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  • 7/28/2019 model Subiecte 2011




    1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:

    1. Last week, a friend of mine (return) to his house after a holiday to find it (break into).2.

    None of his teachers understood how he (succeed) in (pass) the exam.3. A month ago, I

    (write) to the suppliers asking why the goods (not arrive) yet. They never replied.

    2. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

    1. She needs someone to show her what to do.2. In kindergarten, they gave the boy a lot ofnicknames.3. They want someone to offer them a new job.

    I. B. Read the text below and answer each question in no more than 6 lines:Story of Foyles

    Bookshop, London.

    A bookselling legend, founded by the Foyle brothers in 1904, this great, spreading

    collectionhas been at times rather badly organized. In the past, some of the staff were deeply

    odd andyou would have more success addressing telephone enquiries to deaf mutes on the

    planetTharg. However, this peculiarity aside, the enthusiasm and range of books have always

    beenimpressive. One of the original Foyles daughters, Christina, wrote to Hitler when sheheardhe was burning unsuitable books in the 1930s and asked if she could rescue them from

    theflames. He replied that if the books were bad influences for Germans, they would be bad

    for the British too, so hed rather not lead British readers into a moral mess. A couple of

    yearslater, however, he was bombing the stuffing out of the same Brits and a huge bomb

    blew openthe road right in front of Foyles. To keep the capital moving, the Army threw a

    bridge acrossthe crater and it was named Foyles Bridge.1. What was paradoxical about the

    Foyles bookstore at the beginning of its existence?2. What does the story reveal about

    Hitlers frame of mind?

    II. A. Translate into Romanian:

    Carter had never before encountered a situation of which he had not been perfect master.

    Butnow he stood far more awkward than Bill or Jack or Mickey. He had no chance of

    meetingthis beautiful girl socially. His mind struggled to recall the nature and habits of

    shopgirls as hehad read or heard of them. Somehow he had received the idea that they

    sometimes did notinsist too strictly upon the regular channels of introduction. His heart beat

  • 7/28/2019 model Subiecte 2011


    loudly at thethought of proposing an unconventional meeting with this lovely and virginal

    being. But thetumult in his heart gave him courage.

    II. B. Translate into English:

    mi spunea c tot ce face Gina e numai un spectacol, c i place s fie privit, s fie n

    centrulateniei, oriunde s-ar afla. Ciudat c toi o vedeau numai sub aspectul sta frivol. Chiar

    iacum, cnd eram att de pornit mpotriva ei, simeam c nu pot fi de acord cu aceste,ndefinitiv, defimri ale Ginei. Eu tiam ct de fermectoare, de bun i chiar de inteligent

    putea fi ea uneori, tiam c, printre zeci de prostii, putea s aib cte o replic uimitoare,

    tiam Admitere Facultate, Forum Admitere, Subiecte Admitere Facultate, Forum Admitere, Subiecte

    48ct de obsedat e de moarte, de mbtrnire. Firete, sufeream i -o uram pentru c

    aparineaaltcuiva (m ntrebam dac e tot cu Silviu sau cu altul), dar tocmai prin asta mi se

    prea ofiin i mai complex. Mi se prea i mai dezirabil, pe msur ce se ndeprta. Dei

    mmutasem din banc, dei eram hotrt s nu mai am de -a face cu ea, legtura noastr nu

    s-arupt nici atunci.


    1. Rewrite the sentences, using the correct tense of the verbs in brackets (active or


    1. I ... (charge) with robbery, but I finally managed to persuade the magistrates they had

    thewrong person.2. The play was deplorable. I hoped it ... (get) better, but it was the most

    pathetic performanceI (see).3. I ... just ... (ring) the receptionist to say that the TV was not

    working in my room when theengineer arrived to fix it.

    2. Fill in the gaps by using the appropriate combinations of words, necessarily including

    amodal verb:

    1. You ...... drinking or youll get into a coma.2. Was that absolutely necessary? You ..... to tell

    the police after all.3. How do they know about it? Someone ....... revealed the family secret!

    I. B: Read the text below and answer each question in no more than 6 lines:

  • 7/28/2019 model Subiecte 2011


    Cell phones, apart from making the organization of our lives easier, have other,

    latent,functions as well. First, they are outstanding anxiety reducers. Carrying one of them in

    our hands, we may reduce the uneasy feeling that we are alone and lost in the world.

