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  • 7/28/2019 The Pronoun and Exercices


    Pronumele personal in engleza

    Cum se identifica

    Pronumele personal face referire la o persoanacare face actiunea (cazul A) sauasupra careia se rasfrange actiunea (cazul B).


    I will go to the sea.(cazul A)Tom will tell me something.(cazul B)This idea belongs to him.(cazul B)We will go shopping.(cazul A)I know them.( "I" = cazul A, "them" = cazul B )


    Completati cu pronumele personale potrivite in spatiile libere din propozitiile demai jos:

    tell again the story.

    (Iti voi spune tie din nou povestea.)

    What can do in a case like this ?(Ce poti sa faci tu intr-un caz ca acesta ?)

    cannot do this.(Ei nu pot face asta.)

    Trust !(Ai incredere in mine.) These resources can help to finish your job in time.(Aceste resurse te pot ajuta sa termini treaba ta la timp.)

    Pronumele posesiv in engleza

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    Cum se identifica

    Aceste tipuri de pronume se folosesc in propozitii in care se doreste identificareaunui obiect prin referirea la posesor.

    Formele pronumelui posesiv sunt:

    Pronume personal Pronume posesiv

    I mine (al meu)you (singular) yours (al tau)

    you (plural) yours (al vostru)he his (al lui)she hers (a ei)

    it its- is, however, rarely

    usedwe ours (ale noastre)

    they theirs (al lor)Exemple

    John has a red car.Mine is green.That is your book. This is hers .That computer ishis .

    This book is notmine . This book isyours .Comentarii Cand relatia de posesie e aratata impreuna cu obiectul posedat, aveam de-a face cu un

    adjectiv posesiv.


    Completati cu pronumele posesive adecvate spatiile libere din propozitiile de mai jos:

    That is her car and this is .(Aceia e masina ei si aceasta este a mea.)

    This telephone number is .(Acest numar de telefon este al vostru.)

    My book is big. is small.(Cartea mea e mare. A ta e mica.)
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    Is that his house? No, it's .(Este aceea casa lui? Nu, e a ei.)

    Tom has a little office. is big.(Tom are un birou mic. Al nostru e mare.)

    Pronumele reflexiv si de intarire in englezaCum se identifica

    Aceste tipuri de pronume se folosesc in propozitii in care referirea la subiect seface de 2 ori. (A doua oara se foloseste acest pronume reflexiv si/sau de intarire).

    Formele pronumelui reflexiv (si/sau de intarire) sunt:

    Pronume personal

    Pronume reflexiv/ deintarire

    I myself

    you (singular) yourself

    you (plural) yourselves

    he himself

    she herself

    it itself

    we ourselves

    they themselves


    I hurtmyself . (M-am ranit singur.)I'll do itmyself . (O voi face eu.)She did it byherself . (Ea a facut-o singura.)

    He did it byhimself . (El a facut-o singur.)Comentarii

    Pronumele de intarire (reflexiv) se foloseste de regula in 3 cazuri: Cand subiectul si obiectul asupra caruia se rasfrange actiunea e acelasi(I hurt

    myself . ); Cand se doreste intarirea faptului ca un anume subiect a facut actiunea si nu

    altul(She did it by herself .); Se foloseste o prepozitie in fata unui pronume care face referire la subiect(I

    am talking to myself .). Exercitii

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    Completati cu pronumele reflexiv (de intarire) adecvat in spatiile libere din propozitiile de mai jos:

    She looked at in the mirror.

    (Ea a privit la ea insasi in oglinda.)

    John hurt while he was fixing his boat.(John s-a ranit pe el insusi in timp ce-si repara barca sa.)

    There's a nice bird washing in the water.(Iata o pasare frumoasa spalandu-se in apa).

    I did it .(Am facut-o singur.)

    They believe in .(Ei cred in ei.)

    Pronumele impersonal in engleza

    Cum se identifica

    Este un pronume care nu face referire la cineva anume. Afirmatiile/ negatiile/intrebarile sunt facute la modul general.


    You can't always do what you want.

    People can't always do what they want.

    We can't always do what we want.

    One can't always do what one wants.Comentarii

    Cel mai folosit pronume impersonal este "one ". Cu aceeasi semnificatie semai foloseste:you, we, people .

    Pentru a avea forma impersonala verbul folosit cu "one" este la pers. a 3-asingular: one says = se zice, one tells = se povesteste, one learns = se invata, onesings = se canta, etc .


