Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti

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  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    Anexa nr. 1 H r i trasee biciclete

    Zona 1+2

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    Zona 3

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    Anexa nr. 2 P anou Breb - Exemplu realiare

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    Anexa nr. 3 !exte preentare panouri trasee biciclete

    Pe biciclet prin "aramure#$Maramure by bike

    Poteci linitite de munte i drumuri de ar, sate prietenoase, priveliti ncnttoare i multe alteingrediente ademenitoare! Aceasta este promisiunea traseelor de biciclet A2M, numite astfel dupproiectul prin care au fost create: A"" 2 M#$%&A'%(

    $rmnd marca)ul rou, traseele leag *one ver*i, obiective turistice i vi ale mai multor ruri dinMaramureul 'storic: Mara, osu, '*a, +ieu i +aser( # parte din aceste trasee merg pe urmele fostelor ciferate care eploatau n trecut resursele forestiere i salifere din *on(

    -escoperii coluri nealterate ale Maramureului pe drumuri aproape n ntregime ferite de trafic(Punei.v ctile de protecie i nclecai bicicletele, ntocmai cum legendarul /aiduc Pintea +itea*u i

    ncleca odinioar caii i fii gata s eplorai destinaia perfect pentru ciclism!

    Quiet mountain and rural paths, friendly villages, charming views and many other inviting ingredients!

    Thats the promise of the A2M bike trails, named after the proect that created them A""#$$ 2 M%&'TA(')

    *y following the red +"+ signs, the tracks connect green areas, tourist sights and many river valleys of

    istorical Maramure- Mara, "os.u, (/a, 0i-eu and 0aser) $ome of these trails follow the route of former

    railway beds, used in the past for e1ploiting the rich forestry and salt resources of the area)

    iscover the unspoiled corners of Maramure- on roads almost completely free of traffic) $trap on your

    helmets and ride on your bikes, ust like the local legendary hero 3intea 0itea/u used to ride his horses and

    be ready to e1plore the cycling tourisms perfect destination!


    %e aflm la "o%o#a 0111(mogosa(ro, pe malul lacului artificial 3odi( u suprafaa de 4 /ectare i

    adncimea de 55 m, lacul a fost amena)at n secolul 56 pentru alimentarea teampurilor aurifere de la 3aia

    "prie( A*i e un popular loc de scald i de pescuit crap, caras, biban, tiuc dar i raci( -easupra lacului se

    nal o prtie de sc/i 02,2 7m lungime, cu telescaun i sc/ilift, care coboar de pe vrful Mogoa 0con

    efu*iv vulcanic, 5248 m altitudine, punct de belvedere, loc de *bor cu parapanta, accesibil i pe potec

    marcat( Marca)ul rou ne ndreapt bicicletele spre &omplexul Hotelier !urist'uior(

    4e are now at Mogoa5www)mogosa)ro6, on the shores of the man7made lake *odi) The 8 ha wide, 99 m

    deep lake was built in the 9:thcentury to power the gold stamp mills from *aia $prie) (t is now a popular

    spot for bathing and fishing carp, crucian, perch, pike and crawfish) Above the lake rises a 2)2 km long ski

    slope, with a ski chair and a ski lift, descending from the volcanic cone of Mogosa Mountain 3eak 59,28; m

    high, viewpoint and paragliding spot6) ikers can reach the top of the mountain following the marked trail)

    The red " sign is leading our bikes towards uior Tourist Complex)

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    9tiai c ;n&omplexul !urist 'uior0111(suior(ro sunt flori demin?, plasat pe cea mai lung ven metalifer din uropa 0@ilonul Principal . 3aia "prie, etins pe 6 7m icu o adncime de 5 m(

    9tiai c de aici urcm pe creasta "unilor (ut)i* spre locuri care amintesc de vestitul /aiduc Pintea +itea*u058BB.5B

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    %e aflm nPoiana Boului, loc de unde se poat vedea piatra inscripionat >Eenov 56

