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1. Permiteti-mi sa va prezint pe dl = Allow me to introduce Mr to you2. Imi pare bine (de cunostinta) = Nice to meet you3. Nu cred ca ne-am cunoscut = I dont think we have(hev)met before 4. Imi permiteti sa ma prezint?Ma numesc = May I introduce myself? My name is5. Il cunoasteti pe dl. B, nu-i asa? = You know Mr. B., dont you?6. Nu, nu cred ca il cunosc = No, I dont think so7. Ma bucur mult sa va cunosc = Im very glad(gled) to meet you8. De mult vroiam sa va cunosc = I have always wanted to meet you9. Vreau sa v-o prezint pe doamna = I want you to meet Mrs10. O cunoasteti pe d-na? = Have you met Mrs?11. Da, desigur. Am cunoscut-o anul trecut. = Yes, certainly(sertanli). I met her last year.


1. Vorbiti englezeste? = Do you speak English?2. Putin, stiu doar cateva cuvinte. = A little, I only know a few words.3. Cunosc destul de bine limba engleza. = I know English fairly(farli) well (pretty well).4. El vorbete bine/prost = He speaks English well/badly .5. Unde a-i nvat engleza? = Where have you learnt English?6. De cnd nvai engleza? = How long have you been learning English?7. nv engleza de aproape cinci ani. = I have been learning English for almost five years.8. Cunotinele dvs. de englez s-au mbuntit. Vi se pare engleza o limb grea? = Your English has improved. Do you find English difficult?9. S cutm acest cuvnt n dicionar. = Let s look up this word in the dictionary.10. Cum se scrie? = How do you spell it?11. Vrei s vorbii puin mai rar, v rog? = Would you please speak a little slower?12. Ce nseamn acest cuvnt? = What does this word mean?Unde este = Where is?1. gara? = the railway-station2. aeroportul? = the airport3. restaurantul? = the restaurant 4. hotelul? = the hotel5. muzeul? = the museum6. soul meu? = my husband7. soia mea? = my wife8. maina lui? = his car9.pota? = the post-office LECIA 3 FAMILIA (FAMILY)1. Permitei-mi s v prezint familia mea = Allow me to introduce my family.2. Cum v numii = What is your name?3. M numesc... = My name is...4. Prietenii mi spun John= My friends call me John5. Care este numele dvs. ntreg = What is your full name6. Numele meu de familie este Smith = Smith is my surname7. Numele de fat al soiei mele este Johnson = My wife s maiden (maidn) name is Johnson8. Suntei cstorit? = Are you married9. Da, sunt cstorit = Yes, I m married10. Sunt necstorit= I am single(unmarried)11. Ea este logodit cu dl...= She is engaged to Mr...12. El este logodnicul ei = He is her fiance13. Cnd se cstoresc? = When are they getting married14. Cu cine se cstorete? = To whom is he getting married15. Soia lui este profesoar = His wife is a teacher16. Prinii mei au srbtorit nunta de argint/aur anul trecut= My parents celebrated their silver/golden wedding last year17. Ci copii au ? = How many children do they have18. Ei au o fata i doi biei = They have a girl and two boys19. Avei frai sau surori? = Do you have any brohers or sisters20. Sora mea mai mare este doctor = My elder sister is a doctor21. Bunicii dvs. triesc? = Are your grandparents still alive22. Eu am multe rude: muli unchi, mtui i veri= I have many relatives: many uncles, aunts and cousins (cazns)23. Tom i Jane sunt nepotul i nepoata tatei = Tom and Jane are my father s nephew (nefiu) and niece (nis)24. Ei sunt rude apropiate/ndeprtate= They are near/distant relatives25. Cumnata mea a nscut un copil saptmna trecut= My sister-in-law had a baby last weekmi place/plac= I likeCafeaua= coffeeCeaiul= teaMuzica= musicS cltoresc= to travelS conduc maina= to driveNu-mi place= I don t likeS m trezesc dimineaa= to get up earlyAceast muzic= this musicS privesc la televizor= to watch tvi place= Do you like?S citeti = to readS bei cafea= to drink coffeeS asculi muzic= to listen to musicLECIA 4 VRSTA, NFIAREA (AGE, APPEARENCE)

1. Ci ani ai= How old are you2. Am 20 de ani= I am twenty years old3. Luna viitoare mplinesc 30 de ani= I shall be thirty next month4. Cnd v-ai nscut= When were you born5. M-am nscut n 1990= I was born in 19906. Suntem de aceeai vrst= We are the same age7. Ea este cu doi ani mai tnr dect soul ei= She is two years younger then her husband8. Ea este adolescent = She is a teenager9. Este minor?= Is she under age?10. Cum arat el= How does he look like11. Este foarte chipe= He is verz handsome12. Ea este o fat drgu= She is a pretty girl13. El este scund/nalt= He is short/tall14. Ce nlime avei? = How tall are you15. Ce greutate avei? = What do you weight16. El seamn cu tatl lui= He takes after his father17.El are pr blond/negru= He has fair/dark hair18. Ce culoare au ochii ei? = What colour are her eyes?19. Ea are ochii cprui= Her eyes are brown20. Ea mplinete 52 de ani anul acesta= She turns 52 this year


1. Avei casa dvs. proprie? = Have you got your own house2. Am nchiriat un apartament= I ve rented a flat3. A vrea s vin i s v vd casa= I d like to come and see zour house4. Poftii, v rog= Come in, please5. Acum v voi arta casa= Now I shall show you my house6. Acesta este salonul= This is the living-room7. Buctria noastr este destul de mare= Our kitchen is fairly large8. Venii s vedei i dormitoarele= Come to see the bedrooms, too9. i baia este destul de mare= The bathroom is fairly large, too10. Grdina dvs este foarte curat i ngrijit= Your garden is very neat and tidy11. Are multe flori frumoase= It has many beautiful flowers.CULORI= COLOURSAlb=WhiteNegru= blackRou= redRoz= pinkVerde=greenAlbastru= blueBleu=light blueBleumarin= dark blueGalben= yellowGri= greyMaro=brownViolet=violetAuriu=goldArgintiu=silverGradele de comparatie ale adjectivelorIn limba engleza, adjectivele se impart in doua categorii: adjective scurte si adjective lungi.a. Adjectivele scurteComparativ de superioritate : se adaug er la sfarsitul adjectivuluiSuperlativ relativ : se adauga articolul the naintea adjectivului care este urmat de terminatia estAdjectivele care contin o singura vocala isi dubleaza consoana finala, iar cele care se termina in y se transforma la final in ierEx:Tall- taller- the tallestFat- fatter-the fattestEasy- easier- the easiestHard- harder-the hardestb. Adjectivele lungiComparativ de superioritate: se adauga more inaintea adjectivuluiSuperlativ relativ: se adauga the most inaintea adjectivuluiEx: important-more important-the most important Beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful Interesting-more interesting-the most interesting


1. Din ce ar suntei? = What country do you come from?2. Sunt din Romnia= I come from Romania3. Aceasta este prima mea vizit n Anglia= This is my first visit to England4. Am mai vizitat i alte ri= I have also visited other countries5. Ct timp o s stai n ara noastr? = How long are you going to stay in our contry6. Sper s stau cteva sptmni= I hope to stay for a few weeks7. A vrea s fac o cltorie prin ar= I d like to go on a tour around the country.8. Sper c o s v plac la noi= I hope you ll enjoy your stay in our country9. El este...He is... albanian(lbenin) =albanez Algerian= algerian African= africanArab=arabAustralian=australianAustrian= austricBulgarian= bulgarChinese=chinezCzech= cehDanish=danezEgyptian=egipteanSwiss=elveianFinnish= finlandezFrench= francezGerman=germanGreek=grecIndian=indianIndonesian=indonezItalian=italianJapanese= japonezNorwegian= norvegianDutch= olandezPortuguese= portughezSerbian=srbSpanish=spaniolSwedish= suedezHungarian= ungurLECA 7 VREMEA (THE WEATHER)

