aezat n unul dintre cele mai pitoreti locuri ale Codri-lor, la 22 kilometri distan de or. Clrai i 78 kilometri de Chiinu.

    Secie de fizioterapia este nzestrat cu aparate mo-derne. Staiunea balneoclimateric Codru pre-steaz urmtoarele servicii:- Amplipulsterapie, cureni sinusoidali modulai; - Diodinamoterapie; - Interferenterapie;- Ultrasonoterapie, ultrafonoforez;- Magnitoterapie;- Darsonvalizarea;- Terapie cu unde decimetrice lungi, scurte;- Fototerapie;- Iradiere cu raze ultraviolete;.- Bioptron;- Cabinet electrocardiografic;- Stomatologie;- Diagnostic ultrasonografie;- Laborator clinic, biochimic, bacteriologic;- Inhalatoriu;- Lazeroterapie, terapie manual.- Buvet de ap mineral;- Secie de balneologie (20 czi);- Hidroterapia du arcot, circular, ascendent;- Du masaj subacvatic - 4 czi;- Bi turbulente - 3 czi;- Secie peloidoterapie (nmol) 14 sofe (cuete);- Tampoane cu nmol 6 sofe (cuete);- Galvano nmol - 6 sofe (cuete);- Cabinet de control oncologic profilactic, policli-nica balneologic;

    - Sala de trenajoare i gimnastic curativ;- Piscina cu hidroterapie;- Fitobar (fitoterapie);- Cabinete de masaj - 11 masori; Moldova, com. Hrjauca, r-nul ClraiSB CODRU SRLTel/fax: +373 (244) 72-2-34 +373 (244)72-2-32e-mail: [email protected] www.sbcodru.md

  • Balneological Sanatorium codru

    Balneological sanatorium Codru is located in one of the most picturesque places in the Codrii, in 22 kilometers from the town Ca-larasi and 78 km from Chisinau.

    Physiotherapy department is equiped with modern appliances. Resort spa Codru pro-vides the following services:- Pump-room mineral water- Mud Bath- Gym to heal- Department of Physical Therapy- Inhalator- Dental Surgery- Fitocabinet- Office of psychotherapeutic- Gynecological Surgery- Irrigation bowel- Massage- Underwater massage- Cabinet mud electrotherapy- Salt- Diagnosis of functional cabinet- Fibrogastroskopiiny office- Rektoromanoskopiiny office- Cabinet radiography - Clinical Laboratory, biochemical and bacte-riological

    - The practice of acupuncture- Reflex Cabinet- Cafeteria dining room

    Moldova, village Harjauca, district CalarasiSpa CODRU SRLPhone/fax: +373 (244) 72-2-34 +373 (244)72-2-32E-mail: [email protected]

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    , . , SRL/: +373 (244) 72-2-34 +373 (244) 72-2-32e-mail: [email protected]

  • Sanatoriul conStructorul

    Sanatoriul Preventoriu de Baz Constructorul este o ntreprindere medical de stat de profil general, cunoscut att n Republica Moldova ct i dup hotarele ei, ce presteaz servicii medicale de diagnostic, consultative, de trata-ment medicamentos i de reabilitare.ntreprinderea este dotat cu utilaj modern de diagnostic i tratament, cabinete medicale, sli de odihn cu un dizain contemporan. n cadrul sanatoriului activeaz seciile:- Medicin alternativ i complementar ce prac-tic circa 160 metode de diagnostic i trata-ment, multe din care se practic numai aici;

    - Diagnostic-consultativ;- Fizioterapie i recuperare medical prin me-tode fizice;

    - Ginecologia;- Tratament complex;- Stomatologie;- Secia consultativ pediatric i recuperare medical prin metode fizice.

    Pentru pacienii aflai la tratament se organi-zeaz serate de odihn, lecii tematice, excur-sii i concerte.

