Student's Magazine May 2010



Student's Magazine May 2010-our dreams,our life,our school

Transcript of Student's Magazine May 2010

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Numele şi prenumele elevului: Ceacâru Adelina

clasa: a VI-a


Numele cadrului didactic îndrumător: Safta Alina

localitatea: Târgovişte

judeŃul: DâmboviŃa

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StoianStoianStoianStoian Beatrice Beatrice Beatrice Beatrice AndreeaAndreeaAndreeaAndreea6666thththth grade Agrade Agrade Agrade A


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My favorite actors:My favorite actors:My favorite actors:My favorite actors:


She is honest ,beautiful ,smart and funny!

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Andrew Andrew Andrew Andrew SelleySelleySelleySelley

He is smart, beautiful and good dancer.He is smart, beautiful and good dancer.He is smart, beautiful and good dancer.He is smart, beautiful and good dancer.

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My favorite singers:My favorite singers:My favorite singers:My favorite singers:RIHANNA: she is singing very well

and she is beautiful.

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He has very good songs.He has very good songs.He has very good songs.He has very good songs.

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Friendship messagesFriendship messagesFriendship messagesFriendship messagesThese are my messages of friendship to you:These are my messages of friendship to you:These are my messages of friendship to you:These are my messages of friendship to you:

Three angels look after you: love, happiness and luck. Three angels look after you: love, happiness and luck. Three angels look after you: love, happiness and luck. Three angels look after you: love, happiness and luck. But if youBut if youBut if youBut if you’’’’ll ever need a fourth, remember ll ever need a fourth, remember ll ever need a fourth, remember ll ever need a fourth, remember memememe…………friendship!friendship!friendship!friendship!

All the emotion from the suffering of a friend, but All the emotion from the suffering of a friend, but All the emotion from the suffering of a friend, but All the emotion from the suffering of a friend, but only a truly good soul like yours can enjoy the success of a only a truly good soul like yours can enjoy the success of a only a truly good soul like yours can enjoy the success of a only a truly good soul like yours can enjoy the success of a friend. Thank you with me!friend. Thank you with me!friend. Thank you with me!friend. Thank you with me!

A storm reminds me of how beautiful summer A storm reminds me of how beautiful summer A storm reminds me of how beautiful summer A storm reminds me of how beautiful summer pictures I remember how beautiful it is to grow, friends pictures I remember how beautiful it is to grow, friends pictures I remember how beautiful it is to grow, friends pictures I remember how beautiful it is to grow, friends like you I remember how beautiful is life! like you I remember how beautiful is life! like you I remember how beautiful is life! like you I remember how beautiful is life!

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MY TOWNMY TOWNMY TOWNMY TOWNTargovisteTargovisteTargovisteTargoviste town is located 80 km far from the town is located 80 km far from the town is located 80 km far from the town is located 80 km far from the

capital,,,, Bucharest.First attested in 1396, it became the capital of First attested in 1396, it became the capital of First attested in 1396, it became the capital of First attested in 1396, it became the capital of

the the the the WallachianWallachianWallachianWallachian voivodshipvoivodshipvoivodshipvoivodship, during the reign of , during the reign of , during the reign of , during the reign of MirceaMirceaMirceaMircea celcelcelcel BătrânBătrânBătrânBătrân, when the Royal Court , when the Royal Court , when the Royal Court , when the Royal Court ((((““““CurteaCurteaCurteaCurtea DomneascăDomneascăDomneascăDomnească””””) was built. ) was built. ) was built. ) was built. VladVladVladVlad III III III III Dracula (called Dracula (called Dracula (called Dracula (called VladVladVladVlad the the the the ImpalerImpalerImpalerImpaler) later added the ) later added the ) later added the ) later added the ChindiaChindiaChindiaChindia Tower, now a symbol of the city.Tower, now a symbol of the city.Tower, now a symbol of the city.Tower, now a symbol of the city.

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WomenWomenWomenWomen’’’’s basketball team of s basketball team of s basketball team of s basketball team of TargovishteTargovishteTargovishteTargovishte

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We are the dreamers…

On the EarthOn our hearts,On our soul

Are written our DREAMSOur loved dreams.

We dream together without knowingThat we love peace, values,

harmonyWithout them we can’t dream,

We can’t be happySo, join us!

We are all dreamers!We think about our future,

So we are the future

The FUTURE can be built from our dreams.Give me your hands,Touch the sky,Touch the clouds,Touch the sun,Touch the moon,

Dream on….

