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Transcript of SIGILIU_15832

  • 7/29/2019 SIGILIU_15832



    Anatematizarea falselor credine despre dogmele purcederii DuhuluiSfnt, ale Sf. Euharistii, azimei, a judecii, purgatoriului, a papei eretic,pascaliei i a inventrii noului calendar.

    Ctre toi adevraii fii cretini ai Sfintei Catolice i Apostolice Biserici a luiHristos de la rsrit de Trigovyst i n toate prile, harul, pacea i mila de laAtotputernicul Dumnezeu.

    Nu mic a fost tulburarea celor de pe Arca din vechime, cnd, nvluit defurtun, a fost luat de ape; i, dac Domnul Dumnezeu aducndu-i aminte de Noe n-ar fi potolit apele cu buna Sa voire, n-ar fi fost nici o ndejde de mntuire pentru ei.Asemenea este cu noua arc a Bisericii noastre, ereticii au ridicat un rzboi fr deodihn asupra noastr, drept pentru care noi am socotit de cuviin s alctuim acesttomos mpotriva lor ctre voi, astfel nct s fii n stare s v aprai ortodoxia cu maimult siguran. Dar pentru ca acest document s nu fie de neneles pentru cei simpli,am hotrt ca s expunem problema n cuvinte lesne de neles, dup cum urmeaz:

    Din vechea Rom au sosit anumite persoane care au nvat acolo s gndeascprecum latinii; i mai ru dect aceasta este faptul c fiind la nceput bizantini (adicgreci) nscui i crescui n prile noastre, nu numai c i-au schimbat credina, ci selupt i mpotriva ortodoxiei i adevratelor dogme ale Bisericii Rsritului pe carensui Hristos i dumnezeietii Apostoli i Sfintele Sinoade ni le-au predanisit. Dreptpentru care, lepdndu-i ca pe nite mdulare putrede, poruncim:

    I) Oricine nu va mrturisi cu inima i cu buzele c este fiu al Bisericii Rsrituluibotezat n chip ortodox, i c Sfntul Duh purcede numai de la Tatl, n fire i ipostas,aa cum spune Hristos n Evanghelie, dei este trimis n timp de la Tatl i de la Fiul,unul ca acesta s fie afurisit din Biseric i anatema.

    II) Oricine nu mrturisete c n Taina Sfintei Euharistii mirenii trebuie s secuminece cu Preacuratul Trup i Snge, ci spune c este de ajuns s primeti numai

    Trupul, pentru c acolo este i Sngele, dei Hristos a vorbit i le-a dat pe fiecaredeosebi, ceea ce ei nu respect, unul ca acesta s fie anatema.

    1 Decret oficial cu caracter legislativ, purtnd pecetea patriarhal.2

    Surse: Al. Kalomiros Against false union, St. Nectarios Press, Seattle, Wahigton, 1978;


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    III) Oricine spune c Domnul nostru Iisus Hristos la Cina cea de Tain a folositpine nedospit (azim) dup cum fac jidovii i nu pine dospit (artos), s fiendeprtat (afurisit) de la noi i sub anatem ca unul care crede ca un jidov i introducenvturile lui Apolinarie i ale armenilor n Biserica noastr, pentru care s fiencodat anatema.

    IV) Oricine spune c, atunci cnd Hristos i Dumnezeul nostru va veni la judecatnu va veni s judece sufletele mpreun cu trupurile, ci va veni s hotrasc doar asupratrupurilor, s fie anatema.

    V) Oricine zice c atunci cnd mor sufletele cretinilor care s-au pocit n viaaaceasta, dar nu i-a fcut canonul, merg n purgatoriu, care este un basm elinesc, acolounde vor fi curii prin foc i chinuri, i cei care cred c nu exist chinuri venice, dupcum a zis Origen, i fac prin aceasta pricin de a pctui slobod, unul ca acesta s fieanatema.

    VI) Oricine spune c papa este capul Bisericii i nu Hristos, i c el are autoritateade a primi n rari cu scrisorile sale, i de a ierta oricte pcate, ca i acela care primeten schimbul banilor indulgene de la el, unul ca acesta s fie anatema.

    VII) Oricine nu urmeaz obiceiurile Bisericii pe care le-au hotrt cele 7 SfinteSinoade Ecumenice i Sfintele Pati i calendarul pe care ni le-au bine predanisit ca nois le urmm, ci vrea s urmeze noua pascalie inventat (metoda de a stabili dataPatelui) i noul calendar al astronomilor atei ai papii i mpotrivindu-se dorete sschimbe i s strice nvtura i obiceiurile Bisericii pe care le-am motenit de laPrinii notri, unul ca acesta s fie anatema i s fie afurisit din Biseric i dinadunarea credincioilor.

    VIII) ndemnm pe toi evlavioii cretini ortodoci: rmnei n cele ce ainvat i n care ai fost nscui i crescui, iar atunci cnd va veni vremea imprejurrile o vor cere, s v dai chiar sngele, att pentru a pzi credina pe care ne-au dat-o Prinii, i s v inei mrturisirea. Ferii-v de astfel de oameni iprivegheai, ca Domnul nostru Iisus Hristos s v ajute. Fie ca binecuvntareasmereniei noastre s fie cu voi toi. Amin.

