Epilarea Cu Zahar

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  • 7/29/2019 Epilarea Cu Zahar


    Epilarea cu zahar

    Aveti nevoie de un pahar cu zahar, o lamaie (indicat sa fie verde) si un bol metalic sau o cratita. Se

    stoarce lamaia in recipient peste care se pune un pahar cu zahar si se amesteca bine pana zaharul se

    topeste si se obtine un sirop.Apoi recipentul se pune la foc mic (minim) si se amesteca continuu pana

    cand amestecul incepe sa fiarba si se formeaza o crema de culoare maronie-galbui.In general dureaza

    aproximativ 10 minute tot procesul termic. Apoi se ia recipientul de pe foc si se lasa sa se raceasca, insa

    nu foarte mult ci pana cand caramelul se poate lua cu mana si se poate forma o minge (este indicat sa

    aveti mainile umezite pentru a putea manevra mai usor caramelul).Apoi aceasta minge se intinde pe pieleacolo unde doriti sa indepartati parul nedorit si apoi se trage repede, la fel ca ceara.

    Daca aveti radacinile mai puternice sau firul mai riguros este posibil sa nu se obtina un rezultat optim de

    la prima incercare, astfel ca va trebui sa mai repetati de cateva ori procedeul. Daca amestecul a iesit prea

    moale si nu il puteti manevra cu usurinta, curge, atunci puneti din nou pe foc recipientul si mai lasati-l

    cateva minute pana cand capata consistenta dorita.Il puteti aplica ulterior asa cum am descris mai sus.

    Halawa Sweet - Egyptian Hair Removal - Assalya

    This is a very old, very famous Egyptian recipe for wax that is completely natural and extremely effective. It is

    basically caramel, right before it reaches the crystallising stage (so it also tastes great). It is relatively simple to

    make, but take care to observe the carmelizing of the sugar, because the window for the wax to be just right

    before burning is very small. Do not be frustrated if you burn a batch; even experienced makers do this all the

    time. The best thing to do is to watch is continuously once the colour changes to golden brown. You can eat it or

    you can use it as Hair Removal.

    Ingredients for Halawa Sweet, AKA Sweet, Egyptian Sugar Wax, or Hair Removal

    1. Two cups of water

    2. Three cups of sugar or three cups of honey

    3. Two teaspoons of lemon juice


    1. Place all ingredients in saucepan. Bring to boil.

    2. When its colour changes to golden brown, lower the heat and continue to simmer.3. Keep a careful watch on the colour. Once it starts to change to brown, turn off the heat.

    4. Allow to cool a little, then pour small quantities onto heavy duty plastic, of the cereal bag type. Plastic

    that is not heavy duty will melt. It is not a good idea to use a plate, as you will need to peel it off

    something pliable after it cools.5. When it becomes cool enough to handle, pull a piece off the plastic and pull and stretch it. This will

    immediately cause it to change color, from a clear golden brown to an opaque gold. It should be easy to

    stretch and pull. If it is too hard, you have left it on the heat for too long and must make a new batch. If it

    is too liquid, it has not been heated enough and must be heated once more, or a new batch made.

    It is now ready for use! Good luck in bearing the pain!

    The trick is in knowing when to turn the heat off, and may take a few batches until mastered. One test is

    to take a drop on a spoon and hold it between your thumb and finger (cool it under water first!). It should

    stretch between them. If it too liquid to stretch, continue to heat, and if it stretches but is brittle, discard

    and repeat, reducing the time you leave it on the heat.

    An easier, although more expensive, alternative is to use just three cups of honey and a few drops of

    lemon. Simmer for a few minutes until the colour changes then continue from step 4.