  • AE Logistica mrfurilor

    Amfiteatru Economic 122


    Conf. univ. dr. Silvia Muhcin Universitatea Ovidius, Constana

    [email protected]

    Conf. univ. dr. Veronica Popovici Universitatea Ovidius, Constana

    [email protected]


    Pentru organizaiile implicate n turism, desfurarea eficient a activitii este condiionat, printre altele, de armonizarea i coordonarea eforturilor tuturor participanilor inclui n lanul de activiti specifice: prestatorii de servicii turistice, tour-operatorii, ageniile de turism distribuitoare, turitii nii. n rndul acestor categorii de participani, un rol deosebit l au tour-operatorii. Plecnd de la anumite atracii turistice, acetia i asum fabricarea acelor produse care sunt solicitate de ctre turiti, asamblnd diferitele categorii de servicii turistice, de baz i auxiliare, care sunt oferite de numeroi prestatori i, mai departe, distribuindu-le ageniilor de turism detailiste sau, n mod direct, turitilor. Impactul activitii lor este deosebit de puternic deoarece, prin produsele realizate, ncorporeaz diferitele tipuri de prestri de servicii turistice. Plecnd de la aceste aspecte i analiznd din punct de vedere logistic activitatea turistic n mod similar cu activitile de producere a bunurilor materiale, se poate spune c succesul poate fi obinut n situaia n care diferitele categorii de participani acioneaz ca un sistem, n cadrul unui lan de aprovizionare-furnizare.

    La nivelul tour-operatorilor, managementul lanului de aprovizionare-livrare include, printre altele, planificarea i managementul activitilor de aprovizionare i selecie a furnizorilor, managementul logisticii interne, precum i colaborarea cu toi partenerii din cadrul canalului de marketing. Logistica intern include activiti referitoare la aprovizionare, susinerea operaiunilor i anumite aspecte similare distribuiei fizice, lanul de aprovizionare-livrare structurndu-se prin colaborarea i cooperarea unui numr variat de participani, de la furnizorii de materii prime (al cror impact este vizibil mai ales n cazul serviciilor de alimentaie/restauraie) i pn la consumatorii finali. De altfel, rolul acestora din urm este cu att mai important, cu ct ei imprim i specificul activitii turistice, prin participarea direct la reuita unei vacane.

    Cuvinte cheie: turism, participani, logistic, lan, aprovizionare, livrare Clasificare JEL: M31.


    For the organizations which are involved in tourism, efficiency is conditioned, among other determinants, by the coordination and harmonization of all participants efforts from the specific activities chain: tourism services suppliers, tour-operators, travel agencies and tourists themselves. Among these participants, a special role is assigned to the tour-operators. Going from certain tourism attractions, they take upon themselves the fabrication of those products that are required by tourists, assembling the different basic and supplementary tourism services, that are offered by numerous services suppliers, and further, distributing them to the retailers, or directly to the tourists. The impact of their activity is very strong because through the realized products they incorporate different

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    Nr. 24 Iunie 2008 123

    types of tourist services. Going from these aspects and analyzing in a similar manner the tourism activity as the material goods manufacturing activity from logistical point of view, it can be said that, successful activity can be achieved when those different participants categories act like a system, into a supply chain.

    On tour-operators level, the supply chain management incorporates, among the others, planning and management activities concerning purchasing suppliers selection, internal logistics management, as well as collaboration with all marketing channel partners. Internal logistics involves activities that refers to purchasing, operations support and some aspects that are similar with physical distribution, the supply chain being structured by cooperation between a various number of participants, from raw materials suppliers (their impact is visible especially in catering, foods or beverage suppliers services), up to end consumers. Otherwise, the role of the last category is more important because they lend the tourism activity specific nature, through theres participation on a successful holiday product.

    Keywords: tourism, participants, logistics, chain, supply, delivery. JEL Clasification: M31.


    Prin specificul lor, derularea activitilor turistice implic un numr mare de participani: prestatori de servicii turistice, tour-operatori i agenii de turism revnztoare, clieni. n cadrul canalului de marketing, tour-operatorii au rolul de a prelua serviciile oferite de ctre diferitele categorii de prestatori, de a le mpacheta corespunztor i de a le distribui, fie n mod direct turitilor, fie ageniilor de turism revnztoare. Prin importana lor, tour-operatorii au o contribuie semnificativ asupra eficienei activitilor turistice, dat fiind faptul c de ei depinde att succesul activitii prestatorilor i ageniilor distribuitoare cu amnuntul, ct i nivelul de satisfacie al turitilor, beneficiarii produselor realizate de ctre tour-operatori.

