Mesaje de Dimineață - 22 de Masaje Din 2014 via Editura for You

Al Douãzeci ºi Doilea Mesaj Viaþa este o Profesiune Lãuntricã Vârtejurile emoþionale, cum le numiþi voi, sunt de obicei urmãrile neconcordanþei di ealitate ºi aºteptãrile voastre. În general, ruleazã un program mental anacronic. Câ lã aceasta, voi cãutaþi în exterior atât confirmare, cât ºi împlinire. Imaginea idea a ce doriþi în viaþã ºi realitatea propriu-zisã a vieþii voastrã nu sunt în consonan ta nu este decât o iluzie. Totul este creat înlãuntru ºi apoi proiectat în exterior.  secretul este sã priveºti în interior ºi sã discerni aºteptãrile neîmplinite. Viaþa este întotdeauna o profesiune exercitatã dinlãuntru. Voi sunteþi secretul ... creatorul, dar ºi observatorul; sunteþi atât cel care iubeºte, cât ºi cel iubit. Pri , fiþi blânzi ºi îngãduitori cu voi înºivã! Întoarceþi-vã în acel spaþiu lãuntric un recunoºtinþa! Acestea sunt vibraþiile autentice, acestea sunt treptele transcenderii tejurilor emoþionale. Vremurile actuale sunt totodatã prielnice recãderii în reþeaua conºtiinþei de masã. ferinþa ne împresoarã; catastrofe se produc pretutindeni; umblãm pe o cale emoþional  în mijlocul tuturor imaginilor sumbre ºi perceperii morþii, distrugerii, pierderii goniei din reþeaua colectivã. Responsabilitatea voastrã ºi a celorlalte fiinþe umane re multidimensionale este de a ancora o vibraþie intensã ºi stabilã a iubirii, bucur  recunoºtinþei ºi aprecierii. Orice altã emoþie nu face decât sã amplifice agonia co Message 22 Life Is An Inside Job Emotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not m eeting your expectations. There is usually an old mental program running. When t his happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation, as well as satisfa ction. The picture of what you want in your life and the actual reality of your life are not a match. Remember this is an illusion. Everything is created within  and then projected out. So the key is to look within and see the unfulfilled ex pectation within. Life is always an inside job. You are always the key are the creator, you  are the observer, you are the lover, and you are the loved. So be gentle with y ourself and return to that space within where you honor your joy and gratitude. Those are the vibrations, the stepping stones out of the emotional spins. At this time it is easy to drop into the mass consciousness grid. There is much chaos and distress happening everywhere, and it can be a fragile emotional path to walk with all the images and the awareness of the death, destruction, loss, a nd anguish happening in the collective grid. The responsibility of you and other  multidimensional starhumans is to anchor a strong vibration of love, joy, grati tude, and appreciation. Any other emotion only adds to the collective anguish. ========================= Al Douãzeci ºi Unulea Mesaj Fie ca Sinele Stelar sã strãluceascã! Pe mãsurã ce fiinþele umane se trezesc din somnul inconºtienþei, ridicându-se din ac pietrire a conºtiinþei, în care negarea este frecvenþa specificã ºi totodatã oaspete -- pe mãsurã ce energia cosmicã se intensificã ºi se revarsã asupra conºtiinþei omen u scânteia declanºatoare a propriei cunoaºteri ºi puteri -- tot mai mulþi oameni rev e vor ridica din somnul inconºtienþei ºi vor iniþia proteste împotriva regimurilor d onale în care vieþuiesc. Fie percepeþi, fie sunteþi martori ai freamãtului, proteste evoltei care se manifestã în întreaga lume. Serviciul divin, activitatea nobilã în slujba comunitãþii, a Întregului ... ce vã r uã ºi tuturor fiinþelor umane stelare multidimensionale care se aflã în stare de tre onºtienþã ... este menþinerea constantã a frecvenþei pure, specifice iubirii, bucuri noºtinþei ºi aprecierii. Frecvenþa ºi rezonanþa acestor vibraþii elevate ºi subtile


mesaje de dimineata - prime 22 de mesaje din 2014 - via editura For You

Transcript of Mesaje de Dimineață - 22 de Masaje Din 2014 via Editura for You

Al Douzeci i Doilea MesajViaa este o Profesiune LuntricVrtejurile emoionale, cum le numii voi, sunt de obicei urmrile neconcordanei dintre realitate i ateptrile voastre. n general, ruleaz un program mental anacronic. Cnd se ntl aceasta, voi cutai n exterior att confirmare, ct i mplinire. Imaginea idealizata a ca ce dorii n via i realitatea propriu-zis a vieii voastr nu sunt n consonan. Amintita nu este dect o iluzie. Totul este creat nluntru i apoi proiectat n exterior. Aadar, secretul este s priveti n interior i s discerni ateptrile nemplinite. Viaa este ntotdeauna o profesiune exercitat dinluntru. Voi suntei secretul ... suntei creatorul, dar i observatorul; suntei att cel care iubete, ct i cel iubit. Prin urmare, fii blnzi i ngduitori cu voi niv! ntoarcei-v n acel spaiu luntric unde v puterecunotina! Acestea sunt vibraiile autentice, acestea sunt treptele transcenderii vrtejurilor emoionale. Vremurile actuale sunt totodat prielnice recderii n reeaua contiinei de mas. Haosul i ferina ne mpresoar; catastrofe se produc pretutindeni; umblm pe o cale emoional fragil, n mijlocul tuturor imaginilor sumbre i perceperii morii, distrugerii, pierderii i agoniei din reeaua colectiv. Responsabilitatea voastr i a celorlalte fiine umane stelare multidimensionale este de a ancora o vibraie