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Adverbele sunt cuvinte care ne spun mai multe despre cum , unde, când, cât de frecvent  sau în ce măsuraare loc o actiune.

4.1. Functia adverbelor

Astfel, adverbele determina în general verbe:

Ex.: The bus moved slowly . (cum?)  I am going home tomorrow . (când?)

Adverbele pot determina si adjective: You look absolutely  fabulous!au alte adverbe: She plaed the violin extremely  ell. You"re speaking too c!iar propo"itii intregi: $erhaps e"ll see ou again ne%t ear.

4.2. Forma adverbelor

4.2.1. Adverbele se formea"a de cele mai multe ori prin adaugarea unui -ly  la forma de singular aadjectivului:

Adjectiv Adverb(Adjectiv # l$)


careful carefull &e carefull picked up a tie.

#uick #uickl Time goes #uickl.

slo slol &e alked slol to the door.

%odificari ortografice:

• Daca adjectivul e termina in -y ! aceta e va inlocui cu -i + -ly .

Ex.: eas ' easil, angr ' angril, luck ' luckil  

• "#nd avem un -le terminal $-able, -ible, -le%! dipare -e i ete inlocuit cu -y .

Ex.: probable ' probabl, terrible ' terribl, gentle ' gentl  

• Adjectivele terminate in -ic  adau&a -ally .

Ex.: basic ' basicall, economic ' economicall, tragic ' tragicall Exceptie: public ' publicl  

• Forme nere&ulate

Ex.: true ' trul, due ' dul, hole ' holl  

4.2.2. &nele adverbe au aceeasi forma ca si adjectivele:Ex.: earl, fast, hard, high, late, near, straight, rong

'ompara:  This is a hard  e%ercise. (adjectiv)  &e orks hard . (adverb)  (e sa man high buildings. (adjectiv)  The bird fle high in the sk. (adverb)

4.2.'. &nor adjective le corespund doua forme adverbiale, care au sensuri diferite:

Adjectiv Formeadverbiale


deep ). deep*. deepl 

&e looked deep into her ees. (adanc)She is deeply  in love. (profund, pâna peste cap)

direct ). direct  *. directl 

You can dial +e York direct . (în mod direct)&e ent there directly . (direct, fara întâr"iere)

first ). first  *. firstl 

mother came in first  , then m brothers andsisters. (întâi)Firstly  , I ould like to elcome ou here. (înprimul rând)

Alte exemple: hard, light, -ust, last, late, most, near, prett, right, round, short, rong.

De retinut( )ell * +ood(ell  este adverbul care corespunde formei adjectivale good .

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The are good  simmers.The sim well .

She is a good  pianist.

She plays the piano ell .

4.'. +radele de comparatie ale adverbelorAdverbele formea"a comparativul si superlativul la fel ca si adjectivele (ve"i: ./. 0radele de comparatieale ad-ectivelor ):

• Adauga -er  pentru comparativ si -est  pentru superlativ la adverbele dintro singura silaba: hard

' harder ' hardest  

• Adauga more pentru comparativ si most  pentru superlativ la adverbele formate din doua sau

mai multe silabe si la cele terminate in 'l : seriousl ' more seriousl ' most seriousl  

• &nele adverbe au forme neregulate la comparativ si superlativ: badl ' orse ' orst, little ' less

' least, ell ' better ' best, much ' more ' most  

e retinut* Uneori most  poate avea enul de very (  (e ere most grateful for our help.  I am most impressed b this application.

4.4. "lai,icarea adverbelor

+. Adverbe de mod. Adverbe de loc si directie-. Adverbe de timp, durata si frecventa. Adverbe de probabilitate/. Adverbe de grad

4.4.1. Adverbe de modAdverbele de mod ne arata cum, in ce mod are loc o actiune. Ele se asea"a in propo"itie dupa verb saudupa complementul acestuia.Exemple:  &e sims ell. (dupa verb)  &e ran... rapidl, slol, #uickl.

  She spoke... softl, loudl, aggressivel.  1ames coughed loudl to attract her attention.  &e plas the flute beautifull. (dupa complement)  &e ate the chocolate cake greedil.

e retinut:

1. Adverbul de mod nu se asea"a între verb si complement:0ncorect: &e ate greedily  the chocolate cake.'orect: &e ate the chocolate cake greedily .