    Ca i n domeniul bunurilor materiale, n domeniul turismului, armonizarea i coordonarea eforturilor proprii ale organizaiei cu cele ale furnizorilor i clienilor constituie o premiz a reuitei. Aceste demersuri se realizeaz cu mai mult eficien n situaia n care se reunesc n structura unui lan de aprovizionare-livrare, avnd punctul de organizare i comand la nivelul tour-operatorilor.


    By their specific, the evolution involves a big number of participants: tourism services suppliers, tour-operators and reselling travel agencies, clients. In the frame of the marketing channel, tour-operators have the function of taking over the services offered by the different categories of suppliers, of packing them properly and of allocating them directly to the tourists or to the reselling tourism agencies. By their importance, the tour-operators have a significant contribution to the tourist activity efficiency, given the fact that on them depend the successes of both the suppliers activity and retail distribution agencies, and on the tourists satisfaction level, the appointees of the products realized by the tour-operators.

    As in the material goods field, in

    tourism, the amortization and coordination of the own organization efforts along with the ones of the suppliers and clients, constitutes a success premise. These intercessions are realized with more efficiency when they are reunited in a supply-delivery chain structure, and the command and organization point is at the tour-operators level.

  • AE Logistica mrfurilor

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    1. Delimitri conceptuale Plecnd de la necesitatea corelrii

    eforturilor participanilor din canalele de marketing, prin intermediului planificrii comune i schimbului de informaii, creterea eficienei i competitivitii activitii turistice se poate realiza prin nsuirea i implementarea, n forme specifice acestei activiti, a conceptului de management al lanului de aprovizionare-furnizare.

    Plecnd de la definiiile referitoare la domeniul logisticii mrfurilor, pe baza crora se poate spune c misiunea logisticianului este aceea de a aduce bunurile i serviciile la locul potrivit, la timpul potrivit, n condiiile cerute, rezultatul fiind creterea profitului firmei (Blan, 2006), se poate spune c, n turism, misiunea logisticianului const n crearea i oferirea produselor turistice solicitate de ctre consumatori, la locul i momentul potrivite, n cele mai profitabile condiii.

    Dat fiind specificul activitii turistice, aceast misiune revine tour-operatorilor. Dac, la nivelul ntreprinderilor productoare de bunuri materiale, sistemul logistic include activitile de susinere a produciei i aprovizionarea, precum i activitile de distribuie fizic (Blan, 2006), la nivelul tour-operatorilor, se poate spune c sistemul logistic cuprinde activiti de aprovizionare (inclusiv aranjamente contractuale cu furnizorii i prestatorii de servicii), activiti de susinere a operaiunilor (suport i asisten n ceea ce privete activitatea prestatorilor de servicii de baz) i activiti similare distribuiei fizice (livrarea produselor ctre ageniile detailiste sau consumatorii finali).

    Trasnd aceeai paralel, plecnd de la accepiunea Consiliului Managementului Logistic (CLM, 1991) asupra managementului lanului de aprovizionare-livrare, se poate spune c, n turism, managementul lanului de aprovizionare-desfacere integreaz activitile

    1. Conceptual assignations Considering the necessity of

    correlating the participants efforts from the marketing channels, by the mediation of the common scheduling and information exchange, the rise of tourist activity efficiency and competitiveness can be realized through the assimilation and implementation, in the particular form of this activity, of the supply-delivery chain management concept.

    Starting from the definitions referring to the bale logistics domain, on the basis of which it can be said that the logisticians mission is to bring the assets and services at the right place, at the right time, in the requested conditions, resulting an increase in the firms profit (Blan, 2006, p. 19), also, it can be said that, concerning the tourism, the logistician mission is to create ond offer the touristic products requested by the consumers, at the right place and time and in the most fruitful conditions.

    Being given the specific tourist activity, this mission falls on the tour-operators. If, at the material goods producer company level, the