Amintiri Din Copilarie

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Amintiri din copilarie

Amintiri din copilarie

i ne pomenim ntr-una din zile c printele vine la coal i ne aduce un scaun nou i lung, i dup ce-a ntrebat de dascl, care cum ne purtm, a stat puin pe gnduri, apoi a pus nume scaunului Calul Balan i l-a lsat n coal. n alt zi ne trezim c iar vine printele la coal, cu mo Fotea, cojocarul satului, care ne aduce, dar de coal nou, un drgu de biciuor de curele, mpletit frumos, i printele i pune nume Sfntul Nicolai, dup cum este i hramul bisericii din Humuleti... Apoi poftete pe mo Fotea c, dac i-or mai pica ceva curele bune, s mai fac aa, din cnd n cnd, cte unul, i ceva mai grosu, dac se poate... Bdia Vasile a zmbit atunci, iar noi, colarii, am rmas cu ochii holbai unii la alii. i a pus printele pravil i a zis c n toat smbta s se prociteasc bieii i fetele, adic s asculte dasclul pe fiecare de tot ce-a nvat peste sptmn; i cte greeli va face s i le nsemne cu crbune pe ceva, iar la urma urmelor, de fiecare greeal s-i ard colarului cte un sfnt-Nicolai. Atunci copila printelui, cum era sprinar i plin de incuri, a bufnit n rs. Pcatul ei, srmana!

-Ia, poftim de ncalec pe Balan, jupneas! zise printele, de tot posomort, s facem pocinog sfntului Nicolai cel din cui.i cu toat struina lui Mo Fotea i a lui bdia Vasile, Smrndia a mncat papara, i pe urm edea cu minile la ochi i plngea ca o mireas, de srea cma de pe dnsa. Noi, cnd am vzut asta, am rmas nlemnii. Iar printele, ba azi, ba mine, aducnd pitaci i colaci din biseric, a mprit la fiecare, de ne-a mblnzit, i treaba mergea strun; bieii schimbau tabla n toate zilele, i smbta procitanie. Nu-i vorb, c noi tot ne fceam felul, aa, cteodat; cci, din bul n care era aezat fila cu cruce-ajut i buchile scrise de bdia Vasile pentru fiecare, am ajuns la trtaji, de la trtaji la ceaslov, -apoi, d, Doamne, bine! n lipsa printelui i a dasclului intram n interim, ineam ceaslovul deschis, i, cum erau filele cam unse, trgeau mutele i bondarii la ele, i, cnd clmpneam ceaslovul, cte zece-douzeci de suflete prpdeam deodat; potop era pe capul mutelor! ntr-una din zile, ce-i vine printelui, ne caut ceasloavele,i, cnd le vede aa sngerate cum erau, i pune minile n cap de necaz. i cum afl pricina, ncepe a ne pofti pe fiecare la Balan i a ne mngia cu sfntul ierarh Nicolai pentru durerile .cuvioaselor mute i ale cuvioilor bondari, care din pricina noastr au ptimit. Childhood memoriesAnd one fine day it happened that he came to the school carrying a new, long bench. Having enquired of the dominie how we were each getting on, he reflected for a little while, then named the bench Dapple-Grey and left it behind in the school.Another day, the priest came again into the school, with old Fotea, who used to make sheepskin coats for the village, and who brought a dear little tawse made of leather thongs, all beautifully plaited, as a gift for the new school. The clergyman named it St. Nicholas, after the patron saint of Humuleti. Then he invited old Fotea, when he came across some good pieces of leather, to make another one from time to time, if possible somewhat thicker and stronger. At that Master Vasile smiled and we schoolchildren stood staring at one another. Then the priest laid down the law and said that there should be revision every Saturday for all the boys and girls, in other words that the dominie should examine each and every one in what had been learned during the week; for each mistake made a stroke should be scored in charcoal on a slate or something and eventually every mistake should bring down a blow from St. Nicholas upon the offending child.

Upon which the priest's daughter, being giddy, thoughtless and full of whims and fancies, suddenly burst out laughing. So much the worse for her, poor thing! "Just come out here, young lady, and mount Dapple-Grey," said the priest now quite sternly, "and let us put St. Nicholas, who's hanging from the nail up there, to his proper business!" In spite of old Fotea's pleading and that of Master Vasile, little Smaranda got a good hiding and afterwards sat crying into her cupped hands like a bride, so that the very blouse shook on her back. When we saw this, we were quite dumbfounded.

Meanwhile, from time to time, the priest would bring small coins and cakes from the church offerings and give each his share, so that he tamed us, and the work went ahead like wildfire. The boys set up a fresh blackboard each day, and on Saturdays there was revision.

