F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls...

F. Diagrama Bloc Diagrama Bloc (DB) reprezintă programul propriu-zis dezvoltat în mediul LabVIEW şi conţine codul sursă al instrumentului virtual. O DB conţine următoarele elemente: - terminale - noduri - fire de legătură - structuri

Transcript of F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls...

Page 1: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

F. Diagrama Bloc

• Diagrama Bloc (DB) reprezintă programul

propriu-zis dezvoltat în mediul LabVIEW şi

conţine codul sursă al instrumentului virtual.

• O DB conţine următoarele elemente:

- terminale

- noduri

- fire de legătură

- structuri

Page 2: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 2.15. Example of a Block Diagram and Corresponding Front Panel

Page 3: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Terminalele sunt porturi de intrare-ieşire ce fac

legătura dintre PF şi DB.

• Ele sunt corespondentele obiectelor de pe PF şi

se reprezintă pe DB printr-un simbol care este în

concordanţă cu tipul de dată vehiculată de


Page 4: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs


Same label name

Page 5: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Terminalele pot fi şterse de pe DB doar odată cu

obiectul de pe PF. Mutarea unui terminal pe DB

nu conduce la mutarea obiectului corespunzător

de pe PF. Terminalele cu conturul îngroşat

corespund controalelor, iar cele cu conturul

subţire corespund indicatoarelor de pe PF.

Page 6: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

View Terminals as Icons

• By default, View as Icon

option enabled.

• Deselect View as Icon for a

more compact view.

Page 7: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four

front panel controls and indicators. Because

terminals represent the inputs and outputs

of your VI, subVIs and functions also have

terminals shown at left. For example, the

connector panes of the Add and Subtract

functions have three node terminals. To

display the terminals of the function on the

block diagram, right-click the function node

and select Visible Items»Terminals from the

shortcut menu.

Page 8: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Controls, Indicators, and Constants

• Controls, indicators, and constants behave as

inputs and outputs of the block diagram algorithm.

Consider the implementation of the algorithm for

the area of a triangle:

Page 9: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 2.16. Area of a Triangle Front Panel

Page 10: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 2.17. Area of a Triangle Block Diagram with Icon Terminal View

Page 11: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 2.18. Area of a Triangle Block Diagram without Icon Terminal


Page 12: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Noduri în DB

• Nodurile sunt obiecte de pe DB care sunt

caracterizate de un număr de intrări/ieşiri şi

care execută diverse operaţii şi funcţii în

timpul rulării IV-ului.

• Nodurile sunt analoage instrucţiunilor,

funcţiilor şi subrutinelor din limbajele de

programare bazate pe text.

• Nodurile pot fi funcții, subVI-uri sau


Page 13: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs




Page 14: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Structurile sunt elemente pentru controlul

proceselor, cum ar fi structura Case, bucla

For și bucla While.

• Structurile din LabView sunt echivalentul

grafic al instrucţiunilor de ciclare (for, while) şi

de decizie (if,case) din limbajele de

programare clasice.

• O structură este reprezentată printr-un

dreptunghi a cărui dimensiune poate fi


Page 15: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Noduri Funcție

– Functions are:

• Fundamental operating elements of LabVIEW.

• Do not have front panels or block diagrams, but do have

connector panes.

• Has a pale yellow background on its icon.

– Double-clicking a function only selects the


– Functions do not open like VIs and subVIs.

Page 16: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

SubVI Nodes

– SubVIs :

• Are VIs that you use on the block diagram of another VI.

• Have front panels and block diagrams.

• Use the icon from the upper-right corner of the front

panel as the icon that appears when you place the

subVI on a block diagram.

– When you double-click a subVI, the front panel

and block diagram open.

– Any VI has the potential to be used as a subVI.

Page 17: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Any VI has the potential to be used as a

subVI. When you double-click a subVI on the

block diagram, its front panel window appears.

The front panel includes controls and

indicators. The block diagram includes wires,

icons, functions, possibly subVIs, and other

LabVIEW objects.

• The upper right corner of the front panel

window and block diagram window displays

the icon for the VI. This is the icon that

appears when you place the VI on a block

diagram as a subVI.

Page 18: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• SubVIs also can be Express VIs. Express VIs

are nodes that require minimal wiring because

you configure them with dialog boxes. Use

Express VIs for common measurement tasks.

You can save the configuration of an Express VI

as a subVI.

