Download - UNIVERSITATEA DE MEDICINĂ ŞI FARMACIE TÎRGU MUREŞ ... · LAZESCU, Andreea Veronica D. Comparative analysis of GSTM1/GSTT1 null alleles and Ile Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol.








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Psihologie…………………………………………………………………………………………… 5-6Ştiinţe auxiliare ale dreptului. Psihologie legală. Chimie legală. Medicină legală…………………. 6Bazele materiale ale vieţii. Biochimie. Biologie moleculară. Biofizică………………………….…. 6-8Botanică……………………………………………………………………………………………... 8Anatomie. Anatomie umană şi comparată………………………………………………………….. 9Igienă în general. Sănătate şi igienă personală……………………………………………………… 9-10Sănătate şi igienă publică. Prevenirea accidentelor…………………………………………………. 10Farmacologie. Terapeutică. Toxicologie……………………………………………………………. 10-27Radioterapie. Radiologie. Utilizarea microundelor. Raze Rontgen (Raze X), ionizante.…………... 28Patologie. Medicină clinică…………………………………………………………………………. 28Reumatism........................................................................................................................................... 29-31Tumori. Neoplasme. Blastoame. Coristoame. Hamartoame. Oncologie……………………………. 31-34Pediatrie. Boli ale sugarului şi ale copiilor mici în general…………………………………………. 34-39Geriatrie. Boli ale bătrânilor, presenilitate, senilitate……………………………………………….. 39-40Factori constituţionali în boală. Predispoziţie. Constituţie. Rezistenţă………………………….. … 40-41Boli ereditare.Predispoziţie ereditară.Boli transmise genetic, congenitale......................................... 41-42Analiză şi diagnostic chimice. Medicină de laborator …………………….…................................... 42Prim ajutor. Tratament de urgenţă……………………………………………………………….….. 42-43Anestezie chirurgicală………………………………………………………………………………. 43Anatomie patologică. Anatomie morbidă……………………………………………………….….. 43-44Fiziologie patologică. Procese şi modul de acţiune al bolilor. Patogeneză. ………………………… 44Patologia sistemului circulator şi a vaselor sangvine. Boli cardiovasculare………………………… 44-47Inimă. Boli de inimă, cardiace. Boli ale atriilor, auriculelor, camerelor ventriculelor…………..….. 48-51Sânge. Plasmă. Ser. Boli ale sângelui. Hematologie clinică………………………………….…….. 51-53Patologia sistemului respirator. Boli ale organelor de respiraţie…………………………………… 53-56


Otorinolaringologie ( nas, gât, urechi) în general…………………………………………………... 57Patologia sistemului digestiv. Bolile tubului alimentar……………………………………….……. 57-59Stomatologie. Cavitatea bucală. Gură. Boli ale gurii şi dinţilor……………………………….…….. 59-66Diabet, diabet zaharat……………………………………………………………………………….. 66-67Patologia sistemului limfatic, a organelor hematopoetice şi endocrine…………………………….. 67-69Piele. Tegument general. Dermatologie clinică. Boli de piele……………………………………… 69-70Patologia sistemului urogenital. Boli urinare şi sexuale, genitale………………………………….. 71-72Sindesmologie chimică. Articulaţii. Suturi. Boli ale articulaţiilor. Artropatii……………….……… 72-74Neurologie. Neuropatologie. Boli ale sistemului nervos…………………………………………… 75-78Neurochirurgie……………………………………………………………………………………… 79Psihiatrie. Psihiatrie patologică, psihopatologie. Frenopatii. Psihoze……………………………… 79-80Boli transmisibile. Boli infecţioase şi contagioase. Febre………………………………………….. 80-83Ortopedie în general………………………………………………………………………………… 84Chirugie regională, topografică. Afecţiuni regionale……………………………………….……… 85-88Oftalmologie. Tulburări şi tratamente la ochi……………………………………………………… 88-90Ginecologie. Patologie feminină…………………………………………………………………… 91-92Obstetrică. Graviditate. Tocologie. Sarcină. Fiziologia gravidităţii……………………………….. 92-94Sport-Jocuri sportive-Educaţie fizică................................................................................................ 94Articole apărute in Acta Medica Marisiensis ( Rev. de Medicină şi Farmacie) 2013...................... 95-99




Valoarea consilierii in practica medicului de familie / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 218DOGARU, Carmen Adriana 2013Factors affecting psychological stress in children who European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 263cooperate with dental treatment: a pilot study / Dentistry October An 2013AOYAGI-NAKA, K.Fear and/or anxiety of children and parents associated with European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 269the dental environment / LEAL, A.M.A. Dentistry October An 2013Efficacy trial of Camouflage Syringe to reduce dental fear European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 273and anxiety / UJAONEY, S. Dentistry October An 2013Salivary biomarkers, vital signs and behaviour of European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 279pre-school children during their first dental visit / Dentistry October An 2013RODRIGUES GOMES, S. S.Screening and counselling in the primary care setting for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9888 249women who have experienced intimate partner violence Luna July An 2013(WEAVE): a cluster randomised controlled trial /HEGARTY,KelseyMuzicoterapia in afectiunile psihiatrice si neurologice / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 161CIOCA, Ioana 2013Calitatea vietii, nivelul atitudinilor disfunctionale si Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 179acceptarea de sine neconditionata la cuplurile infertile / 2013HAICA, CristianaCommunication in the living world and its ecological International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 126significance / MUSTATA, Ghe. Dentisty April An 2013Rolul stresului in cadrul sindromului de colon iritabil - Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 2 An 110implicatii psiho-comportamentale si terapeutice / CIOCA, 2013IoanaAlgoritm de abordare psihoterapeutica a bolnavelor cu Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 2 An 122neoplasm mamar / SOARE, Elena 2013Studii experimentale privind reactivitatea cailor Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 2 An 134respiratorii la stresul experimental si efectele muzicii / 2013POPILEAN, Florin IoanOn Communication Analysis and Repair as an Alternative for Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 63Miscommunication / COPOTOIU, Sanda-Maria Nr. 2Dominance Relations in the Light of repair-mechanisms in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 94Family-doctor-Patient and Hospital Teacher-Student Nr. 2Encounters / HAMBUCH Aniko; HAMAR SAVAY Judith; KRANICZRita; REBEK-NAGY, G.; SARKANY-LORINC AnitaInfertilitatea - abordari si implicatii psihosociale / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 49HAICA, Cristiana 2013Atitudinea pacientului fata de boala cronica / PARVU, Mirela Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 2013 26


Bio-psycho-social characteristics of asthma with Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 53psychogenic trigger emerging from personal experimental 2013studies / IAMANDESCU, Ioan-BraduModalitati de investigare a satisfactiei in munca la Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 63personalul medical / CREANGA, Mihaela 2013Efectele muzicoterapiei in patologia umana / POPILEAN, Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 72Florin Ioan 2013Comunicarea medic-pacient din perspectiva beneficiarului de Maedica Vol. 8 Nr. 1 An 49servicii medicale / CARSTOIU, Cristian 2013



The global prevalence of intimate partner homicide: a Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9895 859systematic review / STOCKL, Heidi Luna September An

2013Soft Tissue Injuries in Hungarian and Austrian Clinical Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 100Diagnostic Reports / FOGARASI-NUBER Katalin; REBEK-NAGY, G. Nr. 2



Pajzsmirigyhormonok es eloanyagaik. I. Biokemiai Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 2 An 2013 Vol. 35tulajdonsagok / TOTH Gergo 83Reciprocal antagonism between inflammation and the protein Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 129C system / CUCUIANU, Mircea Laborator June An 2013.Hypercoagulability risk factors associated with venous Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 135thromboembolic events in patients with idiopathic Laborator June An 2013.membranous nephropathy and nephrotic syndrome: aprospective observational study / GENER, Ismail


Assessment of beta cell function in subjects with newly Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 145diagnosed type 2 diabetes / CERNEA, Simona; COROS, Ligia; Laborator June An 2013.DOBREANU, Minodora; HUTANU, AdinaThe antioxidant potential of Brassica rapa L. on Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 161glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase enzymes and Laborator June An antioxidant status / GUL, SaimaEvaluation of the gametotoxic effect of nandrolone Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 171decanoate on the gametogenic function of male rabbit / Laborator June An 2013.POP, Raul Al.The role of the sialic acid in monitoring the evolution of Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 179malignant melanoma. From murine models to human research / Laborator June An 2013.LAZESCU, Andreea Veronica D.Comparative analysis of GSTM1/GSTT1 null alleles and Ile Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 189105Val GSTP1 variant in patients with Nasal polyposis and Laborator June An 2013.hyposmia in a Romanian population group / CATANA, IuliuVladContributions of ENDOBACT multicentric study to the Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 197infective endocarditis etiology in Romania / OPREA, Laborator June An 2013.MihaelaMonoclonal B cell lymphocytosis in patients with hepatitis Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 209C virus infection: prevalence, demographic and laboratory Laborator June An 2013.correlations / TOROK-VISTAI TundeSex differences in HIV-1 viral load and absolute CD4 cell Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 217count in long term survivors HIV-1 infected patients from Laborator June An 2013.Giurgiu, Romania / MANOLESCU, LoredanaA case of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and discussion Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 225on diagnostic biomarkers / ROMAN-FILIP, Corina Laborator June An 2013.Molecular markers in cervical screening - a promise for the Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 231future / GRIGORE, Mihaela Laborator June An 2013.Leptina, interfata biochimica in dezvoltarea gonartrozei la Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 37obezi / IONESCU, Elena-Valentina 2013Evolutia leziunilor aterosclerotice si rolul adiponectinei Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 43/ TANASEANU, G. 2013Osteoprotegerin and Carotid Intima Media Thickness in Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 29Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Uncomplicated Diabetes Medicine 2013Mellitus / POROJAN, Mihai D.What about microparticles? Perspectives and practical Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 9aspects / COSTACHE, Andra Laborator March An 2013.Evaluation of serum hepcidin variation in patients with Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 17rheumatoid arthritis according to anemia profile and its Laborator March An 2013.correlation with disease activity / SABAU, AdrianaTyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment outcome in a single Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 29canter cohort of chronic myeloid leukemia patiets. The role Laborator March An 2013.of the T315I ABL kinase mutation / DIMA, DeliaDetermining hemoglobin reference values in children and Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 39teenagers from Sibiu area / TOTAN, Maria Laborator March An 2013.Infant acute leukemia with lineage switch at relapse Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 47expressing a novel t (4;11)(q21;q23) MLL-AF4 fusion Laborator March An 2013.transcript / IVANOV, Iuliu C.


Molecular characterization of complex chromosomal changes Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 59in de novo acute myeloid leukemia: a case report / Laborator March An 2013.BERBEC, Nicoleta P.Carcinosarcoma of the breast with massive osseous malignant Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 67component: a basal-like entity with myoepithelial Laborator March An 2013.differentiation / BOROS, Monica; MARIAN, Cristina;SOANCA, Daniela; STOLNICU, Simona; SZABO KingaStudy regarding the use of salivary 8-hydroxideoxyguanosine Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 75and Interleukin-1 gene polymorphism- as potential Laborator March An 2013.biomarkers in the diagnosis of aggressive periodontitis /BADEA, VictoriaRisk for metabolic syndrome in a group of overweight Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 83children from South-East Romania / CHESARU, Bianca I. Laborator March An 2013.Inhibition of Streptococcus pneumoniae adenylate kinase by Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 93some 5-arylidene-thiazolidin-4-on-2-thione derivates / Laborator March An 2013.IONESCU, Mihaela L.The serum level of the immunomodulatory peptide Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 101cathelicidin LL37 and T helper cell type 1 inflammatory Laborator March An 2013.response in viral hepatitis B, C, and D / IACOB, SimonaA.



Mariatovis - Az Ev Gyogynovenye 2013-ban / CSUPOR Dezso Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 7 An 4132013 Luna July

Oszi farmakobotanikai kirandulas Visegradon, az Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 205Apatkuti-volgyben / DANOS Bela 2013 Luna AprilGyogynoveny-alkalmazas a Bibliatol a mai orvoslasig: a Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 35tomjen / HAZNAGY-RADNAI, Erzsebet; KOMLOS Eva 2013 Luna January




Corelatii anatomoterapeutice in patologia traheala / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 27

PETREANU, Adrian Cornel 20



Associations between health and sexual lifestyles in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9907 1830Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual LunaAttitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3) / FIELD, Nigel November-December

An 2013Argumente pentru reducerea consumului de bauturi Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 239carbogazoase indulcite: element definitoriu in preventia 2013epidemiei de obezitate si patologie metabolica /CARNICIU, SimonaOsteoporoza la barbati - o problema de sanatate publica / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 268PAUN, Diana Loreta 2013The addictive behaviour induced by food monosodium Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 4 An 229glutamate. Experimental study / BUZESCU, Anca 2013The new global health / DeCOCK, Kevin M. Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 212

2013Tradition in Competition to Food Safety, or "Archaic Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 181Science" against Brand Name Products / CURTICAPEAN, Nr. 4AugustinPrevalence and Drug Consumption Habits at the 2011 Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 198Peninsula Festival in Tirgu Mures / ABRAM Zoltan; DOMOKOS Nr. 4L.; FINTA Hajnal; SEBESI SzilardAz elhizas epidemiologiaja, megelozese es kezelesi Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 5 An 290lehetosegei / PETER Szabolcs 2013 Luna MayThe Study of Water Quality of Several Local Sources / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 78ABRAM Zoltan; FINTA Hajnal; MOLDOVAN, H; MOLDOVAN, Geanina; Nr. 2NADASAN, Valentin; TARCEA, Monica




The new global health / CockDe, Kevin M. Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 4 An 2002013

Osteoporoza la barbati - o problema de sanatate publica / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 268PAUN, Diana Loreta 2013Special feature: a decade in biosecurity assessing a decade Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 129of public health preparedness: progress on the precipice? 2013 GURSKY, Elin A.



Vaccine for prevention of mild and moderate-to-severe New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 26 2481influenza in children / JAIN, Varsha K. Luna December An

2013Bardoxolone methyl in type 2 diabetes and stage 4 chronic New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 26 2492kidney disease / AKIZAVA, Tadao Luna December An

2013A pharmacogenetic versus a clinical algorithm for warfarin New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 24 2283dosing / KIMMEL, Stephen E. Luna December An

2013A randomised trial of genotype-guided dosing of warfarin / New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 24 2295PIRMOHAMED, Munir Luna December An

2013A randomised trial of genotype-guided dosing of New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 24 2305acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon / VERHOEF, Talitha I. Luna December An

2013Bivalirudin started during emergency transport for primary New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 23 2207PCI / STEG, Philippe Gabriel Luna December An

2013Edoxaban versus warfarin in patients with atrial New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 22 2093fibrillation / GIUGLIANO,Robert P. Luna December An



Vitamin D-binding protein and vitamin D status of black New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 21 1991americans and white americans / POWE, Camille E. Luna November An

2013Combined angiotensin inhibition for the treatment of New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 20 1892diabetic nephropathy / FRIED, Linda F. Luna November An

2013Global burden of disease attributable to illicit drug use Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9904 1564and dependence: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Luna November AnStudy 2010 / DEGENHARDT, Louisa 2013Effect of longacting somatostatin analogue on kidney and Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9903 1485cyst growth in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease Luna November An(ALADIN): a randomised, placebo-controlled, multicentre 2013trial / CAROL, AnnaIncreased survival in pancreatic cancer with nab-paclitaxel New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 18 1691plus gemcitabine / DANIEL D. VON HOFF Luna October An

2013Linagliptin for patients aged 70 years or older with type 2 Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9902 1413diabetes inadequately controlled with common antidiabetes Luna October -treatments: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled November An 201trial / BARNNETT, Anthony H.Risedronate in children with osteogenesis imperfecta: a Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9902 1425randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial / Luna October -BISHOP, Nick November An 201Fungal infections associated with contaminated New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 17 1598methylprednisolone injections / SMITH, Rachel M. Luna October An

2013Clinical findings for fungal infections caused by New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 17 1610methylprednisolone injections / CHILLER, Tom M. Luna October An

2013HLA-B 13:01 and the dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome / New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 17 1620ZHANG, F.-R. Luna October An

2013The global drug facility and its role in the market for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9901 1373tuberculosis drugs: health policy / ARINAMINPATHY, Luna October AnNimalan 2013A randomized trial of glutamine and antioxidants in New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 16 1489critically ill patients / HEYLAND, Daren Luna October An

2013Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the prevention of Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9900 1249antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and Clostridium difficile Luna October Andiarrhoea in older inpatients (PLACIDE): a randomised, 2013double-blind placebo-controlled, multicentre trial /ALLEN, J Stephen

Alternative treatments to inhibit VEGF in age-related Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9900 1258choroidal neovascularisation: 2-year findings of the IVAN Luna October Anrandomised controlled trial / CHAKRAVARTHY, Usha 2013Asocierile medicamentoase in tratamentul hipertensiunii Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 176arteriale / POPESCU, Livia 2013


Imbunatatirea simptomatologiei clinice a pacientilor Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 258suferinzi de dementa Alzheimer sub tratament cu 2013Rivastigmina plasture transdermic (Exelon Patch) lapersoane anterior tratate cu inhibitori deAcetilcolinesteraza administrati pe cale orala - studiulEVIDENCE-AD / TUDOSE, CatalinaEffects of internet-based training on antibiotic Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9899 1175prescribing rates for acute respiratory-tract infections: a Luna October Anmultinational, cluster, randomised, factorial, controlled 2013trial / LITTLE, Paul2 years versus 1 year of adjuvant trastuzumab for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9897 1021HER2-positive breast cancer (HERA): an open-label. Luna September Anrandomised controlled trial / GOLDHIRSCH, Aron 2013Efficacy and safety of canagliflozin versus glimepiride in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9896 941patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled with Luna September Anmetformin (CANTATA-SU): 52 week results from a randomised, 2013double-blind, phase 3 non-inferiority trial / CEFALU,William T.Comparative efficacy and tolerability of 15 antipsychotic Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9896 951drugs in schizophrenia: a multiple-treatments meta-analysis Luna September An/ LEUCHT, Stefan 2013

Vascular and upper gastrointestinal effects of Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 769non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: meta-analyses of Luna August An 2013individual participant data from randomised trials /Coxib and traditional NSAID Trialists (CNT) CollaborationEfficacy and safety of ustekinumab in patients with active Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 780psoriatic arthritis: 1 year results of the phase 3, Luna August An 2013multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled PSUMMIT 1trial / Mc INNES, Iain B.Dolutegravir versus raltegravir in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 700antiretroviral-experienced, integrase-inhibitor-naive Luna August An 2013adults with HIV: week 48 results from the randomised,double-blind, non-inferiority SAILING study / CAHN, PedroPrasugrel versus clopidogrel for patients with unstable Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9892 605angina or non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Luna August An 2013with or without angiography: a secondary, prespecifiedanalysis of the TRILOGY ACS trial / WIVIOTT, Stephen D.Individualized treatment targets for elderly patients with Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9890 409type 2 diabetes using vildagliptin add-on or lone therapy Luna July An 2013(INTERVAL): a 24 week, randomised, double-blind,placebo-controlled study / STRAIN, David W.Efectele Allopurinolului in doze mari asupra acidului uric Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 128seric si functiei cardiace in insuficienta cardiaca / 2013USCOIU, GabrielaSafety of thrombolysis with IV RT-PA in patients with Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 118atrial fibrillation related ischemic stroke and prior 2013 Luna Julysubtherapeutic use of coumarinic anticoagulants /TERECOASA, Elena


Molecular detection of rifampicin resistance in Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 293multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from Laborator September An 2013.North-Eastern Romania / LUNCA, CatalinaDo Antioxidants Prevent Colorectal Cancer? A Meta-Analysis Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 152/ PAIS, Raluca Medicine 2013A Case of Irreversible Leukoencephalopathy in a Patient Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 197with C Virus Hepatitis Treated with Pegylated Medicine 2013Interferon-alpha2b and Ribavirin / IACOB, Simona A.Gingival overgrowth induced by immunosuppressive treatment International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 183with Cyclosporine A and mycophenolate mofetil in a patient Dentisty July An 2013with kidney transplant - a case report and literaturereview / TRANDAFIR, DanielaTeriparatide and denosumab, alone or combined, in women Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9886 50with postmenopausal osteoporosis: the DATA study randomised Luna July An 2013trial / TSAI, Joy N.Daclizumab high-yield process in relapsing-remitting Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9884 2167multiple sclerosis (SELECT): a randomised, double-blind, Luna June An 2013placebo-controlled trial / GOLD, RalphAssociation of maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9884 2176with bone-mineral content in offspring: a prospective Luna June An 2013cohort study / LAWLOR, Debbie A.Ritonavir-boosted lopinavir plus nucleoside reverse Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9883 2091transcriptase inhibitors versus ritonavir-boosted lopinavir Luna June An 2013plus raltegravir for treatment of HIV-1 infection in adultswith virological failure ofa standard first-line ARTregimen (SECOND-LINE): a randomised, open-label,non-inferiority study / SECOND-LINE Study GroupCealalta fata a heparinei...Trombocitopenia indusa de Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 90heparina / BARTOS, Daniela; DARABAN, Ana Maria 2013Efectele secundare ale tratamentului cu inhibitori de pompa Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 96de protoni / BARTOS, Daniela; DIACONU, Camelia 2013Aspecte privind etiologia infectiilor de tract urinar si Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 100sensibilitatea la antibiotice a bacteriilor implicate / 2013DAIANU, T.; UNGUREANU, AncaEffects of folic acid supplementation on overall and Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9871 1029site-specific cancer incidence during the randomised Luna March An 2013trials: meta-analyses of data on 50000 individuals /VOLLSET, Stein EmilMaintenance, reduction, or withdrawal of etanercept after Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9870 918treatment with etanercept and methotrexate in patients with Luna March An 2013moderate rheumatoid arthritis (PRESERVE): a randomisedcontrolled trial / SMOLEN, Josef S.Long-term effects of continuing adjuvant tamoxifen to 10 Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9869 805years versus stopping at 5 years after diagnosis of Luna March An 2013oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer: ATLAS, arandomised trial / DAVIES, ChristinaOnce-daily dolutegravir versus raltegravir in Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9868 735antiretroviral-naive adults with HIV-1 infection: 48 week Luna February Anresults from the randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority 2013


SPRING-2 study / RAFFI, FrancoisRivaroxaban for thromboprophylaxis in acutely ill medical New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 513patients / COHEN, Alexander T. February An 2013Effect of daily Chlorhexidine bathing on hospital-acquired New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 533infection / CLIMO, Michael W. February An 2013Brain dopamine-serotonin vesicular transport disease and New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 543its treatment : brief report / RILSTONE, Jennifer J. February An 2013Designing tomorrow's vaccines : global health / NABEL, New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 551Gary J. February An 2013Priming after a fractional dose of inactivated poliovirus New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 5 Luna 417vaccine / RESIK, Sonia February An 2013Antibiotics as part of the management of severe acute New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 5 Luna 425malnutrition / TREHAN, Indi February An 2013Tofacitinib (CP-690,550) in combination with methotrexate Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9865 451in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis with an Luna February Aninadequate response to tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: a 2013randomised phase 3 trial / BURMESTER, G.R,Cognitive behavioural therapy as an adjunct to Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9864 375pharmacotherapy for primary care based patients with Luna February Antreatment resistant depression: results of the CoBaIT 2013randomised controlled trial / WILES, NicolaEfficacy and safety of regorafenib for advanced Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9863 295gastrointestinal stromal tumours after failure of imatinib Luna January Anand sunitinib (GRID); an international, multicentre, 2013randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial / DEMETRI,George D.Regorafenib monotherapy for previously treated metastatic Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9863 303colorectal cancer (CORRECT): an international, multicentre, Luna January Anrandomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial / GROTHEY, 2013AxelNucleotide polymerase inhibitor sofosbuvir plus ribavirin New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 1 Luna 34for Hepatitis C / GANE, Edward January An 2013Un "nou-nascut" a completat familia anticolinergicelor / Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 43MIHALTAN, Fl. 2013Serelaxin, recombinant human relaxin-2, for treatment of Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9860 29acute heart failure (RELAX-AHF): a randomised, Luna January Anplacebo-controlled trial / TEERLINK, John R. 2013

Dohanyzas-gyogyszer interakciok jelentosege a korszeru Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 4 An 2013 Vol. 107gyogyszerkutatasban / LAKI Szilvia 83EGFR/c-Met kettosgatlok fejlesztese es biokemiai vizsgalata Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 4 An 2013 Vol. 121/ SZOKOL Balint 83Multipartikularis gyogyszerhordozo rendszer formulalasa Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 4 An 2013 Vol. 134tablettaba preselt pelletek alkalmazasaval / CSOBAN 83ZsomborKohonen-fele onszervezodo tulajdonsagterkep hasznalata Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 4 An 2013 Vol. 143human ADMET es kinaz adatok QSAR predikciojaban / 83HEGYMEGI-BARAKONYI BalintA depresszio - gyogyszereszeknek roviden / KOVACS Gabor Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 11 An 643


2013 Luna NovemberGyogyteak: van-e helyuk a modern terapiaban ? / CSUPOR Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 11 An 653Dezso; KOVACS ZSuzsanna; SZENDREI Kalman 2013 Luna NovemberHalvanyodo arcok. 100 eve szuletett Haznagy Andras / EROS Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 11 An 662Istvan 2013 Luna NovemberDrug abuse in sport performance - a systematic review / Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1037PITIGOI, Gabriel 2013Sea buckthorn pulp oil treatment can prevent metabolic Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1043syndrome in hypertriglyceridemic waist fenotype obese 2013children / CASARIU, Elena DanielaElectrochemical and spectral study of cyclodextrins Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1054interactions with some pharmaceutical substances / 2013FRITEA, LuminitaA comparative morphological and chemical study of the seeds Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1069from trigonella Foenum Graecum (L.) and T. Caerulea (L.) 2013ser. species / DINU, MihaelaEvaluation of the efficacy of antiageing and hydrating Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1082products on the cutaneous senescence process. Preliminary 2013data / CRISAN, DianaAnalysis of drug related impurities by infrared Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1091spectrometry in the class of statins / FARKAS Szilard 2013Zsolt; IMRE Silvia; MUNTEAN, Daniela Lucia; TERO-VESCAN,AmeliaExperimental pharmacological model for inducing and Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1102quantifying depression in mouse / NEGRES, Simona 2013Formulation and preparation of orally disintegrating Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1131tablets using innovative binder / POPA, Gratiela 2013Performance of poloxamer 407 as hydrophilic carrier on the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1137binary mixtures with nimesulide / EI-BADRY, Mahmoud 2013Synthesis of some 1,4-disubstituted thiosemicarbazemides as Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1151intermediates for the synthesis 0f 1,3,4-thiadiazole 2013derivatives / HORVATH, TundeDetermination of ascorbic acid in shoots from different Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1158coniferous species by HPLC / RADULESCU, Valeria 2013The influence of a new rutin derivative on homocysteine, Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1167cholesterol and total antioxidative status in experimental 2013diabetes in rat / ALBU, Elena

Preparation and characterization of niosomes containing Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1178metronidazole / STAN, Catalina 2013New modified release tablets with pentoxiphylline based on Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1186lipophilic matrix / MIRCIA, Eleonora 2013Effects of harvesting hour on essential oil content and Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1194composition of Thymus vulgaris / KAYA, Durmus A. 2013

Atatin therapy in patients with diabetes and hepatitis C / Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1204RUSU, Emilia 2013Preparation and evaluation of meloxicam solid dispersion by Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1216melting method / ISSA, Anmar Adham 2013


Preliminary studies regarding the influence of UV Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1233radiations with different wavelenghts on tissue samples 2013from Zea mays / ORODAN, MariaPractical approach to dietary supplements used by athletes Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1247/ GEORGESCU, Luminita 2013Drogproblemak I. Mit tekintunk drognak ? / BAYER Istvan Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 10 An 581

2013 Luna OctoberSzakmai fogalmaink jelentosege a gyogyszereszeti Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 10 An 584gyakorlatban / DEVAY Attila 2013 Luna OctoberVeralvadasra hato szerek I. resz / BENI Szabolcs; RACZ Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 10 An 591Akos 2013 Luna OctoberFolyekony gyogyszerformak segedanyagai / KOLLAR Eva; Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 10 An 602KOVACS Kristof 2013 Luna OctoberA nem-klinikai (preklinikai) biztonsagi vizsgalatok helye Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 10 An 614es szerepe a gyogyszer engedelyeztetesben / DANYI Dezso 2013 Luna OctoberNem kivanatos gyogyszerhatasok megnyilvanulasa a Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 10 An 623vaz-izomrendszeren: osteoporosis, hyperostosis, myopathia 2013 Luna October/ KUN JuditLipid-based systems as a promising approach for enhancing Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 427the bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs / October An 2013CERPNJAK, KatjaLiquisolid systems and aspects influencing their research Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 447and development / VRANIKOVA, Barbora October An 2013An in vitro based investigation into the cytotoxic effects Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 467of D-amino acids / BARDAWEEL, Sanaa K. October An 2013Preparation and evaluation of chitosan based Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 479thermoreversible gels for intraperitoneal delivery of October An 20135-fluorouracil (5-FU) / DEPANI, BhaveshCytoprotective potential of anti-ischemic drugs against Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 493chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity in H9c2 myoblast cell October An 2013line / FERIDOONI, TiamChemical fingerprinting and quantitative analysis of two Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 505common Gleditsia sinensis fruits using HPLC-DAD / CHEN, October An 2013JiapingDevelopment and evaluation of coenzyme Q10 loaded solid Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 517lipid nanoparticle hydrogel for enhanced dermal delivery / October An 2013KORKMAZ, EmrahDesign and in vivo evaluation of emulgel formulations Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 531including green tea extract and rose oil / YAPAR, Evren A. October An 2013

In vitro dissolution and in vivo gamma scintigraphic Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 545evaluation of press-coated salbutamol sulfate tablets / October An 2013LI, WeiThe content of fagopyrin and polyphenols in common and Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 4 Luna 553tartary buckwheat sprouts / KREFT, Samo October An 2013Melanin koncentralo hormon receptor-1 (MCHR1) antagonista Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 3 An 2013 Vol. 71fokuszalt konyvtar kivalasztasa es in vitro biologiai 83szurese AequoScreen esszevel / FLACHNER Beata


Mycobacterium tuberculosis ellenes hatoanyagok fejlesztese Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 3 An 2013 Vol. 88es szerkezet-hatas osszefuggeseinek vizsgalata / BASKA 83FerencNano- es mikroszalas rendszerek eloallitasa es Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 3 An 2013 Vol. 96gyogyszereszeti alkalmazasuk lehetosegei I. / SEBE Istvan 83Exenatide and liraglutide - side effects. Comparative Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 837clinical study / TIMOFTE, Luminita 2013The study of piroxicam dissolution from Eudragit RS-coated Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 845pellets / HIRJAU, M. 2013Validation of a new HPLC method used for determination of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 856amiodarone from the complex with 2013hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin and from commercial tablets/ BOSINCEANU, AndreeaSuperoxide dismutase loaded liposomes. The influence of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 865formulation factors on enzyme encapsulation and release / 2013PORFIRE, Alina SilviaATR-IR and Raman spectroscopic study of interactions Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 874between major calixarene derivatives and oral 2013anticoagulants / TIUCA, IoanaDesign and development of sustained release swelling matrix Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 883tablets of glipizide for type II diabetes mellitus / IGE, 2013PradumThe correlation between plasma leptin and the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 902concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines in patients 2013with type II diabetes mellitus in maintenance hemodialysis/ ANTONESCU, AngelaCulture methods versus flow cytometry for the comparative Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 912assessment of the antifungal activity of Eugenia 2013caryophyllata thunb. (Myrtaceae) essential oil / SAVIUC,Crina MariaSynthesis of some novel thiazoles, bisthiazoles, Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 920thiazolin-4 ones and 1,3,4 thiadiazoline compounds starting 2013from 5-acetyl-2-phenyl-4-methyl-thiazolyl-thiosemicarbazone/ ONIGA, SmarandaAssessment of age-related cardiovascular disease using Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 931redox stress markers / BACANU, Claudia 2013Comparative evaluation of methotrexate toxicity as solution Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 939for injection and liposomes following a short-term 2013treatment in a murine model of arthritis: Note II.