    Secondly,with their help, one can also reconfirm ones identity. Thirdly, they may slightly

    enhance our momentary social status in the crowd. Talking on a cell phone in a public place

    might have avulgar aura, except if you are dressed like a banker or a broker and talk on your

    phone whilehurrying through the crowd and making the impression that you are just sellingor buying theRoman Coliseum or the Empire State Building. If you are not a banker or a

    broker, then youhave to flash a very expensive, modish phone to suggest that you belong to

    the swinging newgeneration of the Information Age. In this case, your phone is still a

    membership card in theclub of an imaginary elite.1. Mobile phones are tremendously popular

    nowadays. Are the causes of this phenomenon psychological, social, or simply technical?2.

    What do bankers, brokers and rich young people have in common, according to the author of

    this commentary?

    II. A. Translate into Romanian:

    Henry did nothing to make her feel guilty about sleeping late, yet she was ashamed of her

    inability to get up. It was somehow unlike him, it was out of character, this waiting on her.

    Henever did anything of the kind at any other time of the day and it sometimes seemed to

    her that the unselfish effort he made must be almost intolerable to someone with his needle-

    sharpmind and - yes, it must be admitted - his undoubted lack of patience. That he never

    complained or even teased her about over-sleeping only added to her guilt. Shopping in her Admitere Facultate, Forum Admitere, Subiecte Admitere Facultate, Forum Admitere, Subiecte

    49lunch hour, she bought an alarm clock. They had never possessed such a thing, had never

    needed to, for Henry, as he often said, could direct himself to wake up at any hour he chose.

    II. B. Translate into English:

    Moartea e nceputul oricrei biografii, al povetii oricrei viei. Adevratul nceput. M ar fifost

    de acord. I-ar fi plcut, ca una din acele glume care-l nveseleau, ca una din aceleneateptate

    rsturnri de termeni care lui i se preau absurde cum ar fi fraza nceputul esfritul.

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    Paradoxul mai adnc i-ar fi scpat, dei poate c ar fi czut o clip pe gnduri,nainte de a

    izbucni n rs, nainte de a aplauda tare de dou-trei ori, ca atunci cnd era plcutsurprins.

    Paradoxurile de limbaj l bucurau spontan, erau pentru el unul din jocurile pe care lendrgea

    - pentru gratuitatea lor, dac nu pentru altceva.

    Barem de corectare

    Fiecare subiect este notat cu note de la 1 la 9, deci un punct se acord din oficiu.Se facemedia aritmetic ntre subiecul I.A i subiectul I.B, obinndu-se PRIMA NOT.Se face media

    aritmetic ntre subiecul II.A i subiectul II.B, obinndu-se A DOUA NOT.

    I. A

    Fiecare subpunct are 4,5 p (1.5X3)La totalul de nou puncte se adaug un punct din oficiu.

    I. B

    Se acord cte 4,5 puncte pentru fiecare subpunct, apoi se adaug un punct din oficiu.Se vor

    deduce 0,10 puncte pentru fiecare rnd care depete limita de rnduri indicat ncerin.Se

    apreciaz: exprimarea corect, coerena i concizia rspunsului, claritatea i

    consecvena,ncadrarea n limitele cerinei, precum i capacitatea candidatului de a structura

    argumentaia.Se acord un bonus de 0,5 pn la un punct pentru idei originale i exprimare


    II. A

    Se noteaz corectitudinea i acurateea exprimrii n limba romn, redarea adecvat

    asensului textului n limba englez. Se depuncteaz cu un punct abaterile grave de lasensultextului, distorsionarea total a nelesului ca i exprimarea incorect sau/i confuz n

    limbaromn. Se apreciaz elegana exprimrii n limba romn, gsirea de soluii ct mai

    fideletextului englezesc. Se pot puncta cu un bonus de 0,50 pn la 1 punct soluiile

    ingenioase detraducere.

    II. B

    Se noteaz traducerea corect a structurilor gramaticale, fluena textului n limba

    englez,cunoaterea vocabularului implicat de traducerea textului. Se depuncteaz cu 0,25

    punctefolosirea greit sau formarea greit a timpurilor verbale, a verbelor modale i adiatezei pasive, nerespectarea regulilor de concordan a timpurilor, greelile de topic,

    folosireagreit a infinitivului ca i a gerundului sau a participiului. Sedepuncteaz cu 0,10

    puncteformele greite de plural, folosirea necorespunztoare a principalelor prepoziii din

    limbaenglez, greelile de ortografie n cazul unor cuvinte comune. Se pot puncta cu un bonus

    ntr0,50 i 1 punct soluiile deosebit de originale pentru unele structuri mai dificile