. -oitia adverbului /n propoitie ete ,oarte importanta mai ale atunci c#nd exita mai multeverbe /n propoitie. Daca adverbul ete aeat dupa o propoitie! atunci aceta modi,ica /ntre&ul en exprimat /n propoitie.0berva di,erentele de en /n ,unctie de locul adverbului /n propoitie(  He #uietl  asked me to leave the house. $ cererea lui a ,ot ,acuta /n linite%

  He asked me to leave the house #uietl . $ plecarea a ,ot ,acuta /n linite% 4.4.2.Adverbe de loc si directie

1e arata unde are loc actiunea verbului. e asea"a in general dupa verbul principal sau complementul sau.Exemple:upa verb:  I looked everhere.  1ohn looked ...aa, up, don, around...  I"m going ...home, out, back...upa complement:

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  The built a house nearb.  She took the child outside.

A. Here there. 'u verbe de miscare, here exprima ideea de înspre2 cu 2 împreuna cu vorbitorul, iarthere contrariul, departe, fara participarea vorbitorului:Ex.: 2ome here (3 spre mine)  It"s in here (3 vino impreuna cu mine sa ve"i)  $ut it there (3 departe de mine)

  It"s in there (3 dute singur sa ve"i)Expresii cu here there: don here, don there, over here, over there, under here, under there, uphere, up there.

B. Adverbele de loc terminate /n -wards  exprima ideea de miscare întro anumita directie:Ex.: backards, forards, donards, upards, inards, outards, northards, southards, eastards,estards, homeards, onards.  2ats don"t usuall alk backards.  The ship sailed estards.

e retinut* 4o5ards este prepo"itie, nu adverb, astfel încât va fi întotdeauna urmat de un substantiv saupronume:Ex.: &e alked toards the car. She ran toards me.

". Adverbe care exprima at#t locul c#t i directia: ahead, abroad, overseas, uphill, donhill,sideas, indoors, outdoors.

4.4.3. Adverbe de timp, durata si frecventaArata cand a avut loc o actiune dar si durata sau frecventa actiunii.Ex.:'ând: toda, esterda, later, no, last ear urata, pentru cât timp: all da, not long, for a hile, since last ear 'ât de frecvent: sometimes, fre#uentl, never, often, earl 

e obicei, adverbele de timp se asea"a la sfârsitul propo"itiei sau emfatic, la începutul ei:Ex.: 3ne of m children rote to me esterda.  4ater the bo understood the stor. 

Adverbele care indica durata se asea"a la sfarsitul propo"itiei:Ex.: She staed in the house all da.  mother lived in 5rance for a ear. 

e retinut* For  este intotdeauna urmat de o expresie de durata: for three das, for a eek, for severalears, for to centuries.Since este intotdeauna urmat expresia unui moment punctual în timp: since onda, since )667, sincethe last ar .

Adverbele de frecventa exprima frecventa unei actiuni si se asea"a de obicei in fata verbului principal, dardupa verbele auxiliare (cum ar fi be, have, ma, must ):  I often eat vegetarian food. (in fata verbului principal)  You must alas fasten our seat belt. (dupa verbul auxiliar must)I have never forgotten m first kiss. (dupa verbul auxiliar !ave si in fata verbului principal forgotten)

&nele adverbe de frecventa exprima regularitatea incidentei unei actiuni si se plasea"a la sfarsitulprepo"itiei:  This maga8ine is published monthl.  &e visits his mother once a eek.

Adverbe de fecventa: fre#uentl, generall, normall, occasionall, often, regularl, sometimes, usuall .

e retinut* !et  se foloseste in propo"itii interogative sau negative:  &ave ou finished our ork et9 +o, not et.  The haven"t met him et.Still  exprima ideea de continuitate. e foloseste in propo"itii po"itive sau interogative.  I am still hungr.  :o ou still ork for the ;;29 

0rdinea adverbelor de timpaca este nevoie de mai multe adverbe de timp in aceeasi propo"itie ordinea lor va fi:

0rdinea Exemple

+: adverbe de durata: adverbe de frecventa

" + # < I ork =)> for five hours =*> ever da.# + $ < The maga8ine as published =*> eekl => last

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-: adverbe de timp ear." + $ < I as abroad =)> for to months => last ear." + # + $ < She orked in a hospital =)> for to das =*>ever eek => last ear.