Histopathological changes / BARCA, MonicaTrends in the evolution of the annual classified list of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 948medicines between 1989-2012 / TAEREL Adriana Elena 2013Clinical response to intravenous immunoglobulin in acute Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 957inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy / 2013BURAGA, IoanSynthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 966evaluation of new agents from benzamides class / NUTA, 2013Diana Camelia


Effect of platicizers on invitro release and ex vivo Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 975permeation of chlorpheniramine maleate from ethyl cellulose 2013polyvinyl pyrrolidone based matrix patches / RAJABALAYA,RajanContributions to the pharmacognostical and phytobiological Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 991study of Fallopia Aubertii (L. Henry) Holub. (Polygonaceae) 2013/ OLARU, Octavian TudorelPharmacological treatment in stabilizing the symptoms in Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 1000children with ADHD symptoms / SEBLANY, Houssein Toufic 2013Experimental demonstration of hyperalgesia induced by Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 1009repeated ingestion of dietary monosodium glutamate / 2013BUZESCU, AncaSynthesis of new thioureas derived from Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 10182-(3,4-dimethyl-phenoxymethyl)- and 20132-(2,3-dimethyl-phenoxymethyl)- benzoic acid with potentialantimicrobial activity / CIOLAN, Dragos FlorianSynthesis and antimicrobial activity of some novel Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 10272-aryliden-hydrazone-thiazoles / NASTASA, Cristina 2013Quantitative Determination of Arsenic in Bottled Drinking Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 246Water Using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy / BALALAU, Nr. 5Dan; GUBANDRU, Miriana; GUTU, Claudia Maria; ILIE, Mihaela;PURDEL, CarmenPhytotoxicity Assessment of Certain Phytochemical Products Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 250Containing Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids / BALALAU, Dan; ILIE, Nr. 5Mihaela; NEGRES, Simona; OLARU, Octavian Tudorel; SEREMET,Oana CristinaA prodrug strategia a gyogyszerkutatasban: bevalt modszerek Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 8 An 451es uj iranyok / TAKACSNE NOVAK Krisztina 2013 Luna AugustModern segedanyagok a gyogyszeriparban / SASKA Zsofia Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 8 An 460

2013 Luna AugustGyogyszerek okozta majkarosodasok elofordulasa a klinikai Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 8 An 469es a patikai gyakorlatban / JAKO Tamas; TABI Tamas 2013 Luna AugustA gyogyszertari gyogyszerkeszites problemai, lehetosegei. A Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 7 An 387felhasznalhato alap- es segedanyagokkal kapcsolatos 2013 Luna Julyismeretek osszefoglalasa / HAJDU MariaA magisztralis gyogyszerkeszites hazai es nemzetkozi Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 7 An 396helyzetenek attekintese / BOTZ, Lajos; VIDA Robert 2013 Luna JulyA gyogyszer-hamisitasi iranyelvrol / SZAMOSUJVARINE JAVOR Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 7 An 404Judit 2013 Luna July

A gyogyszertari gyakorlatban hasznalt szamitogepes Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 7 An 408interakcio vizsgalattal kapcsolatos problemak, ketelyek / 2013 Luna JulyMATUZ Maria; SOOS, Gyongyver; ULAKCSAI ZSofia; VEGH AnnaMariatovis - Az Ev Gyogynovenye 2013-ban / CSUPOR Dezso Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 7 An 413

2013 Luna July

Researches regarding obtaining selective extracts with Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 625hypoglycemiant properties from vegetal indigenous products 2013/ IORDACHE, Titina Alina


The chemical profile of basil biovarieties and its Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 632implication on the biological activity / GRADINARIU, 2013VeronicaIn vitro evaluation of 5-fluorouracil dissolution profiles Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 640from vaginal bioadhesive tablets / PALADE, Laura 2013Physico-chemical and electroanalytical characterization of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 648two Romanian clays with possible applications in 2013pharmaceutical analysis / MAGHEAR, AdelaMurine studies regarding the variation of oxidative status Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 658in serum, hepatic and brain samples, after administration 2013of some CNS active drugs / NICOLAE, AlinaQuantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR). Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 670Modeling the toxicity of aliphatic esters by means of 2013molecular ovality descriptors / OLARIU, TudorResearches regarding the monitoring complementary treatment Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 685in periodontitis by using salivary 8-OHdG biomarker / 2013BADEA, VictoriaPreliminary research on Portulaca Grandiflora hook. Species Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 694(Portulacaceae) for therapeutic use / ANGHEL, Adriana I. 2013Compatibility studies between drugs and excipients in the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 703preformulation phase of buccal mucoadhesive systems / 2013DINTE, ElenaThe efficiency of metoprolol tartrate in the treatment of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 713pure arterial hypertension at patients with coronary artery 2013disease and the risk factors associated / COZLEA,Laurentiu; COZLEA, Daniel Laurentiu; DOGARU, Grigore;FARCAS, Dan Mircea; KERESZTESI Arthur Attila; TIFREA,Ramona; VARI, Camil E.Synthesis and characterization of a carboxylic acid Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 725derivative for liposomal preparations / IONESCU, Catalina 2013Evaluation of different kind of cigarette filters ability Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 736of to retain the toxic compounds of the vapor phase. A 2013comparative graphical study / PETRARU, ConstantinIntravenous valproic acid for the treatment of status Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 742epilepticus and seizure clusters / ROMAN-FILIP, Corina 2013Effects of botulinum toxin-type A in the treatment of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 748cerebral palsy in children / DINU, Iuliana Stefania 2013HPTLC evaluation of the pyrollizidine alkaloid senecionine Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 756in certain phytochemical products / SEREMET, Oana 2013Cristina

The importance of drug therapy in lung multifocal Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 764hydatidosis / NISTOR, Claudiu 2013

Gentamicin, infections, and acute tubular necrosis in Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 772children / BALGRADEAN, Mihaela 2013Experimental pharmacological researches regarding the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 781influence of sodium fluoride in allopathic and homeopathic 2013doses of central nervous system's performances. A


correlation between behavioral response in classic mazetest and morphological aspects of cerebral cortex /BARAN-POESINA, ViolettaDevelopment of consumption of medicines in two pediatric Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 800hospitals in Bucharest during economic and financial 2013recession in 2009 and 2010 / SOROCEANU, ValentinaThe in vitro release mechanism of ibuprofen from Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 811conventional and special dosage forms / DRAGANESCU, Doina 2013Enhancement of anti-diabetic effects of gliclazide using Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 820immediate release tablets in streptozotocin-induced 2013diabetic and normal rats / VARSHOSAZ, JalehA Survey on the Methanol Content of Home Distilled Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 206Alcoholic Beverages in Transylvania (Romania) / CROITORU, Nr. 4M. D.; FOGARASI Erzsebet; FULOP Ibolya; TOPOR, ElenaQuality Enhancement by Inclusion Complex Formation of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 223Simvastatin Tablets / POCSAI Zs.; REDAI Emoke; SIPOS Nr. 4Emese; SZEKELY P.; TOKES BelaDrug interactions with statins / CAUSEVIC-RAMOSEVAC, Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 277Anida July An 2013Nanofibers and their biomedical use / ROSIC, Romana Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 295

July An 2013Methods of amorphization and investigation of the amorphous Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 305state / EINFALT, Tomaz July An 2013Cyclodextrin based nanosponges for pharmaceutical use: A Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 335review / TEJASHRI, Gursalkar July An 2013Bioadhesive vaginal tablets containing spray dried Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 359microspheres loaded with clotrimazole for treatment of July An 2013vaginal Candidiasis / GUPTA, Naresh VishalQuantification of ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate in Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 373powder blends for tableting and in vitamin C chewable July An 2013tablets by NIR-chemometry / TOMUTA, IoanSynthesis of the impurities during the manufacture of bulk Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 385drug midazolam and separation of these impurities by HPLC July An 2013/ SATI, BhawanaSynthesis, in vitro anticancer and antioxidant activity of Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 397thiadiazole substituted thiazolidin-4-ones / JOSEPH, Alex July An 2013convenient synthesis of new NSAID esters containing amino Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 409acid, urea and amide moieties / PERKOVIC, Ivana July An 2013Development and validation of RP HPLC method for Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 63 Nr. 3 Luna 419determination of betamethasone dipropionate in gingival July An 2013crevicular fluid / BOGDANOVSKA, Liljana

Szajnyalkahartyan alkalmazhato mukoadheziv filmek. IV. Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 6 An 323resz: Bukkalis mukoadheziv filmekben alkalmazott 2013 Luna Junehatoanyagok. Mukoadheziv filmek eloallitasa es vizsgalata/ GOTTNEK MIHALY; HODI Klara; REGDON GezaAz ajakherpesz (recidiv herpes labialis) ongyogyszerelese Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 6 An 330es gyogyszereszi gondozasi ismeretei / FITTLER Andras; 2013 Luna JuneMEGYES Norbert


Kerdesek es valaszok a gyogyszerhamisitasrol / SOHAJDA Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 6 An 337Tamas 2013 Luna JuneSzazeves az Egis gyogyszergyar. Evszazados mult, Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 6 An 346nyolcvanevnyi tudomanyos kutatomunka / OROSZ Anna 2013 Luna JuneUj novenyi segitseg a HIV/AIDS-elleni kuzdelemben? / Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 6 An 355SZENDREI Kalman; VASAS Andrea 2013 Luna JunePajzsmirigyhormonok es eloanyagaik. I. Biokemiai Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 2 An 2013 Vol. 35tulajdonsagok / TOTH Gergo 83Potencialis antitumor hatasu FGFR inhibitorok fejlesztese Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 2 An 2013 Vol. 47/ ZSAKAI Lilian 83Az otthoni parenteralis taplalasrol gyogyszereszi szemmel Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 5 An 265/ TELESSY Istvan 2013 Luna MaySzajnyalkahartyan lakalmazhato mukoadheziv filmek. III. Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 5 An 274resz: Bukkalis mukoadheziv filmek eseten alkalmazott 2013 Luna Maypolimerek es segedanyagok / GOTTNEK MIHALY; HODI Klara;REGDON GezaCukormagok eloallitasa es szerepuk a multipartikularis Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 5 An 283rendszerek kesziteseben / BOGDAN Andras; HODI Klara; 2013 Luna MayREGDON GezaAz elhizas epidemiologiaja, megelozese es kezelesi Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 5 An 290lehetosegei / PETER Szabolcs 2013 Luna MayAcerola, a "C-vitamin bomba" / HAZNAGY-RADNAI, Erzsebet; Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 5 An 295SZENDREI Kalman 2013 Luna MayThe Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of the Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 162Phenolic Compounds in Polygonum Convolvulus L. Species, Nr. 3Polygonaceae Family / ANGHEL, Adriana I.; ISTUDOR,Viorica; OLARU, O.T.; OLARU, Iulia IoanaBIOINFOQSAR - a specialized software developed for QSAR Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 427models. Predictable capacity testing for conventional 2013antitumor drugs / POPA, LacramioaraThe protective role of maldivin on the hematological, Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 439biochemical and histopathological parameters of marsh frog 2013(Pelophylax ridibundus) exposed to sublethal doses ofroundup / PAUNESCU, AlinaGC-MS analysis of the essential oil obtained from Ocimum Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 448Basilicum L. "Holland" cultivar / BENEDEC, Daniela 2013Chemical composition of the Tunisian Nigella Sativa. Note Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 454II. Profile on fatty oil / TOMA, Claudia 2013

Analysis of data regarding pharmaceutical lifelong learning Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 459programs in Romania. Prerequisites and outcomes / 2013DRAGANESCU, Doina

Synthesis and characterization of new acyl-oximines Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 469derivatives with potential pharmacological activity / 2013CIOROIANU, Dana MihaelaIn vitro P-glycoprotein inhibition assay on N2a murine cell Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 481line / NICOLAE, Alina 2013Study on the chronic antithrombotic treatment after Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 492


surgical revascularizations in the peripheral arterial 2013disease / BROASCA, MarianThe impact of hypertension and associated comorbidities on Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 503quality of life assessment questionnaire SF-36 V2 / 2013SUCIU, LianaEvaluation of antimicrobial activity of some types of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 518inclusion complexes of erythromycin with beta-cyclodextrin 2013on Staphilococcus Aureus / MARIAN, EleonoraElaboration and validation of an HPLC method for the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 526quantitative assay of 5-fluorouracil / PALADE, Laura 2013Crosslinked biodegradable alginate hydrogel floating beads Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 533for stomach site specific controlled delivery of 2013metronidazole / GIRI, Tapan KumarEmergency room admission in polydrug consumers: one year Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 551survey in Romania / VASILE, Robert Daniel 2013The impact of dissolution media on the similarity of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 558release profiles of trimetazidine dihydrochloride from 2013immediate release tablets / MOURAD, AliSynthesis, bioevaluation and molecular properties of some Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 566triazine derivatives / TATARINGA, Gabriela 2013Material and compression properties of native and modified Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 574plantains starches / AYORINDE, John O. 2013Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory potential of some Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 591polyheterocyclic compounds with thiazole ring in acute 2013inflammation models. Part II. Cellular response / PARVU,Alina ElenaBeneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids in nonalcoholoc Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 598fatty liver disease, in childhood obesity / POPESCU, 2013LauraSolid-state characterization of bifonazole random Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 609methyl-beta-cyclodextrin binary systems / TRANDAFIRESCU, 2013CristinaSynthesis of new unsymmetrical 1,4-dyihydropyridine Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 617derivatives as potential anticancer agents / MORUSCIAG, 2013LaurentiuA gyogyszernev-valasztas szabalyai, menete es a talalo nev Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 195jelentosege / KOCZIAN Kristof 2013 Luna April25 eve tortent: az ENSZ Kabitoszer Bizottsaga a Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 201gyogyszereszekhez fordult / BAYER Istvan 2013 Luna AprilOszi farmakobotanikai kirandulas Visegradon, az Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 205Apatkuti-volgyben / DANOS Bela 2013 Luna AprilGyogyszereszek szerepvallalasa az allategeszsegugyben / Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 212STAMPF Gyorgy 2013 Luna AprilUjabb "szupergyumolcs" a hazai termekekben, az akai / Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 218SZENDREI Kalman 2013 Luna April

Szakmai iranyelv az alapszintu gyogyszereszi gondozas Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 229kereteben vegzett gyogyszerbiztonsagi ellenorzesrol 2013 Luna April


Quantitation of nitrofurantoin in human plasma by liquid Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 141chromatography tandem mass spectrometry / PATEL, Dinesh. April An 2013S.Chemometrically assissted optimization and validation of Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 159RP-HPLC method for the analysis of itraconazole and its April An 2013impurities / VUJAVONIC, IrenaSynthesis, antibacterial and cytotoxic activity evaluation Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 175of hydroxyurea derivatives / KOS, Ivan April An 2013Optimization of process variables for phyllanthin Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 193extraction from Phyllanthus amarus leaves by supercritical April An 2013fluid using a Box-behnken experimental design followed byHPLC identification / PATIL, Ajit A.Formulation and in vitro evaluation of metmorfin Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 209hydrochloride loaded microspheres prepared with April An 2013polysaccharide extracted from natural sources / SHARMA,Hemanta KumarPhotodegradation of levofloxacin in aqueous and organic Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 223solvents: A kinetic study / AHMAD, Iqbal April An 2013Synthesis and antimicrobial studies of some Mannich bases Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 231carrying imidazole moiety / FRANK, Priya V. April An 2013Development of a self-microemulsifying drug delivery system Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 241of domperidone: In vitro and in vivo characterization / April An 2013JAKKI, RameshSynthesis and potential cytotoxic activity of some new Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 253benzoxazoles, imidazoles, benziimidazoles and tetrazoles / April An 2013ARULMURUGAN, SubramaniyanPreparation and application of a molecularly imprinted Acta Pharmaceutica Vol. 83 Nr. 2 Luna 265polymer for determination of glibenclamide residues / April An 2013LAHSINI, RymIdosek gyogyszerelese: kockazatot jelento hatoanyagok / Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 131BOR Andrea 2013 Luna MarchEl vagyunk savasodva? Tenyek es tevhitek a lugositassal Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 136kapcsolatban. II. resz: A lugositas hatekonysaga a klinikai 2013 Luna Marchvizsgalatok tukreben / TAKACS GaborAz orvostechnikai es in vitro diagnosztikai eszkozok, Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 143valamint gyogyaszati segedeszkozok forgalomba hozatali 2013 Luna Marchfelteteleinek attekintese es tajekoztato a gyogyszertariforgalmazashoz / BUNYITAI PeterA TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) fontosabb Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 150gyogynovenyei a magyarorszagi alternativ gyogyaszatban / 2013 Luna MarchRACZ GaborMaca - egy hazankban is nepszeru del-amerikai gyogynoveny Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 156/ HAJDU Zsanett 2013 Luna March

Mikroemulzio komponenseikent alkalmazott feluletaktiv Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 1 An 2013 Vol. 3anyagok elo sejtekre gyakorolt hatasanak vizsgalata kemiai 83szerkezetuk es micellakepzesi tulajdonsaguk alapjan /UJHELYI Z.


Beteg-egyuttmukodes, modszertani kerdesek es hazai Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 1 An 2013 Vol. 13vizsgalatok / DOCZY Veronika 83A magyar gyogyszergazdasagossagi torveny hatasa a patikak Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 1 An 2013 Vol. 28szamara a 2007-2010. kozott / BONCZ Imre 83Development of a new LC method for the identification, Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 229separation and assay of simvastatin and its impurities / 2013DRAGHICI, IoanaPeriodontal chitosan-gels designed for improved local Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 240intra-pocket drug delivery / POPA, Lacramioara 2013Preliminary preformulation studies for a new norfloxacin Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 251ruthenium (III) complex with biological activity / 2013DINU-PIRVU, CristinaLC-MS analysis and antioxidant activity of phenolic Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 262compounds from two indigenous species of Mentha. Note I / 2013BENEDEC, DanielaThe protective effect of mushrooms in experimentally Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 268induced diabetes in mice / MIRCEA, Cornelia 2013Preliminary research regarding the therapeutic use of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 276Urtica dioica L. Note II. The dynamics of accumulation of 2013total phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid / NENCU, IoanaDesign and formulation of buccal mucoadhesive preparation Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 284based on sorbitan monostearate oleogel / DINTE, Elena 2013The synthesis of some new acyl-oximines compounds with Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 298potential pharmacological activity / CIOROIANU, Dana 2013MihaelaExperimental pharmacological model of diabetes induction Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 313with aloxan in rat / NEGRES, Simona 2013An evaluation of the anti-inflammatory potential of some Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 323polyheterocyclic compounds with thiazole rings in acute 2013inflammation models. Part I. Vascular response / MOGOSAN,CristinaFree radical scavenging and in vitro immunomodulatory Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 330activities of endophytic fungi of Ocimum sanctum linn / 2013MADAGUNDI, SmitaComparative study on the immunomodulatory effects exerted Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 344in vitro by low concentrations of organophosphorus 2013compounds on lymphocyte proliferation / BACONI, DanielaEvidence on e-prescribing systems worldwide. First Romanian Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 353results / DRAGANESCU, Doina 2013Topical delivery system of liposomally encapsulated Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 361volatile oil of Anethum graveolens / ORTAN, Alina 2013Comparative morphological studies on some species of the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 371genus Fumaria / PALTINEAN, Ramona 2013Synthesis and structure elucidation of some new Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 378O-acyl-oximino-dibenzo [b,e] thiepines and 2013O-acyl-oximino-dibenzo[b,e] thiepine -5,5-dioxides /STECOZA, Camelia


Effectiveness and safety on salvage therapy on Romanian HIV Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 390infected patients / ARBUNE, Manuela 2013

Comparative pharmacokinetics of rifampicin and 25-desacetyl Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 398rifampicin in healthy volunteers after single oral dose 2013administration / MARCHIDANU, DanielaThe determination of hypolipemiant activity of a new Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 411vegetal natural food suppliment to animals with induced 2013hyperlipemia / RIZEA, Gabriela DenisaAn experimental model to induce metabolic syndrome in rats. Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 An 420The fructose-enriched diet / GHIBU, Steliana 2013Study of Cyclodextrin/Fluoroquinolone Inclusion Complexes Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 107by Capillary Electrophoresis / SZEKELY-SZENTMIKLOSI Nr. 2Blanka; TOKES BelaSzajnyalkahartyan alkalmazhato mukoadheziv filmek. II. Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 69resz. A a mukoadhezio mechanizmusa, a mucin funkcioi. 2013 Luna FebruaryPenetracio a szajnyalkahartyan keresztul, a nyalkahartyabarrier funkcioja / GOTTNEK MIHALYIranytu mukonnyekhez - gyogyszereszeknek / OLAH Gabor Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 77

2013 Luna FebruaryCitosztatikumok kornyezeti kontaminacioja intezeti Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 81gyogyszertarban, kozponti keszitohelyen (osszehasonlito 2013 Luna Februaryvizsgalatok) / ORAS ZsuzsannaFajdalomcsillapitas - a gyogyszereszeti gondozas kiemelt Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 92terulete; elonyok-kockazatok merlegelese a veny nelkul 2013 Luna Februaryalkalmazott fajdalomcsillapitok hasznalatanal / VIOLARekaUjabb lepes a gyogyszereszeti kompetenciak rendezeseben es Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 99fejleszteseben / HANKO Zoltan 2013 Luna FebruaryA polimorfia vizsgalat szerepe a gyogyszerfejlesztesben / Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 17VARKONYINE Schlovicsko Erika 2013 Luna JanuarySzajnyalkahartyan alkalmazhato mukoadheziv filmek I. resz: Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 24A szajnyalkahartya esa nyal anatomiai, elattani attekintese 2013 Luna January/ GOTTNEK MIHALYGyogynoveny-alkalmazas a Bibliatol a mai orvoslasig: a Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 35tomjen / HAZNAGY-RADNAI, Erzsebet; KOMLOS Eva 2013 Luna JanuaryAnno .......... neves magyar gyogyszereszek evforduloi Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 452013-ban / SZMODITS Laszlo 2013 Luna JanuaryA polimorfia vizsgalat szerepe a gyogyszerfejlesztesben / Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 17VARKONYINE Schlovicsko Erika 2013 Luna JanuarySzajnyalkahartyan alkalmazhato mukoadheziv filmek. I. resz. Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 24A szajnyalkahartya es a nyal anatomiai, elettani 2013 Luna Januaryattekintese / GOTTNEK MIHALYGyogynoveny-alkalmazas a Bibliatol a mai orvoslasig: a Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 35tomjen / HAZNAGY-RADNAI, Erzsebet 2013 Luna January

A novel biosensor for acetaminophen detection with Romanian Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 1clays and conductive polymeric films / MAGHEAR, Adela 2013


Phytotoxicity assessment of polyphenolic extracts from Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 12Carum Carvi L. fruits / TRIFAN, Adriana 2013Molecular determinants of solubility in biorelevant fluids Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 20for dibenzothiepine compounds / STECOZA, Camelia 2013Weight loss food suppliments: adulteration and multiple Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 28quality issues in two products of Chinese origin / 2013ANCUCEANU, Robert V.Pharmacokinetic interaction study between lansoprazole with Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 45phenytoin or ciprofloxacin in healthy volunteers / NEAG, 2013MariaEvaluation and modeling of pharmacokinetics of copper ion Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 53during hemodialysis / TUDOSIE, Silviu Mihail 2013Interpenetraining network hydrogel discs of poly(vinyl Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 66alcohol) and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) for controlled release 2013of an antidiabetic drug / KULKARNI, Raghavendra V.Multivariate calibration and modeling of UV-VIS spectra of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 79guest-host complexes for the determination of the 2013enantiomeric ratio of propranolol / IACOB, Bogdan-CezarIn vitro dissolution of poorly soluble drugs in the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 88presence of surface active agents - in vivo 2013pharmacokinetics correlations. II. Nimesulide / MIRCIOIU,IonPhysicochemical interaction of Naproxen with aluminium Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 103hydroxide and its effect on dissolution / PAROHA, Shweta 2013GC-MS analysis of long chain mannofuranose derivatives as Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 116biocompatible surfactant precursors. Correlation between 2013peak intensities and stability of corresponding fragments/ RAFAILA, MadianPreformulation studies using cosolvent systems to increase Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 127the solubility of a new Enrofloxacin ruthenium (III) 2013complex with biological activity / UIVAROSI, ValentinaFloating alginate beads: studies on formulation factors for Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 143improved drug entrapment efficiency and in vitro release / 2013VERMA, AnuragResearches upon indigenous herbal products for therapeutic Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 162valorification in metabolic diseases. Note O. Betulae 2013Folium and Rubi Idaei Folium, sources of micro- andmacroelements / COSTEA, TeodoraEfficacy and tolerability of Tianeptine in depressed Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 170patients with cardiovascular diseases 2013

Physiochemical investigation of low soluble biocompounds Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 182entrapped in lipid carriers / DINU-PIRVU, Cristina 2013Antimicrobial activity investigation of some Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 193thiosemicarbazides and their cyclization products / 2013BANCESCU, Gabriela


Evaluation of the possible endocrine disruptive effect of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 202butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxytoluene and 2013propyl gallate in immature female rats / POP, AncaThe effects of intravenous glutamine supplementation in Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 212severely burned, multiple traumatized patients / 2013CUCEREA-BADICA, IoanaComparative evaluation of methotrexate toxicity as solution Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 An 220for injection and liposomes following a short-term 2013treatment in a murine model of arthritis. Note I.Haematological and biochemical evaluation / BARCA, MariaSimultaneous Determination of Atorvastatin and Amlodipine Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 44in Industrial Tablets by Apparent Content Curve and HPLC Nr. 1Methods / IMRE Silvia; KACSO Klara; MUNTEAN, DanielaLucia



Recuperarea - element cheie pentru imbunatatirea calitatii Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 194vietii pacientilor cu hemipareza spastica ? / MITOIU, 2013Brandusa

On the role of the techniques facilitating motor recovery International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 120/ BOTEZ, C. Dentisty April An 2013Recuperarea medicala prin kinetoterapie a unui pacient cu Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 13lombosciatica si infarct miocardic anterior cu implantare 2013de stent / PATACHIA, M.