• LabVIEW uses colored icons to distinguish

between Express VIs and other VIs on the block

diagram. Icons for Express VIs appear on the

block diagram as icons surrounded by a blue

field whereas subVI icons have a yellow field.

Page 19: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Express VIs

– Express VIs:

• Are a special type of subVI.

• Require minimal wiring because you

configure them with dialog boxes.

• Save each configuration as a subVI.

– Icons for Express VIs appear on the

block diagram as icons surrounded by

a blue field.


Page 20: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Expandable Nodes versus Icons

• You can display VIs and Express VIs as icons or as expandable nodes. Expandable nodes appear as icons surrounded by a colored field. SubVIs appear with a yellow field, and Express VIs appear with a blue field.

• Use icons if you want to conserve space on the block diagram. Use expandable nodes to make wiring easier and to aid in documenting block diagrams. By default, subVIs appear as icons on the block diagram, and Express VIs appear as expandable nodes.

• To display a subVI or Express VI as an expandable node, right-click the subVI or Express VI and remove the checkmark next to the View As Icon shortcut menu item.

Page 21: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 2.19. Icon vs. expandable node

Page 22: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Firele de legătură

• Transferă datele între obiectele de pe DB.

Fiecare fir are o singură sursă de date, dar oricât

de mulţi receptori. Firele au diferite culori, stiluri

şi grosimi ce depind de tipurile de date

vehiculate. Un fir rupt, ce nu poate transporta

date, se reprezintă printr-o linie întreruptă. Un fir

cu două surse de date este un fir rupt.

• In figura următoare sunt prezentate principalele

tipuri de fire ce vehiculează date într-un IV.

Page 23: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs
Page 24: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Informaţia vehiculată în VI-urile construite în

LabVIEW se prezintă sub forma unei largi

varietăţi de tipuri de date.

• Cele mai importante sunt datele numerice, dar

şi alte tipuri cum ar fi booleenele, şirurile de

caractere sau clusterele sunt de asemenea

foarte utilizate.

• Mai jos sunt date tipurile de date numerice

precum şi celelalte tipuri de date care sunt în

mod obişnuit utilizate în construcţia VI-urilor.

Page 25: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Tipuri de date cu firele de legătură

corespunzătoare, în LabVIEW

Page 26: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Definitii

– Array (Tablou): Un Array grupează date de acelaşi tip şi este alcătuit din elemente şi dimensiune. Elementele sunt reprezentate de datele ce alcătuiesc tabloul. Dimensiunile sunt repezentate de lungimea, înălţimea sau adâncimea tabloului. Un tablou se poate construi din date de tip numeric, boolean, căi de fişiere, string, waveform şi cluster. Se poate selecta din subpaleta Array&Cluster.

– Cluster (Grupuri): Un Cluster grupează elemente de date de tipuri diferite, la fel ca un mănunchi de fire dintr-un cablu telefonic, în care fiecare fir din cablu reprezintă un element diferit al grupului (cluster-ului).

Page 27: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Paleta de funcţii

• Paleta de funcţii este o fereastră ce se deschide doar de pe DB. Aceasta conţine operatori, funcţii, noduri, structuri şi subIV-uri cu ajutorul cărora se construieşte programul în LabVIEW. Accesarea paletei de funcţii se face în modurile următoare:

• View – Show Functions Palette

• MD pe DL.

• In cel de-al doilea mod, paleta poate fi fixată ca fereastră pe ecran prin mouse stânga pe pioneza din stânga sus a acestei ferestre. Altfel, paleta se închide după realizarea unui mouse stânga oriunde pe DB.

Page 28: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 2.20. Functions Palette

To view or hide categories,

click the Customize button

on the palette, and select or

deselect the Change Visible

Palettes option.

Page 29: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Funcţiile pe paletă sunt grupate după destinaţia

lor. Cele mai utilizate sunt cele din subpaleta

Programming, care se expandează în mod

implicit. Celelalte sunt biblioteci care pot fi

apelate de către utilizator la construirea de

aplicaţii dedicate.

• De exemplu, dacă se realizează un IV necesar

procesării unor semnale achiziţionate în

prealabil, se utilizează funcţii din subpaleta

Signal Processing.

Page 30: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Dacă este necesar un aparat matematic complex, avem la dispoziţie biblioteca Mathematics.

• Multe din aceste subpalete nu sunt populate cu funcţii. Adăugarea de biblioteci acestor subpalete se face prin instalarea toolkit-urilor dedicate puse la dispoziţie de National Instruments.

