95787580 Istorie Sampon

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The health articles I produce will be informative, often times surprising, can save you money and could even save your life. Eu produce articole de sntate va fi informativ, de multe ori surprinzatoare, v poate economisi bani i ar putea salva chiar viata ta. These health articles are designed to enhance your well being. Aceste articole de sntate sunt proiectate pentru a spori bunstarea. I research all topics thoroughly and test and experiment on myself. Am toate subiectele de cercetare bine i de testare si experimentul pe mine. I am always open to critiques or information you might like to share with me. Sunt mereu deschis la criticile sau informaiile pe care le-ar putea dori s mprtesc cu mine.

This article focuses on your hair and shampoo. Acest articol se concentreaz pe prul tu i ampon. Shampoo you say? ampon spui? Well being the sexy journalist that I am, I thought I would begin at the top of your head and slowly work my way down your body. Ei bine, fiind jurnalist sexy c eu sunt, am crezut ca va ncepe n partea de sus a capului i de a lucra ncet felul meu de jos pe corpul tau. Taking my time and touching every point along the way. Lund n timpul meu i atinge fiecare punct de-a lungul drum. Our bodies are Temples (no matter what dogmatic religion One adheres to) and it is the only Temple we got. Corpurile noastre sunt temple (indiferent de ce religie dogmatic Una adera la), i este singurul templu avem.

The best medicine is preventive medicine... Cel mai bun medicament este medicina preventiva ... live healthy. tri sntos.

SHAMpoo. Sampon. About five or six months ago, I realized that shampoo is really just that, a SHAM with a little poo (or bullshit) mixed in. It is a huge money maker that does nothing for your hair, but over the long run could actually have detrimental effects on not only your hair, but your body. Despre cinci sau ase luni n urm, am realizat c sampon este de fapt doar c, un fals cu un pic poo (sau prostii) amestecat inch Acesta este un formator de bani uria, care nu face nimic pentru parul tau, dar pe termen lung ar putea avea de fapt efecte negative nu numai asupra parului tau, dar corpul tau. I have not used SHAM-poo in years, and what a huge, wonderful difference. Nu am folosit-Sham n poo de ani, i ce, minunat diferen uria. I have done an enormous amount of research and have come to realize the dangers and have stopped using it (dangers you say? Come on! This is shampoo where are talking about here!). Am fcut o cantitate enorm de cercetare i au ajuns s neleag pericolele i s-au oprit folosind-o (pericole spui? Haide! Aceasta este sampon n cazul n care este vorba de aici!). Now before you laugh and mock; read on. Acum, nainte de a rde i bate joc, citii mai departe.

If you still want to use SHAM-poo when you get done reading this article then you a). Dac totui dorii s utilizai sham-poo atunci cnd vei ajunge terminat de citit acest articol atunci a). don't give a shit b). nu dau un rahat b). are brave c). c sunt curajos). are lazy or d). sunt lenei sau d). are simply retarded. sunt pur i simplu retardat. All kidding aside though, I do urge you to reseach this yourself. Toate gluma deoparte, dei, eu nu v ndemn s Cercetri acest tine. There are references at the end. Exist referiri la sfritul anului. Happy Reading Lectur plcut

I have broken down my rant on SHAM-poo into a eight parts. Am defalcate declama meu pe Sham-poo ntr-o opt pri.

1. 1. A Brief History Of SHAM-poo O scurt istorie a Sham-poo

2. 2. How Does SHAM-poo work? Cum Sham-poo de lucru?

3. 3. Why Do We Use SHAM-poo? De ce folosim Sham-poo?

4. 4. What Is In SHAM-poo And What Are The Dangers? Ce este n Sham-poo i Care sunt pericolele?

5. 5. If We Don't Use SHAM-poo, How The Hell Do We Keep Our Noggins Clean And Healthy? Dac nu vom utiliza Sham-poo, cum dracu 'v pstrm Noggins nostru curat i sntos?

6. 6. Conclusion Concluzie

7. 7. Vocabulary Vocabular

8. 8. References Referinte

1. 1. A Brief History Of SHAM-poo O scurt istorie a Sham-poo

The word shampoo means to 'massage' it comes from the Hindi word champo which means to 'smear, knead the muscles, massage.' Sampon Cuvntul nseamn a "masaj" vine de la cuvntul hindi champo care nseamn a "frotiu, se framanta muschii, masaj." It was coined in England circa 1760. Acesta a fost inventat n Anglia circa 1760. SHAM-poos as we know them (ie synthetic harsh detergents) have only been used since the about the 1930s. Sham-caca cum le tim (de exemplu, aspru detergeni sintetici) au fost utilizate numai de la despre 1930. Before that hair washing agents in the west were derived from boiling soap down. nainte ca parul de splare ageni n partea de vest au fost derivate din fierbere spun jos. And before that, they were derived from plants and other natural ingredients such as herbs. i nainte de asta, acestea au fost derivate din plante i alte ingrediente naturale, cum ar fi plante. It is my understanding that in the West, both the herbal and boiled down soap versions of SHAM-poo were used. Este nelegerea mea c n Vest, ct i fiert n jos spun versiuni pe baz de plante de Sham-poo au fost utilizate. To understand how SHAM-poo was born in the West, one must understand the history of soap. Pentru a nelege modul n care Sham-poo sa nscut n Occident, trebuie s nelegem istoria de spun. Soap got its name from ancient Rome. Spun primit numele de la Roma antic. Animals were sacrificed on Mount Sapo. Animalele au fost sacrificate pe muntele Sapo. Rain washed a mixture of melted animal fat, or tallow, and wood ashes down into the clay soil along the Tiber River. Rain splat un amestec de grsimi animale topite, sau seu, si cenusa de lemn n jos, n solul de lut, de-a lungul rului Tibru. Women found that this clay mixture made their wash cleaner with much less effort. Femeile au descoperit ca acest amestec de lut fcut spele lor curat, cu mai mult efort. By the second century AD, the Greek physician, Galen, recommended soap for both medicinal and cleansing purposes. De al doilea secol AD, medic grec, Galen, recomandat pentru spun, ct i curare n scopuri medicinale.

Commercial soapmaking in the American colonies began in 1608 with the arrival of soapmakers from England, though soapmaking stayed essentially a household chore for many years. soapmaking comerciale n coloniile americane a nceput n 1608 cu sosirea soapmakers din Anglia, dei soapmaking rmas, n esen, o corvoada de uz casnic pentru muli ani. Eventually, professional soapmakers began regularly collecting waste fats from households in exchange for soap. n cele din urm, soapmakers profesionale au nceput n mod regulat de colectare a deeurilor grsimi din gospodrii n schimbul spun. Leave it to the French (and one Belgian) chemists to be the inventors of modern soap and by default modern SHAM-poo in the West. Lsai-l s francez (i unul belgian), chimiti s fie inventatori de sapun moderne si implicit moderne Sham-poo n Occident. These three forefathers of modern soap - and by default modern SHAM-poo - contributed to the chemical basis for cost effective soap. Aceste trei strmoii de sapun moderne - i n mod implicit moderne Sham-poo - a contribuit la baza chimice pentru eficiente spun cost. Their names were Nicholas Leblanc (French. Published 1791), Michel Eugene Chevreul (French. Published 1823) and Ernest Solvay (Belgian. Published1861).These scientific discoveries, together with the development of power to operate factories, made soapmaking one of America's fastest-growing industries by the mid -1800s. au fost nume Nicholas Leblanc (French. Publicat 1791), Michel Eugene Chevreul (French. Publicat n 1823) i Ernest Solvay (Belgian. Published1861). mpreun Aceste descoperiri tiinifice, cu dezvoltarea de puterea de a opera fabrici, a fcut soapmaking una din America de cea mai rapid lor -n cretere industriile de la mijlocul anilor 1800. It's broad availability changed soap from a luxury item to an everyday 'necessity'. Este disponibilitii la scar larg a schimbat spun dintr-un element de lux la o "zi cu zi" necesitate. Eventually specialty soaps were made for washing laundry, floors, and just about anything that needed to be cleaned (including hair). n cele din urm spunuri de specialitate au fost fcute pentru splat rufe, podele, i doar despre ceva care trebuia s fie curate (inclusiv de pr). For SHAM-poo this soap was boiled down and used to wash the hair, though there were also those who used herbal mixes. Pentru Sham-poo acest spun, a fost fiert n jos i folosite pentru a spla prul, dei au existat, de asemenea, cei care au folosit amestecuri pe baz de plante.

From ancient times down to the present, SHAM-poo has gone through many changes. Din cele mai vechi timpuri pn n prezent, placebo-poo a trecut prin multe schimbri. In 'ancient' times, shampoos were made from herbs and natural ingredients. n "vechi" ori, ampoane au fost fcute din plante i ingrediente naturale. In 'old' times they were made made with boiled down soap. n "vechi" ori s-au fcut fcute cu spun jos fiert. Now the marketing strategy is to 'get back to Nature'. Acum, strategia de marketing este de a "reveni la Natura". We see 'organic' SHAM-poos, 'herbal' SHAM-poos etc., Yes! Vom vedea "organic" Sham-caca, "plante" Sham-caca etc, Da! Back to Nature! napoi la Natura! The People have spoken and the Corporations have listened! Oamenii au vorbit i corporaiile au ascultat! Hallelujah! Aleluia!

Except that these organic SHAM-poos are still a SHAM for they also have chemicals in them. Cu excepia faptului c aceste organice Sham-caca sunt nc un pretext pentru care au, de asemenea, substane chimice n ele. They still must use bonding agents, preservatives and foaming agents. Ei nc mai trebuie s utilizeze ageni de lipire, conservani i ageni de spumare. A truly organic natural shampoo is one you make yourself. Un sampon natural organic cu adevrat este unul te face. But since it is made out of natural ingredients you must make it all the time. Dar din moment ce este facut din ingrediente naturale, trebuie s fac tot timpul. The shelf life of your own home made shampoo is 3 or 4 days. Perioada de valabilitate a fcut propria casa samponul dumneavoastra este de 3 sau 4 zile. More on making your own in a moment. Mai mult pentru a face propria dvs. ntr-o clip. The Western notion of cleanliness is a dynamic complex cultural creation. Noiunea de Vest de curenie este un complex cultural creaie dinamic. The corporation, in order to keep the capital flowing, has devised all kinds of ways to keep the masses thinking they are not clean enough... Profit, n scopul de a pstra capitalul curge, a elaborat tot felul de moduri de a menine masele crezand ca nu sunt destul de curat ... and that they need to skip off to the shop to buy their products. i de care au nevoie pentru a trece pe la magazin pentru a cumpara produsele lor. The masses have been brainwashed. Masele au fost spalat creierul. What happened to good ol' ingenuity? Ce sa ntmplat cu "ol ingeniozitate bine? I firmly believe that Mother Nature knows best and has already provided us with ingredients that are more effective, less expensive, healthier and SAFE. Cred cu trie c Mama Natura tie cel mai bine i are deja ne-a furnizat cu ingrediente care sunt mai eficiente, mai puin costisitoare, mai sntoase i SAFE. And She has being doing so since Time began. Ea a fost i acest lucru, deoarece Time a nceput. Who are we to question Her? Cine suntem noi la ntrebarea ei? The idea of being clean (in the West) has been a slow change indeed. Ideea de a fi curat (n Occident) a fost o schimbare lent, ntr-adevr. Though the ancient Romans considered cleanliness a social virtue and Jews practiced ritual purity laws involving immersion in water, the early Christians viewed bathing as Hedonistic (let's get Nasty for Jesus!). Desi romanii antici considerat o virtute curenie social i practicat de evrei puritate legile ritual care implic scufundare n ap, primii cretini privit scldat ca hedonist (hai sa Nasty pentru Isus!). Americans were as filthy as most Europeans before the Civil War, but the Union's success in controlling disease through hygiene convinced the people that cleanliness was progressive not to mention Patriotic. Americanii au fost de murdar ca majoritatea europenilor nainte de Rzboiul Civil, dar Uniunii succes n controlul bolii prin igien convins pe oameni c curenia a fost progresiv s nu mai vorbim Patriotic.