1. Cum este vremea astazi? = Whats the weather like today?How is the weather today?2. Este o dimineata/zi frumoasa= Its a fine morning/day3. Credeti ca o sa ploua? = Do you think it will rain?4. Nu poti fi nciodata sigur de vreme= You can never be sure of the weather5. Azi dimineata a fost innourat= It was cloudy this morning6. S-a facut frumos= Its turned out fine7. Iese soarele= The sun is coming out8. Vremea se incalzeste= The weather is getting warmer9. A plouat foarte putin in iulie= We had very little rain in July10. Imi este cald= Im hot11. Ploua cu galeata= Its pouring12. Nu e decat o aversa= Its only a shower.13. Astazi este frig=Today it is cold14. A venit iarna= The winter has set in15. O sa ninga= It will snow16. Nu support sa imi fie frig= I cant bear being cold17. Cum va fi vremea astazi= Whats the forecast for today18. Astazi sunt minus 7 grade = Today it is 7 degrees below zero19. Tuna= Its thundering20. Fulgera = Its lightening21. Se insenineaza= Its clearing up22. Este polei = Its slipperyFurtuna= stormTunet= thunderCurcubeu = rainbowRoua= dew (diu)Seceta = droughtIn acest moment=at the momentLECTIA 8 TIMPUL (THE TIME)

Cat este ora, va rog = Whats the time, pleaseEste ora cinci = Its five oclockEste doua si jumatate = Its half past twoEste doua si un sfert = Ita a quarter past twoEste doua si zece = Its ten past twoEste doua si douazeci= its twenty past twoEste trei fara douazeci = Its twenty to threeEste trei fara un sfert= Its a quarter to threeEste trei fara cinci= Its five to threeAvem destul timp = We have plenty of timeNu te grabi= Dont hurryIn cat timp vom ajunge acolo? = How much time will it take to get there?Vom ajunge acolo la timp = We will get there in timeIncearca sa recuperezi timpul pierdut = Try to make up for the lost timeAm venit prea devreme/tarziu? = Am I too early/late?Se face tarziu= Its getting lateSa facem o plimbare diseara = Lets go for a walk in the eveningVa ploua la noapte = It will rain at nightEXPRIMAREA TIMPULUI Este 5:00 = Its five oclock Este 5:05= Its five past five Este 5:10 = Its ten past five Este 5:15= Its a quarter past five Este 5 :20 = Its twenty past 5 Este 5:25= Its 25 minutes past 5 Este 5:30= Its half past 5 Este 5:35 = Its twenty five minutes to six 5:40 = Its twenty minutes to six 5:45 = Its a quarter to six 5:50 = Its ten minutes to six 5:55= Its five minutes to sixLECTIA 9 EXPRIMAREA UNEI PARERI STATING YOUR OPINION1. Mi se pare ca= It seems to me that2. Dupa judecata mea/dupa mine= To my mind3. Sunt de parere ca = I am of the opinion that4. Punctul meu de vedere este = My personal view is5. Dupa experienta mea = In my experience(icspirians)6. Dupa cate inteleg = As far as I understand/can see7. Dupa cum o vad eu (problema) = As I see it, 8. Din punctul meu de vedere = From my point of view9. Dupa cate stiu/Din cate stiu = As far as I know/From what I know10. Poate gresesc, dar = I might be wrong but11. Cred ca se poate spune = I believe one can say12. Trebuie sa recunosc ca = I must admit that13. Nu pot nega ca = I cannot deny that14. Imi pot imagina ca = I can imagine that15. Cred/gandesc/presupun = I think/believe/suppose that16. Sunt sigur/convins ca = I am sure/convinced that17. Nu sunt sigur, dar = I am not sure/certain, but18. Nu sunt sigur, pentru ca nu cunosc situatia exact = I am not sure, because I dont know the situation exactly19. Nu sunt convins ca = I am not convinced that20. Am citit ca = I have read that21. Am pareri impartite asupra acestui lucru = I am of mixed opinion about/on this22. Nu am nicio parere asupra acestei chestiuni = I have no opinion in this matter23. Aceasta dovedeste ca = This proves that24. Este evident ca = It is obvious thatADVERBULALREADY -dejaFolosim already pentru a arata o actiune care a avut loc inainte de momentul present. Se foloseste in propozitii affirmative si interrogative.Ex: Ed already has a high school diploma. (Ed are dj diploma de bacalaureat) Mr. Smith is already here (Dl. Smith este dj aici) Are they already in elementary school? ((Ei au intrat dj la scoala primara?)STILL INCAFolosim still pentru a arata o actiune in desfasurare. Se foloseste de obicei in mijlocul propozitiei langa verb, se foloseste atat in propozitii affirmative, negative, cat si interogative. Ex: Ed still doesnt have a high school diploma. (Ed nu are inca o diploma de bacalaureat).YET INCAFolosim yet pentru a intreba sau discuta despre ceva ce s-a intamplat sau nu pana in momentul vorbirii. Se foloseste la sfarsitul propozitiei iar atunci cand propozitia are un verb la negative yet poate veni imediat dupa not. Se foloseste in propozitii negative si in cele interogative. Ex: Im very hungry. Is dinner ready yet? (Imi este foarte foame. Nu este gata masa inca?) Can you wait ten minutes? John isnt here yet. (Poti astepta zece minute?John inca nu a ajuns) I got the book a month ago and I havent yet had a chance to read it. (Am cartea de o luna si inca nu am reusit sa o citesc).Folosim anymore, any longer si no longer pentru a mentiona o situatie trecuta care nu mai exista. Anymore si any longer se folosesc in propozitii negative si interogative, se plaseaza la sfarsitul propozitiei.Ex: Is he in high school anymore/any longer? (mai este la liceu?) She isnt in the army anymore/any longer. (ea nu mai este in armata)No longer se folseste in propozitii affirmative, se plaseaza in mijlocul propozitiei langa verb.Ex: He is no longer a student (el nu mai este student) She no longer works at night. (Ea nu mai munceste noaptea)LECTIA 10 A CERE SI A DA INDICATII ASKING AND GIVING DIRECTIONS1. Cum ajung la = How do I get to...2. Care este cel mai bun drum pana la = Whats the best way to?3. Mergeti drept inainte (pana ajungeti la) = Go straight on (until you come to)4. Intoaceti-va/mergeti inapoi = Turn back/go back5. Traversati = Cross6. Mergeti pe prima/a doua la stanga/dreapta = Take the first /second road on the left/right7. Este pe stanga/dreapta = Its on the left/right8. Direct inainte = Straight(streit) on9. Vizavi = Opposite10. Langa = Near/ Next to11. Intre = Between12. La capatul = at the end (of)13. La colt = At the corner14. In spatele = Behind15. In fata = In front of16. (chiar)dupa colt = (just)around the corner17. Semafor = Traffic lights18.Intersectie = Crossroads, junctionPREPOZITIILE DE TIMP1. AT = se foloseste alaturi de cuvinte ce desemneaza momentul zilei, varsta si cuvinte ca night, first, last, beginning, endEx: at noon, at night, at midnight, at 7:30am at the age of twelve = la varsta de 20 de ani at first, at last = la prima vedere, in final at the beginning, at the end = la inceput la sfarsit2. ON = se foloseste cu zilele si datele, se mai poate folosi cu partile zilei si cu cuvintele time si schedule(schegiual) Ex: on Monday, on your birthday= luni, de ziua ta On October 18 = pe 18 octombrie On the evening of june 8 = in seara de 8 iunie On time, on schedule= la timp, in graphic3. IN = se foloseste cu cuvinte ce exprima timp si alaturi de beginning si end Ex: in ten minutes, in an hour = in zece minute, intr-o ora In a week, in two years = intr=o saptamana, in 2 ani In the beginning, in the end = la inceput, la sfarsit4. BEFORE si AFTER se folosesc alaturi de cuvinte ce desemneaza momentele zilei, date si cu substantivele care specifica numele de evenimente sau intamplariEx:Before noon, after 5:00 p.m = inainte de pranz, dupa ora 17Before December 31, after April 15 = inainte de 31 decembrie, dupa 15 aprilieBefore the game, after dinner = inainte de joc, dupa cina5. AFTER se poate folosi alaturi de cuvinte ce desemneaza perioadele de timp.Ex: after six months, after 30 years = dupa sase luni, dupa 30 de ani6. FROM se foloseste cu To si Till/Untill pentru a indica perioade de timp.Ex: from 1985 to 1993= din 1985 pana in 1993 From May 1 until June 15 = de la 1 mai pana la 15 iunie From 10:00 a.m till 5:30 p.m = de la ora 10:00 pana la 17:307. UNTIL/TILL = se pot folosi cu nume de zile, date si ore Ex: until next Friday, till next week = pana vinerea viitoare, pana saptamana viitoare Until 1997, till august 2 = pana in 1997, pana la 2 august Until 10 pm, till midnight = pana la ora 22, pana la miezul noptii8. FOR = se utilizeaza alaturi de cuvinte ce desemneaza perioade de timp si arata durata unei actiuni Ex: for half and hour, for three weeks, for one year = de o jumatate de ora, de 3 saptamani, de un an9. SINCE = se foloseste cu cuvinte ce denota perioadele definite si arata inceputul unei actiuni Ex: since Sunday, since 6:00 this morning, since 1998 = de duminica, de la ora 6 dimineata, din 1998.

