
Post on 17-Sep-2015

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Buna ziua!Numele meu este Dinca Nicolae Adrian, student la Facultatea de Inginerie Aerospaial i vreau sa va prezint modalitatea prin care studenii Facultii de Inginerie Aerospaial lucreaz pentru a-i ndeplini visele, prinAESO. ONG nou format,AESOare scopul de a susine continuu i eficient, dar i promova educaia non-formala n domeniul ingineriei n Romania.Aerospace Engineering Students Organization (AESO) este o organizaie non-guvernamentala fondata n cadrul Facultii de Inginerie Aerospaial a Universitii Politehnica Bucureti. Aceasta a fost lansata n septembrie 2014 de un grup de studeni ai acestei faculti, studeni cu experiena n coordonare de grupuri, organizare de evenimente i competiii n diferite cadre non-guvernamentale i de afaceri locale.Conceptul ce a stat la baza constituiriiAESOa fost acela de a realiza o voce a studenilor, o oportunitate a acestora de a inova domeniul despre care studiaz n mod curent. De asemenea, implicarea absolvenilor este cruciala prin experiena lor ca studeni, dar i din postura de actuali angajai, motivnd i contribuind la dezvoltarea comunitii studeneti actuale.Phoenix Team este o echipa de studeni ai acestei faculti ce va proiecta, fabrica i demonstra calitile de zbor ale unei aeronave fr pilot, cu motor electric, radio-comandat, care trebuie sa ndeplineasc cerinele prevazute n regulamentul fiecrui concurs n parte. Participarea la cele patru concursuri menionate n attachments are ca principale obiective crearea unei oportuniti practice, accesibila pentru un numr ct mai mare de studeni, la fiecare concurs participnd o echipa diferita de studeni. De asemenea, scopul este accentuat i prin demonstrarea aptitudinilor echipei n proiectare, construcie i manevrare, reprezentnd Romania n strintate prin standarde nalte, obinute prin performante ridicate i demonstrate prin caliti bune de zbor.AESOsprijin Phoenix Team prin lansarea unui proiect de instruire gratuita n realizarea unor modele experimentale de ncercri n zbor, program oferit tuturor studenilor interesai din cadrul Facultii de Inginerie Aerospaial. Absolveni i actuali studeni (licena, masterat) ai facultii, ndrumai de Conf. Dr. Ing. Parvu Petrior-Valentin, i-au luat angajamentul de a deveni nvtorii i ndrumtorii celor interesai,AESOocupndu-se cu structurarea programului de lucru, centralizarea datelor participanilor i implicarea n diverse activiti necesare desfurrii activitilor echipei, precum i asigurarea unui minim de materiale necesare desfurrii acestor activiti n atelier.V-am ataat o cerere de sponsorizare (n care am integrat scurte detalii despre fiecare concurs) i o prezentare ce prezint i accentueaz motivaia echipei Phoenix Team.Va mulumesc anticipat n numele tuturor colegilor mei pentru interesul acordat!O sptmn productiv!Nume-Prenume: Dinca Nicolae AdrianNumr de telefon:

Good day,My name Dinca Nicolae Adrian and I am a student at the Aerospace Engineering Faculty from the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest. I would like to send you some details onAESO, a new NGO created with the aim of promoting non-conventional engineering education in Romania; and the Phoenix Team.Aerospace Engineering Students Organization (AESO) is an NGO founded under the supervision of the Aerospace Faculty of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest. It was created by a group of students from the aforementioned faculty with experience in group coordination and project management at a local level to promote involvement of university students in extracurricular engineering activities.The aim of this association is to group engineering students together to enhance their opportunities of innovation in their domain of studies. Therefore, the implication of alumni is vital because of their experience and their role model for students. This implication helps develop the current student community.Phoenix Team is a student group with the aim of designing, manufacturing and demonstrating the flight qualities of an electrical UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Such aircraft is designed according to the regulations published in each competition for which the aircraft is developed. The participation in competitions allows for an invaluable practical experience for the involved students. This competitions test the developed aircraft in its flying qualities and performance but also test the design and construction skills of the involved team. The team represents the high standards of Romania internationally, in terms of aircraft design and flight qualities.AESOsupports Phoenix Team through one of its projects, in which the members ofAESOcan be a part of Phoenix Team. The institutional support of the "Politehnica" University of Bucharest is represented by the involvement of Prof. Dr. Ing. Parvu Petrisor-Valentin, supervising the proper development of the team's activities to achieve the highest results.AESOacts as team supervisor, ensuring the proper development of the team's activities, and works for the proper financing of the team so the necessary materials and development costs can be covered.We attach a brief presentation onAESO, on our achievements so far and on one of the competitions in which we will participate this year.We would like to thank you for your interest in our team and we look forward to hear from you.Best regards,Dinca Nicolae