Using Abdominal CT Data for Visceral Fat Evaluation / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 254POP, M.; POP, Raluca Nr. 5Assessing the Patient with Abdominal Obesity: Metabolic and Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 257Nutritional Factors / DOGARU, G.; POP, M.; POP, Raluca Nr. 5Imagistica prin rezonanta magnetica (IRM) in evaluarea Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 145preoperatorie a pacientelor cu carcinom endometrial / July An 2013IGNAT, F. L.



Mitochondrial dynamics - mitochondrial fission and fusion New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 23 2236in human diseases / ARCHER, Stephen L. Luna December An

2013Publication of trials funded by the national heart, lung, New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 20 1926and blood institute / GORDON, David Luna November An

2013Valoarea consilierii in practica medicului de familie / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 218DOGARU, Carmen Adriana 2013ASIA or Shoenfeld's Syndrome - An Autoimmune Syndrome Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 131Induced by Adjuvants / COJOCARU, M. Medicine 2013On Communication Analysis and Repair as an Alternative for Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 63Miscommunication / COPOTOIU, Sanda-Maria Nr. 2Hedging in Popular Scientific Articles on Medicine / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 97CSONGOR, Alexandra; REBEK-NAGY, G. Nr. 2Syncope Units in Romania: A Necessity / DAN, Anca Rodica Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 3

Medicine 2013


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Belimumab for systemic lupus erythematosus / HAHN, Bevra New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 16 1528Hannahs Luna October An

2013Modalitati de debut in artrita idiopatica juvenila / DOP, Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 201Dalia 2013Hipercalcemia - o abordare etiopatogenica / PAUN, Diana Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 185Loreta 2013Mecanismele durerii in spondilartroze / SUTA, Maria Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 194

2013Vascosuplimentarea in boala artrozica / BANCIU, Mioara Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 199

2013Tendinta la somatizare la pacientii cu umar dureros Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 203atraumatic / ALBINA, Sandica 2013Tulburari de ritm cardiac in cursul puls-terapiei cu Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 210metilprednisolon din artrita reumatoida / MATEI, Luminita 2013Afercatrea articulara in bolile inflamatorii intestinale / Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 216MARIAN, Loredana 2013The pattern of lupus erythematosus patients admitted in the Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 223intensive care units / COPOTOIU, Monica; MORAR, Anicuta 2013Dificultati de diagnostic si tratament in cazul pacientilor Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 227cu pyoderma gangrenosum - discutii pe marginea unei serii 2013de cazuri / MILICESCU, MihaelaComparative evaluation of methotrexate toxicity as solution Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 939for injection and liposomes following a short-term 2013treatment in a murine model of arthritis: Note II.Histopathological changes / BARCA, MonicaEfficacy and safety of ustekinumab in patients with active Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 780psoriatic arthritis: 1 year results of the phase 3, Luna August An 2013multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled PSUMMIT 1trial / Mc INNES, Iain B.Clinical aspects of autoimmune rheumatic diseases: series Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 797/ GOLDBLATT, Fiona Luna August An 2013Systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune rheumatic Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 809diseases: challenges to treatment / MURPHY, Grainne Luna August An 2013Immunopathogenic mechanisms of systemic autoimmune disease: Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 819series / WAHREN-HERLENIUS, Marie Luna August An 2013Actualitati in etiopatogenia artrozelor / MAN, Gabriela Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 123Simona 2013


Terapii curente si directii de cercetare in tratamentul Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 121osteoporozei / PAUN, Diana Loreta 2013

Riscul cardiovascular la bolnavii cu poliartrita reumatoida Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 129si boala parodontala / CROITORU, Alexandru G. 2013Eficacitatea clinica sustinuta dupa terapia cu Rituximab in Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 137cure multiple la pacienti cu artrita reumatoida activa si 2013raspuns inadecvat la tratamentul cu inhibitori aifactorului de necroza tumorala / CODREANU, C.Semnificatia anticorpilor anti-CCP in alte boli reumatice Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 144inflamatoare - studiu transversal / POPESCU, Claudiu 2013Hipertensiunea arteriala pulmonara din scleroza sistemica, Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 150o provocare permanenta in practica clinica / GROSEANU, 2013LauraEvolutia nivelului seric al anticorpilor anti-peptide Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 160citrulinate la pacientii cu poliartrita reumatoida - un 2013studiu longitudinal / MIHAI, CarinaBoala Behcet la intersectia specialitatilor medicale - Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 167prezentare de caz clinic / SIRBU, Any 2013Artrita tuberculoasa a genunchiului - o complicatie rara Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 174survenind la o pacienta cu lupus eritematos sistemic / 2013SOARE, AlinaThe Significance of Rheumatoid Factor and anti-Cyclic Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 179Citrullinated peptide Antibodies in Systemic Lupus Medicine 2013Erythematosus / POPESCU, C.Imunogenicitatea agentilor biologici - o cauza importanta a Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 61pierderii raspunsului terapeutic in bolile inflamatoare / 2013MAZILU, DianaImplicatiile infectiei parodontale la pacientii cu Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 69poliartrita reumatoida / CROITORU, Alexandru G. 2013Aspecte morfologice si histologice ale tesutului osos in Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 74implanturile ortopedice / ANGHELINA, Ane Mary 2013Alegerea tratamentului antiinflamator in artroza - Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 79recomandarile ghidurilor internationale / BALANESCU, 2013AndraStatusul vitaminei D si corelatii clinico-biologice la un Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 84lot de pacienti cu scleroza sistemica / GROSEANU, Laura 2013Factori predictivi pentru deces in scleroderma sistemica: Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 91un studiu longitudinal / SOARE, Alina 2013Evaluarea nevoilor educationale ale pacientilor cu Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 98poliartrita reumatoida folosind o versiune in limba romana 2013a chestionarului de evaluare a nevoilor educationale(RoENAT) / DRAGOI, Razvan GabrielEvaluarea ultrasonografica a mainii in artropatia Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 103psoriazica / MIU, Smaranda 2013Optimizarea tratamentului in poliartrita reumatoida / Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 108TRANDAFIR, Marius 2013Genetic Differences between Patients with Rheumatoid Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 89Arthritis / COJOCARU, M. Medicine 2013


Maintenance, reduction, or withdrawal of etanercept after Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9870 918treatment with etanercept and methotrexate in patients with Luna March An 2013moderate rheumatoid arthritis (PRESERVE): a randomisedcontrolled trial / SMOLEN, Josef S.Aspecte patogenice ale afectarii esofagiene in sclerodermie Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 5- o calatorie in timp / GORGA, Marilena 2013Strategii terapeutice in nefropatia lupica / CARABA, A. Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 14

2013Atitudinea pacientului fata de boala cronica / PARVU, Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 26Mirela 2013Actualitati in genetica osteoporozei / BACULESCU, Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 30Nicoleta 2013Evaluarea osoasa si diabetul zaharat tip 2 la femeile in Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 37menopauza / CARSOTE, Mara 2013Examenul capilaroscopic la pacientii cu fenomen Raynaud de Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 42cauza necunoscuta / DOBROTA, Rucsandra 2013Corticoterapia nesupravegheata in lupusul eritematos Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 49sistemic - discutii pe marginea unui caz clinic / 2013SAULESCU, IoanaMacrophage Activation Syndrome in Rheumatic Disorders / Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 19COJOCARU, M. Medicine 2013Evaluation of serum hepcidin variation in patients with Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 17rheumatoid arthritis according to anemia profile and its Laborator March An 2013.correlation with disease activity / SABAU, AdrianaPolimialgie reumatica: seminar / KERMANI, Tanaz A. Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9860 63

Luna January An201



Somatic CALR mutations in mieloproliferative neoplasms with New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 25 2391nonmutated JAK2 / NANGALIA, J. Luna December An

2013Low-intensity therapy in adults with Burkitt's lymphoma / New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 20 1915DUNLEAVY, Kieron Luna November An

2013Autologous transplantation as consolodation for agrressive New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 18 1681non-Hodgkin's lymphoma / STIFF, Patrick J. Luna October An



Increased survival in pancreatic cancer with nab-paclitaxel New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 18 1691plus gemcitabine / DANIEL D. VON HOFF Luna October An

2013Impactul prostatectomiei radicale asupra calitatii vietii Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 272pacientilor cu cancer de prostata / AURELIAN, Justin 20132 years versus 1 year of adjuvant trastuzumab for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9897 1021HER2-positive breast cancer (HERA): an open-label. Luna September Anrandomised controlled trial / GOLDHIRSCH, Aron 2013Gastrointestinal stromal tumour: seminar / JOENSUU, Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9896 973Heikki Luna September An

2013Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer : seminar / Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9895 889CROSBIE, Emma J. Luna September An

2013Management of non-small-cell lung cancer: recent Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 709developments / RECK, Martin Luna August An 2013Genetics and biomarkers in personalisation of lung cancer Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 720treatment / ROSELL, Rafael Luna August An 2013Prospects for population screening and diagnosis of lung Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 732cancer / FIELD, John K. Luna August An 2013Glomangiopericitomul, tumora rara rinosinusala - prezentare Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 190de caz / OSIAC, Elena 2013Do Antioxidants Prevent Colorectal Cancer? A Meta-Analysis Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 152/ PAIS, Raluca Medicine 2013Aspects of Renal Function in Patients with Colorectal Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 164Cancer in a Gastroenterology Clinic of a County Hospital in Medicine 2013Western Romania / VELCIOV, SilviaConsideratii actuale privind diagnosticul si tratamentul Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 129neoplaziei intraepiteliale cervicale. O abordare din July An 2013punctul de vedere al clinicianului / ROTAR, IoanaConcordanta diagnosticului preoperator cu rezultatele Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 167anatomo-patologice in displaziile colului uterin / July An 2013MURESAN, D.Potencialis antitumor hatasu FGFR inhibitorok fejlesztese Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 2 An 2013 Vol. 47/ ZSAKAI Lilian 83The New Changes in the 7th AJCC/UICC Staging System of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 165Gastric Carcinomas / BOC, Lacrima; BRINZANIUC, Klara; Nr. 3CORNISEL, S. I.; DENES Lorand; GURZU, Simona; HALMACIU,Ioana; SUCIU, B. A.A new income in pediatric pathology: International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 135gastroentero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. II: Dentisty April An 2013Carcinoid tumors / DIACONESCU, SmarandaRolul p53 in diagnosticul, prognosticul si tratamentul Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 103cancerului pulmonar / DRAGOMIR, Antonella 2013


The role of the sialic acid in monitoring the evolution of Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 179malignant melanoma. From murine models to human research / Laborator June An 2013.LAZESCU, Andreea Veronica D.

Effects of folic acid supplementation on overall and Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9871 1029site-specific cancer incidence during the randomised Luna March An 2013trials: meta-analyses of data on 50000 individuals /VOLLSET, Stein EmilControversies in primary treatment of low-risk papillary Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9871 1046thyroid cancer / McLEOD, Donald S.A. Luna March An 2013Progress in molecular-based management of differentiated Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9871 1058thyroid cancer / XING, Mingzhao Luna March An 2013Long-term effects of continuing adjuvant tamoxifen to 10 Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9869 805years versus stopping at 5 years after diagnosis of Luna March An 2013oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer: ATLAS, arandomised trial / DAVIES, ChristinaWhy do GDPs fail to recognise oral cancer? The argument for British Dental Journal Vol. 214 Nr. 5 223an oral cancer checklist / DAVE, B. Luna March An

2013The Superiority of the Micrographic Surgery Technique in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 64the Surgical Treatment of Facial Basal Cell Carcinomas / Nr. 2BAICAN, Corina; COSGAREA, Rodica; HARCEAGA, O.Long-term functional outcomes after treatment for localized New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 5 Luna 437prostate cancer / RESNICK, Matthew J. February An 2013Oesophageal cancer: seminar / PENNATHUR, Arjun Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9864 401

Luna February An2013

Regorafenib monotherapy for previously treated metastatic Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9863 303colorectal cancer (CORRECT): an international, multicentre, Luna January Anrandomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial / GROTHEY, 2013AxelLocal surgical treatment with curative intent in rectal Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 13cancer / MIREA, C.S.; VILCEA, I.D. Luna

January-February An2013

Particularities of diagnosis and treatment in synchronus Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 43colorectal cancers (SCC) / SAVLOVSCHI, C. Luna

January-February An2013

Atypical hepatic resection technique for hepatocellular Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 51carcinoma using radiofrequency HabibTM 4X device / LunaLUPASCU, C; VLAD. N. January-February An

2013Peroperative detection with a gamma probe of pelvic Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 126metastasis after differentiated tyroid carcinoma in female Lunapatients: about two cases and management reflections / January-February AnGUIGARD, S.; PIRVU, A. 2013


A rare case of lung tumor - pulmonary inflammatory Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 30pseudotumor / TOMA, Claudia 2013Cancer ovarian si mamar sincron. Prezentare de caz si Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 65review al literaturii / KOCSIS, Alexandra January An 2013Guidelines for the Planning and Delivery of High-Precision Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Vol. 19 Nr. 1 An 5Conformal Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer / CHIRiCUTA, Ion Oncology 2013Dose-Dense Chemoterapy in Advanced Ovarian Cancer: Old Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Vol. 19 Nr. 1 An 11Idea, New Perspectives / MANOLESCU, Vlad Al. Oncology 2013Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy Associated to Concurrent Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Vol. 19 Nr. 1 An 17Radio-chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: a Oncology 2013Feasibility Study of the Institute of Oncology "Prof. Dr.Ion Chiricuta" / MARITA, AndreeaPeculiarities of Palliative Care Team Occupational Stress Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Vol. 19 Nr. 1 An 23/ RAHNEA NITA, Gabriela Oncology 2013Anthracycline-Induced Cardiotoxicity: a Case Presentation Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Vol. 19 Nr. 1 An 28and Literature Review / PRUTEANU, Doina P. Oncology 2013Complete Pain-Control with Methadone and Ketamine in Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Vol. 19 Nr. 1 An 32Intractable Neuropathic Severe Pain. A case report and Oncology 2013review of literature / ROSIU, ArianaResection of Solitary Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients: Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Vol. 19 Nr. 1 An 35a Case Report / MATEI, Ramona Oncology 2013Dificultati de diagnostic si de tratament in tumorile Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 1 An 43intramedulare / SERBAN, Daniel 2013



Risk stratification at diagnosis for children with Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9908 1889hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: an analysis of data from the Luna December AnPediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry / LIPSHULTZ,Steven E. 2013Global maternal, newborn, and child health - so near and New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 23 2226yet so far : global health / BHUTTA, Zulfiqar A. Luna December An

2013Early-time antiretroviral therapy versus deferred therapy Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9904 1555in South African infants infected with HIV: results from Luna November Anthe children with HIV early antiretroviral (CHER) 2013randomised trial / COTTON, Mark F.IgE - mediated food allergy in children : review / LONGO, Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9905 1656Giorgio Luna November An



Clinical Features and Echocardiographic Findings in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 285Children with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy / BENEDEK Imre; Nr. 6BENEDEK Theodora; BLESNEAC, Cristina; TOGANEL, RodicaEvaluation of Anthropometric and Biochemical Status in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 293Children with Nutritional Deficiency / BAGHIU, Maria Nr. 6Despina; CHINCESAN, Mihaela-Ioana; MAN, Adrian; MAN, Lidia;MARGINEAN, Oana; PITEA, Ana Maria

Risedronate in children with osteogenesis imperfecta: a Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9902 1425randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial / Luna October -BISHOP, Nick November An 201Health care of children with spina bifida / NICULESCU, Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 205Carmen-Elena 2013Rezultate si factori de prognostic in corectia Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 244hipospadiasului prin tehnica TIP - SNODGRASS / NICULESCU, 2013LauraValproate induced subclinical hypothyroidism in children Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 183with epilepsy / TELEANU, Raluca 2013 Luna OctoberModern therapeutic approaches in food allergy / ALEXOAE, Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 334Monica 2013Genetic factors of sepsis in children / BUZINSCHI, Sorin Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 338

2013Informed consent in pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 345DIACONESCU, Smaranda 2013Nonorganic pain and visceral hyperalgesia in childhood / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 350IONIUC, Ileana 2013Vaccination against the HPV - possible primary prevention Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 355for neoplasia / IOAN, Raluca Gabriela 2013Newborn screening for rare diseases in the North-Eas part Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 358of Romania: results of the newborn screening program 20132009-2012 / ANTON-PADURARU, Dana TeodoraEfficiency of oxygen therapy by head box for acute Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 362respiratory failure in infants / BADIU TISA, Ioana 2013Diagnostic and evolutionary aspects of intraventricular Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 367hemorrhage in preterm infants / BOIA, Mariana 2013Marshall syndrome (PFAPA). Experience of Pediatric Clinic Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 372from Sibiu / IOAN, Iurian Sorin 2013The significance of cytolysis syndrome in children / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 376TRANDAFIR, Laura Mihaela 2013Peri-intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants: the Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 382importance of screening by transfontanellar ultrasound / 2013RITIVOIU, Mirela ElenaAcute calculous cholecystitis with gallbladder perforation Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 388in children - case report / STRATICIUC CIONGRADI, Iulia 2013Abordari terapeutice moderne in alergia alimentara / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 392ALEXOAE, Monica 2013The unfinished agenda in child survival: review / BRYCE, Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9897 1049Jennifer Luna September An


2013Nutrition-sensitive interventions and programmes: how can Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9891 536they help to accelerate progress in improving maternal and Luna August An 2013child nutrition? / RUEL, Marie T.Maternal and child undernutrition and overweight in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9890 427low-income and middle-income countries / BLACK, Robert Luna July An 2013E.; VICTORA, Cesar G.Evidence-based interventions for improvement of maternal Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9890 452and child nutrition: what can be done and what cost? / Luna July An 2013BHUTTA, Zulfiqar A.Oronasopharyngeal suction versus wiping of the mouth and Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9889 327nose at birth: a randomised equivalency trial / KELLEHER, Luna July An 2013JohnBurden and aetiology of diarrhoel disease in infants and Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9888 209young children in developing countries (the Global Enteric Luna July An 2013Multicenter Study, GEMS): a prospective, case-control study/ KOTLOFF, Karen L.Ganglioneuroblastom toracic - abord multidisciplinar / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 199PATRANCUS, Toli 2013Subcortical band heterotopia syndrome in children - Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 152comparison of two case reports / NITA, Smaranda 2013 Luna JulyThe role of eNOS and AGT gene polymorphisms in secondary Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 267pulmonary arterial hypertension in Romanian children with Laborator September An 2013.congenital heart disease / BANESCU, Claudia; DUICU,Carmen; FAGARASAN, Amalia; GOZAR, Liliana; MUNTEAN,Iolanda; TOGANEL, RodicaGenitourinary tuberculosis in children - a diagnostic Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 301challenge / BANESCU, Claudia; DUICU, Carmen; KISS Eva; Laborator September An 2013.LORINCZI Lilla; MARGINEAN, OanaManagementul endoscopic al hemoragiilor digestive la copil Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 217/ GIMIGA, Nicoleta 2013Hipertensiunea portala la copil / STRATICIUC CIONGRADI, Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 228Iulia 2013Anafilaxia la copil / GOTIA, Stela Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 236

2013Manifestari articulare in bolile inflamatorii intestinale Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 249la copil / IGNAT, Ancuta 2013Diagnostic si management in constipatia cronica la copil / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 260OLARU, Claudia 2013Aspecte clinico-evolutive sub tratament in alergia Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 266alimentara IgE-mediata la sugar si copilul mic / ALEXOAE, 2013MonicaUn scor prognostic util in gastroenterita acuta cu Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 275rotavirus la copil / HALITCHI ILIESCU, Codruta 2013Studiu descriptiv privind nivelurile serice ale unor Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 284markeri inflamatori la copii cu tulburari nutritionale si 2013sindroame clinice de infectie / BAGHIU, Maria Despina;MAN, Lidia; MARGINEAN, Oana; PITEA, Ana Maria


Dislipidemia si adipokinele inflamatorii la un lot de copii Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 291cu status nutritional modificat / BAGHIU, Maria Despina; 2013MAN, Lidia; MARGINEAN, Oana; PITEA, Ana MariaIntoxicatia acuta grava cu propafenona - abordare Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 298diagnostica si terapeutica / VIVISENCO, Cristina Iolanda 2013Boala Bruton - prezentare de caz si comentarii din Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 306literatura / NUTA, Costin 2013

Sindrom adrenogenital la nou-nascut / MURGU, Alina Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 3132013

Sindromul antifosfolipidic - cauza rara de stroke la copil Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 322/ TELEANU, Raluca 2013Anemia la sugar si copilul pana la 2 ani / ARDELEANU, Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 178Ioana Sonia 2013Acute poisoning with cardiotropic agents in children - Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 183clinical and paraclinical features / VIVISENCO, Cristina 2013IolandaEffect of provision of daily zinc and iron with several Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9886 29micronutrients on growth and morbidity among young children Luna July An 2013in Pakistan: a cluster-randomised trial / SOOFI, SajidEffects of botulinum toxin-type A in the treatment of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 748cerebral palsy in children / DINU, Iuliana Stefania 2013Gentamicin, infections, and acute tubular necrosis in Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 772children / BALGRADEAN, Mihaela 2013Development of consumption of medicines in two pediatric Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 800hospitals in Bucharest during economic and financial 2013recession in 2009 and 2010 / SOROCEANU, ValentinaEfficacy, safety, and immunology of an inactivated Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9882 2025alum-adjuvant enterovirus 71 vaccine in children in China: Luna June An 2013a multicentre, randomised, double-blind,placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial / ZHU, Feng-CaiParticularities of Sleep Habits in School Children from Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 144Tirgu Mures / BAGHIU, Maria Despina; NEAGOS, Adriana; Nr. 3SOLYOM RekaPulmonary Tuberculosis Wheezing in Early Childhood / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 151BOBARNAC, Ana; BULUCEA, D.; DINESCU, Venera; DUMITRA, G. Nr. 3Heterozygous Beta-thalassemia, a Genetic Haemolytic Anaemia Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 154in Continuous Expansion / BULUCEA, D.; CONSTANTINESCU, Nr. 3Dorina; FRECUS, Corina; SEICARU, D.Global and regional burden of hospital admissions for Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9875 1381severe acute lower respiratory infections in young children Luna April An 2013in 2010: a systematic analysis / NAIR, HarishGlobal burden of childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea : series Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9875 1405/ WALKER, Christa L. Fischer Luna April An 2013Interventions to address deaths from childhood pneumonia Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9875 1417and diarrhoea equitably: what works and at what cost? / Luna April An 2013BHUTTA, Zulfiqar A.


A new income in pediatric pathology: International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 135gastroentero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Dentisty April An 2013Carcinoid tumors / DIACONESCU, SmarandaSindromul ataxie-telangiectazie. Cazuri clinice in Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 82Programul National pentru Imunodeficiente/ IOMC / 2013GHERGHINA,. I; NUTA, C.Primary Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Children and Adults: Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 92New Aspects for Diagnosis / BORDEA, M. A. Medicine 2013

Immunogenicity and safety of an investigational Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9869 825multicomponent, recombinant, meningococcal serogroup B Luna March An 2013vaccine (4CMenB) administered concomitantly with routineinfant and child vaccinations: results of two randomisedtrials / VESIKARI, TimoNutritional Approach of Pediatric Patients Diagnosed with Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 121Congenital Heart Disease / TOGANEL, Rodica Nr. 2Brain dopamine-serotonin vesicular transport disease and New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 543its treatment : brief report / RILSTONE, Jennifer J. February An 2013Global paediatric advanced life-support: improving child Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9862 256survival in limited-resource settings / RALSTON, Mark E. Luna January An

2013Risk stratification and consecutive prognosis progresses in Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 107childhood Wilms tumors : two cases report / DIACONESCU, S Luna

January-February An2013

Use of minimally invasive (percutaneous) Fassier-Duval Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 120telescopic rod on an 8 year old patient with lobstein Lunadisease / BALANESCU, R.; ULICI, Al. January-February An

2013Influenta dietei fara fenilalanina asupra dezvoltarii Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 5neuropsihice in fenilcetonurie / ANTON-PADURARU, Dana 2013TeodoraAbordarea psihosomatica a bolilor digestive la copil / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 11CIUBARA, Ana Maria 2013Factori care influenteaza deficitul de calciu la copil si Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 22adolescent / CIRDEIU, E. 2013Astmul bronsic la adolescent / IONIUC, Ileana Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 27

2013Modele de luare a deciziilor in pediatrie - partea I / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 35MOISA, Stefana Maria 2013Tratamentul deshidratarii acute la copilul cu Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 43gastroenterita / CRAIU, M. 2013Corpii straini traheobronsici la copil - aspecte Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 58diagnostice si terapeutice / ANGHELINA, Liliana 2013Consideratii privind particularitati ale perceptiei bolii Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 64si mortii la rromi / DUMITRAS, Silvia 2013Beneficiul acidului ursodeoxicolic in steatoza hepatica Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 74


non-alcoolica la copil / FRASINARU, OTILIA E. 2013Cristaluriile toxice - prevalenta in intoxicatiile acute la Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 83copil / NITESCU, Viorela Gabriela 2013Crizele epileptice la copiii cu sindrom Down / DIACONU, Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 92Georgeta 2013Reflux vezico-ureteral primar semnalat antenatal cu Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 100evolutie particulara / RUSSU ,R 2013Congenital Malformations of the Renourinary System - Risk Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 3Factors for the Development of Urinary Tract Infections, a Nr. 1Screening That is Required to Be performed / MARGINEAN,OanaResearch Concerning the Correlations Between Urinary Tract Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 28Infections and Congenital Malformations of the Renourinary Nr. 1System / MOREH Zsuzsanna; VOICU, Lucia-SandaHousehold Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Risk of Allergic Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 36Sensitization Among Children with Asthma / BAGHIU, Maria Nr. 1Despina; CAPILNA, Brandusa



Physical and cognitive functioning of people older than 90 Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9903 1507years: a comparison of two Danish cohorts born 10 years Luna November Anapart / CHRISTENSEN, Kaare 2013Linagliptin for patients aged 70 years or older with type 2 Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9902 1413diabetes inadequately controlled with common antidiabetes Luna October -treatments: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled November An 201trial / BARNNETT, Anthony H.Individualized treatment targets for elderly patients with Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9890 409type 2 diabetes using vildagliptin add-on or lone therapy Luna July An 2013(INTERVAL): a 24 week, randomised, double-blind,placebo-controlled study / STRAIN, David W.Exercise for depression in elderly residents of care homes: Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9886 41a cluster-randomised controlled trial / UNDERWOOD, Martin Luna July An 2013Geriatrics - multidisciplinary collaboration - an International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 117imperative / GHIURU, Rodica Dentisty April An 2013Idosek gyogyszerelese: kockazatot jelento hatoanyagok / Gyogyszereszet Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 131BOR Andrea 2013 Luna March

Frailty in elderly people: seminar / CLEGG, Andrew Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9868 752Luna February An2013

Invarstnicirea din perspectiva medicala / BUSOI, Grigore Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 5


2013Video capture of the circumstances of falls in elderly Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9860 47people residing in long-term care: an observational study Luna January An/ ROBINOVITCH, Stephen N. 2013



Deficiency of innate and acquired immunity caused by an New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 26 2504IKBKB mutation / PANNICKE, Ulrich Luna December An

2013IgE - mediated food allergy in children : review / LONGO, Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9905 1656Giorgio Luna November An

2013Modern therapeutic approaches in food allergy / ALEXOAE, Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 334Monica 2013Abordari terapeutice moderne in alergia alimentara / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 392ALEXOAE, Monica 2013Aspecte genetice si imunopatogenice comune psoriazisului si Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 138aterosclerozei / POPA, Liliana 2013Factori de risc, prioritati si perspective in bolile Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 147alergice si respiratorii cronice / LERU, Polliana Mihaela 2013Aspecte particulare in bolile autoimune tiroidiene / Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 173PAUN, Diana Loreta 2013Urticaria - An Allergologic, Dermatologic or Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 125Multidisciplinary Disease ? / LERU, Poliana Medicine 2013Sindromul ataxie-telangiectazie. Cazuri clinice in Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 82Programul National pentru Imunodeficiente/ IOMC / 2013GHERGHINA,. I; NUTA, C.Primary Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Children and Adults: Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 92New Aspects for Diagnosis / BORDEA, M. A. Medicine 2013Innate immunity in surgical patients / LACATUS, M. Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 18

LunaJanuary-February An2013

Distructia melanocitara mediata imunologic - autoimunitate, Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 40autoinflamatie, imunitate antitumorala. Partea I - 2013Introducere, structura si functia sistemului imuntegumentar / NEDELCU, R. I.