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti



    e putem vedea n satul"ara &erasamentul fostei ci ferate forestiere @ereti J Mara J Euncu, care a

    funcionat ntre anii 5H5 . 5HBG, mrginit de gospodrii i live*i frumoase( rue tractate de bivoli, case ipori tradiionale( Mara este punct de acces spre inima munilor 'gni 0pe traseul Dreen1aK, trecnd pe la

    bara)ul Euncu i /eile &tarului 0re*ervaie natural, iar de aici, mai departe, fie spre "taiunea '*voare i

    apoi n 3aia Mare, fie spre "pna sau n "ig/etu Marmaiei( &raseul nostru marcat cu rou ne poart fie

    n amontele Eului Mara, spre ese#ti* sat care g*duiete o biseric monument $%"#, fie spre

    pitorescul Breb, prin fnauri punctate de arini, slcii i aluni, pe sub care cresc ciuperci comestibile(

    4hat could we see in the village of Mara< The railway bed of the former Fere-ti Mara Euncu forest

    railway, which was operational in 9L9C79LDK, confined by pictures?ue households and orchardsN o17driven

    carts, traditional houses and gates) Mara is an access point to the heart of the (gni- Mountains 5following

    the Hreenway trail6, passing the Euncu dam and the natural reserve "heile T.tarului) From there you canget to (/voare resort and then to *aia Mare, or to $.pInOa and $ighetu MarmaOiei) %ur red "7marked trail

    leads either up the Mara Eiver to the village of &eseti, which ishome to a &'#$"%7listed church, or to the

    pictures?ue village of Breb, through meadows dotted by alder, willow and ha/el trees and peppered with

    edible mushrooms)


    %e aflm n satul ese#ti*a crui principal atracie este biserica de lemn >uvioasa Parasc/iva?, sit

    $%"#, construit la finele secolului F+'''( 3iserica pstrea* ansamblul de fresce reali*at de ctre EaduMunteanu i D/eorg/e =ugravu, precum i numeroase icoane pe lemn 0una fiind datat n anul 5BB(

    Eemarcai n pronaos >cetele pctoilor?, printre care enigmaticii >frnci?, precum i nfiortoarea

    >Ludecat de Apoi?( Cng biseric se nal unul dintre cei mai impo*ani ste)ari din regiune, cu vrsta de

    cca 4 de ani i circumferina de 8 m( ;n -eseti, se poate vedea o fierrie tradiional i un centru de

    prelucrare a plantelor medicinale( -intre meterii populari se remarc Maria Pop, care ese covoare vopsite

    n culori vegetale, D/eorg/e Pop a $liului, confecioner de gube i papuci din pnur i +asile Pop &aina,

    constructor de biserici din lemn( $rmnd marca)ul rou, a)ungem n curnd n Hrnice#ti* sat cu o biseric

    de lemn din secolul F+''(

    4e are now in the village of &eseti, whose maine attraction is the &'#$"%7listed wooden church built at

    the end of the 9:th century, to honour $aint 3arascheva) The church preserves frescoes by Eadu Munteanu

    and Hheorghe Pugravu, as well as many icons painted on wood, including one dating from 9DCD) %bserve

    the @sinners flocks, with the mysterious @frInci 5an old name given to westerners6, as well as the

    gruesome @udgement ay) 'ear the church there is one of the most impressive oak trees in the region

    around 8CC years old and with a trunk that is ; metres thick) (n eseGti one can also visit a traditional

    blacksmiths and a processing unit of medicinal herbs) 4e can also meet traditional artisans, such as Maria

    3op, who weaves carpets dyed with vegetal colours, Hheorghe 3op a &liului, who makes woolen ackets

    called @gube and serge 5rough homespun6 slippers, and 0asile 3op Taina, a builder of wooden churches)

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    Following the red " sign, we will soon reach the village of '#rniceti% which ishome to a 9Dth century

    wooden church)


    ' n Hrnice#ti* satul cu biserica de lemn >%aterea Maicii -omnului?, construit n anul 58BH,

    ncon)urat de ste)ari seculari, care pstrea* un grup de icoane pe lemn pictate pe ambele fee