LECTIA 10 LA CUMPARATURI - GOING SHOPPINGVanzator-shop assistant1. Va pot ajuta? = Can I help you?2. Cu ce va pot ajuta/ce pot face pentru dumneavoastra? = What can I do for you?3. Imi pare rau, nu vindem timbre = Sorry, we dont sell stamps.4. Altceva? = Anything else?5. Este la oferta = Its on sale6. Cumparati doua la pretul uneia = Buy two for the price of one.7. Cat/cati doriti? = How much/how many you like?8. Ce marime purtati? = What size do you take?9. Imi pare rau, nu mai avem paine = Sorry, we are out of bread.10. O alta culoare ar merge?= What another colour do?11. Doriti sa probati? = Would you like to try it on?12. Cabina de proba este acolo = The fitting room is over there.13. Rochia va vine foarte bine = The dress suits you very well.14. Platiti la casa, va rog = Pay at the cash desk, please.15. Voi lua acesta/aceasta la casa = Ill take this to the cash desk.16. Poftiti = Here you are17. Cu placer = Youre welcome18. Fac 20 euro impreuna =Thats 20 euros altogether.19. Nu cumva aveti marunt? = You dont happen to have any change, do you?20. Poftiti restul dumneavoastra = Heres your change. CLIENT = CUSTOMER1. Am nevoie de = I need2. As dori o sticla cu lapte, va rog = Id like a bottle of milk, please.3. Aveti suveniruri? = Have you got souvenirs (suvanirs)?4. Vindeti timbre? = Do you sell stamps?5. De unde pot cumpara carti postale? = Where can I buy post cards?6. De unde pot cumpara un film pentru camera de luat vederi/aparat foto? = Where can I buy a film for my camera(cheamera)?7. Unde pot gasi ziare? = Where can I find newspapers?8. Aceste sticle sunt returnabile? = Are those bottles returnable (ritarnabal)?9. Nu-mi vine = It doesnt fit me.10. Nu mi se potriveste= It doesnt suit me.11. Nu imi place= I dont like it12. Este prea mic/mare/larg/stramt/scump = Its too small/big/large/tight/expensive13. Port marimea = Im size14. Mai aveti si alta marime/culoare = Have you got this in another size/colour?15. Cat costa ? = How much is it?16. Asta-I tot = Thats all.17. Unde este casa? = Where is the cash desk?18. Imi dati o chitanta, va rog? = Could I get a receipt, please?19. Imi dati o sacosa, va rog? = Could I get a (plastic)bag, please?20. Ma tem/imi pare rau, dar nu am marunt = Im afraid/sorry I dont have any change.21. Acceptati cari de credit? = Do you accept credit cards?LECTIA 11 EXPRIMAREA ACORDULUI/DEZACORD PARTILA/DEZACORD/CAN1. Exprimarea acordului1. Sunt multe motive pentru = There are many reasons for2. Nu exista niciun dubiu ca = There is no doubt about it that3. Pur si simplu trebuie sa fiu de accord cu aceasta = I simply must agree with this4. Sunt de aceeasi parere = Iam of the same opinion5. Sunt de acord in totalitate cu autorul = I completely (complitli)/absolutely(absolutli) agree with the author.2. Dezacord partial1. Este numai partial adevarat ca= It is only partly true that2. Pot fi de acord numai cu unele reserve = I can agree with that only with reservations3. Pare evident, dar = That seems obvious, but4. Nu neaparat/nu e chiar asa = That is not necessarily(nesasarli) so5. Nu e atat de simplu pe cat pare= It is not as simple as it seems6. In anumite imprejurari = Under certain circumstances3. Dezacord1. Este mai mult decat atat= There is more to it than that2. Problema este ca = The problem is that3. Ma indoiesc (foarte mult) daca= I (very much) doubt whether4. Aceasta este in complete contradictie cu = This is in complete contradiction to5. Ce este chiar mai rau = What is even worse, 6. Am o parere diferita pentru ca = I am of a different opinion because7. Nu pot impartasi acest punct de vedere = I cannot share this view8. Nu pot fi de acord cu aceasta ide = I cannot agree with this idea.9. Obiectia mea este ca = What I object to is10. Fata de ceilalti eu cred ca = Unlike the others I think4. CAN1. Pot sa scriu o scrisoare in engleza= I can write a letter in English2. A-i putut sa-i scrii ieri? = Were you able to write to him yesterday?3. N-am putut sa-I scriu in ultima vreme = I havent been able to write to him lately.4. Dar voi putea maine = But I will be able to write it tomorrow.5. S-ar putea sa-I scriu diseara = I could write to him tonight.6. Ai fi putut sa-mi scrii, de ce nu mi-ai scris? = You could have written to me, why didnt you?7. Ar putea sa scrie acum = He could be writing now8. Imposibil sa scrie acum = He cant be writing now9. E imposibil ca el sa imi fi scris= He couldnt /cant have written to me.Lectia 12 PREZENTARE1. Cum te numesti? = Whats yor name?2. Cine sunteti dumneavoastra? = Who are you?3. Numele meu este= My name is4. Eu sunt = I am5. Prietenii imi spun = My friends call me6. Imi poti spune = You can call me7. Nu ne-am mai intalnit? = Havent we met before?8. Da, cred ca da = Yes, I think we have9. Nu, nu cred = No, I dont think we have.10. Cred ca ne-am intalnit dj = I think we ve already met11. Nu cred ca ne-am mai intalnit = I dont think weve met before12. Acesta/Aceasta este= This is13. A-ti cunoscut/cunoscut-o pe? Da/nu = Have you met/ Yes, I have/ No, I havent14. Da, cred ca da= Yes, I think I have15. Nu, nu cred= No, I dont think I have16. Imi pare bine sa va cunosc= Nice to meet you (informal)17. Ma bucur sa va cunosc= Pleased to meet you18. Imi pare bine sa va cunosc (formal) sau Ce mai faceti = How do you do?19. Ma bucur sa va vad= Nice to see you.20. Ma bucur sa va reved = Nice to see you again LA DESPARTIRE1. La revedere = Goodbye2. Pa/ne vedem = Bye/ See you3. Ne vedem mai tarziu = See you later4. Ne vedem (in ) curand= See you soon5. Ne vedem maine= See you tomorrow6. Ne vedem saptamana viitoare = See you next week7. Noapte buna= Good nightMay1. Imi permiti s-o scriu eu? = May I write it?2. Lui nu I s-a permis s-o scris = He wasnt allowed/permitted to write it3. Mi se va permite sa scriu dupa-amiaza= I will be allowed to write in the afternoon4. El s-ar putea sa scrie scrisoari acum= He may/might be