intens i stabil a iubirii, bucuriei, recunotinei i aprecierii. Orice alt emoie nu face dect s amplifice agonia colectiv.Message 22Life Is An Inside JobEmotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not meeting your expectations. There is usually an old mental program running. When this happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation, as well as satisfaction. The picture of what you want in your life and the actual reality of your life are not a match. Remember this is an illusion. Everything is created within and then projected out. So the key is to look within and see the unfulfilled expectation within. Life is always an inside job. You are always the key are the creator, you are the observer, you are the lover, and you are the loved. So be gentle with yourself and return to that space within where you honor your joy and gratitude. Those are the vibrations, the stepping stones out of the emotional spins. At this time it is easy to drop into the mass consciousness grid. There is much chaos and distress happening everywhere, and it can be a fragile emotional path to walk with all the images and the awareness of the death, destruction, loss, and anguish happening in the collective grid. The responsibility of you and other multidimensional starhumans is to anchor a strong vibration of love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation. Any other emotion only adds to the collective anguish.=========================Al Douzeci i Unulea MesajFie ca Sinele Stelar s strluceasc!Pe msur ce fiinele umane se trezesc din somnul incontienei, ridicndu-se din acel sla dpietrire a contiinei, n care negarea este frecvena specific i totodat oaspetele de seam-- pe msur ce energia cosmic se intensific i se revars asupra contiinei omenirii, o dau scnteia declanatoare a propriei cunoateri i puteri -- tot mai muli oameni revoltai se vor ridica din somnul incontienei i vor iniia proteste mpotriva regimurilor disfuncionale n care vieuiesc. Fie percepei, fie suntei martori ai freamtului, protestelor i revoltei care se manifest n ntreaga lume.Serviciul divin, activitatea nobil n slujba comunitii, a ntregului ... ce v revine vou i tuturor fiinelor umane stelare multidimensionale care se afl n stare de trezie i contien ... este meninerea constant a frecvenei pure, specifice iubirii, bucuriei, recunotinei i aprecierii. Frecvena i rezonana acestor vibraii elevate i subtile vor constii temelia i vor facilita ancorarea noii paradigme, pe msur ce totul se transform, fiind transsubstaniat i transpus n dimensiunile superioare.Vou, precum i semenilor votri, v revine misiunea nobil de a transforma, sublima, converti propriile vibraii dense, mohorte, precum i de a menine frecvena specific vibraiilor pure si subtile, care se vor nruri asupra celorlali, n virtutea fenomenului de rezonan. ngduii-v s rdei, s v jucai, permitei-i bucuriei s v nvluie, centrai-vstare de apreciere deplin a acestui joc minunat. Amintii-v c avei mreia, splendoarea iaiestuozitatea stelelor. Acest trup i aceast via sunt numai o mic reflexie a magnificenei voastre. Invocai, invitai i permitei-i plenitudinii Sinelui vostru Stelar s strluceasc asupra existenei voastre.Message 21Starself To ShineAs humans awake from their unconscious slumber, that numb place in consciousness where denial is the frequency and the guest--as the cosmic energy continues to increase and floods the consciousness of mankind with the spark of their own knowing and power--more and more angry people will rise out of their numb slumber and begin to protest the dysfunctional conditions that they are living. You can see or sense the unrest, the protests, and the anger that are manifesting around the globe.Your service work...and the service work of all multidimensional starhumans who are awake and aware ... is to hold a steady pure frequency of love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation. This frequency and this resonance of these pure high vibrations will act as the foundation and the anchoring that allows for the new paradigm, as everything is shifting and moving into the higher dimensions.You, along with others, have your own personal denseness to uplift and transform, as well as holding the frequency of the high pure vibrations for others to resonate with. Allow yourself to laugh, play, be in your joy, be in your heart, and be in your full appreciation of this wonderful game. Remember you are as big as the stars. This body and this life are only a small reflection of your magnificence. Allow and invite the fullest of your starself to shine into your life.