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    Completati cu pronumele impersonal in spatiile libere din propozitiile de mai jos:

    can't always do what one wants. (Nu se poate ca mereu sa faci ce doresti) At this university learns very well.(La aceasta universitate se invata foarte bine)

    says that the king was born in this town.(Se zice ca regele s-a nascut in acest oras.)

    can't always do what we want.Nu se poate ca mereu sa faci ce doresti)

    Pronumele interogativ in englezaCum se identifica

    Pronumele interogativ este un pronume folosit in constructiile interogative(Atentie: pronumele este partea de vorbire flexibila care tine locul unui substantiv).

    Principalele pronume interogative din limba engleza sunt:

    CazulReferire se face la o persoana

    Referire se face la un lucru, actiune

    N who ? = care, cine ? which ? = care ?Ac whom ? = pe care ? which ? = care, pe care ?D to whom = caruia, careia ? to which ? = caruia, careia ?

    G whose ? = al, a, ale, (...) careia,caruia, (...) ?whose ? = al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia,(...) ?


    Which car are we talking about ?Who is this girl ?

    What did you say?Comentarii

    Cand pronumele interogative sunt in cazul nominativ, auxiliarul verbului "todo" nu se foloseste

    Tot pronume interogative sunt considerate si:

    How much - pentru cantitatiHow many - pentru numar

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    What kind - pentru calitati, etc.

    Ex: How many did you buy?What kind of skirts does she wear?

    ExercitiiCompletati cu pronumele intorogativ adecvat spatiile libere din propozitiile de mai jos:

    said that ?

    (Cine a zis asta ?)

    is her phone number ?(Care e numarul ei de telefon ?)

    time is it ?

    (Cat e ceasul ?)

    has been sitting in my chair ?(Cine a stat pe scaunul meu ?)

    did he say ?(Ce a zis el ?)

    Pronumele nehotarat in englezaCum se identifica Un pronume nehotarat face referire la ceva ce nu e definit, specific sau exact.Pronumele nehotarate cele mai utilizate sunt:any, all, anybody, anyone,

    everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, some, somebody,someone. Exemple

    All are welcome to attend the course.

    Do you havesome ? No, I don't haveany .

    Somebody will take the pie.

    Hasanybody seen that movie ?

    Some get it andsome just refuse to open their eyes !


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    Traducere Variante Traducere

    all toti

    some uniisomeonesomebodysomethingsomewhere


    any oricareanyoneanybodyanythinganywhere


    every fiecareeveryoneeverybody


    fiecaretoata lumea

    totul peste toteach fiecare (in parte)

    Formele lui "some " se folosesc la afirmativ, iar formele lui "any " la negativ siinterogativ.

    Any poate fi folosit si in propozitiile afirmative atunci cand are sensul de oricare,orice:

    Ex: Any of you could answer this question. Mai exista un pronume nehotarat, cu forma afirmativa si una negativa:

    Either (afirmativ) = fiecareNeither (negativ) = niciunul Ex:Have you seen either of them?

    L-ai vazut pe vreunul dintre ei (doi)?

    In propozitiile afirmative, either are sensul de oricine, oricare:

    Ex:Either of you can do it.Oricare dintre voi (doi) poate face acest lucru.


    Completati cu pronumele nehotarat in spatiile libere din propozitiile de mai jos.: Has seen that movie ?(A vazut cineva acel film ?) Yes, has seen it.(Da, cineva l-a vazut.)

    No, has seen it.(Nu, nimeni nu l-a vazut.)

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    Is there inside?(E cineva inauntru ?)

    can do it.

    ( Oricine o poate face.)

    can do it.( Nimeni nu o poate face.)

    of the members has been voted.( Fiecare dintre membrii a fost votat.)

    Pronumele relativ in englezaCum se identifica

    Pronumele relativ se refera la un substantiv mentionat anterior, caruia ii adaugainformatii suplimentare.

    Principalele pronume relative din limba engleza sunt:

    CazulReferire se face la o persoana

    Referire se face la un lucru, actiune

    N who = care, cine which = careAc whom = pe care which = care, pe careD to whom = caruia, careia to which = caruia, careia

    G whose = al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia,(...) whose = al, a, ale, (...) careia, caruia, (...)

    who, whom, to whom, whose

    which, which, to which, whoseExemple

    I'm talking about the car which is parked over there.

    I talked to the girlwhose car is red.

    This is the girlwho comes from Halifax.

    I wrote this book for peoplewho like history.

    I have written a lot about this placeto which we belong.

    Comentarii 1) Pronumele relativ in Ac. poate fi inlocuit cuthat .

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    2) Pronumele relativewho , which , that se omit in propozitiile restrictive (in limba

    vorbita) cand se gasesc in cazul acuzativ.

    Ex:The girl (who) you have just met is my niece.The magazine (that) you lent me is very interesting.

    ExercitiiCompletati cu pronumele relativ in spatiile libere din propozitiile

    de mai jos:

    I specify the sites users can login.(Specific site-urile la care utilizatorii se pot conecta.)

