Download - Safety Shoes Ver01

  • 8/3/2019 Safety Shoes Ver01


    74669863.doc p 1 / 1

    Limba Romn English


    Aceasta procedura defineste regulile in ceea ce priveste

    pantofii de protectie.


    This procedure defines the rules related to safety shoes.


    Fiecare operator primeste o pereche de pantofi de protectie, si

    va putea incerca mai multe marimi pentru a vedea care dintre

    aceste marimi i sunt potrivite.


    Every operator receives a pair of safety shoes. He/she can try

    different sizes in order the define the best size.

    Pantofii de protectie pot fi luati acasa dar trebuie purtati in

    timpul lucrului.Operatorii fara pantofi de protectie nu vor

    putea intra in spatiile de productie.

    Safety shoes can be taken home in the evening but must be

    put on during all operations where required in and around the

    factory. Operators without the safety shoes will be banned

    from the workplace

    Pantofii de protectie sunt proprietatea ARPLAMA

    ROMANIA pana la inlocuire.

    The safety shoes are property of Arplama Romania until


    Fiecare operator este obligat sa pastreze in bune conditii

    pantofii de protectie sa-i curete si sa inlocuiasca sireturile

    cand este necesar.

    The operator is responsible for the given safety shoes, keeps

    the safety shoes in good and clean condition and replaces

    shoe strings when needed.


    O pereche noua de pantofi costa 90 RON.

    Perioada minima de folosire este de 7 luni.


    The value of a new pair of safety shoes is 90 Ron.

    The minimum period of usage of safety shoes is 7 months.

    Daca un operator paraseste compania mai devreme de

    termenul de 7 luni, dupa ce a primit pantofii de protectie, va

    trebui sa plateasca valoarea ramasa.Dupa plata integrala

    pantofii pot intra in proprietatea operatorului.

    If an operator leaves the company earlier than 7 months after

    receiving new safety shoes, the operator will have to pay the

    remaing portion of the value. After paying the remaining

    value the safety shoes are released to the operator.

    Valoarea ramasa care ar trebui platita de operator:

    Perioada de utilizare Valoare

    Mai putin de o luna 90 RON

    Intre 1 si 2 luni 75 RON

    Intre 2 si 3 luni 60 RON

    Intre 3 si 4 luni 45 Ron

    Intre 5 si 6 luni 30 Ron

    Intre 6 si 7 luni 15 Ron

    Mai mult de 7 luni 0 Ron

    Remaining value of the safety shoes to be paid by the


    Period of usage Value

    Less than 1 month 90 RON

    Between 1 and 2 months 75 RON

    Between 2 and 3 months 60 RON

    Between 3 and 4 months 45 Ron

    Between 5 and 6 months 30 Ron

    Between 6 and 7 months 15 Ron

    More than 7 months 0 Ron

    Dupa plata valorii ramase(la sfarsitul contractului de munca)

    sau la decizia conducerii ( la sfarsitul perioadei de utilizare a

    pantofilor), acestia pot intra in posesia operatorului, dupa

    confirmarea in scris a acestui lucru.

    Pantofi intrati in proprietatea operatorului vor trebui scosi din



    After payment of the remaining value [at the end of labor

    agreement] or by decission of managment [at the end of the

    lifetime of the safety shoes] the saftey shoes can be released.

    The release must be confirmed in writing.

    The safety shoes become property of the operator and must be

    taken out of the company


    Semnarea pentru primirea pantofilor confirma faptul ca ati inteles si sunteti de

    acord cu aceasta procedura.

    Last saved by Gestiune on 14.10.2008 02:44:00 AM