We still went our own ways occasionally, there's no doubt about that! Starting with the sheet of paper stuck into a wooden holder, a sheet bearing the sign of the Blessed Cross and the letters of the alphabet, written out by Master Vasile for each one of us, we passed on to the shorter catechism and from thence to the breviary, and from then on we were well away! When priest and teacher were absent, we would go into the churchyard, keeping the prayerbook open; as the leaves were somewhat greasy, the flies and the bumblebees would come to them in swarms, and when we suddenly clapped the book shut, we killed off ten or twenty of them at one blow. What wholesale destruction we wrought upon the race of flies!One day what should come into the priest's head but to inspect our prayerbooks. Seeing them all bloodstained, he clutched his head in horror. As soon as he found out how they had got into this shocking state, he summoned each one of us in turn to Dapple-Grey's back and began to belabour us with St. Nicholas, bishop in partibus, as retribution for the pains the martyred flies and the holy bumble-bees had suffered at our hands.

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Copilarie din romana in engleza

Fragmentul Amintiri din copilarie face parte din prima parte a romanului omonim scris de Ion Creanga. Pentru analiza procedeelor de traducere am recurs traducerea in engleza a textului, traducere gasita pe un site.

Textul Amintiri din copilarie abunda de clisee culturale si cuvinte ce pot forma lacune lexicale in textul tinta. Pentru o traducere mai adecvata, traducatorul a recurs la utilizarea deasa a procedeelor de echivalenta si adaptare, dar nu numai.

Astfel, cuvantulmos a fost trades printr-o adaptare, anume prin old echivalentul cuvantului batran in limba engleza.

Adaptarea este utilizata si mai departe, in traducerea cuvantului cojocar printr-o definitie a acestuia, o parafraza explicative, intrucat acest cuvant nu apare in limba engleza: who used to make sheepskin coats. In ceea ce priveste expresia hramul bisericii, traducatorul a optat tot pentru o adaptare, doar ca de data aceasta, nu mai este doar sarbatoarea bisericii, ci a intregului sat: the patron saint of Humulesti. Termenul badita nu are un echivalent direct in limba engleza. In traducere a fost utilizat tot procedeul de adaptare,prin termenul master, prin care se arata mai exact functia lui badea Vasile , si anume, faptul ca acesta este invatatorul scolii respective.

O expresie care a fost tradusa tot printr-o expresie este si a pune pravila. Pravila, in limbajul bisericesc este un canon, o regula care nu poate fi incalcata.. In acest context, este vorba despre o decizie luata de parinte. Astfel, traducatorul s-a folosit atat de o adaptare, cat si de o echivalenta: a pune pravila-to lay down the law. Verbul a se prociti este un regionalism. Pentru a reda cat mai bine semnificatia acestui cuvant, traducatorul s-a folosit de urmatoarea fraza, sa asculte dascalul pe fiecare, si a inlocuit verbul cu un substantive revision, adaptandu-l si transpunandu-l in acelasi timp.

In traducerea adjectivului sprintara si a expresiei plina de incuri, traducatorul a utilizat cate doua cuvinte pentru fiecare, avand rolul de parafraza explicative. Astfel, sprintara a fost tradusa prin giddy si thoughtless iar plina de incuri prin full of whims and fancies.

Verbele ia si poftim au fost traduse printr-o intreaga propozitie: Just come out here, folosindu-se procedeul modulatiei, de la abstract la concret. Daca ar fi fost tradusa mot-a-mot, cele doua verbe nu ar fi avut nici un sens pentru cititorul din limba tinta.A face pocinog este o alta expresie regionala ce implica probleme de traducere. In traducerea acesteia, s-a folosit adaptarea. Astfel , pocinogul devine proper business, desi in mod literal el inseamna inceput de bun augur.

O expresie tipic romaneasca, caruia traducatorul nu i-a gasit decat un echivalent literal este a plange de sare camasa de pe el/ea. Desi este o expresie, se pare ca ea nu are echivalent in limba engleza.O alta expresie romaneasca este si a merge struna . In traducere, observam, ca aceasta este in locuita in textul tinta de o modulatie prin comparatie the work went ahead like wildfire.

A-si face felul este tradus in textul tinta printr-o echivalenta, to go ones way, dar care poate fi in acelasi timp si adaptare.Alte procedee de adaptare pot fi gasite in urmatoarele traduceri. Astfel, tintirim devinechurchyard, trataj devine shorter catechism, iar potop devine atat printr-o adaptare cat si printr-o modulatie wholesale destruction.

A-si pune mainile in cap de necaz este tradus printr-o adaptare ce contine o periofraza explicativa: to clutch ones head in horror.