2. 2. How Does SHAM-poo work? Cum Sham-poo de lucru?

While both soaps and SHAM-poos contain surfactants, soap bonds to oils with such affinity that it removes too much if used on hair. n timp ce ambele spunuri i-placebo caca conin ageni tensioactivi, spun obligaiuni la uleiuri cu afinitate, astfel nct acesta indeparteaza prea mult dac este utilizat pe parul. SHAM-poo uses a different class of surfactants balanced to avoid removing too much oil from the hair. Sham-poo folosete o clas diferit de tensioactivi echilibrat pentru a evita eliminarea prea mult ulei de pr. But with all the chemicals found in SHAM-poo there is a lot more heinous things being done to our hair and body than removing a bit of oil (essential oils that your hair needs anyway!) Dar, cu toate produse chimice gsite n Sham-poo exist o mulime mai multe fiind excepional de grave lucruri de fcut pentru par si corp dect ndeprtarea un pic de ulei (uleiuri eseniale, care parul tau are nevoie oricum!) SHAM-poo cleans by stripping sebum from the hair. Sham-poo curata prin rectificarea sebum din par. Sebum is an oil secreted by hair follicles that is readily absorbed by the strands of hair, and forms a protective layer. Sebum este un ulei secretat de foliculi pilosi, care este uor absorbit de firele de pr, i formeaz un strat protector. Sebum protects the protein structure of hair from damage, but this protection comes at a cost. Sebum protejeaza structura proteinei de pr de la daune, dar aceast protecie vine la un cost. It tends to collect dirt, styling products and scalp flakes. Ea tinde s colecteze murdrie, produse de styling i fulgi de scalp. Surfactants strip the sebum from the hair shafts and thereby remove the dirt attached to it. Tensioactivi benzi sebumul din arborii de pr i, prin urmare, elimina mizeria ataat la acesta. The chemical mechanisms that underlie hair cleansing are similar to that of traditional soap. Mecanismele chimice care stau la baza curatare de par sunt similare cu cele de spun tradiionale. Undamaged hair has a hydrophobic surface to which skin lipids such as sebum stick, but water is initially repelled. parul nedeteriorate are o suprafa hidrofob la care lipidelor pielii, cum ar fi stick de sebum, dar apa este respins iniial. The lipids do not come off easily when the hair is rinsed with plain water. Lipidele nu se desprind cu uurin atunci cnd prul se cltete cu ap curat. The anionic surfactants substantially reduce the interfacial surface tension and allow for the removal of the sebum from the hair shaft. Tensioactivi anionici reduce substanial tensiunea superficial interfacial i pentru a permite eliminarea de sebum din firul de par. The non-polar oily materials on the hair shaft are solubilised into the surfactant micelle structures of the SHAM-poo and are removed during rinsing. -Polar uleios materiale non pe firul de par se solubilizeaz n miceliilor structurile tensioactiv a fictive-poo i sunt eliminate n timpul cltire. There is also considerable removal through a surfactant and oil "roll up" effect. Exist, de asemenea, eliminarea considerabil printr-un surfactant i ulei de "roll up" efect. The foamy effect of shampoo is purely AESTHETIC. Efectul spumos de sampon este pur estetic. It has NO cleansing properties. Ea are proprieti de curare NU.

3. 3. Why Do We Use SHAM-poo? De ce folosim Sham-poo?

The obvious answer of course is to keep the hair clean, but does it really? Rspunsul evident de curs este de a menine prul curat, dar nu cu adevarat? What are the real reasons we use SHAM-poo? Care sunt motivele reale care le folosim Sham-poo? Well it's all about big business and convenience, isn't it? Ei bine, totul despre o afacere de succes i confort, nu-i asa? They have convinced us that we are too busy with mundane work such as soap and SHAM-poo making. Ei ne-au convins c suntem prea ocupati cu munca banale, cum ar fi spun i-poo luare Sham. We have been brainwashed into thinking that whatever neccesities we need, we can go to the shop and buy it. Am fost splat creierul s cread c orice neccesities avem nevoie, putem merge la magazin si cumpara-l. 'It's convenient', we say. "Este convenabil", ne spune. 'I don't have time to do it myself', we think. "Nu am timp s o fac eu", ne gndim. 'I don't know how!' "Nu tiu cum!" we cry. ne plnge. Meanwhile we are unwittingly washing our bodies and manes with toxic chemicals. ntre timp, noi suntem de splat fr s vrea, corpurile noastre i coama cu substane chimice toxice. Corporations have basically convinced the public that if they didn't make it then it's not good. Corporatiile au convins n esen publice, c n cazul n care nu a fcut-o face, atunci nu e bine.

Natural medicine, natural healing and natural care for the body is called 'quackery' yet these very same companies put "natural" ingredients into their products filled with chemicals. natural de vindecare i de ngrijire naturale pentru organism se numete "escrocherie" Natural medicament, dar aceste aceleai companii foarte pus "natural" ingrediente n produsele lor pline cu substane chimice. Why not just use the same natural ingredients found in commercial products minus the chemicals? De ce nu folosim doar ingrediente naturale aceeai gsite n produse comerciale minus substane chimice? I will tell you how to do that later in this article. Va voi spune cum s faci asta mai trziu, n acest articol. "Natural ingredients" are the bane of corporations because it is hard to tax them and make money on them. "Ingrediente naturale" sunt urgie de corporaii, pentru c este greu pentru a le fiscale i de a face bani pe ele. It is difficult for a corporation to have a patent on anything natural. Este dificil pentru o societate s aib un brevet pe ceva natural. So they take derivatives and patent them. Astfel nct acestea s ia instrumentelor derivate i de brevet le. Derivatives are also not very good because it is seperated from the original source. Derivatele sunt, de asemenea, nu foarte bun, deoarece este separat de sursa original. That is why willow bark is better for headaches than taking it's derivative; acetylsalicylic acid (or aspirin). De aceea, scoarta de salcie este mai bun pentru durerile de cap dect s ia este derivat; acid acetilsalicilic (aspirina sau). If the corporation can't lobby to make nature illegal (like they do for Hemp) then they either ignore the benefits of an herb or say it doesn't work ie that said natural remedy is snake oil, quackery or bullocks. n cazul n care corporatie nu poate face lobby la natura ilegal (asa cum o fac pentru cnep), atunci ei ignor fie beneficiile o planta sau spun c nu funcioneaz i anume c a spus remediu natural este arpe ulei, escrocherie sau boi. The sad thing is that people believe the corporations bullshit yarn. Lucru trist este faptul c oamenii cred fire de rahat corporaii. And how can your average UNinformed person NOT believe? i cum pot medie neinformat persoana dvs. nu credei? With billions of dollars spent on advertising a year (and psychologists like Freud's nephew Edward Bernays -now deceased- working with media companies and huge corporations using psychology to get people to buy their product), it is no wonder the Masses think the way they do. Cu miliarde de dolari cheltuiti pe publicitate de un an (i psihologi ca lui Freud, nepotul Bernays Edward-acum decedat, care lucreaz cu companii mass-media i corporaii uriae folosind psihologie a face oamenii s cumpere produsul lor), aceasta nu este de mirare Mase cred c modul n care acestea nu . If you stop buying products that you can make yourself, then you essentially stop supporting the corporations that support corrupt politicians like Baby Bush. Dac nu mai cumpere produsele pe care le puteti face, apoi te opreti n esen, sprijinirea societilor care sustin politicienii corupi ca Baby Bush. It is all connected. Totul este conectat. Do it yourself and share your knowledge with everyone. Do it yourself i mprti cunotinele dumneavoastr cu toat lumea. We the People can re-take control of our bodies and take back the power back from the powers that be. Noi Oamenii pot re-preia controlul asupra organismelor noastre i s ia napoi puterea napoi de la puterile pe care s fie.

4. 4. What Is In SHAM-poo And What Are The Dangers? Ce este n Sham-poo i Care sunt pericolele?

Here is the crux of my report right here. Aici este cheia de raportul meu chiar aici. Read carefully. Citeste cu atentie. I looked at numerous SHAM-poo products and basically most had the same ingredients. M-am uitat la Sham-poo numeroase produse i cel mai practic au aceleai ingrediente. Even the 'healthy' ones that claimed to be organic and have no abrasives had chemicals in them that are not good for us. Chiar i "sntoase" cei care pretind sa fie ecologice i nu au nici abrazive avut chimicale n ele care nu sunt bune pentru noi. This list of what is commonly used in most SHAM-poos (and other cosmetics, so check your conditioner and make-up, skin lotion, shaving cream, conditioners and yes your toothpaste..eeeew!) should make you aware. Aceast list a ceea ce este frecvent utilizat n cele mai multe Sham-caca (i alte produse cosmetice, astfel nct verifica conditionat si make-up, loiune de piele, crema de ras, balsamuri si da dvs. .. eeeew pasta de dinti!) Ar trebui s v contient. What is scary is that this is not a complete list! Ce este nfricotor este c acest lucru nu este o list complet! Check the back of everything you buy. Verificai partea din spate a tot ceea ce cumpara. Bring a copy of this report and look to see if these ingredients are in what you want to buy, though I implore you to make your own like I do; it is safer, fresher and actually enhances your well being... Aducei o copie a acestui raport i s vedem dac aceste ingrediente sunt n ceea ce dorii s cumprai, dei Te implor s facei propriile dvs. aa cum fac eu, este mai sigur, mai proaspt i de fapt, mbuntete starea voastra de bine ... go natural baby! du-te copil natural! Details on how to do this are listed below. Detalii cu privire la modul de a face acest lucru sunt enumerate mai jos.