    0>pr*nicare?( Ar/itectura tradiional este bine conservat, asa 'urca, cea mai vec/e

    cas de lemn de pe valea Marei 05BH2( ;n Irniceti, ca i n celelalte sate de pe Mara, multe femei poart

    couri de spate, mpletite din fibre de alun( -easupra satului, sub abruptul Platoului +ulcanic, se afl un

    important geosit 0grup de megalii naturali( &raseele de biciclet ne poart att spre Hotenii Breb, ct i

    spre 5at 'u%ata%(

    4e are now in '#rniceti, the village with a wooden church dating from 9;DL, dedicated to the *irth of the

    oly 0irgin, and surrounded by centuries7old oak trees) The church displays wooden icons painted on both

    sides, called @pr./nicare) The traditional architecture is well preserved and is best represented by the (urca

    ouse 5"asa (urca6, the oldest wooden house in the Mara 0alley 59DL26) Jike in other villages from the Mara

    0alley, many women in .rniceGti carry ha/el7woven baskets on their backs) A group of natural megaliths

    towers above the village, at the foot of the steep volcanic plateau) From here, our bicycle tracks lead to

    'oteni and Breb, as well as to (at ugatag)


    Am a)uns n 5at 'u%ata%* care se mndrete cu biserica de lemn >uvioasa Parasc/iva?, construit n anul

    58HH i n cimitirul creia se pstrea* cteva cruci de lemn de tip celtic, precum i >masa moilor?, din dale

    masive de piatr( $rmm terasamentul fostei ci ferate forestiere @ereti J Mara J Euncu, care a funcionat

    ntre anii 5H5 . 5HBG, mrginit de gospodrii i live*i frumoase( "atul conserv pori i case tradiionale,

    precum i o distilerie de /orinc i o vltoare( $rmtorul sat pe -%56 este (iule#ti*cu ruinele unei biserici

    medievale din piatr 0sec( 5< J 54 i repre*entativi >pomi de oale?( &raseul de biciclet ne ofer ns acces

    spre "nstirea, un sat mic i ferit de trafic, despre care se spune c ar fi fost blestemat de clugri( Poftii

    de.i aflai povestea(

    4e have reached (at ugatag, which takes pride in its $aint 3arascheva wooden church, built in the year9;LL) (n the churchyard you can see several typical "eltic wooden crosses and the seniorss table, made

    of massive stone slabs) Follow the railway bed of the former Fere-ti Mara Euncu forest railway, which

    stopped working in 9LDK, and take in the beautiful orchards and households you pass by) The village

    preserves traditional gates and houses, as well as a distillery for @horinca 5praised local brandy6 and a

    water7powered whirlpool, called @vIltoare) The ne1t village on the '9: national road is Giuleti, with the

    ruins of a medieval stone church, dating from the 9=th98th centuries and the pictures?ue @pots in the

    trees) The bicycle track leads on to M#n#stirea, a small village, off the main road, which is said to have

    been cursed by monks) "ome and discover its story)


  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    "untem n "nstirea, un sat cu legende nc vii( 3iserica de lemn >"f( Ar/ang/eli?, ridicat n secolul F+'',

    cu urme de pictur eterioar, conserv fresce vec/i i un mormnt 0nceputul secolului F+''' atribuit "f(

    'osif Mrturisitorul( ;n ultimele dou secole populaia satului a rmas constant 0cca 2 locuitori, ca

    urmare a presupusului blestem al clugrilor, crora localnicii fi luat abu*iv, cndva, fntna de ap(

    Aici locuiete confecionera de *grdane din mrgele i traiste populare Plgua 3rlea( @osta linie ferat

    ngust 6cna 'u%ata% 7ere#ti 5i%et, pe al crei terasament merge traseul de biciclete, a fost utili*at

    ntre anii 566< J 5HBH(

    4e are in M#n#stirea%a village with vivid legends) (ts wooden church @oly Archangels, erected in the

    9Dth century, has traces of e1terior paintings and preserves old murals and a grave 5beginning of 9:th

    century6 attributed to $t) oseph the "onfessor) (n the last two centuries, the number of people living in

    M.n.stirea has remained largely unchanged 5appro1imately 2CC inhabitants6 and it is said to be the result

    of an alleged curse put by monks on the community, to punish it for depriving them of their water well)