4.4.4. Adverbe de siguranta si probabilitateAcestea exprima cat de sigur este vorbitorul de actiunea sau evenimentul pe care il relatea"a: certainl,definitel, probabl, undoubtedl, surel, mabe, obviousl, perhaps, possibl, reall . e asea"a inpropo"itie intre verbul auxiliar si verbul principal.Ex.: &e has certainly  forgotten the meeting.

6entru o formulare emfatica sau o reliefare a afirmatiilor, se asea"a în debutul fra"ei:Ex.: %ndoubtedly  , (inston 2hurchill as a great politician.

e retinut* Surely  ase"at la inceputul propo"itiei inseamna ca vorbitorul este convins de adevarul uneiafirmatii, dar incearca sa obtina o confirmare: Surel ou"ve got a biccle9 

4.4.5. Adverbe de gradAceastea exprima intensitatea sau gradul de indeplinire a actiunii unui verb, adjectiv sau adverb: almost,nearl, #uite, -ust, too, enough, hardl, scarcel, completel, ver, e%tremel .

7ocul lor in propo"itie este fie in fata adjectivului sau adverbului pe care il determina, fie in fata verbului

principal:Ex.: The ater as extremely  cold.  &e as &ust  leaving.  She has almost  finished.

'nough, very, too

?nough inseamna 8pana la punctul necesar pentru a...8 si se plasea"a dupa adjectiv sau adverb:  Is our coffee hot enough9  (adjectiv)  &e didn"t ork hard enough. (adverb)Too 3 8mai mult decat este necesar pentru...8 si se asea"a in fata adjectivului sau adverbului:  This coffee is too hot. (adjective)  &e orks too hard. (adverb)@er  intareste sensul unui adjectiv sau adverb si se asea"a in fata acestora:  The girl as ver beautiful. (adjectiv)  &e orked ver #uickl. (adverb)

e retinut* Exista o diferenta importanta intre too si ver :(ery  exprima un fapt: &e speaks ver #uickl.)oo sugerea"a existenta unei probleme: &e speaks too #uickl =for me to understand>.

Alte adverbe asemanatoare lui very : e%tremel, especiall, particularl, prett, rather, #uite, fairl,rather, not especiall, not particularl .


1. Ale&e adjectivul au adverbul din parantea pentru a completa corect ,iecare perece depropoitii(a. It"s an AAA #uestion. You should be able to anser it #uite AAA. (eas$2 easil$)b. I can tpe a bit but I"m ver AAA . I"m afraid I can onl tpe ver AAA. (slo52 slo5l$)c. r Bobbins shouted AAA at the children. The children made r Bobbins ver AAA. (angr$2 angril$)d. ar sang AAA at the concert last night. She sang a AAAA song at the concert last night. (beautiful2beautifull$)e. (hat as rong ith ;ill9 &e looked ver AAA . ;ill shook his head AAA. (sad2 sadl$)

2. "ompleteaa urmatoarele propoitii cu ago, since! au for (a. 2olumbus discovered Cmerica about si% hundred ears AAA.b. 0hana has been an independent countr AAA )6/7.c. Bussia has been a republic AAA over sevent ears.d. 3%ford has been a center of learning AAA more than a thousand ears.e. ost ;ritish universities ere founded less than fift ears AAA.'. "ompleteaa urmatoarele propoitii cu( still, yet, already, any longer, any more.a.  1ohn doesn"t live in 4ondon AAA . &e"s moved to ;ristol.b. The children haven"t gone to bed AAA . The"re AAA atching television.c. ' Is Cnne AAA here9 ' +o, she has AAA left.d. ;eck hasn"t gone to universit AAA. She"s AAAA at school.

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e. &ave ou started our ne -ob AAA or are ou AAA orking in 4ondon9 ,. Thanks for our help. I on"t trouble ou AAA.