Distructia melanocitara mediata imunologic - autoimunitate, Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 46autoinflamatie, imunitate antitumorala. Partea II - 2013raspunsuri imune indreptate impotriva melanocitelor /NEDELCU, R. I.



Genetics and biomarkers in personalisation of lung cancer Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 720treatment / ROSELL, Rafael Luna August An 2013Use of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol gene score to Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9874 1293distinguish patients with polygenic and monogenic familial Luna April An 2013hypercholesterolaemia: a case-control study / TALMUD,Philippa J.Everolimus for angiomyolipoma associated with tuberous Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9869 817sclerosis complex or sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis Luna March An 2013(EXIST-2): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind,placebo-controlled trial / BISSLER, John J.Genetic associations with valvular calcification and aortic New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 503stenosis / THANASSOULIS, George February An 2013Noonan syndrome: seminar / ROBERTS, Amy E. Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9863 333

Luna January An2013

Efficacy and safety of everolimus for subependymal giant Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9861 125cell astrocytomas associated with tuberous aclerosis Luna January Ancomplex (EXIST-1): a multicentre, randomised, 2013placebo-controled phase 3 trial / FRANZ, Neal DavidEfficacy and safety of a microsomal triglyceride transfer Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9860 40protein inhibitor in patients with homozygous familial Luna January Anhypercholesterolaemia: a single-arm, open-label, phase 3 2013study / CUCHEL, MarinaDeficiency of innate and acquired immunity caused by an New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 26 2504IKBKB mutation / PANNICKE, Ulrich Luna December An

2013Aspecte genetice si imunopatogenice comune psoriazisului si Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 138aterosclerozei / POPA, Liliana 2013


Prenatal diagnosis of 21 trisomy by quantification of Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 275methylated fetal DNA in maternal blood: study on 10 Laborator September An 2013.pregnancies / GORDUZA, E. V.Variatia genetica T344C-CYP11B2 - factor de risc in Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 151preeclampsie / PROCOPCIUC, Lucia Maria July An 2013Heterozygous Beta-thalassemia, a Genetic Haemolytic Anaemia Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 154in Continuous Expansion / BULUCEA, D.; CONSTANTINESCU, Nr. 3Dorina; FRECUS, Corina; SEICARU, D.Genetic Polymorphism TNFalfa -308g>A and Ischemic Stroke in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 75Northern Romania / CATANA, Andreea; PETRISOR, Felicia M.; Nr. 2POP, I.V.; POPP, R. A.; POROJAN, MihaiActualitati in genetica osteoporozei / BACULESCU, Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 30Nicoleta 2013



Prenatal diagnosis of 21 trisomy by quantification of Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 275methylated fetal DNA in maternal blood: study on 10 Laborator September An 2013.pregnancies / GORDUZA, E. V.Eosinophil activation markers in clonal and non-clonal Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 311eosinophilia / ANGELESCU, Silvana Laborator September An 2013.Rai stage-related changes within T/NK cell populations from Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 321B-CLL patients / GRIGORE, Georgiana Laborator September An 2013.Determining hemoglobin reference values in children and Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 39teenagers from Sibiu area / TOTAN, Maria Laborator March An 2013.



Circulatory shock : review article / VINCENT, Jean-Louis New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 18 1726Luna October An2013


Experienta personala in interpretarea raspunsurilor Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 195declansate la stimularea nervoasa periferica in blocul 2013integral al membrului inferior / PRICOP, MihaelaTransfusion-related acute lung injury: a clinical review / Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9896 985VLAAR, Alexander P. J. Luna September An

2013Genetics of Pain / CHIOREAN, M. I.; CHIOREAN, M. A. Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 231

Nr. 4Oportunitatea administrarii dozelor substitutive de Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 2 An 74cortizon la pacientii cu soc septic / MIREA, Liliana 2013How safe is the administration of hydrocortizone in Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 2 An 89patients with septic shock? / MIREA, Liliana 2013

Optimisation of energy provision with supplemental Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9864 385parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients: a Luna February Anrandomised controlled clinical trial / HEIDEGGER, Claudia 2013Paula



Preexisting neurologic disorders triggered by anesthesia? Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 148/ BURAGA, Ioana 2013 Luna JulyVariabilitatea potentialelor evocate vizuale in anestezia Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 2 An 96cu sevofluran / GHITA, Mihai 2013



Updates of the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system / International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 188MARANDUCA, Minela Aida Dentisty July An 2013The New Changes in the 7th AJCC/UICC Staging System of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 165Gastric Carcinomas / BOC, Lacrima; BRINZANIUC, Klara; Nr. 3CORNISEL, S. I.; DENES Lorand; GURZU, Simona; HALMACIU,Ioana; SUCIU, B. A.


Basaloid Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Gingiva: a New Case International Journal of Oral - Vol. 8 Nr. 1 Luna 236Report with Immunohistochemical Study / SUN, Yan Medical Sciences (IJOMS) September An 2009Preliminary Results on Clinico-pathological and Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 201Immunohistochemical Features of Malignant Melanomas / Nr. 4CIORTEA, Carmen Diana; GURZU, Simona; JUNG, I.; ZDROB,Simona MariaHerlant's Tetrachrome Staining, a Useful Tool for Pituitary Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 209Adenoma Diagnosis / BORDA, Angela; CHINEZU, Laura; Nr. 4LOGHIN, Andrada; TROUILLAS, JacquelineEvaluation of the gametotoxic effect of nandrolone Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 171decanoate on the gametogenic function of male rabbit / Laborator June An 2013.POP, Raul Al.



Rolul hipoxiei in dezvoltarea de anomalii ale aparatului Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 1 An 32dento-maxilar / CRISTESCU, Cristina Daniela 2013



Safety and efficacy of drug-eluting stents in women: a Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9908 1879patient-level pooled analysis of randomised trials / Luna December AnSTEFANINI, Giulio G. 2013Comparison of global estimates of prevalence and risk Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9901 1329factors for peripheral artery disease in 2000 and 2010: a Luna October Ansystematic review and analysis / FOWKES. Gerald F.R. 2013Investigation of patients' adherence to Angiotensin II Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 323Receptor Blockers drug treatment for hypertensive patients 2013in primary medical care (I ADHERE) / GHERASIM, Daniel


The study of vascular reactivity in the ascending aorta Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 332after aortic coarctation corrective surgery / GHIORGHIU, Ioana 2013

Almanac 2013: acute coronary syndromes / MEIER, Pascal Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 3392013

Almanac 2013: heart failure / CLARK, Andrew L. Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 3482013

Almanac 2013: cardiac arrhythmias and pacing - an editorial Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 354overview of selected research that has driven recent 2013advances in clinical cardiology / LIEW, ReginaldSurprising awakening of a sleeping heart / SCRIDON, Alina Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 376

2013Endovascular treatment in a case of transplant renal artery Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 381stenosis / BUCSA, Adrian 2013

Complex cardiac malformation in a young pregnant woman / Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 384NASTASE, Oana 2013Ultrasound imaging of a bilateral carotid body Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 387paraganglioma / DARABONT, Roxana 2013Asocierile medicamentoase in tratamentul hipertensiunii Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 176arteriale / POPESCU, Livia 2013Acidul uric - intre antioxidant si prooxidant / DUSCEAC, Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 180D. 2013Rolul aportului sodat, al natriurezei si al sensibilitatii Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 4 An 223la sare in etiopatogenia hipertensiunii arteriale esentiale 2013/ LUPUSORU, MirceaRolul factorilor de risc cardiovascular in aparitia Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 4 An 234procesului de ateroscleroza subclinica la pacientii 2013hipertensivi / BEJAN, Gabriel CristianTulburari de ritm cardiac in cursul puls-terapiei cu Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 210metilprednisolon din artrita reumatoida / MATEI, Luminita 2013Corelatii clinice dintre afectiunile vasculare retiniene si Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 33afectiunile cardiovasculare la pacientii cu ateromatoza 2013sistemica / STEFANESCU-DIMA, AlinAssessment of age-related cardiovascular disease using Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 931redox stress markers / BACANU, Claudia 2013Platelet reactivity and clinical outcomes after coronary Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9892 614artery implantation of drug-eluting stents (ADAPT-DES): a Luna August An 2013prospective multicentre registry study / STONE, Gregg W.What is the optimum adjunctive reperfusion strategy for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9892 633primary percutaneous coronary intervention? / CURZEN, Luna August An 2013NicholasRisk of venous thromboembolism associated with peripherally Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9889 311inserted central catheters; a systematic review and Luna July An 2013meta-analysis / CHOPRA, VineetChronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk: Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9889 339epidemiology, mechanisms, and prevention / GANSEVOORT, Luna July An 2013Ron T.


Particularities of the invasive treatment of the acute Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 3 An 209coronary syndromes in patients with renal transplant /BUCSA, Cristina 2013

Championing cardiovascular health innovation in Europe / Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 3 An 215KOMAJDA, Michel 2013The ambulatory blood pressure measurement (A.B.P.M.) role Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 3 An 228in the "masked hypertension" diagnosis / IONESCU, Meda 2013Cardiac amyloidosis - a "textbook case". Case presentation Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 3 An 232and review of the literature / JALBA, Maria 2013Role of 3D echocardiography in the assessment of atrial Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 3 An 239septal defect / MATEESCU, Anca 2013Ghidul ESC de diagnostic si tratament al insuficientei Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 3 An 245cardiace acute si cronice 2012 / SOCIETATEA EUROPEANA DE 2013CARDIOLOGIEHipertensiunea arteriala - Romania 2011. Cum stam / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 114NEGOESCU, R. 2013Posibile efecte favorabile ale ventilatiei non-invazive in Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 118diminuarea riscului cardiovascular / TIGLEA, Isabela 2013Efectele Allopurinolului in doze mari asupra acidului uric Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 128seric si functiei cardiace in insuficienta cardiaca / 2013USCOIU, GabrielaThe efficiency of metoprolol tartrate in the treatment of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 713pure arterial hypertension at patients with coronary artery 2013disease and the risk factors associated / COZLEA,Laurentiu; COZLEA, Daniel Laurentiu; DOGARU, Grigore;FARCAS, Dan Mircea; KERESZTESI Arthur Attila; TIFREA,Ramona; VARI, Camil E.Hipertensiunea portala la copil / STRATICIUC CIONGRADI, Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 228Iulia 2013The impact of hypertension and associated comorbidities on Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 An 503quality of life assessment questionnaire SF-36 V2 / 2013SUCIU, LianaUse of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol gene score to Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9874 1293distinguish patients with polygenic and monogenic familial Luna April An 2013hypercholesterolaemia: a case-control study / TALMUD,Philippa J.Indicele de pulsatilitate al arterelor carotide. Predictor Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 72de risc vascular crescut la pacientii cu sindrom metabolic 2013/ POPESCU, Monica; TIGLEA, IsabelaCealalta fata a heparinei.... Trombocitopenia indusa de Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 90heparina / BARTOS, Daniela; DARABAN, Ana Maria 2013Contributions of ENDOBACT multicentric study to the Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 197infective endocarditis etiology in Romania / OPREA, Laborator June An 2013.Mihaela"Don't Worry, Be Happy" - May Be a First Line Therapy in Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 73Cardiovascular Diseases ? / BALAN, H Medicine 2013


Accuracy of Ankle-Brachial Index Measurements in Evaluation Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 85of Critical Leg Ischemia / BRASSAI Zoltan; FELVINCZI Nr. 2Katalin; KUN-BALINT Emese; NAGY E.; PUSKAS Attila;VARGA-FEKETE TimeaEffects of body size and hypertension treatments on Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9866 537cardiovascular event rates: subanalysis of the ACCOMPLISH Luna February Anrandomised controlled trial / WEBER, Michael A. 2013Acute pneumonia and the cardiovascular system: review / Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9865 496CORRALES-MEDINA, Vicente F. Luna February An

2013Interactive effects of fitness and statin treatment on Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9864 395mortality risk in veterans with dyslipidaemia: a cohort Luna February Anstudy / KOKKINOS, Peter 2013Continuous negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 112of a gigantic trophic leg ulcer / CRAINICEANU, Z.; LunaOLARIU, S. January-February An

2013Tratamentul actual al tromboembolismului venos / Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 37MUNTEANU, Ionut 2013Highlights on Romanian cardiologists's happiness: results Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 3of fellow cardiologists' self-rating / PETRIS, A. 2013Almanac 2012, cell therapy in cardiovascular disease:The Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 21national society journals present selected research that 2013has driven recent advances in clinical cardiology /JONES, D. A.Ghidul ESC de management al bolilor cardiovasculare in Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 63timpul sarcinii / SOCIETATEA EUROPEANA DE CARDIOLOGIE; 2013SOCIETATEA EUROPEANA DE GINECOLOGIEArteriopatia obliteranta a membrelor inferioare - o Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 11"cenusareasa" a cardiologiei. Un review a 910 cazuri / 2013TESLOIANU, D.Locul indicelui de rezistivitate renala in evaluarea Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 1 An 11varstnicului hipertensiv / LUPUSORU, Mircea 2013Implicarea factorilor de risc cardiovascular in aparitia Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 1 An 24complicatiilor hipertensiunii arteriale / BEJAN, Gabriel 2013CristianSyncope Units in Romania: A Necessity / DAN, Anca Rodica Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 3

Medicine 2013Resistant Arterial Hypertension - Yet Another Problem for Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 9Clinical Practice / BADILA, Elisabeta Medicine 2013Essential Thrombocythemia Diagnosed in a Patient with Acute Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 53Myocardial Infarction and Ischemic Strokes / COJOCARU, Medicine 2013Inimioara Mihaela




Risk stratification at diagnosis for children with Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9908 1889hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: an analysis of data from the Luna December AnPediatric Cardiomyopathy Registry / LIPSHULTZ,Steven E. 2013Targeted temperature management at 33 degrees Celsius New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 23 2198versus 36 degrees Celsius after cardiac arrest / NIELSEN, Luna December AnNiklas 2013Bivalirudin started during emergency transport for primary New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 23 2207PCI / STEG, Philippe Gabriel Luna December An

2013Edoxaban versus warfarin in patients with atrial New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 22 2093fibrillation / GIUGLIANO,Robert P. Luna December An


Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation in acute myocardial Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9905 1638infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock (IABP-SHOCK Luna November AnII): final 12 month results of a randomised, open-label 2013trial / THIELE, HolgerClinical Features and Echocardiographic Findings in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 285Children with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy / BENEDEK Imre; Nr. 6BENEDEK Theodora; BLESNEAC, Cristina; TOGANEL, RodicaHigh Calcium Score Predicts Severity of the Culprit Lesions Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 298in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes / BENEDEK Imre; Nr. 6BENEDEK Theodora; JAKO Beata; SUCIU ZsuzsannaThrombus aspiration during ST-segment elevation myocardial New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 17 1587infarction / FROBERT, Ole Luna October An

2013Nonemergency PCI at hospitals with or without on-site New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 16 1498cardiac surgery / JACOBS, Alice K. Luna October An

2013Effect of calcium-based versus non-calcium-based phosphate Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9900 1268binders on mortality in patients with chronic kidney Luna October Andisease: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis / 2013JAMAL, Sophie A.Surprising awakening of a sleeping heart / SCRIDON, Alina Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 376

2013Complex cardiac malformation in a young pregnant woman / Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 384NASTASE, Oana 2013


Cardiomiopatia peripartum - o boala rara, in actualitate / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 228GHERASIM, L. 2013Global associationof air pollution and heart failure a Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9897 1039systematic review and meta-analysis / SHAH, Anoop S.V. Luna September An

2013Correlations Between Severity of Coronary Calcification and Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 267Impairment of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction / Nr. 5BENEDEK Imre; BENEDEK Theodora; JAKO Beata; SUCIU ZsuzsannaCorrelations Between Regional Accumulation of Calcium in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 270the Culprit Arteries and Plaque Burden in Acute Coronary Nr. 5Syndromes / BENEDEK Imre; BENEDEK Theodora; JAKO Beata;SUCIU ZsuzsannaPrasugrel versus clopidogrel for patients with unstable Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9892 605angina or non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Luna August An 2013with or without angiography: a secondary, prespecifiedanalysis of the TRILOGY ACS trial / WIVIOTT, Stephen D.Reperfusion therapy for STEMI: is there still a role for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9892 624thrombolysis in the era of primary percutaneous coronary Luna August An 2013intervention? / GERSHLICK, Anthony H.What is the optimum adjunctive reperfusion strategy for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9892 633primary percutaneous coronary intervention? / CURZEN, Luna August An 2013NicholasFuture treatment strategies in ST-segment elevation Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9892 644myocardial infarction / WINDECKER, Stephan Luna August An 2013

Rolul membranelor celulare in apoptoza cardiomiocitelor in Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 158cardiopatia ischemica cronica / DINCA, G. 2013Advances in the detection and quantification of candidate Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 255and established biomarkers in heart failure / POP, Laborator September An 2013.CristinaThe analysis of coronary flow on non-culprit coronary Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 2 An 129arteries in Acute Coronary Syndrome single-vessel patients 2013treated with coronary angioplasty / CHREIH, Rami-MihailAlmanac 2012: interventional cardiology / MEIER, P.; Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 2 An 136TIMMIS, A. 2013Left ventricular noncompaction / RUGINA, Mihaela Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 2 An 148

2013Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, present Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 2 An 154update and future directions / CONSTANTINESCU, T. 2013Sudden cardiac death - a reality in current cardiology Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 2 An 161practice / ANGHELUS, Maria Meda 2013Actualizarea ghidului de management al fibrilatiei atriale Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 2 An 171al Societatii Europene de Cardiologie 2012 / CAMM, John 2013A.Atriul stang si riscul de evenimente cardiovasculare / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 68BALAN, H; POPESCU, Livia 2013Syncope in Elderly Patients - Is There a Place for Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 67Endomyocardial Biopsy ? / BUZEA, C. A. Medicine 2013


A Debate on the Certainty of Etiology in a Case of Syncope Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 115/ DAN, Anca Rodica Medicine 2013Complete Systolic Obliteration of the Left Ventricle due to Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 119an Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy in a Totally Medicine 2013Asymptomatic Patient / DELFINO, M.Safety and performance of the drug-eluting absorbable metal Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9869 836scaffold (DREAMS) in patients with de- novo coronary Luna March An 2013lesions: 12 months results of the prospective, multicentre,first-in-man BIOSOLVE-I trial / HAUDE, MichaelCoronary artery bypass graft surgery versus percutaneous Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9867 629coronary intervention in patients with three vessel disease Luna February Anand left main coronary disease: 5-year folow-up of the 2013randomised, clinical SYNTAX trial / MOHR, Friedrich W.Anatomical and clinical characteristics to guide decision Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9867 639making between coronary artery bypass surgery and Luna February Anpercutaneous coronary intervention for individual patients: 2013development and validation of SYNTAX score II / FAROOQ,VasimAbluminal biodegradable polymer biolimus-eluting stent Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9867 651versus durable polymer everolimus-eluting stent (COMPARE Luna February AnII): a randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial / 2013SMITS, Pieter CornelisBiolimus-eluting biodegradable polymer-coated stent versus Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9867 661durable polymer-coated sirolimus-eluting stent in Luna February Anunselected patients receiving percutaneous coronary 2013intervention (SORT OUT V): a randomised non-inferioritytrial / CHRISTIANSEN, Evald HojGenetic associations with valvular calcification and aortic New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 503stenosis / THANASSOULIS, George February An 2013Proteotoxicity and cardiac dysfunction - Alzheimer's New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 5 Luna 455disease of the heart? / WILLIS, Monte S. February An 2013Paclitaxel-eluting balloons, paclitaxel-eluting stents, and Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9865 461baloon angioplasty in patients with restenosis after Luna February Animplantation of a drug-eluting stent (ISAR-DESIRE 3): a 2013randomised, open-label trial / BYRNE, Robert A.Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: seminar / MARON, Barry J. Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9862 242

Luna January An2013

Cardioprotection: chances and challenges of its translation Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9861 166to the clinic / HEUSCH, Gerd Luna January An

2013Almanac 2012: congenital heart disease. The national Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 12society journals present selected research that has driven 2013recent advances in clinical cardiology / BURCH, M.Almanac 2012, cell therapy in cardiovascular disease:The Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 21national society journals present selected research that 2013has driven recent advances in clinical cardiology /JONES, D. A.


Long QT Syndrome / LUCACI, L. Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 292013

Structural and functional ventriculo-arterial changes in Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 37obesity: mechanism, implications and reversibility after 2013weight loss / IANCU, Madalina-IoanaApnoea syndrome to an obese hypertensive patient / MITU, Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 44F. 2013Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and mitral valve Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 47abnormalities / ASAN, Nelis 2013Efectele allopurinolului in doze mari asupra disfunctiei Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 7endoteliale, acidului uric seric, stresului oxidativ si 2013inflamatiei in insuficienta cardiaca cronica / DUSCEAC,D.Recuperarea medicala prin kinetoterapie a unui pacient cu Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 13lombosciatica si infarct miocardic anterior cu implantare 2013de stent / PATACHIA, M.Arteriopatia obliteranta a membrelor inferioare - o Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 11"cenusareasa" a cardiologiei. Un review a 910 cazuri / 2013TESLOIANU, D.Perspectivele tratamentului complex cu ozon in cardiopatia Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 68ischemica la pacientii varstnici / BODRUG, Nicolae 2013Hemocromatoza juvenila cu afectare cardiaca severa. Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 79Prezentare de caz / POPESCU, Raluca Alexandra 2013Serelaxin,recombinant human relaxin-2, for treatment of Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9860 29acute heart failure (RELAX-AHF): a randomised, Luna January Anplacebo-controlled trial / TEERLINK, John R. 2013



Somatic mutations of calreticulin in myeloproliferative New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 25 2379neoplasms / KLAMPFL, Thorsten Luna December An

2013Somatic CALR mutations in mieloproliferative neoplasms with New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 25 2391nonmutated JAK2 / NANGALIA, J. Luna December An

2013Phase 3 study of recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein in New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 24 2313Hemophilia B / POWELL, Jerry S. Luna December An

2013Chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells for acute New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 16 1509lymphoid leukemia / GRUPP, Stephan A. Luna October An



Rai stage-related changes within T/NK cell populations from Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 321B-CLL patients / GRIGORE, Georgiana Laborator September An 2013.Correlation of cytomorphology with flowcytometric Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 333immunophenotyping in acute myeloid leukemia / SELICEAN, Laborator September An 2013.I. Elena CristinaThe importance of the new prognostic scoring system for Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 343evaluating patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic Laborator September An 2013.syndrome at diagnosis / TATIC, AureliaTubular injury in multiple myeloma / BALGRADEAN, C. Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 353

Laborator September An 2013.The Role of Erythropoietin in the Treatment of Anemia in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 169Patients with Malignant Lymphoma / BENEDEK Istvan; Nr. 3BENEDEK, Erzsebet; ISTRATI, Monica; KAKUCS Eniko; KOPECZI,Judit Beata; KURTUS Aranka; TUNYOGI AlizReciprocal antagonism between inflammation and the protein Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 129C system / CUCUIANU, Mircea Laborator June An 2013.Monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis in patients with hepatitis Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 209C virus infection: prevalence, demographic and laboratory Laborator June An 2013.correlations / TOROK-VISTAI TundeLimfomul malign difuz de celula mare B. Studiu clinic a 98 Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 2 An 102de cazuri / SALAMAT AL, Hamed 2013

The transfusion alternatives preoperatively in sickle cell Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9870 930disease (TAPS) study: a randomised, controlled, multicentre Luna March An 2013clinical trial / HOWARD, JoeThe Role of Monitoring the Bcr-Abl Transcript Levels in the Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 71Management of Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia / Nr. 2BENEDEK Istvan; BENEDEK LAZAR Erzsebet; ISTRATI, Monica;KAKUCS Eniko; KOPECZI, Judit Beata; PAP Zsuzsanna; TUNYOGIAliz-BeataAutologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Acute Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 91Myeloid Leukemia: a Single-Centre Experience / BENEDEK Nr. 2Istvan; BENEDEK, Erzsebet; ISTRATI, Monica; KAKUCS Eniko;KOPECZI, Judit Beata; TUNYOGI AlizA Case of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Leukemia / BENEDEK Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 111Istvan; BENEDEK, Erzsebet; ISTRATI, Monica; KAKUCS Eniko; Nr. 2KOPECZI, Judit Beata; KURTUS Aranka; TUNYOGI AlizAcute myeloid leukaemia in adults: seminar / FERRARA, Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9865 484Felicetto Luna February An 2013Cardiovascular events and intensity of treatment in New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 1 Luna 23polycythemia vera / MARCHIOLI, Roberto January An 2013Secondary Aortoduodenal Fistula As a Rare Cause of Fevers Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 62and Anemia in a Woman with High Cardiovascular Risk. A Case Medicine 2013Report / HOLY, J.


Possibilities and Difficulties of Treatment in the Case of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 49a Pregnant Patient with Primary Mediastinal Large B-cell Nr. 1Lymphoma / BENEDEK Istvan; BENEDEK LAZAR Erzsebet; CATANA, Alina; KAKUCS Eniko; KOPECZI, Judit Beata; TUNYOGI,Aliz-BeataWhat about microparticles? Perspectives and practical Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 9aspects / COSTACHE, Andra Laborator March An 2013.Tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment outcome in a single Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 29canter cohort of chronic myeloid leukemia patiets. The role Laborator March An 2013.of the T315I ABL kinase mutation / DIMA, DeliaInfant acute leukemia with lineage switch at relapse Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 47expressing a novel t (4;11)(q21;q23) MLL-AF4 fusion Laborator March An 2013.transcript / IVANOV, Iuliu C.Molecular characterization of complex chromosomal changes Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 59in de novo acute myeloid leukemia: a case report / Laborator March An 2013.BERBEC, Nicoleta P.Adenopatia - problema de diagnostic si colaborare Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 2013 146interdisciplinara / ANGHEL, I.