    Moldova, mun. Chiinu, str. Zelinski, 15Telefon: (+373 22) 52-27-41, 63-64-57 (+373 22) 55-84-00, 55-04-79 Fax: (+373 22) 52-88-99www.sanatoriul-constructorul.md email: [email protected]

    Sanatorium conStructorul

    Sanatorium Constructorul is a governmen-tal health company by general practitioners, known as in Moldova so abroad, which pro-vides medical diagnostic services, consulta-tions, medical treatment and rehabilitation.The enterprise is equipped with modern equip-ment for diagnosis and treatment, medical wards, rest rooms have a contemporary design. In the sanatorium operating divisions are the following:- Alternative and complementary medicine is practiced about 160 diagnostic and treat-ment methods, many of which are practiced only here;

    - Diagnostic-Consultations;- Physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation methods;

    - Ginecology;

  • - Tratament complex;- Stomatology;- Division of pediatric consultations and medi-cal recovery by physical methods.

    For patients to treatment are organized eve-nings of rest, thematic lessons, trips and con-certs.

    Moldova, Chisinau, Botanica, 15 Zelinski str.Phone: (+373 22) 52-27-41, 63-64-57 (+373 22) 55-84-00, 55-04-79 Fax: (+373 22) 52-88-99www.sanatoriul-constructorul.mdemail: [email protected]

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    , , . , 15: (+373 22) 52-27-41, 63-64-57 (+373 22) 55-84-00, 55-04-79 : (+373 22) 52-88-99www.sanatoriul-constructorul.mdE-mail: [email protected]

  • Staiunea Balnearnufrul alB

    Sanatoriul Nufrul Alb este o staiune balne-ar modern n incinta creia, anual mii de pa-cieni sosesc pentru tratament i reabilitare.n structura bazei diagnostic curative sunt in-cluse: - Sectiunea bai curative- buvet cu ap mineral- Fizioterapie- Salide terapie fizic i mehanic- Camer de microclimat artificial - Piscina- Cabinet psihologic de relief- Cabinete Masaj- Cabinete hidroterapia- Cabinet Hydrocolonotherapy- Diagnostice funcionale- Mers ScandinavicPentru persoanele care se trateaz i se odih-nesc sunt create condiii de agrement:

    Republica Moldova, or. Cahul, str. Nucilor, 1Tel.: (+373 299) 2-34-40Fax: (+373 299) 2-46-45E-mail: [email protected]: www.nufarul.md

    Sanatoriumnufrul alB

    Sanatorium Nufarul Alb is a modern resort, inside of which annually thousands of pati-ents arrive for treatment and rehabilation.The structure of diagnostic curative base in-cludes:- Section curative baths- Buvet with mineral water- Physiotherapy- Physical therapy rooms and mechanical- Room artificial microclimate- Pool- Cabinet psychological relief- Cabinets Massage- Cabinets hydrotherapy

  • - Cabinet Hydrocolonotherapy- functional diagnostics- Walking Scandinavia

    Republic of Moldova, Cahul, 1 Nucilor str.Phone: (+373 299) 2-34-40 Fax: (+373 299) 2-46-45E-mail: [email protected]: www.nufarul.md

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    , , . 1 T.: (+373 299) 2-34-40: (+373 299) 2-46-45E-mail: [email protected]: www.nufarul.md

  • centrul repuBlicanSperana

    Centrul SPERANA este specializat n profila-xia, tratarea i recuperarea bolnavilor cu afec-iuni ale aparatului cardiovascular, nevroze cu dereglri funcionale ale sistemului cardio-vascular, afeciuni vertebrogene ale sistemu-lui nervos periferic, osteoartroze deformante primare, gradul de deformare I-II.n Centru Funcioneaz urmtoarele secii i cabinete:- Secia cardiologie general;- Secia reabilitare dup infarct miocardic. Se trateaz bolnavi care au suportat infarctul miocardic acut i bolnavi cu insuficien car-diac cronic clasele funcionale II-III NYHA;

    - Secia reabilitare dup ictus cerebral (secia neurologie);

    - Cabinetul de acupunctur;- Cabinetul de somn electrogen;- Secia de bi;- Cabinetul fangoterapie dispune de 15 locuri pentru petrecerea procedurelor cu nmol din Crimeia (Saki);

    - Cabinetul de electroterapie;- Cabinetul magnetoterapie;- Cabinetul masaj-subacvatic.

