
Post on 05-Nov-2015

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Transcript of roman

Din ceas, dedus adncul acestei calme creste,Intrat prin oglind n mntuit azur,Tind pe necarea cirezilor agreste,n grupurile apei, un joc secund, mai pur.

Nadir latent! Poetul ridic nsumareaDe harfe resfirate ce-n zbor invers le pierzii cntec istovete: ascuns, cum numai mareaMeduzele cnd plimb sub clopotele verzi.

Menestrel trist, mai aburitCa vinul vechi ciocnit la nunt,De cuscrul mare druitCu pungi, panglici, beteli cu funt,

Mult ndrtnic menestrel,Un cntec larg tot mai ncearc,Zi-mi de lapona Enigeli Crypto, regele-ciupearc!

- Nunta frunta!Ospul tu limba mi-a fript-o,Dar, cntecul, tot zice-l-a,Cu Enigel i riga Crypto.

- Zi-l menestrel!Cu foc l-ai zis acum o var;Azi zi-mi-l strns, ncetinel,La spartul nunii, n cmar.


Des cercetat de pdurein pat de ru i-n hum uns,mprea peste bureiCrai Crypto, inim ascuns,

La vecinic tron, de rou parc!Dar printre ei brfeau bureiiDe-o vrjitoare mntarc,De la fntna tinereii.

i ri ghioci i toporaiDin gropi ieeau s-l ocrasc,Sterp l fceau i nrva,C nu voia s nfloreasc.

n ri de ghea urgisit,Pe-acelai timp tria cu el,Lapon mic, linitit,Cu piei, pre nume Enigel.

De la iernat, la punat,n noul an, s-i duc renii,Prin aer ud, tot mai la sud,Ea poposi pe muchiul crudLa Crypto, mirele poienii.

Pe trei covoare de rcoareLin adormi, torcnd verdea:Cnd lng sn, un rig spn,Cu eunucul lui btrn,Veni s-o-mbie, cu dulcea:

- Enigel, Enigel,i-am adus dulcea, iac.Uite fragi, ie dragi,Ia-i i toarn-i n puiac.

- Rig spn, de la sn,Mulumesc Dumitale.Eu m duc s culegFragii fragezi, mai la vale.

-Enigel, Enigel,Scade noaptea, ies lumine,Dac pleci s culegi,ncepi, rogu-te, cu mine.

-Te-a culege, rig blnd...Zorile ncep s joacei eti umed i plpnd:Team mi-e, te frngi curnd,Las. - Ateapt de te coace.

-S m coc, Enigel,Mult a vrea, dar vezi, de soare,Visuri sute, de mcel,M despart. E rou, mare,Pete are fel de fel;Las-l, uit-l, Enigel,n somn fraged i rcoare.

- Rig Crypto, rig Crypto,Ca o lam de blestemVorba-n inim-ai nfipt-o!Eu de umbr mult m tem,

C dac-n iarn sunt fcut,i ursul alb mi-e vrul drept,Din umbra deas, desfcut,M-nchin la soarele-nelept.

La lmpi de ghea, supt zpezi,Tot polul meu un vis viseaz.Greu taler scump cu margini verziDe aur, visu-i cerceteaz.

M-nchin la soarele-nelept,C sufletu-i fntn-n piept,i roata alb mi-e stpn,Ce zace-n sufletul-fntn.

La soare, roata se mrete;La umbr, numai carnea cretei somn e carnea, se dezumfl,Dar vnt i umbr iar o umfl...

Frumos vorbi i subirelLapona dreapt, Enigel,Dar timpul, vezi, nu adsta,Iar soarele acuma staSvrlit n sus, ca un inel.

- Plngi, preacuminte Enigel!Lui Crypto, regele-ciupearc.Lumina iute cum s-i plac?El se desface uurelDe Enigel,De partea umbrei moi, s treac...

Dar soarele, aprins inel,Se oglindi adnc n el;De zece ori, fr sfial,Se oglindi n pielea-i cheal.

i sucul dulce ncrete!Ascunsa-i inim plesnete,Spre zece vii pecei de semn,Venin i rou untdelemnMustesc din funduri de blestem;

C-i greu mult soare s ndureCiupearc crud de pdure,C sufletul nu e fntnDect la om, fiar btrn,Iar la fptur mai firavPahar e gndul, cu otrav,

Ca la nebunul rig Crypto,Ce focul inima i-a fript-o,De a rmas s rtceascCu alt fa, mai criasc:

Cu Laurul-Balaurul,S toarne-n lume aurul,S-l toace, gol la drum s ias,Cu mslaria-mireas,S-i ie de mprteas

Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumiii nu ucidcu mintea tainele, ce le-ntlnescn calea mean flori, n ochi, pe buze ori morminte.Lumina altorasugrum vraja neptrunsului ascunsn adncimi de ntuneric,dar eu,eu cu lumina mea sporesc a lumii tain -i-ntocmai cum cu razele ei albe lunanu micoreaz, ci tremurtoaremrete i mai tare taina nopii,aa mbogesc i eu ntunecata zarecu largi fiori de sfnt misteri tot ce-i nenelesse schimb-n nenelesuri i mai marisub ochii mei-cci eu iubesci flori i ochi i buze i morminte.