Ventilator-induced lung injury: review article / SLUTSKY, New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 22 2127Arthur S. Luna December An

2013Asthma: seminar / MARTINEZ, Fernando D. Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9901 1360

Luna October An2013

Effects of internet-based training on antibiotic Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9899 1175prescribing rates for acute respiratory-tract infections: a Luna October Anmultinational, cluster, randomised, factorial, controlled 2013trial / LITTLE, PaulInterhuman transmissibility of Middle East respiratory Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 694syndrome coronavirus: estimation of pandemic risk / Luna August An 2013BREBAN, RomulusManagement of non-small-cell lung cancer: recent Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 709developments / RECK, Martin Luna August An 2013Genetics and biomarkers in personalisation of lung cancer Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 720treatment / ROSELL, Rafael Luna August An 2013Prospects for population screening and diagnosis of lung Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9893 732cancer / FIELD, John K. Luna August An 2013


Global and regional burden of hospital admissions for Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9875 1381severe acute lower respiratory infections in young children Luna April An 2013in 2010: a systematic analysis / NAIR, HarishSimple aspiration and drainage and intrapleural minocycline Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9874 1277pleurodesis versus simple aspiration and drainage for the Luna April An 2013initial treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: anopen-label, parallel-group, prospective, randomised,controlled trial / CHEN, Jin-ShingMicrobes and mucosal immune responses in asthma: review / Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9869 861HANSEL, Trevor T. Luna March An 2013Effectiveness of the ten-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9862 215influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV10) against Luna January Aninvasive pneumococcal disease: a cluster ranndomised trial 2013/ PALMU, Arto A.The global drug facility and its role in the market for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9901 1373tuberculosis drugs: health policy / ARINAMINPATHY, Luna October AnNimalan 2013Prezent si perspective in diagnosticul rapid molecular al Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 198tuberculozei si al MDR-TB / TANASESCU, Mihaela 2013Tuberculoza si practica stomatologica. O permanenta Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 4 An 210provocare / CUCULESCU, Marian 2013Effect of household and community interventions on the Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9899 1183burden of tuberculosis in southern Africa: the ZAMSTAR Luna October Ancommunity-randomised trial / AYLES, Helen 2013Mycobacterium tuberculosis ellenes hatoanyagok fejlesztese Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica Nr. 3 An 2013 Vol. 88es szerkezet-hatas osszefuggeseinek vizsgalata / BASKA 83FerencAlexandru-Mihail; BOTIANU, Petre Vlah HoreaArtrita tuberculoasa a genunchiului - o complicatie rara Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 174survenind la o pacienta cu lupus eritematos sistemic / 2013SOARE, AlinaPulmonary Tuberculosis Wheezing in Early Childhood / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 151BOBARNAC, Ana; BULUCEA, D.; DINESCU, Venera; DUMITRA, G. Nr. 3

Safety and efficacy of MVA85A, a new tuberculosis vaccine, Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9871 1021in infants previously vaccinated with BCG: a randomised, Luna March An 2013placebo-controlled phase 2b trial / TAMERIS, Michele D.

Tuberculoza genitala - cauza de infertilitate. Conduita Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 23diagnostica si terapeutica / DUMITRASCU, M. January An 2013Diagnosticul tuberculozei genitale prin abord laparoscopic Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 51/ DUMITRASCU, M. C. January An 2013Aspecte clinico-epidemiologice ale cazurilor de tuberculoza Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 34inregistrate la infectatii HIV din teritoriul Sectorului 5 2013al municipiului Bucuresti in intervalul 2005-2011 /POPESCU, Gilda


Evaluation of Diagnosing Tuberculosis in Primary Care Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 12Medicine in Mures County, Between 2006 and 2008 / ACS Nr. 1Valeria; FINTA Hajnal; IANOSI, Edith Simona; SABAU, Monica

Interstitial lung diseases: an observational study in Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 206patients admitted in "Marius Nasta" Institute of 2013Pulmonology Bucharest, Romania, in 2011 / STRAMBU, IrinaInhaled steroids reduce apnea-hypopnea index in overlap Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 212syndrome / REZAEETALAB, Fariba 2013The impact of 0.5% chlorhexidine oral decontamination on Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 217the prevalence of colonization and respiratory tract 2013infection in mechanically ventilated patients / BOSCA,Ileana D.Modified minimally invasive pectus repair in children, Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 224adolescents and adults: an analysis of 262 patients / 2013ALEXANDER, M.Microcalorimetria - metoda noua de caracterizare bacteriana Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 232/ ZAHARIA, Dragos C. 2013Rolul chirurgiei in tratamentul cancerului bronhopulmonar Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 236cu celule mici / BOLCA, Ciprian 2013Importanta determinarii prevalentei BPOC / MAGUREANU, Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 239Irina Laura 2013Prezent si perspective in diagnosticul rapid molecular al Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 134tuberculozei si al MDR-TB (prima parte) / TANASESCU, 2013MihaelaStenoza traheala iatrogena la pacientul cu BPOC: o Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 141provocare medico-chirurgicala / CRISAN, Emilia 2013Main bronchial stenosis - sequel of delayed diagnosis after Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 146posttraumatic bronchial injury / BOLCA, Ciprian 2013Modificari functionale pulmonare asociate tuberculozei / Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 148APOSTU, Marius 2013

Ecourile romanesti ale COPD AUDIT-ului european / Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 158MIHALTAN, Fl. 2013Rolul medicului de familie in ingrijirea pacientului cu Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 161fibroza chistica / STAN, Iustina Violeta 2013Antrenamentul muschilor respiratori in reabilitarea Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 166pulmonara / CROITORU, Alina 2013Combinatiile bronhodilatatoare in terapia BPOC - "moda" sau Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 172regula ? / MIHALTAN, Fl. 2013Plombage thoracoplasty with balls performed for Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 176tuberculosis - still working after 46 years / BOTIANU, 2013Alexandru-Mihail; BOTIANU, Petre Vlah HoreaParental environmental tobacco smoking and the prevalence Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 178of respiratory diseases in primary school children / 2013ARGHIR, Oana


Tabagismul - va fi în final un sfârşit ? / MIHALTAN, Fl. Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 1822013

Somnologia pediatrica a intrat in linie dreapta / Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 186MIHALTAN, Fl. 2013Optimismul prudent si evolutia principalilor indicatori ai Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 2 An 72endemiei tuberculoase in anul 2012, in Romania / POPESCU, 2013GildaConventional forceps or hot biopsy; comparative study of Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 2 An 80two methods in diagnosis of endobronchial ledions / 2013JABBARI, HamidrezaEvaluarea costurilor medicale directe ale Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 2 An 86bronhopneumopatiei cronice obstructive pe 12 luni / 2013STRAMBU, IrinaBenefits of a 7-week outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 2 An 94program in COPD patients / CROITORU, Alina 2013Hiperinflatia pulmonara - mecanismul principal al scaderii Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 2 An 102tolerantei de efort a pacientilor cu BPOC / GOLOGANU, 2013DanielaDispozitive utilizate in ventilatia non-invaziva in Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 2 An 106Sindromul de Apnee in Somn, care asociaza BPOC si/sau 2013obezitate morbida / DUMITRACHE-RUJINSKI, StefanA case of cardiac hydatidosis: role for transesophageal Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 2 An 110echocardiography in evaluating bilateral pulmonary nodules 2013/ MIRHOSSEINI, Seyed MohsenCoexistenta de adenopatii mediastinale de etiologii Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 2 An 114diferite - caz clinic / MACRI, Anca 2013Tuberculoza la copii in Romania / DIDILESCU, Cristian Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 10

2013Determination of safe margin in the surgical pathologic Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 16specimens of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung / 2013FEIZI, IrajVentilatia non-invaziva in Romania - rezultatele unui Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 20chestionar aplicat pneumologilor / MIHALTAN, Fl. 2013Open window thoracostomy for the treatment of Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 26bronchopleural cutaneous fistula - case report / MAN, 2013MilenaA rare case of lung tumor - pulmonary inflammatory Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 30pseudotumor / TOMA, Claudia 2013Giant left-sided pleuropericardial cyst, mimicking a heart Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 34disease / ARGHIR, Oana 2013Tratamentul actual al tromboembolismului venos / Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 37MUNTEANU, Ionut 2013Un "nou-nascut" a completat familia anticolinergicelor / Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 43MIHALTAN, Fl. 2013Immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reactions to Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 47intravascular iodine based radiocontrast media - an update 2013/ BUMBACEA, Roxana SilviaSmoking, snoring and obstructive sleep apnea / TRENCHEA, Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 52Mihaela 2013




Tinnitus: seminar / BAGULEY, David Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9904 1600Luna November An2013

Corelatii clinico-microbiologice si implicatiile lor in Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 209diagnosticul si tratamentul rinofaringitei acute in 2013ambulator / TOMOIU, Mihaela CarmenAdenopatia - problema de diagnostic si colaborare Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 146interdisciplinara / ANGHEL, I. 2013Glomangiopericitomul, tumora rara rinosinusala - prezentare Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 190de caz / OSIAC, Elena 2013Corelatii clinico-microbiologice si implicatiile lor in Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 79diagnosticul si tratamentul otitei medii acute in ambulator 2013- studiu clinic 2010-2011 / TOMOIU, Mihaela CarmenComparative analysis of GSTM1/GSTT1 null alleles and Ile Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 189105Val GSTP1 variant in patients with Nasal polyposis and Laborator June An 2013.hyposmia in a Romanian population group / CATANA, IuliuVladPortajul cronic de pseudomonas aeruginosa in sfera ORL - Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 1 An 41risc major pentru socul septic. Prezentare de caz / 2013TIRIS, Cornelia



Acute liver failure : review article / BERNAL, William New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 26 2525Luna December An2013

Algorithm-based management of patients with Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9910 2085gastrointestinal symptoms in patients after pelvic Luna December Anradiation treatment (ORBIT): a randomised controlled trial 2013/ ANDREYEV, Jervoise H.


Primary sclerosing cholangitis: seminar / HIRSCHFIELD, Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9904 1587Gideon M. Luna November An

2013Autoimmune hepatitis: seminar / HENEGHAN, Michael A. Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9902 1433

Luna October -November An 201

Lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the prevention of Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9900 1249antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and Clostridium difficile Luna October Andiarrhoea in older inpatients (PLACIDE): a randomised, 2013double-blind placebo-controlled, multicentre trial /ALLEN, J StephenRelatia leptinei cu steatoza hepatica non-alcoolica / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 248CACEAUNE, Elena 2013Afectarea articulara in bolile inflamatorii intestinale / Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 216MARIAN, Loredana 2013Subcuticular sutures versus staples for skin closure after Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9898 1105open gastrointestinal surgery: a phase3, multicentre, Luna September Anopen-label, randomised controlled trial / TSUJINAKA, 2013ToshimasaVascular and upper gastrointestinal effects of Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 769non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: meta-analyses of Luna August An 2013individual participant data from randomised trials /Coxib and traditional NSAID Trialists (CNT) CollaborationManagementul endoscopic al hemoragiilor digestive la copil Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 217/ GIMIGA, Nicoleta 2013Diagnostic si management in constipatia cronica la copil / Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 260OLARU, Claudia 2013Un scor prognostic util in gastroenterita acuta cu Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 275rotavirus la copil / HALITCHI ILIESCU, Codruta 2013Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth produces Symptoms in Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 143Irritable Bowel Syndrome which are Improved by Rifaximin. A Medicine 2013Pilot Study / MORARU, Ioana G.The Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies and of Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 148Psychotherapy by Romanian Patients with Irritable Bowel Medicine 2013Syndrome / DUMITRASCU, Dan L.Polyp and Endoscopist-Related Factors Influencing Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 172Complication Rates in Difficult Colonic Polypectomies: Medicine 2013results of a Multicenter Observational Study / VOIOSU, T.A Case of Irreversible Leukoencephalopathy in a Patient Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 197with C Virus Hepatitis Treated with Pegylated Medicine 2013Interferon-alpha2b and Ribavirin / IACOB, Simona A.Challenges in the management of acute peptic ulcer Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9882 2033bleeding: review / LAU, James Y.W. Luna June An 2013Efectele secundare ale tratamentului cu inhibitori de pompa Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 96de protoni / BARTOS, Daniela; DIACONU, Camelia 2013Importanta algoritmului de diagnostic al sindromului de Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 2 An 69intestin iritabil in practica medicala / PARFENE, Catalin 2013Boala Crohn ileocolonica stenozanta la un pacient rezecat Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 2 An 111gastric pentru stenoza duodenala considerata peptica. 2013


Prezentare de caz / PARFENE, Catalin

Ulcerative Colitis Associated with Sclerosing Cholangitis Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 115and Autoimmune Hepatitis / BABI, Ionela; BELEI, Oana; Nr. 2HODUT, A.; SABAU, I.; SIMEDREA, I.Regression of cirrhosis during treatment with tenefovir Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9865 468disoproxil fumarate for chronic hepatitis B: a 5-year Luna February Anopen-label follow-up study / MARCELLIN, Patrick 2013Efficacy and safety of regorafenib for advanced Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9863 295gastrointestinal stromal tumours after failure of imatinib Luna January Anand sunitinib (GRID); an international, multicentre, 2013randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial / DEMETRI,George D.Sequential versus triple therapy for the first-line Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9862 205treatment of Helicobacter pylori: a multicentre, Luna January Anopen-label, randomised trial / LIOU, Jyh-Ming 2013Transfusion strategies for acute upper gastrointestinal New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 1 Luna 11bleeding / VILLANUEVA, Candid January An 2013A rare cause of acute massive lower gastrointestinal Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 103bleeding / CONSTANTINESCU, G. Luna

January-February An2013

Impactul simptomatologiei gastrointestinale si calitatea Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 60vietii la pacientii cu transplant renal. Rezultatele 2013studiului Progis / KEREZSY Eminee



Evaluation of the Skeletal Maturation Using Lower First Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 289Premolar Mineralisation / BURJAN Zsuzsa; GYERGYAI Reka; Nr. 6MARTHA I. Krisztina; OGODESCU, A.Considerations Regarding Age at Surgery and Fistula Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 302Incidence Using One- and Two-stage Closure for Cleft Palate Nr. 6/ ENESCU, D. M.; STOICESCU, SimonaChild dental anxiety, parental rearing style and dental European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 258history reported by parents / KRIKKEN, J. B. Dentistry October An 2013Factors affecting psychological stress in children who European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 263cooperate with dental treatment: a pilot study / Dentistry October An 2013AOYAGI-NAKA, K.


Fear and/or anxiety of children and parents associated with European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 269the dental environment / LEAL, A.M.A. Dentistry October An 2013Efficacy trial of Camouflage Syringe to reduce dental fear European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 273and anxiety / UJAONEY, S. Dentistry October An 2013Salivary biomarkers, vital signs and behaviour of European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 279pre-school children during their first dental visit / Dentistry October An 2013RODRIGUES GOMES, S. S.Anxiety and pain during dental treatment among children European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 284with haemophilia / DOGAN, M. C. Dentistry October An 2013Post-operative pain and anxiety related to dental European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 289procedures in children / MUSTAFA, O. Dentistry October An 2013Temporomandibular joint dysfunction in Moebius Syndrome / European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 295BLASIO Di, A. Dentistry October An 2013Oral habits as risk factors for anterior open bite in the European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 299deciduous and mixed dentition - cross-sectional study / Dentistry October An 2013URZAL, V.Effects of maltitol and xylitol chewing-gums on parameters European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 303involved in dental caries development / THABUIS, C. Dentistry October An 2013Oral habits in a population of Albanian growing subjects / European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 309LAGANA, G. Dentistry October An 2013Prevalence of malocclusion in Italian schoolchildren and European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 314orthodontic treatment need / GRIPPAUDO, C. Dentistry October An 2013In vitro comparison of the bond strength to the enamel of European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 319conventional and self-etching dental fissure sealants / Dentistry October An 2013STELLINI, E.Oral health status in liver transplant Italian children / European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 323FERRAZZANO, G.F. Dentistry October An 2013Tooth developmental anomalies in severe combined European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 328immunodeficiency disease and juvenile myelomonocytic Dentistry October An 2013leukemia: common clinical features and treatment outcomes/COSSELLU,G.

Rare case of desmoid-type fibromatosis of the mandibular European Journal of Paediatric Vol. 14 Nr. 4 Luna 333region in a child: diagnosis and surgical management / Dentistry October An 2013BURLINI, D.Tuberculoza si practica stomatologica. O permanenta Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 4 An 210provocare / CUCULESCU, Marian 2013Duplicatia de limba, entitate malformativa extrem de rara - Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 282prezentare de caz / SPATARU, Radu Iulian 2013Folosirea lamboului liber de mucoasa bucala in Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 284palatoplastia anterioara / SPATARU, Radu Iulian 2013Studiu-pilot asupra rezistentei dintilor devitali cu Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 288diferite localizari ale substantei dure restante / 2013OANCEA, LuminitaRelatia dintre dimensiunea dintilor frontali maxilari si Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 295reperele faciale / CIORTEA, Claudiu 2013Metal versus zirconiu in restaurarile protetice total Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 302fizionomice pe implanturi. Review de literatura / SIRBU, 2013Valentin daniel


Posibilitati de reducere a retractiei gingivale prin Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 308tratament antimicrobian non-chirurgical si prin lambou 2013pozitionat coronar. Prezentari semnificative de caz /QORRY, ErdaDespre decizia terapeutica in reabilitarea orala / Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 313NIMIGEAN, Victor 2013Anomalii dentare de dezvoltare la un copil cu incontinentia Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 316pigmenti. Prezentare de caz / IORDAN-DUMITRU, Andreea 2013DonaReabilitarea implanto-protetica a campului protetic maxilar Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 320si protezarea provizorie imediata. Studiu de caz / TUTA, 2013Alexandra MihaelaAspectul clinico-radiologic al osului maxilar si alveolar Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 4 An 325/ ROATESI, Iulia 2013Evaluation of Child Self-perception Regarding Their Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 264Oro-dental Status / GYERGYAI Reka; MARTHA I. Krisztina; Nr. 5ROSU, Sorana; VIKARIUS KatalinCorelatia dintre indicele de igiena orala si varsta la Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 174persoanele private de libertate / VOICA, Andreea 2013Microanaliza imbinarii coroanei cu bracketi metalici si Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 178ceramici / IONESCU, Ionuti Cornel 2013Les mini-vis, auxiliaires du traitement orthodontique Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 182enfant et adulte / PAMBUCCIAN GRIGORIAN, Alice Marie 2013Corelatii privind pierderea cuplului de forte intre Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 188bracketi metalici sau ceramici si diferite dimensiuni de 2013sarme ortodontice / IONESCU, Ionuti CornelThe relationship between the lower incisors crowding and Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 194the sagittal jaws in adolescents in the Syrian coast / 2013JAHJAH, YazanImportanta evaluarii imagistice in implantologia orala / Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 200ROATESI, Iulia 2013Terapia implanto-protetica la persoanele de varsta a treia Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 207/ FILIPESCU, Alina Gabriela 2013

Studiu statistic asupra raspandirii tratamentului prin Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 211proteze partiale mobilizabile in Bucuresti / TANASESCU, 2013AliceStudiu clinico-statistic privind incidenta si prevalenta Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 217patologiei edentatiei partiale a arcadelor dentare. Partea 2013a II-a / OPRISAN, ViviyanaStudii privind compatibilitatea coeficientilor de dilatare Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 221termica a materialelor metalice si ceramice folosite in 2013protetica dentara / OPRISAN, ViviyanaStudiu microscopic privind adeziunea fatetelor ceramice si Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 228din ZNO2 la diferitele structuri dure dentare (smalt, 2013dentina si complex smalt-dentina), realizata cu cimentautoadezivi RELY-X U 200 (3M-ESPE) de ultima generatie /BICLESANU, Cornelia


Studiu statistic al metodelor de igienizare a protezelor Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 3 An 234partiale mobilizabile / DUMITRESCU, Catalin Sorin 2013

Researches regarding the monitoring complementary treatment Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 685in periodontitis by using salivary 8-OHdG biomarker / 2013BADEA, VictoriaGingival overgrowth induced by immunosuppressive treatment International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 183with Cyclosporine A and mycophenolate mofetil in a patient Dentistry July An 2013with kidney transplant - a case report and literaturereview / TRANDAFIR, DanielaUpdates of the renin-angiotensin-aldosteron system / International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 188MARANDUCA, Minela Aida Dentistry July An 2013Association of caries experience with social and International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 195behavioural factors among adults of different ages from Dentistry July An 2013Iasi County, Romania / BALAN, AdrianaDental caries experience and treatment need among school International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 201children in Iasi, using ICDAS II criteria / BACIU, Dana Dentistry July An 2013Orthodontic management in children with special needs / International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 207ARORA, Adit Dentistry July An 2013Evaluation of the prevalence of the periodontal disease International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 212versus systemic and local risk factors / MARTU, Silvia Dentistry July An 2013Statistical study on the prevalence of gingival recession International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 219in young adults / POTARNICHIE, Oana Dentistry July An 2013Utilization of 940 NM wavelength diode lasers and the International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 225morpho-histological modifications in periodontal tissues / Dentistry July An 2013LUCHIAN, I.Planning of implanto-prosthetic structures in total International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 229edentation according to biomechanical criteria / VASILE, Dentistry July An 2013N.Fibrous dysplasia of maxillary bones. 2 case reports / International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 234IBRIC-CIORANU, V. Dentistry July An 2013A giant cystic granular ameloblastoma of the mandible / International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 238VINUTH, D. P. Dentistry July An 2013Microbiological investigations in maxillary osteitis / International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 3 Luna 243BONCHIS, I. Al. Dentistry July An 2013Prevalence and Characteristics of Tooth Agenesis in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 187Permanent Dentition of Subjects from Tirgu Mures / Nr. 4KEREKES-MATHE Bernadette; MARTHA I. Krisztina; SZEKELYMelindaClinical and Statistical Study on Canine Impaction / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 191COSARCA, Adina-Simona; NAGY-BOTA Monica Kristina; Nr. 4ORMENISAN, Alina; PACURAR, MarianaClinicians' Choices in Selecting Orthodontic Archwires / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 212BRATU, Dana; CHIBELEAN, Manuela; PACURAR, Mariana; POP, Nr. 4Silvia; POP, R. V.A Retrospective Longitudinal Study Regarding the Dental Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 148Anomalies of Position with Eruptive Etiology / Nr. 3CIRES-MARGINEAN, Manuela; JURCA, Anamaria; LUP, AdinaSimona; MUICA, Monica Cristina; PACURAR, Mariana; TUDOR, A.


Nutrigenomics - a new borderline biomedical discipline / International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 103PATRAS, Xenia Dentistry April An 2013Geriatrics - multidisciplinary collaboration - an International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 117imperative / GHIURU, Rodica Dentistry April An 2013Nature's own alternative - restoration with biological International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 144crowns / DAS, Utpal Kumar Dentistry April An 2013Dental plaque - classification, formation, and International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 139identification / CHETRUS, Viorica Dentistry April An 2013oro-dental status of school children aged between 7-12 International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 150years, in the rural area of Dolj county / BATAIOSU, Dentistry April An 2013MarinelaHypodontia of permanent teeth in a group of young patients International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 155from the north-eastern region of Romania / ZEGAN, Dentistry April An 2013GeorgetaOrofacial findings in Noonan syndrome: a case report / International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 162MOCANU, Raluca Maria Dentistry April An 2013Morpho-functional re-establishment of cranio-facial growth International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 166disorders in pituitary dwarfism by RHGH therapy / BALAN, Dentistry April An 2013AdrianaA review of effective application of an enamel matrix International Journal of Medical Vol. 3 Nr. 2 Luna 171derivative (Emdogain) for periodontal surgery in the Dentistry April An 2013presence of blood / CALUSERU, Oana M.Efectele radioterapiei utilizate in tratamentul cancerelor Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 71din regiunea capului si gatului asupra microstructurii 2013smaltului dentar - studiu in vitro / PERIEANU, MadalinaVioletaCorelarea aspectelor clinice cu mijloacele de investigatie Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 75imagistice / RADULESCU, Eugenia Diana 2013Implicatiile implanto-protetice in reabilitarea orala la Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 78pacientii de varsta a treia - prezentare de caz / 2013FILIPESCU, Alina GabrielaPeri-implantitis and periodontitis - common clinical, Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 82radiological aspects and the importance of periodontal 2013maintenance in both pathological conditions / BERECHET,Cristina AlexandraStudiu bioeconomic privind eficienta pe termen lung a Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 89echilibrarii ocluzale prim metoda computerizata (T-SCAN 2013III) / FLORESCU, AnamariaPrevalenta leziunilor osoase periapicale la un lot Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 92populational suburban roman / PESCARU, Manuela 2013Performantele clinice in restaurarile directe anterioare Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 96prin fatetare directa / TUDOSE, Andreea Dana 2013Inchiderea diastemei prin metoda directa cu IPS Empress Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 100Direct (Ivoclar-Vivadent) / TUDOSE, Andreea Dana 2013Analiza prin intermediul elementului finit a restaurarilor Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 104leziunilor necarioase cervicale / FLORESCU, Anamaria 2013Variatii ale rugozitatii smaltului la dintii iradiati Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 107terapeutic cu raze gamma - studiu in vitro / PERIEANU, 2013Madalina Violeta


Tratamentul anodontiei de incisivi laterali superiori. Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 111Prezentarea unui caz clinic / BALTAG, Ruxandra Catalina 2013Anomaliile dentare de numar - studiu statistic / BALTAG, Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 115Ruxandra Catalina 2013Lambou deplasat coronar in parodontita marginala cronica Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 119profunda cu retractie gingivala - prezentari semnificative 2013de caz / QORRY, ErdaStudiu statistic privind eficienta antibioterapiei Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 122sistemice asociata tratamentului non-chirurgical parodontal 2013la pacientii cu diabet zaharat si parodontita marginalacronica / GHEORGHITA, LeliaPosibilitatile si limitele tratamentului restaurator in Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 128displazia ectodermala hipohidrotica - caz clinic / 2013RADUCANU, Maria AncaUtilizarea spatiilor retentive linguale si ameliorarea Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 133retentiei si stabilitatii protezelor totale mandibulare 2013conventionale / TARLUNGEANU, IoanaAnaliza statistica a unui lot de pacienti protezati cu Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 139proteze scheletate cu sisteme speciale / TANASESCU, Alice 2013Studiu privind implicatiile bioeconomice si stabilirea Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 142diagnosticului precoce si instituirea unui tratament corect 2013de reabilitare orala protetica / RADULESCU, Eugenia DianaAnaliza molarilor unu mandibulari cu pivot radicular prin Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 146utilizarea metodei elementelor finite (MEF) / BUTINCU, 2013LaviniaStudiu clinico-statistic privind incidenta si prevalenta Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 150patologiei edentatiei partiale a arcadelor dentare - partea 2013I / OPRISAN, ViviyanaStudiu clinic si statistic al edentatiei partiale si al Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 156solutiilor de tratament cu ajutorul protezelor mobilizabile 2013/ DUMITRESCU, Catalin SorinAnaliza imagistica a defectelor osoase artificial create in Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 160vivo utilizand senzori digitali CCD si CBCT. Studiu pe 2013model animal / PESCARU, Manuela

Afectiuni dermatologice cu manifestari orale: lichenul plan Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 164bucal / GHEORGHE, Carmen 2013Why do GDPs fail to recognise oral cancer? The argument for British Dental Journal Vol. 214 Nr. 5 223an oral cancer checklist / DAVE, B. Luna March An

2013An overview of electronic apex locator: part 2 / ALI, R. British Dental Journal Vol. 214 Nr. 5 227

Luna March An2013

Ars scientia mores: science comes to English dentistry in British Dental Journal Vol. 214 Nr. 5 239the seventeenth century. 2. Charles Allen's Treatise of Luna March An1685/6 / BISHOP, M. 2013What is clinical leadership and why might it be important British Dental Journal Vol. 214 Nr. 5 243in dentistry? / BROCKLEHURST, P. Luna March An



Avoiding medical emergencies / OMAR, Y. British Dental Journal Vol. 214 Nr. 5 255Luna March An2013