Meniul shortcut al funcţiilor

• Fiecare funcţie are disponibil un meniu shortcut, cu ajutorul căruia se stabilesc o serie de parametri, se pot vizualiza etichete (funcţia poate fi etichetată, la fel ca orice terminal), se poate apela helpul mare, se pot vizualiza exemple, se pot face descrieri ale funcţiei sau se pot stabili punct de întrerupere în vederea depanării programului.

Page 31: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Aceste opţiuni sunt comune tuturor funcţiilor, în prima parte a meniului, prin opţiunile:

• Visible Items

• Help

• Examples

• Description and Tip…

• Set Breakpoint

• Pe lângă acestea, mai există o serie de opţiuni specifice fiecărei funcţii. O opţiune comună mai este Replace, prin care se permite utilizatorului înlocuirea funcţiei cu o alta prin deschiderea automată a paletei de funcţii.

Page 32: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Bara cu unelte în DB

• În figura de mai jos sunt prezentate comenzile

barei de meniuri a diagramei bloc.

Page 33: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Semnificaţiile comenzii barei de meniuri sunt

prezentate în cele ce urmează:

Run – lansează programul;

Run Continuously - lansează programul în mod

continuu ca şi în limbajul de programare C cu

ajutorul buclei While;

Abort execution – opreşte programul;

High light execution (Execuție animată) –

comandă foarte utilă care permite vizualizarea

fluxurilor de informaţii în blocurile diagramei în

timpul execuţiei programului;

Page 34: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Retain Wires – atunci când este activat

cablurile (wires) păstrează o copie a ultimei

valori în cazul în care programul este oprit;

Step in – rulează programul treptat revenind la

fiecare buclă în parte;

Step over – rulează programul nod cu nod fără

însă a intra în detaliile de execuţie ale buclei;

Finish Block Diagram - opreşte execuţia.

Page 35: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

G. Căutarea Controalelor, VI-urilor și


• Until you are familiar with the location of VIs

and functions, search for the function or VI

using the Search button. For example, if you

want to find the Random Number function,

click the Search button on the Functions

palette toolbar and start typing Random

Number in the text box at the top of the

palette. LabVIEW lists all matching items that

either start with or contain the text you typed.

Page 36: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• You can click one of the search results and

drag it to the block diagram, as shown in

Figure 2.21. Double-click the search result

to highlight its location on the palette.

• If the object is one you need to use

frequently, you can add it to your Favorites

category. Right-click the object on the

palette and select Add Item to Favorites, as

shown in Figure 2.22.

Page 37: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 2.21. Searching for

an Object in the Functions


Figure 2.22. Adding an Item to the Favorites

Category of a Palette

Page 38: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Similar cu butonul Search, se poate utiliza

cutia de dialog Quick Drop pentru a găsi

după nume, diferitele obiecte și apoi

plasarea lor in DB sau în PF.

• Pentru afișarea cutiei de dialog Quick Drop

se va selecta View»Quick Drop. Apoi se

va tipării numele obiectului dorit a se

adăuga în DB sau în PF. LabVIEW va afișa

rezultatul căutării în Name Match List.

Page 39: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 2.23. Searching for an Object in the Quick Drop Dialog Box

Page 40: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Apelarea helpului în LabVIEW

• LabVIEW prezintă un puternic sistem de helpuri prin care utilizatorul este ghidat şi îndrumat în activitatea de programare.

• In plus, utilizatorul are la dispoziţie un număr mare de exemple, grupate pe categorii de aplicaţii, în care sunt exemplificate diverse situaţii de operare a unor funcţii şi în care se pot găsi de multe ori soluţii tehnice.

• Atât helpurile, cât şi exemplele, sunt disponibile în meniul principal Help, accesabil atât de pe PF cât şi pe DB.

Page 41: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• De remarcat faptul că National Instruments pune la

dispoziţie o bibliotecă a utilizatorilor accesibilă pe

Internet denumită LabVIEW Zone, în care

dezvoltatorii de instrumente virtuale pot găsi soluţii la

problemele lor, dar pot oferi ei înşişi soluţii prin

posibilitatea de a posta în această bibliotecă

propriile VI-uri.

• Local, există două tipuri de helpuri ale programului:

un help sumar, apelabil din meniul principal Help –

Show Context Help, prin care se deschide o

fereastră permanentă în care se afişează informaţii

sumare despre funcţia de pe DB sau obiectul de pe


Page 42: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Informaţia este afişată doar la suprapunerea prompterului mouse-ului peste acel obiect sau funcţie (fără a se face clic). De asemenea, helpul mic furnizează informaţii despre funcţiile din paleta de funcţii la simpla accesare a acestora cu mouse-ul.