Please note that next to many of the chemicals that are in your SHAM-poo, I have added the 'international chemical hazard symbol' [X] which indicates that there is a potential risk associated with this ingredient. V rugm s reinei faptul c pe lng multe dintre substanele chimice care sunt n dvs. Sham-poo, am adugat "internaionale simbolul chimic pericol" [X], care indic faptul c exist un risc potenial asociat cu acest ingredient. It could be a mild irritant or cause allergic reactions or adverse skin reactions, it could be potentially toxic or carcinogenic, or there may be a risk of contamination with harmful by-products which are formed during manufacture. Ar putea fi un iritant uor sau provoca reacii alergice sau reacii cutanate adverse, ar putea fi potenial toxice sau cancerigene, sau poate exista un risc de contaminare cu nocive de produse care se formeaz n timpul fabricaiei. It could also indicate that there are restrictions on the use of the ingredient. Aceasta ar putea indica, de asemenea, faptul c exist restricii privind utilizarea ingredient. The omission of this symbol does not imply that an ingredient is safe for all individuals. Omiterea acestui simbol nu nseamn c un ingredient este sigur pentru toate persoanele fizice.

I also want to add that after carousing the net and reading literature on the chemicals that go into SHAM-poo, they are also not very good for the environment. De asemenea, vreau s adaug c, dup mbuibrile net i citirea literaturii de specialitate privind produsele chimice care intra in Sham-poo, ele nu sunt, de asemenea, foarte bun pentru mediu. They pollute our water and add to the corrosion of our sensitive ecosystems which the corporation supported Neo-con insists on destroying. Ele polueaz apa noastr i se adaug la coroziune de sensibile ecosistemelor noastre, care a sprijinit profit neo-con insist asupra distruge. If the ingredients are the key part of the product they are usually listed first on your product. n cazul n care ingredientele sunt parte esenial a produsului pe care sunt listate primele, de obicei, pe un produs. I have noted the word TOP next to the chemical if it is in the top 5. Am observat cuvntul TOP lng chimice, dac este n top 5. Numbers in red are in 95% of all products and are extremely toxic. Numerele cu rou sunt in 95% din toate produsele i sunt extrem de toxice. It's function is in italics. functia Este n caractere cursive. *NOTE Facebook does not allow for red nor italics, so for convenience, I have listed the numbers here that are of particular importance: #20 #21 #22 * NOT Facebook nu permite nici italice rosii, asa ca pentru comoditate, am enumerate numerele de aici, care sunt de o importan deosebit: # 20 # 21 # 22

1. 1. Acrylates [X] Used in Hand / Dish soap and SHAM-poos. Acrilai [X] Folosit n mn / spun Dish i-Sham caca. Salts or esters of acrylic acid used as thickening agents and as constitutes of nail polishes. Sruri sau esteri ai acidului acrilic, utilizate ca ageni de ngroare i ca constituie de lustruit unghii. Strong irritant. Puternic iritant.

2. 2. Acrylates copolymer [X] Ingredient used in styling products to add body, provide hold and protect hair from humidity. Acrilai copolimer [X] ingredient folosit n produse de styling pentru a aduga corp, asigura deine i proteja prul de la umiditate.

3. 3. Alcohol [X] A group of compounds that includes ethanol, methanol, and others. Alcool [X] Un grup de compui, care include etanol, metanol, i altele. Acts as carrying and antifoaming agent as well as a water and oil solvent. Actioneaza ca agent antispumant i care transport, precum i o ap i ulei solvent. It dries quickly, and if synthetically produced is carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic and can cause adverse reactions. Se usuca repede, si daca produse sintetic este cancerigene, mutagene, toxice i pot provoca reacii adverse. Prepared by the fementation of carbohydrates or synthetically from petroleum. Elaborat de ctre fementation de glucide sau sintetic din petrol. Solvent Solvent

4. 4. Ammonium Laureth Sulfate [X] TOP Synthetic detergent. Sulfat de amoniu laureth [X] TOP sintetice detergent. A surfactant used in SHAM-poos, bubble baths, hand wash, dishwashing liquid, detergent. Un agent tensioactiv folosit n placebo-caca, bai cu bule, se spal de mn, vase, detergent lichid. May be contaminated with carcinogenic nitrosamines. Pot fi contaminate cu nitrozamine cancerigene.

5. 5. Babassuamidopropalkonium Chloride Semisynthetic compound derived from babassu oil. Babassuamidopropalkonium de clorur de compus semisintetice derivate din ulei de babassu. Antistatic agent Antistatice agent

6. 6. Benzyl Alcohol [X] Synthetic alcohol derived from petroleum or coal tar. Alcool benzilic [X] alcool sintetice derivate din petrol sau gudron de huil. Preservative / Solvent / Fragrance Conservant / Solvent / Parfumuri

7. 7. Butylene Glycol Synthetic compound. Butilen Glicol sintetic compus. Humectant / Solvent Umectant / solvent

8. 8. Calendula Officinalis [X] Oils obtained from Calendula officinalis or Garden Marigold, a plant of the daisy (Compositae) family. Calendula Officinalis [X] Uleiurile obinute din Calendula officinalis sau galbenele Garden, o plant de Daisy (Compositae) de familie. Emollient / Moisturiser Emolient / hidratant

9. 9. Caramel Obtained by the controlled heat treatment of various sugars or by treating the sugars with food-grade acids, alkalis, or salts. Caramel obinut prin tratamentul termic controlat de diverse zaharuri sau prin tratarea cu zaharuri-grad acizi alimentari, baze, sruri sau. Anti-foaming agents may be present as impurities of manufacture. Antispumani pot fi prezente ca impuriti de fabricaie. Brown Colorant Brown colorant

10. 10. Cetearyl Alcohol [X] Semisynthetic compound derived from fatty acids. Cetearil alcool [X] compus semisintetic derivat din acizi grasi. Emollient / Moisturiser / Emulsifier / Emulsion stabiliser / Opacifier / Viscosity adjuster Emolient / hidratant / Emulgator / Emulsie stabilizator / Opacifier / Vascozitate de reglare

11. 11. Chamomilla Recutita [X] Oils obtained from Matricaria recutita or Scented Mayweed, a short, flowering plant of the Compositae family (also includes daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle; zinnia) This ingredient is often mistaken for Chamomile extract. Chamomilla Recutita [X] Uleiurile obinute din Matricaria recutita sau Mayweed parfumate, o, nflorire a plantelor scurt din familia Compositae (include, de asemenea margarete, papadie, Goldenrod, glbenele, lptuc, rugina, floarea-soarelui, ciulin, zinnia) Acest ingredient este adesea confundat cu extract de mueel. Emollient / Moisturiser Emolient / hidratant

12. 12. Citric Acid [X] Natural extract of citrus fruits. Acid citric [X] Extract natural de fructe citrice. pH control / Chelating agent / Exfoliating agent. controlul pH-ului / chelatori agent / agent Exfoliere.

13. 13. Cocamide MEA [X] same functions as 10. Cocamide MEA [X] aceleai funcii ca 10. Cetearyl Alcohol Cetearil alcool

14. 14. Cocamide MIPA [X] same functions as 10.Cetearyl Alcohol Cocamide MIPA [X] aceleai funcii ca 10.Cetearyl alcool

15. 15. Cocamidopropyl Betaine [X] TOP Semisynthetic compound derived from coconut oils. Cocamidopropyl Betaina [X] TOP compus semisintetic derivat din uleiuri de cocos. Surfactant Surfactant

16. 16. Coconut Acid [X] TOP Fatty acids obtained from coconut oil. Nuc de cocos Acid [X] TOP acizilor grasi obtinuti din ulei de cocos. Emollient / Moisturiser / Emulsifier / Surfactant Emolient / hidratant / Emulgator / surfactant

17. 17. Dimethicone [X] Synthetic silicone polymer. Dimeticon [X] sintetice silicon polimer. Antifoaming agent / Emollient / Moisturiser agent antispumani / emolienta / hidratant

18. 18. Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate TOP Synthetic compound derived from fatty acids obtained from coconut oil. Disodic Cocoamphodiacetate TOP compus sintetic derivat din acizi grasi obtinuti din ulei de cocos. Surfactant Surfactant

19. 19. Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate [X] Synthetic compound derived from fatty acids and ethylene oxide. Disodic laureth Sulfosuccinate [X] compus sintetic derivat din acizi grasi si oxid de etilen. Surfactant Surfactant

20. 20. EDTA [X] An artificial chemical that is used as an antioxidant and as a complexing agent in SHAM-poos, which means that it binds metallic irons so that the surfactants can work more effectively. EDTA [X] Un chimic artificial care este folosit ca un antioxidant si ca agent de complexare n placebo-caca, ceea ce nseamn c se leag fiare de clcat metalic, astfel nct tensioactivi pot lucra mai eficient. Potential for causing contact dermatitis. Potenial pentru cauzarea dermatita de contact.

21. 21. Ethoxylated surfactants [X] Widely used in cosmetics as foaming agents, emulsifiers and humectants. Etoxilai tensioactivi [X] pe scar larg n produsele cosmetice folosite ca ageni de spumare, emulgatori si umectanti. As part of the manufacturing process the toxic chemical 1,4-dioxane, a potent carcinogen, is generated. Ca parte a procesului de fabricare a substanelor chimice toxice de 1,4-dioxan, un puternic cancerigen, este generat. On the label, they are identified by the prefix "PEG", "polyethylene", "polyethylene glycol", "polyoxyethylene", "-eth-", or "-oxynol-". Pe etichet, acestea sunt identificate prin prefixul "PEG", "polietilena", "polietilen glicol", "polioxietilen", "-eth-", sau "-oxynol-". (See numbers 39, 40 and 41) (A se vedea numerele 39, 40 i 41)

22. 22. Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid [X] Synthetic compound. Etilen diamin Tetraacetic Acid [X] sintetice compuse. Chelating agent. Agent de chelatizare. When handling this chemical in the warehouse one must observe the following guidelines: Sweep spilled substance into containers. Atunci cnd manipularea acestei substane chimice n un depozit trebuie s respecte urmtoarele orientri: Sweep deversate substan n containere. Carefully collect remainder, then remove to safe place. colecta grij restul, apoi scoate la loc sigur. Do NOT let this chemical enter the environment (extra personal protection: self-contained breathing apparatus) The substance is harmful to aquatic organisms. S nu faci aceast substan chimic ptrunde n mediu (personal de protecie suplimentare: auto-coninute aparat de respiraie) Substana este duntor pentru organismele acvatice. The substance irritates the eyes, the skin and the respiratory tract. Substana irita ochii, pielea i tractul respirator. The substance may cause effects on the kidneys. Substana poate provoca efecte asupra rinichilor.