    4hile in M.n.stirea, you can visit the craftswoman 3.l.guRa *Irlea, who makes traditional beaded

    necklaces and knapsacks) The cycle trail follows the railway bed of the former narrow railroad )cna

    ugatag * ereti * (ig$et, which was operational in 9::=79LDL)


    %e aflm n satulHoteni*dominat debiserica de lemn >"f( Ar/ang/eli?, construit n 5BH n "latina 0a*i"olotvino . $craina i strmutat aici n anul 56HG 0sau, potrivit altor preri, construit n 58GB i adus nacest loc n 5B66( Ca cteva sute de metri distan de biseric, se gsesc >&inoavele Plutitoare de laIoteni?, dou lculee prelungi i o turbrie, arie prote)at, unde triesc dou specii de plante carnivore dinEomnia: Eoua erului 0rosera rotundifolia i #trelul de balt 0&lticularia 0ulgaris, dar i broateestoase de ap( An de an, n Ioteni, ntr.o duminic de la nceput de mai, se ine >&n)aua?, vec/i obiceiagrar prin care e celebrat primul plugat ieit la arat( -up ce srbtoritul este ae*at ntr.o >tilegu? trasde apte perec/i de tineri, alaiul triumfal pleac pn la valea -rasca, unde are loc un splat ritualic, fiindinvocat a)utorul "oarelui( 9i tot n Ioteni locuiete cunoscutul cntre tradiional 'oan Pop 0Popicu,fondatorul grupului >'*a?(

    &raseul de biciclete ne ofer de aici mai multe opiuni, marca)ul rou spre Breb, 5at-'u%ata%sau spre 6cna 'u%ata%, fiecare localitate avnd povestea ei de istorisit(

    4e are now in oteni, a village dominated by the wooden church @oly Archangels, erected in 9DLC in

    $latina 5now $olotvino7&kraine6 and relocated here in 9:LK 5or, according to other opinions, built in 9;KD

    and brought here in 9D::6) A few hundred metres away from here, one can see @The Floating *ogs of

    oteni, two small stretched out lakes and a marsh 5protected area6, with water turtles and two species of

    carnivorous plants The $undew 5rosera Eotundifolia6 and a the *ladderwort 5&lticularia 0ulgaris6) oteni

    is the village that hosts every year, on a $unday in early May, the old agrarian custom +Tn,aua-,

    honouring the first man who ploughed first his field) After the celebrated villager is being seated on a

    @tileguO. 5small carriage6 carried by seven pairs of young men, the procession leaves to .rasca Eiver)

    ere, in a ritual of fertility, people pour water over the honoured man, while addressing invocations to the


    oteni is also the village where a famous traditional singer, (oan 3op 5known as 3opicu6, founder of the

    folkloric group (/a, lives)

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    From here, the bike trail offers us several options, the red " sign leading towards Breb, (at.ugatag or

    towards )cna ugatag, each of these places with its own story to tell)


    "untem la6cna 'u%ata%, ae*are cunoscut ca staiune balnear i pentru eploatarea minier de sare din

    trecut( Pe locul vec/ilor galerii de min, abandonate n 5HG, s.a format, prin prbuire, un comple de opt

    lacuri srate( el mai mare dintre acestea este lacul Davril 0suprafaa de 2,< /a, iar cel mai profund este

    Cacul fr @und 0ugatag is well worth a visit on a Thursday, during the pictures?ue country fair) This is also the village

    where one of the first Green/aysin Eomania 5opened in 2CC;6 has its starting point)

    From here the bicycle track splits into two routes, leading either to 'oteniand Brebor to M#n#stirea and

    ereti) The road to oteni passes by the place where an old agrarian custom called +Tn,aua-takes place

    every year, on a $unday, at the beginning of May) The road to M.n.stirea and Fere-ti lures the traveller

    with the Cr#iasca orest, a natural reserve, and with the former bed of the narrow7gauge railway that used

    to carry salt between %cna >ugatag and $ighet)


    Am a)uns nBreb, satul cu attea drumuri i ulie, nct orice rscruce se poate presc/imba ntr.o aventur(