Stoian Beatrice

Age 12

Grade 6

Make our dreams come true,Build our dream flag,A message for all,Join us forever in our dreamsA simple smile could join usLet’s build togetherA better world.We are not simple dreamers,We are the world.

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The dream

As a pupil I want good marks,After this, I want to have a good job,

I want a happy family,We are like you:We love music,We love sport

We love playing nice songs,We dream about a happy world.

Andrei Iamandi11 yearsGrade 5

I want

I want to be reachTo help men in needs

I want to give gifts to poor childrenI want to make them happy.

I want to be presidentTo make people happy,And my country happy.

Iustin Safta9 years

III Grade

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Oameni delicaŃi,Cititori interesaŃi,AsculaŃi povestea..Eram o fatã micã,

Dar,am moştenit destinul,Unei mame cu un suflet mare,

Mânia unui tatã,Cu sufletul de piatrã,

Într-o bunã zi,OfiŃerul m-a împins,

Dupã stradã,Drumul îmi stã în faŃãDar,piciorele-mi sunt legate.Nu merge cu,capul în jos,Nu scrie versuri,fãrã rimã,Nu cânta o melodie fãrã ritmNu Ńipa fãrã motivNu plânge fãrã lacrimiNu ridica fãrã putere,Nimeni,nu poate face nimic,Fãrã nimic !

NiŃã Roxana MarinaClasa :a-VIII-a B


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Ziua noastră

Într-o zi luminoasă,

Toate păsările voioase,

Ciripeau neîncetat

Urându-ne: „La mulŃi ani!”

Dragilor porumbei,

ZburaŃi în înălŃimi

Şi vestiŃi în zare:

„E ziua noastră mare”.


Ce este miracolul?Mi-am pus întrebarea şi singur am aflat:E viaŃa…E bucuria de a zâmbiE copilăria, un Soare triumfător.E fericirea de a avea părin Ńi,De a fi iubiŃi.E credinŃa străbună,E pământul românesc.Eu, tu, noi, voi, miracolul existenŃei.

Safta Iustinclasa a II/a step By step

Tudor Vladimirescu

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Darul omenirii

Cea mai mare bucurie, Crăciunul!

Hristos S-a născut!Şi noi, copiii, sub brad aşteptăm

daruri,Cred că şi toŃi ceilalŃi

Aşteaptă daruri de CrăciunCăci şi Crăciunul este darul

omenirii.Şi altă zi în care suntem fericiŃiPaştele, când Hristos a înviat

Şi toŃi creştinii r ăspund:Adevărat a înviat!

E darul omenirii, darul nostru.


Copilărie eşti soareCopilărie, eşti vis

Copilărie, tu străluceşti în zare!Mă bucur că sunt copil

şi cred că vreau să rămân copil,alături de părin Ńii mei, bunicii

meipe care îi vreau tineri, sănătoşi.

Mă rog pentru ei,Şi pentru fericirea noastră,Pentru o Ńară frumoasă şi


Sunt copil şi totul îmi pare jocUn joc din care învăŃ

Un joc în care am câte un rol,Sunt fericit că pot să mă joc.

Ce este jocul acesta mă întrebi?Este jocul în care ne întâlnim toŃi

Un joc al vieŃii, În care şi noi suntem pioni.

Safta Iustinclasa a II/a step By stepTudor Vladimirescu

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Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Olimpijczyków Polskich w Stawigudzie

Barbara ChodnickaPoland

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Where can you take the best lesson of Polish history and architecture without boring lectures? The answer is simple – visit

Cracow.Cracow is one of the oldest Polish cities in the south part of the country. A lot of tourists go there to see beautiful old buildings, churches and castles. Cracow was the second capital of Poland and at the end of the 14th century it became one of the oldest city in the world with the first Polish university. You can also admire the medieval Royal Castle on Wawel Hill and the wonderful Kazimierz

District there.Cracow is a very cultural city so after long and exhausting sightseeing you can choose between over 30 museums and art

galleries. For tourists, there are some additional attractions such as advanced tourist accommodation so there won’t be any problems with finding a suitable hotel. Alternatively, you could just go for a

walk through the lovely old city

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If you want to get to know something more about Poland you should visit Malbork. Malbork is a town in the north of Poland. In the town there is a historic castle. The castle was built in

Prussia.The Order named it Marienburg, it means "Mary's Castle. The

castle is a classic example of a medieval fortress. It is the world’s largest brick gothic castle. The castle is built of red brick and it is surrounded by large walls. It is worth seeing!