23. 23. Fragrance [X] A combination of mainly artificial chemicals, typically 50 to 100, used to impart a fragrance. Parfumuri [X] O combinaie de substane chimice artificiale, n principal, de obicei 5-10, utilizate pentru a da un parfum. Fragrance Parfum

24. 24. Glycerin [X] (also spelt Glycerine or Glycerol) TOP A naturally occurring compound that can be processed from natural fats and oils of plant or animal origin. Glicerina [X] (scris, de asemenea, glicerina sau glicerol) TOP Un apar compus natural care poate fi procesat din grsimi i uleiuri naturale de origine vegetal sau animal. It is a by-product of the soap manufacturing industry. Este un produs de-ale industriei prelucrtoare spun. Denaturant / Humectant / Solvent Denaturant / umectant / solvent

25. 25. Glycine A naturally occurring amino acid obtained from various proteins or it can be easily and cheaply prepared artificially. Glicin Un aminoacid natural obinut din diferite proteine sau poate fi pur i simplu avantajos pregtit n mod artificial. Antistatic agent / pH control Antistatice agent / pH-ul de control

26. 26. Glycine Soja Various extracts and derivative of soya beans, including soya bean flour, soya bean oil and proteins and amino acid obtained from Soja hispida, a member of the pea (Leguminosae) family. Glycine Soja extracte diferite i derivate din soia, inclusiv fin de soia, Ulei de soia i proteine i aminoacizi obinute din Soia hispida, un membru al mazre (Leguminosae) de familie. This may be genetically modidfied or contaminated with GM material. Acest lucru poate fi modidfied genetic sau contaminate cu materiale GM. Botanical additive / Emollient / Moisturiser aditiv Botanic / emolienta / hidratant

27. 27. Glycol [X] A synthetic compound made from petroleum and used as antifreeze in cars because it's also resistance to freezing. Glicol [X] un compus sintetic obinut din petrol i folosit ca antigel in masini pentru ca este, de asemenea, rezistenta la inghet. *NOTE This name and its cousins are running rife in the world of cleaning products and personal-care items. * NOT Acest nume si verilor sai se execut rspndit n lume de produse de curare i de ngrijire obiecte personale. Glycol is in countless cleansers, liquid soaps, SHAM-poos, conditioners, hair coloring products, lotions and many baby-care products. Glicol este curat n nenumrate, spunuri lichide, placebo-caca, balsamuri, produse pentru pr colorat, loiuni i baby-ngrijire multe produse. Glycols are alcohols that serve many purposes in manufacturing, thanks to their emulsifying and moisturizing properties and their ability to impart a desirable pearled appearance to cosmetics. Glicolii sunt alcooli, care servesc mai multe scopuri n industria prelucrtoare, datorit lor i emulsionare hidratare proprieti i capacitatea lor de a da un dorit "lustruite" aspect de cosmetice. Ethylene glycol, by any other name, is antifreeze. etilen glicol, de ctre orice alt nume, este antigel. Look at the glowing color of the stuff. Uit-te la culoarea stralucitoare de chestii. Who would want to touch it to their skin? Cine ar vrea s-l atingi pentru pielea lor? Solvent Solvent

28. 28. Glycol Distearate TOP Synthetic compound derived from glycol (from petroleum) and fatty acids Emollient/Moisturiser/Emulsifier/Opacifier/Viscosity adjuster Glicol Distearat TOP compus sintetic derivat din glicol (din petrol) i acizi grai emolienta / hidratant / Emulgator / Opacifier / Vascozitate de reglare

29. 29. Hyaluronic Acid Obtained from skin tissue and from the synovial fluid that surrounds the joins in animal skeletons where it acts as a lubricant. Acid Hialuronic obinute din esuturi de piele i din lichidul sinovial care nconjoar se altur n schelete de animale n cazul n care acesta acioneaz ca un lubrifiant. Humectant / Lubricant / Antistatic agent / Humectant Umectant / Lubrifiant / agent antistatic / umectant

30. 30. Hydrolyzed Conchiorin Protein Alternative spelling, Conchiolin, this is a fibrous protein found in the shells of oysters, which is broken down by enzymes or by treatment with acids or alkalis. Hidrolizat Conchiorin Alternative ortografie proteine, Conchiolin, aceasta este o proteina fibroasa gsit n cochilii de stridii, care este defalcate n funcie de enzime sau prin tratarea cu acizi sau alcaline. Biological additive Biologice aditiv

31. 31. Hypericum Extract Obtained from Hypericum perforatum or Perforate St. John's Wort, a member of the St. John's Wort (Hypericaceae) family. Hypericum extractul obinut din Hypericum perforatum sau St John's Wort perfora, un membru al Sf. Ioan's Wort (Hypericaceae) de familie. Botanical additive Botanic aditiv

32. 32. Lauramidopropyl betaine A synthetic compound obtained by the extensive chemical modification of lauric acid, a natural fatty acid. Lauramidopropyl betain un compus sintetic, obinut prin modificarea chimic important de acid lauric, un acid gras natural. Antistatic agent / Surfactant (See also Quaternary ammonium compounds). Antistatice agent / surfactant (a se vedea, de asemenea, compui de amoniu cuaternar).

33. 33. Laureth-3 [X] A synthetic compound obtained by the extensive chemical modification of lauric acid, a natural fatty acid, and oxirane (ethylene oxide). Laureth-3 [X] un compus sintetic, obinut prin modificarea chimic important de acid lauric, un acid gras natural, i oxiran (oxid de etilen). Emulsifier / Surfactant Emulgator / surfactant

34. 34. Laureth-4 [X] same def as 33 Emulsifier / Surfactant Laureth-4 [X] def aceeai ca 33 Emulgator / surfactant

35. 35. Laureth-16 [X] same def as 33 Emulsifier Laureth-16 [X] def aceeai ca 33 Emulgator

36. 36. Parabens [X] A group of closely related chemicals which are 'esters' of p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Parabeni [X] Un grup de strns legate de substane chimice, care sunt "esteri" de acid p-hidroxibenzoic. They are used widely as preservatives by inhibiting the growth of organisms for cosmetics, foods and drugs. Ele sunt utilizate pe scar larg drept conservani prin inhibarea creterii de organisme pentru cosmetice, alimente i medicamente. As different esters inhibit different organisms, they are often used as a combination of different esters. Ca esteri diferite inhiba organisme diferite, ele sunt adesea folosite ca o combinatie de esteri diferite. Paraben mix sensitivity produces classic allergic contact dermatitis reactions. se amestec sensibilitate paraben produce reacii alergice Dermatita de contact clasic. Sometimes it may be seen as a flare or spread of an existing treated rash. Uneori poate fi vzut ca o racheta sau de rspndire a unei erupii cutanate tratate existente. Paraben allergic hypersensitivity is not uncommon although rare in relation to its widespread use. hipersensibilitate alergic paraben nu este ceva neobinuit, dei rar n raport cu utilizarea sa pe scar larg. It appears that repeated applications of relatively low concentrations of Parabens in medications and cosmetics may lead to sensitivity. Se pare c cererilor repetate de concentraii relativ sczute de Parabens n medicamente i produse cosmetice poate duce la sensibilitate. The most commonly used Parabens are methylparaben, ethylparaben, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, propylparaben and butylparaben. Frecvent utilizate Parabens cele mai multe sunt metilparaben, etilparaben, acid p-hidroxibenzoic, propilparaben i butylparaben. Parabens sensitivity is usually caused by medicaments used to treat eczema. Parabeni sensibilitate este de obicei cauzata de medicamente utilizate pentru tratarea eczemelor. Parabens are found in many Pharmaceutical preparations as well. Parabeni se gasesc in multe preparate farmaceutice, de asemenea.

37. 37. Parfum A mixture of fragrance compounds, usually of synthetic origin. Parfum Un amestec de compui aromatici, de obicei, de origine sintetic. This is the most concentrated form of synthetically prepared fragrance. Aceasta este forma cea mai concentrata a pregtit parfum sintetic.

38. 38. PEG Compounds (4-200) [X] (polyethylene glycol or polymers of ethylene oxide) A solvent, emulsifier, bases, carriers, and dispersants. PEG Compui (400-200) [X] (polietilen glicol sau polimeri de oxid de etilen) Un solvent, emulgator, baze, transportatorii, i dispersie. A manufacturing by-product. O producie de produs. Dangerous levels of the toxin dioxane has been found in this product. nivele periculoase de dioxan toxinei a fost gasit in acest produs. Many allergic reactions, as well as hives and eczema are known to occur from these synthetic plant glycols. reacii alergice Multe, precum i urticarie i eczeme sunt cunoscute s apar de la aceste plante glicoli sintetice. Artificial. Artificiale. Solvent. Solvent.

39. 39. PEG-120 methyl glucose dioleate [X] toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity. PEG-120 dioleatul de metil glucoza [X] toxicitate la oameni, inclusiv cancerigenitate, toxicitatea pentru reproducere i de dezvoltare, neurotoxicitate, i toxicitatea acut. Regulatory Links to world-wide registration status as well as regulatory information for the US and California. Link-uri de reglementare a larg de nregistrare statutul de-lume, precum i informaii de reglementare pentru SUA i California. Ecotoxicity Toxicity to aquatic organisms. Ecotoxicitatea Toxicitatea pentru organismele acvatice. (see number 40) (A se vedea numrul 40)

40. 40. PEG Polyethylene glycol [X] These compounds have not received a lot of attention from consumer watchdog groups. PEG polietilen glicol [X] Aceti compui nu au primit o mulime de atenie din partea unor grupuri de consumatori watchdog. They should. Acestea ar trebui s. This family of synthetic chemicals functions in cosmetic formulations as surfactants, cleansing agents, emulsifiers, skin conditioners, and humectants. Aceasta familie de produse chimice sintetice funcii n formulrile cosmetice ca tensioactivi, ageni de curare, emulgatori, amelioratori de piele, i ageni de umezire. Many cosmetic manufacturers rely on them extensively and are getting away with what is believed to be a conspiracy of negligence. Muli productori de cosmetice se bazeze pe ele pe scar larg i sunt obtinerea departe cu ceea ce se crede a fi o conspiratie de neglijen. PEG compounds often contain small amounts of ethylene oxide. PEG compui adesea contin cantitati mici de oxid de etilen. According to experimental results reported on in the National Toxicology Program's Eighth Annual Report on Carcinogens, ethylene oxide increases the incidences of uterine and breast cancers and of leukemia and brain cancer. Potrivit rezultatelor experimentale raportate n toxicologie Programului Naional de-al optulea raport anual privind agenii cancerigeni, oxid de etilen crete incidena de cancer uterin i de sn i de leucemie si cancer la creier. OUCH! Ouch!

41. 41. Polysorbates Fatty acid esters. Polisorbai acizi grai Esteri. Used in many cosmetics as emulsifiers. Utilizate n produsele cosmetice multe emulgatori. Polysorbates are assigned different numerical values according to their formulas and whether they're intended to be used in foods or cosmetics. Polisorbai sunt atribuite valori numerice diferite n funcie de formulele lor i indiferent dac acestea sunt destinate a fi utilizate n produsele alimentare sau produse cosmetice.