God told me to do it , gods will

(John 5:45-47).

Cant cheery pick bible

God was created in mans image or opposite

If you have the heart to understand this things please show me the way

D n UD m uuuD m ud m uuu

D ud uuud


Dd dudu u d dudu

I didnt talk to you so that we can argue, I was wondering what makes you believe Christianity is right. I want to know. Im not expecting an answer, I just want you to think about this things, forget for a moment your beliefs, and think outside the box.

Why you keep talking about my perfect match? I didnt ask you about yours XD jealous? Or anything?well you can try Cersela or PaulaAre they the purpose of our talk, once I ask you I got good reason not to ask them, you care about my perfect match Im here trying to comprehend what Christians believe

If you were a hindu jew muslim and I questioned your beliefs I would be doing a great thing, turn them away from Satan :D and make them search the true religion .

Muslim are not open to debate, their God hates unbelievers and commends killing them, Christians were not open to discussion during crusades and inquisition it all just led to people killed,tortured, stoned to death , seems like even after Jesus coming people could still twist Gods word , does God makes mistakes?

You seem to have a strong belief in God .You say I cant understand this things, I dont have the heart , the spirit, All I am asking is give me that heart and spirit . Why did you choose Christianity over other religions , again no answer.Choose Christianity by faith? All the other religions have faith, choose it because its the most popular , it doesnt automatically means its the true one, not everything many people used to think was necessarily the truth. For example slavery, but wait slavery is actually accepted in the bible .

Jews were first Christians or believing in Yahweh, Christianity comes with Jesus. To say God needs a new convenant is to say God made mistakes by giving away all this laws so man can twist them, or wait Jesus says he didnt come to abolish . Everything I ask is this, how is a Christian dealing with all this problems raised by accepting Gods perfect word.If you have the heart to understand this things please show me the way. To say your beliefs are unshakeable and unchangeable is sad , People believed the earth was flat, surprise with Galileo they found out that its actually a sphere, people believed Zeus is on Mt Olymp, surprise he wasnt found there. What if youre wrong, what if lets say Allah is the true God. If you come up with good reasons and answers to believe Jesus is the way then yeah its your right to keep that belief , but by saying , faith and God is perfect says nothing different than other religions, and its arrogant

What is the real meaning of that verses if not what it says The first story of the bible has no sense , Since Adam and Eve didnt know right from wrong before eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil , why did God then punish them.for something they didnt understand they were doing you are not a theologistI cant understand Gods word if Im not a theologist?

only christians can understand I was a Christian and I tried, but the idea of Love me or go to hell for an eternity seems sadistic to me Also if you really believe in hell and heaven, then theres no reason to cry if one of your loved ones believed in Christ Just praise God because hes awesome, but the truth is they dont truly believe just hope for Heaven. To criticize a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous, but to criticize their religion, that is a right. That is a freedom. The freedom to criticize ideas, any ideas - even if they are sincerely held beliefs - is one of the fundamental freedoms of society. A law which attempts to say you can criticize and ridicule ideas as long as they are not religious ideas is a very peculiar law indeed. Rowan Atkinson Because if only one religion was right then everyone could easily see the truth

What does it mean that youre a turtle and Im a scorpio ?You didnt even answer me on the previous issues videos bring on the table . How a Christian can answer to that issues? I asked you would it be just if your loved one that loses faith in God after being raped and dies without Christ in her heart to go to hell and the rapist for accepting Christ youll meet in heaven . No answer Imagine God a firefighter or a lifeguard, not doing a great job at all. The bible cant be cheery picked, read this or read only that, or believe this or only that .I asked you if you know North Koreea dictatorship ,Kim Jong il

Corinthians , Bible is anti woman

The novel reading, or instruction manual, or English learn book, is a metaphor of why you dont read something from the middle or the end Humans free will in a nutshell message : Love me or suffer ethernally forever

Christian justice , youre right Christianity is not morality

How to create a universe :D of the paradox


Dd dudu u d ddu

Chorus dduddud

One must believe everything is part of Gods plan

"In your letter of the twentieth of March, you give me several quotations from the Bible, which you call the Word of God, to show me that my opinions on religion are wrong, and I could give you as many, from the same book to show that yours are not right; consequently, then, the Bible decides nothing, because it decides any way, and every way, one chooses to make it. tell me Ill find out after I die, with what use? Suffer ethernally ?

Would you let your kid burn himself

Imagine everyone following Proverbs 3:5-6 (Revised Standard Version)Their beliefs would never be changed

What do muslims rely on ? on their own understanding or faith ?

On what do you want your kids to leave their understanding you, their own understanding of your motives , on Hitler or on God

Created sick, ordered to be wellSurrender critical faculties Baby is perfect, yet circumcise him Child suicide bomb

Din vina meaFrica teofobie , did you touch God

Why am I not in Gods place Illogic sa ceri ceva imposibil