============================Al Douzecilea MesajActivitate n slujba Comunitii GlobaleEmoiile au fost concepute pentru a constitui indicii, atunci cnd v rtcii. Dac simii ti, exprimarea lor este binevenit, chiar n acel moment: "Simt team, n clipa de fa." Nu e necesar s tii de unde provin sau ce semnific simmintele; este suficient s le contienzai, s le recunoatei. Odat ce vor fi fost contientizate, ele vor fi dezamorsate. Nu se vor sedimenta n sistemul vostru.De fiecare dat cnd transformai un tipar anacronic al fricii sau al zbuciumului, voi convertii un crmpei energetic al matricei disfuncionale. V sublimai propriile vibraii. De fiecare dat cnd preschimbai, transmutai, o reacie emoional din mnie sau judecat,bire, bucurie, recunotin i acceptare, voi nfptuii un serviciu divin, o activitate nobil slujba comunitii globale, de la un nivel personal, individual. De fiecare dat cnd v reunii, cnd v alturai altor fiine multidimensionale contiente, care s-au trezit intru Realitate, voi amplificai i valorificai puterea inerent acestui serviciu divin, acestei activiti, n beneficiul comunitii globale. Darul pe care l putei oferi ntregului, colectivitii, prin actul ntruprii voastre, este darul unei frecvene vibratorii, pure i elevate. Frecvenele de vibraie subtile i nalte sunt definitorii bucuriei, recunotinei i aprecierii. Amintii-v s meninei aceast frecv revenii, ct mai des i mai rapid posibil, la rezonana ei. Fiecare clip este o ocazie de a transmuta vibraiile disfuncionale, ndelung nutrite, aferente lipsei, fricii, mniei, judecii i ale stimei de sine sczute. Message 20Global Service WorkEmotions are designed to act as guidelines to show you when you are off course. When you are feeling fear, it is valuable to express that in the moment, "I am feeling some fear right now." You don't have to know where the feelings are coming from, or what they mean; you just have to acknowledge them. Once they are acknowledged, they are defused. They are not stored in your system.Each time you personally transform an old pattern of fear or struggle, you are uplifting an energetic piece of the dysfunctional matrix. You are uplifting your personal vibration. Each time you shift an emotional response from anger or judgment to love, joy, gratitude, and acceptance, you are doing global service work at a personal level. Each time you come together with other awake, multidimensional beings, you are strengthening the power of your global service work.The gift you can offer to the collective by your embodiment is the gift of a pure high vibrational frequency. A pure high vibrational frequency is held in joy, gratitude, and appreciation. Remember to maintain this frequency, or return to it as often and quickly as possible. Each moment is an opportunity to shift the long-held dysfunctional vibrations of lack, fear, anger, judgment, and unworthiness. ==========================Al Optsprezecelea Mesaj Covorul fermecatA strui n actul de exprimare a recunotinei, caracterizat de bucurie, nsufleire, puritate i elevare, este covorul vostru fermecat, precum i scutul de protecie, pentru a pluti pe aripile vntului schimbrii i frecvenelor vibratorii ale oricrui orizont temporal sau ale oricrei realiti. Prin urmare, ct mai des posibil, ntoarcei-v n inima voastrcr i ngduii-i iubirii divine a universului s radieze nspre tot i toate. Ai fost nzes aceast dragoste divin, aidoma tuturor fiinelor umane. Secretul const n a v reaminti aceast putere, precum i obiectivul vostru, ct timp v aflai n trupul material i, totodat a v pstra inima deschis n faa revrsrii acestei iubiri divine.Starea de bine i puritatea spaiului sacru al inimii sunt deosebit de importante; iar frecvena vibratorie s v fie rezonana bucuriei i a recunotinei! Continum s afirmm iniem acest mesaj, ntruct este singurul mesaj cu o valoare de netgduit. Voi - i toi ceilali - avei o fiin pur vibraional. Cultivai deprinderea de a v eleva vibraiile, n ooment.Cntai, dansai, iubii, iertai, onorai, mulumii, slvii i apreciai, dintr-o inim plitot ceea ce se desfoar n faa voastr, tot ceea ce trii, tot ceea ce percepei. Aceste fene i vibraii emoionale reprezint bagheta voastr magic, pentru a transforma toate celelalte frecvene i vibraii discordante. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Message 18 Magic CarpetWhen you maintain a pure high joyful expression of gratitude, it is your magic carpet as well as your protective shield to ride the winds of change and the vibrational frequencies of any timeframe or reality. So as often as you possibly can, return to your sacred heart and allow the divine love of the universe to radiate out to all. You are a carrier of this divine love, as are all humans. The key is to remember this power and this purpose while in a physical body and to maintain an open heart for this divine love to flow through.The well-being and care of this sacred heart space is most important, and the vibrational frequency is the resonance of joy and gratitude. This is a message that we continue to restate often, because it is the only true message. You - and everyone - are purely a vibrational being. Practice raising your vibrations at all times.Sing, dance, love, forgive, honor, acknowledge, praise, and appreciate with a grateful heart all that is before you, all that you experience, all that you see or feel. These emotional vibrations and frequencies are your magic wand to transform all other discordant frequencies and vibrations. ==================================Al aptesprezecelea MesajRedobndirea Bucuriei OriginareNe exprimm dorina s simii bucurie, s ntmpinai clduros acest simmnt. ngduii-v d suntei plini de bucurie? Care sunt mprejurrile favorabile? Dar ambiana? V adresm invitaia de a v deprinde s cultivai o stare de bucurie, luminat de contien - fiinnd totibraia, sentimentul, emoia bucuriei. Structura fizico-chimic a trupului vostru se va modifica, atunci cnd revrsai o stare de