42. 42. Polysorbate 20 Synthetic compound derived from sorbitan, which can be manufactured by chemically modifying glucose. Polisorbat 20 sintetic compus derivat din sorbitan, care pot fi fabricate prin modificarea chimic glucoz. Emulsifier / Surfactant / Viscosity adjuster Emulgator / tensioactiv / Vascozitate de reglare

43. 43. Polyquaternium Find particular application in conditioners, SHAM-poo, mousse, hair spray, and hair dye. Polyquaternium Gsii cerere special n conditionat, placebo-poo, spum, spray de pr, i pentru colorarea prului. Because they are positively charged, they neutralize the negative charges of most SHAM-poos and hair proteins and help hair lay flat. Deoarece acestea sunt incarcate pozitiv, acestea se neutralizeaz sarcini negative de cele mai multe fictive-caca i proteinele parului si ajuta s plat. Their positive charges also ionically bond them to hair and skin. Lor sarcini pozitive, de asemenea, ionic le obligaiuni pentru pr i piele. Followed by any number they are carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic and cause adverse reactions. Urmat de orice numr acestea sunt cancerigene, mutagene, toxice i provoca reacii adverse. Induced contact dermatitis, causes fatal drug allergy (anaphylactic shock), may cause increased sensitivity to muscle relaxants. Induse de dermatita de contact, provoac alergie de droguri fatale (soc anafilactic), poate determina creterea sensibilitii la relaxante musculare.

44. 44. Polyquaternium-7 A synthetic cationic (positively electrically charged) polymer derived from nitrogen-containing organic compounds. Polyquaternium-7 A cationice sintetic (pozitiv incarcate electric) polimer derivat din azot-care conin compui organici. Antistatic agent / Film former Antistatice agent / Film fostul

45. 45. Polyquaternium-10 A synthetic cationic (positively electrically charged) polymer derived from nitrogen-containing organic compounds. Polyquaternium-10 A cationice sintetic (pozitiv incarcate electric) polimer derivat din azot-care conin compui organici. Antistatic agent / Film former Antistatice agent / Film fostul

46. 46. Potassium Cocoate TOP A mixture of soap-like substances derived from fatty acids obtained from coconut oil.Emulsifier / Surfactant Potasiu cocos TOP Un amestec de substane, cum ar fi spun derivat din acizi grasi obinute de la oil.Emulsifier de nuc de cocos / surfactant

47. 47. Potassium Hydroxide Synthetic compound that is strongly alkaline. Hidroxid de potasiu compus sintetic care este alcalin puternic. An emulsifier buffer found SHAM-poo, liquid soap, hand lotion, cuticle removers, household cleaners, button batteries. Un tampon emulgator gsit Sham-poo, sapun lichid, loiune de mn, ndeprtarea cuticula, detergeni de uz casnic, baterii buton. pH control pH-ul de control

48. 48. Potassium Sorbate The potassium salt of sorbic acid, a natural acid found in the berries of the mountain ash. Sorbat de potasiu, sare de potasiu a acidului sorbic, un acid natural gasit in fructe de padure de frasin de munte. Preservative Conservant

49. 49. Propylene Glycol [X] Synthetic compound derived from petroleum. Propilenglicolul [X] compus sintetice derivate din petrol. Humectant / Solvent Umectant / solvent

50. 50. Quaternary ammonium compounds [X] A synthetic compound obtained by the extensive chemical modification of lauric acid, a natural fatty acid. Compui de amoniu cuaternar [X] un compus sintetic, obinut prin modificarea chimic important de acid lauric, un acid gras natural. The substance is very toxic to aquatic organisms. Substana este foarte toxic pentru organismele acvatice. Used as water repellents, fungicides, emulsifiers, paper and fabric softeners, antistatic agents, and corrosion inhibitors. Utilizate ca ageni de respingere a apei, fungicide, emulgatori, hrtie i esturi emoliente, ageni antistatice, i inhibitori de coroziune. Their use in cleaners & laundry fabric softeners, aerosol deodorants, aftershave lotions, anti-dandruff and regular SHAM-poos, hair colorings, mouthwashes, hand creams... Utilizarea acestora n detergenii de rufe i emolienii, deodorante aerosol, loiuni dup ras, anti-mtrea i regulate placebo-caca, colorani de pr, apa de gura, creme de maini ... just to name a few. pentru a numi doar cteva. Comes from the paper and fabric industries. Provine din industria de hrtie i esturi. Eye & skin irritants. Ochi si piele iritante. Concentrations as low as 0.1 percent are irritating to the eye & mucous membranes. Concentraii ct mai sczut cu 0,1 la sut sunt iritante pentru ochi si mucoase. Ingestion can be fatal.Antistatic agent / Surfactant Ingestia poate fi agent fatal.Antistatic / surfactant

51. 51. Sodium Benzoate [X] TOP Synthetic compound derived from benzoic acid. Benzoat de sodiu [X] TOP compus sintetice derivate din acid benzoic. Preservative Conservant

52. 52. Sodium Chloride TOP Extracted from the sea or from underground salt deposits. Clorur de sodiu TOP Extrase din mare sau din depozite subterane de sare. Viscosity adjuster/Astringent/Isotonic control Vscozitate ajustare / astringent / izoton de control

53. 53. Sodium Coceth Sulfate [X] A semisynthetic detergent-like compound derived from fatty acids obtained from coconut oil, modified using ethylene oxide (oxirane). Sulfat de sodiu Coceth [X] Un detergent, cum ar fi compus semisintetic derivat din acizi grasi obtinuti din ulei de cocos, modificate pentru a utiliza oxidul de etilen (oxiran). Surfactant Surfactant

54. 54. Sodium C14-16 Olefin Sulfonate TOP A synthetic compound derived from petroleum or coconut oils. De sodiu C14-16 olefin sulfonat TOP A compus sintetice derivate din nuca de cocos sau de uleiuri din petrol. Surfactant Surfactant mai mult de un an n urm mai mult de ONU o n Urma Boston Boston CONTINUED: CONTINUARE:

55. 55. Sodium Hydroxide [X] Synthetic compound that is strongly alkaline (caustic soda). De hidroxid de sodiu [X] sintetic compus care este puternic alcalin (sod caustic). pH control /Denaturant pH-ul de control / Denaturant

56. 56. Sodium Lactate The sodium salt of lactic acid which is obtained from milk products. Lactat de sodiu sarea de sodiu a acidului lactic care este obinut din produse din lapte. pH control / Humectant pH-ul de control / umectant

57. 57. Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) TOP [X] Read this one carefully!Both these chemicals are very effective foaming agents, chemically known as surfactants. De sodiu laureth Sulfate (SLES) i lauril sulfat de sodiu (SLS) TOP [X] Citii cu atenie acest unul! Ambele aceste substane chimice sunt foarte eficiente ageni de spumare, chimic cunoscut sub numele de surfactani. It is probably the most dangerous ingredient used in skin and hair-care products.Cleans by corrosion. Este probabil cel mai periculos ingredient folosit n piele i de ngrijire a prului products.Cleans de coroziune. Dries skin by stripping the protective lipids from the surface so it can't effectively regulate moisture. pielea Dries prin rectificarea lipidele protectoare de la suprafata, astfel c nu poate reglementa n mod eficient de umiditate. In the cleaning industry SLS is used in garage floor cleaners, engine degreasers, car-wash soaps, etc. It is very corrosive and readily attacks greasy surfaces.In the same way as it dissolves the grease on car engines, SLES also dissolves the oils on your skin, which can cause a drying effect. SLS n industria de curare este utilizat n curatatorii podea garaj, degresare motor, spala-sapunuri auto, etc Este foarte coroziv i uor atacuri surfaces.In gras la fel ca acesta se dizolv unsoare pe motoarele de automobil, SLES se dizolv, de asemenea, uleiuri pe piele, care poate determina un efect de uscare. It is also well documented that it denatures skin proteins, which causes not only irritation, but also allows environmental contaminants easier access to the lower, sensitive layers of the skin. De asemenea, este bine documentat faptul c denatures proteinele pielii, care nu provoac iritaii numai, ci, de asemenea, permite contaminani din mediul nconjurtor acces mai uor la cea mai redus, straturile sensibile ale pielii. SLS is used throughout the world for clinical testing as a primary skin irritant. SLS este folosit n ntreaga lume pentru testarea clinica ca un iritant pentru piele primar. Laboratories use it to irritate skin on test animals and humans so that they may then test healing agents to see how effective they are on the irritated skin. Laboratoarele le utilizeaz pentru a irita pielea de testare pe animale i la om, astfel nct acestea pot testa apoi agenti de vindecare pentru a vedea ct de eficiente sunt pe pielea iritata. WARNING: Both SLS and its cousin SLES are very dangerous, highly irritating chemicals. AVERTISMENT: Att SLS i SLES vrul ei sunt foarte periculoase, produse chimice extrem de iritante. A study at the University of Georgia Medical College indicated that SLS penetrated into the eyes as well as brain, heart, liver, etc., and showed long-term retention in the tissues. Un studiu de la Universitatea din Georgia, Colegiul Medicilor a indicat faptul c SLS a ptruns n ochi, precum creierul, inima, ficat, etc, i a artat-retenie pe termen lung n esuturi. The study also indicated that SLS penetrated young children's eyes and prevented them from developing properly and caused cataracts to develop In adults. De asemenea, studiul a indicat c SLS a ptruns copiilor ochii mici i i mpiedica s n curs de dezvoltare n mod corespunztor i a provocat pentru a dezvolta cataracta la aduli. May cause hair loss by attacking the follicle. Poate provoca pierderea parului prin atacarea folicul. It is classified as a drug in bubble baths because it eats away skin protection and causes rashes and infection to occur. Este clasificat ca un medicament in bai cu bule, deoarece mnnc departe de protecie a pielii i provoac erupii cutanate i infecii s apar. How ironic that it is harmful to skin and hair! Cum ironic c este duntor pentru piele i pr! Although SLES is somewhat less irritating than SLS, it cannot be metabolised by the liver and its effects are therefore much longer-lasting (this not only means it stays in the body tissues for longer, but much more precious energy is used getting rid of it). Dei SLES este oarecum mai puin iritante dect SLS, aceasta nu poate fi metabolizat de ctre ficat i efectele sale sunt, prin urmare, mult mai de durat (acest lucru nu numai nseamn c rmne n tesuturile corpului pentru mai mult timp, dar mult mai preioase de energie este folosit a scpa de ea ). Another report published in the Journal of The American College of Toxicology in 1983 showed that concentrations of SLS as low as 0.5% could cause irritation and concentrations of 10-30% caused skin corrosion and severe irritation. Un alt raport publicat n Jurnalul Colegiului American de Toxicologie n 1983 a artat c aceste concentraii de SLS nivel ct mai sczut cu 0,5% ar putea provoca iritaii i concentraii de 10-30% cauzate de coroziune i severe iritaii ale pielii. National Institutes of Health "Household Products Directory" of chemical ingredients lists over 80 products that contain SLS and SLES. National Institutes of Health "produse de uz casnic Directory" de ingrediente chimice liste peste 80 de produse care conin SLS i SLES. Some soaps have concentrations of up to 30%, which the ACT report called "highly irritating and dangerous". Unele sapunuri au concentraii de pn la 30%, care raportul act numit "extrem de iritante i periculoase".