Iron deficiency anemia: periodontal manifestations and Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 31pacient management / COJANU, Mihaela F. L. 2013Coroana implanto-purtata, optiune de electie in protezarea Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 6edentatiei de premolar unu superior / DUMITRU, 2013Maria-LuizaAnaliza comparativa a deplasarilor implanturilor de 8 si 13 Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 11mm, utilizand metoda elementelor finite / HRISTACHE, 2013Oana-LauraStudiul tensiunilor si deformatiilor aparute la nivelul Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 15coroanelor metalo-ceramice aplicate pe implanturi dentare 2013si la nivelul interfetei os-implant / GOLUMBEANU, NicolaeAtitudinea terapeutica in cazul unui defect alveolar Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 20postextractional - studiu de caz / POLL, Alexandru 2013Realizarea unui model experimental pentru studiul Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 24integrarii implanturilor dentare / SALAVASTRU, Dan Ionut 2013Latimea gingiei - implicatii clinice privind integrarea Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 28epitelio-conjunctiva a implanturilor dentare / MORARU, 2013SimonaPeri-implantitis versus periodontitis - similarities and Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 32differences. Literature review / BERECHET, Cristina 2013AlexandraCorelatii intre existenta afectiunilor parodontale si Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 38nasterea prematura / POALELUNGI, Cristian Viorel 2013Studiu clinico-statistic asupra posibilitatilor de Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 43protezare a edentatiilor partiale maxilare / GOLUMBEANU, 2013NicolaeRefacerea aspectului estetic prin protezarea edentatiei de Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 47incisiv central superior / GOLUMBEANU, Nicolae 2013Sistemele magnetice - varful de lance al supraprotezarii in Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 50edentatiile partiale intinse / DUMITRESCU, Catalin Sorin 2013Exfoliative cytology - case report / COJANU, Mihaela F. Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 53L. 2013Verificarea corectitudinii redimensionarii verticale prin Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 1 An 58analiza cefalometrica. Prezentare de caz / MIHAI, George 2013IulianEffect of Periodontal Treatment on Plasma Fibrinogen, Serum Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 45C-Reactive Protein and Total White Blood cell Count in Medicine 2013Periodontitis Patients - A Prospective Interventional Trial/ RITAM, S. N. T.A Comparison of Oral Health Status in Active-, Occasional- Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 4and Non-Smoker Patients Versus Students / BALOG Anita; Nr. 1BENEDEK Csilla; KOVACS Monika; POP, M.Aesthetic Principles of the Upper front Teeth: Application Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 25of Golden Proportion (Levin) and Golden Percentage (Snow) Nr. 1/ BIRIS, Carmen; BOGOZI Balint; CERGHIZAN, Diana; HORGA,Claudiu; IACOB, Alina; JANOSI Kinga; MARKOVICS, Emese


Lower Lip Reconstruction Using Unilateral Nasolabial Gate Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 40Flap (Fujimori Technique) / BOGOZI Balint; IACOB, Alina Nr. 1Study regarding the use of salivary 8-hydroxideoxyguanosine Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 75and Interleukin-1 gene polymorphism- as potential Laborator March An 2013.biomarkers in the diagnosis of aggressive periodontitis /BADEA, Victoria



Bardoxolone methyl in type 2 diabetes and stage 4 chronic New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 26 2492kidney disease / AKIZAVA, Tadao Luna December An

2013Combined angiotensin inhibition for the treatment of New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 20 1892diabetic nephropathy / FRIED, Linda F. Luna November An

2013Efficacy and safety of canagliflozin versus glimepiride in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9896 941patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled with Luna September Anmetformin (CANTATA-SU): 52 week results from a randomised, 2013double-blind, phase 3 non-inferiority trial / CEFALU,William T.Individualized treatment targets for elderly patients with Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9890 409type 2 diabetes using vildagliptin add-on or lone therapy Luna July An 2013(INTERVAL): a 24 week, randomised, double-blind,placebo-controlled study / STRAIN, David W.Exenatide once weekly versus liraglutide once daily in Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9861 117patients with type 2 diabetes (DURATION-6): a randomised, Luna January Anopen-label study / BUSE, John B. 2013

Surrogate Measures of Insulin Resistance in Middle-aged Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 279Non-diabetic Subjects / CSEP Katalin Nr. 6The influence of a new rutin derivative on homocysteine, Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1167cholesterol and total antioxidative status in experimental 2013diabetes in rat / ALBU, ElenaAtatin therapy in patients with diabetes and hepatitis C / Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1204RUSU, Emilia 2013Relatia leptinei cu steatoza hepatica non-alcoolica / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 248CACEAUNE, Elena 2013Design and development of sustained release swelling matrix Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 883tablets of glipizide for type II diabetes mellitus / IGE, 2013Pradum


The correlation between plasma leptin and the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 902concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines in patients 2013with type II diabetes mellitus in maintenance hemodialysis/ ANTONESCU, AngelaThe efficiency of metoprolol tartrate in the treatment of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 713pure arterial hypertension at patients with coronary artery 2013disease and the risk factors associated / COZLEA,Laurentiu; COZLEA, Daniel Laurentiu; DOGARU, Grigore;FARCAS, Dan Mircea; KERESZTESI Arthur Attila; TIFREA,Ramona; VARI, Camil E.Enhancement of anti-diabetic effects of gliclazide using Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 820immediate release tablets in streptozotocin-induced 2013diabetic and normal rats / VARSHOSAZ, JalehStudiu statistic privind eficienta antibioterapiei Revista Romana de Stomatologie Vol. 59 Nr. 2 An 122sistemice asociata tratamentului non-chirurgical parodontal 2013la pacientii cu diabet zaharat si parodontita marginalacronica / GHEORGHITA, LeliaAssessment of beta cell function in subjects with newly Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 145diagnosed type 2 diabetes / CERNEA, Simona; COROS, Ligia; Laborator June An 2013.DOBREANU, Minodora; HUTANU, AdinaEvaluarea osoasa si diabetul zaharat tip 2 la femeile in Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 37menopauza / CARSOTE, Mara 2013Osteoprotegerin and Carotid Intima Media Thickness in Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 29Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Uncomplicated Diabetes Medicine 2013Mellitus / POROJAN, Mihai D.Cecitate bilaterala dupa endoftalmita endogena cu evolutie Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 12fulminanta - caz clinic / PUIANU, Mihaela 2013Evaluarea grosimii centrale a corneei la copiii cu diabet Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 26zaharat tip 1 / TIUTIUCA, Carmen 2013



ARMC5 mutations in macronodular adrenal hyperplasia with New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 22 2015Cushing's syndrome / ASSIE, Guillaume Luna December An

2013Intraadrenal corticotropin in bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 22 2115adrenal hyperplasia / LOUISET, Estelle Luna December An

2013Mutant prolactin receptor and familial hyperprolactinemia : New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 21 2012brief report / NEWEY, Paul J. Luna November An


2013Surrogate Measures of Insulin Resistance in Middle-aged Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 279Non-diabetic Subjects / CSEP Katalin Nr. 6Rolul metforminului in scaderea androgenilor plasmatici la Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 183pacientele diagnosticate cu sindromul ovarelor 2013micropolichistice / BAJENARU, MagdaArgumente pentru reducerea consumului de bauturi Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 239carbogazoase indulcite: element definitoriu in preventia 2013epidemiei de obezitate si patologie metabolica /CARNICIU, SimonaOsteoporoza la barbati - o problema de sanatate publica / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 268PAUN, Diana Loreta 2013Determinarea DXA la nivelul antebratului: un studiu Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 4 An 240transversal la femeile din Romania aflate in postmenopauza, 2013fara hiperparatiroidism primar / PAUN, Diana LoretaFeocromocitoamele si provocarile lor / PETRIS, Rodica Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 185

2013Terapii curente si directii de cercetare in tratamentul Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 121osteoporozei / PAUN, Diana Loreta 2013Aspecte particulare in bolile autoimune tiroidiene / Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 173PAUN, Diana Loreta 2013Teriparatide and denosumab, alone or combined, in women Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9886 50with postmenopausal osteoporosis: the DATA study randomised Luna July An 2013trial / TSAI, Joy N.The Characteristics of Amiodarone-induced Thyrotoxicosis in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 194a Moderate Iodine Deficit Area / CAPRARU, Oana-Maria; Nr. 4COTA, Ancuta-Elena; PASCANU, Ionela

Therapeutical Approach of Osteoporosis - a Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 226Multidisciplinary Issue / GLIGA, Camelia; GLIGA, M.; Nr. 4MARCU, SimonaThe Incidence and Risk of Inducing Hyperthyroidism Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 137Following Amiodarone Treatment / CARASCA, E.; COZLEA, Nr. 3Daniel Laurentiu; COZLEA, L.; FARCAS, Dan Mircea;KERESZTESI A.; SILIVASTRU, I.Feocromocitoame izolate versus feocromocitoame in cadrul Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 58sindromului MEN 2A / PAUN, Diana Loreta; PETRIS, Rodica 2013Indicele de pulsatilitate al arterelor carotide. Predictor Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 72de risc vascular crescut la pacientii cu sindrom metabolic 2013/ POPESCU, Monica; TIGLEA, IsabelaProbleme de terminologie in endocrinologie in relatie cu Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 2 An 105codurile OMS 999 / PERETIANU, Dan 2013DXA si ultradensitometria calcaneana: studiu transversal la Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 2 An 129femeile non-osteoporotice aflate in menopauza / CARSOTE, 2013MaraLipoprotein(a) Levels in Thyroid Disorders / GLIGA, Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 81Mirela; POP-RADU, Corina Nr. 2Circulating RANKL is not a Reliable Biomarker for Bone Loss Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 23in Primary Hyperparathyroidism / GRIGORIE, D. Medicine 2013


Osteoprotegerin and Carotid Intima Media Thickness in Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 29Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Uncomplicated Diabetes Medicine 2013Mellitus / POROJAN, Mihai D.Serum Interleukin Profile in Patients with Graves Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 31Orbithopathy / KUN Imre Zoltan; RADU POP, Corina; RETI, Nr. 1Zsuzsanna



Evaluation of the efficacy of antiageing and hydrating Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 1082products on the cutaneous senescence process. Preliminary 2013data / CRISAN, DianaDeep dermatophytosis and inherited CARD9 deficiency / New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 18 1704LANTERNIER, Fanny Luna October An

2013Lichenul plan si eruptiile lichenoide / PATRASCU, V. Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 212

2013Allogeneic blood and bone marrow cells for the treatment of Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9899 1214severe epidermolysis bullosa: repair of the extracellular Luna October Anmatrix / TOLAR, Jakub 2013Urticaria - An Allergologic, Dermatologic or Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 125Multidisciplinary Disease ? / LERU, Poliana Medicine 2013

Preliminary Results on Clinico-pathological and Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 201Immunohistochemical Features of Malignant Melanomas / Nr. 4CIORTEA, Carmen Diana; GURZU, Simona; JUNG, I.; ZDROB,Simona MariaTattoo-Associated Skin Reactions - Clinical Cases / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 172FEKETE Julia - Edit; FEKETE Gyula-Laszlo Nr. 3Tumori cutanate maligne istorice / OANTA, Alexandru Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 89

Nr. 2Tratamentul cu Imiquimod in keratozele actinice - cazuri Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 93clinice / TATARU, Alexandru Nr. 2Lentiginoza partiala unilateral asociata cu pete cafea cu Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 99lapte si Naevus Spilus / OANTA, Alexandru Nr. 2Herpes zoster la un sugar de 3 luni - prezentare de caz / Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 105BICA, Stefan Nr. 2Lichen plan localizat zona zoster-like / COSTESCU, Monica Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 111

Nr. 2Arteriovenous malformations / LORETTE, G. Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 121

Nr. 2


Rolul fitoterapiei in prostatite si in hiperplazia benigna Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 125de prostata / ENE, Cosmin Victor Nr. 2Este teledermatologia o solutie ? / IRIMIE, Marius Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 135

Nr. 2The Superiority of the Micrographic Surgery Technique in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 64the Surgical Treatment of Facial Basal Cell Carcinomas / Nr. 2BAICAN, Corina; COSGAREA, Rodica; HARCEAGA, O.Topical paromomycin with or without Gentamicin for New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 524cutaneous Leishmaniasis / SALAH, Afif Ben February An 2013Pemphigoid diseases: seminar / SCHMIDT, Enno Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9863 320

Luna January An2013

Larva migrans cutanata - cazuri clinice / BOROS Reka; Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 17FEKETE Julia - Edit; FEKETE Gyula-Laszlo 2013Distructia melanocitara mediata imunologic - autoimunitate, Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 40autoinflamatie, imunitate antitumorala. Partea I - 2013Introducere, structura si functia sistemului imuntegumentar / NEDELCU, R. I.Distructia melanocitara mediata imunologic - autoimunitate, Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 46autoinflamatie, imunitate antitumorala. Partea II - 2013raspunsuri imune indreptate impotriva melanocitelor /NEDELCU, R. I.Boala Bowen: aspecte clinice, histologice si Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 5imunohistochimice intr-o serie de cazuri / GEANTA, Nr. 1MadalinaStudiul concordantei scorurilor PASI si DLQI la bolnavii cu Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 15psoriazis vulgar: 104 cazuri / PATRASCU, Virgil Nr. 1Sindromul Gorlin-Goltz - o boala ereditara rara si o Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 23provocare de diagnostic / TAMPA, Mircea Nr. 1Lupusul Chilblain - forma rara de lupus eritematos cutanat. Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 37Prezentare de caz / RADULESCU, Ionica-Mariana Nr. 1Lichen plan hipertrofic / POPESCU, Mihaela-Anca Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 47

Nr. 1Dermatita herpetiforma Duhring-Brocq: aspecte clinice, Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 59fiziopatologice si terapeutice / COMAN, Oana Andreia Nr. 1Necrobioza lipoidica - actualitati etiopatogene si Dermatovenerologie Vol. 58 .An 2013 69terapeutice / JUSTIN, I. P. Nr. 1Chondrodermatitis Nodularis Helicis / FEKETE Julia - Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 55Edit; FEKETE Gyula-Laszlo Nr. 1




Urologists' use of intensity-modulated radiation therapy New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 17 1629for prostate cancer: special article / MITCHELL, Jean M. Luna October An

2013Impactul prostatectomiei radicale asupra calitatii vietii Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 272pacientilor cu cancer de prostata / AURELIAN, Justin 2013Efectul terapiei cu fier asupra nivelului seric al Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 133hepcidinei-25 la pacientii hemodializati fara deficit 2013evident al fierului / BRATESCU, Lavinia O.Biomarkers in Assessing Tubular Lesions of the Solitary Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 135Kidney. The Solitary Kidney in Special Conditions / Medicine 2013GLUHOVSCHI, Gh.Aspects of Renal Function in Patients with Colorectal Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 164Cancer in a Gastroenterology Clinic of a County Hospital in Medicine 2013Western Romania / VELCIOV, SilviaHipercoagulabilitatea in sindromul nefrotic / GENER, I.; Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 62MIRCESCU, G. 2013Aspecte privind etiologia infectiilor de tract urinar si Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 100sensibilitatea la antibiotice a bacteriilor implicate / 2013DAIANU, T.; UNGUREANU, AncaHypercoagulability risk factors associated with venous Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 135thromboembolic events in patients with idiopathic Laborator June An 2013.membranous nephropathy and nephrotic syndrome: aprospective observational study / GENER, Ismail

The Solitary Kidney - A Nephrological Perspective / Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 80GLUHOVSCHI, Gh. Medicine 2013The Management of Cryptorchidism at the Pediatric Surgery Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 88Clinic of Tirgu Mures / DERZSI Z.; GOZAR, H.; PRISCA, R. Nr. 2A.

Long-term functional outcomes after treatment for localized New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 5 Luna 437prostate cancer / RESNICK, Matthew J. February An 2013Erectile dysfunction: seminar / SHAMLOUL, Rany Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9861 153

Luna January An2013

Strategii terapeutice in nefropatia lupica / CARABA, A. Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 142013

Reflux vezico-ureteral primar semnalat antenatal cu Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 100evolutie particulara / RUSSU ,R 2013Boala renala cronica - o problema majora de sanatate Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 18publica / ZILISTEANU, Diana Silvia 2013


Locul indicelui de rezistivitate renala in evaluarea Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 1 An 11varstnicului hipertensiv / LUPUSORU, Mircea 2013Diabetul insipid nefrogen congenital - prezentare de caz / Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 1 An 37COVACESCU, Mirela 2013Congenital Malformations of the Renourinary System - Risk Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 3Factors for the Development of Urinary Tract Infections, a Nr. 1Screening That is Required to Be performed / MARGINEAN,OanaResearch Concerning the Correlations Between Urinary Tract Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 28Infections and Congenital Malformations of the Renourinary Nr. 1System / MOREH Zsuzsanna; VOICU, Lucia-Sanda

Two Cases of Dorsal Urethral Duplication / DERZSI Z.; Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 52GOZAR, H.; PRISCA, R. A. Nr. 1



Belimumab for systemic lupus erythematosus / HAHN, Bevra New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 16 1528Hannahs Luna October An

2013Modalitati de debut in artrita idiopatica juvenila / DOP, Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 201Dalia 2013Hipercalcemia - o abordare etiopatogenica / PAUN, Diana Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 185Loreta 2013Mecanismele durerii in spondilartroze / SUTA, Maria Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 194

2013Vascosuplimentarea in boala artrozica / BANCIU, Mioara Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 199


Tendinta la somatizare la pacientii cu umar dureros Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 203atraumatic / ALBINA, Sandica 2013Tulburari de ritm cardiac in cursul puls-terapiei cu Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 210metilprednisolon din artrita reumatoida / MATEI, Luminita 2013Afercatrea articulara in bolile inflamatorii intestinale / Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 216MARIAN, Loredana 2013The pattern of lupus erythematosus patients admitted in the Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 223intensive care units / COPOTOIU, Monica; MORAR, Anicuta 2013Dificultati de diagnostic si tratament in cazul pacientilor Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 4 An 227cu pyoderma gangrenosum - discutii pe marginea unei serii 2013de cazuri / MILICESCU, Mihaela


Comparative evaluation of methotrexate toxicity as solution Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 939for injection and liposomes following a short-term 2013treatment in a murine model of arthritis: Note II.Histopathological changes / BARCA, MonicaEfficacy and safety of ustekinumab in patients with active Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 780psoriatic arthritis: 1 year results of the phase 3, Luna August An 2013multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled PSUMMIT 1trial / Mc INNES, Iain B.Clinical aspects of autoimmune rheumatic diseases: series Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 797/ GOLDBLATT, Fiona Luna August An 2013Systemic lupus erythematosus and other autoimmune rheumatic Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 809diseases: challenges to treatment / MURPHY, Grainne Luna August An 2013Immunopathogenic mechanisms of systemic autoimmune disease: Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9894 819series / WAHREN-HERLENIUS, Marie Luna August An 2013Actualitati in etiopatogenia artrozelor / MAN, Gabriela Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 123Simona 2013Terapii curente si directii de cercetare in tratamentul Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 121osteoporozei / PAUN, Diana Loreta 2013Riscul cardiovascular la bolnavii cu poliartrita reumatoida Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 129si boala parodontala / CROITORU, Alexandru G. 2013Eficacitatea clinica sustinuta dupa terapia cu Rituximab in Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 137cure multiple la pacienti cu artrita reumatoida activa si 2013raspuns inadecvat la tratamentul cu inhibitori aifactorului de necroza tumorala / CODREANU, C.Semnificatia anticorpilor anti-CCP in alte boli reumatice Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 144inflamatoare - studiu transversal / POPESCU, Claudiu 2013Hipertensiunea arteriala pulmonara din scleroza sistemica, Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 150o provocare permanenta in practica clinica / GROSEANU, 2013LauraEvolutia nivelului seric al anticorpilor anti-peptide Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 160citrulinate la pacientii cu poliartrita reumatoida - un 2013studiu longitudinal / MIHAI, Carina

Boala Behcet la intersectia specialitatilor medicale - Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 167prezentare de caz clinic / SIRBU, Any 2013Artrita tuberculoasa a genunchiului - o complicatie rara Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 3 An 174survenind la o pacienta cu lupus eritematos sistemic / 2013SOARE, Alina

The Significance of Rheumatoid Factor and anti-Cyclic Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 179Citrullinated peptide Antibodies in Systemic Lupus Medicine 2013Erythematosus / POPESCU, C.Imunogenicitatea agentilor biologici - o cauza importanta a Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 61pierderii raspunsului terapeutic in bolile inflamatoare / 2013MAZILU, DianaImplicatiile infectiei parodontale la pacientii cu Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 69poliartrita reumatoida / CROITORU, Alexandru G. 2013Aspecte morfologice si histologice ale tesutului osos in Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 74implanturile ortopedice / ANGHELINA, Ane Mary 2013


Alegerea tratamentului antiinflamator in artroza - Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 79recomandarile ghidurilor internationale / BALANESCU, 2013AndraStatusul vitaminei D si corelatii clinico-biologice la un Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 84lot de pacienti cu scleroza sistemica / GROSEANU, Laura 2013Factori predictivi pentru deces in scleroderma sistemica: Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 91un studiu longitudinal / SOARE, Alina 2013Evaluarea nevoilor educationale ale pacientilor cu Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 98poliartrita reumatoida folosind o versiune in limba romana 2013a chestionarului de evaluare a nevoilor educationale(RoENAT) / DRAGOI, Razvan GabrielEvaluarea ultrasonografica a mainii in artropatia Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 103psoriazica / MIU, Smaranda 2013Optimizarea tratamentului in poliartrita reumatoida / Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 2 An 108TRANDAFIR, Marius 2013Genetic Differences between Patients with Rheumatoid Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 89Arthritis / COJOCARU, M. Medicine 2013Maintenance, reduction, or withdrawal of etanercept after Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9870 918treatment with etanercept and methotrexate in patients with Luna March An 2013moderate rheumatoid arthritis (PRESERVE): a randomisedcontrolled trial / SMOLEN, Josef S.Aspecte patogenice ale afectarii esofagiene in sclerodermie Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 5- o calatorie in timp / GORGA, Marilena 2013Strategii terapeutice in nefropatia lupica / CARABA, A. Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 14

2013Atitudinea pacientului fata de boala cronica / PARVU, Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 26Mirela 2013Actualitati in genetica osteoporozei / BACULESCU, Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 30Nicoleta 2013Evaluarea osoasa si diabetul zaharat tip 2 la femeile in Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 37menopauza / CARSOTE, Mara 2013Examenul capilaroscopic la pacientii cu fenomen Raynaud de Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 42cauza necunoscuta / DOBROTA, Rucsandra 2013Corticoterapia nesupravegheata in lupusul eritematos Revista Romana de Reumatologie Vol. 22 Nr. 1 An 49sistemic - discutii pe marginea unui caz clinic / 2013SAULESCU, IoanaMacrophage Activation Syndrome in Rheumatic Disorders / Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 19COJOCARU, M. Medicine 2013

Evaluation of serum hepcidin variation in patients with Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 17rheumatoid arthritis according to anemia profile and its Laborator March An 2013.correlation with disease activity / SABAU, AdrianaPolimialgie reumatica: seminar / KERMANI, Tanaz A. Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9860 63

Luna January An 2013




A structured training programme for caregivers of Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9910 2069inpatients after stroke (TRACS): a cluster randomised Luna December Ancontrolled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis / 2013DICKERSON, Josie; FORSTER, Anne; YOUNG, John

Targeted temperature management at 33 degrees Celsius New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 23 2198versus 36 degrees Celsius after cardiac arrest / NIELSEN, Luna December AnNiklas 2013Identification and control of a poliomyelitis outbreak in New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 21 1981Xinjiang, China / LUO, Hui-Ming Luna November An

2013Bilirubin-induced neurologic damage-mechanisms and New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 21 2021management approaches / WATCHKO, Jon F. Luna November An

2013A novel prion disease associated with diarrhea and New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 20 1904autonomic neuropathy / MEAD, Simon Luna November An

2013Premature mortality in epilepsy and the role of psychiatric Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9905 1646comorbidity: a total population study / FAZEL, Seena Luna November An

2013Experienta personala in interpretarea raspunsurilor Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 195declansate la stimularea nervoasa periferica in blocul 2013integral al membrului inferior / PRICOP, MihaelaEficacitatea si siguranta tratamentului cu Stalevo in Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 254studiul REST-PD / FRASINEANU, Armand 2013

Imbunatatirea simptomatologiei clinice a pacientilor Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 4 An 258suferinzi de dementa Alzheimer sub tratament cu 2013Rivastigmina plasture transdermic (Exelon Patch) lapersoane anterior tratate cu inhibitori deAcetilcolinesteraza administrati pe cale orala - studiulEVIDENCE-AD / TUDOSE, CatalinaElectroencephalographic evaluation in patients with Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 169impaired consciousness / ROCEANU, A. 2013 Luna OctoberBiological molecules in clinical stroke trials / STAN, Adina Dora Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 2013 175

2013 Luna OctoberImaging brain networks - short presentation of new Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 180techniques / ROCEANU, A. 2013 Luna October


Valproate induced subclinical hypothyroidism in children Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 183with epilepsy / TELEANU, Raluca 2013 Luna OctoberThe incidence of visual subclinical manifestations in Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 185multiple sclerosis / GRECESCU, Monica 2013 Luna OctoberCerebral hemodynamic changes in patients with severe Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 189carotid stenosis pre and post CEA or CAS monitored through 2013 Luna OctoberTCD / MILITARU, MariusBrainstem auditory evoked potentials in Parkinson's disease Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 198/ ALEXA, Daniel 2013 Luna OctoberPrognostic factors in hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 202- study on a group of 80 patients / GHELMEZ, Dana 2013 Luna OctoberIntracranial complications as a manifestation of clinical Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 206onset in a patient with prolonged insidious evolution of 2013 Luna Octoberear pathology / BECHERESCU, JaninaMultiple cerebral cavernous malformations - a case report Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 209/ VLADILA, Ana-Maria 2013 Luna October

Right transverse sinus thrombosis and bilateral PCA stroke Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 214in a patient with a hypercoagulable state / MARES, 2013 Luna OctoberGeorgianaNeurocognitive disorder and dysgenesis of corpus callosum Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 219/ DAVIDESCU, Irene 2013 Luna OctoberHemodynamic changes of severe carotid atheromatosis pre and Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 4 An 224post endarterectomy in the case of a coronary patient with 2013 Luna Octoberischemic stroke / MILITARU, MariusCell therapy for multiple sclerosis: an evolving concept Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9899 1204with implications for other neurodegenerative diseases / Luna October AnRICE, Claire M. 2013Clinical response to intravenous immunoglobulin in acute Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 5 An 957inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy / 2013BURAGA, IoanBlood-pressure targets in patients with recent lacunar Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9891 507stroke: the SPS3 randomised trial / THE SPS3 STUDY GROUP Luna August An 2013Effectiveness of intermittent pneumatic compression in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9891 516reduction of risk of deep vein thrombosis in patients who Luna August An 2013have had a stroke (CLOTS3): a multicentre randomisedcontrolled trial / CLOTSEarly surgery versus initial conservative treatment in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9890 397patients with spontaneous supratentorial lobar Luna July An 2013intracerebral haematomas (STICH II): a randomised trial /MENDELOW, David A.Alzheimer - certitudini si ipoteze / AMIHAESEI, Ioana Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 153Cristina 2013Muzicoterapia in afectiunile psihiatrice si neurologice / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 161CIOCA, Ioana 2013Diagnosis orientations and risk stratification in syncope Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 105/ BUZEA, Catalin 2013 Luna JulyIncidence and hospitalization rate of syncope in a Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 113non-emergency hospital / BUZEA, Catalin 2013 Luna July


Safety of thrombolysis with IV RT-PA in patients with Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 118atrial fibrillation related ischemic stroke and prior 2013 Luna Julysubtherapeutic use of coumarinic anticoagulants /TERECOASA, ElenaThe influence of neutritrophic factors treatment on stroke Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 124volume / STAN, Adina Dora 2013 Luna JulySecondary prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 130and stroke or transient ischemic attack - an insight from 2013 Luna Julythe facts programme / POPESCU, Raluca AlexandraAcute zoster encephalomyelitis in a case of pancreatic head Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 136neoplasm with fulminant progression: case presentation / 2013 Luna JulyHANCU, AncaAtypical clinical presentation of subacute sclerosing Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 142panencephalitis (SSPE) / ROCEANU, Adina 2013 Luna JulyPreexisting neurologic disorders triggered by anesthesia? Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 148/ BURAGA, Ioana 2013 Luna July

Subcortical band heterotopia syndrome in children - Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 152comparison of two case reports / NITA, Smaranda 2013 Luna JulyStiff person syndrome with negative ANTI-GAD65 antibodies. Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 156Case report / ROMAN-FILIP, Corina 2013 Luna JulyCorpus callosum dysgenesis and colpocephaly / CIUREA, Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 3 An 160Roxana Beatice 2013 Luna JulyCould pro-BNP, Uric Acid, Bilirubin, Albumin and Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 3-4 An 188Transferrin Be Used in Making the Distinction between Medicine 2013Stroke Subtypes? / COJOCARU, Inimioara MihaelaIntravenous valproic acid for the treatment of status Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 742epilepticus and seizure clusters / ROMAN-FILIP, Corina 2013Effects of botulinum toxin-type A in the treatment of Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 748cerebral palsy in children / DINU, Iuliana Stefania 2013Experimental pharmacological researches regarding the Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 An 781influence of sodium fluoride in allopathic and homeopathic 2013doses of central nervous system's performances. Acorrelation between behavioral response in classic mazetest and morphological aspects of cerebral cortex /BARAN-POESINA, ViolettaDaclizumab high-yield process in relapsing-remitting Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9884 2167multiple sclerosis (SELECT): a randomised, double-blind, Luna June An 2013placebo-controlled trial / GOLD, RalphMultiple Sclerosis of the Spinal Cord: is Gadolinium Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 158Irreplaceable in Assessing Lesion Activity? / BALASA, Nr. 3Rodica; BURUIAN, M.; MACAVEI, I.; PODEANU, Maria Daniela;Simu, I. P.; TREABA, Constantina AndradaSubcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9875 1361treatment-refractory anorexia nervosa: a phase 1 pilot Luna April An 2013trial / LIPSMAN, NirCharacteristics of patients with atrial fibrillation and Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 2 An 53history of stroke or transient ischemic attack - some 2013 Luna Aprilresults from the facts database / POPESCU, Raluca A.