bucurie, luminat de contien, n clipele vieiastre. Cu timpul, vei nelege c bucuria este o stare existenial fireasc. Este o Cale Vibraionaare transcende reeaua contiinei de mas. Este scara, coarda sau vesta de salvare. Cnd vei fi nvat s simii, s percepei, s trii bucuria, drept vibraie preponderent a vei fi liberi. Cnd vei fi meninut vibraia bucuriei, pe un timp mai ndelungat dect orice alt emoie, vei crea conjuncturile i vei fi n slaul luntric propice creaiei, vei avetele unor creatori de succes. Vei fi n Fluxul DivinV adresm ndemnul de a efectua o regresie n timp, reamintindu-v momentul cnd vi s-a spus s nu v manifestai bucuria ... Cnd v-ai ferecat potecile spre propria bucurie? Cndva, n contextul unor evenimente generatoare de durere emoional, ai stvilit vibraiile aferente bucuriei/aprecierii/recunotinei/iubirii i ai dezgzuit vibraiile mohorte, dense, a fricii, respingerii i mniei. Cltorii n timp ... remprosptai-v amintirile cu o emoicven vibratorie nalt, subtil, rafinat. ntoarcei-v i redobndii-v bucuria originartr-un joc de recuperare a oului de aur. Message 17Collect Your JoyWe would like you to sense and welcome joy. Let yourself examine the feeling of joy. When are you filled with joy? What are the conditions? What is the situation? We invite you to practice the awareness of joy-being in the vibration, the feeling, the emotion of joy. Your body chemistry will change when you bring an awareness of joy into your moments. Over time, you will understand that joy is a natural state of being. It is a Vibrational way out of the mass consciousness grid. It is the ladder, the rope, the lifejacket. When you learn to feel, sense, experience joy as the dominant vibration in your life, you are free. When you hold a joy vibration more often than any other emotion, you are in a position of powerful creating. You are in the Divine flow.We urge you to journey back in time and recall when you were taught to not express your joy... When did you shut down the avenues to your joy? When the events were emotionally painful, you closed down the vibrations of joy/appreciation/ gratitude/love and carried the denser vibrations of fear, rejection, and anger. Go back... and bring into memory one of the higher-frequency emotions. Go back and collect your joy, like a game of finding the golden egg. ==========================Al Cincisprezecelea MesajPoarta ctre CosmosPortalurile exist sub toate formele i la toate nivelurile de contien. Portalurile exist n orice orizont temporal i ctre fiecare dimensiune. Natura lor este fie diafan, aproape imperceptibil, fie manifest, vdit, fie voalat i tainic.Un portal deschide o perspectiv, nlesnind accesul ntr-un alt spaiu, o alt stare de contiin sau nivel al contientizrii, o alt realitate sau hologram/holojoc. Voalurile cmpulor energetice planetare sunt ntreesute cu portaluri. Trupul omenesc este nzestrat cu multiple portaluri, crora le-ai acordat numele de chakre. Energia i informaiile sunt dobndite prin aceste portaluri trupeti. Ele se deschid i se nchid aidoma lentilelor unui aparat de fotografiat. Aceste portaluri sunt ci de conexiune i sisteme de comunicaie cu stelele. Ele constituie receptori ai frecvenelor emise de planete, de lun i de stele. De asemenea, recepioneaz date nerostite, de la ali oameni. De fiecare dat cnd se ntlnesc dou fiine e, nsei portalurile / chakrele lor fac schimb de informaii, la un nivel adnc, subtil, insesizabil. Aceasta li se ntmpl tuturor, pretutindeni, n orice moment.Contiina inimii, cmpul energetic al inimii este cel care constituie veriga i asigur conexiunea cu Divinitatea i viaa nsi. Inima este portalul ctre stele. Este poarta ctre contiena deplin i ctre starea de bine. Inima este aspectul nzestrat cu darul de a gndi / simi / cunoate, al fiinelor umane stelare multidimensionale. Inima este poarta ctre Cosmos, pentru fiecare om. Este slaul Sinelui vostru unic, mirabil, neasemuit. Toate lucrurile se desfoar i toate misterele i gsesc dezlegarea printr-o inim deschis, iubitoare i contient. Message 15Cosmic GatewayPortals exist in every form and on every level of awareness. Portals exist in all timeframes and dimensions. Portals can be subtle, obvious, hidden and secret.A portal offers entry into another space, another state of consciousness, another reality or hologram/hologame. The fabric and weavings of your planetary energy fields are interlaced with portals.The human body has multiple portals; the name you have given these body portals is chakra. It is through the body portals that energy and information is acquired. They open and close much like camera lenses.These portals are the connections to the stars. They are the receptors of the frequencies from the planets, the moon and stars. They also receive data from other humans which is the unspoken. Each time two humans meet, it is their portals/chakras that share information on a deep subtle level. This happens at all times in all places with everyone.It is the consciousness of the heart, the energy field of the heart that is the link and the connection to the divine and to life itself. The heart is the portal to the stars. The heart is the gateway to all awareness and well-being. The heart is the thinking/feeling/knowing aspect of multidimensional starhumans.The