    La anul 1583 de la naterea Dumnezeu-Omului, indiction 12, 20 noiembrie.

    Ieremia al Cnstantinopolului, Silvestru al Alexandriei, Sofronie alIerusalimului (i ceilali episcopi ai Sinodului ce au fost prezeni)3

    (Trad. din l. englez Pr. Dan Bdulescu)

    3 Acest act se gsete n original n Sf. Munte Athos sub indicativul Codex 772 n Sf. Mn. Pantelimon,

    i Codex 285 n chilia Imnul Acatist Sf. Schit Cavsocalivia. El fost publicat pentru prima dat n anul

    1881 n revista Biserica Ortodox Romn nr. 12, de ctre arhim. rus Porfirie Uspensky, care l-a copiatde pe un codex manuscris de la marea bibliotec de la Muntele Sinai.


  • 7/29/2019 SIGILIU_15832


    The Sigillion of the Council in Constantinople in 1583

    Anathematizing false beliefs about the Dogma of the Procession of the HolySpirit, Holy Communion, unleavened bread, the judgment, Purgatory, theheretical Pope, the Paschalia, and the New Calendar Innovation.

    To all the genuine Christian children of the Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church ofChrist of the East in Trigovyst and in all places, be grace and peace and mercy fromAlmighty God.

    Not a little distress took possession of that Ark of old, when, storm-tossed, it was borneupon the waters; and if the Lord God, remembering Noe, had not in His good willcalmed the water, there would have been no hope of salvation in it. In a like mannerwith the new Ark of our Church, the heretics have raised up a relentless war against us,and we have deemed it well to leave behind the present tome against them so that withthe things written in it you may be able more surely to defend your Orthodoxy. But inorder that the document may not be burdensome to simpler people, we have decided toset forth the entire subject to you in simple speech as follows:

    From old Rome have come certain persons who learned there to think like Latins; andthe bad thing is that from being Byzantines (that is, Greeks) born and bred in our ownparts, they not only have changed their faith, but they also battle the Orthodox and truedogmas of the Eastern church which Christ Himself delivered to us. Whereupon, havingcut them off as rotten members, we order:

    1) Whosoever does not confess with heart and mouth that he is a child of the EasternChurch baptized in an Orthodox manner, and that the Holy Spirit proceeds only fromthe father, essentially and hypostatically, as Christ says in the Gospel, although Heproceeds from Father and Son in time, let such a one be out of our Church and let himbe anathematized.


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    II) Whosoever does not confess that in the Mystery of Holy communion laymen shouldcommune from two kinds, both of the precious Body and Blood, but says that it isenough to receive only the Body, for the Blood is also there, even though Christ hasspoken and has given each one separately, and they do not keep it, let such beanathematized.

    III) Whosoever says that our Lord Jesus Christ at the Mystical Last Supper usedunleavened bread as do the Hebrews and not leavened bread, that is, raised bread, lethim be far from us and under the anathema as one who thinks like a Jew and as onewho introduces the doctrines of Appolinarios and of the Armenians into our Church, onwhich account let him be anathematized a second time.

    IV) Whosoever says that when our Christ and God comes to judge He does not come tojudge the souls together with the bodies, but comes in order to decide only for the body,anathema to him.

    V) Whosoever says that when they die the souls of the Christians who repented in thislife but did not do their penance go to Purgatory - which is a Greek myth - where fireand torment purify them, and they think that there is no eternal torment, as did Origen,and give cause by this to sin freely, let such a one have the anathema.

    VI) Whosoever says that the Pope is head of the Church and not Christ, and that he hasauthority to admit into Paradise with his letters, and can forgive as many sins as will becommitted by one who with money received an indulgence from him, let such a onehave the anathema.

    VII) Whosoever does not follow the customs of the Church which the seven HolyEcumenical Councils have decreed, and the Holy Pascha and calendar which theyenacted well for us to follow, but wants to follow the newly-invented Paschalion[method of fixing the date of Pascha] and the new calendar of the atheist astronomersof the Pope; and opposing them, wishes to overthrow and destroy the doctrines andcustoms of the Church which we have inherited from our Fathers, let any such have theanathema and let him be outside of the Church and the Assembly of the Faithful.

    VIII) We exhort all pious and Orthodox Christians: remain in those things which youlearned and in which you were born and bred, and when the times and circumstancescall for it, shed your very blood in order both to keep the Faith given us by our Fathersand to keep your confession. Beware of such people and take care, that our Lord JesusChrist help you. May the blessing of our humility be with you all. Amen.

    The 1583rd year from the birth of the God-man, Indiction 12, November 20th.

    Jeremias, of Constantinople Sylvester, of Alexandria Sophronios, of Jerusalem (and therest of the Bishops of the Synod who were present)

    Taken from


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