Computerized posturography in the diagnosis and treatment Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 2 An 58of the instability of the elderly / MUSAT, Gabriel 2013 Luna AprilAspects of epileptic seizures in the children with Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 2 An 63neurofibromatosis type 1 / TARTA-ARSENE, Oana 2013 Luna AprilKaleidoscopic nervous system involvement in the setting of Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 2 An 70a chronic multisystem dysimmune disorder: report of a 2013 Luna Aprilremarkable case / DUMITRESCU, LauraMultiple neurogenic extracranial tumors. Clinical, MRI Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 2 An 87features, and diagnostic difficulties / BULBOACA, Adriana 2013 Luna AprilEarly onset of ocular autoimmune myasthenia - case report Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 2 An 92/ TELEANU, Raluca 2013 Luna AprilImportanta diagnosticului precoce in boala Alzheimer - noi Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 2 An 99criterii, noi dificultati / TUDOSE, Florin; TUDOSE, 2013CatalinaEvaluation of Oxidative Stress in Patients with Acute Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 97Ischemic Stroke / COJOCARU, Inimioara Mihaela Medicine 2013Muscular dystrophies: seminar / MERCURI, Eugenio Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9869 845

Luna March An 2013Brain dopamine-serotonin vesicular transport disease and New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 543its treatment : brief report / RILSTONE, Jennifer J. February An 2013High-performance neuroprosthetic control by an individual Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9866 557with tetraplegia / COLLINGER, Jennifer L. Luna February An

2013Alzheimmer's disease - neurological or psychiatric Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 1 An 5disorder? / POALELUNGI, Alina 2013 Luna JanuaryDisambiguation of visual stimuli correlates with activity Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 1 An 15in bilateral medial temporal lobe structures / CIRNECI, 2013 Luna JanuaryDragosEndocrine reproductive dysfunctions in women with epilepsy Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 1 An 24on antiepileptic therapy / ROMAN-FILIP, Corina 2013 Luna January19-year-old female with abdominal pain / BURAGA, Ioan Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 1 An 30

2013 Luna JanuaryBourneville tuberous sclerosis - a case report / LUNGU, Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 1 An 37Mihaela 2013 Luna January

Myasthenia gravis - problems in diagnosis. A case Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 1 An 40presentation / PAVEL, Georgiana 2013 Luna JanuaryAn unusual case of seronegative Wegener's granulomatosis: Romanian Journal of Neurology Vol. 12 Nr. 1 An 43acute pancreatitis at onset, followed by atrio-ventricular 2013 Luna Januaryblock, neurological and kidney involvement / BAJKOZoltan; BALASA, Rodica; BALASA, Adrian; CHEBUT, Octavia;MOCAN, SimonaCrizele epileptice la copiii cu sindrom Down / DIACONU, Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 92Georgeta 2013Efectele muzicoterapiei in patologia umana / POPILEAN, Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 72Florin Ioan 2013Essential Thrombocythemia Diagnosed in a Patient with Acute Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 53Myocardial Infarction and Ischemic Strokes / COJOCARU, I.M. Medicine 2013




Embolizarea meningioamelor intracraniene - caz clinic / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 143DABU, Aurelia Nicoleta 2013Ganglioneuroblastom toracic - abord multidisciplinar / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 199PATRANCUS, Toli 2013Considerente asupra complicatiilor in chirurgia herniei de Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 133disc lombare / MOHAN, A. G. 2013Durerea in hernia de disc lombara. Efecte asupra vietii Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 152profesionale / MOHAN, A. G. 2013Subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9875 1361treatment-refractory anorexia nervosa: a phase 1 pilot Luna April An 2013trial / LIPSMAN, NirMetode moderne de abord endovascular al malformatiilor Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 76arteriovenoase cerebrale / CIUREA, A. V.; FLORESTEAN, 2013N.C.Aspecte clinice si angiografice in embolizarea Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 25meningioamelor intracraniene / DABU, Aurelia Nicoleta 2013Dificultati de diagnostic si de tratament in tumorile Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 1 An 43intramedulare / SERBAN, Daniel 2013



Embolizarea meningioamelor intracraniene - caz clinic / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 143DABU, Aurelia Nicoleta 2013Ganglioneuroblastom toracic - abord multidisciplinar / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 199PATRANCUS, Toli 2013Durerea in hernia de disc lombara. Efecte asupra vietii Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 152profesionale / MOHAN, A. G. 2013


Subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9875 1361treatment-refractory anorexia nervosa: a phase 1 pilot Luna April An 2013trial / LIPSMAN, NirMetode moderne de abord endovascular al malformatiilor Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 2 An 76arteriovenoase cerebrale / CIUREA, A. V.; FLORESTEAN, 2013N.C.Aspecte clinice si angiografice in embolizarea Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 25meningioamelor intracraniene / DABU, Aurelia Nicoleta 2013Dificultati de diagnostic si de tratament in tumorile Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 1 An 43intramedulare / SERBAN, Daniel 2013



Chronic infectious disease and the future of health care New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 25 2425delivery / FARMER, Paul E. Luna December An

2013Efficacy trial of a DNA/rAd5 HIV-1 preventive vaccine / New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 22 2083HAMMER, Scott M. Luna December An

2013Changes in sexual attitudes and lifestyles in Britain Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9907 1781through the life course and over time: findings from the LunaNational Surveys of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles November-December(Natsal) / MERCER, Catherine H. An 2013Prevalence, risk factors, and uptake of interventions for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9907 1795sexually transmitted infections in Britain: findings from Lunathe National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles November-December(Natsal) / SANNENBERG, Pam An 2013Associations between health and sexual lifestyles in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9907 1830Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual LunaAttitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal-3) / FIELD, Nigel November-December

An 2013Early-time antiretroviral therapy versus deferred therapy Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9904 1555in South African infants infected with HIV: results from Luna November Anthe children with HIV early antiretroviral (CHER) 2013randomised trial / COTTON, Mark F.Antiretroviral treatment of HIV-1 prevents transmission of Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9903 1515HIV-1: where do we go from here?: review / COHEN, Myron Luna November AnS. 2013The end of AIDS: HIV infection as a chronic disease: review Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9903 1525/ DEEKS, Steven G. Luna November An



Cost-effectiveness of HIV treatment as prevention in New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 18 1715serodiscordant couples / WALENSKY, Rochelle Luna October An

2013The new global health / CockDe, Kevin M. Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 4 An 200

2013Medicamentele antifungice si dezvoltarea mecanismelor de Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 4 An 207rezistenta la unele specii de drojdii / RUSU, Elena 2013Relatia dintre genotipul C/C al interleukinei 28B si Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 4 An 212hepatita cronica VHC - prezentare de caz / MITROI-MAXIM, 2013CorinaObservatii asupra unui caz de hepatita cronica vhc la o Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 4 An 215pacienta cu beta-talasemie minora / MITROI-MAXIM, Corina 2013 Evolutia pacientilor coinfectati HIV si cu virusul Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 4 An 218hepatitic B: virusologic, imunologic, afectare hepatica, 2013regimuri terapeutice / DUMEA, ElenaAlterarea profilului limfocitar TBNK in cursul pneumoniei Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 4 An 227bacteriene la varstnici / APOSTOL DE JONG, Iuliana 2013Reactii adverse observate in timpul tratamentului cu Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 4 An 233interferon si Ribavirin la pacientii cu hepatita cronica 2013virala C / CEAUSU, EmanoilAntiretroviral therapy to prevent HIV transmission in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9899 1195serodiscordant couples in China (2003-11): s nstionsl Luna October Anobservational cohort study / JIA, ZHONGWEI 2013Socioeconomic development as an intervention against Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9896 963malaria: a systematic review and meta-analysis / TUSTING, Luna September AnLucy S. 2013Incidence and clearance of oral human papillomavirus Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9895 877infection in men: the HIM cohort study / KREIMER, Aimee Luna September AnR. 2013

Comparative epidemiology of human infections with avian Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9887 129influenza AH7N9 and H5N1 viruses in China: a Luna July An 2013population-based study of laboratory-confirmed cases /COWLING, Benjamin J.Human infection with avian influenza AH7N9 virus: an Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9887 138assessment of clinical severity / COWLING, Benjamin J. Luna July An 2013World Health Organization international standard to Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 121harmonize assays for detection of hepatitis E virus RNA / 2013BAYLIS, sally A.Special feature: a decade in biosecurity assessing a decade Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 129of public health preparedness: progress on the precipice? 2013/ GURSKY, Elin A.Efectul inflamatiei asupra valorilor serice ale antigenului Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 141specific prostatic in patologiile frecvente ale prostatei 2013/ ENE, Cosmin VictorInfluence of Helicobacter Pylori infection on the response Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 146to antihistamines treatment in chronic idiopathic urticaria 2013patients / DINU, Lucia


Inflamatia si seroprevalenta infectiei cu virusul hepatitei Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 154C la pacientii cu urticarie cronica idiopatica / DINU, 2013LuciaModificari ale nivelului seric de BNP (polipeptid Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 161natriuretic tip B) asociate exacerbarilor 2013bronhopneumopatiei cronice obstructive / BUCSA, SimonaStefaniaStudiul clinic privind criteriile de monitorizare a Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 172tratamentului cu Entecavir in hepatitele cronice cu virus B 2013/ IORDACHE, Elena L.Infectia cu VHC si ateroscleroza subclinica / NOUR-DINCA, Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 3 An 178Angelica 2013Association between adverse clinical outcome in human Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9885 2273disease caused by novel influenza A H7N9 virus and Luna June-July Ansustained viral shedding and emergence of antiviral 2013resistance / HU, YunwenAntiretroviral prophylaxis for HIV infection in injecting Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9883 2083drug users in Bangkok, Thailand (the Bangkok Tenofovir Luna June An 2013Study): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlledphase 3 trial / CHOOPANYA, KachitRitonavir-boosted lopinavir plus nucleoside reverse Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9883 2091transcriptase inhibitors versus ritonavir-boosted lopinavir Luna June An 2013plus raltegravir for treatment of HIV-1 infection in adultswith virological failure ofa standard first-line ARTregimen (SECOND-LINE): a randomised, open-label,non-inferiority study / SECOND-LINE Study GroupSofosbuvir with pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9883for treatment-naive patients with hepatitis C genotype-1 Luna June An 2013infection (ATOMIC): an open-label, randomised, multicentrephase 2 trial / KOWDLEY, Kris V. Barriers to a cure for HIV: new ways to target and Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9883 2019eradicate HIV-1 reservoirs: review / KATLAMA, Christine Luna June An 2013Interventions to address deaths from childhood pneumonia Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9875 1417and diarrhoea equitably: what works and at what cost? / Luna April An 2013BHUTTA, Zulfiqar A.Predicting hotspots for influenza virus reassortment / Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 55FULLER, Trevon L. 2013Description and nomenclature of Neisseria meningitidis Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 64capsule locus / HARRISON, Odile B. 2013Risk factors for influenza among health care workers during Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 732009 pandemic, Toronto, Ontario, Canada / KUSTER, Stefan 2013P.A case of giant rapid evolving Buschke-Lowenstein tumor in Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 83an immunocompetent patient / TAMPA, Mircea 2013Studiu clinic privind rolul entecavirului in hepatitele Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 90cronice cu virus B / IORDACHE, Elena L. 2013Changes in the clinical and epidemiological profile of Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 96acute hepatitis B in the Infectious Diseases Hospital of 2013Iasi in the last 15 years / VATA, Andrei


Rolul consumului de alcool, tutun si al infectiilor virale Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 101B si C in etiologia carcinomului hepatocelular / MOCANU, 2013ElenaAngiocolite de reflux dupa anastomoze biliodigestive / Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 107STREINU-CERCEL, Adrian 2013Pneumonie cu Pneumocystis Jiroveci la un copil cu adenom de Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 2 An 110hipofiza secretant de acth recent operat - prezentare de 2013caz / RUSU, RodicaSafety and efficacy of MVA85A, a new tuberculosis vaccine, Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9871 1021in infants previously vaccinated with BCG: a randomised, Luna March An 2013placebo-controlled phase 2b trial / TAMERIS, Michele D.

Once-daily dolutegravir versus raltegravir in Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9868 735antiretroviral-naive adults with HIV-1 infection: 48 week Luna February Anresults from the randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority 2013SPRING-2 study / RAFFI, FrancoisYaws: seminar / MITYA, Oriol Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9868 763

Luna February An2013

Topical paromomycin with or without Gentamicin for New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 6 Luna 524cutaneous Leishmaniasis / SALAH, Afif Ben February An 2013Nucleotide polymerase inhibitor sofosbuvir plus ribavirin New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 1 Luna 34for Hepatitis C / GANE, Edward January An 2013Exploratory study of oral combination antiviral therapy for New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 1 Luna 45hepatitis C / POORDAD, Fred January An 2013Disease eradication: review article / HOPKINS, Donald R. New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 368 Nr. 1 Luna 55

January An 2013Hepatitis E virus mixed infection in immunocompetent Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 1 An 12patient / SMITH, Donald B. 2013

Measles elimination effort and 2008-2011 outbreak, France Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 1 An 16/ ANTONA, Denise 2013Aspecte privind severitatea enterocolitei rotavirale la Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 1 An 25copilul prescolar - ancheta case-control pe cazuri 2013spitalizate / NEDELCU, Niculae IonRolul hipoxiei in dezvoltarea de anomalii ale aparatului Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 1 An 32dento-maxilar / CRISTESCU, Cristina Daniela 2013Boala Lyme - maladie infectioasa multisistemica / Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 1 An 37DIACONU, Camelia 2013

Portajul cronic de pseudomonas aeruginosa in sfera ORL - Revista Romana de Boli Infectioase Vol. 16 Nr. 1 An 41risc major pentru socul septic. Prezentare de caz / 2013TIRIS, Cornelia

Clinico-Pathological Correlations in HIV Patients - Role of Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 41Autopsy / NICHITA, Luciana Medicine 2013




Corelatii intre evaluarea riscului relativ de fractura Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 170apreciat prin ultradensitometria osoasa calcaneana si cel 2013apreciat prin FRAX / CARSOTE, MaraStress distribution on a valgus knee prosthetic inclined Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 91interline - a finite element analysis / ORBAN, H.; STAN, LunaG. January-February An 2013 Expunerea soldului pentru artroplastie prin abord Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 19antero-lateral minim-invaziv in decubit dorsal / 2013CISMASIU, R.S.Finite Element Analysis of the Achilles Tendon While Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 8Running / ANITAS, R.; LUCACIU, D. O. Nr. 190-day mortality after 409096 total hip replacements for Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9898 1097osteoarthritis, from the National Joint Registry for Luna September AnEngland and Wales: a retrospective analysis / HUNT, Linda 2013P.Prevalence of abuse and intimate partner violence surgical Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9895 867evaluation (PRAISE) in orthopaedic fracture clinics: a Luna September Anmultinational prevalence study / PRAISE Investigators 2013

Use of minimally invasive (percutaneous) Fassier-Duval Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 120telescopic rod on an 8 year old patient with lobstein Lunadisease / BALANESCU, R.; ULICI, Al. January-February An

2013Finite Element Analysis of the Achilles Tendon While Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 8Running / ANITAS, R.; LUCACIU, D. O. Nr. 1




Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy versus sham surgery for a New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 26 2515degenerative meniscal tear / SIHVONEN, Raine Luna December An

2013Considerations Regarding Age at Surgery and Fistula Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 302Incidence Using One- and Two-stage Closure for Cleft Palate Nr. 6/ ENESCU, D. M.; STOICESCU, SimonaRolul chirurgiei in tratamentul cancerului bronhopulmonar Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 236cu celule mici / BOLCA, Ciprian 2013Evolution of cholecystectomy in gallstones treatment / Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 187BALAN, D. A. 2013Acute calculous cholecystitis with gallbladder perforation Revista Romana de Pediatrie Vol. 62 Nr. 4 An 388in children - case report / STRATICIUC CIONGRADI, Iulia 2013Subcuticular sutures versus staples for skin closure after Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9898 1105open gastrointestinal surgery: a phase3, multicentre, Luna September Anopen-label, randomised controlled trial / TSUJINAKA, 2013ToshimasaUnderstanding of regional variation in the use of surgery: Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9898 1121series / BIRKMEYER, John D. Luna September An

2013Strategies to reduce variation in the use of surgery: Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9898 1131series / CULLOCH, Peter Luna September An

2013Strategies to improve clinical research in surgery through Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9898 1141international collaboration: review / SOREIDE, Kjetil Luna September An

2013The Role of Liver Transplantation in the Treatment of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 241Hepatocellular Carcinoma / COROS, Marius Florin Nr. 5Spigelian Port-site Hernia, a Complication after Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 242Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - a Clinical Case Report / Nr. 5BUTIURCA, V. O.; COPOTOIU, Constantin; MOLNAR, C; MOLNAR,C.V.; NEAGOE, V. I.; TILVESCU, C.The Role of Liver Transplantation in the Treatment of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 261Hepatocellular Carcinoma - a Single Center Experience from Nr. 5Budapest / FEHERVARI I.; GOROG D.; KOBORI L.; LANGER R.;NEMES B.; PIROS L.Cardioprotective and prognostic effects of remote ischaemic Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9892 597preconditioning in patients undergoing coronary artery Luna August An 2013bypass surgery: a single-centre randomised, double-blind,controlled trial / THIELMANN, Matthias


Plombage thoracoplasty with balls performed for Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 3 An 176tuberculosis - still working after 46 years / BOTIANU, 2013Alexandru-Mihail; BOTIANU, Petre Vlah HoreaConsiderente asupra complicatiilor in chirurgia herniei de Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 133disc lombare / MOHAN, A. G. 2013Durerea in hernia de disc lombara. Efecte asupra vietii Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 152profesionale / MOHAN, A. G. 2013Classical Versus Laparoscopic Approach in Retroperitoneal Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 182Lesions - Advantages and Limitations / AZAMFIREI, Nr. 4Leonard; COROS, Marius Florin; CRACIUN, C.; CRACIUN, R.C.The Therapeutic Management of Retroperitoneal Injuries / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 140AZAMFIREI, Leonard; COROS, Marius Florin; COZMA, D.; Nr. 3CRACIUN, C.; DOBRE, A.; HINTEA, A.; SORLEA, S.The New Changes in the 7th AJCC/UICC Staging System of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 165Gastric Carcinomas / BOC, Lacrima; BRINZANIUC, Klara; Nr. 3CORNISEL, S. I.; DENES Lorand; GURZU, Simona; HALMACIU,Ioana; SUCIU, B. A.Simple aspiration and drainage and intrapleural minocycline Lancet Vol. 380 Nr. 9874 1277pleurodesis versus simple aspiration and drainage for the Luna April An 2013initial treatment of primary spontaneous pneumothorax: anopen-label, parallel-group, prospective, randomised,controlled trial / CHEN, Jin-ShingEffect of donor age and cold storage time on outcome in Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9868 727recipients of kidneys donated after circulatory death in Luna February Anthe UK: a cohort study / SUMMERS, Dominic M. 2013Coronary artery bypass graft surgery versus percutaneous Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9867 629coronary intervention in patients with three vessel disease Luna February Anand left main coronary disease: 5-year folow-up of the 2013randomised, clinical SYNTAX trial / MOHR, Friedrich W.Oesophageal cancer: seminar / PENNATHUR, Arjun Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9864 401

Luna February An2013

Septic remnants, a crucial factor in the outcome of Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 7suppurated pancreatitis : general reports / BRATUCU, M.; LunaIORGA, C.; POPA, F.; RADU, P January-February An 2013

Local surgical treatment with curative intent in rectal Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 13cancer / MIREA, C.S.; VILCEA, I.D. Luna

January-February An2013

Innate immunity in surgical patients / LACATUS, M. Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 18LunaJanuary-February An2013

Paraneoplastic syndrome in primitive retroperitoneal Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 26tumours : original articles / BRATU, O.; MISCHIANU, Dan Luna

January-February An2013


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for treating acute cholecystis Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 32- possibilities and limitations / PALADE, R.; SULIMAN, E. Luna

January-February An2013

Anomalies associated with anorectal malformations / Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 38BALANESCU, R.N. Luna

January-February An2013

Rives technique, a gold standard for incisional hernias - Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 46our experience / STRAMBU, V. Luna

January-February An2013

Atypical hepatic resection technique for hepatocellular Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 51carcinoma using radiofrequency HabibTM 4X device / LunaLUPASCU, C; VLAD. N. January-February An

2013Treatment of bilateral inguinal hernia - minimally invasive Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 56versus open surgery procedure / TIMISESCU, L. Luna

January-February An2013

Feasibility study of EUS-NOTES as a novel approach for Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 62peroral cholecysto-gastrostomy / SAFTOIU, A; VILMANN, P. Luna

January-February An2013

Minimally invasive repair for pectus excavatum - aesthetic Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 70and/or functional? / GROZAVU, C.; ILIAS, M. Luna

January-February An2013

The role of preoperative B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 79in predicting technical challenges for laparoscopic Lunacholecystectomy / GURGEN, T.; KAYA, O. January-February An

2013Technical performance of colonoscopy - Multicenter study in Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 86university and non-university centers of Romania / BANCU, LunaL.; BATAGA, Simona; DOBRU, Daniela; SPOREA, Ioan January-February An 2013

Stress distribution on a valgus knee prosthetic inclined Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 91interline - a finite element analysis / ORBAN, H.; STAN, LunaG. January-February An

2013Comparison of percutaneous nucleoplasty and open discectomy Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 98in patients with lumbar disc protrusions / ADAM, D. Luna

January-February An2013

Spontaneous diaphragmatic rupture : case report and Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 99literature review / GHIDIRIM, Gh. Luna

January-February An2013


Risk stratification and consecutive prognosis progresses in Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 107childhood Wilms tumors : two cases report / DIACONESCU, S Luna

January-February An2013

Recurrent left Bockdaleck hernia in adult , a rare cause of Chirurgia Vol. 108 Nr. 1 116subocclusive syndrome / BIRIS, P.; MOLDOVAN, B. Luna

January-February An2013

Determination of safe margin in the surgical pathologic Pneumologia Vol. 62 Nr. 1 An 16specimens of non-small cell carcinoma of the lung / 2013FEIZI, IrajCorelatii anatomoterapeutice in patologia traheala / Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 1 An 27PETREANU, Adrian Cornel 2013Resection of Solitary Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients: Journal of Radiotherapy & Medical Vol. 19 Nr. 1 An 35a Case Report / MATEI, Ramona Oncology 2013Urgent versus Early Endoscopy in High Risk Patients with Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 35Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Comparative Study Medicine 2013in a Tertiary Center with Permanent Endoscopy Call /ACALOVSCHI, Monica; BOTIANU, Ana Maria-Voichita; MATEI,Daniela; TANTAU, M.Secondary Aortoduodenal Fistula As a Rare Cause of Fevers Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 1 An 62and Anemia in a Woman with High Cardiovascular Risk. A Case Medicine 2013Report / HOLY, J.



Retinopathy of prematurity: seminar / HELLSTROM, Ann Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9902 1445Luna October An 2013

Alternative treatments to inhibit VEGF in age-related Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9900 1258choroidal neovascularisation: 2-year findings of the IVAN Luna October Anrandomised controlled trial / CHAKRAVARTHY, Usha 2013Ambliopia functionala / AVRAM, Elena Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 3

2013Consideratii clinice si functionale pe marginea unor cazuri Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 9de endoftalmita postoperatorie / MUSAT, O. 2013Decolare de retina cu retinoschizis - caz clinic / Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 17CRISTESCU, R. 2013


Alternative terapeutice la excizia unui carcinom Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 22intraepitelial conjunctival cu extensie corneeana / 2013ZEMBA, M.Divergenta sinergica - prezentare de caz / BORICEAN, Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 27Ioana-Daniela 2013Corelatii clinice dintre afectiunile vasculare retiniene si Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 33afectiunile cardiovasculare la pacientii cu ateromatoza 2013sistemica / STEFANESCU-DIMA, AlinManagement of neovascular glaucoma / AJVAZI, Halil Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 39

2013Rolul membranei limitante interne in chirurgia primara a Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 44gaurii maculare / BRANISTEANU, D. 2013Chirurgia corpilor straini intraoculari cu localizare in Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 51segmentul posterior; rezultate anatomice si functionale / 2013BRANISTEANU, D.Sindromul de ochi uscat si ecranul PC / MOLDOVAN, Iulia Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 61

2013Studiul polimorfismului TNF-Alfa (-857 C/T) la pacientii cu Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 4 An 67glaucom primar cu unghi deschis din Romania - rezultate 2013studiu pilot / SIMIONESCU, RuxandraMecanisme fiziopatologice in glaucomul primar cu unghi Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 3 An 149deschis / SIMIONESCU, Ruxandra 2013Corneea intre constanta si parametru in diagnosticul si Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 3tratamentul glaucomului / POTOP, Vasile 2013Modificarile oculare din oftalmohelioze / BOGDANICI, Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 9Camelia 2013Tratamentul antiglaucomatos fata si revers / POTOP, Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 19Vasile 2013Ocluzia de vena centrala a retinei la un pacient tanar / Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 23ZEMBA, M. 2013Dificultati de diagnostic in cazul unui camp vizual Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 29ingustat concentric - prezentare de caz - / DOGARU, 2013Oana-Mihaela; HANCU, Dacia; HORVATH Karin; RUSU, MonicaDecolare seroasa maculara asociata hemangiomului coroidian Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 35circumscris - apropo de un caz clinic / MUNTEANU, M. 2013Membrana neovasculara coroidiana in distrofia juvenila Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 42viteliforma best tratata cu bevacizumab intravitreean / 2013TABAN, CorinaImpactul facoemulsificarii asupra corneei / STANILA, M. Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 2013 52

Rezultatele tratamentului intravitrean cu bevacizumab in Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 58neovascularizatia subretiniana din miopia forte / 2013BRANISTEANU, D.Abordarea fragmentelor cristaliniene luxate posterior prin Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 3 An 66facofragmentare intravitreana / BRANISTEANU, D. 2013Studiu privind prevalenta patologiei oculare refractive la Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 2 An 85scolarii mici din mediul urban / JOMPAN, Afilon 2013


Glaucomul pseudoexfoliativ / FILIP, M. Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 32013

Canalul Schlemm - rolul patogenic si implicatiile Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 8terapeutice / COVILTIR, Valeria 2013Sindromul de ischemie oculara - pornind de la un caz clinic Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 17/ ZEMBA, M. 2013Uveopapilita anterioara bilaterala - suspiciune boala Lyme Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 23- prezentare de caz / NICULA, Cristina 2013Tratamentul ambliopiei anisometropice cu programul HTS Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 32Amblyiopia iNet - rezultate preliminare / AVRAM, Elena 2013Sindromul de flaciditate iriana intraoperatorie (IFIS) - Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 38studiu prospectiv - / NICULA, Cristina 2013Rezultatele chirurgiei refractive prin metoda Lasik in Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 45astigmatismele hipermetropice si mixte / VLAICU, Valeria 2013Complianta la tratament a pacientilor cu glaucom / BANC, Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 51Ana 2013Influenta stresului psihic si fizic asupra evolutiei Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 2 An 60glaucomului primar de unghi deschis / MARC, Alexandra 2013Efectul blocantilor canalelor de calciu asupra campului Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 33vizual in glaucom / MELINTE, Diana 2013Serum Interleukin Profile in Patients with Graves Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 31Orbithopathy / KUN Imre Zoltan; RADU POP, Corina; RETI, Nr. 1ZsuzsannaUtilizarea iontoforezei in tehnica de Crosslinking cornean Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 3/ STANCA, Horia T. 2013Enoftalmia asociata unei formatiuni tumorale intraorbitale Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 9- prezentare de caz clinic / SZABO Bianca 2013Cecitate bilaterala dupa endoftalmita endogena cu evolutie Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 12fulminanta - caz clinic / PUIANU, Mihaela 2013Ocluzie de vena centrala a retinei asociata stenozei Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 18carotidiene bilaterale severe / DAVIDESCU, Livia 2013Efectele extractiei cristalinului asupra tensiunii Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 23intraoculare la pacientii cu glaucom primar cu unghi 2013deschis / MACARIE, S.Evaluarea grosimii centrale a corneei la copiii cu diabet Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 26zaharat tip 1 / TIUTIUCA, Carmen 2013Variabilitatea intertest la subiectii normali si Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 33glaucomatosi testati cu Programul Glaucom-Perimetrul 2013Optopol PTS-910 / DASCALU, Ana MariaExenteratii de orbita - studiu retrospectiv pe o serie Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 40consecutiva de 10 ani / SZABO Bianca; SZABO I. 2013Modificari vasculare retiniene si carotidiene in Oftalmologia Vol. 57 Nr. 1 An 48hepatosteatoza non-alcoolica / BALOSEANU, Cristina 2013Mechanisms and management of retinopathy of prematurity: New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 367 Nr. 26 An 2013 2515review article / HARTNETT, Elizabeth M.