Kornelia Zdolska

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I want to invite You to a beautiful place. This place is called Warmia and Mazury! Warmia and Mazury is a region in the north-east of Poland.

Here we have lots of forests and over thousand lakes !

In summer you can jump into cold water and swim. In the woods you can ride a bike, walk or pick up mushrooms in autumn. When there is winter with snow in Warmia you can ski or do

snowboarding or if you like you can skate on the frozen lakes. I think it is good fun! If you are in this province you must try its traditional food

and see wonderful views. If you like history you can go to the castle in Olsztyn. Olsztyn is the capital of Warmia and Mazury. This castle is

very big and amazing. It has two gardens. The first is usual but the second is old and mystical. Warmia and Mazury is the best place to relax

because here is quiet and calm.Konrad Potrzuski

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Julisusz SJulisusz SJulisusz SJulisusz Słowacki Primary School in Lodz, owacki Primary School in Lodz, owacki Primary School in Lodz, owacki Primary School in Lodz, PolandPolandPolandPoland


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Presentation about me!

Author: Adam Wojnarowski

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My hobbies


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...and Technology!

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About Me

I am student of the primary school number 65.

I am twelve years old and I love anime,technology and music...

I have the younger brother, mum and dad.

I live in Łódź, Łódź is a big city in Poland.

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Source: Graphics Google

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Hi! I am Michał. I am twelve years old.

I am from Poland. My flag is white and red.

I live in Łódź in 56 Liściasta street.

Łódź is a big city.

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I am a pupil. I go to primary school.

I am a scout.

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My favourite footballer is

I like playing football.

Wayne Rooney

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My family

I have got younger brother

His name is Karol

My brother is a pupil

My dad is

a postmanMy mum is

a scientist

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I love chocolate

and ice creams !!!

I have got two cats

I hate liver ���� !!!

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I would like to be a driver

See you soon ☺☺☺☺ !!!

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ЦелодневнаЦелодневнаЦелодневнаЦелодневна детскадетскадетскадетска градинаградинаградинаградина

““““СинчецСинчецСинчецСинчец””””,,,,гргргргр....ТроянТроянТроянТроян ,,,,БългарияБългарияБългарияБългария

ВалентинаВалентинаВалентинаВалентина МариноваМариноваМариноваМаринова

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Hello ,dear friends!Hello ,dear friends!Hello ,dear friends!Hello ,dear friends!Hello ,dear friends!Hello ,dear friends!Hello ,dear friends!Hello ,dear friends!

We are We are ““Little BeesLittle Bees”” from kindergarten from kindergarten ““SinchecSinchec””, Bulgaria. We are , Bulgaria. We are

33--4 years old and we are the youngest children here.4 years old and we are the youngest children here.

Childhood is a Childhood is a Childhood is a Childhood is a

flower, a drop of flower, a drop of flower, a drop of flower, a drop of

colors, a heavenly colors, a heavenly colors, a heavenly colors, a heavenly

gift, and a ray of gift, and a ray of gift, and a ray of gift, and a ray of

sun sun sun sun

that always comes that always comes that always comes that always comes

up for youup for youup for youup for you…………....

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Childhood is a ray of sun That looks like a treasure

It is a world for fairytales, Who live in a starry universe?

At night, when children go to bed. I dream about this world of fairytales.

Childhood is clear sky with children and wild


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Childhood is Childhood is Childhood is Childhood is

the light that the light that the light that the light that

shines you shines you shines you shines you

from the first from the first from the first from the first

years of your years of your years of your years of your

life till life till life till life till

maturity. It maturity. It maturity. It maturity. It

drives grown drives grown drives grown drives grown

up people into up people into up people into up people into

living their living their living their living their


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Моя миличка, мамо, искам аз от зори,да погледна, да видя

най-добрите очи.Да целуна с усмивка

твойто ведро лице,да прегърна със обич

твойто златно сърце.

MotherMother’’s day shows day show……

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КотенцаКотенца вървеливървели тричкитрички --

едноедно братчебратче, , дведве сестричкисестрички..

СрещналиСрещнали следслед десетдесет крачкикрачки

дведве мишлетамишлета съссъс мустачкимустачки..

ЩомЩом мишленцатамишленцата сесе спрелиспрели,,

котенцатакотенцата онемелионемели

ии катокато ""юнациюнаци" " тете

скрилискрили сесе вв трънацитетрънаците..

““““““““Little BeesLittle BeesLittle BeesLittle BeesLittle BeesLittle BeesLittle BeesLittle Bees”””””””” ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

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