So if SLS can lead to direct damage to the hair follicle, skin damage, permanent eye damage in children and even liver toxicity, then why is a dangerous chemical like these used in our soaps and SHAM-poos? Deci, dac SLS poate duce la deteriorarea direct la foliculul pilos, afectiuni ale pielii, leziuni oculare permanente la copii i chiar toxicitate hepatic, atunci de ce este o substan chimic periculoas ca acestea utilizate n spunuri noastre i caca-Sham? Simple. Simplu. Because it's inexpensive and the corporation DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. Pentru c este ieftin i profit nu-i pas despre tine. They care about their bottom line. Le pasa linia lor de fund. They care about profit. Le pasa de profit. You are the means to obtain that profit. Suntei nseamn c pentru a obine profit. And they will cut corners to cut down cost and the expense of your health. i ei vor reduce coluri pentru a reduce costurile i pe cheltuiala dumneavoastr de sntate. Not to mention that the Powers that Be do not want a healthy, informed, population, they are harder to control! S nu mai menionm faptul c puterile existente nu doresc un sanatos,, populaia informat, acestea sunt mai greu de controlat!

SLS and SLES are inexpensive detergents that are commonly used in other products besides SHAM-poo. SLS i SLES sunt detergeni ieftine care sunt frecvent utilizate n alte produse n afar de Sham-poo. Here's a list: soaps, bubble-baths, toothpaste, washing-up liquid/dish soap, laundry detergent, childrens soaps, stain remover, carpet cleaner, fabric glue, body wash, shave cream, mascara, mouthwash, skin cleanser, moisture lotion/moisturiser, suncream, cosmetic cleansers, bath and shower gels and other products that we expect to "foam up". Iat o list: sapunuri,-bule bai, pasta de dinti, detergent lichid / detergent de vase, detergent de rufe, sapunuri copii, pentru ndeprtarea petelor, mai curat covor, lipici tesatura, spala corpul, ras crema, rimel, apa de gura, curat de piele, loiune de umiditate / crema hidratanta, crem de protecie solar, cosmetice curat, baie i gelurile de du i alte produse care ne asteptam sa "spuma up". Look on the back of your product. Uita-te pe partea din spate a produsului. If it contains this chemical, get rid of it, you will be doing your hair and body a favor. n cazul n care conine aceast substan chimic, scapa de ea, vi se va face parul si corpul o favoare. Remember, The foamy effect of shampoo is purely aesthetic. Amintii-v, efectul spumos de sampon este pur estetic.

It has NO cleansing properties. Ea are proprieti de curare NU.

58. 58. Steareth-20 Steareth-20 (or 21) This is a Polyethoxylated Alcohol, which is a fatty alcohol derived from natural oils and fats and is known by it's INCI name, Steareth-20. Steareth Steareth-20-20 (sau 21) Acesta este un alcool polietoxilat, care este un alcool gras derivat din uleiuri i grsimi naturale i este cunoscut prin e denumirea INCI, Steareth-20. This is a simple and effective emulsifyer. Aceasta este o simplu i eficient emulsifyer. It binds oils and water together to form an emulsion and is essential in the manufacture of lotions and creams. Acesta se leag uleiuri i ap mpreun pentru a forma o emulsie i este esenial n fabricarea de lotiuni si creme. It is not a combination of products and does not contain any thickening agent. Nu este o combinaie de produse i nu conine nici un agent de ngroare. Used on it's own it will effectively make light lotions and creams, the texture of which will rely on the saturation of the oil/s used. Folosit de la sine se va face n mod efectiv loiuni i creme lumina, textura, care se va baza pe saturaie de ulei / s utilizat. It is one of several ingredients within Emulsifying Wax NF, which is widely quoted as being the most popular emulsifying wax for crafters. Este unul din mai multe ingrediente n emulsionare Ceara NF, care este larg citat ca fiind cel mai popular de emulsionare ceara pentru mestesugarilor.Este. The problem with this is that NF means National Formulary and it refers to American standard formula. Problema cu acest lucru este faptul c NF nseamn National Formulary i se refer la formula standard american. It is not recognised in Britain or Europe and so has to be imported, which can be expensive and is unnecessary. Aceasta nu este recunoscut n Marea Britanie sau Europa i aa trebuie s fie importate, care poate fi costisitoare i nu este necesar. Steareth-2,-4,-7,-10,- 20,-30 Steareth-2, -4, -7, -10, - 20, -30

59. 59. Toluenesulfonic acid [X] Used for acid-catalyst reaction such as estification, hydrolysis, dehydration, polymerization and alkylation as a catalyst. Toluenesulfonic acid [X] second-catalizator pentru reacia acid, cum ar fi estification, hidroliza, deshidratare, polimerizarea i alchilare ca un catalizator. 2. 2. As hardener of many resin systems, such as resoles, epoxies, amino-Plastics and furniture lacquers. Ca intaritor de sisteme de rin de multe, cum ar fi resoles, epoxidice, amino-materiale plastice i lacuri mobilier. 3. 3. As intermediate of dye chemistry, adhesives and specialized plasticizers. Ca intermediar de chimie vopsea, adezivi si plastifianti de specialitate. 4. 4. As a hardening agent of furan resin which is applied in foundry Industry (Sand Casting). Ca un agent de ntrire a rin furanic care se aplic n turntorie Industrie (nisip de turntorie). 5. 5. As an anti-stress additive for electroplating baths. Ca un anti-stres aditiv pentru bi de galvanizare. WARNING: Serious local effects by all routes of exposure. AVERTISMENT: efecte locale grave de ctre toate cile de expunere. The substance is corrosive to the eyes, the skin and the respiratory tract. Substana este coroziv la ochii, pielea i tractul respirator. Corrosive on ingestion. Coroziv pe ingerare. Inhalation of aerosol may cause lung oedema. Inhalarea de aerosoli poate cauza edem pulmonar. Medical observation is indicated. Observaie medical este indicat.

There you have it. Nu-l ai. I have just listed a fraction of the chemicals found in your SHAM-poo. Am enumerate doar o fraciune de produse chimice gsite n dumneavoastr Sham-poo. We have also learned that many of these chemicals are in other products that you are using. De asemenea, am nvat c multe dintre aceste substane chimice sunt n alte produse pe care l utilizai. Check the back of your product and see if these chemicals are listed. Verificai partea din spate a produsului i a vedea dac aceste substane chimice sunt enumerate. If so, it is time to get rid of them. Dac da, este timpul pentru a scpa de ele. I have presented the problems here, and now for a few solutions... Am prezentat probleme aici, i acum pentru cateva solutii ...

5. 5. If We Don't Use SHAM-poo, How The Hell Do We Keep Our Noggins Clean And Healthy? Dac nu vom utiliza Sham-poo, cum dracu 'v pstrm Noggins nostru curat i sntos?

Many people are fooled into buying shampoos that are 'aloe enriched' or have watermelon or lemon in them... Muli oameni sunt pclii s cumpere sampoane care sunt "aloe mbogit" sau au pepene verde sau lmie n ele ... the problem is that these 'natural' shampoos still need preservatives to keep them from going bad, and have other chemicals needed to make the product foam up. Problema este c aceste "natural" ampoane n continuare nevoie de conservani s-i in de la a merge ru, i au alte substane chimice necesare pentru a face spuma produsul sus. We have been duped that if it does not foam up, it does not clean... Am fost pacaliti c, dac aceasta nu spuma, acesta nu curat ... total bullshit... total de rahat ... re-read above how and why your shampoo and soap foam up. re-citit mai sus, cum i de ce sampon si spuma de spun sus. I decided about 6 months ago to make my own shampoo. Am decis aproximativ 6 luni n urm pentru a face propriile mele sampon. I did a little research on natural cleansing agents and I was on my way. Am facut un pic de cercetare cu privire la agenii de curare naturale i am fost pe drumul meu. I have been washing my hair and body the natural way. Am fost spalat parul meu si corpul mod natural. I use aloe vera as a base (Aloe vera is a succulent member of the lily and onion family). Eu folosesc aloe vera ca o baza (Aloe vera este un membru al suculente crin i de familie ceapa). Aloe is a time-proven healer and cleanser. Aloe este un dovedit-vindecator timp i cleanser. Even big companies know the positive effects of aloe on the hair in skin, that is why they put it in their products. Chiar i marile companii cunoasc efectele pozitive ale aloe pe par in piele, de aceea l-au pus n produsele lor. The problem of course is the postive attributes of aloe vera are diminished with the other toxic ingedients that are also added. Problema, desigur, este atributele pozitiva de aloe vera sunt diminuate cu toxic ingedients celelalte care sunt, de asemenea, adaug. For convenience and because I have always wanted to name something after myself, let's call this the Boston Paul Remedy or BPR. Pentru comoditate i pentru c am dorit ntotdeauna s numeasc ceva dup mine, hai s numim aceast Boston Paul Remedy sau BPR. Here is how I make my shampoo: Iata cum am face ampon meu: 1. 1. Get a blender throw in washed aloe. Ia-un blender arunca n aloe splate. I keep the skins of the aloe on and blend them up too (though the jelly part of the aloe is healthy and good for your digestive system... do NOT eat the skins!). I a pstra piei de aloe pe i amestec-le prea (dei partea de jeleu de aloe este sntos i bun pentru sistemul digestiv dvs. ... mnnc NU piei!). Then I take the skins from whatever homemade juice I made myself that morning such as lemon, orange, watermelon rind etc., wash them and cut them up and with a little rosemary, I throw it all into the blender. Apoi am s piei de la orice suc de cas mi-am fcut n acea diminea, cum ar fi, lamaie, portocala etc coaja pepene verde, splai-le i taie-le n sus i cu un pic rozmarin, am arunca totul n blender. Rosemary is believed to stimulate hair follicles and hair growth, rosemary is generally believed to slow down or even permanently hold off premature hair loss and gray hair. Rosemary se crede c pentru a stimula foliculii de par si cresterea parului, rozmarin general, se crede a ncetini sau chiar permanent dein off pierderea prematur a prului i prul gri. It is especially beneficial when mixed with basil, bergamot, juniper, lemon and cedar. Este benefic n special cnd este amestecat cu busuioc, bergamot, ienupar, lamaie si cedru. I mix this up in my blender. I se amestec pn n acest blender mea. Add small amounts of water slowly until you get a fine consistancy. Adaug o cantitate mic de ap ncet, pn cnd vei obine o consisten fin. I make this mix 2x a week and I usually skip a day between washings. Eu fac acest amestec 2x o sptmn i am sri, de obicei, o zi intre spalari. Of course it depends on what kind of busy day I have had. Desigur, depinde de ce fel de zi obositoare am avut. Every other week, I add a small amount of vinegar to the mix. n fiecare sptmn alte, am aduga o cantitate mic de oet pentru a se amestec. I keep my shampoo in the fridge until needed. I a pstra meu sampon n frigider pn la nevoie. I blend all this with filtered or distilled water. Am tot acest amestec cu apa filtrata sau distilat. It is fun and feel free to experiment. Este distractiv i nu ezitai s experimentai. I also wash the rest of my body with this mix as well... Ma spal, de asemenea, restul corpului meu cu acest amestec, precum i ...