writing letters now5. S-ar putea sa iti scriu mai tarziu = I may/might write to you later6. Ai fi putut sa imi scrii, de ce nu mi-ai scris? =You may/might have written to me, why didnt you ?LECTIA 13 SANATATE1. Ce mai faci? = How are you?2. Cum te simti astazi? = How are you today?3. Bine, multumesc = Fine, thank you.4. Nu prea rau = Not too bad5. Foarte bine= Very well6. Sunt bine = Im okay/all right7. Nu prea bine, de fapt = Not too well, actually8. Ce este in neregula cu tine? =Whats wrong with you?9. Ce se intampla cu tine? = Whats the matter with you?10. Te simti bine? =Are you alright?11. Sunt obosit/ extenuat = Im tired/exhausted(iczaustid)12. Am racit = Ive got a cold13. Am o migrena = Ive got a headache14. Am o durere de dinti = Ive got a toothache15. Am crampe =Ive got cramps16. Aceasta este o intepatura de insect= This is an insect bite17. Ea a facut insolatie = She has sunstroke18. Sunt asthmatic/diabetic/ in luni insarcinata/ allergic la =Im asthmatic/diabetic/month pregnant/allergic to19. Aceasta este reteta medicala prescrisa de medicul meu = This is the prescription my doctor gave me.20. Aveti asigurare medicala de stat/private? = Do you have government(gavarmant)private health insurance(insorans)?21. Am febra = Ive a fever22. Am o circulatie proasta = I have bad blood circulation23. Copiii adesea se imbolnavesc de = Children often getPojar= measles (mizalz0Oreion = mumpsScarlatina= scarlet feverTuse convulsiva = whooping coughVaricela= chicken poxEl sufera de = He suffers fromCancer = cancerCiroza= cirrhosisFebra tifoida= typhoid feverLaringita= laryngitisLeucemie= leukemiaMalarie = malariaSifilis= syphilisTetanus= tetanusTuberculoza= tuberculosisBronsita= bronchitisGuta= goutRheumatism= rheumatismVreau sa consul un =I want to see Chirurg = a surgeonNeurology = a neurologistOftalmolog =an eye specialistGinecolog = a gynaecologistStomatolog = a dentistMust/Have to/ShouldTrebuie s-o scrii astazi = You must write it todayDe ce trebuie s-o scris astazi? = Why do I have to write it today?A trebuit sa-I scriu ieri= I had to write to him yesterday.De ce a trebuit s-o scrii? = Why did you have to write it?N-a trebuit sa-I scriu scrisori in ultima vreme = I havent had to write letters to him lately.Va trebui sa-I scriu maine = Iwill have to write to him tomorrowEl probabil (sigur) ca scrie acum = He must be writing now (I am sure)El probabil ca a scris scrisoarea ieri = He must have written the letter yesterday.Ar trebui s-o scrii azi = You should write it today.Ar fi trebuit s-o fi scris ieri = He should have written it yesterday.Musnt/Neednt/Shouldnt/ Dont have toIti interzic sa-I scrii = You musnt write to himNu trebuie sa-I scrii, poti sa-I scrii maine = You dont have to write to him today, you can write to him tomorrow. Nu era nevoie sa-I scrii astazi = You neednt write to him today.Eu nu trebuia s-o fi scris ieri dar am scris-o = I neednt have written it yesterday, but I did.Nu trebuia s-o scrii ieri = You dont have to write it yesterday.Este interzis sa fumati in acest birou = You mustnt smoke in this office.Trebuie sa ii spui adevarul = You must tell him the truth.Va trebui sa scriu mesajul astazi = I must write the message today. Nu trebuie sa vorbesti atat de tare. Te aud foarte bine = You dont have to speak so loudly. I can hear you very well.De ce trebuie sa mergem atat de repede? = Why do we have to go so fast?LECTIA 14 INFATISARE/DESCRIEREEu sunt/Tu esti/El este/Ea este = I am/You are/He is/She isInalt=tallScund= smallSupraponderal, gras = overweight, fatSlab= slimTanar = youngBatran = oldFrumos, dragut = beautiful/pretty 9feminin), handsome (masculin)Bronzat = sun-tannedPalid = paleEu am/Tu ai/El are/Ea are = I have/ You have/ He/She has (got)Ochi albastri/verzi/caprui = blue/green/brown eyesO barba = a beardO mustata = moustachePar blond =blond hairPar roscat = red hairPar saten =brown hairPar negru =black hairPar vopsit = dyed hair (daid)Suvite blonde =blond highlightsPar scurt =short hairPar lung = long hairPar drept = straight hairPar cret/bucle= curly hair/curlsChelie =a bald headO fata patrata/rotunda/triunghiulara/ ovala = a square/round/triangular/oval faceUn nas mare/mic/lung = a big/small/long noseUrechi mari/mici = big/small earsPROPOZITIA CONDITIONALAO s-o scriu, daca voi avea timp = I will write it if I have time.As scrie-o daca as avea timp = I would write it if I had time.As fi scris-o daca as fi avut timp = I would have written it if I had had time.IF CLAUSE I (PROPOZITIA CIRCUMSTANTIALA CONDITIONALA TIP I)Propozitia principala Propozitia subordonata conditionalaFuture tense (will+vb) Present tense simple (vb)Present tense simple(vb)Exemple: I will come if I have the time = Voi veni daca voi avea timpHe will go swimming if the water is warm = El va merge sa inoate daca apa va fi calda.Propozitia circumstantial conditionala este intodusa de conjunctiile: -if - provided that- so long as- on condition that- in case- suppose/supposing (that)- unless este urmat de un vb la forma aff (pentru conditia negatica) :daca nuIF CLAUSE II (PROPOZITIA CIRCUMSTANTIALA CONDITIONALA TIP 2)Propozitia principala Propozitia subordonata conditionalaPresent conditional (would +vb) Past tense simple (vb la forma a 2-a)Exemple: I would come if I had the time = As veni daca as avea timpPropozitia conditionala de tip 2 se refera la: O situatie imaginara, contrara unei realitati prezenteEx: If the weather were better now, we could go for a walk = Daca vremea ar fi mai buna acum, am merge la o plimbare. O situatie improbabila, intr-un moment viitor:Ex: If I had the day off tomorrow I would go to the beach = Daca as avea liber maine, as merge la plaja.Trecutul simplu al verbului to be va fi were pentru toate persoanele.Ex: If I were you, I would practice more= Daca as fi in locul tau, as exersa mai mult. IF CLAUSE III (Propozitia circumstantiala conditionala tip 3)