heart is the cosmic gateway for each individual. This is the seat of your unique self. It is from the open loving conscious heart that all things unfold and all mysteries are resolved. ==========================Al Patrusprezecelea MesajFiinele umane, transformatoare multidimensionale Atunci cnd rmnei n clipa prezent, pstrndu-v contiena ntru propria magnificen, meiv luminat de bucurie, recunotin i apreciere, asupra evenimentelor exterioare, se pstreaz totodat un flux energetic constant.Se menine de asemenea conexiunea stabil la matricea suprem, la estura divin, n cadrul ceia toate sunt cu putin. Aceast matrice suprem este accesibil prin portalul inimii. Fiinele umane sunt transformatoare multidimensionale, ale frecvenelor vibratorii grosiere.Majoritatea oamenilor i-au ferecat portalul inimii. Au trit cndva durere emoional, pierderea iubirii, trdare i respingere. Acum le revine misiunea de a transforma aceste frecvene, n daruri oferite colectivitii.Mai nainte de toate, fiecare fiin uman trebuie s i transforme propriile frecvene vibrarii mohorte, dense, sczute. Fiecruia i revine sarcina de a converti, de a eleva frecvenele aferente durerii, pierderii iubirii, trdrii i respingerii, ce i poart ecoul nlul cmpului energetic al inimii. Odat ce portalul inimii a fost purificat de orice durere, fie real, fie imaginar, devine un transformator de mare putere, ce poate fi consacrat serviciului divin i activitii n slujba ntregului, de transformare a frecvenelor joase i lente, ale fricii, urii, prejudecilor i ineriei, care vibreaz n snul colectivitii. Un exerciiu spiritual, oferit odinioar de unul dintre nelepii votri, consta n actul de a inspira nluntrul inimii suferina lumii i de a o expira, transmutat. Este o practic alchimic de mare putere.O alt practic alchimic de succes presupune revrsarea bucuriei, recunotinei i aprecierii n fiecare ACUM. Este esenial ca fiecare fiin uman s i asume magnificul drept de proprtate asupra propriei suveraniti multidimensionale. Message 14Multidimensional TransformersWhen you stay in the present moment, conscious in your own magnificence, viewing the outside events from a vibration of joy, gratitude and appreciation there is a flow.There is a connection to the higher matrix, the divine weaving, in which all things are possible. It is through the heart portal that this higher matrix is available.Humans are multidimensional transformers of dense low frequency vibrations.Most humans have shut down their heart portal. They have experienced emotional pain, loss of love, betrayal and rejection. These frequencies are theirs to transform, their gifts to offer the collective.First each human transforms their own dense low frequency vibrations. It is their service to uplift the frequency of pain, loss of love, betrayal and rejection that is carried within their personal energy field of the heart.Once the heart portal is cleared of any pain, real or imagined, it is now a powerful transformer and can be used in service to transform the dense frequencies of fear, hatred, prejudice and numbness that is in the collective. There was an exercise offered by one of your sages in which you would breathe into your heart the suffering of the world and breathe it out transformed. This is a powerful alchemical practice.Another powerful alchemical practice is offering your joy, gratitude and appreciation into each NOW. It is important for each human to step into the magnificent ownership of their personal multidimensional sovereignty=========================Al Treisprezecelea MesajSpaiul Sacru al InimiiInteligena inimii este cea care ii ofer omenirii vindecare deplin i totodat conexiune stabil, durabil, cu dimensiunile i stelele. V adresm, de o vreme, chemarea de a reveni n spaiul sacru al inimii i de a radia iubire i apreciere nspre realitatea voastr. Procesul alchimic de transformare se produce chiar nluntrul inimii sacre. V povuim i v acordm sprijin pentru a v purifica slaul inimii, din punct de vedere eneic i emoional. lefuii-l pn dobndete strlucire, primenii-i aerul, i ncepei s vieima este mpovrat de emoiile specifice vechii energii, ale durerii, mhnirii, nencrederii, atunci conexiunea intens, deplin, cu Divinul este distorsionat. Atunci cnd inima este nchis din punct de vedere energetic, fa de ceilali, este de asemenea nchis fa deinitate. E timpul ca omenirea s i vindece inima rnit. Inteligena inimii este cea care v va cluzi i v va nsuflei n toate aciunile pe care lreprinde. Deprindei-v s-i cerei sfat inimii, nainte de a chibzui, de a v consulta mintea. Statornicii-v n obiceiul de stabili o punte de legtur i de a mbina inteligena inim, cu inteligena minii. A radia iubire necondiionat, bucurie, recunotin i apreciere s o profesie de credin, izvort din inim i nu exercitat din minte. ngduii-v s vizualsacru al inimii voastre, cu atributele vastitii, imensitii, expansiunii i expansivitii, ca un ntreg. Este veriga voastr ctre reeaua cosmic. Este calea de ntoarcere Acas.Message 13Sacred Heart SpaceIt is the intelligence of the heart that offers humanity total healing and total connection with the dimensions and the stars. We have encouraged you to return to the sacred space of your heart and radiate love and appreciation to your reality. It is within the sacred