    Moldova, Chiinu, or.Vadul lui Vodstr. Balnear, 11Telefon: (+373 22) 31-45-93, 31-46-98 Fax: (+373 22) 31-45-50e-mail:[email protected]

    center Speranta

    The Center Speranta is specialized in pro-phylaxis, treatment and recovery of patients with cardiovascular disease, Neurosis with functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, vertebrogenic disorders of the peri-pheral nervous system, primary deforming osteoarthrosis, grade I-II deformation.The Center operates the following divisions and offices:- General cardiology department;- Department of rehabilitation after myo-cardial infarction. Treat patients who have suffered heart attacks and patients with chronic heart failure NYHA functional classes II-III;

  • - Department of rehabilitation after stroke brain (neurology department);

    - Cabinet of acupuncture;- Office of sleep generator;- Department of bathrooms;- Cabinet fangotherapy party has 15 seats for mud procedure from Crimea (Saki);

    - Cabinet electrotherapy;- Cabinet magnetic;- Cabinet massage, underwater.

    Moldova, Chisinau, Vadul lui Voda11 Balneara str.Phone: (+373 22) 31-45-93, 31-46-98 Fax: (+373 22) 31-45-50e-mail: [email protected]


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    , , . --. , 11: (+373 22) 31-45-93, 31-46-98 : (+373 22) 31-45-50e-mail: [email protected]

  • Staiunea Strugura

    Staiunea Strugura este situat ntr-un parc pitoresc pe malul stng al rului Nistru, regiu-nea bazinului acvatic Dubsari, n preajma sa-telor Cocieri i Molovata Nou. Distana pn la oraul Dubsari 10km, oraul Chiinu 50km.Pe teritoriul staiunii este o plaj amenajat, o staie de brci, terenuri sportive, sal pentru jocuri de mas, un teren de dans, teras de var, bar, magazin.La dispoziia dumneavoastr 142 odi pentru 1 i 2 persoane n dou blocuri hoteliere, re-stauran, blocul curativ, unite mpreun de o galerie, care creaz condiii de tratament mai comforte pe ntreaga perioad a anului.La dispoziia familiilor cu copii snt 5 cotege (vile) cu dou etaje.Pentru petrecerea unui divertisment mai inte-resant, staiunea Strugura dispune de o sal de cinema cu 320 locuri, bibliotec concursuri.Staiunea Strugura presteaz tratament balneo-sanatorial:- Namol galvanic;- Tratament cu argila;- Aplicaii cu parafin i ozocherit;- Bi cu salvie, terebentin, conifere, sare de mare, du subacvatic;

    - Fizioterapie;- Masaj manual;- Irigaii intestinale i microclizme;- Inhalaii;- Halotherapy;- Acupunctur;- Dietoterapie;- Fitoterapie;- Gimnastic curativ;- Saun finlandez;- Aromoterapie;- Ap mineral;- Enoterapie (tratament cu vin);- Vacum gradient terapie.

    Moldova, r. Dubsari, com. CocieriTel.: (+373 248) 92-252Fax: (+373 248) 92-232, 51-298E-mail: [email protected]

