Download - o Sută de Cărți de Citit Într-o Viață

Page 1: o Sută de Cărți de Citit Într-o Viață

o sută de cărți de citit într-o viață (2)

1. Moby Dick (Herman Melville)2. Don Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes)3. Decameronul (Giovanni Bocaccio)4. The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)5. Război și pace (L.N. Tolstoi)6. Anna Karenina (L. N. Tolstoi)7. Gulliver’s travels (Jonathan Swift)8. Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe)9. Divina Comedie (Dante Alighieri)10.A la recherche du temps perdu (Marcel Proust)11.Crimă și pedeapsă (Fiodor Dostoievski)12.Frații Karamazov (Fiodor Dostoievski)13.Demonii (Fiodor Dostoievski)14.Alice’s adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Caroll)15.Conversación en La Catedral (Maria Vargas Llosa)16.For whom the bell tolls (Ernest Hemingway)17.Lord of the rings (J. R. R. Tolkien)18.All the king’s men (Robert Penn Warren)19.1984 (George Orwell)20.Animal farm (George Orwell)21.Suflete moarte (Nicolai Gogol)22.Toba de tinichea (Gunter Grass)23.To kill a mockingbird (Harper Lee)24.Brave new world (Aldous Huxley)25.Ulysses (James Joyce)26.Hunger (Knut Hamsun)27.Shogun (James Clavell)28.Poems (Paul Celan)29.The Magus (John Fowles)30.Great expectations (Charles Dickens)31.David Copperfield (Charles Dickens)32.Oliver Twist (Charles Dickens)33.The picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)

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34.A tale of two cities (Charles Dickens)35.On the road (Jack Kerouac)36.Povestiri  (Anton P. Cehov)37.Catch-22 (Joseph Heller)38.Heart of darkness (Joseph Conrad)39.Nostromo (Joseph Conrad)40.Muntele vrăjit (Thomas Mann)41.The catcher in the rye (J.D. Salinger)42.L’etranger (Albert Camus)43.Ciuma (Albert Camus)44.Point counter point (Aldous Huxley)45.A clockwork orange (Anthony Burgess)46.The great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)47.The call of the wild (Jack London)48.The Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy (Douglas Adams)49.Un veac de singurătate (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)50.Eseu despre orbire (Jose Saramago)51.Ficciones (Jorge Luis Borges)52.Lord of the flies (William Golding)53.Numele trandafirului (Umberto Eco)54.To the lighthouse (Virginia Woolf)55.Hamlet (William Shakespeare)56.Sophie’s choice (William Styron)57.O mie și una de nopți58.Foundation (Isaac Asimov)59. I, robot (Isaac Asimov)60.Dune (Frank Herbert)61.2001: A space Odyssey (A. C. Clarke)62.Childhood’s end (A. C. Clarke)63.Germinal (Emile Zola)64.Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert)65.Educația sentimentală (Gustave Flaubert)66.Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle)67.Gog (Giovanni Papini)68.Contele de Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)69.Candide (Voltaire)

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70.Mizerabilii (Victor Hugo)71.Zorba grecul (Nikos Kazantzakis)72. Jocul cu mărgele de sticlă (Herman Hesse)73.Memoriile lui Hadrian (Marguerite Yourcenar)74.Doctor Jivago (Boris Pasternak)75.Le père Goriot (Honore de Balzac)76.Le petit prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)77.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)78.The sound and the fury (William Faulkner)79.Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov)80. I, Claudius (Robert Graves)81.A passage to India (E. M. Forster)82.Tropic of cancer (Henry Miller)83.Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)84.The complete tales (Edgar Allan Poe)85.20 000 de leghe sub mări (Jules Verne)86.Călătorie spre centrul Pământului (Jules Verne)87.The time machine (H. G. Wells)88.The invisible man (H. G. Wells)89.Neuromancer (William Gibson)90.Slaughterhouse-five (Kurt Vonnegut)91.Ender’s game (Orson Scott Card)92.Starship troopers (Robert A. Heinlein)93.Do androids dream of electric sheep? (Philip K. Dick)94.Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)95.The end of eternity (Isaac Asimov)96.Solaris (Stanislaw Lem)97.Ciberiada (Stanislaw Lem)98.At the mountains of madness (H. P. Lovecraft)99. Iliada și Odiseea (Homer)100. Epopeea lui Ghilgameș