Download - Clasa a IV-A II, Final

  • 8/16/2019 Clasa a IV-A II, Final


    School: scoala gimnaziala nr 1 rabagani

    Teacher: iancu mirela

    Date: 9th of may 2013

    Form: 4th grade

    esson: !resent tense continuous" cha!ter 1# $ %hat is he


    Ty!e of lesson: teaching grammar

    S(ills: reading" %riting" s!ea(ing


    Use and be aware of this tense

    Make a difference between present simple and present continuous

    Recognize this tense in statements

    Objectives: at the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

    Put different verbs in pres. Cont

    Translate this tense correctly

    Use present cont in sentences of their own

    sk and answer to !uestions using this tense

    "now when this tense is used

    #escribe activities

     Teaching methods: reading$ e%planation$ dialogue$ e%ercises$ role&play$ spider&web$


     Teaching aids: ''$ te%tbook$ handouts$ coloured chalk 

    Interaction: T& (s$ (s ) T$ individual work and pair work 

     Time: *+ minutes

    Stages of the lesson

  • 8/16/2019 Clasa a IV-A II, Final


  • 8/16/2019 Clasa a IV-A II, Final


    T announces the new lesson and its aims. (he also writes on the blackboard with colouredchalk the title of this lesson and the pupils copy it in the notebooks. 5t-s a grammar lesson Present

    Tense Continuous.

    'efore e%plaining the lesson T asks some of the pupils to give e%amples of sentences with

    different verbs where the tense used is Pres. (imple.

    e.g. 5 eat an ice cream.

    0e doesn-t drink coffee.

    Then T e%plains them that we use Pres (imple for repeated actions. 6ust like at Math if we do the

    same problem every day for one year and we always repeat it$ then it becomes very easy because

    we know it by heart$ but if we do it for the first time it may seem to be harder$ 7ust like Present

    Continuous$ which is used for actions that happen in the moment of speaking and it-s longer and

     probably harder.

    T writes on the blackboard a sentence 8 5 am playing tennis now.9 and she tells the pupils to

    observe and say how we formed this tense$ underlining the au%iliary$ the verb$ and the ending ) 


    Then some (s come to the blackboard to write the rules of formation and to write other e%amples

    of sentences. 5f necessary the present of the verb to be will be written on the blackboard too and

    in their notebooks.

    T tells (s to open the books at page 1: and to read the sentences there$ describing the actions our 

    characters do.8 e%ercise :9 and then T tells them to work in pair for e% ; where they have to ask 

    !uestions and answer to them $ based on the te%t.


  • 8/16/2019 Clasa a IV-A II, Final


    T asks the pupils if they understood the lesson and if they have any !uestions$ then to make sure$

    T asks them to make a short resume of the lesson.

    Then pupils can come at the blackboard to write sentences using this tense. ll the sentences

    must be in the affirmative form and then$ orally$ they transform them into negative.

    Time :+ minutes

    T tells children that they did well today and they really managed to pay attention to the lesson. s

    homework for ne%t time they will have to learn the lesson and to copy the letter at page 1;$e%ercise :.

    T greets the (s and lets them go out for the break.

    Time ; minutes

    STT.-, T/ /**+ )-D -D.-, T/