heart that the alchemical process of transformation takes place.We support and encourage you to energetically and emotionally clean out your heart space. Polish it, shine it up, air it out, and begin to live there. If the heart is energetically congested with old emotions of hurt or grief or distrust, then the richer and fuller connection with divine is distorted. When the heart is energetically closed to others, it is closed to the divine. It is time that humanity heals the wounded heart. It is the intelligence of the heart that will guide and uplift you in all your actions. Practice asking your heart before asking your mind. Practice bridging and connecting the heart's intelligence with the brain's intelligence. Practice radiating unconditional love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation from the heart, not from the mind. Allow yourself to see your sacred heart space as spacious, infinite, expanded, and whole. It is your link to the cosmic grid. It is your way home.==========================Al Doisprezecelea MesajActivitatea transfiguratoareStructura fizic sau trupul a fost conceput pentru a v susine prezena divin, esena sufleteasc, n timp ce se ndeletnicete cu transformarea i transmutarea frecvenelor joase, grosiere, ale urii, fricii, prejudecii, lcomiei, ale dorinei de control i manipulare, precum i ale auto-suficienei.Trupul material este o oper miraculoas. A fost conceput astfel nct s i continue regenerarea, reproducerea, precum i rennoirea celulelor, esuturilor i oaselor. A fost nzestrat cu capaciti de autovindecare. Are misiunea de a v susine spiritul n decursul ndeplinirii misiunii alese. A fost menit s dinuie n timpul existenei voastre pe aceast planet i participrii voastre la acest holojoc i aceast hologram.Scopul nostru este de a v oferi asisten n procesul de reamintire a naturii voastre de fiin uman stelar multidimensional. Ai fost druii cu un receptor, ncorporat n voi m i cu posibilitatea de a v conecta la Galaxie, la toate celelalte dimensiuni i orizonturi temporale.Suntei aici pentru a transmuta energia prin portalul inimii, marele transformator energetic. Suntei o fiin uman stelar, nzestrat cu capaciti transformatoare.Atunci cnd v recunoatei puterea personal, emitei o frecven i vibraie care se altur similare, ntru prefacerea matricei globale. Meninei o frecven constant a bucuriei, recunotinei i aprecierii, n inim! Se propagcea global i n Galaxie. Aceast frecven va nregistra un crescendo, va ncepe s creasc n volum i rezonan; i,ui diapazon vibrant, care emite bucurie, recunotin i apreciere, va activa/stimula aceeai frecven de rezonan n ceilali. Este un serviciu divin. Este o activitate n slujba menilor. Este o activitate de transformare, de prefacere. Message 12Transforming WorkThe physical unit or body was designed to support your divine presence, your soul essence while engaged in transforming and transmuting dense low frequencies of hatred, fear, prejudice, greed, control, manipulation and self righteousness.The physical body is a miraculous design. It was designed to continue to replicate and renew cells, tissue and bones. It was designed to be self healing. It was designed to support your spirit while your spirit accomplished its chosen mission. It was designed to support your time on this planet and your participation in this hologame.Our goal is to assist you in the remembering that you are a multidimensional starhuman. You have a built in receptor and connection to the galaxy and all other dimensions and timeframes.You are here to transmute energy through your heart portal, the great transformer of energy. You are a multidimensional starhuman transformer.When you recognize your personal power, you radiate a frequency and vibration that joins other like minds to shift the global matrix. You hold a steady frequency of joy, gratitude and appreciation in your heart. It radiates out into the global matrix and out into the galaxy.This frequency begins to build, it begins to increase in volume and resonance, and like a tuning fork vibrating joy, gratitude and appreciation, it activates/stimulates the same frequency resonance in others. This is service work. This is transforming work. ===========================Al Unsprezecelea MesajSuntei un Convertor ntru Frecvene nalte,Suntei un Purificator ntru nlareFiinele umane intr n contact unele cu altele, pe baza fenomenului de rezonan i frecven similar.Aadar, v putei examina experienele de via, observnd ce rezultate au decurs din tiparele vibraionale pe care le-ai oferit. Analizai-v trecutul. Am putea aduga: nu recurgei la judecat; observai, pur i simplu, tririle, tiparele, oamenii pe care i-ai atras, locurile de munc pe care le-ai obinut, de asemenea modul de desfurare, uneori dureros i dificil, alteori agreabil, al experienelor voastre de via.Odat ce v-ai scrutat viaa din acest loc neutru, vei recunoate tipare recursive, obinuine, precum i realiti repetitive pe care le generai, atragei ?i materializai, n continre.Aceast cunoatere este puterea voastr. Acum putei ncepe s oferii o frecven diferit, salese i gnduri elevate. De fiecare dat cnd progresa?i, deplasndu-v n mod contient nsun nou tipar, nspre o modalitate distinct de a simi i de a gndi, voi atragei, invocai cristalizai