Propozitia principala Propozitia subordonata conditionalaPast conditional Past perfect simpluWould+have+V3 had + Vb 3Exemple:As fi venit daca as fi avut timp = I would have come if I had had the timePropozitia circumstantiala de tip 3 se refera la : O conditie ireala trecuta, incluzand o situatie imaginara sau contrara realitatii intr-un moment trecut:Ex: If the weather had been better, I would have left on Monday = Daca vremea ar fi fost buna, as fi plecat luni.

Exercitii :1. Va veni daca va avea timp = He will come if he has the time.2. Ar veni daca ar avea timp = He would come if he had the time.3. Ar fi venit daca ar fi avut timp = He would have come if he had had the time.4. Ar fi avut note mai bune daca ar fi invatat mai mult = He would have had better marks if he had studied harder.5. Daca nu va ploua vom merge la picnic = If it doesnt rain, we wil go for a picnic.


Eu port/tu porti/el poarta/ea poarta = I wear/you wear/he wears/she wearsOchelari = glassesLentile de contact = contact lensesCercei =earringsInel = ringUn colier = a necklaceO bratara = a bracelet (breislet)O esarfa = a scarfO cravata = a tie (tai)Polover =pulloverCurea= beltPijamale =pyjamas Bluza =blouse (blaus)Impermeabil = raincoat (reinkout)Camasa= shirtTricou =t-shirtManusi = glovesPantaloni = pantsPantaloni scurti = shortsBoneta, basca = cap Palarie = hatPantofi = shoesCizme = bootsPapuci = slippersRochie = dressPoseta = purseDresuri = stockingsMatase = silkBlugi = jeansLana = woolCu maneca scurta = short-sleevedCu maneca lunga = long-sleevedCaracter

Timid/a = shyLinistit/a = quietPlin/a de viata = livelyActiv/a = activeDragut/a = nicePrietenos/a = friendlyHaios/a, caraghios/a = funnyFericit/a = happyEnervant/a = annoyingTrist/a = sadAgresiv/a = aggressiveZgarcit/a = avariciousDarnic/a = generousRasfatat/a = spoiledSocat/a = shockedIncapatanat/a = stubbornFurios/a = angryVorbaret/a = talkativeLenes/a = lazyLacom/a = greedy (gridi)


Cand dorim sa spunem cuiva ce am spus inainte sau ceea ce altcineva ne-a spus noua inainte, folosim vorbirea indirect. In aceasta constructive intrebuintam said (that), that este optional.Ex: I love my friend (direct speech)= imi iubesc prietenul (vorbirea directa) She said she loved her boyfriend/she said that she loved her boyfriend (reported speech) = Ea a spus ca-si iubeste prietenul-vorbirea indirect We are working too hard-vorbirea directa = Muncim prea mult They said they were working too hard = Ei au spus ca muncesc prea mult vorbirea indirect

Schimbarea de timpuri Daca la vorbirea directa timpul folosit este prezentul simplu, in cazul vorbirii indirect intrebuintam trecutul. Daca actiunea din vorbirea directa este la timpul present continuu, folosim trecutul continuu in vorbirea indirect. Ex: You look tired-vorbirea directa = Arati obosit She said I looked tired vorbirea indirect = Ea a spus ca aratam obosit.Im having a haircut-v.d = Ma tundHe said that he was having a haircut v.i = El a spus ca se tuned.Schimbarea de pronume Se schimba I cu he daca vorbitorul este barbat I cu she daca vorbitorul este femeie We se transforma in they Ex: Im having a haircut vd/He/she said that he was having a haircut. vi We went to the beach =ne-am dus la plaja They said they went to the beach.Verbe folosite in vorbirea indirect Cand relatam ce ne spune cineva sau ce ne cere sa facem, folosim verbele asked, told sau ordered +complement+to+verbul la infinitive. Asked este cel mai politicos dintre cele trei verbe. Told este mai puternic decat asked. Ordered este cel mai puternic sic el mai putin politicos dintre cele 3 verbe si implica idea ca trebuie sa facem ceea ce ni se cere.Ex:Could you calm down, please? = Poti sa te linisteti, te rog?She asked me to calm down = Mi-a cerut sa ma linistesc.Calm down please. = Linisteste-te, te rogShe told me to calm down. = Mi-a spus sa ma linistesc.Calm down = Linisteste-te!She ordered me to calm down = Mi-a ordonat sa ma linistesc.Humble(hambal) = modest, bland, umil, supusConceit (consit) = fantezie, gand, ide, incredere in sineIssue = chestiune (controversata in dicsutie), consecinta (a unei probleme), decizieHow are you (vorbirea directa)? = She wondered how I was (v.indirecta)How old is she? = He wanted to know how old she was.LECTIA 16 DESCRIBING OBJECTS DESCRIEREA OBIECTELOR

Care este forma acelei mese? = What is the shape of that table?Acel ou este oval = That egg is oval(ouval)Acel caiet este dreptunghiular = That norebook is rectangular (rectanghiular)Oglinda mea este rotunda = My mirror has a round shape.Maria a desenat un patrat rosu = Maria drew a red square.Acea cutie este triunghiulara= That box is triangular(tryenghiular)Catifeaua este neteda = The velvet is smooth (smuth)Suprafata este = The surface isAspra/plata/intinsa/accidentata, cu striatii, cu denivelari = rough/flat/bumpyAcest oibiect este = This object isGreu/lung/ingust/lat.solid = heavy(hevi)/long/narrow/wide(waid)/solidObiectul este din = The object is made of Alama/beton/bumbac/piele/portelan/cauciuc/otel/catifea/lemn/ciment = brass/concrete(concrit)/cotton(catan)/leather/rubber/steel/velvet/wood/cement(siment)Sticla e casanta = The glass is brittle (brital)Casant= care se sparge sau se sfarama usor, fragil, casabilObiectele din plastic sunt flexibile = Plastic objects are flexible Sticla este goala = The bottle is emptyOchelarii au rama de lemn = The glasses have a wooden frame.Cana e din portelan = The cup is made of porcelain(porcelen)Aceste bagaje nu sunt grele = These luggages are not heavy(laghidj)John poarta o jacheta de piele = John is wearing a leather jacket.Acest culoar (corridor, spatiu incapere ingusta si lunga) este ingust = This passage is narrow.Rochia preferata a Ioanei este din catifea rosie= Ioanas favourite dress is made of red velvet.Medalia generalului este ovala = The generals medal is oval.


La ce hotel intentionati sa stati = What hotel do you intend staying at?Aveti camera libere? = Do you have any rooms available?Cat costa o noapte la dvs? =What are the prices for a night?A-ti rezervat o camera, d-le? = Have you booked a room, sir?Ce fel de camera doriti? = What kind of room do you want?Doresc o camera single/dubla = I want a single/double room.Micul dejun e inclus in prt? = Is breakfast included?Pana la ce ora se serveste micul dejun? = Until(pana la) what time is breakfast served?Cat doriti sa stati ? = How long do you want to stay>Vreti sa completati acest formular? = Will you please fill in this form?Numele/prenumele/nationalitatea/locul nasterii/data nasterii/domiciliul/semnatura =surname-last name/first name/ nationality/ place of birth/date of birth/address/signature(signeiciar)Unde este restaurantul?= Where is the restaurant ? (restaurant)Daca doriti ceva, sunati = Ring the bell if you want anything.Va rog sa-mi dati = Please give meO perna/niste cearsafuri/un sapun/un prosop/hartie igienica = a pillow/some sheets/a bar of soup/ a towel/toilet paperPlec maine dimineata = Im leaving tomorrow morning.Va rog sa-mi pregatiti nota la ora 8 = Have my bill ready at 8 oclock, please.GERUNZIU ( -ing) Gerund poate fi tradus in limba romana prin : gerunziu, substantiv, timp personal, infinitiv sau subjonctiv, adjectiv, supin. De foarte multe ori, Gerund urmeaza dupa o prepozitie, dupa anumite verbe, dupa anumite constructii.Iata cateva dintre ele: -dupa verbele: to admit, to avoid, to begin, to consider, to deny, to like,to discuss, to enjoy, to finish etc. -dupa cuvintele si expresiile: to be busy,/worth / no good /no use / that is,there is little / much. - dupa : found of =a fi pasionat de good at = a fi bun la expert at = expert la used to=a fi obisnuit cu afraid of = a-i fi teama de -dupa: the advantage of = a avea avantajul de a the honour of = a avea onoarea de a -dupa verbe cu prepozitie: to belive in,to see about, to worry about,to talk about,to thank for,to blame on, -dupa constructiile: can (not )help = (nu) se poate sa nu what about = ca ar fi sa it needs / wants = trebuie sa il / o there is no harm in = nu e nimic rau in -dupa prepozitiile : on, for, without, of, by, about, after, before. Exemple: Learning foreign languages is not easy.=Invatarea limbilor straine nu este usoara. Excuse my smoking here.= Scuzati-ma ca fumez aici. A doctor is used to being called up in the middle of the night.=Un doctor este obisnuit sa fie chemat la mijlocul noptii. She has the privilege of seeing the prime-minister every day.=Ea are privilegiul de a-l vedea pe primul ministru in fiecare zi. I can't help laughing.= Nu pot sa nu rad. She couldn't speak for crying.=Nu putea vorbi de plans.Imi place sa scriu = I enjoy writingMi-am amintit ca am scris-o = I remembered having written it. El neaga ca a furat banii= He denies stealing the moneyEl a negat ca a furat = He denied having stolen.Pref sa merg pe jos decat cu autobuzul = I prefer walking to going by bus.Abia astept sa te vad = I cant wait to see you.Nu suport ca el sa ma minta = I cant stand him lying to me.Nu pot suporta ca el sa ma minta= I cant bear him lying to me.Abia astept sa te intalnesc= Im looking forward to meeting you.A izbucnit in ras = He burst out laughing.L-am surprins dormind in timpul testului = I caught him spleeping during the test.M-a lasat sa astept = He kept me waiting.A inceput sa ploua= It started raining. A incetat = It stopped.Te deranjeaza daca astepti afara? = Would you mind waiting outside?N-are rost sa plangi = Its no use crying.Merita sa vezi muzeul acela = Its worth visiting the museum.Nu m-am putut abtine sa nu zambesc = I couldnt help myself from smiling.M-am obisnuit sa conduc un Ford = Im used to driving a Ford.M-am obisnuit sa conduc pe stanga= Im used to fdriving to the left side.El a evitat sa-I vorbeasca = He tried to avoid talking to her.A sugerat sa plecam mai devreme = He suggested leaving earlier.Nu am chef sa gatesc acum = I dont feel like cooking now. Im fed up with telling him what to do=M-am tot saturat sa-I tot spun ce sa facaAm chef sa mananc o inghetata= I feel like eating an ice-cream.LECTIA 18 AT THE RESUTAURANT

