Verbe Fara Ing

Post on 08-Nov-2015

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Verbe Fara -Ing

Transcript of Verbe Fara Ing

1. Verbele de perceptieto feel, to hear, to notice, to see, to smell, to tasteex:I see a red car.

TOTUSI, daca actiunea e una voluntara, una constienta se poate folosi aspectul continuu:What are you seeing ?(se presupune ca persoana care vede ceva realizeaza o actiune voluntara; de exemplu: se uita cu binoclu, s-a urcat pe ceva sa vada mai departe, etc)

DEASEMENEA, daca sensul verbului nu mai este cel de baza, iar se poate folosi forma continua:I am seeing my dentist on Wednesday.(sensul nu mai e de a vedea ci de a fi consultat, de a se duce la)2. Verbele care exprima activitati mentaleto agree, to believe, to distrust, to imagine, to doubt, to remember, to understand, to suppose, to recognize, to forget, to think, to mean

NOTA: Daca se foloseste forma continua apare o modificare de sens:I am thinking.(nu se spune si ce gandesc.)3. Verbe care exprima dorinta

to wish, to want, to intend, to desire

ex:I wish to go there.

4. Verbe care exprima sentimente, atitudini, trairi emotionaleto love, to like, to dislike, to detest, to prefer, to abhor, to adore, to hateex.:I like it.

5. verbele modalecan, may, must, ought toex.:I can do it.

6. Verbe care exprima posesiato posses, to owe, to belong to, to own, to keep, to holdex.:I keep it for me.

7. Alte verbe care nu pot avea forma continuato expect, to suffice, to differ, to appear, to contain, to deserveex.:This movie appears to be interesting.