    ;ncotro ircuitul marcat cu albastru ne a)ut s nu ratm principalele atracii locale, n timp ce marca)ul

    rou ne arat ieirile ctre satele nvecinate(

    ;n 3reb, poate fi vi*itat biserica de lemn cu cel mai vec/i turn de lemn din Eomnia 0anul 5G"f( Ar/ang/eli?, a fost

    ridicat n fostul sat opci , ntre timp disprut( ;n interior, se pstrea* fragmente de fresce de secol F+''

    iar n cimitirul din curte, cruci de tip celtic(

    3reb este, de asemenea, satul n care trei case de lemn 0din secolele F+''' . F'+ au fost restaurate de ctre

    fundaia >Mi/ai minescu &rust? patronat de prinul /arles, care a i vi*itat satul n 24( @aptul c

    3rebul este att de cunoscut peste /otare, se datorea* i lui illiam 3lac7er, care a trit aici i a descris

    mgulitor satul n cartea sa >Along t/e nc/anted aK: A Eomanian "torK?(

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    Eemarcai peisa)ul antropic, cu frumoasele agroterase eta)ate( ;n sat eist multe gospodrii tradiionale,

    moar, vltoare, distilerii de palinc i meteri populari( -e aici se poate a)unge, pe osea, pe +alea

    osului, n satele 5)rbii Bue#ti( Marca)ul rou v va conduce bicicletele ctre satele "ara, ese#ti, sau


    4e have reached Breb, the village with so many tiny roads, that each crossing can turn into an adventure)

    4here to go< The blue "7marked trail helps us not to miss the main local sites, while the red " sign shows us

    the e1its to the neighboring villages)

    (n *reb, you can visit the wooden church with the oldest preserved wooden tower in Eomania, dating from

    9K=C, while the rest of the church was built in 9;29) Tradition has it that the church, dedicated to the oly

    Archangels, was erected in the village of "op.ciG, which no longer e1ists) The interior preserves fragments

    of murals from the 9Dthcentury and in the graveyard you can see "eltic crosses)

    *reb is the village where the Mihai #minescu Trust Foundation, patroned by Prince C$arles, restored three

    wooden houses dating from the 9:thand 9Lthcenturies) 3rince "harles himself visited *reb in 2CC8)

    0illiamBlacker, who lived in the village for several years, idyllically describes *reb in his book @Along the

    #nchanted 4ay A Eomanian $tory, making these places known abroad)

    'ote the landscape, with its stunning terraces used for agriculture) (n the village, you can find many

    traditional households, a mill, a whirlpool for washing wool, distilleries for local @horinca 5praised local

    brandy6 and skilled artisans) From here you can take the main road to reach the villages of (rbi and

    Budeti, in the "os.u 0alley, while the red " sign will take you to Mara 0alley, to the villages of Mara%

    &eseti or 'oteni)


    e se poate vi*ita la7ere#ti ;n primul rnd, biserica de lemn >"f( %icolae?, construit n anul 5BH8, cu

    fresce n culori vii( Apoi, case i pori tradiionale, o moar pe ap i vltori( ;n satul vecin, Berbe#ti, se

    pstrea* >&roia EednicenilorN, cioplit din lemn n urm cu vreo trei secole, n stil gotic tr*iu( -e aici se

    poate a)unge n satele &orne#ti i &line#ti, unde se pstrea* biserici vec/i din lemn, case i pori

    tradiionale, vltori i distilerii de /orinc( &raseul de biciclete ne poart fie spre valea Marei, fie spre '*a, n

    satul #nceti(

    4hat can we visit in ereti1Firstly, there is the wooden church built in 9DL; and adorned with bright

    frescoes, bearing the name of its patron, $t) 'icholas) Then there are traditional houses and gates, a water

    mill and whirlpools) The neighbouring village of Berbetipreserves +TroiOa Eednicenilor 5The "rucifi1 of

    Eedniceni6, a wooden cross carved around three centuries ago in late Hothic style) From Fere-ti you can get

    to the villages of Corneti and C#lineti, where old wooden churches can be seen, as well as traditional

    houses and gates, whirlpools and @horinca 5local brandy6 distilleries) The red " sign takes us on our bicycles

    either to the Mara 0alley or to (/a 0alley, in )nceti village)