  • Sanatorium Strugura

    Sanatorium Struguras is located in a pictur-esque park on the left bank of the Dniester River, the reservoir region Dubasari, near the villages Cocieri and Molovata Noua. Distance to Dubasari -10 km, Chisinau - 50 km.The resort has a beach, boat station, sports, board games room, a place for dancing, sum-mer terrace, bar and shop.At your disposal there are 142 rooms from 1 to 2 people in two blocks of hotel, restaurant, and wellness compartment connected by a gallery, which creates more favorable condi-tions for treatment during the year.At the disposal of families with children there are 5 houses (villas), with two floors.For a more pleasant stay, the resort Struguras has a 320-seat theater, library, contests.Sanatorium Struguras offers a spa treatment for patients:- Electroplating sludge;- Treatment of clay;- Paraffin and ozokerite applications;- Bath with sage, oil of turpentine, pine, sea salt, shower underwater;

    - Physiotherapy;- Hand massage;- Irrigation of the intestine and micro clysters;- Inhalation;- Halo therapy;- Acupuncture;- Dietetics;- Herbal medicine;- Physiotherapy;- Finnish Sauna;- Aromatherapy;- Mineral water;- Enoterapiya (treatment of wine);- Gradient of vacuum therapy.

    Moldova, Dubasari, com. CocieriPhone: (+373 248) 92-252 Fax: (+373 248) 92-232, 51-298E-mail: [email protected]

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    , , . : (+373 248) 92-252 : (+373 248) 92-232, 51-298E-mail: [email protected]

  • Turism Balnear = Spa Tourism = - / Agenia Turismului a Rep. Moldova; Ch. : S. n., 2012 (Tipografia-Sirius SRL). [32] p. : fot. color. (Agenia Turismului prezint Moldova).Tit., text paral.: lb. rom., engl., rus. F. f. de tit. Apare ntr-o map comun cu nc 5 cri cu tit.: Descoper Moldova Turistic = Discover the Touristic Moldova! = !, ISBN 978-9975-57-000-8. 2000 ex.

    ISBN 978-9975-57-028-2.- - 1. Turism Republica Moldova (rom., engl., rus).338.48(478)=135.1=111=161.1T 95________________________________________________________________

    www.turism.gov.md Agenia Turismului a Republicii Moldova, 2011 Traducerea Diana Croitoru, Valentina Popa

    the repuBlic of moldova

    Is a small, densely populated country in South- Eastern Europe. The area - 33.8 thousand km2 Moldova neighbors Ukraine to the north, east and south, and Romania to the west. Moldovas territory is 350 km long from the north to the south and 150 km from the west to the east. Population - about 3.5 mln. people Capital - Chisinau, (over 800 thousand residents.)National currency - Leu (1 USD = about 11 MDL), 1 leu equals to 100 bani (coins). The state language - Moldovan (Romanian), the inter-ethnic language of communication - Russian, in some regions Gagauzian, Ukrai-nian, Bulgarian . Internet zone - .md Telephone code - 373 Religion - Orthodoxy - 98.5% of population.The Republic of Moldova proclaimed its in-dependence on August 27, 1991.

    repuBlica moldova

    Este o ar mic, cu populaie dens. E situat n Sud-Estul Europei.Suprafaa - 33,8 mii km2. La nord, la est i la sud se nvecineaz cu Ucraina, iar la vest - cu Romnia. Teritoriul R. Moldova are o ntindere de la nord la sud de 350 de km, iar de la vest la est - 150 km.Populaia - circa 3,5 milioane de oameni. Capitala - Chiinu, (peste 800 mii de locui-tori.)Valuta naional - leul (1 dolar SUA - aproxi-mativ 11 lei), 1 leu este echivalent cu 100 de bani (monede). Limba de stat - moldoveneasca (romn). Lim-ba de comunicare dintre reprezentanii etnii-lor - rusa, n unele regiuni - gguza, ucrainea-na, bulgara. Zona-Internet - .md; Codul telefonic - 373; Religia - 98,5% din populaie sunt cretini-ortodoci.Republica Moldova i-a proclamat indepen-dena la 27 august 1991.

    , - . - 33.8 .2. , , - . 350 - 150 . - 3,5 . - , 800 -. - (1 - 11 ), 1 100 - (). - ( ), - - , - - , , ).- - .md - 373 : - 98,5% . - 27 1991 .