Cervical-cancer screening with Human Papillomavirus and New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 24 2324cytologic cotesting: clinical practice / SCHIFFMAN, Mark Luna December An

2013Cervical pessaries for prevention of preterm birth in women Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9901 1341with a multiple pregnancy (ProTWIN): a multicentre, Luna October Anopen-label randomised controlled trial / LIEM, Sophie 2013Rolul metforminului in scaderea androgenilor plasmatici la Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 183pacientele diagnosticate cu sindromul ovarelor 2013micropolichistice / BAJENARU, MagdaEndometriosis-associated chronic pelvic pain / ILIE, Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 187Razvan October An 2013Perspective de dezvoltare ale metodelor de screening si Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 199diagnostic pentru bolile neoplazice ale colului uterin / October An 2013OLARU, O. G.Determinarea citokeratinei 17 in leziunile neoplazice ale Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 217colului uterin / OLARU, O. G. October An 2013Histerectomia radicala laparoscopica versus histerectomia Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 221radicala clasica. Studiu comparativ al complicatiilor si al October An 2013calitatii vietii la pacientele cu cancer de col in stadiuincipient / STANCIU, P.Exista limita de varsta pentru o histerectomie? / Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 227CIORTEA, R. October An 2013Exenteratie anterioara extinsa lateral pentru cancer de col Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 231uterin invaziv locoregional - prezentare de caz / October An 2013BACALBASA, N.Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer : seminar / Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9895 889CROSBIE, Emma J. Luna September An

2013Calitatea vietii, nivelul atitudinilor disfunctionale si Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 179acceptarea de sine neconditionata la cuplurile infertile / 2013HAICA, CristianaConsideratii actuale privind diagnosticul si tratamentul Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 129neoplaziei intraepiteliale cervicale. O abordare din July An 2013punctul de vedere al clinicianului / ROTAR, IoanaImagistica prin rezonanta magnetica (IRM) in evaluarea Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 145preoperatorie a pacientelor cu carcinom endometrial / July An 2013IGNAT, F. L.Concordanta diagnosticului preoperator cu rezultatele Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 167anatomo-patologice in displaziile colului uterin / July An 2013MURESAN, D.


Lactoferrin oral administration: a novel safe and effective Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 75therapy against iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia April An 2013in pregnancy and lactation / VALENTI, P.Surgical cure of enterocoele and rectocoele - a new Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 113perspective / ENACHE, T. April An 2013Metoda de rezolvare chirurgicala a uniu elitrocel gigant Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 123dupa operatia Cristea Grigoriu / ENACHE, T. April An 2013Molecular markers in cervical screening - a promise for the Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 2 Luna 231future / GRIGORE, Mihaela Laborator June An 2013.Ghidul ESC de management al bolilor cardiovasculare in Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 63timpul sarcinii / SOCIETATEA EUROPEANA DE CARDIOLOGIE; 2013SOCIETATEA EUROPEANA DE GINECOLOGIEEtiologia si profilaxia infectiilor fungice asociate Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 1 An 46colonizarii bacteriene vulvovaginale / DAIANU, T. 2013Infectiile genitale la femei / STAMATIAN, Florin Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 1

January An 2013Vocea feminina si hormonii sexuali / MURESAN, Rodica Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 15

January An 2013Tuberculoza genitala - cauza de infertilitate. Conduita Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 23diagnostica si terapeutica / DUMITRASCU, M. January An 2013Menopause hormone therapy, effectiveness and risk, findings Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 39of a two years study / POPESCU Alina January An 2013Diagnosticul tuberculozei genitale prin abord laparoscopic Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 51/ DUMITRASCU, M. C. January An 2013Cancer ovarian si mamar sincron. Prezentare de caz si Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 65review al literaturii / KOCSIS, Alexandra January An 2013Carcinosarcoma of the breast with massive osseous malignant Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 1 Luna 67component: a basal-like entity with myoepithelial Laborator March An 2013.differentiation / BOROS, Monica; MARIAN, Cristina;SOANCA, Daniela; STOLNICU, Simona; SZABO Kinga



Use of selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors during New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 369 Nr. 25 2406pregnancy and risk of autism / HVIID, Anders Luna December An

2013Percutaneous vesicoamniotic shunting versus conservative Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9903 1496management for fetal lower urinary tract obstruction Luna November An(PLUTO): a randomised trial / MORRIS, Rachel K. 2013


Cervical pessaries for prevention of preterm birth in women Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9901 1341with a multiple pregnancy (ProTWIN): a multicentre, Luna October Anopen-label randomised controlled trial / LIEM, Sophie 2013Complex cardiac malformation in a young pregnant woman / Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 4 An 384NASTASE, Oana 2013Strategii neuroprotective actuale in asfixia perinatala a Medicina Moderna Vol. 20 Nr. 4 An 198nou-nascutului / ARDELEANU, Ioana Sonia 2013HIV infection. Mother-to-child transmission / CIONCA, Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 181Octavia October An 2013Hepatita B, conduita in sarcina si nasterea vaginala / Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 205BOTEZATU, R. October An 2013Retinopatia de prematuritate - prevalenta, factori de risc Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 4 Luna 211perinatali asociati / BADI, Claudia Paula October An 2013Effect of inadequate iodine status in UK pregnant women on Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9889 331cognitive outcomes in their children: results from the Avon Luna July An 2013Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children / BATH, SarahC.Caesarean section surgical techniques (CORONIS): a Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9888 234fractional,factorial, unmasked , randomised controlled Luna July An 2013trial / The CORONIS Collaborative GroupQuality of care, risk management, and technology in Lancet Vol. 382 Nr. 9887 146obstetrics to reduce hospital-based maternal mortality in Luna July An 2013Senegal and Mali (QUARITE): a cluster-randomised trial /DUMONT, AlexandreStudiu asupra factorilor de risc implicati in nasterea Revista Medicala Romana Vol. 60 Nr. 3 An 190prematura / POALELUNGI, Cristian Viorel 2013Prenatal diagnosis of 21 trisomy by quantification of Revista Romana de Medicina de Vol. 21 Nr. 3 Luna 275methylated fetal DNA in maternal blood: study on 10 Laborator September An 2013.pregnancies / GORDUZA, E. V.Evaluarea asocierii dintre greutatea nou-nascutilor si Practica Medicala Vol. 8 Nr. 3 An 167suplimentarea cu fier, acid folic si preparate de vitamine 2013in sarcina / POPA, Alina DeliaEvaluarea functiei cardiace fetale cu ajutorul indexului de Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 139performanta miocardica (TEI Index) / MIHAILESCU, C. I. July An 2013Variatia genetica T344C-CYP11B2 - factor de risc in Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 151preeclampsie / PROCOPCIUC, Lucia Maria July An 2013Trombastenia Glanzmann - prezentare de caz si review al Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 3 Luna 173literaturii / GOIDESCU, I. July An 2013Association of maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9884 2176with bone-mineral content in offspring: a prospective Luna June An 2013cohort study / LAWLOR, Debbie A.Analysis of Doppler Criteria in the Diagnosis of IUGR / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 133GRAMA, O.; GRIF, Caterina Miladi; POPA, Carmen; RADULESCU, Nr. 3C.; VOIDAZAN, SeptimiuLactoferrin oral administration: a novel safe and effective Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 75therapy against iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia April An 2013in pregnancy and lactation / VALENTI, P.


Terapia progesteronica in conduita obstetricala / Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 81CARACOSTEA, Gabriela April An 2013Transmiterea verticala a HPV / MURESAN, D. Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 87

April An 2013Rolul indicelui de performanta miocardica modificat in Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 95exploatarea functiei cardiace fetale / MIHAILESCU, C. I. April An 2013Efectul terapiei antiagregante plachetare asupra Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 101prognosticului materno-fetal la pacientele cu preeclampsie April An 2013/ CARACOSTEA, GabrielaStudiul Doppler al arterei hepatice fetale in trimestrele Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 107II si III de sarcina / BOT, Mihaela April An 2013Managementul arsurii in timpul sarcinii - prezentare de caz Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 2 Luna 117si analiza literaturii / ZBUCHEA, Andrei April An 2013The Adiponectin/Leptin Ratio is a Useful Tool to Evaluate Romanian Journal of Internal Vol. 51 Nr. 2 An 107the Metabolic Status in an Obstetrical Intensive Care Unit Medicine 2013/ ZERON, Mendieta H.Preventing preterm births: analysis of trends and potential Lancet Vol. 381 Nr. 9862 223reductions with interventions in 39 countries with very Luna January Anhigh human development index / CHANG, Hannah H. 2013Ghidul ESC de management al bolilor cardiovasculare in Romanian Journal of Cardiology Vol. 23 Nr. 1 An 63timpul sarcinii / SOCIETATEA EUROPEANA DE CARDIOLOGIE; 2013SOCIETATEA EUROPEANA DE GINECOLOGIEPierderile recurente de sarcina - cauza a sindromului Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 11antifosfolipidic / VASILOIU, Roxana January An 2013Rezonanta magnetica nucleara versus ecografia 3D-Omniview Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 29in diagnosticul anomaliilor SNC / IONESCU, Crangu January An 2013Thrombophilia in pregnancy: causes and treatment options / Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 33CIONCA, Octavia January An 2013Neonatal outcomes after preconceptional vaginal micronized Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 45progesterone administration in recurrent pregnancy loss / January An 2013RUSSU, ManuelaBacterial contamination of IVF culture media and IVF/ICSI Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 59outcome - case report / CODREANU, Dorina January An 2013Observatii privind transfuzia intrauterina in cazul Obstetrica si Ginecologia Vol. 61 Nr. 1 Luna 69anemiilor fetale din izoimunizarea RH / MURESAN, Cezara January An 2013

Two hundred years of progress in the practice of midwifery New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 367 Nr. 18 1732/ GREENE, Michael F. Luna October An




Drug abuse in sport performance - a systematic review /PITIGOI, G. Farmacia Vol. 61 Nr. 6 An 2013 1037



Surrogate Measures of Insulin Resistance in Middle-aged Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 279Non-diabetic Subjects / CSEP Katalin Nr. 6Clinical Features and Echocardiographic Findings in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 285Children with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy / BENEDEK Imre; Nr. 6BENEDEK Theodora; BLESNEAC, Cristina; TOGANEL, RodicaEvaluation of the Skeletal Maturation Using Lower First Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 289Premolar Mineralisation / BURJAN Zsuzsa; GYERGYAI Reka; Nr. 6MARTHA I. Krisztina; OGODESCU, A.Evaluation of Anthropometric and Biochemical Status in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 293Children with Nutritional Deficiency / BAGHIU, Maria Nr. 6Despina; CHINCESAN, Mihaela-Ioana; MAN, Adrian; MAN, Lidia;MARGINEAN, Oana; PITEA, Ana MariaHigh Calcium Score Predicts Severity of the Culprit Lesions Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 298in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes / BENEDEK Imre; Nr. 6BENEDEK Theodora; JAKO Beata; SUCIU ZsuzsannaConsiderations Regarding Age at Surgery and Fistula Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 302Incidence Using One- and Two-stage Closure for Cleft Palate Nr. 6/ ENESCU, D. M.; STOICESCU, SimonaThe Role of Liver Transplantation in the Treatment of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 241Hepatocellular Carcinoma / COROS, Marius Florin Nr. 5Spigelian Port-site Hernia, a Complication after Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 242Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy - a Clinical Case Report / Nr. 5BUTIURCA, V. O.; COPOTOIU, Constantin; MOLNAR, C; MOLNAR,C.V.; NEAGOE, V. I.; TILVESCU, C.

Quantitative Determination of Arsenic in Bottled Drinking Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 246Water Using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy / BALALAU, Nr. 5Dan; GUBANDRU, Miriana; GUTU, Claudia Maria; ILIE, Mihaela;PURDEL, CarmenPhytotoxicity Assessment of Certain Phytochemical Products Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 250Containing Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids / BALALAU, Dan; ILIE, Nr. 5Mihaela; NEGRES, Simona; OLARU, Octavian Tudorel; SEREMET,Oana CristinaUsing Abdominal CT Data for Visceral Fat Evaluation / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 254POP, M.; POP, Raluca Nr. 5Assessing the Patient with Abdominal Obesity: Metabolic and Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 257Nutritional Factors / DOGARU, G.; POP, M.; POP, Raluca Nr. 5

The Role of Liver Transplantation in the Treatment of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 261Hepatocellular Carcinoma - a Single Center Experience from Nr. 5Budapest / FEHERVARI I.; GOROG D.; KOBORI L.; LANGER R.;NEMES B.; PIROS L.


Evaluation of Child Self-perception Regarding Their Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 264Oro-dental Status / GYERGYAI Reka; MARTHA I. Krisztina; Nr. 5ROSU, Sorana; VIKARIUS KatalinCorrelations Between Severity of Coronary Calcification and Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 267Impairment of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction / Nr. 5BENEDEK Imre; BENEDEK Theodora; JAKO Beata; SUCIU ZsuzsannaCorrelations Between Regional Accumulation of Calcium in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 270the Culprit Arteries and Plaque Burden in Acute Coronary Nr. 5Syndromes / BENEDEK Imre; BENEDEK Theodora; JAKO Beata;SUCIU ZsuzsannaTradition in Competition to Food Safety, or "Archaic Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 181Science" against Brand Name Products / CURTICAPEAN, Nr. 4AugustinClassical Versus Laparoscopic Approach in Retroperitoneal Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 182Lesions - Advantages and Limitations / AZAMFIREI, Nr. 4Leonard; COROS, Marius Florin; CRACIUN, C.; CRACIUN, R.C.Prevalence and Characteristics of Tooth Agenesis in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 187Permanent Dentition of Subjects from Tirgu Mures / Nr. 4KEREKES-MATHE Bernadette; MARTHA I. Krisztina; SZEKELYMelindaClinical and Statistical Study on Canine Impaction / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 191COSARCA, Adina-Simona; NAGY-BOTA Monica Kristina; Nr. 4ORMENISAN, Alina; PACURAR, MarianaThe Characteristics of Amiodarone-induced Thyrotoxicosis in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 194a Moderate Iodine Deficit Area / CAPRARU, Oana-Maria; Nr. 4COTA, Ancuta-Elena; PASCANU, IonelaPrevalence and Drug Consumption Habits at the 2011 Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 198Peninsula Festival in Tirgu Mures / ABRAM Zoltan; DOMOKOS Nr. 4L.; FINTA Hajnal; SEBESI SzilardPreliminary Results on Clinico-pathological and Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 201Immunohistochemical Features of Malignant Melanomas / Nr. 4CIORTEA, Carmen Diana; GURZU, Simona; JUNG, I.; ZDROB,Simona MariaA Survey on the Methanol Content of Home Distilled Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 206Alcoholic Beverages in Transylvania (Romania) / CROITORU, Nr. 4M. D.; FOGARASI Erzsebet; FULOP Ibolya; TOPOR, ElenaHerlant's Tetrachrome Staining, a Useful Tool for Pituitary Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 209Adenoma Diagnosis / BORDA, Angela; CHINEZU, Laura; Nr. 4LOGHIN, Andrada; TROUILLAS, JacquelineClinicians' Choices in Selecting Orthodontic Archwires / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 212BRATU, Dana; CHIBELEAN, Manuela; PACURAR, Mariana; POP, Nr. 4Silvia; POP, R. V.A comparative Study of Affective Bipolar Disorder with Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 219Schizoaffective Disorder from a Longitudinal Perspective / Nr. 4BREDICEAN, Cristina; LAZARESCU, M.; MILIN, Miruna; RACOLTA,Anca; SILVOSEANU, C.


Quality Enhancement by Inclusion Complex Formation of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 223Simvastatin Tablets / POCSAI Zs.; REDAI Emoke; SIPOS Nr. 4Emese; SZEKELY P.; TOKES BelaTherapeutical Approach of Osteoporosis - a Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 226Multidisciplinary Issue / GLIGA, Camelia; GLIGA, M.; Nr. 4MARCU, SimonaGenetics of Pain / CHIOREAN, M. I.; CHIOREAN, M. A. Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 231

Nr. 4Analysis of Doppler Criteria in the Diagnosis of IUGR / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 133GRAMA, O.; GRIF, Caterina Miladi; POPA, Carmen; RADULESCU, Nr. 3C.; VOIDAZAN, SeptimiuThe Incidence and Risk of Inducing Hyperthyroidism Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 137Following Amiodarone Treatment / CARASCA, E.; COZLEA, Nr. 3Daniel Laurentiu; COZLEA, L.; FARCAS, Dan Mircea;KERESZTESI A.; SILIVASTRU, I.The Therapeutic Management of Retroperitoneal Injuries / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 140AZAMFIREI, Leonard; COROS, Marius Florin; COZMA, D.; Nr. 3CRACIUN, C.; DOBRE, A.; HINTEA, A.; SORLEA, S.

Particularities of Sleep Habits in School Children from Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 144Tirgu Mures / BAGHIU, Maria Despina; NEAGOS, Adriana; Nr. 3SOLYOM RekaA Retrospective Longitudinal Study Regarding the Dental Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 148Anomalies of Position with Eruptive Etiology / Nr. 3CIRES-MARGINEAN, Manuela; JURCA, Anamaria; LUP, AdinaSimona; MUICA, Monica Cristina; PACURAR, Mariana; TUDOR, A.Pulmonary Tuberculosis Wheezing in Early Childhood / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 151BOBARNAC, Ana; BULUCEA, D.; DINESCU, Venera; DUMITRA, G. Nr. 3Heterozygous Beta-thalassemia, a Genetic Haemolytic Anaemia Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 154in Continuous Expansion / BULUCEA, D.; CONSTANTINESCU, Nr. 3Dorina; FRECUS, Corina; SEICARU, D.Multiple Sclerosis of the Spinal Cord: is Gadolinium Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 158Irreplaceable in Assessing Lesion Activity? / BALASA, Nr. 3Rodica; BURUIAN, M.; MACAVEI, I.; PODEANU, Maria Daniela;Simu, I. P.; TREABA, Constantina AndradaThe Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of the Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 162Phenolic Compounds in Polygonum Convolvulus L. Species, Nr. 3Polygonaceae Family / ANGHEL, Adriana I.; ISTUDOR,Viorica; OLARU, O.T.; OLARU, Iulia IoanaThe New Changes in the 7th AJCC/UICC Staging System of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 165Gastric Carcinomas / BOC, Lacrima; BRINZANIUC, Klara; Nr. 3CORNISEL, S. I.; DENES Lorand; GURZU, Simona; HALMACIU,Ioana; SUCIU, B. A.The Role of Erythropoietin in the Treatment of Anemia in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 169Patients with Malignant Lymphoma / BENEDEK Istvan; Nr. 3BENEDEK, Erzsebet; ISTRATI, Monica; KAKUCS Eniko; KOPECZI,Judit Beata; KURTUS Aranka; TUNYOGI AlizTattoo-Associated Skin Reactions - Clinical Cases / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 172FEKETE Julia - Edit; FEKETE Gyula-Laszlo Nr. 3


On Communication Analysis and Repair as an Alternative for Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 63Miscommunication / COPOTOIU, Sanda-Maria Nr. 2The Superiority of the Micrographic Surgery Technique in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 64the Surgical Treatment of Facial Basal Cell Carcinomas / Nr. 2BAICAN, Corina; COSGAREA, Rodica; HARCEAGA, O.The Role of Monitoring the Bcr-Abl Transcript Levels in the Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 71Management of Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia / Nr. 2BENEDEK Istvan; BENEDEK LAZAR Erzsebet; ISTRATI, Monica;KAKUCS Eniko; KOPECZI, Judit Beata; PAP Zsuzsanna; TUNYOGIAliz-BeataGenetic Polymorphism TNFalfa -308g>A and Ischemic Stroke in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 75Northern Romania / CATANA, Andreea; PETRISOR, Felicia M.; Nr. 2POP, I.V.; POPP, R. A.; POROJAN, MihaiThe Study of Water Quality of Several Local Sources / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 78ABRAM Zoltan; FINTA Hajnal; MOLDOVAN, H; MOLDOVAN, Geanina; Nr. 2NADASAN, Valentin; TARCEA, MonicaLipoprotein(a) Levels in Thyroid Disorders / GLIGA, Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 81Mirela; POP-RADU, Corina Nr. 2Accuracy of Ankle-Brachial Index Measurements in Evaluation Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 85of Critical Leg Ischemia / BRASSAI Zoltan; FELVINCZI Nr. 2Katalin; KUN-BALINT Emese; NAGY E.; PUSKAS Attila;VARGA-FEKETE TimeaThe Management of Cryptorchidism at the Pediatric Surgery Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 88Clinic of Tirgu Mures / DERZSI Z.; GOZAR, H.; PRISCA, R. Nr. 2A.Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Acute Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 91Myeloid Leukemia: a Single-Centre Experience / BENEDEK Nr. 2Istvan; BENEDEK, Erzsebet; ISTRATI, Monica; KAKUCS Eniko;KOPECZI, Judit Beata; TUNYOGI AlizDominance Relations in the Light of repair-mechanisms in Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 94Family-doctor-Patient and Hospital Teacher-Student Nr. 2Encounters / HAMBUCH Aniko; HAMAR SAVAY Judith; KRANICZRita; REBEK-NAGY, G.; SARKANY-LORINC Anita

Hedging in Popular Scientific Articles on Medicine / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 97CSONGOR, Alexandra; REBEK-NAGY, G. Nr. 2Soft Tissue Injuries in Hungarian and Austrian Clinical Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 100Diagnostic Reports / FOGARASI-NUBER Katalin; REBEK-NAGY, Nr. 2G.Approaches to Scoring Translation in the PROFEX EMP Exam / Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 104HEGEDUS Anita Nr. 2Study of Cyclodextrin/Fluoroquinolone Inclusion Complexes Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 107by Capillary Electrophoresis / SZEKELY-SZENTMIKLOSI Nr. 2Blanka; TOKES BelaA Case of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Leukemia / BENEDEK Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 111Istvan; BENEDEK, Erzsebet; ISTRATI, Monica; KAKUCS Eniko; Nr. 2KOPECZI, Judit Beata; KURTUS Aranka; TUNYOGI Aliz


Ulcerative Colitis Associated with Sclerosing Cholangitis Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 115and Autoimmune Hepatitis / BABI, Ionela; BELEI, Oana; Nr. 2HODUT, A.; SABAU, I.; SIMEDREA, I.Nutritional Approach of Pediatric Patients Diagnosed with Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 121Congenital Heart Disease / TOGANEL, Rodica Nr. 2Congenital Malformations of the Renourinary System - Risk Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 3Factors for the Development of Urinary Tract Infections, a Nr. 1Screening That is Required to Be performed / MARGINEAN,OanaA Comparison of Oral Health Status in Active-, Occasional- Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 4and Non-Smoker Patients Versus Students / BALOG Anita; Nr. 1BENEDEK Csilla; KOVACS Monika; POP, M.Finite Element Analysis of the Achilles Tendon While Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 8Running / ANITAS, R.; LUCACIU, D. O. Nr. 1Evaluation of Diagnosing Tuberculosis in Primary Care Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 12Medicine in Mures County, Between 2006 and 2008 / ACS Nr. 1Valeria; FINTA Hajnal; IANOSI, Edith Simona; SABAU, MonicaHypopolipemiant Treatment: Making the Right Choice for Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 18Osteoporotic Patients / BRINZANIUC, Klara; GABOR, Nr. 1Anamaria Victoria; PAP Zsuzsanna; PAVAI Zoltan; SIPOS,R.S.; SUS, Ioana; SZALAI Anna SzidoniaAesthetic Principles of the Upper front Teeth: Application Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 25of Golden Proportion (Levin) and Golden Percentage (Snow) Nr. 1/ BIRIS, Carmen; BOGOZI Balint; CERGHIZAN, Diana; HORGA,Claudiu; IACOB, Alina; JANOSI Kinga; MARKOVICS, EmeseResearch Concerning the Correlations Between Urinary Tract Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 28Infections and Congenital Malformations of the Renourinary Nr. 1System / MOREH Zsuzsanna; VOICU, Lucia-SandaSerum Interleukin Profile in Patients with Graves Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 31Orbithopathy / KUN Imre Zoltan; RADU POP, Corina; RETI, Nr. 1ZsuzsannaHousehold Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Risk of Allergic Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 36Sensitization Among Children with Asthma / BAGHIU, Maria Nr. 1Despina; CAPILNA, BrandusaLower Lip Reconstruction Using Unilateral Nasolabial Gate Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 40Flap (Fujimori Technique) / BOGOZI Balint; IACOB, Alina Nr. 1Simultaneous Determination of Atorvastatin and Amlodipine Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 44in Industrial Tablets by Apparent Content Curve and HPLC Nr. 1Methods / IMRE Silvia; KACSO Klara; MUNTEAN, DanielaLuciaPossibilities and Difficulties of Treatment in the Case of Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 49a Pregnant Patient with Primary Mediastinal Large B-cell Nr. 1Lymphoma / BENEDEK Istvan; BENEDEK LAZAR Erzsebet; CATANA,A; KAKUCS Eniko; KOPECZI, Judit Beata; TUNYOGIAliz-BeataTwo Cases of Dorsal Urethral Duplication / DERZSI Z.; Acta Medica Marisiensis An 2013 Vol. 59 52GOZAR, H.; PRISCA, R. A. Nr. 1