Sa mergem sa luam pranzul la un restaurant = Lets go and have lunch at a restaurant.Restaurantul se afla = The restaurant isLa parter/vizavi/dupa colt = on the ground floor/across the street/round the cornerMasa aceasta este libera? = Is this table vacant?(veichent)Ce doriti sa comandati ? = What would you like to order?Gratar= grillsCotlet de miel = lamb cutletSunca =baconCarnati = sausages(sosidj)Budinca =puddingMazare verde= green peasSalata de rosii= tomato saladSalata de fructe = fruit saladInghetata = ice-creamAti ales? = Have you made you choice?As vrea o supa mai intai = I would like to start with soupPot sa va aduc ceva de baut ? = Can I get you something to drink?Pentru mine doar un pahar cu apa = Just a glass of water for me, pleaseDoresc o salata de fructe = Ill have a fruit salad, pleaseAm nevoie de = I needUn cutit/o furculita/o lingura/o lingurita/o farfurie/un pahar/o ceasca/ = a knife/a fork/a spoon/a teaspoon/a plate/a glass/a cupVreti sa-mi dati, va rog? = Would you please pass me the?Sare/zahar/lamaie/otet/piper/untdelemn-ulei/mustar/sos/chifla/piftele/muraturi/piure= Salt/sugar/lemon/vinegar(vinegar)/pepper/oil/mustard/sauce/bun/mincemeat balls(minsmit)/ pickles/mashed potatoes.Chelner, nota de plata va rog= Waiter, bring me the bill, please.Pastreaza restul = Keep the change.TIMPURILE VERBALE IN LIMBA ENGLEZAScrie! = Write!Nu scrie ! = Dont write!Ce scrii acum? = Whar are you writing now?Cui ii scrii?= Who are you writing to?Ii scrii lui John? = Are you writing to John?Nu ii scriu lui Peter. = Im not writing to Peter.Ii scrii des lui Peter? = How often do you write to Peter?Eu niciodata nu scriu scrisori= I never write letters.Nu-mi place sa scriu scrisori = I dont like writing letters.Ai scris scrisoarea? = Have you written the letter?El tocmai a scris-o = He has just witten it.Ai scris-o dj?= Have you already written it?Eu nu am scris-o inca. = I havent written it, yet.Ai scris vreodata o scrisoare? = Have you ever written a lette?El nu a scris niciodata o scrisoare = He has never written a letter.Eu am scris doua scrisoari pana acum = I have written 2 letters so far.E prima oara cand scriu o scrisoare = It is the first time I write a letter.Cate scrisori ai scris saptamana aceasta?= How many letters have you written this week?


Negrese cu ciocolata= Chocolate brownies (ciacleit brauniz)O jumatate de ceasca de unt = a half of a cup of butter6 patratele de ciocolata = 6 squares of chocolateO cana si jumatate de zahar = a cup and a half of sugar4 oua= 4 eggs2 linguri de esenta de vanilie= 2 spoons of vanilla extract(ecstract)Un varf de sare = a little saltO cana si jumatate de faina = a cup and a half of flourO cana cu miez de nuca = o cup of chopped walnutsIncalziti cuptorul si ungeti tava de copt = preheat the oven and grease (griz) the baking pan.Amestecati untul si ciocolata intr-un bol = Combine butter and chocolate in a heat-proof bowl.Puneti amestecul intr-o cratita cu apa fierbinte, amestecati la foc mic = Set over a pan (pen)of barely simmering (simaring) water and stir until just melted.Luati de pe foc si lasati sa se raceasca timp de 10 min = remove from heat and cool for 10 min.Bateti ouale si zaharul pana ce se amesteca bine = Beat sugar and eggs until well blended.Adaugati vanilie sis are = add vanilla and salt.Adaugati acest amestec in cel de ciocolata = Mix in chocolate mixture until thoroughly combined.Adaugati faina, cu grija sa nu se formeze cocoloase, si nucile = Gently stir in flour 9and add walnuts.Puneti aluatul in tava pregatita si lasati in cuptor timp de 25-30 de minute= Spread (spred) batter into prepared pan and bake for 20to 30 minutes.Nu lasati prea mult in cuptor, aluatul trebuie sa fie copt, dar nu uscat = Do not overbake, batter should be set but no dry (drai).Lasati sa se raceasca inainte sa taiati prajitura = Cool on wire rack before cutting.Niciodata nu mi-a placut ciocolata = I have never liked chocolate.Spune-I ca sunt pe drum = Tell him Im on my way. Vroiam doar sa mananc niste inghetataiar ea mi-a spus ca sunt prea rasfatata = I only wanted to eat some ice-cream but she said I am too spoiled.Ploua cu galeata de dimineata = It has been raining cats and dogs since morning.Nu stiu pe nimeni cu numele Kolahara = Idont know anyone named Kolahara.Nu-mi amintesc ultima oara cand l-am vazut = I cant remember the last time I saw him.


Ma scuzati, va rog = Excuse me, pleaseEste vreun/vreo prin apropiere = Is there a near by?Dupa colt = Round the cornerMa scuzati, dar unde este mai exact? = Excuse me, but where exactly is?Intresi = Between the and theCel mai apropiat se afla in = The nearest one is inCum ajung la? = How do I get to?Mergi pe strada = Wlk down the streeteste in fata ta = is in front of youeste vizavi de = is opposite Cum ajung pe strada Crucea de Leac? = How do I get to Crucea de leac street?Luati-o la dreapta/stanga pe strada = Turn right/left into streetImi puteti spune drumul spre = Could you tell me the way to?Mergeti drept inainte = Go straight forwardFaceti la dreapta/stanga = Turn right/leftVa multumesc= Thank youCu placere= Youre welcome


De cat timp scrii? = How long have you been writing?Nu scriu de multa vreme = I havent been writing for a long time.El scrie de o jumatate de ora = He has been writing for half and hour.El scrie de la 8:30 = He has been writing since 8:30 Cand ai scris scrisoarea? = When did you write the letter?I-ai scris aseara ? ==Did you write to her last time?Cand ai scris ultima scrisoare? = When did you write the last letter?I-am scris acum 2 ore = I wrote to her two hours ago.Nu am scris nicio scrisoare saptamana trecuta = I didnt write anty letter last week.Cui ii scriai cand eu te-am sunat ? Who wew you writing to when I called?Nu scriam o scrisoare = I wasnt writing a letter.Pe vremuri scriam scrisori, acum nu = Once I used to write letters , but not anymore.Scriam in fiecare saptamana = I was writing every weekTi-am spus ca am scris-o dj = I told you I have already written it.


Buna ziua= Good afternoonMa numesc = My name isAs putea vorbi cu , va rog ? = May I speak to, please?Asteptati o clipa, va rog = Just a moment ,please.Buna ziua dle/dna = Good afternoon Mr/Mrs..Va pot suna mai tarziu ? = May I call you later, please?Pot lasa un mesaj , va rog? = May I leave a message, please?Cu siguranta = CertainlyMa tem ca nu este in birou = Im afraid he is not in the office.Va pot suna cand se intoarce? = May I call you back when he returns?