un rezultat diferit. Amintii-v c acesta este un holojoc i o hologram, iar cine suntei, esena voastr, este creator magnific, puternic.Suntei un transformator de frecvene energetice. Suntei un purificator ntru nlare.Aceast planet Pmnt este mpovrat de energii dense, distorsionate. Suntei aici pentru a uca i a mprti propria bucurie, recunotin i apreciere n cadrul acestui holojoc ?i al i holograme. Transformarea cosmic se produce chiar n acest fel, o vibraie vindectoare sincer, care rezoneaz n inimi, una dup alta.Message 11You Are An UplifterEach human comes in contact with others who resonate and carry the same frequency.So you can look into your life experiences and see what results came from the vibrational patterns that you offered. Look into your past. We might add that you do this without judgment; just observe the experiences, the patterns, the people that you attracted, the jobs you sourced, the painful as well as the pleasant unfolding of your life experiences.Once you have observed your life from this neutral place, you will recognize repeated patterns, habits, and repeated realities that you continue to call forth.This knowledge is your power. Now you can begin to offer a different frequency, different feeling, and different thought. Each time you consciously make the shift to a new pattern, feeling or thought, you attract, bring forth a different result. Remember this is a hologame, who you are, is a magnificent, powerful, creator.You are a transformer of energy frequencies. You are an up lifter.This planet earth is heavy with dense, misqualified energy. You are here to play and bring your joy, gratitude and appreciation to this hologame. That is how the cosmic shift takes place, one heartfelt healing vibration at a time.=======================[Editura For You Newsletter] Mesaje de Diminea? _ Al Zecelea MesajAl Zecelea MesajEmoiile sunt o frecvenFiecare fiin uman este un sistem complex de elemente chimice, hormoni, vibraii/frecvene, precum i credine, programe, dependen emoional i obinuine emoionale.Dorina de a atinge starea de echilibru i de a descoperi centrul de comand, ca s zicem aa, n ceea ce privete natura emoional, este un aspect important al fiecrei fiine umane.Emoiile voastre sunt precum marea. Urcuurile i coborurile lor sunt asemenea fluxului i refluxului. Marea este afectat de vnt, de atracia lunii, de anotimp. Este important ca fiecare om s contientizeze c, fie se poate afla n marea emoiilor, fie poate umbla pe marea emoiilor.Contiena este corabia pe care o construii i care v permite s plutii pe undele emoional clip de clip. Este important s nelegei c voi suntei corabia i nu marea.Amintii-v c tririle incomplete, nerezolvate, reprimate, care sunt declanate, reactivate de o melodie, un parfum, o amintire, v vor cufunda, de fiecare dat, n marea emoional. ntoarcei-v n corabie. Amintii-v c nu suntei aceste emoii. Este posibil s le simii,ste emoii v ofer un indiciu clar c nu suntei centrai.n centrul fiinei voastre, n corabia contienei, suntei maestrul de la panoul de comand de la crm.Absolut tot ceea ce nfptuiete fiecare dintre voi, ce reflect vibraiile bucuriei, recunotinei i aprecierii amplific i valorific matricea, ca ntreg. Aceste vibraii v meninbie, deasupra tumultului mrii emoionale, i aceasta este o cale de a v onora magnificena.Message 10Emotions Are A FrequencyEach human is a complex system of chemicals, hormones, vibrations/frequencies as well as beliefs, programs, emotional addiction and emotional habits.The desire to attain a balance and discover the master control so to speak of the emotional nature is an important aspect of each humanYour emotions are like the sea. They ebb and flow. The sea is affected by the winds, the pull of the moon, the season. It is important for each human to realize that they can either be in the sea of emotions or riding the sea of emotions.Awareness is the boat you build which allows you to ride the emotional waves moment to moment. It is important to realize that you are the boat and not the sea.Remember that incomplete, unresolved, suppressed experiences that are triggered by a song, a smell, a memory will dump you into the emotional sea every time. Get back in the boat. Remember you are not these emotions. You might feel them, yet these emotions are offering you a clear sign that you are not in your center.In your center, in the boat of awareness you are the master control and navigator.Each and everything that you personally do that reflects a vibration of joy, gratitude and appreciation enhances the matrix as a whole. These vibrations keep you in the boat above the emotional sea of turmoil and this allows you to honor your magnificence.