    This command shows ports the processes are listening to.

    (Aceasta comanda afiseaza la ce porturi asculata procesele.)Nota: -> Aceasta propozitie e din domeniul IT.

    The girl sings this song is none other than Mary Brown.(Fata care canta acest cantec nu este alta decat Mary Brown.)

    Tom, the boy wrote this story is 15 years old.(Tom, baiatul care a scris aceasta povestire are 15 ani.)

    How do I view the jobs I've submitted my resume ?(Cum pot sa vad joburile pentru care am trimis CV-ul ?)

    George, lives next door, is a good boy.(George, care locuieste la usa alaturata este un baiat bun.)

    I know the woman kids study in this class.(Cunosc femeia a carei copii studiaza in aceasta clasa.)

    This is the issue solution I require.(Asta e problema a carei solutie o cer.)

    The book is on the table is a very old one.(Cartea care e pe masa e foarte veche.)

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    Use the correct personal pronouns. Watch the words in brackets.

    1) is dreaming.(George)

    2) is green.(the blackboard)3) are on the wall.(the posters)

    4) is running.(the dog)

    5) are watching TV.(my mother and I)

    6) are in the garden.(the flowers)

    7) is riding his bike.(Tom)

    8) is from Bristol.(Victoria)

    9) has got a brother.(Diana)

    10) Have got a computer, Mandy?

    Choose the correct personal pronoun.

    1) am sitting on the sofa.2) are watching TV.3) Are from England?4) is going home.5) are playing football.6) is a wonderful day today.7) are speaking English.8) Is Kevin's sister?9) are swimming in the pool.10) they in the cinemaWhich bject form of the personal pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in the sentence?

    1) The teacher always gives the students homework.methemyou

    2) I am reading the book to my little sister.her us

    him3) The boys are riding their bikes.

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    4) My father is writing a letter to John.meher him

    5) I don't know the answer.sheher it

    6) Sally is going to Anne.her himme

    7) Open the window, please.itthemus

    8) Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please?youthemus

    9) The books are for Peter.himher

    you10)Can you help my sister and me, please?her meus

    Choose the correct possessive determiners.T

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    3) We often visit our aunt in Norwich ______________is in East Anglia.4) This is the girl ________comes from Spain.5) That's Peter, the boy___________ has just arrived at the airport.6) Thank you very much for your e-mail _________was very interesting.7) The man, ________father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.8) The children, _____________shouted in the street, are not from our school.9) The car, ________driver is a young man, is from Ireland.10) What did you do with themoney_________________your mother lent you?Put in the relative who, which or whose where necessary. Type an x if the relative pronoun can be left out.

    1) This is the boy had an accident.

    2) Yesterday I saw a car was really old.

    3) Mandy is the girl I met on Friday.4) I haven't seen Frank, brother is five, for a long time now.

    5) The robber stole the car the lady parked in front of the supermarket.

    6) This is the man house is on fire.

    7) Can I talk to the girl is sitting on the bench?

    8) The book you gave me is great.

    9) She likes hamburgers are hot.

    10) Bill Clinton, was President of the USA, has only one daughter.

    Choose the correct pronouns.

    myself , yourself , himself , herself , itself , ourselves , yourselves , themselves or each other .

    1) Sandra and Angela haven't met___________ for a long time.2) My friends enjoyed ___________very much at the concert.3) Tim repaired his car______________ .4) We helped________ with our report.5) People often give ____________presents at Christmas.6) I bought _____________a new camera.7) Chris, did you do the Maths homework _______________?
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    8) They looked at ____________and smiled.9) Ron and Tom often write e-mails to__________ because they're good friends.10) Ann only thinks of______________ . She's an egoist.

    Write the correct reflexive pronoun into the gap. Choose from the following pronouns:

    myself , yourself , himself , herself , itself , ourselves , yourselves , themselves or each other

    1) Mike and Bill know quite well.

    2) Sue and Lisa haven't seen for ages.

    3) Peggy and Jane made this delicious cake .

    4) Grandpa constructed this desk .5) Can we sell the things we made ?

    6) The little girl can already ride the tricycle .

    7) Laura and Betty are helping with their homework.

    8) Some people only think of .

    9) John and his girlfriend are still angry. They're not talking to .

    10) Does the laptop switch off automatically?

    Choose the correct relative pronouns and write them into the gaps:

    1) I can carry this heavy box .2) Marcus cut while he was preparing supper.

    3) I have been teaching Russian for five years.

    4) Has Yvonne hurt ?

    5) Patrick and Stephen, help to some tea, please.

    6) The Pope visited our church.

    7) Don't burn ! The oven is terribly hot.

    8) "Claire, who wrote the theatre programme for your school?" - Claire: "I wrote it

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