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti



    Ca6nce#ti, pot fi vi*itate ruinele cetii feudale din secolul F'+, suprapuse peste o ae*are dacic( "atul se

    mai poate mndri cu pori i case tradiionale din lemn, meteri populari, iar costumele strvec/i, purtate

    duminica sau de marile srbtoi, sunt bine pstrate( ;n #nceti eista o biseric frumoas de lemn, care a*i

    poate fi vi*itat la Mu*eul "atului din "ig/et(

    -e aici se poate a)unge la B)rsana, unde se afl lcaul de lemn >'ntrarea Maicii -omnului n bisericN,

    monument $%"# ridicat n 5B55 i mutat pe locul actual 0-ealul Lbr n 568( Ca 8 7m mai departe se

    afl Mnstirea 3rsana, cu /ramul N"finii ApostoliN, reconstruit dup anul 5HH

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    in 9D82) %n the border between "o-tiui and Eona de lies the only &krainian rite monastery in Eomania, built

    after the year 9LL2 and dedicated to the Assumption of 0irgin Mary) From this point on, the road can take

    you to 'era Pass 5;CC m high6 on the way to 0i-eu and *or-a) The bicycle track will take you back to

    )nceti%on (/a 0alley)

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    Anexa nr. 7oto%ra9ii biciclete pentru inciriat #i suporturi biciclete

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    Anexa nr. , &ontract e comoat $ Exemplu

    &6:!;A&! &6"6A! B

  • 7/25/2019 Maramures. the Joy on Two Wheels - Harti


    returna la un alt #M#-A&AE inclus n reeaua A""2M#$%&A'% 0sau viceversa, va eista o nelegere ntre pri, pentrureturnarea, respectiv transferul bicicletelor, n aa fel nct acestea s a)ung la locul iniial de nc/iriere(l s promove*e pac/etele turistice proprii sau primite din partea #M#-A%&$C$' orientate spre o mobilitate ct mai mare aturitilor, dar cu impact redus asupra mediului, denumite generic >soft mobilitK?(m s se asigure c bicicletele nu vor fi folosite:. pentru participarea la curse ad./oc. pentru a mpinge sau a tracta alt ve/icul sau alt persoan. de ctre orice persoan aflat sub influena alcoolului, drogurilor, medicamentelor cu prescripie special. de ctre copii cu vrsta sub 56 ani, fr a fi nsoii de prini sau nsoitor legitim. pentru operaiuni ilegale sau transportul de ec/ipamente ce depesc sarcina maim admis indicata in prospectul

    specific. dect pentru utili*are recreativ, nu etrem 0n ca*ul bicicletelor, masa maima a utili*atorilor 5.55 7g, fr srituri,

    coborare n vite* pe teren accidentat, etc. ca suport publicitarR 3icicletele nu pot fi inscripionate, decorate 0nu li se va modifica aspectuln s pstre*e c/ipamentele n condiii de siguran n momentele n care acestea nu sunt utili*ate, s ntrein i sefectue*e revi*iile la timp, conform "anualului e utiliare Di KntreFinere* precum Di a certi9icatului e %aranFiedate deproductorul bicicletelor(o s nu greve*e cu sarcini c/ipamentele primite, s nu le vnd, s nu gire*e cu ele drept garanie(p s pre*inte ec/ipamentele comisiei de audit al proiect, n ca*ul n care i se solicit acest lucru de ctre #M#-A%&S s permit i s facilite*e accesul i fotografierea de ctre #M#-A%& a c/ipamentelor primite 0c/iar i n timpul

    utili*rii acestora n parcurgerea traseelor turisticer s restituie ec/ipamentele mprumutate la mplinirea termenului stipulat n pre*entul contract sau n ca*ul re*ilierii luiR

    ;n ca*ul n care c/ipamentele se deteriorea* n timpul contractului, #M#-A&AE$C va ac/ita ntreaga valoarea de reparaieefectuat la un service autori*at i va pre*enta factura de reparaii #M#-A%&$C$'(

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