Download - Sociologie, Seria 2, Avansați 2, Voicu Octavian-Mihai

  • 8/10/2019 Sociologie, Seria 2, Avansai 2, Voicu Octavian-Mihai


    Christmas: consumerism or togetherness

    Christmas Day. Its the day that children look forward to all year round, eagerly

    making lists for Santa Claus and hanging ornaments on the tree. Its the day that families

    cherish as a time to be together, giving gifts and enjoying a break from the hustle and bustle

    of everyday life. Its the day that I find to be one of the most special of the year. Is it because

    of Christmas magic !erhaps. "ut I think theres a deeper meaning to this special season than

    the one that society has attached to it. #e hear it a lot, dont we $%he true meaning of

    Christmas.& Its the basis of nearly every holiday movie, the phrase found in 'allmark

    Christmas cards and something parents constantly remind their kids of in hopes of (uelling

    pre)Christmas consumerism. "ut what e*actly is the $true meaning of Christmas& #e hear

    these words so often that perhaps theyve lost their effectiveness. 'owever, when we look

    deep down, we can find the essence of what makes this time of year so special.

    %hese days, Christmas is more of a societal, consumerist norm than anything else. #e

    spend money on lavish gifts for those we love. #e spend hours decorating both inside and

    outside our houses with everything from flashing lights to festive garlands. #e stress out

    about holiday plans and whos going where for Christmas dinner. "ut, when we think about it,

    is this what Christmas is supposed to be + stressful, e*travagant, showy occasion thats

    almost a relief to be through with ot at all. %heres a reason people get time off work and

    school to celebrate. Its supposed to be a break from the cra-iness of life and provide a chance

    for us to reflect on whats truly important. +nd what is truly important Some people may say

    the presents. thers may say the festive activities around town. #hile these are all good

    things that help make Christmas a special time of year, they dont provide an answer as to

    why we celebrate. Instead, its the simpler things that matter / the things that cant be found in

    the bargain aisle at #al)0art or blinking in light displays. Its the joy of a family, sitting

    around the Christmas tree on Dec. 12, with their gifts to each other serving as an e*pression of

    their love. Its the camaraderie between those in a church on Christmas 3ve, who believe that

    the birth of their Savior is the reason for the season. Its the happiness of a needy person who

    receives the help of volunteers on Christmas, making their holiday season infinitely better.

    See the difference here Societys all about the outside, with the gifts and lights and shopping.

    %he true meaning of Christmas is found on the inside, where the gladness of togetherness,

    faith and service makes Christmastime a truly special time of year.

    Sociologie, Seria 2, Avansai 2, Voicu Octavian-Mihai

  • 8/10/2019 Sociologie, Seria 2, Avansai 2, Voicu Octavian-Mihai


    So, this Christmas, feel free to enjoy the pleasures of the season. I know that I never

    turn down a delicious cookie or a charming movie4 "ut, also, I hope youll look a little deeper

    this year. Instead of seeing just the gift, see the person who gave it to you with love in their

    heart. Instead of focusing on overspending, focus on giving something thoughtful to someone

    you care about. %heres more to the holidays than what meets the eye / because the true

    meaning of Christmas is whats found in the heart.

    Sociologie, Seria 2, Avansai 2, Voicu Octavian-Mihai