2. 2. Before you shower, brush your scalp and head for a few minutes. nainte de du, perie-v scalpul i cap pentru cateva minute. When you hop in the shower take your BPR and apply generously to your hair and scalp. Cnd hop la du lua BPR dumneavoastr i se aplic cu generozitate pentru parul si scalpul. Work it in. Let it sit in your hair while you perform the rest of your routine. Lucrarea pe care o inch S stea n prul tu n timp ce efectua restul din rutina ta. I leave it in for about 5 minutes. l las n timp de aproximativ 5 minute. Take a comb and comb it out slowly while you are in the shower. Ia-un pieptene si pieptanati-l ncet n timp ce v aflai n du. Rinse well and you can repeat. Cltii bine i putei repeta.

3. 3. Let your hair dry naturally the way humans have right up until 1920 when the hair dryer was invented (though it wouldn't be until the 60s when they became widely available and common place). Lasa parul uscat natural, aa cum oamenii au dreptul de pn 1920, cnd a fost inventat usctor de pr (dei nu ar fi pn n anii '60 cnd au devenit disponibile pe scar larg i loc comun). Blow drying is terrible for your hair. uscare Blow este teribil pentru parul tau.

4. 4. Be sure to brush your hair a few times a day. Asigurai-v c pentru a peria parul de cateva ori pe zi. It feels good and it is good for a healthy scalp. Se simte bine i este bine pentru un scalp sanatos.

To make your own, this takes about 15 minutes 2x a week. Pentru a face propriile dvs., aceasta dureaz aproximativ 15 minute 2x o sptmn. If you do the math, you will be making out like a bandit. Daca faci matematica, vei fi a face afar ca un bandit. How much does the average bottle of SHAM-poopoo cost? Ct cost sticla medie de cost-Ciperceni Sham? How much do you make an hour? Ct de mult faci o ora? How long does it take to make your own and what are the costs? Ct timp dureaz pentru a face propria dvs. i care sunt costurile? You will see that 15 minutes once or twice a week is cost effective and over the long run will save you money and could save your health. Vei vedea c 15 minute o dat sau de dou ori pe sptmn este rentabil i pe termen lung vei economisi bani i ar putea salva sntatea dumneavoastr. The mixes I make last a few days. Amestecuri fac ultimele cteva zile. My hair is soft, clean, smells great and most importantly (listen up men) fall out has decreased dramatically. Parul meu este moale, curat, mirosuri mare i cel mai important (ascultai brbai) cdea a sczut dramatic. No perservatives no chemicals. Nu perservatives nu chimicale. The BPR for hair is not limited to the few simple ingredients I have listed, but it is good to keep aloe as your base. BPR pentru pr nu se limiteaz la simple cteva ingrediente am enumerate, dar este bine s pstrai ca baza de aloe. You can try new mixes using some of the other ingredients I have listed here. Putei ncerca noi mixuri folosind unele dintre celelalte componente-am enumerate aici. Let me know how you fare. Las-m s tiu cum te tarif. I would love to hear about your experiments and their results.Traditonally herbs such as neem, shikakai or soapnut, henna, bael, brahmi, fenugreek, buttermilk, amla, and almond have also been used in natural shampoos. Mi-ar plcea s aud despre experimentele dumneavoastr i lor results.Traditonally plante, cum ar fi neem, Shikakai sau soapnut, henna, Bael,, Brahmi schinduf, zar, Amla, i migdale, de asemenea, au fost folosite n ampoane naturale. It feels good to be healthy, doesn't it? Se simte bine s fie sntoi, nu-i aa?

Hair conditioners also have many of the chemicals that SHAM-poos have. balsamurilor de pr au, de asemenea, multe dintre substanele chimice care Sham-au caca. Bonding agents, mulsifyers, fragrant chemicals that are not made from what they are supposed to smell like. Ageni Bonding, mulsifyers, produse chimice mirositoare care nu sunt fcute din ceea ce ar trebui s miroas. Try these natural remedies instead: ncercai aceste remedii naturale n loc:

Olive Oil - Put the moisture back into it by warming up about a 1/2 cup olive oil (don't boil it), and then applying it to your hair. Ulei de msline - Pune umiditate napoi n ea prin nclzirea despre un 2 ceasca ulei de msline / 1 (nu se fierbe), iar apoi aplicarea acesteia pentru parul tau. Cover your hair with a plastic grocery bag, then wrap it in a towel. Acoperiti parul cu o punga de plastic, apoi nvelii-l ntr-un prosop. Let it set for 45 minutes or so, then rinse thoroughly with the BPR S-l set de 45 de minute sau cam asa ceva, apoi cltii cu BPR

Vinegar Want to put the life back into your limp or damaged hair? Oet Dorii s pun viaa napoi n moale sau deteriorate parul tau? Combine 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons olive oil and 3 egg whites. Combina o lingurita de otet de mere, cidru de mere cu 2 linguri de ulei de msline i 3 albuuri de ou. Rub the mixture into your hair, then keep it covered for 30 minutes using plastic wrap or a shower cap then wash with the BPR. Frecati amestecul n prul tu, atunci pstrai-l acoperit timp de 30 minute folosind folie de plastic sau un capac de du, apoi se spal cu BPR.

Baking Soda A thorough cleansing with baking soda at least once a week will wash all of the gunk and pollution from a drive through the city out of your hair. Bicarbonat de sodiu O curare aprofundat cu bicarbonat de sodiu, cel puin o dat pe sptmn se va spla toate gunk i a polurii de la o unitate prin ora din prul tu. Add 1 tablespoon of soda to your hair while shampooing. Adauga 1 lingura de suc de prul tu n timp ce samponare. In addition to removing all the chemicals you put in your hair, it will wash away water impurities. n plus fa de ndeprtarea tuturor substanelor chimice ai pus in parul tau, acesta va spele impuritile de ap.

Beer Before you get into the shower, mix 3 tablespoons beer in 1/2 cup warm water. Bere nainte de a intra n du, se amestec 3 linguri de bere n 2 cana calda / ap 1. After you shampoo your hair, rub in the solution, let it set for a couple of minutes, then rinse it off. Dup ce sampon parul, frecati n soluie, se lasa sa stabilit pentru cteva minute, apoi clateste. Results are wonderful. Rezultatele sunt minunate. You may want to keep a six-pack in your shower. Este posibil s dorii s pstrai o perioad de ase-pack n du dumneavoastr.

Aloe as a 'leave in' condtioner Aloe ca "un" concediu n condtioner

6. 6. Conclusion Concluzie

With all these chemicals that we put on our body and that we ingest everyday unwittingly... Cu toate aceste substane chimice care am pus pe corpul nostru si pe care le ingera de zi cu zi fr s tie ... I ask when you are in your 50s 60s or 70s, and you have a disease or liver failure or some kind of cancer... Eu ntreb, atunci cnd sunt n anii '50 '60 sau '70, i avei o boal sau de insuficien hepatic sau un fel de cancer ... is it entirely possible that these toxic chemicals - over a period of time - could have contributed to that? este foarte posibil ca aceste substane chimice toxice - pe o perioad de timp - ar putea s fi contribuit la asta? Is it possible that when the doctor says I don't know what is wrong with you, I am sorry, you are going to die, this may have been prevented? Este posibil ca atunci cnd medicul spune c nu tiu ce este in neregula cu tine, mi pare ru, vei muri, acest lucru ar fi putut fi prevenite? The Corporations want money and power... Corporaiile vor bani si putere ... they run the governments and they do NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. care le conduc guvernele i ei nu-mi pas despre tine. As I said in my last health article and I will say it many times more, in school we learn basic skills that will make us nice little behaved slaves in the future... Aa cum am spus n ultimul articol sanatatea mea si eu va spun ca de multe ori mai mult, la scoala am nva abilitile de baz, care ne va face s-au comportat frumos mic sclavi n viitor ... but we don't learn about our bodies and how we should take care of them. dar noi nu nvm despre corpurile noastre i cum ar trebui s aib grij de ei. They teach us a whitewashed history (the winners rewrite history and the losers never have a voice). Ei ne nva o istorie vruit (ctigtorii rescrie istoria i nvini au niciodat o voce). Keep your mind strong for knowledge is power. Pstrai mintea ta puternic pentru cunoaterea este putere. Keep your bodies strong, it is the only one you got and you might need it to fight for your liberty in the future... Pstrai corpurile voastre puternic, acesta este doar un singur te-ai i tu nevoie de ea s-ar putea s lupte pentru libertatea voastr n viitor ... Be healthy and wise... S fie sntos i nelept ...

Peace and 1LUV Pace i 1LUV

7. 7. Vocabulary Vocabular Here are a few words you might need to know from the reading: Aici sunt cateva cuvinte s-ar putea trebuie s tii de la lectur:

1. 1. Antistatic agent A compound used for treatment of materials or their surfaces in order to reduce or eliminate buildup of static electricity generally caused by the triboelectric effect. Antistatice Un agent de compusul utilizat pentru tratarea suprafeelor materialelor sau a lor, n scopul de a reduce sau elimina acumularea de electricitate static n general, cauzate de efectul triboelectric. Its role is to make the surface or the material itself slightly conductive, either by being conductive itself, or by absorbing moisture from the air, so some humectants can be used. Rolul su este de a face suprafata sau material conductor uor n sine, fie prin ea nsi fiind conductive, sau prin absorbia umezelii din aer, asa ca unii ageni de umezire pot fi folosite. The molecules of an antistatic agent often have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic areas, similar to those of a surfactant; the hydrophobic side interacts with the surface of the material, while the hydrophilic side interacts with the air moisture and binds the water molecules. Moleculele unui agent antistatic au adesea, ct i hidrofobe zone hidrofil, similare cu cele ale unui agent tensioactiv; partea hidrofobe, interacioneaz cu suprafaa materialului, n timp ce partea hidrofil interacioneaz cu umiditatea aerului si se leaga de moleculele de ap.