Intentionez sa-I scriu diseara = I am writing her tonightIntentionez sa o scriu diseara = I am going to write it tonight/I think I will write it tonightNu, o voi scrie maine = No, I wil write it tomorrowSa nu deranjezi la ora 5, el va scrie in acel timp = Dont disturb at 5, he will be writing at that time.Eu voi scrie scrisoarea maine = I will be writing the letter tomorrowPana la ora 5 termin de scris scrisoarea = By 5 I will have written the letterMi-ai promis ca ai sa-mi scrii astazi = You promised you would write to me today.N-a trebuit sa-I scriu scrisori in ultima vreme= I havent had to write letters to him lately.Va trebui sa-I scriu maine= I will have to write to him tomorrow.Ar trebui s-o scrii astazi = You should write it today.Ar fi trebuit s-o fi scris ieri = He should have written it yesterday.


Ai/ati vre sa? = Would you like to?Am fi foarte bucurosi daca ati putea = We would be very pleased if you couldMultumesc, mi-ar face placer sa = Thank you, Id like toAr fi foarte placut = That would be very nice.Cu placere= My pleasure.N-am sa te refuz! = Iwont say no!Grozav/super = Great (greit)Mi-ar placea sa = Id love toEste foarte dragut din partea ta sa = This is very kind of you toMultumesc foarte mult, dar = Thank you very much, but..Mi/ar placea sa, dar = Id like to , but As vrea sa pot, dar = I wish I could,butImi pare rau, nu pot = Im sorry, I cantMa tem ca nu pot = Im afraid I cantVoi veni daca voi avea timp = I will come if I have timeAs veni daca as avea timp = I would come if I had timeAs fi venit daca as fi avut timp = I would have come if I had had time.Daca va ploua, vom sta in casa = If it rains, we will stay indoors.Daca ar ploua, am sta in casa = If it rained, we would stay indoors.Daca ar fi plouat, am fi stat in casa = If it had rained, we would have stayed indoors.Ati vrea sa veniti diseara la concert ?, = Would you like to come to the concert tonight?Mi-ar face mare placere sa vin = I would love to comeSunteti foarte dragut, dar din pacate am alt program = It is very kind of you, but unfortunately I have another schedule.


Ce faci diseara ? = What are you doing tonight?Ce faci in weekend? = What are you doing this weekend?Ce faci in seara aceasta? = What are you doing this evening?Cat timp ai de gand sa stai? = How long are you going to stay?Unde ai de gand sa stai? = Where are you going to stay?De ce nu vii si tu cu mine? = Why dont you join me?Ar fi super! = It would be great!Cum iti petreci timpul liber ? = How do you spend your spare time?Care sunt pasiunile tale? = What are your hobbies? (habiz)Ce fel de musica asculti? = What kind of music do you listen to?As vrea sa fac o plimbare = I would like to go for a walkUnde este plaja? = Where is the beach?Unde iti petreci vacanta?= Where do you spend your holiday?Imi petrec vancanta la mare/munte = I spend my holiday at the seaside/in the mountainsImi petrec vacanta intr-o statiune balneoclimaterica= I spend my holiday at a spa.Ce planuri aveti pentru diseara? = What are your plans for tonight?As vrea sa merg la cinema = Id like to go to the cinema.As vrea sa merg la teatru = Id like to the theatre.Distractie placuta = Enjoy your time.


Prea = Too Este prea devreme = It is too earlyEste prea tarziu = It is too late.Sunt prea multi oameni = There are too many people.Destul= EnoughAvem destul timp = We have enough time.Aveti destui bani? = Do you have enogh money?Am invatat destul = I have studied enough.Niste/putin = somePuteti sa-mi dati niste apa, va rog? = May I have some water, please?Pot sa iau niste fursecuri, va rog? = May I take some cookies, please?Mai mult/inca niste = Some morePot sa mai iau niste fursecuri, va rog ? = May I take some more cookies, please?Ce planuri ai diseara ? = What are you going to do tonight?As vrea sa merg la cinema = I would like to go to the cinema.Care sunt pasiunile tale? Imi place sa inot = What are your hobbies? I like swimming.Puteti sa-mi dati un pahar cu apa, va rog? = May, I have a glass of water, please?Aveti destul timp sa ajungeti acolo? = Do you have enough time to get there?Este prea tarziu sa sunam la aceasta ora = Its too late to call at this time.


Cum te numesti? = What is your name?Unde locuiesti? = Where do you live?Care e numarul tau de telefon ? = Whats your phone number?Ce profesie aveti ? = What is your job?Sunteti casatorit? =Are you married?Da, sunt casatorit/a = Yes, Im married.Nu, sunt necasatorit/a = No, Im single.Sunt divortat/a = I divorcedAveti copii? = Do you have any children?Am un fiu si o fiica= I have a son and a daughter.Cand v-ati cunoscut? = When were you born?M/am nascut pe 11 august 1990 = Im born on the 11th of August.Cati ani are fiul/fiica dumneavostra? = How old is your son/daughter?Dvs. ce varsta aveti? = How old are you?


Cat costa aceasta carte? = How much is this book?Cat avem nevoie?= How much do we need?Cate carti ai citit in ultimul timp?= How many books have you read lately?Cati frati ai ? = How many brothers do you have?Cat timp ai la dispozitie? = How long have you got?Cat timp o sa dureze? = How long will it last?De cat timp astepti? = How long have you been waiting?De cat timp este casatorit? = How long have you been married?Cat de departe este aeroportul? = How far from here is the airport?Cat de tare poti vorbi? = How loud can you speak?Resort= statiuneLECTIA 25 CINEMA CINEMA

Ce faceti diseara? = What are you doing tonight?As vrea sa merg la film/cinema = Id like to go to a movie/the cinemaVreti sa mergeti cu mine?= Would you like to go with me?Mi-ar placea sa merg cu dvs. = Id be glad to go with you.Unde mergem? = Where shall we go?Este o comedie?= Is it a comedy?(camedi)Merita sa fie vazut?= Is it worth seeing?Ce alte filme ruleaza? = What other movies are on?Va plac desenele animate? = Do yu like cartoons?Ieri am vazut un film cu Charlie Chaplin = Yesterday I saw a Charlie Chaplin movie.A fost foarte amuzant = It was very funny.Toate biletele au fost vandute = All tickets have been sold out.Mai aveti bilete pentru diseara?= Have you any tickets for tonight?Care este distributia? = Who is in the cast?Imi plac filmele istorice = I like historical movies.Mergeti des la cinema? = Do you often go to the cinema?Va plac filmele politiste? = Do you like thrillers?Va plac filmele artistice? = Do you lik feature movies?

There is/There are= Exista

Este vreo carte interesanta aici?= Is there an interesting book here?Sunt multe harti pe pereti = There are many maps on the walls.Este vreun tren la ora 5? = Is there any train at 5 oclock?Sunt multe flori in camera = There are many flowers in the room.Ce filme va plac? = What j=kind of films do you like?Sunt multe filme care imi plac. Cel mai mult imi plac filmele de dragoste = There are many movies I like. I like romances the most.


Ce ati zice sa mergem la teatru?= What about going to the theatre?La ce spectacol mergem? = Whar performance shall we go to?Cat costa biletul? = How much is one ticket?Depinde de locuri = It depends on the seat you take.Sa mergem impreuna sa vedem piesa = Lets go together and see the play.Lasati-va haina la garderoba, va rog = Leave your coat in the cloackroom, please.Cand va avea loc premiera? = When will be th first night of the play?Aceasta stagiune pare sa aiba succes = This theatre season seems to be successful.Vreti sa vedeti piesa aceasta? = Would you like to see this play?Minunat, nu-I asa? = Wonderful, wasnt it?Distributia este intr-adevar deosebita = The cast is really special.O sa-ti placa cu siguranta = You wil surely like it.A fost extraordinar = It was marvelous.Ma bucur ca ti-a placut = Im glad you liked it.