Un help detaliat, specific doar funcţiilor de pe DB, apelabil din meniul shortcut al funcţiei (mouse dreapta pe funcţie), opţiunea Help. Help-ul detaliat se mai poate deschide şi apăsând pe linkul Detailed help din help-ul sumar. Aici se dau informaţii mai detaliate privind funcţia, inclusiv exemple sau aplicaţii.

Page 43: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

H. Fluxul datelor

• Programele scrise în limbaje procedurale,

bazate pe instrucţiuni text (Visual Basic,

C/C++, Java, etc.), sunt executate

secvenţial, după conceptul „flux controlat”,

în care instrucţiunile se execută într-o

ordine prestabilită prin program.

Page 44: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Limbajul G, după care funcţionează LabVIEW,

foloseşte tehnica „fluxului de date” (data flow),

în care datele şi efectuarea funcţiilor şi a

nodurilor se realizează în paralel.

• Chiar în interiorul unui VI programul lucrează

multitasking, în sensul că se pot executa mai

multe funcţii în acelaşi timp, cu condiţia ca

acestea să aibă toate datele disponibile la


Page 45: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• După acest concept, pot rula în acelaşi timp mai

multe VI-uri. Aşadar, un nod care are disponibile

datele la toate intrările, este efectuat indiferent de

starea celorlalte noduri. Evident însă, dacă

ieşirea unui nod reprezintă intrare pentru alt nod,

cel de-al doilea nod va trebui să aştepte până ce

este efectuat cel dinainte.

• Un model al conceptului „data flow” este ilustrat

în figura următoare. In figură se prezintă modul în

care se realizează funcţiile f şi g, ambele de

variabile A şi B, în cazul programării procedurale

şi al programării în LabVIEW.

Page 46: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs
Page 47: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• In cazul Programării clasice întâi se citesc datele

A, apoi cele B, după care se efectuează funcţia

f(A,B), apoi funcţia g(A,B).

• De remarcat că funcţia g se efectuează abia

după efectuarea funcţiei f, deşi datele de intrare

sunt disponibile pentru ambele funcţii. E posibil

însă ca datele B să fie disponibile înaintea

datelor A. Programul aşteaptă întâi datele A, apoi

le citeşte pe cele B, ducând la pierdere de timp.

Page 48: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• In cazul programării în LabVIEW, nu există o

prioritate între intrările A şi B, fiecare dată fiind

citită de îndată ce este disponibilă.

• Mai mult, funcţiile f şi g se efectuează

independent una de cealaltă, de îndată ce datele

de intrare sunt disponibile.

Page 49: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• In felul acesta se obţine o economie substanţială

de timp, esenţială în aplicaţiile în care operaţiile

trebuie să se succeadă cu viteză (ex.: achiziţii de

semnale de frecvenţă ridicată şi prelucrarea

concomitentă a informaţiei).

• Alocarea şi managementul memoriei se face

automat de către program, doar pentru datele

care sunt în lucru. După ce datele cu care s-a

lucrat nu mai sunt necesare, memoria se

eliberează. In felul acesta se realizează şi o

economie importantă de resurse.

Page 50: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• For a dataflow programming example, consider a block diagram that adds two numbers and then subtracts 50.00 from the result of the addition, as shown in Figure 2.24. In this case, the block diagram executes from left to right, not because the objects are placed in that order, but because the Subtract function can not execute until the Add function finishes executing and passes the data to the Subtract function. Remember that a node executes only when data are available at all of its input terminals and supplies data to the output terminals only when the node finishes execution.

Figure 2.24. Dataflow Programming Example

Page 51: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• In Figure 2.25, consider which code segment would execute first—the Add, Random Number, or Divide function. You cannot know because inputs to the Add and Divide functions are available at the same time, and the Random Number function has no inputs. In a situation where one code segment must execute before another, and no data dependency exists between the functions, use other programming methods, such as error clusters, to force the order of execution.

Figure 2.25. Dataflow Example for Multiple Code Segments

Page 52: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

I. Realizarea unui VI simplu

• Most LabVIEW VIs have three main tasks—acquiring

some sort of data, analyzing the acquired data, and

presenting the result. When each of these parts are

simple, you can complete the entire VI using very few

objects on the block diagram. Express VIs are

designed specifically for completing common,

frequently used operations. In this section, you learn

about some Express VIs that acquire, analyze, and

present data. Then you learn to createa simple VI

that uses these three tasks, as shown in Figure 1.27.