====================[Editura For You Newsletter] Mesaje de Diminea? _ Al Noulea Mesaj Al Noulea MesajEmoiile sunt o frecvenStarea emo?ional a fiin?ei umane este mult mai important dect vi s-a spus. Emo?iile sunt o frecven?, o vibra?ie. Ele asigur interac?iunea ?i constituie interfa?a cu realitatea voastr; sunt totodat punctul vostru de atrac?ie. Reprezint, de asemenea, repere - indicatoarele voastre de direcie, precum i hrile, foile de parcurs ... Frumuseea, dar i complexitatea nsi, rzbat din ntregul pe care l numii trup/minte/emoiit.Atunci cnd o persoan este temtoare, nfricoat, suprat, mnioas sau ngrijorat, vibraele pe care trupul le primete - sunt contradictorii ... Activitatea organelor i a muchilor intr ntr-o stare de tulburare, panic. Trupul este n alert, se separ de ntreg.tunci cnd vibrai la frecvenele subtile ale bucuriei, iubirii, aprecierii i recunotinei ... toate sistemele se afl ntr-o stare de contien nalt vibratorie: relaxare, nsuflei, armonie, creativitate. Un flux energetic conecteaz toi atomii, celulele, precum i stelele nsele.Dimpotriv, atunci cnd trii team, suprare, mnie sau frustrare, totul dinluntrul trupuluminii se contract. Celulele ... organele sunt scldate n hormonii de stres. V aflai pe un nivel de fiinare al separrii, cu sistemele de protecie n alert. Fiina este ferecat, zvort; vibraiile sunt mohorte i grosiere. Este important ca fiinele s lucreze cu ele e - ntru elevarea la vibraiile emoionale subtile, ntru atingerea simmintelor de bucurie, recunotin i apreciere. Aceste emoii vor fi pontonul vieii voastre, pavza voastr, nmurile ce se apropie.Iat darul nostru, n aceast zi: Cnd trii o emoie sau nutrii un gnd, adresai-v vou trebare: "Este oare aceast energie dttoare de via, ce care susine procesul vieii; ori, dimpotriv, acest gnd sau aceast emoie nu cumva i duneaz vieii, nu atenueaz fora vitprinderea cu acest exerciiu v va ajuta s v meninei la o frecven nalt.Message 9Emotions Are A FrequencyThe emotional state of the human is far more important than you have been taught. Emotions are a frequency, a vibration. They interact and interface with your reality; they are your point of attraction. They are the indicators - your sign posts, your road map... There is beauty and complexity to the unit you call your body/mind/emotions/spirit.When the person is fearful, frightened, angry, or worried, the vibrations - the messages that the body is receiving - are very different... The functioning of the organs and muscles goes into a state of alarm. The body is on alert, separate from the whole. When you vibrate high frequencies of joy, love, appreciation, and gratitude... all systems are in a high-vibration state of awareness: relaxed, alert, harmonious, creative. There is a flow between all atoms, all cells, and the stars. By contrast, when you experience fear, anger, or frustration, everything in the body/mind contracts. The cells... the organs are bathed with stress hormones. There is a level of being closed off, with defenses up. The being is shut down; the vibrations are dense and heavy. It is important for each being to train themselves - to lift themselves up into the higher emotional vibrations, to reach for feelings of joy, gratitude, and appreciation. These emotions will be your life raft, your safety in times to come.We offer this for today: When you feel an emotion or have a thought, ask yourself this question: "Is this a life-enhancing, life-giving energy, or is this thought or emotion a life-diminishing, life-harming energy?" If you practice this exercise, it will assist you in staying in a high frequency.=======================[Editura For You Newsletter] : Mesaje de Diminea? _ Al Optulea Mesaj Al Optulea MesajPontonul propriei vie?iStructura ?i starea fiziologic a trupului rspund la vibraiile emoiilor. Atunci cnd radiai bucurie, fericire, recunotin, apreciere i iubire, substanele chimice / hormonii - directivele din partea creierului - sunt favorabile expansivitii, exuberanei i comunicativitii. Celulele nsele rspund la emoiile pozitive i elevate.V desftai cu senzaii plcute prin i cu ntreaga fiin; mintea v este mai limpede; inimadeschis; trmurile luntrice, mai vaste; iar conexiunea cu aceste trmuri se realizeaz mai uor i este constant, echilibrat, armonioas. Dimpotriv, atunci cnd trii team, mnie sau frustrare, totul dinluntrul trupului / minise contract. Celulele ... organele sunt scldate n hormonii de stres. V aflai pe un nivel de fiinare al separrii, cu sistemele de protecie n alert. Fiina este zvort, ferecibraiile sunt mohorte i grosiere. Este important ca fiinele s lucreze cu ele nsele - ntru elevarea la vibraiile emoionale subtile, ntru atingerea simmintelor de bucurie, recunotin i apreciere. Aceste emoii vor fi pontonul vieii voastre, pavza voastr n vremu ce se apropie.Message 8Your Life RaftThe physiology of the body responds to the vibrations of the emotions. When you radiate joy, happiness, gratitude, appreciation, and love, the chemicals/hormones - directives from the brain - are expansive and opening. The very cells respond to your high positive emotions.You experience pleasant sensations throughout your entire being; your mind is clearer, your heart more open, your inner realms more expansive, and your connection to the higher realms easier and smoother. By contrast, when you experience fear, anger, or frustration, everything in the body/mind contracts. The cells... the organs are bathed with stress hormones. There is a level of being closed off, with defenses up. The being is shut down; the vibrations are dense and heavy. It is important for each being to train themselves - to lift themselves up into the higher emotional vibrations, to reach for feelings of joy, gratitude, and appreciation. These emotions will be your life raft, your safety in times to come.======================