A AVEA DE GAND SA, A INTENTIONA SA= Be going toUnde intentionezi sa-ti petreci vacanta ? = Where are you going to spend your holiday?El are de gand sa invete limba franceza= He is going to learn French.Noi avem de gand sa vizitam Franta vara viitoare= We are going to visit France next summer.


As vrea sa vad muzeele orasului = I d like to see the museums of this town.As dori un ghid = I would like a guide.Ma intereseaza: = I am interested in: Pictura = picture Pictura in ulei = oil-painting Portretele = portraits Peisajele = landscapes Gravura = engraving (engreivin) Sculptura = sculpture Monedele vechi = old coins Afisele = posters Manuscrisele vechi = ancient manuscriptsAs dori sa vizitez : = I would like to visit: Muzeul britanic = The british museum Galleria nationala= The National Gallery Academia regala= The Royal Academy Galeriile Tate = The Tate Gallery Castelul Windsor = The Windsor Castle Un muzeu de arta = an Art MuseumAcestia= these


Ce scoala frecventati? = What school do you attend?Ce studiati? = Whats your subject?Eu studiez informatica = I study computer science.Cate luni dureaza cursul? = How long does this course last?La ce ora aveti cursuri? = What time are the classes?Engleza este materie obligatory? = Is English a compulsory (campalsari) subject?Cine este profesorul dumneavoastra?= Who is your teacher?Taxele scolare sunt mari?= Are the fees very high?Primiti bursa? = Do you get a scholarship?Ce discipline va intereseaza?= What subjects are you interested in?Cati elevi sunt intr-o clasa? = How many students are there in a classroom?Ati fost admis la universitate? =Have you been accepted to the university?Ce studiati?= Whart do you study?Studiez istoria = I study history.Aveti multi student straini? = Do you have many foreign students?Ce limbi straine se predau la universitate? = What foreign languages are taught in the university?Imi scriu lucrarea de doctorat = Im writing my doctors paper.La ce ora te intorci de la scoala? = What time do you get back from the school?


Trebuie sa scriu o scrisoare = I have to write a letterVreau sa raspund la aceasta scrisoare = I want to reply (riplai) to this letter.Cum incepe o scrisoare in limba engleza? = How does one start a letter in English?Nu uitati sa puneti data pe scrisoare = Dont forget to date the letter.Cum ne adresam cuiva in scris? = How does one address someone in writing?Stimat/a domn/doamna = Dear Sir/Madam,Cum se incheie o scrisoare? = How does one conclude a letter?Al dumneavoastra, sincer = Your sincerely, Cu stima/respect = Yours truly/faithfully.Salutari = Best regards.Am uitat sa semnez scrisoarea = I forgot to sign the letter.Vreti sa-mi puneti scrisoarea la cutie, va rog? = Would you mind posting this letter for me, please?Exprimarea datei9 august 2005 = 9th of August 200521 septembrie 2005 = 21 st of spetember 200511 august 1990= 11th of august 1990


Unde este agentia de voiaj?= Where is the travel agency?Organizati excursii la ? = Do you run trips to?Statiunile de pe litoral? = seaside resortsLocalitatile istorice? = historical sitesCastele si manastiri? = castles and monasteries (manastriz)Unde ne-ati sfatui sa mergem? = Where would you advise us to go?Ce v-ar placea sa faceti? = What would you like to do?Mi-ar placea sa fac scufundari = I would like to go scuba diving.Sunt multe hoteluri prin apropiere? = Are there many hotels in this area?In cat timp ajungem acolo? = How long does it take to get there?Putem sa mergem pe jos? = Can we walk?Peisajul este minunat = The landscape is marvelous.Acest castel merita vazut? =Is this castle worth visiting?Cum putem ajunge acolo? = How can we get there?Se poate urca pe faleza? = Can we go to the top of the cliff?As vrea sa vizitam si insulele= I would like to visit the islands, too.Acela este un golf?= Is that a gulf?Ce mai e de vazut?= What else is there to see?Sa ne oprim aici = Lets get here.As dori sa fac cateva fotografii = I would like to take some photos.Cat timp ramanem aici?= How long do we stay here?As vrea sa instalez cortul = I would like to put up the tent.Va place schiul nautic? = Do you like water-skiing?

Lectia 31 LA DOCTOR = At the doctor

Nu ma simt bine. Trebuie sa merg la doctor = Im not feeling well. I must see a doctor.Ce s-a intamplat domnule?= Whats wrong Mr.?Aratati/mi limba, va rog= Show me your tongue, please.Aveti pofta de mancare?= Have you noticed a change in your appetite (eapatait)?Aveti dureri? De cand va doare aici?= Ar you in pain? How long has it been hurting here?Vreau sa va examinez plamanii = I want to examine your lungs.Inspirati adanc = Breathe deeply.Nu respirati un moment = Hold your breath for a moment.Acum expirati incet = Now vbreathe out slowly.Sa va iau tensiunea = Let me take your blood pressure.Trebuie sa va facem o radiografie pulmonara= Well have to x-ray your lungs.Luati medicamentul de trei ori pe zi dupa masa = Take your medicine three time a day after meels.Nu schimbati bandajul prea des= Dont change the dressing too often.Vreau sa consult un = I want to seeChirurg = a surgeonGinecolog = a gynecologistPsihiatru = a psychiatristStomatolog = a dentistDe cand va doare aici? =How long has it been hurting here?


Imi puteti recomanda un dentist bun?= Could you recommend a good dentist?Aveti dureri de dinti?= Do you have toothache?Cred ca trebuie sa merg la un control = I think my teeth need attention.Cand v-ati tratat dintii ultima data?= When did you last have them attended to?Mi-am rupt/spart un dinte= I broke one tooth.Ma duc la dentist sa mi-l extraga = Ill go to the dentist to have it extracted.Acest dinte nu mai poate fi salvat= This tooth cannot be saved.Ma tem ca va trebui sa puneti un dinte fals = Im afraid youll need a false tooth.Pe acesta am sa vi-l plombez = Ill give you a filling for this one.Multumesc/cu placere = Thank you/youre welcome.


Unde vreti sa mergeti?= Where do you want to go?Vreau sa merg la un hotel = I want to go to a hotel.De unde pot lua un taxi?= Where can I get a taxi?Aratati-mi pasaportul dvs, va rog = Show me your passport, please.Care este numele dvs de familie?= What is your surname?Spuneti-mi adresa dvs, va rog = Tell me your address, please.Care este scopul vizitei dvs?= What is the purpose of your visit?Cat timp intentionati sa stati? = How long do you intend to stay?Este nevoie de viza?= Do I need a visa?Unde trebuie sa ma adresez pentru prelungirea vizei?= Where do I have to apply for a visa extension?Aveti ceva de declarat?= Do you have anything to declare?Deschideti geamantanul, va rog = Open tour suitcase, please.Puteti sa inchideti geamantanul acum = You may close your suitcase now.Nu am alt bagaj = I dont have no extra luggage.Acesta este tot bagajul meu = This is all the luggage I have.E in ordine. Puteti trece = Thats all right. You may pass on.Sedere placuta = Enjoy your stay here!


Mergeti acolo cu avionul?= Are you going there by plane?Cand plecati cu avionul la Milano? = When are you flying to Milan?Trebuie sa cumparati bilet cu o saptamana inainte = You have to buy the ticket a week in advance.Avionul decoleaza la ora 6 a.m/= The plane takes off at 6 a.mLa ce altitudine zburam? = At what altitude are we flying?Vedeti ceva pe fereastra? = Can you see something out of the window?Fixati-va centura de siguranta, va rog = Fasten your seatbelt, please.Poftiti numarul de bord = Here is your boarding pass.Va trebui sa schimbati avionul la = Youll have to hange to another plane inA fost o calatorie placuta? = Did you enjoy your flight?A decola= to take offA ateriza = to landPilot =pilotMotor = engineAiripa= wingElice= propellerCabina= cabinCursa fara escala= non/stop flight