2. 2. Chelating agents Certain organic compounds that are capable of forming coordinate bonds with metals through two or more atoms of the organic compound. Chelatare ageni organici de anumii compui care sunt capabile de a forma coordona obligaiuni cu metale prin dou sau mai multe atomi de compui organici. In other words; a bonding agent Cu alte cuvinte, un liant

3. 3. Denaturation The destruction of the usual nature of a substance, as by the addition of methanol or acetone to alcohol to render it unfit for drinking, or the change in the physical properties of a substance, as a protein or nucleic acid, caused by heat or certain chemicals that alter tertiary structure. Denaturare distrugerea naturii obinuite ale unei substane, cum prin adugarea de metanol sau aceton pentru alcool fcndu-le improprii pentru consum, sau schimbarea n proprietile fizice ale unei substane, ca un acid nucleic sau proteine, cauzate de cldur sau anumite substane chimice care modifica structura teriar.

4. 4. Dispersants A liquid or gas added to a mixture to promote dispersion or to maintain dispersed particles in suspension Dispersie Un lichid sau gaz adugat la un amestec de a promova dispersie sau de a menine dispersate particule n suspensie

5. 5. Emollient Emollients are substances that soften and soothe the skin. Emolienti emolienta sunt substane care se inmoaie si calmeaza pielea. They are used to correct dryness and scaling of the skin. Acestea sunt utilizate pentru a corecta uscarea i descuamarea a pielii.

6. 6. Emulsifier an ingredient which binds the water and oil in a cream or lotion together permanently. Emulgator un ingredient care se leag de apa si uleiul intr-o crema sau lotiune mpreun permanent. We all know what happens in a salad dressing, when it's left to settle. tim cu toii ce se ntmpl ntr-o salata, atunci cnd este lsat s se stabileasc. The ingredients separate into oil and water-based and need shaking to mix before using. Componente separate n ulei i pe baz de ap i au nevoie de agitare a amesteca nainte de utilizare. With cosmetic creams and lotions, this problem is solved using an emulsifiera,crylates / Steareth-20 Methacrylate Copolymer Synthetic compound. Cu creme cosmetice si lotiuni, aceast problem este rezolvat cu ajutorul unui emulsifiera, crylates / Steareth-20 Copolimer de metacrilat de sintetic compus.

7. 7. Film Former Any substance of which will change from liquid to solid in such a manner as to form a film over a surface. Fostul film Orice substan din care se va schimba de la lichid la solid, astfel nct s formeze un film pe o suprafa.

8. 8. Humectants A humectant is a substance used primarily in foods and cosmetic products to help retain moisture. Ageni de umezire Un umectant este o substan utilizat n principal n produsele alimentare i produsele cosmetice pentru a ajuta la a retine umezeala. These substances are called hygroscopic, which means that they are able to absorb ambient water. Aceste substane se numesc higroscopice, ceea ce nseamn c ei sunt capabili de a absorbi apa ambientale. Some humectant additives are beneficial when consumed or used. Unii aditivi umectant sunt benefice atunci cnd a consumat sau utilizat. Others, particularly in some foods, are less helpful, may cause abdominal distress, and should probably be avoided. Alii, n special n unele alimente, sunt mai puin utile, poate provoca primejdie abdominale, i ar trebui s fie, probabil, evitate.

9. 9. Opacifier A chemical agent added to a material, such as rocket propellant, to make it opaque Opacifier Un agent chimic adugat un material, cum ar fi propulsor rachete, pentru a face opac

10. 10. pH (control) per hydron or per hydrogen, also power of the hydrogen. pH-ului (de control) pe hydron sau pe baz de hidrogen, de asemenea, puterea de hidrogen. Inadequate control of the pH can result in the growth of undesirable bacteria in the product that could be a potential health hazard to an unsuspecting consumer. control inadecvat al pH-ului poate duce la cresterea bacteriilor nedorite n produs care ar putea fi un pericol potenial pentru sntatea un consumator neatent.

11.Solvent A liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute, resulting in a solution 11.Solvent Un lichid care se dizolva o, lichid, solid sau gazos solvat, rezultnd o soluie

12. 12. Surfactants The term surfactant is a blend of "surface acting agent". Tensioactivi tensioactiv termen lung este un amestec de "agent de suprafa care acioneaz". Surfactants, also known as tensides, are wetting agents that lower the surface tension of a liquid, allowing easier spreading, and lower the interfacial tension between two liquids. Tensioactivi, de asemenea, cunoscut sub numele de agenii tensioactivi, ageni de umezire sunt mai mici ca tensiunea superficial a unui lichid, care permite mai uor de raspandire, i mai mic tensiunii interfaciale dintre dou lichide.

13. 13. Viscosity adjuster Used to make a product thinner or thicker. regulator de viscozitate folosite pentru a face un produs mai subtiri sau mai groase.

8. 8. References: Referinte: 1. 1. Cosmetic Ingredients: Reference Guide & Dictionary Understanding Labels, Descriptions, Warnings, and Safety Ingrediente cosmetice: Ghidul de referin & poliglot nelegere Etichete, Descrieri, Avertismente, i siguran 2. 2. Toxity of Chemical Information (most of the [X] symbols) are derived from Cosmetics Unmasked by Stephen and Gina Antczak Toxity chimice de Informaii (de cele mai multe [X] simboluri) sunt derivate din produsele cosmetice demascat de Stephen i Antczak Gina 3. 3. International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre Website Internaionale Securitate i Sntate Centrul de Informare Website 4. 4. The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History By Katherine Ashenburg Dirt pe Curenie: O Istorie Unsanitized Prin Ashenburg Katherine 5. 5. Website References used: Referine Site-ul utilizat: http://www.mbm.net.au/health/cosmetics/a.html http://www.mbm.net.au/health/cosmetics/a.html http://www.gina.antczak.btinternet.co.uk/CU/IA.HTM http://www.gina.antczak.btinternet.co.uk/CU/IA.HTM http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/safework/cis/products/icsc/dtasht/a_index.htm http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/safework/cis/products/icsc/dtasht/a_index.htm http://www.kitchendoctor.com/articles/soap.html http://www.kitchendoctor.com/articles/soap.html http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/neng0773.html http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ipcsneng/neng0773.html http://www.rd.com/content/natural-hair-care-tips/ http://www.rd.com/content/natural-hair-care-tips/ http://en.wikipedia.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/ http://www.answers.com/ http://www.answers.com/ http://www.wisegeek.com/ http://www.wisegeek.com/ http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/ http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/ http://www.sulekhab2b.com/ http://www.sulekhab2b.com/ mai mult de un an n urm mai mult de ONU o n Urma

----_______________________----------ampoane sunt de curare formulele utilizate pentru o gam larg de aplicaii, inclusiv de ingrijire personala, folosirea de companie, i covoare. Most are manufactured in roughly the same manner. Cele mai multe sunt fabricate n aproximativ acelai mod. They are composed primarily of chemicals called surfactants that have the special ability to surround oily materials on surfaces and allow them to be rinsed away by water. Ele sunt compuse n principal din substane chimice numite tensioactivi care au capacitatea de materiale speciale pentru surround uleios pe suprafee i s le permit s fie splate departe de ap. Most commonly, shampoos are used for personal care, especially for washing the hair. Cel mai frecvent, ampoane sunt utilizate pentru ngrijire personal, n special pentru splarea prului. History Istorie Before the advent of shampoos, people typically used soap for personal care. nainte de apariia de ampoane, spun oameni folosit de obicei pentru ngrijirea personal. However, soap had the distinct disadvantages of being irritating to the eyes and incompatible with hard water, which made it leave a dull-looking film on the hair. Cu toate acestea, spun avut dezavantaje distincte de a fi iritant pentru ochi i incompatibile cu ap dur, pe care a fcut-o lsa un film cu aspect mat pe par. In the early 1930s, the first synthetic detergent shampoo was introduced, although it still had some disadvantages. La nceputul anilor 1930, primul sampon detergent sintetic a fost introdus, dei acesta mai avea nc unele dezavantaje. The 1960s brought the detergent technology we use today. 1960 a adus tehnologia de detergent pe care le folosim astzi. Over the years, many improvements have been made to shampoo formulations. De-a lungul anilor, multe imbunatatiri au fost aduse la formulri sampon. New detergents are less irritating to the eyes and skin and have improved health and environmental qualities. detergeni noi sunt mai puin iritante pentru ochi i pielea i-au mbuntit sntatea i calitile de mediu. Also, materials technology has advanced, enabling the incorporation of thousands of beneficial ingredients in shampoos, leaving hair feeling cleaner and better conditioned. De asemenea, tehnologia a avansat materiale, care s permit ncorporarea de mii de ingrediente benefice n ampoane, lsnd prul senzaie de curat i mai bine condiionat. Raw Materials Materii Prime New shampoos are initially created by cosmetic chemists in the laboratory. ampoane noi sunt create de catre chimisti cosmetice n laborator. These scientists begin by determining what characteristics the shampoo formula will have. Aceti oameni de tiin ncepe prin a stabili ce caracteristici formula sampon va avea. They must decide on aesthetic features such as how thick it should be, what color it will be, and what it will smell like. Ei trebuie s decid cu privire la caracteristicile estetice, cum ar fi cat de gros ar trebui s fie, ce culoare va fi, i ce se va miroase. They also consider performance attributes, such as how well it cleans, what the foam looks like, and how irritating it will be. Ei consider, de asemenea, atributele de performan, cum ar fi ct de bine se curata, ceea ce arata ca spuma, i cum va fi iritant. Consumer testing often helps determine what these characteristics should be. Testarea n rndul consumatorilor de multe ori ajut la determinarea ce aceste caracteristici ar trebui s fie. Once the features of the shampoo are identified, a formula is created in the laboratory. Odat ce caracteristicile sampon sunt identificate, o formul este creat n laborator. These initial batches are made in small beakers using various ingredients. Aceste loturi iniiale sunt fcute n pahare mici, folosind ingrediente diferite. In the personal care industry, nearly all of the ingredients that can be used are classified by the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA) in the governmentally approved collection known as the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI). n industria de ngrijire personal, aproape toate ingredientele care pot fi utilizate sunt clasificate de cosmetice, toalet, i de asociere Parfumuri (CTFA), n colecia guvernamental aprobat cunoscut sub numele de Nomenclatorul Internaional de cosmetice Ingrediente (INCI). The more important ingredients in shampoo formulations are water, detergents, foam boosters, thickeners, conditioning agents, preservatives, modifiers, and special additives. Mai multe ingrediente importante n formulri sampon sunt apa, detergenti, boostere spum, ageni de ngroare, ageni de condiionare, conservani, modificatori, i aditivi speciali. Water De ap The primary ingredient in all shampoos is water, typically making up about 70-80% of the entire formula. Ingredientul principal n toate ampoane este apa, de obicei face pn aproximativ 70-80% din formula ntregului. Deionized water, which is specially treated to remove various particles and ions, is used in shampoos. de ap deionizat, care este special tratat pentru eliminarea particule diferite i ioni, este folosit n ampoane. The source of the water can be underground wells, lakes, or rivers. Sursa