Page 53: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Figure 1.27. Acquire, Analyze,

and Present Example Front

Panel Window and Block

Diagram Window

On the Functions

palette, the Express VIs

are grouped together in

the Express category.

Express VIs use the

dynamic data type to

pass data between

Express VIs.

Page 54: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs


• Express VIs used for the Acquire task include the following: DAQ Assistant, Instrument I/O Assistant, Simulate Signal, and Read from Measurement File.

DAQ Assistant

• The DAQ Assistant acquires data through a data acquisition device. You must use this Express VI frequently throughout this course.

Instrument I/O Assistant

• The Instrument I/O Assistant acquires instrument control data, usually from a GPIB or serial interface.

Simulate Signal

• The Simulate Signal Express VI generates simulated data such as a sine wave.

Page 55: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Read From Measurement File

• The Read From Measurement File Express VI reads a file that was created using the Write To Measurement File Express VI. It specifically reads LVM or TDM file formats. This Express VI does not read ASCII files.


• Express VIs used for the Analyze task include the following—Amplitude and Level Measurements, Statistics, Tone Measurements, and so on.

Amplitude and Level Measurements

• The Amplitude and Level Measurements Express VI performs voltage measurements on a signal. These include DC, rms, maximum peak, minimum peak, peak to peak, e.t.c.

Page 56: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs


• The Statistics Express VI calculates statistical data from a waveform.This includes mean, sum, standard deviation, and extreme values.

Spectral Measurements

• The Spectral Measurements Express VI performs spectral measurement on a waveform, such as magnitude and power spectral density.

Tone Measurements

• The Tone Measurements Express VI searches for a single tone with the highest frequency or highest amplitude. It also finds the frequency and amplitude of a single tone.


• The Filter Express VI processes a signal through filters and windows. Filters used include the following: Highpass, Lowpass, Bandpass, Bandstop, and Smoothing. Windows used include Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inverse Chebyshev, Elliptical, and Bessel.

Page 57: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs


• Present results by using Express VIs that perform a function, such as the Write to Measurement File Express VI, or indicators that present data on the front panel window. The most commonly used indicators for this task include the Waveform Chart, the Waveform Graph, and the XY Graph. Common Express VIs include the Write to Measurement File Express VI, the Build Text Express VI, the DAQ Assistant, and the Instrument I/O Assistant. In this case, the DAQ Assistant and the Instrument I/O Assistant provide output data from the computer to the DAQ device or an external instrument.

Write to Measurement File

• The Write to Measurement File Express VI writes a file in LVM or TDMS file format.

Page 58: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Build Text

• The Build Text Express VI creates text, usually for displaying on the front panel window or exporting to a file or instrument.

Running a VI

• After you configure the Express VIs and wire them together, you can run theVI. When you finish creating your VI, click the Run button on the toolbar to execute the VI.

• While the VI is running, the Run button icon changes to the figure shown at left. After the execution completes, the Run button icon changes back to its original state, and the front panel indicators contain data.

Page 59: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

Run Button Errors

• If a VI does not run, it is a broken, or nonexecutable, VI. The Run button appears broken when the VI you are creating or editing contains errors.

• If the button still appears broken when you finish wiring the block diagram, the VI is broken and cannot run.

• Generally, this means that a required input is not wired, or a wire is broken. Press the broken run button to access the Error list window. The Error list window lists each error and describes the problem. You can double-click an error to go directly to the error.

Page 60: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

• Refer to Figure 1.28 to answer the following quiz questions.

Figure 1.28. Dataflow Questions

1. Which function executes first: Add or Subtract?

a. Add

b. Subtract

c. Unknown

2. Which function executes first: Sine or Divide?

a. Sine

b. Divide

c. Unknown

Page 61: F. Diagrama Bloc - WordPress.com•The terminals in Figure 2.15 belong to four front panel controls and indicators. Because terminals represent the inputs and outputs of your VI, subVIs

3. Which function executes first?

a. Random Number

b. Divide

c. Add

d. Unknown

4. Which function executes last: Random, Subtract or Add?

a. Random Number

b. Subtract

c. Add

d. Unknown

5. What are the parts of a VI?

a. Front panel window

c. Project

b. Block diagram window

d. Icon/connector pane